Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAJIA SUNDAY BEti: OCTUBEK 1U, lyoJ. ' en et October Display of Tailor-Made Garments Our Ready-to-Wear Tailored Apparel for Women Leads the World in Style. The fashionable women of today can procure her clothes made up ready to put on far more satis factorily than having them made by a tailor to her special order. And what is wore she can select them right here in Omaha to better advantage than in New York, London or Paris this is not an idle boast for Omaha but a statement that is borne out by actual conditions. We have arranged a very exclusive dis play of Handsome Black Broadcloth Coats at from $25.00 to $45.00. Real Hand to $60.00. Swell New sey fabrics, from Beautiful Display of Fine Furs Pony Coats, Hudson Seal Coats, River Mink Coats and Near Seal Coats. Every gnrV ment absolutely guaranteed. . .. Pony Coats ' NECK FURS Real Lynx, Real Mink, Blue Wolf, Chin ese Sable, most beautiful display of Fancy Neck pieces ever shown in Omaha. 2d Floor, Art Needlework Display Beauty wrought by the needle is on display at our white goods section. Needlework worth coming far to see, the hand work is so lovely and the entire exhibit so suggestive of beautiful, useful things for the home and for Christ mas gifts. This display is causing widespread interest as it is the only exhibit of its kind in the west. The rarest and daintiest handwork of the people of China, Japan and the Philippines is wonderfully exemplified in this display. : Come Monday to our white goods section Main floor. .. - . Charming Styles in the New Fall Millinery No stone has been left unturned to bring the millinery salon to its richest brilliancy. The hats have, never shown such varied types of beauty. As to colors, copper shades are very much in vogue and are shown in practically all materials as well as in trimmings'. , Their characteristics this season are the reddish tones, and these are much more pronounced than the ones, favoring ""brown and yellow which make them handsomer and softer. "The woman who wants a practical hat to go with everything will be speo ' ially interested in our $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 hats. Come Monday Second floor. Resting rooms, third floor, mani curing in connec tion. faction. The attractions were superior In I many ways. The shows were furnished by the-United Fairs Booking association of Chicago and they were pleasing. At no time were the police called upon to close up any of the attractions and at no time was the crowd unduly hilarious. Over $800 worth of confetti was sold In 6-eent packages and confetti throwing In dicates the humor of the crowd. , A noticeable feature of the carnival this year was the unusually large number of children who have passed through the gates. Old-timers say there were more children In attendance than In any pre vious year and no accident to a child was reported to the police. While the home people patronised the carnival In great numbers, the grounds took on a carnival aspect when the coun try cousins cam to town. It was their carnival aad they carried It through to a success. Doagrla Coaatr Fair Prises. The Douglas county fair, which cam to a close with the lowering of the flag over the King's highway was a most pleasing feature of Ak-Bar-Ben. Competition for prises was Intense and the exhibits that carried off first premiums were the best In the state for some of the products shown participated in the capture of the first prise at the state fair. Prises for the best collective exhibit were awarded as fol lows: V I'nton precinct first, $130; Elkhorn second, $110; Jefferson third, $100; Waterloo fourth, Stars 2x and Stripes A beer just suited to quaff at home a night-cap for the sociable evening a refreshing draught for the late upper a delightful glass to sip tinder the evening lamp. Stars and Stripes is a foaming, sparkling beverage for the keen palate for th connoissieur. Hava a casa delivered to jour boms. Willow Springs ftlo, 1407 Karaey at. raM Draf. 10. both ruonrm mtoi an. tm Tailored Suits from $27..fi0 up Dresses, in silk cloth and Jer $25.00 to $75.00. from $50.00 to $115.00. B-10-10-9 K0, and Douglas