Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 8, Image 17
n TT'-ZJt j'ai'-M' ;' ..v 'f fry -i,f "C''" "J-" . SVpW ? ,, ii . . u .1 li:,,H'i,,;:,t r.v ' sss -5 OMLY (S(0) lilt, CMiAtia. otiNUAI tStAj'. UC'l UUhiK 10. 1SW. m - - - - V V Specifications: MotorFour cylinder, vertical, 30-35 horse power. Bore, 4V4-inch. Stroke, Oil set cylinders cast lu pairs. Single cam stiutt. Valves on ouu mue. All moving parts carefully machined and ground to absolute accuracy. CooliiiK Flat tubular radiator. Dy centrifu gal water pump, direct driven. Lubrication Combined pump and splash sys tem; constant oil level maintained in ' crank case. Ignition Jump spark. Dual Ignition, consist ing of magneto wired olrect to spark plugs, and auxiliary battery acting through single coil carried on dash. Transmission Carter patented system of fric tion transmission; one lever control, same design and construction as used in other Cartercar models. Noiseless chain drive, equipped with our improved oil tight chain case, entirely protecting chain from dirt and mud: and permitting It to run In an oil bath, positively elim inating all noise; also protecting and greasing differential. m O 1; . - it ;rv Our) Specifications: Frame Pressed Bteel of channel construction, of great strength and rigidity. Special arch pattern, giving greatly increased spring action. Spring Seml-elliptlc, 6 2-inch rear, 4 6-Inch front, 2 Inches wide. Wheel Ilase 110-inch. Tubular front axle, drop pattern, yokes unit Kteerlrtg: knuckles of rreat strength. Uve ronr axles, with spur differential. Axle Khaft of liii-ae ulie. made of hlh irrada automobile ateel, with keyed and tapered ends. 32x3 4 Inches. Quick detachable. Wbeele Twelve spoken, artillery tvpe. Brakes Internal expanding hub tirHke of larce sue; friction reverse for emergency. Hub uP,m dfB,8npa especially for holding- enr on hllln. teerlna- Worm and sector, lrrevemlble; wheel 15-lnch, epark and throttle lead above. Body Mrataht line design, divided front seat, large tonneau. Color Three options: Brewster green. Cartercur red or combination of red chassis and Brew ster green body. ITpholatery Black leuther. tine quality, dull fin ish, luxuriantly tufn-it. Equipment Three oil Ihimpm. two gaa lHinps, gi-n-erator, horn, mats, complete net of tools, Jnck. and tire repair outfit. Price $1,600.00 f. o. h. l'ontiuc. With detacha ble tonneau, $1,650.00. 1 1 o The Cartercar is not a new car. It is tried out In many respects this is the strongest car in the market. One of the largest concerns in the country manufactures it. The most exacting people own it H. B. Walker of Chicago, has driven a Cartercar 27,000 miles and would not sell it today for $1,000. The car's distinguishing features are: Simplicity. Economy. CARTERCAR, IVIodcl L, 5 Passenger Durability. Reliability. Power. Ease. In no sense is it a cheap car. The cost of maintenance is small com pared with all other cars. In the Cartercar There is no clutch to slip. No gears to strip. No grease packings to renew. No uni versal joints to break. No shaft drives to twist. No bevel gears to wear and howl No noise to annoy, and no mistakes, be cause it has only one control. o This means that with our patented friction transmission and patented chain-in-oil drive, practically all of the parts which gives the trouble on other cars, are eliminated. It means simplicity and dura bility. The Cartercar will climb a 50 per cent grade with a full load. It will go over roads which other cars cannot. Mud and sand are gone through when other cars are stalled. Let us demonstrate the car at 1117 Far nam street. MAMA IVilOTOM G AIR. CO hit FwrervAivi street O i o VASDERB11T CUP RACE PLANS Forty Cars May Compete in Classic Event on Lon Island. BUIES OF RACE ARE CHANGED All Cars Will lie Stock Chain! of 101 ( Model and Should Give Urrat Mlmnlua to Ant. ' Business. ' NEW YORK. Oct. 7. Great Interest Is being displayed on the part of manufac turers and private owners In the npproach Inu Vanderbllt cup lace, which Is to tnka place October 30 In Nussau county, I.onct Islund. Many entries have ben mndo already, and It la assured that a larsa field, possibly thirty-five or forty cars, will bo at the starting line when the great race Is started. Clifford V. Hrokaw announced the other day that he would enter his Isotts. Fraschln In the Vanderbllt, and he selected the veteran driver. Joe Seymour, to pilot his car In ttje race. Two other notable entries are the National cars that competed tn the races at the opening meet on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. These two cars made a splendid showing with Aiken and Men as drivers, and they will have the same men at the wheels In the Vanderbllt. The last obstacle In the way of the running of the Vandeibllt cup race was removed a few days ago when the Contest Hoard of the American Automobile as sociation granted a sanction to the Motor Cups Holding company to hold the contest. There was never any doubt that .1 chuns had to be made In the rules of the Ameri can Automobile association so as to pro vide for the large entry foe of the Vander bllt. The rules of the American Automo bile association stipulated that sanction could only be granted for a race In which the prue or trophy offered was not worth ten times the value of the entry fee. The entry fee for the different clause In the Vanderbllt ranite from to I'M. The Vanderbllt cup race suffered a temporary setback last jvar. owing to th trouble between the American Automobile association and the Automobile Club of America, but this year, with the elimina tion of the grand prise contest, the Vanderbllt cup looms up greater than be fore. The Ixwcll race was a p!endtd con test, the Long Island automobile derby was also a rotable event, and the Philadelphia Fairmont park race this week furnished a wonderful