Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 10, Image 19

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I , a 1
It looks like a $2,000 car. .
It is equipped like a $2,000 car.
It rides like a $2,000 car.
It runs and climbs like a $2,000 car.
The man who owns it feels as if he owns a $2,000 car.
It might easily be sold as a $2,000 car.
The announcement this celebrated car is coming has created
a flurry greater than any other car ever brought west.
The Rider-Lewis is coming.
Hundreds are waiting for it.
You can afford to wait.
Don't miss it.
Don't buy until you have ridden in it.
Price magneto included $1,000.
The Auburn, 45 H. P.
1 i.v
SIM '''!SmXm
1 v cr-rv
.UHJ' lit"'-.'
Tine Rider-Lewis
Is Our
' The Auburn has arrived.
This is good news to thousands.
The name Auburn stands for everything goojl
in Nebraska.
It Tfieans the best engine.
The smoothest riding.
The prettiest action.
The finest performance of them all.
y The new model 45 is a 5 or 7 pass., 36-in. wheel;
Rutenber motor, multiple disc clutch, gear drive,
3 speed reverse selective, high tension magneto in
cluded, weight 2300.
It might easily go in the $3,000 class.
It sells for $1,650, ready to be delivered.
Other models, $1,150, $1,250, $1,350.
21 Sootli JineteeiYtSi Street
This is the Time to Plant Bulbs
Outdoors. ""
lllcht Soil Culture and Varieties to
Select XataraJUluc Narclsaa v
Vat Caaae of Failure frith
the Mllea.
"October Is the best time to plant bulbs
for winter and Vprlng blooming," declared
a nurseryman who makes a specialty of
bulbs. "All spring blooming bulbs make
their root rrowth In the fall and six weeks
or more before the ground freezes Is not
too much for them to do It in.
"The perfection of the flowers depend
on th root growth, so If you are trying for
fin blooms you must see to It that your
bulbs have time for their roots to grow.
This rule applies to bulbs that are to be
used for Indoor decoration as well as for
those that are to be planted out of doors.
The ones to be used Indoors should be
potted this month and should be allowed
six weeks to grow their roots In before
bringing them into light and warmth.
"Sandy loam Is the Ideal soil for bulb
culture. If the soil Is too heavy, as most
soils are. a liberal amount of sand should
he added and well mixed with the, earth.
Well decomposed manure should be put In
the beds about six inches below the bulbs.
but on no account should it be allowed to
come Into contact with their roots.
"When planting bulbs I always put a
handful of sand under each bulb. This In
sures their having good drainage. I plant
large bulbs, like narcissuses and hyacinths,
five Indies apart, and small ones like cro
cuses and snowdrops, three inches apart.
My rule Is to cover a bulb to a depth of
about four times their own diameter.
How to Make the Bed.
"As the majoiity of the finer varieties of
bulbs are not -to be had In this country
much before the middle of November I al
ways make my beds ready beforehand and
provide in such a w ay that the ground will
not be frozen. To do this I cover the pre
pared beds with from six to eight Inches
of fresh manure. n this way I have
planted Illy bulbs as late as the middle of
December and had the very best results
the following spring and summer In the
way of blooms and Increase of bulbs.
"The Illy la a bulb which all nurserymen
agree deteriorates every day It is allowed
to remain out cf the ground. The beet way
to get these bulbs Is direct from the nur
serymanhave them taken from the ground
and put 'into your beds as soon as possible.
This cannot be done with more than a few
varieties, so the beat you can do when ou
are forced to take ahlppcd or Imported
bulbs Is to get them Into the ground with
all possible haste. The reason many per
rons fail in growing good Ultra Is that tli-y
wait until spring to plant the bulbs,
tare of The Bale..
"After getting your bulbs in the beds the
question of covering them during the win
ter Is tl la Importance. Uy rule Is afte -
ihe first few light frosts to cover my bulb
beds with from two to four Inches of
strawy manure, the depth depending on
the exposure of the bed. On the top of this
manure I put a layer of evergreen boughs
to prevent the manure and litter from be
Ing blown away by the wind. It Isn't the
freezing that harms bulbs, no much as the
alternate freezing and thawing. This mulch
is to prevent this. Care' must be taken to
see that there has been enough , frost to
drive the field mice to their winter quar
ters. If not they will nest in the litter and
eat up fie bulbs.
