Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Vsponse Olorla Tatrl W
Communion Hymn Nearer My Ood to
Thee (unaccompanied)
Anthem The Son of Ood Goes ForthMo
rn'j r ' jit 9
Stud Cliisei to Be Org&nised bj the
Caitellar Prebyterian.
O. M. Danker Will Address lliiwm
Park M. K. Epworth Ltifir, Mrs.
Frum Ileald Condaeis
Htit Meeting,
A Dudley Buck rrogTam will be liven
Sunday evening- at the First Methodist
church In memory of Dudley Buck, the
famoua American compoiar, who wu born
on March 14, 13; died last Wednesday,
October (, 1W9.
I Tha Chlmea '
Veil per Hymn Nearer My Ood To Thee
8lr Arthur Sullivan
Oran Nolo At Evening Imdley Buck
Hymn. No. Sl Aa Fsnts the Heart for
C'oollhf Btreama Lou la Spohr
The Prayer (with Dresden Amen).
Solo My Redeemer and My Lord..
Dudley Buck
Mra. Kelly.
Scripture Lesson-Psalter, pace tt
Solo Fear Not Ye. O Iarael
Dudley Buok
Mr. H. C. Jessen.
Anthem-Rock of Aee Dudley Buck
"Mil auto by Mine Blanche Bolln.
The Sermon God's Mualo Lena on
Dr. Loveland
Solo The Virgin's Lullaby. ...Dudley Buck
Mrs. Verne Miller.
Anthen-0 CH ad noma Llcht...Dudley Buck
. iie viieriory.
Offertory Mualo Barcarolle (Boat Song)
Dudley Buck
urgan nolo Founded on Longfellow a
The fisherman that Ilea afloat
With shadowy aall In yonder boat
la alnrlng softly to the nla-ht ."
Duet The Lord Is My Light. .Dudley Buck
ra. Keiiy.ana Mr. Walter Dale.
Closing Hymn, No. ao The Day Thou
Oavest. Lord, la Ended
Clement C. Scholetleld
At the First Methodist the service will
be conducted by the pastor, Kev. Frank L.
Loveland, D. D., who will preach at 10:30
, on the subject, "An Enlarging Kingdom.
In the evening at 7:46 a special musical
program will be given by Mr. Kelly and
the choir, In memory of Mr. Dudley Buok,
the faihoua composer, whose death oc
curred this week. Music of this great mu
War Huhn
Processional The Church's One Founda
Reenee Holy. Holy, Holy Iord..Harnby
Anthem Peek Te the Lord Roberts
Mr. James Knight and chorus.
Recessional Savior Breathe an Even-
Irg Blessing
Mrs. R. K Clark, oratnlst: Miss Jessie
Cady, pianist.
O. M. Danley, former Secretary of the
Atlantlo (la.) Young Men's Christian asso
ciation, will address the Hanscom Park
Methodist Episcopal Epworth league on the
subjeot, "The Forgiven Unforgiving." On
the next Sunday evening the Epworth
league will hold Its services In place
of the preaching service In the main audi
torium of the church. Mrs.'. Frances Heald,
state president of the Woman's Christian
Temperance union, will have oharge of
this meeting and will present a national
officer of the organisation for the main
address of the evening. This meeting will
be a rally to Interest the young people
In the Woman's Christian Temperance
union work, especially the parade which
will be held Saturday afternoon, Ooto
ber 23.
Dr. T. H. Hanna, for many years pastor
of the Unlttd Presbyterian church, Mon
mouth, III., will preach at the First United
Presbyterian - church, Twenty-first ' and
Emmet streets, Sabbath morning and
Rev. J. C. Reld of Sioux City, la., will
occupy the pulpit of Zlon Baptist church,
1215 Grant street, 8unday evening.
M Iseellaaeoas Aasoaaeeatata,
Friends, llev. O. M. Fraser, Pastor,
Meeting for worship at Barlght hall,' Nine
teenth and Farnam.
Bethany Branch, First Baptist, 8863 Leav
enworth Sunday school at S p. m. j gospel
meeting Friday at 7:45 p. in.
Free Methodist, Eleventh and Center, Jo
seph L. HUey, Pastor Morning service at
11 o'clock, evening at 8 o'clock.
Unity Church, Seventeenth and Cass,
Rev. Newton Mann, Minister Service. 10:30;
sermon, "The Question of Immortality."
