Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 6, Image 15
6 ' JxqFw wmm i I ii j I n in pii f ! ! i , . I,, if.,t ,i Along Auto Row I i .iiifii. ii.ii i , 1 1 , lir umi n i rrn n iini- i rrimniff 4 ' 1J Of and Accessories! Wl Huffman 9 On Headqaarteri 4 Cylinder Cars, i Li Nulllllull Gt uUi Interstate $1750; De Tambe 1824 Farnam Street. $650; Kupmobile $750. RUSH RUNABOUT MARVEL OF WORKMANSHIF T. 6. NORTHWALL Cp. 814 Josts St. iRtrOlt-ElGCfriR PIOMmplement Co. UIIUII &.IUUIIIU Cauncil Bldfi. Iowa. WHITE STEAMER DRUMMOHD ' 2024 Flr il Thomit, Pierce, Rapid, Chalmers)- Detrolt Wood's Electric II P Prndrinksnn flntrimnliilfifln. Ill la I I I UUI IUI1UUII ilUIWIIIWWIIW WW! 1044.4a.4t Paraam at. leriglit Automobile Co. stoddard-oijtoo, Wliirlf, Lexington, 1814-15 Firum St Henry II. Van Brunt Overland, Pope Hartford Council Bluffs, Iowa. The easiest riding car in the world. 0. F. LOUK, 1808 Farnam Street, State Agent ii Murphy Did It" AUTO NORSK SHOEING -WAQON BUILOINQ NO ft an lYIattheson 1818 farnam St INTER-STATE" 750 Fully Equipped -4 Cyl..40 H. P. . L HUFFMAN & CO., 2025' Farnam St. Distributors Chalmers-Detroit THOMAS, PIERCE. RAPID H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTO CO. 2044-45-43 Firoiio St. Detroit Electrlo Coit Automobile Go. Rambler, Mitchell. S208 Farnam 8t THE PAXTOIl-MITCIIELL CO. .Tf.0 Unug. 7281 2310 Harney Street. '21111 M MIDLAND MAOON FREELAK0 BROS. & ASHLEY. 1102 Finn St. PEERLEQO GUY L. SMITH. 2207 FARNAM ST. REO, FORD, PREMIER. ATLANTIC AUTOMOBILE CO.. Atlantic and Council Bluffs. Iowa RR IflHRAI I Stcvcn,-'Juryc. Cadillac. Stanlay Steamer i 111 IVlhlUiLL rjAncocK ELEfiTnie tOta P.ritam Slr.t. R. R. KIM BALL. Z0Z5 Farnam St. BAKE H ELECTRIC Electric Baraji 0EKISE BARXAL0W. Prty. , 1920 Firaio St. REO, I'ORD, ati amtip AiimMnniir nn IllblliailU llUIUIilUUIkk wvs PREMIER Atlantlo and Council Dluffs, Iowa. Aliniinn Ji.S:f: RIDER LEWIS -4'r UUUUiUd ou&HA AUT0M0ILE CO., 216 S. 19. 3ALLADAY In its class without a peer. O. F. LOUK, State Agent, 1803 Farnam St. APFERSON SALES AGENCY v 1102-4 Farnam Gt. Central Tire & Rubber Co. 2127 Firestone Tira Farnam St, OMAHA'S BXCLUaiVI Till MOU .WHDTH Steamer Wrara Electric DRUMMOMD 2024 Firua St Mpn nn? Vollo Automobilo Co. w a- - iju2 ram am uireei. - JO MX BCIII PLOW CO. Ovwka. Uirlk4iUr. Kemper, iionipbill & Ouckingham into Lamax Billiiart. Bt;iinl Vw Whit. Ok.olln. Oar la B.tnr boim at Brammond'a, It V.a tar. a.laf th Unit Crllnd.r. DrummOnd nam.d th much talked of Whit, gasoline automobll last w.k. It I. attracting a great deal of attention. Tha machine1 haa acveral features not In any other American car. Drummond .aid tha block system of caitlng cylinder U undoubtedly the best engineering practice for the reason that it gives great rigidity to tha crank and so keeps the bearings in perfect alignment permanently; not only Is this true of the crank shaft and crank pin bearings, but . also of the piston pins gnd pistons themselves as the unit casting brace, the Individual cylinders In the most perfect manner. "Instead of the usual number of joints to be kept tight, tha White motor haa only four to the whole set and no oil pipes to the Whole block. This, construction and the absence of numerous Joints not only insures less operating trouble, but makes disas sembling, when necessary, very much easier and culcker. The block construction lessens the dis tance between centers of the cylinders by reason of the absence of water Jacket walls between the cylinders and thus shortens the crank shaft to such an extent that the necessary rigidity of the shaft can be Insured without any center bearings. The Influence of this short construction Is not only seen in the simplicity of the design, but also In the great reduction In weight consequent on the absence of water jacket walls and bearings between the cylinders and useless length of crank shaft and this much shorter distance from the dash to the radiator which reducea the chassis weight very materially. "The tendency of modern design Is all toward the smallest motor which can be made to deliver the required power. "The four-speed change gear adds greatly to the efficiency of the motor, and con tinental authorities