Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 5, Image 14

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A Burst of Color Marks the Resump
tion of Studies.
I Ml ii I
Btae, Rlark, Cireea, bellow, Orange
Sold On Easy Payments
t' ra - ! f;.n-etn-v lm iJdinir is now tnkrn nn with Pianos. All
'strum?iits purchased for the fall trade are now in and ready for inspection. Never be-
pre nave we oeen in jwbuiuh iu uuvi om, v,.. ... ... , .. - -
'ng this week 1910 styles at $118, $137, $15 and up to the price of the STEINWAY, the
icitandard Piano of the world, besides a large line of new Schmoller & Mueller, Steger, Emer
"son, Hardman, and twenty-three other makes.
r Our Terms Can't Be Beat: No Money Down, Free Stool, Free Scarf, Free Delivery,
' . m x 'il t L H 1
and a Bona Fide Twenty-live xear uuaranwe.viin eacn msuumi-ui.
$300 Story & Camp. . .$75
$350 Kimball $100
$350 Ivers & Pond; . . .$125
$350 Sample Piano. . .138 I $550 Cliase 260
$450 Knabe '. $175 $550 Steinway $325
$450 J. & C. Fischer. .$185 I $G00 Chiekering $350
if vn nro thJnVinir nhnut a Piano von owe it to vourself to call at our warerooms before
A a. J V V v - O W
buying, or write for our complete line of catalogues, our prices and terms. You can save
fully $100 to $150 by buying from us.
The Oldest, Largest and Most Reliable Piano House in the West. Established 1859.
SchmoIler&l?J3ueller Piano o.
1311-1313 Farnam Street. Phone Douglas 1G25; Ind. A1G25
One the Oldest Inhabited House in
the Island.
Hoalrlrr Where Kin John Pat I'p
Stray -ot-a from Peahen la St.
Albans to fo la Gala
boroa.h. ST. ALBAV'S. England, Sept. 2T.-As full
of charm and welcome to the wanderer to
day are some of the inns of old England
as ever they were In the days of the pic
turesque roach and horseback locomotion.
To be sure, mine host rarely stands now
In the doorway, as he Is pictured In some
of the old prints, but his greeting;, when
he Is In personal attendance, Is polite or
hearty as befits the occasion, and that of
his son. daughter or servant Is respectful
and Is distinctly a welcome. There Is not
about It that air of tolerance only which
too often characterizes the personnel of the
small country hotel at home.
Only once In the course of rambles In the
J south, the north and the midland counties
a) of England has the writer on the present
visit come upon one of the "accommodat
ing" landlords with whom all are familiar
who travel at times arpong the small com
munities of the VnlCed States, and that
time, to be strictly accurate, was at what
khould be described rather as a small hotel
than aa an Inn. It was at a smatl summer
ing place In Yorkshire and should have
been an Inn, but the two summer hotels of
the resort were too much In their preten
tlou dignity for this, the third and last
and eldest of the three of the public houses
of the place, or rather, It should oe said,
too much for the modesty of the landlord,
so he called his inn a hotel.
Vnon beln asked If he had a room for
the traveler: on a crowded Saturday night
when ht competitors were overrun with
week-enders; he turned to his young woman
clerk and asked her It seemed as if a bit
of New York state or Connecticut or Long
Island- had been momentarily transported
to the neighborhood of old York If she
could ''accommodate the gentleman with a
loom." She could, shs could even give him
a choice of rooms. But usually the recep
tion at the inns is of the more agreeable
kind, and furthermore it does not mean
the exorbitant bill which la too often forth
coming from the hotels in the larger Eng
lish cities, even as In those of France.
Indlfthera Is a quality of the admin
istration of these Inns which one cannot
help feeling would be welcome at home,
van in some larger hotels there, and It Is
met with almost at the door. The travel-
nuiuplireys' Seventy-Seven
Famous ltemedy for Grip &
Try to Impress upon your mind the
Importance of attending to the "first
feeling" of Cold, lassitude and weak
ness; because the use of "Seventy
seven" at that time, will stop the cold
at once.
After the Influenza, Cough, or Sore
Throat set In "Seventy-seven Is
equally effective, but takes longer to
cure. 1
Handy for everybody, fitathe vest
pocket. All Druggists 25c.
Humphrey's Homeo. Medicine Co.. Cor.
William and Ann Streets. New York.