fifth, $60. Charles Orau won first prise for the largest yellow corn; William LJngeran first prise fur the beat white corn. The same men won the first prise In the special coin contest for yellow and white corn. Union precinct won first prise In the most varied exhibit; Elkhorn first in the sheaf exhibit; Waterloo first In the wild hay contest; Elkhorn first In small grain; Jefferson first In grass seed contest. Mrs. M. Kahn, 623 South 23 street, first for the largest exhibit of canried fruit and Jellies; Mrs. K. Randolph, South Omaha, best pickles; Mrs. Weyermap. best cake; Mrs. McArdle. Elk City, best preserves; Mrs. Qrau, Washington, Jellies and fruit; Miss Ada Maglnn, preserves and pickles; Mrs. J. I- Maglnn was the superintendent of the exhibit and the great success of the affair was due largely to her untiring energy. Brother Asks Brother's Pardoa. SIOUX FALLS, 8. Oct. . (Special.) Efforts are being made to secare a par don for Andrew Galer, formerly of Du buque, la., who Is serving a term of eighteen months In the Sioux Fairs peni tentiary for assaulting John O'Leary, town marshal of Emery, S. D. Galer was lodged In the penitentiary last winter, immediately following his trial. The movement seek ing to have him pardoned was Inaugurated by his brother, E. L. Galer of Dubuque, who a day or two ago visited Emery and other places for the purpose of securing Ureen Trading Stamps fl-a la Bta. ll Sivn with ease tw oaeu ease tf small battle, de- f1 Ar llrl la 5l.tJ lit city tt,.y "" M.M r ""tamps ($) given with Hcb tw 4oaa ess "r bottle, de livered In lb eiiy fr. $2.25 Out ef tjwn cus tomer add II. tl tut case aa4 battlea Brewing Co. Brewery, M aad KWkery. raaa Dm. II st- iMi. t-mi -a-C""sJ3"SJJ wwm vie I :l - Visit our beau tiful new Hair Goods Dept., on Third floor. signatures to the application for the par don of his brother. The prisoner's, health Is failing. Because of this and the (further fact that hf has been a model prisoner and the people of Emery believe he has been punished enough, the petition - was quite generally signed by the residents of Emery and vicinity. The petition will be filed with the state board of pardons, and it Is ex pected It will be acted upon at the next meeting of that body. DIRIGIBLE BALLOON COLLAPSES, AERONAUT HURT William Mattery Falls Hundred Feet and Wrists Are Fractured ' as Itesalt. SOUTH BEND. Ind.. Oct. . William Mattery' dirigible balloon, the America, collapsed last night at a height of 100 feet. Mattery's wrists were fractured. Th machine was destroyed. . When Mattery started the motors of his airship a great crowd pressed around him and he was obliged to steer at a sharp angle. .The propeller caught the rear of the gas bag and tore It open. PURDUE MAKES TOUCHDOWN Northwestern Fall to Keep A Bale from . Scoria;. LAFAYETTE. Ind., Oct. 9. Purdue was defeated by Northwestern on Stuart field today by a score of 14 to S. Northwestern made two touchdowns and a drop kick. Johnson made two touchdowns in the name manner, getting the ball by Intercepting forward passes and running seventy yards for touchdowns. Purdue's only touchdown v. as made In the second half after Qoebel had made some sensational quarterback runs and Elsensmith some long forward passes. , Kasselbaum went In for Smith at full back and made long gains throuRh the line. j I'rwtta went over for Purdue's touchdown from the one-yard line and Goebel failed to make goal. Purdue had the ball on North- western's five-yard line when the game ! ended. - ' HYMENEAL. I Mrt'ormlrk-Williams. ! PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Oct. . Special.) I Fred II. McCormlck and Mrs. Olive G. William of Oman were united in mar- irlage in this city Saturday, Judge M. Archer officiating. Th bride' daughter, Miss Itl'ila, aged IS years, accompanied I them. Mr. McCormlck is a mall carrier 'and they will reside at S2S South Nineteenth street, omaha. DEATH RECORD Mrs. I.lllle Farron. Mis. Mills, Karrow, 37 years old. wife of 8. A. Fanow of North Platte, died at an Omaha hospital Saturday morning. The body will be taken to Nortli Piatt for burial. TAFT FINISHES ' Y0SEMITE TRIP (Continued from First Page.) much o, In fact, that when he reached