Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 11

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Military ContirjfT,t lias Conspicuous
Ptrt ia Affairs of Week.
Baum made hr debut last season and
promlsrs to b ven greater favorite eo
clRlly thin rrtmnn than ah wa at.
Omaha fople rrturtilng' frotri abroad hav
had an unusually plaant tlm on th other
side during the lummrr, but even an they
'rm to glad to be In the'lr own country
Omaha People Returning In IVumbcr
front Tbrlr Summer Wnnilrrinua
Abroad and Are Gl4 to
.et lim.
Cavalier' Sons.
He ho wars a rrKinif-ntal suit.
Ia oft as green as a iaw i criili :
But hat
of that?
hear the
The (tlrls will follow when tin y
And see tne tassels and the waving Ium
That deck hLs bat
we . and
aay that we're
Then off. off
on duty:
Smoke our ilgars and aay that we're on
Vive, Mve I'amour, cigars and ccrnac;
Hurrah, huriali, hurt an, xlve le bivouac.
Whm we msrh Into some country town.
Prudos may fly and dam'- nmv frown,
iiut that's absurd.
When we march away, we leave behind
I'rudf ami dames that have born v n :t I V
kind. Ah, murk my w rd.
orlal C'aleiKtnr.
MONDAY Opening reception at Young
Women's Christian m latlon in even
ing. Temple Israel Sisterhood, af.eruoju
card party at 'Itn.plc laiael.
TCMKIM Y Weridtiitf or Mr. Jac k lumont
atu) Mlxs Neva Northnm at hr-r home In
Hunnlhal, Mo. Mr, iliotue Wright aril
Mies Jesse Klllngwood entertain for Ml
Mae Votes. Mrs. John IIi-htikit.
luncheon party at 1 1 e r home. Ladies
day and mid-week dance at liuppy Hol
low. WEDMCKRAT Mrs. Joseph I'olrar, bridge
party at Happy Hollow. Mrs. 1. A.
Htevans, Alternate Card club.
THl'ltPlMY Mrs. t'. H. Matthnl of Coun
cil Jiluffs. mlKcellaiieous shower for
Mlxs Mae Yates.
FRIDAY Meeting of Junior Itrldge club.
SATI'HDAY Harvest home dinner at the
Country club. Week-end table d'hote
dinner and dance at Happy Hollow.
Throughout the week the army has held
the conspicuous place on the social cal
endar and practically all the larger, more
pretentious affalra were given In their
honor. It waa a week of distinctly bril
liant affairs and one that will long bo re
membered. It also served to educate
Omuha people In the ways of the army as
they have not been educated before. In
eplt of the presence In their very midst
of so large a military contingent.
The Ak-Sar-Ben ball Friday evening was
the climax of one of the most brilliant
week In local society. The army officers
from Omaha and the posts nearby, to
gether with' the visiting officers, all wear
ing the full dress uniform of the United
States army, assisted In making the ball
uch a success. The grand march following
the coronation ceremony was especially
brilliant. The first In line rfere the prln.
resse of the court and the maids of honor
walking with the officers. The sparkling
ciystal lace and satin evening gowns worn
by the maids and the officers with their
uniform and gold braid and the members
of the. Hoard of Governors of Ak-Sar-Ben
In black and royal purple made a beautiful
cene long to be remembered by those for
tunate enough to be present
Of all the queens of Qui vera none have
been rnoie beautiful than MIbs Brownie
Bts Daum, fifteenth of the line. Miss
number of people from Omaha
happened to be on the eame steamer com
ing home. Amtng these wer: Mr. F.
H. Davi, Mls Helen Davis. Miss Meni
Vavls. Mies Klliabeth Davla, Mrs. S. D.
Barkal.iw,- Mis Carolyn Parkalow, Vh
have been touring abroad together for aev
il months, and Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Bug:, who have been Traveling for three
months In Europe. All landed In New' York
City Ian week on the steamer Carmanla,
,Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Whltmore and Mis
i:ugtnla Whltmore. who have been apend
ing most of their time In Holland and
France, were recently In London, wher
Kir Thomas Upton entertained them at an
uflernonn tea. They sailed October 1 on
the steamer Hotterdam and are expected
In New York City Monday.
Mr. Conrad Young, who was abroad thl
rummer, was also entertained by the no
bllity. his hosts being Sir Horace Plunkelt
i f Dublin, Jr. Kind, and Sir Wakeman of
t hropshire, Knuland. The latter ha a mas
i if rent hum of sixty room on tils' coun
try estate.
P! ens res Put.
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Fairfield en
tertained Miss Ma? Hamilton and some of
ilie officers at dinner.