contest. The Vanderbllt must take rank above all of these, and with any sort of favorable, weather It will attract larger crowds thsn ary of the o;her events. ' l.tere.t I r One reason that this year's race should have a better Influence on trade conditions generally Is that this fall, for the first time, all of the cars will be strictly stock classes of the 1910 models sold to the public, which will be seen In competition for tbe first time. i " " " ' Vrvut a BDcclacular standpoint, tbe at tractiveness of the race has been greatly Increased this year by the shortening of the course from twenty odd miles to 12.01 miles, of .which S.15 miles will be on the Motor Parkway proper and the remaining 7.19 miles on the highways of Nassau coutily. This change was made at the request of the manufacturers, and no one who wit nessed tho Lowell race, but will endorse their action, as the short course not only Insures a much closer contest, but prevents long waits between cars during the last half of the race and keeps the public in terest at concert pitch from start to finish. Uric-fly, the course for this year's race will start at the grandstand and thence run east for two miles along the Parkway to Massapequa Lodge. The cars then turn north on a specially constructed cut-off, scientifically banked, on to the Massapequa road, which leads directly to the outskirts of the Hlcksville village. Here the cars turn west on the old country road to Westbtiry, thence south through another special cut-off, back to the Parkway at Meadow l'.rook Lodge, whurc the course turns east again and returns to the grand stand. Manager A. R. Pardinston announces that more oil will be put on the course this year than was ever provided for a race of this character. Another Idea which will appeal to the manufacturers Is that at least two full weeks will be allowed for preliminary practice. It is now arranged that the course will be; open for practice every day, exclusive of Sundays, from October 14 to 29, inclusive, between the hours of 5 and 8 a. m., and during these hours none but contestants will be allowed on the course. Thero are only four turns on the course, and no hills, so experts have good reason for thinking that all American records will be smashed on October addition to this. Invitations will be sent to carriage dealers In the same states, swell ing the number to about 2,000. The cour tesies of the show will be extended to these dealers gratuitously. As is well known, the show is being held at the time of year when money Is free In the south. The planters have harvested their crops and will receive about Jl20.00, 0U0. Banks have Increased surpluses, mer chants and store proprietors have done a good business, and. In brief, practically all the southern higher classes are tn a posi tion to buy motor cars and accessories All this makes doubly sure the success of the automobile show. has created considerable interest In local motoring circles, as well as all through the south. Reports from Atlanta state that en tries a-plenty have been promised and there Is every reason to expect that the Inaugu ration of the new motordrome will be at tended with success. BIO PLANS FOR AUT0M0BILISTS Atlanta Prepares Real 8othern Iloa Vitality for tbunr, ATLANTA. Oa., Oct. . The cltliens here are making elaborate preparations to en tertain visiting manufacturers, salesmen and others who attend the Atlanta Auto mobile show next Thanksgiving day. Pro-fe.-sionul and business men have already contributed $l.'i.000 to the fund being raised for the purpose and this amount will be greatly increased before the crowds begtu to arrive In riie southern city. For a elf the fciie of Atlanta It means a hard task to house the great influx of visitors who will attend the show, and to meet this exigency a public comfort dw Furtment will find temporsr!y homes for thi'Sj attending the cow. A general call has been sent out to the cltisens of At lanta to open their residences to the guests and hotel proprietor, are making every effort to Increase their facilities. A geiura) renovation ii In progirss and the hotels from now on will be In tne hands of decoriators und painters putting tbe At lanta hostelrles In the best of condition. Invitations will be sent to every dealer and garage proprietor in the Limrlct of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Vtr gtnla. North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Ala bama, . MUautslppl, Louisiana, Arkansas Missouri Kentucky and Xenuessea, In BIG AUTO RACE IN THE SOUTH Atlanta -Will Be Mens for the Best Cars. NKW YORK, Oct. 9.-Entry blanks have been Issued for what has every Indication of being the most pretentious automobile race ever staged In this country. The opening motorcar carnival of the Atlanta Automobile association, which will be con tested In the new motordrome. Atlanta. Ga., from November to 13, bids fair to surpass even the recent meeting at the In dianapolis speedway. A program of thirty- two events has been arranged, providing for races between every type of motor ve hicle and at nearly every practical distance known to the automobile racing game. Very liberal monetary Inducements are offered as prizes for the different events and tho usual quota of cups are available. One-mile time. trlalB, two-mile free-forrall, four-mile free-for-all, six-mile stock chas sis, eight-mile free-?ot-all, ten-mile stock chassis, twelve-mile stock chassis, twenty mile free-for-all, twenty-mile stock car, twenty-four-mlle stock chassis, fifty-mile free-for-all, 100-mlle stock chassis, 120-mile stock chassis and two 200-mile stock chassis races form a part of the card. In more than one case there are several events of the aforementioned classes on the pro gram, the difference being the matter of piston displacement qualifications. Reports from Georgia