her at (.15 p. m., after a sixteen-mile stage ride, he declared he was ready to be gin the day all over again. The president took luncheon with Major Forsythe, sup erintendent of the park. A forty-ton boulder of granite fell down thejnountaln last night and landed directly In the road over which the president trav eled Thursday when he entered the To semlte park, and he passed the spot again today on his way back to El Portal. The rock was blasted off the roadway this morning by a gang of park laborers. H1LDREN PLAY IN ROYKLTY (Continued from First Page.) Toklo" who brought Cinderella into fame last year, was the ablo director of dances. lie was ably assisted by a committee headed by Mr. W. A. Paxton, Jr. .From the assembling of the Japancses, the first number on the program, to the final co tillion, Directors Chambers showed himself the master of the dance. Every number was performed with perfect grace. The little children carried out every figure, many of them Intricate and complicated, without an error. The various dances of th nations, given on the stage by groups of dancers In typical ootumes, were heart ily applauded. One of the most speotauclar scenes was th Japanese dance and tea. Spotlights were brought Into play, giving pleasing effect. The girls hundreds, of them were seated in groups about the auditorium when, to the strains of weird Japanese mu sic, the tea maids appeared and served the delicious beversge to the Squatting guests. All the dances, the assembly of the nations and th various figures, with the music ac companiment, were arranged by Director Chambers. ' Flay Popular Airs. Following the tea party, Dlmlek tuned up hi orchestra to suit the popular demand, and the little ones danced to their hearts content. They waltxed and, two-stepped and did the barn dance to the delight of themselves and the spectators. The lflOs Children's day was a success In every way. The people who paid their yen or their 80 sen to view the function were satisfied that they had seen on of the prettiest children's carnivals ever pre sented In Omaha. . Character and Actor. Following are the principal characters and actors: Undo Sam. Casper Offutt; Columbia, misabeth Reed; American ambassador to the court of Ak-Sar-Ben XII. Frank Campbell: French ambassador, Charles Shaw: Mexican minister, and attache. Clay nelscl. Robert pstten; Russian am basador, Ralpn Campbell. Empress" attendants, Cornelia Banm. Vlrrinls Barker. Mary alfford. Peggy Reed ''Irabrlh BsrWer. Vlralnla Crofoot Empress" court. Reglna Connell, Ruth Clarke, Erna Reed. Helan Eastman, Anna hna f nnldfin Empress' Rlckshsm toolle. Rl!r,'etJ: Klrkenrtall; nnsKei oerers. ny Edward Crofoot. Wlllard Millard, Richard Pnge; emperors' court, Charles Burgess, t.ouls Burgess, Jasper Offut. Charles Hall; flower, bearers. Ralston Scoble, Wlllard Alleman: dalanauln bearers, Jnbln CWvell, Charles Cross. Jasper Offutt. Phillip Chase; standard . bearer, Ralph4 Wilson. , Dance of fhe' Nation. ' Jig Ireland. Mildred- House, Addle Fogg. Ct urt Dance England. Gladys Fowler, Wendell Moore. Tone Fogg. Carrie Kahn, Minerva R. Qulmby, Judson, , Squires, Warren R. Fitch. Helen Howe. Claire Moore. Ruth Zlttle. Herman Jobst, Ixulse Dnwnln. Vernon Raen. Cleo Clayborne, Willie Huston and Hasel Fowler. ficraf Dance Italy. EthM Wledner. Mary Foley. Helen Fransden Luclle Helm. Skirt Dance Franoe-Mildred White. Helen Dovle. Bessie Fowler, Laberte Huston. Esther Swsnson, Louise Besslre Hallene Mitchell. Edith Alperson Cecile Fox. Katherlne Ittner. Hlchland Dance Scotland. M) Sword lance. Martha Brlttol. 2 Fling dance. George Rogers, Porter Qulmby Jennie Hltlop, Martha Britton, Jean Brltton.' -Csmbojrlne Dance Spain. .Jennie Muhlen. Ruth Fnran, Marlon Coad. Helen Keatlna. Mary Fox, Fannie Schmidt. La Olrola S!r"v, Mnhel Kahn. Marlon Freeland, EMe Store. Marraret Fordyce, Dorothy Chains. Julia Qulmby, Irene Walker, Fninces Donnlson. Sabot Dance Holland, Hazel Fowler, Svlvla Hoover. Flower Garden 1. Garland dance. Evelvn Doten Mollle Levine. Edith Van Orde'n Anna Andreson. Ethel Fry, Saucsna Jobst, Naomi Hssrn. Ethel Foyle. Ethel Pepner, "Eleanor McCarthy, Ethel Schmidt Verna Mathews. Muriel Weber, Grace Simpson, DHIa Rlrh. Irne BnVer, Pauline Nason. Elth Howe. Ethel Par sons, Marguerite Garmen, Nina Dixon, Edna Glhbs 1mb Mnnn, Luclle Wolcott, Margaret Williams. Verna VMatthaws.' t. Rose Dance Moss rose. Eleanor eKating. pink rose Grace O'Brien. t. Chrysantheum Mercedes Spong. 