B 1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 10, 1909. i-:. ' ;sr. JKAgf,"TJBgg siren in r make Demonstrations, Get Book of Specifications. 4y. ' if - - - - ' " X5sssSX COLE L rrJ . .. In 7? rt' prove Every Caim Made J or this Superb Little Car. M The Car of This is the Cole 30. Have you ever seen anything as pretty? You won't ride in anything as sweet. You will never get anything as cheap. The Cole 30 is a demonstration of the ability of automo bile people to make a good car and place its price within reason. The Cole .might as well be sold for twice the amount of money. , But for carrying from 3 to 5 passengers, with proper weight and power, a car can be built as well as any car in the world for $1,500. , The Cole people are the first to prove this. They will prove .more. We will demonstrate' to your satisfaction, that the Cole is even quieter, speed, for speed than any car at any price. 30, 1,500 Superb and Silent Service " In a word friction is reduced to about nothing. And friction means wear, trouble, repair bills. There is nothing cheap about the Cole. Its motor is the best. The same that is used only in the highest priced cars. It uses Brown's sharp gears throughout. Nobody makes better or higher priced gears. The motor, clutch and transmission are assembled in one compact unit. Engineers acknowledge the superiority of this construction. The Cole has double ignition system, three speed and selective type sliding gear, straight shaft drive, Hyatt roller bearings throughout, springs the best, two sets of brakes, all of which operate on rear wheel. What, then, is the secret of the moderate price? Simply that the manufacturers have forgotten the traditional 200 per cent in auto proits and have asked a sane manufacturer's profit, that's all. THE M1D-WI AIUTOIVaOiBIIL.IE CO Phones; Doug. 1298, Ind. A2189 1824 Farnam Street A BATTLE WITH TI1E SAND Now Being Fought by Cape Cod Canal Engineers. NATURE IN HER WORST MOOD Oprufl to Them r Stoma, M'ltdi Hm T Isaae Is, Cam the Eatraare to the Canal be Kept Opeaf BOSTON, Oct. I. Th-' are Jut scooping and along the Cape Cod canal and not aaylnj a word. Probably no canal of sim ilar Importance was ever built with less noise and blustrr than has so (ar marked the progress of this work. There are no great rut to D made, with consequent use of tons of explosives no rattle of machinery drilling through roclra and overhanging cliffs, no epensive con demnation suits to be aired In the courts, no villages to be destroyed nor expensive properties to be torn aay to make way for the courre of the tanol. It is simply a case of digging and digging and digging, and Just ketplng everlastingly at it from sunrise to sunset. If you walk along the line of the survey, which Is now definitely set forth, you will understand viiy this la true. Natur. has given the builders of 11'. 13 waieraa a lot of assistance. In the fhst pUie t:u eight m!ls wlili It it is nerrstary tj cut across to connect the waters of Muszard bay a iv J Cape Cod bay Is made up In chltf ty the Mtuiument riser I.' tiie south and the Sen wii t river tp the north, while separating them I a ridge that at l.s h:gh. polm ilwvs got exceed thirty feet above sea level. In J he cond place the whal-- of ihn gterra swtpt aim of Maaachusetts, from It Is Joined ottio the mainland to fts lernunatkn at li ovln. e.on. Is of a xiiius gevgraphioal forn.a:ion. ICveiy- wl.ere It Is fiat, with but few hi.U. atd is ii.a;iHtd almost entlicly of sand and ravel. When one considers the apparent ease with whkn a canal here may be built and also iuti,o,i the Iops tf life, of ships and of oargoej luch the freiiuent fogs and the tipoifti of 11. e sandy coa.t to north east Slori.ib have caused one wonders why a channel . nill constructed n.any years ago for the seeing traffic betwee the Massachusetis end djn east pons and those to the south. You will neany have rea-hed the end of your waik atro.. the cape from Busaaids bay before you com up, n the real obs acle that has hitherto dls, onrased engineers and financiers. At the southern entrance to the renal Huiard bay is UndUnked and af fords an excellent harbor, but the northern tntic is d.rectiy from l.arn.tabie bay, fjj.-h has no natural protection. This body hiTwater. aseverybedy kr,us who has seen it la winter, is open to the fury of storms from the uorth and northwest. The builders of the cum uw th.it then, was their most serious problem. If tl.y bad not realised it dont the verv outline of the coast thiy would have die entered It frMM what remains of a fcrmer effort at canal building. For here lies great ditch Into which twenty-five years ago men dumped 11,000.000 with as little result as though they had dumped the money Into quicksands. The old work Itself remains, but the connection with the bay Is sealed as closely u If It never existed. The relentless storms have piled the sand high along th beach and piled it so tightly into the gap that men