state that the cir cuit Is very speedy. Considerable time has been spent to perfect this phase of the con struction. Large grandstands have been erected and descriptions of the motordrome make it appear that the new raceway is Indeed a. model product. The promoters took the lesson of the Indianapolis speed way to heart and every care has been taken to guard against tiie possibilities of acci dent. With a view to learning the real worth of the track from expert opinions, the management of the motordrome has re quested a party of prominent motorlst9 from tills city to make the trip to Atlanta and look over the circuit.' t;eorge Robert son and Ralph De Palma, the two well known drivers, will go and pilot cars sround the course. Fred J. Wagner, the automobile race starter, will accompany them. Charles Dasle, mho was one of the winning crew at the last twenty-four-hour race, mar be In the party. The present plan is for the motorists to leave for Atlanta Immediately after the Falrmount Park race at Philadelphia, on October t. This will allow plenty of time for the trip, so that the return ean be made to this city in time for the Vander bllt cup contest on October St TU meet LEAN AND HUNGRY ROGUES Unman Sponses Who Know How to Work Their Friends for Meals. The most bare-faced roguea In all Chris tendom dwell in Boston. These chaps are not porch climbers nor are they malefac tors of great wealth, although their per formances partake of the most evil qual ities of both. The twain of which I speak are nominally and ostensibly, even osten tatiously, members of good society, and are not usually recognized as the frauds they are. All the greater shall be their reward when it conies. The particular episode into which all the malevolent venom of these parasites was quintessenced occurred Just the other day. Here Is the story stripped of all obscur ing and foggy covering. These two are tennis talkers. As to their skill let that pass. By much talking on the subject they enlisted the attention of an unsuspecting companion one day at the lunch table. This person lives outside Boston, of course. Otherwise he would not have been en snared. Hearing their talk and being him self a genuine lover of the game, he was thoughtlessly generous enough to Invite this couple to spend an afternoon at his tennis club about forty or fifty miles from the Hub. Their acquaintance was Instant aneous and correspondingly greedy. . Yet the countryman did not suspect. The day came. The pair were promptly on hand 'and ate their host's luncheon with enthusiasm. Then all three, together with an obliging club member, went out upon the tennis court and started the game. "A pleasant time was had." Suddenly, al leges one of the guilty pair, the sun went down and lo! to their consternation, they discovered it was 7 o'clock. Mine host, who had probably made several double faults watching that sun's decline, was "game," and Ignoring the fact that his guests were Invited for the afternoon and not the evening, insisted that they take dinner with him. Loud were their protesta tions. Oh, no, they would go to town at once, they would by no means Inflict them selves upon him, etc. In fact, their pro testations and graceful acquiescence, took up a good thirty minutes. Later dinner was served, followed by other things, of course. These boston sponges exerted themselves to their utmost to please and amuse the man who was paying the bill. One of them actually tried to sing. Mean while the clock kept ticking way, kept ticking away, kept ticking away, until at last, when, talked dry, they rose to go, they were Informed that the last train for Boston had gone! Again their host was game. He saw he was sold, his pockets rifled, and his good-will marketed, but he did net whimper. "Stay all night at the Ciub, of course." Of course. Next morning about 10 o'clock two young men, upon whose countenances the plain Impress guilt still lingered, might have beta setn alighting from train at the station in Boston. And In the memorandum book of each the police might have found carefully checked off: "Aug.. Luncheon, dinner, lodging, and breakfast, $00.00" Boston Transcript. Waspa Break Up a RevlTal. A great revival meeting In progress at the Baptist ohurch of Boston, Ga., was broken up by! swarming yellow jackets which had built nests back of the pulpit. The services were at high tension, the preacher being engaged In calling sinners to the mourning bench, when the yellow Jackets began to dart out from their nests and sting saints and sinners alike. In a few minutes there seemed to be thousands of the spiteful insects flying about the church and darting their stings into the brethern and sisters. The preacher was one of the first to be stung, and the pain put a stop to his exhortations. The women screamed when stuck by the yellow Jackets, and nianj of the men said things that had no churchly aound. After standing for the stinging a few minutes, the congregation got Into a panlo and bolted from the church, leaving the sacred edifice in possession of the yellow Jackets. Five hundred men. women and children put lotion on "stung" spots that night. TTME I S) Wife (Eilta(E Car Has A.ppIv2c3. It is the first ever seen in the West and said to be the smartest in appearance and performance of all American cars. It is ready for your inspection and we shall be pleased to give you a demonstration of its grace and power. The car is perfectly balanced and rides rough roads better than any other car. The economy of 22 to 25 miles per gallon of gasoline shown by this machine! is the most remarkable that has ever come under the observation of expert automobilists. It is the ideal car in size and weight. It is easy on tires and handles well. It fills the requirements of all who are satisfied with only the best cars. n n nn nri Od uvil llV 2 I