4. Poppy Olartvs Prenlca. B. American eBautlcs Ruth Thompson, Isabel McDonald. - d Bonquet. BISHOP HARE ILL IN EAST Bishop Mlllspangh of Kansas Will Preside Instead! at Missionary Connell. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Oct. 9.-(Speclal.) Arrangements now have been completed for the entertainment of the delegates to the third annual council of the Sixth Mis sionary department of the Protestant Epis copal church of th United States, which convene In Stoux Falls next Sunday morn ing and remain In session until Tuesday evening of next week. , Right Rev. William Hobart Hare, th venerable bishop of the Episcopal church of South Dakota, who would have presided, will be unable to be present,. Illness pre venting his return from the east, where he ha been sine early last spring. Right A Revelation to many the richness of the flavor of Post Toasies Care, experience and skill in manufacture, bring out of White Corn the delightful new flavor. A dish with cream is comforting. "The Memory Lingers" Pkgs. 10c and 15c. Postuos Cral Co.. Ltd., Battle Creek. Mich. Rev. .Frank Mlllspaugh, bishop of Kansas, ha notified Dean Blller of his Intention to attend the eosncll. Blshn Mlllspaugh was at on t ree rector of a parish In Min neapolis and la quite well known through out the northwest. Neither Bishop Tuttle nor Bishop Mlllspaugh will come as a delegate, but they ar expected to take an active part In th council proceedings. On of th principle addreeee at a big mas meeting at th New theater on Sun day afternoon at I SO, will be delivered by the presiding bishop. Right Rv .Dr. Brewer of Minnesota. . The mass meeting will be on of th feature of th council. Right Rev. Frederick Foots Johnson, as. slslant bishop of South Dakota, will pre side at the mass meeting. The address of welcome will be made by Mayor Bumside, and following this addresses will be made by Bishop Mann of North Dakota, Clement Chase of Nebraska, Judge Llghtner of Min nesota and Bishop Tuttle of Missouri. FIGHT ON TAMMANY HALL (Continued from First Page.) porterous. Bannard was In the race to slay, they said, and would win. - Charles F. Murphy and other Tammany leader continue to brand the entranoe of Hearst ns a "deal." but at the same time say that Justice William B. Onynor will be victorious. Tammany, according to a reprrt today, having alrtady absorbed the old Independence league machinery, tried to take the name and emblem of the new civic alliance today by filing a petition under that nsme with the board of elec tions. Under the law, the first party filing such a petition has a right to assume the title and emblem, but If Uils disrupts the plans of the new Hearst party no nnnotinoement to this effect has been made. Claynor Return Money. Judgo Gaynor's principal contribution to the situation today was an announcement that he had decided not to use a dollar In advocating Ms candidacy and would re turn all gifts of money proffered him for campaign purposes. He returned two such contributions one of S600 and the other of $l,000-today with letters explaining his attitude. As had been predicted for several davs. William Travers Jerome Issued a state ment tonight formally withdrawing from the contest for re-election a district at torney as an Independent. His etatement ssys: "After a careful reflection It seems to me I ought no longer to continue as a candi date for election to th office of district attorney of New York county and I hav today flled my declination of nomination as a candidate for that office." ' Deal vrlth Tammany. The charges of an alliance Mn Tam many hall and upstate members of the republican organization recently made by Herbert Parsons, chairman ncan county committee, were corroborated ana expanded tonight by William H. War hams, who, under appointment by Governor Hughes, Is Investigating charirps nihil William Leary. state superintendent of elec tions. Mr. Parsons has