endeavored to make In the shore line that not even a s'gn of it remains. Itow these foioner builders hoped to overcome the difficulty is not material, but the present builders have gone deeply Into the subject and after' much study of tides and winds have undertaken a renewed struggle with the elements. William Barclay Parsons, the chief en gineer of the work, proposes to provide protection against the winds by building a breakwater out beyond the Jetties. This breakwater will be 1.000 feet long, running In an east and west direction and extending to a six fathom curve at low water so that vessels entering from the bay even In rough weather will be able to ob tain smooth conditions before going lntj the canal. This, of-course, la the work of the canal company, but it Is expected that In addition the United States government will construct a harbor of refuge by the building of other breakwaters, so that ves sels after having passed the canal may lie st anchor until they are ready to continue their voyage. It is upon this great stone work that the noiiey of the company will be expended I 'w4 that the genius of the engineers will be put to the test. The Jetties are already tnklng on a definite form from the pile of lock that lies out In the bay and another pile that lies on the beach. Schooners with granite from the rucijed Cape Ann coast are dally discharglnn their loads Into the devouring sands. That the beach has already begun to collect its toll from the cana! builders Is evidenced by the werckage of lighters that may be seen around the construc tion works. il." t.j.i.is who ar familiar with the conditions of th coast and have all their lives bstlltd with its tides and winds find an almost eudl. s subject of discussion in this effott to control the shifting, treach erous sand. They are arguir.g long and jealously whether after all the Jetties will not collect sand fast enough to choke up the canal entrance unl it is constantly dredged. The old canal, which looks not unlike a ditch, will save the excavators some work, for It will be turned over to the use of the new builders, and the line of the survey passes through Its center for Its entire length. From Its beach end. choked now with its marsh weeds and grass, to its end ing In a pasture It stands as a melancholy reminder of one of the most Important of ths many projects that were formerly advanced for a Cape Cod canal. It was a project of F. A. Lockwood. who hsd Invented a dredg which he had made an unsuccessful effort to sell to the French government when it was engaged In the construction of the Panama canal. He Interested capitalists in Lis fchemc and for a time It seeuied that the canal would really be built. But the dredge proved rather -poor after all, aa It was out of order about half the time, and Mr. Leckwood's death brought an end to the efforts of this particular company. He had succeeded, however, in digging a channel one mile long, 100 feet wide and sixteen feet deep. His scheme was not by any means the only one that has ever been advanced for the building of a Cape Cod canal. Hack as far as lii76 one of the citixena of Sand wich had the idea of making a continuous waterway by Joining the two rivers. The records of the Massachusetts Hay colony show that an order for a survey of a waterway at tills same point was entered and that Central Thomas Machln, an en gineer of reputation, was appointed to su perintend the work. The outbreak of the revolution, however, checked, this plan at a very early siage. In ITU and again in 1S18 the most famous engineer of the ouy, Loamtnl Baldwin, made several surveys based uuun tuoe Of llaciiin and recommended the building, of the canal. Again nothing was done, and the project was forgotten until ISti, when a 1 tpi esemaive from Massachusetts In duced President Monroe to recommend in his annual message that a commission be appointed to determine the advisability of the consiruoilon of the canul by the fedora, government. In lxbu and again in 1876 plans for the building of the canal were revived, but thsy all came to nothing1. Then followed a lung s.rles o( private schemes either o! vis'onary creamers or of swindlers whos effort fcav no promise of success. In most of Hie projeots mismanagement and dishonesty were the chief characteristic, and In none of them were more than a fw spadefuls of taith turned. Not until Lock woods time was actual work on a canal pioject undertaken. hrom the land end of the old Lockwood canal the survey of tiie present canal crosses the line between the towns of randwlcli and Bourne and continue foi soma distance parallel with the Old Colony railroad. At this point much of the .puce between the canal and the railroad la oc cupied by the works of a car manufactur ing company, one of the Industries that have already received a great iaipetus in growth from the canal propect. To the north of this factory, In plain view of all passing trains. Is a high hill