Made to brder In our store October SI,
. iJ. i!3. ?4 Inclusive, by a Carman expert.
All work pesitlvely guaranteed Tha enly
aututaclury way to get tha best results
from an artificial eye. Call or writ for
prke and lull particulars.
? SIS la. IStk St.
Excelsior Springs Uincril Waters
are distributing agents In Omaha
for the celebrated water front Excelalor
Sprints. Mo, and sell at following prices:
Regent, quart bottle, ;jc; dolen. IJ.sS;
iae. 0 bottles, $k uo
jjuipho-Pallne, quart bottle. 25c; dosenS
$: :'&; case, 60 bottles. ISuO.
dulphu-Saltnc, pint bonis, l&c: doaen
tl 60
doterian, quart bottle. C0c; doi.n, S 00.
Hulrlan. pint bottle, lie; doxen. $1 ill.
Soterlan Ginger Ale, pint bottle, toe;
d.)n, 1. SO.
sri-rlan utngei-Aie, quart bottle, tic:
down. tiH-
luamond l.lthla. half-gallon bottle. 40c;
,(. 1 doxen, 14.00.
Crystal l.lthta, five-gallon Jugs, each,
t: 00
Salt Sulphur, five-gallon Jugs, each,
i! a.
Delivery free to any part of Omaha,
Council Bluffs or Pouth Omaha.
avaixmat AJf a atcorgi.i. oava CO,
leta and odge.
OWi OBVO tVO, ISlk aa Xaratv.
lei-'s good faith Is accepted as a matter of
course, ami , as two Mends met by the
way an American and his wife said
Just because people happen to be wander-
Ins- about without luggage for & little
while they are not treated here by inn
keepers with suspicion, as too often hap
pens. It must be confessed, at home.
One can scarcely help thinking about
thq English inns, once at St. Albans, for
they fairly cluster here, though It Is only
a short run from London. Here at St
Albana une touches the days of the Great
Charter, the Wars of the Hoses and the
Roman occupation of Britain all in a
bunch without doing any right seeing in
the typical sense, and finds modern com
fort at ancient inns at the same time.
Sit down for tea In the shaded rear gar
den of a unique inn, the Hound House, as it
Is famllllarly called, although Its form is
hexagonal: Ye Old Fighting Cocks, with
Its proud and undisputed claim to being
the oldest Inhabited houBe in England, an
inn whose front yard is a bewildering
mass of multi-colored flowers growing
shoulder high. Before you is the ancient
British Causeway, over which the Roman
soldier Christian - or Christian soldier St.
Alban passed to martyrdom In A. V. 303,
and you wulk across It later to the remains
of the Roman walls near which systematic
excavations are soon to be begin In the
confident hope of revealing valuable arch
aeloglcal remains. '
Could there be a better name for an Inn
than Ye Old Fighting Cocks, with the sign
of the pugnacious birds swinging from the
roof over lhe narrow street and within a
few paces of the place cf service of the
comforting cup that cheers? A great place
for inn names is St. Albans. What could
be better than the Bonnie Snood, or In
deed the Peahen? As fine, those, as that
of Ye Old Shiplaunch In Loggerhead Yard,
Whitby; with Its outside painting of some
ancient ship launching and the figure of
"The Smuggler" In bold relief set into Its
street wall below.
Tllb Peahen, sad to relate, has been re
built and so modernized that one almost
feels himself In a metropolitan hotel and
docs not wonder at the line of automobiles
drawn up in front of It at the tea hour.
One can hardly escape the reflection that
sooner or later the name, too, must be re
constructed. How can a gentle peahen
stand before the motor car?
Not so with the robust name, the
Oeorge, on an inn a few yards away, es
tablished in 1401. One can fancy It stand
ing while the roster of England's kings
endures. Its commodious courtyard Is
Inviting from the street and the Inn Itself
Is entered not from the sidewalk direct,
but from within, the passageway to tho
court, like the abode of the concierge
in a Paris residence. Nor I this sug
gestion of over-channel customs the only
reminder in St. Albans of the land which
England once largely owned and .a hand
ful of whose people once conquered Eng
land. The French Influence In the archi
tecture of the town is so marked as to
burprise a visitor fresh from or familiar
with, old French towns, who has Inter
medlWtely cooled an appreciative vision
by gaxing upon the rectilinear structures
of modern English places.