insisted In the face or repeated denials that reDubllcan vm at Albany were traded to help Tammany defeat suffrage reforms In New York City In exchange for Tammany votes at Wash ington to support Speaker Cannon in his contest in tne house over the committee on rules. Mr. Warhama said tonlarht: "Mr. Par. sons ha told you something of this shame ful deal, but not all acout It. I have no doubt that an agreement was rih.i whereby upstate republicans sold thelr voies to rammany hall In exchange for Tammany support for Speaker rmnnn The deal embraced the defeat of the direct primaries bill, public service measures, the New York City charter and the ballot laws, all measures for the good of the people of iMew xork." PRACTICE GAME AT WESLETAN Varsity Ha a Gam with the Scrub Team. UNIVERSITY PLACE, Neb., Oct. . (Special.) The first practice game of the Wesleyan foot ball team was played today on tlie new athletic field. The team has been doing scrim mace work for th m.i two weeks, but on account of the fact that no practice game could be secured, a regu lar game was slated for yesterday after noon between the 'varsity and the scrubs. The stands were partly filled by an en thusiastic bunch of rooters who witnessed an "Interesting contest. During the first half, although the ball Wa almost entirely in the scrubs' terri tory, the 'varsity failed to score. In the second session, Lehman scored for the crub by intercepting a pass and running half the length of the field for innih. down. Thi seemed to put real fighting spirit Into the . varsity for thev quickly with three touchdowns, making the final score, 17 to S. The work of Captain Slmonds at quarter was of the stellar order, for he not only ran his team well, but was a good ground gainer and handled the forward pass well. Snttnn t rniihanu made his distance regularly when called upon. Meyer showed up well, while Swan and Beck played strong games on the ends. Lehman, Hull and Cole did the best work for the scrubs. Wesleyan plays Bellevue here next Satur day and the rooters are awaiting the game witn much interest. Coach Clevenger Is quite optimistic about the game although no definite line can be had on the strength of the Bellevue team. FBDTCET0N FLATS POORLY Orange and Black Narrowly Misses .Nothing; to Nothing- Score. PRINCETON. N. J.. Oct. 9-Prlnceton had a narrow escape from belne held to an 0 to 0 score today, Cunningham's drop kick In the last minute of play giving the locals a victory by a score of 3 to 0. The Fordham back field wa easily auperlor In end running, long gains were made with the forward pass and Fordham' player took advantage of Prlncton' many fum ble. On th whole It w" the poorest ex hibition of foot ball by a Princeton team een here In years. Princeton kept the ball In Fordham's territory entirely In th second half, but tried forward passes, short kicks and tricks to no avail. Finally, when White for Fordham fumbled on the twenty-flve-yard line. C. McCormlck of Princeton fell on the ball and Cunningham kicked a goal from the field, time being called on the next play. MISS CAMPBELL WINS TITLE Scotch Woman Is Sow Golf Champloa of railed State. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. .-Mlss Dorothy Campbell of Scotland defeated Mrs. It. H Barlow of Philadelphia today In the flnUl match of the woman' national golf tourna ment on th Merlon llrfks at Haverford by t up and t to play after on of th rront thrilling struggles ever seen In the vicinity of Philadelphia. By her victory today Mlas Camp'wll adds th national title of America to her al ready long list of championships, she still being th woman' open champion of Eng land and having been three rime the champion of Scotland. With th result one settled, the true DOCTORS SAID IMGURABLE RELIEVED BY Pfc-HU-MA. We. West $4 A 137 Main St, jfR ?f . 