"I don't like autumn leaves for mulching
bulb beds, because they patk too closely
and either keep the bulbs too warm or too
dry. In the last case the plants will be
stimulated to grow too early In the spring,
while In the latter case the root growth Is
never as good as it should be. When the
shoots make their appearance la the spring
I remove some of the cover, for It Is much
better for them to get chilled than to re
main too warm.
For Indoor Celt are.
"For Indoor culture I believe in starting
the bulbs Just about as soon as you can
get them. Be sure In potting that good
drainage Is Insured for unless It Is the bulb
is sue to suffer from wet feet and eventu
ally decay.
"When planted for house culture bulbs
shouldn't be put quite so far below the
surface as when planted out of doors,
but otherwise the process Is about the
same. Kqual care should be taken not to
allow any fresh manure to come In con
tact with the Nroota. Many nurserymen
pot In rich loam and depend on liquid
fertilizer to do the rest In forcing large
and early blooms.
"As It is next to Impossible for the
amateur to get good specimens of the
amaryllls, and several of the most desir
able varttlea of Japanese lilltes before, the
middle of November the potting, like the
planting out of doors, must be deferred.
Of course there is no danger of the ground
In pots freezing, but there Is an almost
greater danger of having the pots brought
into the light and warmth before th
bulbs have had sufficient time for thcii
root growth. Six weeks Is not a bit too
long to allow bulba to make their root
growth. It U much better to Increase that
time by a week than to shorten it by a
"As to variety In bulbs of course that
depends on what you are aiming for.
About the most popular and easiest grown
of all bulbs is the poet's narcissus, which
has a charming flower about two Inches
across,- with a red rimmed saucer in the
center. It blooms In the open In May and
a variety, the ornatus. In April.
Pleating; the Marclesns.
"At present the fad Is to plant nar
cissuses In places that will make Uiem
appear to be wild flowers. To get this
effect they should be planted freely in
the grass, not the lawn where they will
be cut by the mower, but among trees
and shrubs, along the edges of the walks,
In the meadoas, on rocky hillsides and
almost any place where a bulb can take
root and multiply undisturbed. They
iliould be planted four or. five Inches deep
tuid should be scatteied and covered where
they fall.
' tin. will not need to be disturbed for
years. The only culture that I have
found necessary for such narcissus planta
tions Is a mulching of manure every year
or so, applied after the first ' frosts In
November and taken off the next spring.
The winter rain causes the fertilizing ele
ments to sink Into the ground sufficiently
to give the bulba all they will need for
the next year or two. These narcissus cost
from $5 to 110 a thousand.
"The very earliest bloomers among bulbs
aro the snowdrops, which often come In
March before the snow has disappeared.
These should be planted about two or
three Inches deep and allowed to remain
undisturbed for five years at" least. They
do well In almost any locality and are ex
cellent for naturalizing on the lawn, be
cause the bulbs mature before It Is neces
sary to cut the grass.
"As a border a broad band of snowdrops
next ope of crocuses Is particularly ef
fective. Forget-me-nots can be added with
out Uistrublng "the bulbs all spring and
again in the autumn.
Daffodils aad Gladioli.
"When it comes to daffodils and the aim
Is for the rare as well as the beautiful,
WU may as well begin with Mme. do Graaf.
That costs more money than any of the
others and has the second largest blooms
of the white flowered varieties. When It
first opens It Is a bright primrose, but It
soon changes to white. The flowers are
about five Inches across. ThoBe of the
Peter Barr, which is a trifle less expen
sive, are somewhat larger. As a class
white daffodils are weak growers., but
Mme. de Graaf can be said to have a fairly
strong constitution.