credit the four-spaed car with 10 per cent to IS per cent road advantage as compared with three-speed oar. of the same horsepower." The car is exhibited at the White garage on Farnam street. .Mr. Adolph Store and party, consisting of Mrs. Btors, Mrs. Edward Hayden and Mis Hayden, have returned from a very pleasant automobile trip. Minneapolis, St. Paul, Milwaukee and Chicago were visited, besides many Interesting aide trips being made. This Is. the first extended trip Mr. Store has made in his new Pierce Arrow and he is more than enthusiastic about Its road capabilities, stating that In the entire trip the tool compartment was never opened, and that during the 2.000 miles the total tire trouble was only one puncture. At the outset the roads were bad, the run from Jefferson to Fort Dodge, la., being through mud so deep that one of the lower speeds wa$ called Into service during the entire distance. Outside of this, the roads were good except in the Wisconsin and. i A most Interesting piece of motoring lit erature has Just be.n received by the H. E. Fredrickson Automobile company. It consists of a thirty-elght-page booklet pub ll.hed by the Pierce Arrow Motor Car company, fully Illustrated with aeventy flve views of a thirty-day tour taken through Europe by one of their customers, and briefly tells of the principal points of Interest, hotel accommodations, road con ditions, etc., together with a very com plete Instruction relative to the most con venient and expeditious manner of ahlp Ping, paying Import duties, securing licenses, trjpty ques, "courier valet," etc. The book also contains the most complete and instructive road map yet published of southern Europe. Manager Doty of the Maxwell-Briscoe, an Omaha company, exhibited last week the new Q cars of the Maxwell manufact uring. These are a little the best cars Of the partioular type ever put out by the Maxwell people. And they have attracted a great deal of attention. The Bulck, Omaha company, hae es tablished temporary quarters at 1010 Far nam street. Lee Huff is in charge. He is an experienced automobile man and proposes to make the little Bulck fairly hum. Ground haa been broken for the erection of the Bulck garage, two doors east of the Western Automobile Supply company's place at Twentieth and Farnam stra.ts. The garage will be seventy-five feet front and could not be better located. The Omaha Autoaiuolle company which has oocupted the building at JU South Nineteenth streets, will have a new home next door to the Bulck garage on Farnam, during the next few days. C. F. LOuk expects this week the 1810 Marmona and Empires. There Is. a large waiting list on these cars, and they will be snapped up before Louk can say "Jack Robinson." W. L. Huffman was able last week to deliver the Inter-Statf, Hupmobtles and DeTambles, exhibited in his garage, and the Ak-Sar-Ben visitors made the place rather lively during the week. Colonel Deright will leave this week for Columbus, O., to attend the Oood Roads conference. The colonel may make a speech and tell the Onions something about the roads of Nebraska, Wh.n he returna he will tell the Nebraskans what is possible here. The Cadillac to, which was exhibited tn R R. Kimball's garage last week, has at tracted a great deal of attention and Is considered the best machine of Its type ever got out by the Cadillac people. Down in Kansas City they are saying that Ouy Smith haa awful nervs. It Is aid that he want into- that mark.t two waeka ago, on a visit te friends, and be fore he left had done as much Franklin business as tha agent there. And that when be could no longer sell the cars he turned round and began to buy them. The Mld-We.t Automobile company, with temporary office in the Omaha Commercial College building. 