0 of the fog i mm .mm ,N. ft. ma Robust and Strong Splendid Appetite. Mrs. E. West, 1JT7 Main St., Menanha, Wis., writes: "We have used Peruna In our family fnr a number of years and when I say that It Is a fine medicine for catarrh anj colds, I know what I nn talking about. , "I have taken It every Sprfng and Fall for four years, and I find that It keeps me robust, strong, with splendid appetite, and free from any Illness. "A few year ago It cured me of catarrh of the stomach, which the doctor had pronounced Incurable. "I am very much pleased with Peruna." j - - -- r - -- Bowel and - Stomach Miss Mary Jones, 7918 Reynolds Ave., Chicago, 111., writes: "I can recommend Peruna as a good medicine for chronic catarrh of the bowels and stomach. 1 have been troub led severely with It for over three years "One year ago I began to take Peruna, the wonderful tonic for women, and I noticed a wonderful Improvement at once. I took six bottles In succession and I always have It on hapd to take some now and then when my cough is bad. A WHISKEY WITH DISTINCTION HILLER'S Full Quarts (Four .?.Jriao isjboJU Miller ILictoop Co. ' 1300 FARNAM STREET BOTH PHONES My Suits Will Retain their Shape because they are built on a firm and lasting foundation of g(rod quality. Fall and Winter Suits to order, $25.00 to $40.00 sportsmanship of nrl American crowd showed Itself and Miss Campbell was as heartily congratulated as if she had been representing this country. Speaking of thlb reception afterwards she said: "Never have I been more slncerel congratulated for a victory even when 1 brought the woman' championship tltld back to Scotland." NAVY DEFEATS RUTGEES Middle Kail to Keep College llos front Scoring. ANNAPOLIS. Md., Oct. 9 The Navy de feated Rutgers this afternoon by a score of 12 to S. Although a victory, the game was not one In which the midshipmen could take great pride. Rutgers' one score was tallied on a neat drop kick by Alver son from the twenty-yard line. The Navy's two tauchdownB were due to greater weight In the back field. "C-in be depended upon' an expression we all like to hear, and when It Is used li. connection with Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It means that it never falls to cure diarrhoea, dys entery or bowel complaints. It Is pleasant to take and equally valuable for children aud adults Bold br all druggist. Th Modera savage. Tourist So they burled the old chli'f ac cording to the custums of his tribe? Native Yep. rnre wnoie data or It. H's college class had rharge of the cere- is. I ney naa H root nan game wun the C'hoctri-AS on Wtediusday. a M-irathoii race on Thursday. aid on Friday ielra'd Seventeen assorted' press dispatches ( ui risings. Including ior. lonflin aliun and denial, and paid th lllna the manazin funeral f-kpenhf! hv - photogranhfl of tu snake dance, and a soon as (he moving he film of the funeral III draw 1UU a rrion h j semloff (or I hi! ( Id '. (IClure concern gels n shape the widow royalty. Not a ba man, eh I'uck. If you have anythyng to ' U or tra'le and want quirk a't!Y. advertise it in The 144 Want Ad colum A 1 v - - - -i i-.-.-rrirniri ru u i "Words cannot express tny praise for your tonic. I weighed only ninety pound before taking Peruna, now one hurvlred nineteen pound." j Catarrh of Internal Organ Mrs. B. 11. Jackson, R, r. d. 5. New mun, Ga., writes: "I have hud catarrh of the Internal organs for more than a year. I tried other medicine without any benefit. "I was persuaded to give Peruna a trial, .and the first bottle proved a god-send, and after taking ten bottles I have re ceived a permanent cure." "A dlstlnot, elerant flavor that cannot be compared with" This 1 th opinion of thousand who ar now us ing In their homss v HILLER'S OLD STANDARD BOTTLED IN BOND Kentucky Whiskey Agsd Eight () years In th V. S. bonded warehouse. TRY IT AND SEE! PURE WHISKEY'S 80c, $1.00, $1.25 Quart shipped Prepaid.) W carry a oomplat stock of all th popular brand of fin whiskeys, wines and liquor. Wi ship everywhere Bend for price list. PROMPT DELIVERY Gentle Dentistry A great number of Ak-Sar-Ben visitors have been In to get "Gentle Dentistry." "How very easy you are on your patients. Doctor," said one. "Please tell your friends" I replied. Dr. J. B, Fickes 210-1! 17 Hoard of Trade. Both IMioue. I etli and Farnaiu St., H. IV. "i make all wi sell Omaha Trunk Factory W also earry a fin lln ot 7uatbsr goods Doug. 10&8 1309 rarcaut St Isa. A-106 Open Until MIdnlaht Correct Compounder of Prescription SARATOGA DRUG CO., 84tn aud Am Av. It I. Web. 118. B. 101 V 'i r ri