Norwegian and Danish Methodist, Twenty-fifth
and Decatur Preaching by the
pastor, 11:00 and 8:00; Young Peoria's meet
ing. 7.-C0.
Omaha New Thought society, llohrbough
building; p. m. topic Sunday evening, "A
slcian will alone be used. The pastor will I C'ornmiiiiicailon from Clynla", by J. F.
- .. .. .. DonaheV. .
its m oriri sermon on me ineme, uoa s I
Music Lesson." ' PeP,e'" Church. Charles W. Savldge,
Iranioi morning, apiam iieni-y Aiuune
will speak; evening, stereoptlcon plcturea,
Over thirty Sunday school missionaries wltn I'oture.
from Nebraska and adjoining states will Church of the Covenant Twenty-Seventh
ttend h. aunday School Institute to be JJ, - SdSaS'-ohlTt
held In Omaha Deoember 6. The Institute noon, young people's society at 6:30.
Will be conducted by Kev. Alexander Second Church of Christ. Scientist, Nlne-
, Henry, D. D., of Philadelphia, secretary t,''ntn anl Farnam, Lyric Theater Sunday
r th. h.rt r ,.i,ii.m "chool a !5 m-J services, 11 a. m.;
.... aut)j,rt iegon sermon, "Are Sin, Disease
school work. Rev. Nathaniel McGlffln of and Death Real?"
the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church and St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twentieth
Rev. Thomas B. Greenlee of the Clifton ana . Burae"e. l. uroh. Pastor hervlces
vim Dh..hUi..i.. i. , , feuuday, 10:45, "Who is Your God Mam-
Hlll Presbyterian church have been named mnn?" 7 i stiiuin p.iiiq ,,iv
by the Presbyterian Ministers' association school at 13:00; Young People's, 6:45.
Westminster Presbyterian, Corner Twenty-Ninth
and Mason Pi-eachlnit at 10:30 a.
m. and 7:30 p. m. by Rev, Robert K. Porter
or Columbus, O. Sabbath school at noon
Isard Street Sabbath school at 3:30.
Swodlsh Methodist EDlscoDal. Nineteenth
and Burt Sunday school at 10 a. m.,
preaching service at 11 a. m., Epworth
to prepare a program.
Program for Third Presbyterian:
Anniversary Sermon "The blessings of
Misfortune. laa. M:u.
Organ Voluntary league meeting at 7 p. m., preaching serv
Vocal Voluntary. ...Cnolr and Congregation lce al P- u- Norberg, pastor,
Invocation and Itesponse First Reformed, South Twenty-third and
ttesponsive Heading central boulevard, r . 8. Zangg, Pastor-
Pastor and Congregation Sunday school at 8:30 a. m .: oreachlng ser
Frayer vice at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.; Christian
wymn j mnaeavor at 7:00 p. m. strangers are wel
Ottering and Offertory come.
Anthem All Saints' (Episcopal). Twenty-sixth
PART SECOND. "-na uowey, r. j. Mai Kay, Rector Holy
vtr v ti i. ,. - o..i.- I uommuniun, 7:80; Church school and kin
Mr. E. H. Packard, member of Brother- .jergarten. :46; ',., prayer and sei
i i i . 1 presl"""- '"on. 11:0U. Strangers ami the public always
...... .......... , w elcome.
Messrs. J. It. Hughes and W. C. Kuehn. I , . , ,
"l'ast Veai" M,.n a u I Urst Church of Christ. Scientist. Twen
"Tne I'reaent" Prof. H. J. Grove I ty-fif th and Farnam, Chambers Building
vocal Solo Mr. David E. Anderson I l , v " " ouuuay r-
"Future Possibilities'' I vices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in.; subject of
II. Z. Wedgewood. i00""
Instrumental Duet....
Death Real?
is. J. R. Hughea and W. C. Kuehn. Paul's German Lutheran, Twenty
For the Church and Brotherhood Eighth and Parker, E. T. Otto, Pastor-
Kid. William J. Moraan. service at 10; evening service in English
Anthem on the first and fourth Sunday of the
Response by the Pastor, Rev. William E. montn at 7:46; confirmation class begins
Todd. ucioper a at p. m.