18M Farnam street. Is introducing the Cole Ml This is a pretty car and has fallen Into the hands of active agenta In Omaha. R. A. De Witt, formerly with W. L. Huffman Co., is general f M If 7 v-rvTLTO F. O. B. DETROIT MAGNETO, Gat Lamp, Generator and Tube Horn Included Of Course f " nn i i 1 1 T "i I Tl V V 1 1 Tiii imi iilllillfr i i V ff 'n t T t ! - X 5 Passengers 30 Horse Power 108 Inch Wheel Base 32x3t Inch Tires Weight, Equipped, 2150 lbs. 6000 Now in Use LAST YEAR'S SENSATION THIS YEAR'S STANDARD There Will be No "1910 Model" STUDEBAKER E-M-F "30" EVERY YEAR, JUST ABOUT THIS TIME the newspapers are full of startling announcements of hew models. This year it's "Our World-beating '1910' Models". Last October It waa "Our World-beating; '1909' Model". If you read one you have read them all they are all alike in that they protest the later model Is a worrdter, while tacitly admitting; that it predecessor was about the worst that ever hap pened. THE IMPRESSION LEFT IN YOUR MIND 1. that you were a sucker to buy a car from that maker last year. He promised you life long service from It now he proclaims it obsolete. Under a thin dis guise he confesses ha buncoed you. offers no redress and makes jour car, only a few months old, practically worthless In the second-hand market, where you had hoped to sell It for at lasf a fraction of the price you paid htm. YEAR AFTER YEAR THE SAME PROMISES are made by th. same makers and year after year they are compelled to admit be tween the lines, that their promises have not been fulfilled. Look up your old files, read the ."ads" of 1908, 1907 and on back to their be ginning. You'll be surprised and disgusted at the similarity. All agree In admitting past failures and In predicting future success. Re minds one of nothing so much as a cornered-and therefore penitent confidence man, who unblushingly confesses past offenses, but protest he will do better in the future If given another chance. WE'D HATE TO HAVE TO ADMIT that our engineering force of a few months ago was so deficient In the science of designing and mak ing motor cars our product of the last twelve months ao defective that radical thangea were necessary to produce a salable carl STUDEBAKERS WOULD HIDE THEIR HEADS ,n 8hame ,f called upon to confess they had sold to a confiding, trusting customer, cart that, one year or five years later had to be branded, and by the maker, a failure and openly discredited by another model differing In many Important features. WOULDN'T THAT BE EVIDENCE 0, rank Incompetence-som. might say bad faith? Wouldn't It Indicate that promises made had not been fulfilled? And wouldn't K prove to a reasoning man that promises now made would be aa worthless? DON'T MISUNDERSTAND US; Of course Improvements will be made from time to time, constantly, In automobile building as In every other department of human endeavor as long aa the world lasts. The perfect car will never arrive. But only where the engineering force waa woefully deficient In the fundamentals of the art will radical changes be necessary. IP YOU BUY AN AUTOMOBILE om a halr-bralned Inventor or an unscientific experimenter because some new-fangled Idea of his caught your eye, you have aurely no right to expect satisfactory aervlce. You pay for the privilege of trying out his theories and you get all you deserve. ' STUDEBAKERS HAVEN'T THAT KIND of an engineering force. Won't tolerate an Inventor In the place. Inventors are mostly folks who think they've found something that wasn't lost. Scientists had It filed away, ready when wanted out of tha way of foolish folk who don't always know how to apply timple principles. Burn their own fingers and other peoples' money. A CHINAMAN ONCE SAID to an Occidental who criticised his garb: "Yes, I suppose my clothes do look queer to you they are not like yours. Yours look funnier to me yes 'beg pardon. But had you considered that my mode of dress is the result of more oenturles of ex perience and of observation than your race can trace Its history back? 1 suppose thousands of years ago my countrymen made a light suit do for summer and a heavy one for winter regardless of Intermediate varia tions in the weather. Now we put on several light coat3 or few and we add to or take off as the weather changes. I see you are still ex perimenting yes beg pardon." LIKE THE WISE ORIENTAL and Chinese are proverbially non est, too Studebakers did all their experimenting years before they thought of offering the first automobile to the public. Sent their en gineers to Europe and scoured the world for talent. Not satisfied with the results, they decided that no engineer, no factory, could