Nor does one have to leave Ills subject
of the Inns to behold the French Influ
ences. Just around tho corner but one
should not go ao hastily here, for on the
way Is the Red Lion inn everywhere In
England there Is a Red Lion Inn, if not
all as are well known as Washington
Irvlng's at Stratford and Its rooms and
halls are charming with delightful old
prints of coaching and the tuase and bird
shooting and old English life and customs.
So the Red Lion deserves a visit. Just
around the corner, however, Is the "Old
French Row" of houses, a relic of the
early days, and adjoining the Fleur de Lis
Inn. where King John put up. Down on the
channel coast, where the people are in dally
communication with France, the buildings
are for the most part distinctly English,
but here in the street of tho old French
row. and elsewhere In St. Albans, on every
hand appear buildings which bring to
mind old cross-channel structures.
The Red Lion, more modern and un
doubtedly more comfortable than any an
cient Inn knew how to be, but with the
aape'ct and feeling of traditional ease pre
served, looks out upon the tower plaxa, and
Itself towers above the Fleur de Lis, but Is
humble and .refreshing. So near to the old
French Row it seemed not strange to find
here in tue Red Lion a French waiter,
though the wanderer might go for a year
and a day among tha Inns of the small
English towns and never find another one.
Usually It Is the English countryman or
country girl, sometimes the landlord's son
or daughter, who Is encountered at service
In the Inns.
Our Frenchman therefore had the Inter
est In this place of novelty. And how
proud ha was when he produced the salad
dressing. One quickly drops tha habit of
expecting vinaigrette or French dressing
at British country hotels. Travelers era
not aven expected to make .this dressing
for themselves. But when oil and vinegar
were asked for Francois's face beamed.
He fetched tl dressing prepared. Instead,
and sat it Down with a smile of satis
faction. "I have made It myself." he said.
For things F.ench he was all alert. Not
ao for things Liiglivb. What county was
St. Albans In? It was In Hants. That much
he knew, and in that form he knew it
Hampshire was a world and territory to
him unknown. He brought to mind be
cause, as -the Irishman said, he was so dif
ferentan old English waiter and general
factotum at the Royal hotel at Slough, to
whose devoted head at least the last seven
years have not brought seven gray hairs
and who fits Into his place at that inn
for though hotel by name, an Inn It Is
still as though for seventy years he must
have worked there. If Indeed he did not
acquire his post by descent.
"There's no trouble carvln' when there's
enough to carve," says he to the traveler
reluctant to tackle for himself the huge
Joint of roasted beef, red and Juicy, which
takes up the places of two people on the
long table. Later he brings your modest
bill receipted, as are nearly all the Inn bills
In England, "with thanks," a delicate at
tention In penmanship which strikes the
American afresh each time by its recurring
novelty. It Is met with In the north as in
the south.
Ah! those Inns of the north. A feeling
of comfort and well being comes over the
wanderer at the very sight of The Fox, at
Oulsborough, without so much as enter
ing. It; quaint, picturesque, of little stature,
with small windows, agreeable to look
upon In Its coat of yellow that some of
our handsome colonial buildings have. The
Fox is a Joy to the memory. And what
complaisance In the name not The Fix
Inn, the generic term Is unnecessary to
the Identification of the ancient hos
tlery; Just The Fox, with Its old tlmo
mount for the stage coach passengers, and
such hoteback travellers as cared not to
vault Into their saddles or were unable
to do so after the copious entertainment
of the tap room. The mount Is not a car
riage block, but a flight of solid stone steps,
the treads hollowed by the feet of genera
tions and It stands close to the Inn wall.
Indicating the conditions of the days
when there were no sidewalks and the
tavern was veritably by the roadside.
There Is another Inn of rugged name at
Gul.'borough. The Buck, but a sight of
the titular animal over the door makes one
glad that The Fox Is unplctured, while
thoe seeking gentler names can find The
Black Swan Inn. Just over the way.
Perhaps it Is the Inn habit, fallen Into
In rambling In the country, that lead 3
one back during a stop over In London,
to dine again among Americans at Ye
Olde Cheshire Cheese, which perhaps may
still rank as an Inn, though existing now
only as an eating and drinking place, and
as its proprietor will tell you, owing Its
continued existence-only to American visi
tors'. But it was a visit well repaid, this
last one to the Cheshire Cheese.