Prayer I Graae Lutheran. Smith Twent v.slith
Hymn . Rev. M. L. Mellck, Pastor Church services
ueneoictlon at 10:45 a. m. and at 7:50 d. in.: Sunday
The Lord Mess you and keen vou: the school at 12:45 n. in.: Lufhr leairim at 6:'M
Lord make Ills face to ahine upon you; the p. m.; subject, "Mordecal s Mssage; '
Lord lift up His countenance upon you and prayer meeting on Wednesday night.
, give you peace, both now and In the life First United Evangelical, 2422 Franklin,
everlasting. Amen. Rev. T. A. Deck, Pastor Worship, 10:30
a. m., and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school, 13 M. ;
Study classes on personal work. ml- "! m11 P- "lrZ 5eo.pi?
stons and teachers' training will be main- thuslasin"; evening meeting, "Laodicea."
talned by the Castellar Presbyterian for St. Mary's Avenue Congregational, Corner
the ensuing montha. Monday evening St. Mary's and Twenty-seventh, Rev. Lu
clasres In the first two subjects will be ', P1' Pastor-Morning worship at
. m m L ... 10:30 o clock, sermon by the pastor; sub
organised, while the third theme will be Jeol fragmeata." Soloist, Miss Edith
handled as last winter, following the KosBlyn Collals. Sunday achool at 12 m.
Wednesday mid-week service. On may Clifton Hill Presbyterian, Forty-fifth and
Join any one of these study classes though Thop B. Greenlee , Pastor-Ser-
not a member of the Castellar congrega- 7:80 p. mr Wunaay ,c,rool ftt noon; Junior
Hon. Endeavor at 3:30: senior society. 6:30 D. m.
Mid-week service Wednesday, p. m.
the First Christian, Twenty-sixth and Lowe Avenue Presbyterian Fortieth and
Harney, will offer a special musical pro- 2ll"Ti. " .r;..,:,'
Cram, as follows: hv .nd lrm on -Lurd of the Har-
MORNINfl. u..t 1 hi.
Anthem Seek Ye the Lord Roberts I peated at 4 o'clock. No evening service.
Duet-My Jesus, as Thou Wilt... Sohnecker c i. rhr,h . rhri.t nf
Mrs. is. was,,n and W. B. Graham. rVay Vain 1.7 IMS North Twenty-first;
Anthem-Th. vin. of i m- ci,. Elder J. M. Baker, SU16 rankiin Btreet,
herd Is . ... . Sheller fastor Sunday school at 8:46 a. m.j preach-
Tenor Solo At Eventide'.. "Fairfield " at U a. m. and 8 p. m.; young people s
It g. cutler. meeting at .; prayer service weanesaay
i Mrs. Louise Shadduck-Zabrtakie, organist; at I p. m.
Walter U. Graham, director. Pearl Memorial Methodist Episcopal,
ur. Thomas (J. ninKie, -asior t-reacning
The musical program for the North Bide
. Christian will be as follows;
Processional The Church's One Foundation
That Causes all ta Troabls,
services. 10:45 and at 7:80; rooming theme,
"The Value of Adversity;" evening, "Jus
tice;" Sunday school at noon; Young Peo
ple s meeting, e:iN; ciuiora f. ianieis,
choir master.
First Congregational Corner Nineteenth
and Davenport. Frederick T. Rouse, Pastor
Morning worship at 10:30; subject. "Thu
Majesty of Man, ' evening worsnip at V:4o.
fourth suocess sermon, suojsui, juooqh.
Young People's Society of Christian En
deavor at 6:46.
Plymouth Congregational. Corner Twen
When the house la afire. It's Ilka a hnrtv I tleth and SDencer. John P. Clyde, Pastor
when disease begins to show. It's no time -Morning worship at 10.80, t"'e. """u'"
to talk but time to act-and delay Is dan- noon. christian Endeavor. 7: evening wor-
gerous remove the cause of the trouble ship, 8, theme. "Present Help from Past
at onee. I Lives." Special music
"For a number of year." says a Kansas I First Presbyterian, Corner Seventeenth
lady. "I felt sure that coffee was hurting and Dodge. Edwin Hart Jnls. D. D .
me, and yet. r was so fond of It. I could ..l.0,p... .v.nln. .ervlce at 7:30. sublect!
not give It up. I paltered with my appe- "The Supreme Object f Life;" Sunday
tlte and of course yielded to the tempta- school at noon, Young People's Society of
tlon to drink more. At last I got so bad Christian Endeavor at 8:15.
i... i i. m m.A . rarkvaie i-ongrrgauonai, i nirty-rirai ana
.. .1 . ,7 ' v Gold. E. W. Blew. Pastor-Morning worship
quit the use ef coffee or ale. st 11 a. m. Subject. "Learning to Pray."