Til) legular week-end table d'hot din
ner and dance at Happy Hollow waa re
sumed last evening nnd a number of small
dinner parties wire given.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Towner Cutler enter
tained a few friends Thursday evening at
a whist par:y, prizes being won by Mr,
li. T. Junes and Mr. J. L. Davis. Thos
pi est tit were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Mandel-
ij. i . M: and Mrs. J. Htiles, Mr. arid Mr.
H. Jonis, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cutler, Mr.
Good, Mi. R. K. Kperry, Bloux City, la.;
Mis. J. L. DrvIh and 11 rs. D. Baxter.
Save ml dinner parties were given Friday
evening preceding the Ak-Sar-Ben ball. A
email dinner purty was given by Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Baldrlge at their .home for
Mrs. Jone of Peoria, III. On of th
parties at the Omaha club Included: Mr.
and Mia. W. A. Paxton, Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Scofield of Cleveland, O.i Mr. Randall of
Galveston, Tex., and Mr. and Mr. C. W.
Mrs. C. D. Stanton entertained the Thurs
day Whist club, prise being won by Mrs.
C. E. Howe, Mrs. C. H. T. Rlenen and
Mrs. H. G. Wlndheim. ..The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mrs. J. G,
Kuhn. Those present were: Mrs. J. Man-
delberg, Mrs. C. H. T. Rlepen, Mrs. C. K.
Ilowe, Mis. H. O. Wlndheim, Mrs. R. E.
Fatterson, Mrs. W. G. Richeson, Mr. W. F.
Setter, Mrs. C. D. Stantoti, Mrs. H. T. Cut
ler, Mrs. H. HI, Mrs. L, Kllly and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Talmadge entertained
at a beautifully appointed dinner party at
their home in Dundee last week In cele
bration of their tenth wedding anniversary.
The table was in the form. of a letter T
and was decorated with a mound of pink
ros?8. The guests presented the host and
hostess with a library electric lamp. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rhoadea,
Mr. and Mr. E. E. Klmberly, Mr. and
Mrs. 8. R. Rush, Mr. and Mr. W. S.
Shephard, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Ooodman,
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Fahs, Mr. apd Mr.
Frank Carmlchael, Mr. and Mrs. Itoyal
Miller, Miss Hathaway of Lincoln, Mr.
Mullen and Mr. and Mr. C. O. Talmadge.
i r ..
I Her Majesty in Her Robe of State :
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Apparel for Women!
Oonks, Suits, Drosses, Capos, "Waists, Skirts and Furs specially priced Monday ut the
guest of Mrs. Goodwin for the last few
weeks, returned to Omaha with her.
Captain John Leonard Hines has received
order that he will be stationed In Naga
saki, Japan. Captain and Mrs. Hines and
children wilf sail In December for their
new atatkon. Their many friends here re
gret that' they are to leave, a they had
expected to remain In Omaha for two years
longer. Captain Hines Is at the depart
ment headquarters.
Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Bryant left Thursday
evening for a trip around the world. They
will sail from New York October 16 on
th Cleveland, and go to the Madeira Isl
ands, then to Gibraltar, Naples, Cairo,
Egypt; they will cross the Indian ocean,
stop at Bombay and spend seventeen days
In India. From there they will visit Cal
cutta, Java, Borneo, Manila, Phllippl'.ie
Island, Hong Kong and Canton, China, and
Japan, and will spend two weeks In Hon
olulu. They return home by way of San
Showing the newest and best
styl in fall and winter foot
wear for women folks.
The dull leather button and
blucher, In both gun metal kid
and calf; enamel kid shoes In both
dresi and street patterns
tnd will be .. gone about ix
For the Future.
Mrs. Joseph Polcar has Issued invitations
for a bridge party at Happy Hollow club
Wednesday afternoon.
Temple Israel sisterhood , will , give It
first card party for this season Monday
afternoon in the parlors of the temple.
Colonel and Mrs. Cornelius Gardener of
Fort Crook will entertain at supper this
evening at their quarter at the garrison..
Those present will be General and Mrs.
John C. Cowln, Miss Kingsbury of Fort
Robinson, Colonel Loughborough, General
Smith of Fort D. A. Russell, Lieutenant
Martin Shallenberger and Colonel and Mrs.
The members of the Tuesday Morning
Musical club will glv a tea and m.nslcaj
at the; home of Mrs. A. J,. Poppleton oh
Sherman avenue November 2. .Mr. Albert
(Continued on Third Page.)