There sat in one corner an American
couple of the type some times seen and
heard aboard in the land. She was sharp
featured and woro bowed spectacles wUh
heavy gold frames. She hadn't seen forty
nor sue long been married. He was
fat, slightly, with a voice as heavy as
hers was sharp and with that finality of
intonation that settles great publio ques
tions on the cracker box of tha village
store. One might guess that she had the
money had saved It and that be had not
been uncom clous of the fact when he
wedded her, but that he was not going to
let a little thing like that diminish his
dignity or self-esteem.
She- wanted to know which corner Dr.
Johnson had sat In. She was In It, but
hadn't read the tablet. He called the
waiter, a nviv and young one, who mado
up in volubility what he lacked In Instruc
tion in that part of the history of the
place of which American visitors are avid.
"Boy: where did Ben Johnson sit?"
"You mean Dr. Johnson, sir."
"Who's he?" while the bride articulated
a remonstrance.
"He's the man that started the English
language, sir; the other one was only a
playwright. He used to sit there, sir.'
The bride looked around her, pleased, but
tried to keep her eye at the same time on a
pamphlet which told her of a chair of Dr.
Johnson's brought over from the Mitre.
"Where Is the Mitre?" she asked.
"It Isn't," said the boy.
"What's the Mitre?" asked the husband.
'.t was. a tavern," said the boy, and
hastened to the kitchen for
more infor-
Pittsburg, Kan.,
Officers Fined
Kansas Supreme Court Finds Police
Judge, rouce and Firemen Guilty
of Licensing1 Joints.
TOPEKA, Kan., Oct. 8. J. E. Holden. po
lice Judge of Pittsburg. Kan., was fined
$100. seven policemen were fined SiO each.
eipht firemen KS each, twelve liquor sellers
j00 each and Frank Linski fl.OUO by the
state suprenae court today tor contempt
for participating In a fine system of licens
ing Joints or Illicit saloons In Pittsburg.
Linskl, who received the heaviest fine. It
is sjiaged. was the man who collected
money from tha Joints with which the city
officers were paid their salaries. The po
licemen and firemen were fined for ac
cepting the money in violation of the su
pitme court injunction, and the liquor men
for paying the money to Linskl after the
injunctiuu was granted.
anal Red lalforms IHst Inanlsa
Srhonla I'tilreraMy Krnwaed
oa Br Officials.
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 19.-A copious
outburst of brand new colors In the attlie
of strollers In the St. Petersburg streets
announces this week the beginning of a
fresh year for the academic youths of Rus
sla. "flia university and the high schools
require all their Inmates to wear distinct
ive uniforms and the resumption of theAr
studies Is a spectacle proclaimed at large
Students for the ordinary university di
ploma, classical, mathematical or phllo
logical, wear a dark blue baud round their
flat-topped cap, black short Jackets with
two rows of brass buttons down the front,
and bright indigo blue trousers. The poly
technic youths have green for their pro
fessional color, with a crossed spade and a
hammer of brass on their shoulder straps;
the commercial school orange, the marine
school yellow and black and the military
academy red.
The typical Russian student Is the unl
verslty youth, for is it his personality that
stamps Itself chiefly on the life and liter
ature of the country. The others have al
ready specialized by preparing themselves
for their careers In after life, and have to
that Intent settled down. The polytech-
nlclans furnish frequent exceptions, for
though they are ostensibly for railroad
work, forestry and mines the prises In
those spheres In a state owned system go
mostly by ministerial favor and the rank
and file of the graduates have ample oc
casion for radical agitation.
Tho great yellow ochre barrack squares
on Vasslllsky Ostroff, which are the uni
versity buildings, are the seat of the social
as well as the academic life of the students
although they may lodge anywhere in
rooms in the capital, for there Is do in
tramural college residence. The new
comers throng the corridors and recreation
halls getting used to their fresh uniforms
Hundreds of them line up In queues at
the doors of the chanceries waiting to be
instructed In the complicated process of
matriculation. Their passports must be In
order, their class fees paid, papers pro
duced to show that they have performed
their military service. It takes many of
them hours to have their status put
straight, for the committee of seniors which
used to help through the freshmen with
counsel learned from experience Is abol
ished because of Its alleged subversive
activity in national politics.