"Everything I ate distressed me. and I Kvenlna service at 7:30. Subject. "On What
suffered severely almost ail the time with Ground Mhould a Person Unite With the
palpitation of the heart. I frequently ' ' """Y. ""iTA "
woke up In the-night with the feeling Hantlst. Twenty-ninth Avenue and
' that I was almoat gone my heart seemed I Harney, Rev. J. W. Conley, D. D.. Pastor
so smothered and weak In Its action that Services at 10 30 a m. and 7.3U p. in.
a ., ,,.i ., u morning sermon, nit jo ui uivmi,
evening, "Jesus Only, or the Basis of Sal-
. breath grew short and the least exertion vatlon," Sunday school at noou; young
set me to panting. I slept but little and people's meeting at 6:30 p. m.
Suffered frum rheumatism. North Presbyterian, Nineteenth and Ohio,
-Two years ago I atopped using the M. V. Hlgbee "J "?"W?.5!
coffee and began to use Post urn. and ,ubjeet. "Practical Questions." Sabbath
from the very first I began to Improve, school at 13 M. Young People's Society of
, It worked Ilka a miracle) Now I can eat Christian Endeavor at 3U. Prayer meet-
anythlng and digest It without trouble. ln " M Wednesday evening.
I .!. ilk. . i,.k. .. v.... McCabe Methodist. Fortieth and Farnam,
I sleep like a baby, and my heart beats R-j Grant ehek, pastor-Preaching at
full, strong and easily. ' My breathing u m anj t:jo p. m. ; Sunday school, 10
has become steady and normal, and my a. m.; Epworth league, 6:30 p. m. Thia will
rheumatism has left me. I feel like Sunday achool rally day. An approprl-
othe person, and It is all due to cult- lK?ZZ'o AZ&oZT"'
Ung coffee and using Postum. for I haven't Thlrd pT..byterlan. Twentieth and Lea-
used any medicine and none would have venworth streets. Rev. William E. Todd,
done any good as long as 1 kept drugging Pastor Sunday school at 1.30 a. m.; popular
with coffee." -There's a Reason." Read faml,y ,rJ T " n.n- "l.T
. , . ,, ,. I tor a adult Bible claaa at noon; Junior
the l.ttle book. The Road to Wellvllle, youB peoples Society of C'hrlstlsn En
In pkgs..
Kv read tke above latter
oaa appear from time to time. They
are resralao, tree, a ma full of k
La teres!.
deavor at 8 p. m.; senior endeavor at 6.3U.
For the evening a special program naa been
arranged by the Brotherhood, with attrac
tive music and a number or able apeakeis.
The pastor's morning topic will be: "Tin
Blessings of Misfortune." All are Invited.
- ., II:' I W 6wE
mers K
U YTrn tea T. v
I I . is . is i 1 I it 1 - di m
3 EKwwn
t s.1 t :U'. m nrcnmkln ( rr rnmnlptp hfimpc nf vfirinus we hnve endeav-
jied to incorporate those modern ideas such as you see expressed in the most artistic homes of the present day.
Coziness is the key-note while comfort is made to radiate from every nook and corner. That the outfits are of a superior character is freely acknowl-
edged by those who have taken the trouble to "look around" ana post tnemeeives on vniues. v e us it? umu juu ouiu imugmo iui
n ro
-itr. i i j a: i i r.ra ;r, i1fua ei;n hnn i)io nrnnpa Violnw those asked hv other merchants and
we nave worKeu eouscieuuouoi to aijuccc w o uunc nuuc miv lumvuuua u om nv. . - . , .
we've succeeded wonderfully well. It's a positive fact that we're furnishing more homes completely than any other furniture house in Uraana.
our determination to supply-outfits that should bo better, from a quality standpoint, and also better from the standpoint of economy is evidenced in
every offering. Should you desire to enjoy the convenience of our dignified credit service we'll be glad to arrange the terms to suit your pleasure,
Two-Inch Continuous Posts
These beds are extra heavy, strong and substantial,
are made with 2-lnch continuous pillar posts and
extra large fillers. These beds are Aft
absolutely guaranteed for 10 years. J AM
Special at
f Sit j
t rt J . . .. . .
