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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1909)
10 THE. -OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 10. 1909. PSBSSB SIM A FOSTER The King of Shocdom The Ladies' Foot Weir Maker pre-eminent Recognized styles and makes of footwear of the highest guaranteed quality only find a place on our shelves. We want to repeat that we sell as we buy On quality, style," fit, and with a guarantee. Today we would mention particularly THE FOSTER WOMEN'S SHOES Absolutely perfect In build. The lasts are enigmas of style, every pair adding grace and beauty to the feet upon which they are fitted. We are show ing now the topplest, niftiest, daintiest styles, and always have your size and width, and give perfect fit. We are now prepared to show all the new role styles In FoBter shoes dull calf, with black cloth tops; imported bronze kid and brown cloth to match. Sev eral styles In full dress, in cloth and dull kid tops, turn and welt shoes. Extreme high Cuban and modified military heel. Short vamp will bo most popular Prices range, $4, $5. $5.50 and $6 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnaia Street. MAtlY EMBRACE ' TREATMENT OFFER AK-SAR-BEH VISITORS APPLY Carts Art B.lnr Xffscted Each Day and Qo Out To T.U Others of th Wonderful Badlnm System. Wonderful, Indeed, Is the Radium Sys tem of Treatment employed at the Radium Institute in the Patterson block, at 1623 Farnam. The cures effected through this medium are causing all medical science to stand aghast. People who have lost all vitality, and are clinging on to life with absolutely no hope for recovery, come here as a last resort and are -soon taking a new lease on life, and go about the streets as living beings rather than the examples of living death they have been portraying for so long a time. Doctors have given some of them up, have given them a prescribed length of time to live, and have uent them home to sit down and wait the coming of the death angel. They have visited the instl . tute against the wishes of others, have taken the treatment proscribed and now go about their business In the old way good red blood coursing through their veins, and feeling the joy of living to Us fullest possible extent. ; "Not every case coming to the Institute" esysthe Chief of staff, "Is curable or accepted as such, but a large per cent of so-called Incurable coses are treated with most satisfactory results. If a case is Incurable In our opinion we say so and do not start treatment." Rheumatism, asthma, catarrh, gall stones, epilepsy, diseases of eyes and nose, diseases of stomach and kidneys, nervous diseases of men and women are easily- overcome by the Radium System of treat ment. If you suffer from one of these afflictions call on the specialists, they tan cure you. You owe It to yourself and to the world to fight disease as long as there Is a spark of life in you, and the Radium Medical and Surgical Institute Is the battle field upon which It Is easiest to conquer the enemy. There ars two other Radium Institu tions one In London, one In Paris. There is one In Western t America and lt'lsttn-l the Patterson block, at 1623 Farnam street,, Omaha, Neb. FRY'S $3.00Shoes We have secured from the best manufacturers the best Three Dol lar Shoes they could make. These shoes acknowledge no su perior and but few equals at the price. Men's Styles There ars several choice models. Splendid leathers. Swing or straight lasts. Conservative styles or shoe iiirtiiKn Uutlon, Lace or Uluchers. Women's Styles Bsleeted leathers. Artistic shoe making. Mutton or lace models. Medium Timm and Cuban Heels. Turn or welt sewed. New . per forations. Kvery size and width. We fit each shoe perfectly and not one person In a hundred can distinguish these splendid ahoes from the higher priced members of our shoe family. FRY SHOE CO. The Shoers Uth and Douglas Streets Call Us by 'Phone ttfeiasver yeu wast thing, caul FaoD Imuiiu Send Today for the Largest and lost atalog of Pianos EVER OFFERED BY ANY RETAIL DEALER SHOWING NEARLY 100 Instruments TO SELECT FROM Get Our Prices Before Buying am Two-Cent Stamo lay Save tail 00 PIANOS. AND PLAYERS , WE REPRESENT Ohickering & Sons , Packard Ivers & Pond Kurtzman Llndeman - Sterling Harvard Kohler & Campbell Huntington Mendelssohn Wallworth The Dennett Co. Piano Kroeger x Autopiano Krell-Autogrand Tel-Electric Lodges Societies Take Advantage of This'Opportunity Churches Get Your Young People Interested r-3 "T Schools GET YOUR PUPILG WORKING txvwl u LA! LJ J Zd 0) J For Churches and I gili! S7 f tSiMWistsBWiaaiiM ti'WrdaBpBiitwMM sx.rY... i i Schools ffc ' m m Ml JV For Lodges and Societies Another wonderful Tlir nnmrTT nn Omaha' LarnM n-r Offer Is Made by I UL DELNHE, 11 UU. in PIANOS and ORGANS List of Pianos and Organs To Be Given Away December 31, 1909: 1 1 1 1 5 Packard Upright Gravid Piano. Regnjar price . . . Sterling Upright Grand Piano. Regular price Kurtzman Upright Grand Piano. Regular price Llndeman Upright Grand Piano. Regular price .... Packard Church Organs. Regular price $450 .$425 .$425 .$425 $150 1 1 I 1 5 Krell Aujo Grand Player , Piano. Regular price Kohler & Campbell Upright Grand Piano. Regular price , Harvard Upright Grand Piano. Regular price , TjValworth, Upright Piano. Regular price , x Packard Church Organs. Regular price $700 .$375 .$375 $300 $125 TO THE CHURCH, SCHOOL, LODGE OR SOCIETY NOT FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO SECURE ONE OF THE INSTRUMENTS MENTIONED ABOVE, WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: ' This list includes your CHOICE OF ANY PIANO WE REPRESENT. 40 Pianos at a reduction of $150.00 from regular retail price. 60 Pianos at a reduction of $125.00 from regular retail price. 100 Chapel Organs at $37.50. How To Secure One Read Carefully Send us the name and address of anybody you think we might be able to interest in the purchase of a piano or organ. We will write them or send a representative to see them and if we succeed In selling them an Instrument during themonth of October, November or December, 1909, we will give any Church, School, Lodge or Society you may name, credit as follows: For Each Player Piano Sold . . . 780 Points For Each Organ Sold 136 Points For Each Grand Piano Sold ........ r 1,000 Points For Each Upright Piano Sold BOO Tolnta ( The Pianos and Organs will be given to' the Church, School, Lodge or Society securing the greatest number of points between Oct. 1st and Dec. 31st, 1909, Inclusive. Names of prospective buyers may be sent In at any time, and as soon as received at this office will be entered on our records, and credited to the Church, School, Lodge or Society Indicated by the sender. It the same name is sent in by more than one person, credit will be given to the first one reot'ived. Write today for full particulars. THE GREATEST OFFER EVER MADE BY AXV PIAXO HOUSE IN THE AVEST. WHAT WE WANT , Is That Every CHURCH, SCHOOL, LODGE or SOCIETY in Omaha, Western Iowa and the Entire State of Nebraska will on Dec. 31, 1909, have a Piano or Organ from THE BENNETT COMPANY m A EllAGNiFICENT OFFER THINK OF IT! $5,000 Worth of High Grade Pianos and Organs, Pianos' That Are Known as Standard Makes of the Country, Given Away. Absolutely Free And in addition to this list of instruments we will offer reductions to the amount of $15,000 toward the purchase of Pianos and Organs by SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, LODGES and SOCIETIES who may not have been fortunate in securing a Piano or Organ Free. Our Past Record is Your Guarantee That Our Promises This Year T Faithfully Carried Out LAST YEAR WE GAVE AWAY TEN PIANOS ABSOLUTELY FREE. READ THESE LETTERS Council Bluffs, la.. Nov. 17. 1908. The Bennett Co. I received tho beautiful Kurtzmann awarded to me in your late contest. . The contest was absolutely fair in .very way. (Signed.) E. R. FULLER, S83 Harrison St. Lexington, Nob., Oct. SI.' 1908. The Bennett Co.-Vfhe Kohler & Campbell piano awarded me in your puzzle contest arrived Thursday. It is a fine instrument and I thank you for your splen did present. (Signed.) MRS. J. K. LIND. South Omaha, Neb.. Oct. 23, 190S. Tho Bennett Co. This Is to ucknowledge receipt of the Packard grand piano which yon v.varded me in your great contest. Words fail to express my appre ciation nd pleasure In receiving this beautiful in strument. (Signed.) MRS. A. C. MIL1.KK, S10 NVrth Twenty-second St. . Norfolk, Neb., Nov. 2. 