In the main corridor the Btudents group
themselves among old school fellows or
neighbors from the same province. No
tices and advertisements are nailed India
criminateiy on the walls. One offers to
buy a sword for his uniform, for attend
ance at the university constitutes the
scholar a gentleman In the historic sense
of a person entitled to bear side arms. On
festive occasions the minority of well-off
students like to don their academic swords
not much more formidable than toy dirks
to look at.
This year the attendance at the university
has declined somewhat. The slump In can
didates for the military academies which
followed the Japanese war has passed off
and now the career of an army officer
is as fashionable as ever. That has drawn
some young men away from the universi
ties. During tha height of the political strug
gles the universities were an attraction
for agitated ambitions which they are not
now. Many Russians see in the dimin
ished numbers a healthy sign that young
people are more willing than they were
to look for their life's work outside of
government employment. Hitherto the
great majority of university diplomas have
served their owners only for entry into the
lower ranks of the tchlnovnlks, where they
were destined to grow old, idle and pen
sioned among the myriad drones of the
civil service.
The university is a democratic Institu
tion, and as such Is viewed with nervous
apprehension by the old guard at the Im
perial court, and especially by the ortho
dox church, whose educational system Is
kept scrupulously out of touch with uni
versity life. Probably less than 5 per cent
of the students regard their university
course simply as the completion of a lib
eral education which they can afford them
selves before starting on a comfortable
Journey through life. The general antipa
thy of the Romanoffs to the university
idea causes much of this aloofness of
young men of this class. Kaiser Wllhelin
and most of his sons have been proud to
be students at Bonn, but It is not recorded
that any of tha cxar's relations have yet
darkened a University door In Russia.
Athletics fount for practically nothing In
Ruselun student life. There are no uni
versity foot ball or rowing clubs, although
those games are played by the youth of
the business houses here. The minister of
education is urging Swedish gymnastics on
the schools and colleges, but after boyhood
students seem to look otu the exercises
rather as Imposed tasks.
One of the most entertaining of the
younger Russian writers, A. J. Kuprin,
writes fervently on the value of boxing In
education. It confers quickness, of the eye.
hardness of muscle, self-command and good
temper. He tells the astonished Russians
that two young Americans boxed each
other until one had both his eyes com
pletely closed up. At the end of the fight
he was groping blindly with hir right hand
to shake that of his opponent as a token
perfect friendliness.
Thirty Mlllloa Dollars tailed For by
Ministry of Railroads for
ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 9 -The extraor
dinary "budget of the ministry of rail
roads has been submitted to the Duma. It
calls for $.11,1(0.000 for new construction In
1S10. All of this amount, with the excep
tion of IIC.OOO will be expended in Siberia
and on the Amur railroad. The sum of
$11,500,000 Is allotcd to the railroad line
around Lake Bull. at and 112,500,000 to double
tracking the Tianssiberlan.
Why Does It Cure
Not becauso It Is Sarsaparilla,
but bsjeaus It Is a medicine of
peculiar merit, composed of more
than twenty different remedial
agents effecting phenomenal
cures of troubles of the blood,
stomach, liver and bowels.
Thus Hood's 8arsaparilla cures scrof
ula, eczema, anemia, catarrh, nervous
ness, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, loss
fA appetite, and builds up the system.
Gat It today In tha atuaJ liquid form o im
abwcolaud tablet form caUad ttaraatab.
Sia so. tsvs st.
Quality in clothes is that indefinable at
tribute which gives distinction, and is equally
requisite in fabric and workmanship. Bourke'
quality is proverbial in this community.
Our showing of suits and overcoats for
Autumn is unusually attractive; the lines at
$20, $22.50, $25, $27.50 and $30 have special
The modern lighting of our store is as
clear as sunlight. We show the colors and
fabrics at night as they really are.
We would like to sell you your clothes
this season. Drop in and talk it over.
agT AlA SO. UTJ S1 -aL.
J . JVird
to every man and woman
who reads this paper.
This will enable you to test the most effective meant of retaining tho youthful beauty of your hai
Many so-called "hair tonics" are offered to the publio they may have more or less virtue but with
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You can prove this for yourself, if you will write for the sample bottle and test it.
Send 4 cents to our American Offices to-day and we will forward the sample at once. If you like
the sample ask your dealer for a 50c. bottle, apply the tonio every day and watch the results.
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$25 ciifciriii f?l
Daily through tourist sloopors to Log Angolos
and San Francisco, loovc Omaha 4:10 p. m.,
going via Donvor, Sconic Colorado and Salt
Lake Tickets and berths.