These Brussels Rugs are of highest excellence. They
are the heaviest Brussels Rugs made, and onlythe
finest selected materials are used. They are of new
Fall patterns, coloring the handsomest and most
durable. It is by far the finest
rug that we have ever offered
for the money. Special for
this sale
Iron Beds
These are unquestionably the handsomest Iron Beds that
ever sold in Omaha at the prlca. The steel panels are
handsomely decorated with rloval assigns.
The beds are enameled In various colors.
You'd never expect to buy suoli a bed for
so little money, special
Oak China Closets
They are of handsome bent
end design, made of selected
oak, extra well constructed
and thoroughly
for durability,
bevel edge
mirror on
top. Spe
cial at
Dressing Tables
Have large
Very artistic design,
made In golden oak, or In
highly polished mahog
any finish, of expert
workmanship. Has mam
plate mir
ror. Price. .
p. ntis 1111411-
They are made of
solid oak, and are
large and commo
dious cabinets.
Large cupboards
above compart
ments and sliding
bins and drawers
below. Special for
this sale
-lf"7 1 -"-fclT
1 . Jm
Made In handsomely pol
ished golden oak finish,
have five large roomy
drawers, and extra large
French plate
Combination Cases
-a- VI aV iai go
These cases are made of se
lected solid oak, and are
richly carved. Have bent
frlass door to book section,
orgs roomy desk compart
ment and heavy irencn Dev-
eled mirror,
an extra fine
case special
ly priced.
Made In quarter sawed oak, full
serpentine front,
workmanship and
Brilliantly polished.
French plate mir
ror. Special for
this week
Superior in
Extra large
They are of very handsome de
sign, made with a heavy oak
frame, richly carved. Upholstered
in Nantucket leather. Full spring
seat. They're world
beaters at the price
6 '
This Elaborate Baseburner, $16.85
This la an extra large handsomely designed Haseburner,
a perfect self feeder with a large coal magazine, new
and Improved fluea, a most powerful neuter and one
that can he recuinmended for economy of fuel. It Ih
baautlfuHy ornamented with nickel trlmmtncs. Is worth
6U per cejit more than our special price for the week.
Cole's and
Two of tbe
Ul any
iloves We
Vi ' V '
Hot-Blast Heater
A stovo of merit, heavy cast
deep fire pot. body made of
Bessemer steel. Full nickeled
trimmed. It is a tremendous
fuel saver. Absolutely air
tight. Will If
burn any fc
fuel. Spe-
ciui 1 . .
li Vp
Made of solid oak, in a beautiful goldfn oak finish,
slve pillars and heavy base. Has 10-luch pedestal with
she claw feet. The top is extra large and
All Stoves
factory or
n i' i' y T. ii- .Tar -y
..yssiiai .jijiij mm '
Guarahteed for 5 years; com
Plate with high warming- closet.
These steel ranges are a marvel
at the price positively the best
that ever sold at anywhere near
the priee. Has six large 8-Inch
holes, extra large sguare oven
asbestoa lined.
Beautifully orna
mented In nickel
Hot-Blast Heater
the week
polished. Specially priced for
a aw guuruuttu Oil
I nickeled ltnn
I iJ wood. slflng;
v nil, I, I. h Wnn.
We pack and ship all goods purchased from us
FREE. Handsome Premiums with all purchases.
"Credit" if you desire same.
Famous the world over, perfect
Itns and smoke consumers, will
hold fire fhlrty-six hours. We
guurauttu this. Beautifully
nlrkeled V itnnied. Burns coal,
wood, slfriniri coke, coha nrnl
ruiibl.ih. Won
derfully econ-
- Extra, Large Baseburner, $23.50
HiVe's a busrburiifi- of extra size the biKl?st baae
burner that ever sold In Omalia Ht the prlco. It Is a per
fect self feeder, hna exira hirxe radlatlii surface and la
a most powerful heuler. It Ihih many Improved features,
in l.euutifully o -iiarnented with nickel trlmrnlngs and
will prove an ornmnerit to nny home. It's a tremendous
value at the price here uuuted.
1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS STREET; 1414-1416-1418