success fully manufacture more than one model a car so good It would out class any other car of Its own type and at Its own price. WALTER E. FLANDERS we considered the greatest manufacturing producer In the automobile industry, by long odds. Had our eyes on him for years. When he began the manufacture of E-M-F "30", Stude bakers watched him closer than ever. Here was the car for which we had been looking to fill out our line the car which, best suited to the needs of the greater number of buyers who want a serviceable, econom ical touring car, would be most In demand and have the longest life. STUDEBAKERS STILL CAUTIOUS-mdn't afford to lend their name to any but a product of sterling quality purchased half the out put of the factory and watched. Not only our own experts, but 8,000 buyers, put theae cars to the most gruelling tests. And we were satis fled well enough satisfied to Invest xnilllona In tils car and its future. BOUGHT OUT FLANDERS'ASSOCIATES eo that this man and his genius and bis unequalled organisation would be available to Stude bakers alone and that we might control the entire output of this car which we believe has no equal in its class. RESULTS HAVE BEEN MOST GRATIFYING No other car ha. made such a record of satisfaction in owners' handsthey are unan imously enthusiastic. Every owner brings ten prospects. SEPTEMBER WAS LARGEST MONTH In our History. October orders from dealers fifty per cent In excess of possible output. Novem ber, ditto. December we hope to mere nearly approach the demand by Increased factory facilities that will then be available. It's been a won derful year for Studebakers and for E-M-f "30". Studebaker Automobile Co. E M-F "30" WAS IN ADVANCE of its time two years at least. That It was. Is proven by the fact that all the "1910" models now be ing so loudly touted, are, as noarly as a copyist can copy, Imitations outwardly at least of E-M-F "30". BUT WHAT ASSURANCE HAVE YOU that these new models radically different from their Immediate predecessors are any better than those their makers now admit were wrong? Is there any other car of this class that has been perfected, standardized to the point where Its makers believe It cannot be materially Improved, and custom ers can absolutely rely on It? Does not Studebaker E-M-F "30" stand alone In this regard? FOR EXAMPLE; If a certain designer, a year ago, In frantitf efforts to discredit the tremendous efficiency of E-M-F "30"-motor, with its large valves, advocated small valves; and If that same designer now, by putting larger valves In bis "1910" model, has admitted his error; does It not stand to reason that he is still at fault in those several other features where his car differs from the successful, satisfactory, un changing E-M-F "30". AND IF ANOTHER RIVAL MAKER believed and protested, for years, that a two-cylinder motor was Just as good as economical, as flexible as a four; and If that maker In an effort to compete with E-M-F "30" now turns to fours is there any good reason to suppose he has, In so short a time, learned to design a motor of the type to which he was so recently a convert? THE HISTORY OF THIS INDUSTRY docs not record a single In stance' in which a designer turned from a horizontal "two" to a ver tical "four" and produced anything but an abortion In his first year's model. i IT HAS NEVER BEEN NECESSARY to advertise that E-M-F "30" hag been "Improved" In any detail In order to create a demand for the product. It has always been In excess of the supply. Of course changes have and will be made. Sometimes they'll be Improvements more often not. Mostly they'll be in the Interests of simplifying or fa cilitating manufacture, because some designers and some customers differ In matters of taste and preference. - - - HERE'S A CASE IN POINT; a few weeks ago E-M-F "30"s began to come through with "dropped" front axles. Formerly had been straight. Straight axle Is lighter and stlffer better. 