1908. The Bennett Co. I received the beautiful Harvard piano Oft, 24 that I won in your recent contest. Words cannot express my thanks to you for it. You did Just as I Bald you would In every way. (Signed.) MRS.I. R. SOL'TH W ICK, . 411 South fourth St. Xelifh, Neb., Oct. 13. 130S. The Bennett Co. I have received the Bennett Co. piano thai 1 won as a prize in your contest. It is a very nice piano. Thunk you very much. (Signed.) MISS ESTHER WHLMAN, Woodbine, la., Oct. 26, 1908. The Bennett Co. The Chlckerlng grand piano which I won In your recent contest has been iecelv.-d. Kvery tiling in connection with this contest has been exactly as represented and I take great pleasure in recom mending The Bennett Co. to anyone wishing a first cluss piano. (Signed.) MISS KKv'ILLU HLifcA'KM. OTHERS RECEIVING PIANOS FREE WERE MISS MABKL RUHL, MISS C. RYAN. Ord, Neb. 215 6. lOih St., Columbus, Neb. MISS V. MII.l.KR, MISS V. B. HARTLEY. Station B, Omaha, Neb. Malvern, la. Our prices are the lowest consistent with the quality which you are assured of ob taining in a Piano from a list of old established makers. Sold On Easy Paymonts If Desired Send in Your Names Today and Help Your Church, School. Lodge or Soctety to Secure a PIANO FREE Tie B ennett Company Send for our Art Catalogue showing nearly '100 instru ments to select from. IIP ' ' . ( ! p M! M i iVyf him si 3 m m f1 - ;,;.Vit copyrlffht 1KH by Hrt fiiriir rs ... ris? n-fctt-CiV.fc.K, men or.x asnion are seen wnerever strle wli in dress is considered a matter of importance, you'll invariably find the Hart, Schaffner & EYlarx clothes recognized as a standard of correct dress. Young men especially appreciate the smart models created by these great style makers. The advantage of all-woo fabrics alone, in the midst of so much cheap cotton, mixed stuff, is enough to claim your attention, but there are many other advantages that you'll find in these best of all ready-to-wear clothes. Let us show you the smart new styles. Suits S18 to 535 O'coats $15 to $40 Don't Tn. UAVniTMo El It Forget ""J" I" Pays -mx fey a MAJESTIC GIFT WEEK Begins tomorrow, the 11th Inst, and ends Saturday evening;, the 16th. Every day of this week two gentlemen direct from Missouri will be In our store to SHOW you the Great Majestic Range See the Malleable unbreakable castings. See the Charcoal Wrought Iron body, lasts 3 times as long. See the beautiful polished top that needs no stove polish. See the angle iron riveted construction that cannot warp or break. See the tempting biscuits baked to a turn in three minutes. See the paper stove pipe used while baking. See the beautiful set of kitchen ware, worth $8, given absolutely free with each range ordered during this week. See the' easy terms on which we will sell you one of (hose wonder ful ranges. Remember that the range does not cost you a penny more. The S set of kitchen ware la given by the factory absolutely free and during thliweek only. The Majestic has been" Imitated in many ways, and now theyare even Imitating our demonstrations. It will pay you, however, lo aee the genuine. You will then see how far behind are the imitator. Come In and take lunch with us every day in the week. John Hussie Hardware Co. r 2407-00 Cuming St. "If You Buy It of Huksle, It's Right." M COAL m S. &, H. Green Trading NUmps With All t'ah Purchases. $!0.50 $5.50 Scranton, Pennsylvania, Anthracite, all sizes, ton $6.50 S. & II. Special Washed Egg, per ton A bituminous coal specially washed and sized for domestic use. It is Bootless and excellent for- ranges, laundry stoves and base burners where bituminous coal can be used. Dominion Coal, lump and nut, ton Dominion Coal is a high qual- ' ity coal at a low price. It is a hot coal, lasting, and extra value at this price. We constantly carry In stock all the principal coals suited for this market. PEOPLES COAL COMPANY 1417 HARNKY ST. In hperry & Hutrhintion Store Doug. 3471 Ind. A-14WM YARDS 11 til & Chicago nd Cass Sts. Tel. Dougla 678H. GIFTS of Sterling Silver or Cut Glass for the October Weddings. Don't forget the bride. MAWHINIMEY & RYAN CO. mmm wu. i. Knows) Uirov.f b a b JVaot A4. 21 J