which has bten denuded of vege.allun. leaving a great scar of yellow sand, which la confidently pointed out by wUe travelers as the Culebra cut of the canal. In reality, however, It has nothing to do with the. construction work, but has been cut away by the car company to secure sand for fill ng in its land. The canad passes more than a quarter of a mile to the south from the base of this hillside. Digging here is easy and nothing tars ths way until the highway near the BournedaU station la reached. Here are two small houses, the first along the line (hat it Is necessary to move. II was feared that the independent Cape Cod spirit of the owners might cause them to refuse to sil their property, but they were quit reasonable about It and sold their hcuus Immediately to the company, with the priyje.e wf living in them fr five years after they had been moved back som. ten or fifteen feet. ' A short distance further on Is 'what must have once been a fine old Cape Cod place, but the buildings have fallen almost to ruins and will meet a merciful end when they give way to the advance of progress. As Is often the case with the building of public Improvements, the construction of the canal will bring about the destruction of many places replete with the history and tradition of Cape Cod people. The old Perry homestead, which was built by ancestors of August Belmont, who once owned the entire strip of land through which the canal will pass, has already been torn down. The Tupper house, which was built In 1&T7 and which descended from father to oon for generation after genera tion, with never a transfer or a mortgage appearing on the record for 2TI years, has been purchased by the canal company and will also be razed. The old Pope tavern at Sandwich, which Daniel Webster frequently visited, will lie Just outside of the canal lone. The old station at Bournedale lies In the course of the canal and will be removed. Another landmark which the plans will re quire to be removed Is the old bridge at Uuzxard Bay. This will be replaced by a drawbridge, and the Buzzards Bay station will be south of the Monument river In stead of north as it is at present placed. This railroad will also cause some change in the appearance of Gray Gabies, where, It will be remembered, the nation's summer capital was located during President Cleve land's administration, for on part of the property the new railway station will be built, near the Buzzards Bay entrance to Hie car. si. The canal gone Is 1.000 feet wide, thi uidth of the canal at the top will be from ft W feet, and 125 feet at the bottom. The deptn of tne canal, as originally p.arned, was twer.ty-flve feet, which is suf ficient for the passage of traffic vessels. Bui the inurtst that ha. ueen arjusei 1.. the canal since the beginning of the work and the talk of the deep waterway aloni the Atlantic coast may make an important change in the depth and may requl e 'rid digging of five additional feet for the pass ing of war vessels. A party for the securing of data for a report to the convention of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways association at Norfolk in November recently went over th' line and made an Inspection of the work. Be sides the president of the association an several members of the congressional c .m mlt tecs, the government was represerted by Colonel J. C. San ford, engineer of the Newport district. After the report of this body haa been acted upon something more definite aa to the full extent of changes In plans will develop. Upon this. loo. will depend to a great ex tent the time of the completion of the work. Mr. Parsons thinks that if the depili 1 mains twenty-five feel the canal will ba finished In two years The additional depth will entail the consumption of at least another year of work. The canal la not a channel for local traffic," aaid Mr. Parsons in discussing th company's plans, "but is essentially a ship canal for ocean-going vessels In through service. The figures of proposed depth and width of the Cape Cod canal show that It will be of the same general character as to size as the great ship canals of the world, and the dimensions are amply suf ficient to accommodate all vessels engaged In the coastwise traffic at any stage of tldo and permit them to pass In opposite direc tions without hindrance. "The Increase In our coast traffic of recent years has been stupendous, but the conditions under which it Is handled have changed. I refer to the replacement of the old schooner with the tug and barge. "Today the gTeater part of the coal traffic between New England. New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Is handled In barges, usually two or three In number, behind an oceangoing tug. Reference to the statistics of the Boston Chamber of Commerce show the extent to which this new method of transportation has super seded the od. and the thing that strikes one In these statistics la the small increase In