"There Is a wide range of color In gladi
oli and while they are neither equally
hardy nor beautiful they all have the com
mon trait of needing to be put In the
ground In the autumn. I don't know of
any surer way of falling In growing these
bulbs than planting them out of doors in
the spring.
"There are many varieties that It Is
hard to get before it Is too late to plant
them in the open. When that happens
with me I pot them and put them ta the
cellar, where they require scarcely any
attention during the winter. By the middle
of May they will have made about six
Inches of growth and can be planted in
the open with the assurance that under
ordinary conditions you will have blooms
In July os about a month earlier than
your neighbors.
"The cheapest and most easily grown
of the while lilies Is the Madonna, or an
nunciation. Illy. This variety and the
nankeen lily, which is a delicate yellow,
should be planted In August or early Sep
tember If the best results are to be had
In the open ground. They may both be
potted for Indoor forcing this month.
Bersnada Lilies Lead.
"Many wonderful virtues have been
claimed for the Philippine lily, but I do
not think It will ever supplant the Ber
muda Illy for forcing for Christmas and
Easter bloom, or the Madonna for garden
cultuie. It has one good feature- it can be
forted into bloum in a far less time than
any other variety, In eight weeks. If these
bulbs are potted in the last week In Oc
tober uu are almost certain of having
blooms by Christmas. The blooms are
about seven inches across and there are
seldom more than two on a stem.
"For forcing In the ordinary home the
r.ornan hyacinth is about the easiest of all
bulbs and the first to blossom. The bulbs
should be set In yellow pahs or pots and
so thick as to almost touch each other.
Hi lug them Into the light about two weeks
before the flowers are desired. If they
show signs of blooming too early they can
be retarded by setting them In a cold,
dark place, but not a closet. The white
variety blooms earlier than the colored.
"Tulips and daffodils look best In window
.boxes. Hyacinths require longer to make
their root growth. Three months, will
give better results than six weeks. When
first brought out of tlie cellar they should
not be put at once Into the direct light,
but several days should be allowed for the
pale leaves to turn green.
"To crow them in water, a hyacinth
glass Is the only really satisfactory ar
rangement. Let the base of the bulb
barely touch the water. Set away In the
dark until the roots have nearly touched
the bottom of the glass. Water should be
added as needed to keep the same depth
bud it should be at the same temperature
as that already In the glass. Rain water
Is best. A piece of charcoal should be put
In It at first, before the bulb, to keep the
water sweet.
"Bulbs grown for blooming Indoors
should be set out In the garden as soon
as the ground Is warm enough. They
will not give very good blooms the follow
ing spring, but they will thereafter. You
should never attempt te use the same
bulbs for indoor, forcing two seasons in
Was Happier, He Says, When
Earned Two Dollars a Day.
Turned Them Loose Again.
A. J. Siimleton of the limns iiotel say.;
somebody played a mean trick on one of
his German customers last week.
i.ic t...iiiiuii haa one of those old fash
loiiyd fly traps In his place," said Mr.
Singlelun. 'It Is about a foot high and
about half the diameter at the bottom.
The files get In somehow and then they
can't find lhelrway out. A fellow went
Into the ealooH on one of the hot days and
the fly trap was full. 'I'll give you half a
dollar for them files,' aya he", and the
German's face lit up as he accepted It and
shoved over the trap. The man looked at
It awhile, then loosened the bottom and let
the flies out.
" 'Vat's der matter mit you?' asked the
excited German.
" 'Nothing,' replied the man as he neared
the door. They were my flies and I could
do what I wanted with them." 'Detroit
Free Prets.
Behind the trrers,
A negro preacher in a Georgia tow n was
edified on one occasion by the recital of a
dream had by a member of his church.
"1 was a-dieamlu' all dis time." said the
furratur, clat 1 was In Ole Satun's domin
ions. I tell you, pahson, dat was shore a
bad dream!" '
"Was dri any white men deie?" asked
the divine.
"Shore deie was iilen'-; of in,' the
other hastened to assure his minister.
"What was dev a-doin".'"