'But convention aid a front axle ought to be curved looked better. Didn't make a penny's difference In cost; difference In strength so small It couldn't be computed; pleased customers so It went.' MORE RECENTLY A 4,U",DOOR was substituted for the previous design In the tonneau. Just a case of change In style of ladles' hats. Waa the latest thing In doors why shouldn't E-M-F "30", the most up-to-date car there la, have It. Sure. THEN AGAIN, THE CLUTCH One of the smoothest, most effi cient ever put In any car; had proven a trifle too sensitive of adjust ment for lazy owners. Those who had the knack got splendid results. Those who couldn't or wouldn't bother trying didn't. Result was bad for the gears also the motor. So a slight change In design was made, so it isn't so sensitive now. For our own use we'd rather have It the original way. but we don't drive 'em all. COMPARE THESE TRIFLING ALTERATIONS- y0u can t really call them Improvements with those vital changes other makers are announcing In their season models. Then decide which car is safest for you to put your money in even 1 values are equal, -hlch they are not. T FACT IS E-M-F HAS SET A PACE other, find It impossible' to follow a pace In quality and price In every-day serviceability and all-around efficiency. PERHAPS E-M-F "30"s GREATEST RECORD 0f satisfaction has been In the matter of tires. Undoubtedly this car Is the moBt economical on tires of any car in its class. Other cars selling from $1,250 to $1,500 weigh 500 to 750 pounds more. These are too heavy for standard 32x3H-lnch tires that's why some of them are now forced to put on "bastard-size" tires. Doesn't benefit the buyer any only obligates him to pay more for the replacements. All tire makers agree it would be unlust to users to put heavier or larger tires on E-M-F "30". She's over tired now according to her actual weight and tire makers' tables. IS E-M-F "30" TOO LIGHT Is the natural question after reading the above. The answer is In her wonderful record of performance In hands of over 6,000 owners and In several special tests Pathflnding for Qlldden Tour, Pilot in Glldden, Munsey Reliability Run. and N hundred others. ARE COMPETING CARS TOO HEAVY? The answer again la la their record. all announcing "Improved '1910' Models". Out of their own mouths are they not convicted? Ask owners about tire consump tion remember the owner "pays the freight" over every mile he drives, on every pound of unnecessary weight put there by the maker in his willingness to stint and save cost on materials. Anybody can make a heavy car only first class designers can make light ones. JUST A FEW WORDS MORE You are In the market for a car else you wouldn't have read this far. Perhaps you're one of those who have been unable to get an E-M-F "30" oversold all season. Wlnh we could promise quicker deliveries can't. Won't lie about It, so can't. Fifty cars every working day coining out now, but demand In ' creasing faster than we can add buildings and equipment. Another million now being spent in additions. But we can't make all the cars In the world. And E-M-F "30" is first choice of well posted buyec YOU SIMPLY CAN'T GET E-M F "S0"s the day you order them. Your local dealer may, It he happens to have a carload en route, or another customer who'll sell you his place In the line and wait be able to accommodate you but that s the exception. Generally you'll have to wait two or three weeks maybe more. After New Years ItlU bo 90 to 120 days, same as alwas before. Only Way Is to get the Vrder in now get a place In the line and get your car as soon as possr ie so South Bend Indian you can enjoy Its comforts in Winter as well as Its pleasure in Spring and Summer. WE FEEL LIKE APOLOGIZING to ourselves for this "ad" which seems so unnecessary under the conditions. But we felt we owed It to our friends to explain the Studebaker policy, which Is not like oth ers, and to assure you there's no use waiting for a "1910" model, for we don't make cars that way. Change, are made the minute the neces sity arises don't wait till the end of the year. Don't make "season" models don't make the kind of car we have to be ashamed of regu larly once a year. Proud of E-M-K "30" all the time. And the one we sell you will be Just aa good as the one we sold your neighbor a year ago If it Isn't you know there's the Studebaker guarantee back of It i make ft so. j Bergers Automobile Co. 1919 Farnam Street (Continued on Page Seven.)