vesel number and the large Increase In vessel tonnage. While the total number of steamers remain substantially the same sailing vessels have decreased 25 per cent In number and the barges have Increased more than Si per cent In number. "The loss of life and property In round ing the cape, where there are an average of 100 foggy days a year, has always been appalling, but It would be greater In the future. A schooner might live through the terrific hurricanes, but a tug could never expect to do ao, while the chances of such a vessel passing safely through the tor tuoua channel of Vineyard sound on a dark night with all Its barges In tow are remote in the extreme. "Wltll the Cape Cod canal established the great source not only of danger but of delay will have been removed and the tow ing companies can estimate with reason able certainty upon the time of departure and arrival of their tugs, in fact with a much greater certainty than for a similar shipment by rail." telling her exact age, we are certain she Is in her teens. After the exposition Columbia's mother traveled throughout the United mates with a circus. Later the baby went back to Labrador with her grandfather and grand mother, to live in Eskimo lend. Soma time after this Columbia's mother went to Lab rador as the agent of a eompany to get Eskimos for the Paris exposition. Co lumbia and her mother and grandparents crossed the ocean. They also traveled In Africa and throughout Bpaln. LIVES IN STYLE IN CAVE Unique Boost of Rich Farmer on ilaantila Top la Okla homa. One of the most successful farmers of the Pialrie Grove Okl.) section, who is an active member of the National Farmers' union, hss dwelled In a cave for years. It Is probably the most palatial cave in the world and Is fitted up with all modern con veniences. Including hot and cold water, electrle fans, electrlo lights and steam heat. He discovered the cave at the top of a mountain, I.7O0 feet high. It Is seventy-eight feet long by twenty five feet wide, and thirty-two feet high. The. walls are of beautiful granite, which has been handsomely polished. The celling Is forty feet thick. The front of the cave Is of glass, which the owner and occupant, H. 8. Mobley, put in, together with hard wood floors. The flues for the cooking range pass out through the mouth of the cave and extend outward a distance of nearly forty feet. Movable screens permit the Increase and reduction of rooms at the pleasure of the occupants. A fine spring at the top of the mountain furnishes water through a private system of water works. This novel dwelling was completed about two years ago. It Is approached by a beau tiful road ascending thu crest of the moun tain by easy stages, and the grounds about the cave are kept in perfect condition. The occupants declare that It Is the coolest dwelling In summer and the most comfort able in winter, and they have no fear of cyclone, which are frequent In that re gion. Neither heat nor cold penetrate the (olid protection of yards of granite.. Mr. Mobley says he will live in the cave for the rest of his life. The cave la In easy driving distance of town. St. Louis Republic. Marathoa In PlankTlli. "Pop." said the farmer's boy, "I hava been reading a lot about these Marathon these days and I'd like to enter some." "All right, my lad," hastened the old man, taking a freeh chew of tobacco. "Just yeou go down to th woodpile and start a woodchopptng Marathon and when yeou ar through you can use the sawdust to play circus. Now, who says I'm not a con siderate father?" Chicago New. BEAUTY PRIZE GOES TO ESKIMO Colaaabla, front Labrador, Won from all torn era al the Seattle Expoeltioa. SEATTLE. Oct. 10 The prize awarded the most beautiful woman by the Judge at the Alaska-xukor.-Pac.fic exposition at Seattle was not given to a white womati, a negro or an oriental, but to one of the red ra'-e. an Eskimo girl named Columbia, fium tl.e southern coast of I.abrador. All the vltltois to the fair were allowed to compete in the "beauty contest." All they had to do was to visit the exposition in their best bib and tucker, where they might be seen by the unknown Judge ming ling in the crowd The prize was a valuable piece of Se attle propei ty, a lot in the residential sec tion. The deed to thte property Columbia now exhibits with great pi id and her mother never lets a friend go by until he or she has seen the document. Columbia mother was one of the Eski mo brought from Labrador to be exhibited at the World Columbian exposition in Chicago in 1J. Columbia was born soon after, so that uv, while she is stay of "5 u Some one told me you were in need of a Buggy I am soiling ALL of MY Bug gies, Carriages, Delivery Wagons, Harness; Whips, etc., at COST and even loss. REASON WHY-1 need more room in this building;, for my rapidly growing Automo bile Rebuilding Department. $120 OR Buys that "Lenox Trap" Monday "l5 less each day until sold" y CM Bfl Kl E) 18th and Harney Streets 1