"Kbery one of 'em." was '.lie answer,
"s a holdiu' a cullud iihmiii between
I him au' tie Iir"' W.rrte-i a U
lie lias o Liberty orr and Suffers
From Stair Krlicht Then the
World la So t'urlons About
Ilia AffRlrs.
LONDON, Sept. 22. Caruso has reasserted
himself, liefore a crowd of 11,000 at the
Albert hall he swept away with his mag
nificent peiiormanee all memory of the
rumors circulated here and In America that
his wonderful voice had suffered through
the operation performed on It some months
ago. In speaking to a representative of the
Sun he said:
"People. 1 suppose, think I am the hap
plen man on earth with all my successos
and large earnings. To tell you the real
honest truth, I was much happierwhen I
was a nobody earning t2 a day. Now I
have no liberty at all. My smallest action
Is criticized, every word commented upon.
Even my private affairs are made public.
When I had my operation I was pestered
night and day with reporters and because
I refused to disclose details vhlch I con
sidered absolutely persona; the press In
general spoko so malignantly about It that
serious business complications might have
followed had I nut recovered as qulekly as
I did. Because I am a celebrated tenor
have I not the right to have the feelings of
an ordinary man? What did I care at the
timo for the curiosity of the world when
my whole career was at stake?
"Often advertisers use my name to boom
their goods. All sorts of stories are in
vented about me, some of these causing me
any amount of trouble. Lately I have even
been made fun of for dressing in a light
colored suit at the seaside and for wearing
a brown evening suit. I like colors, that is
"All lngllsh papers printed today in larKe
type the story of a Glasgow man who lias
sued me to recover the price of four songs,
which he says he sent me some time ago.
It may be, but Inundated a I am every day
with hundreds of songs by unknown com
posers requesting me to sing them. I simply
Ignore everything about this man except
that the whole affair, coining as It did on
the eve of my conceit at the Albeit hall.
Is a bad advertisement for me and another
strain on my already oversiiung system.
"Do you know that before each public
apparaiu-e I spend a sleepier night and
long hours of Indescribable moral pain?
I have never been able to get familiar
with the tun lie, every time is for me us a
debut. At my last concert at Manchester
a few uays ago I fainted immediately
after my last song.
"In my dressing room at the Metropoli
tan. New York, when waiting for my
call. I tremble like a child frightened by
a ghost. Only when I am actually on the
stage do I succeed in pulling myself to
gether. The thousands of eager eyes and
opeia glasses fixed on me base the same
effect on me as a red rag on a bull. I
feel the challenge of the audience and at
tack the first notes In a flgljting mood
until tlia music holds mc and I feel my
part; yet all the time I am possessed
witli the fear that my voice might sud
denly fail me.
"The memory of Naudln, the tenor, who
after such an experience at the San Carlo,
Naples, years ago, shot himself In his
dressing room, haunts me always, and
every minute on the stage counts as a
year of my life.
"Lately an Italian socialist paper at
tacked me fiercely, on account of the large
fees I draw. Could they only understand
my task they would know every cent 1
gut is deservedly earned.
"No, people ought not to grudge me
my success. Through my own energy
and pluck I have worked up from the low
est rung of the ladder, and It has not been
an easy matter. Long ago when after
j ears of hard work 1 had succeeded In
bringing my fees up to $1,000 I had to
pocket my pride and come down again
to $400 In order to have the privilege of
singing at Covent Garden.
"Now I am delighted with my contract
for another threo years In the siates. I
like America and the Americans, and, al
though very satisfied with my European
tour, I a in looking forward to sail for
New York on the Kronprinzessln Cecile
on October 2o.
"I have never spoken an openly to any
other paper, not even in my own country,
and I hope that after this the American
press will understand me better thin they
ever did. I must ndd. however, that jjy
wish Is that they should leave me more
In peace so far as my private life Is con
cerned." Caruso is all the better for his long
reel, and looks not a day ol'lcr than his
36 years, though prhaps his old natural
boyish gayety Is now often somewhat
During the Interview the tenor was
dining. He hai still a very keen appetite
and always drinks Iced white wine iand
mineral water in a special two-pint glag.
After dinner he asked for paper and
pencil and drew a caricature of himself
for the Sun, saying, "The fact that I am
the first one to make fun of myself proves
at leust that I don't lack a sense of
fttork'a Diattuautshrd Passenger.
For , the thirteenth time Jude R. H
Russel, of the court of appeals of Georgia,
and one of the strongest men politically
In Georgia, is a father.
The last arrival, -according to informa
tion received in Atlanta from the home
of the Judje In Winder, Is a strapping
fine boy.
Although scarcely 114 hours old. he is
far more than the usual everyday baby
boy. He is a baby boy with a proud
record behind him. fur he Is the thir
teenth child of a thirteenth child on his
mothers side, and the seventh son of a
seventh son on the side of his father.
Juclgo Itusscll niid Mrs. Kussc.ll and
their numerous frieuds are now puzzling
over a suitable lame fur the youngster.
It is agieed by alt that a boy with such
a distinguished record must have a name
to match. -
Curious and lOtraordinary Articles
Sent by Admirers o the
White House.
The report that President Taft has al
ready been inundated with curious and
extraordinary presents, ranging from pii.e
pumpkins and home-made pickles to cows
and pigs, sent to him by admiring farmer
In the various states, reminds one that Mr.
Roosevelt has been able to stock a minia
ture zoo at Oyster Bay with anlma'V Which
persons Interested In the big gam- (Junllnf
trips sent as gifts.
Lmbiii lasting though these presents may
have been, however. It Is doubtful If the,
raused more perplexity and trouble to the
recipients than the; inuiiimoth rheencs which
It was the practice at one time to send t )
American presidents, and In her Interesting
work, "The Story of tlie White lluiise."
Esther Singleton gives anVainusIng account
of a cheese sent to riesileiit Jackson by
a dairy fanner of -tswiVo county, v.ho
wanted to bring the exeellAice of the dairy
products of his neighborlnVd prominently
Into notice.
This particular cheese nalovei four feet
In diameter, two feet thick! and weighed
1.400 pounds. In order to uy i Id of it, It
was announced that at a certain reception
the president's mansion woi.ll be tin own
open to the people and that taey would he
entertained with cheese. Andllhat cheese
vanished In two hours. An eye witness
wrote that It was "surrouiilled with a
dense crowd as It stood in trL- vestibule,
w ho, without crackers, purveyel away l,li
pound s The whole atinosphei of cvei y
room und throughout the city as filled
with the odor. We have met ItVt every
turn the halls of the rapilol ha been
perfumed with it fioin the members w liu
partook of it having carried awaf great
masses in their coat pockets." Thie can
be no doubt, however, that the aslutty dairy
fanner was Imbued with a rare gnifiat fji
But l'A pounds less was the cheese sen!
to President Jefferson at the beginning
the lust century. It made its' Journey
YVmtitnetnii fiiim I'hih1ri Mm im In
wagun diawn by six liors s, and bearing tha
label, "Thu grcuHsl cheese In America f ir
the greatest man In America." Jeffeison,
however, was exceedingly shy of accenting
any gifts, and Insisted on paying for the '
cheese, which cost him $J00. And six months Ji
litter there was still some of that cheese
left, "notwithstanding the prtsldent'a lavish
It was customary frtr some of the friends
of Martin Van Hure.ii. who succeeded Jack
son in the presidency, to send him a mon
ster cheese every year. This, on one occa
sion, he caused to be distributed to his
callers at a public rec. ptlon. Hut It proved
a costly gift, for the crumbs were trodd-n
Into the carpet and ruined ihe upholstery
of the splendid furniture of the loon
known as the East room.-ClovcIand Plain
Merely Hi Muuarstlou. .
"I always do my b- si w ork." said tlie ;'
portir at desk No. 1. "after 1 have had a
cup of hot, strong coffee."
"And my brain." observed the reporter
at det-k No. i, "always works best when I
am smoking a olg."
"Gentlemen," said the city editor, over
hearing them, "suppose you exchange stim
ulant, and see what the effect will U."
Chicago Tribune.