Our monogram lines of women a
hoes, In all Ieulhers, are the best
fO ))5Z22fzn2Zl3
"" L 2 as J.5C5: j
f. & Mrs. Morand's
Classes In Dancing and Physical Cul
ture for Children.
METIOf OLfTAN BALL 24 th and Harney
Will be Open to relieve l'upils Satur
day, October 16th 3 I. M.
Term Moderate, and all the Above
Studies for One Price. For Further
t'articulu: Telephone Douglas 1041,
or llaruey 1141.
Made to order In our store October SI,
i: iS, 24 Inclusive, by a Germun expert.
All work positively guaranteed Tlio ciiiy
satisfactory way to get the best result i
from an artificial ey. Call or write for
price and full particulars.
818 Bo. lath 81
The Chtsapccxke
uaday Tabl d'Xot Dinner, CO Ceats.
Lobster Cocktail
Sliced Tomatoes lUJislies
Consouuun Chicken
Old i'aaliKmd Navy Utim
Flirt of Salmon. ia Ulaiic
Duchee i ntatoo
Roast Trim Kiu ot !! 'f an Ju
Stuffed Young Chicken. Hiblet Sjuca
VrrA Calves Hi ill on. Tomato Hnuie
Buttered K-t Man lied Putatoe
Uardiners Kalad, French liressmg
Chocolate ice Cream Cak
Tea Coffee Milk
Oct. 10, 190J
" . Smala, Kaafr
1'eraoDal Uosnlp.
Mrs. C. E. Gray hu returned from
visit in Canada.
Mis Nanette Akin left last week for
Wellesley college.
Mr. O. L. Smith of Lincoln is the guest
of Mrs. R. J. Clancy.
Mr. David Houston and family of Tabor,
Ia., are visiting Mrs. Houston.
Mr. and Mr. M. R. Murphy left Satur
day for a two weeks' stay In Lo Ankeles,
Mis Haxel Joy of Lincoln I spending I
fow day with her friend, Mis Bessie
Mr. and Mr. Alfred Millard, who have
been In California for the last month, re
turned today.
Mr. and Mr. John J. Meachara and
small son have gone to St. Louis, where
they will reside. :
Mr. and Mr. Charle F. Carne of
Aurora, 111., who are on their wedding trip,
are the guest of Mr. and Mr. William
Peck of Dundee.
Mr. Earl Southard of Denver la spending
a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. B. Southard.
Mrs. F. H. Davis and the Misses Davi
arrived in Omaha Friday after spending
the summer abroad.
Miss Jessie Mason, W'ho ha been spend
ing six months in California 1 expected
home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ihomas J. Kelly, who have
been ut Hotel Loyal, have moved to 203
South Thirty-fifth avenue.
Mlba Alta Giiffen expects to leave Mon
day for Santa Marta, South America, to
spend a year with friends.
Mr. and Mr. George Waring of Albion,
Neb., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Latham Davis until Monday.
Mrs. Lydla Morrison left Saturday for
Kansas City for au extended visit with her
sister, Mrs. Edwin Morrison.
Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Summers will move
this week to their new home on Thirty
seventh street and Dewey avenue.
Mies Mary Donaldson of Minneapolis ar
rived Friday to spend a few days a the
guest of Mis Urownle Bes Baum.
Master Huntington Smith, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, has entered St
Mark's school at Southboro, Mass.
Mr. Samuel Shulen cf Paris, 111., spent
a part of the week the guest of his cousin
Mrs. H. Newman and Mrs. A. Brown.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Fulton, after a visit
cf a few days in Omaha, left for Brook
vtlte. Pa., where they expect to spend the
Mrs. Charle S. Jone of Peoria, 111., who
has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E
Elder for the last week, left for Chicago
last evening.
Mr. Aitnur Cole of Colorado Springs Is
the guest of his brother, Mr. Isaac A.
Coles. He is on hi way from Colorado to
Mrs. Robert Laing of TVS South Twen- j
tleth stre.-t has returned home after an
extended visit in Cincinnati, O., and polnta ;
In Kertucky. '
Mrs. Chirles E. Bate has returned from )
Mar!.halltown, la., whcie she ha been I
visiting her son, Mr. Lacey Patterson, and I
Mrs. l'att.rfoii.
Mr. and Mis. B. A. Wilcox left last week .
fur the east. Ti:ey expect to visit Pitt- !
buig, Philadelphia, New York. Boston. St.!
Lotiia and Chicago.
Mis Florence Wyman of New York City,
who has bvn tptiiding a few weeks a the
guest of M m Frances Nasii, left last even
tug for'her home. Miss Wyman has visited
In Omaha before and ha a host of friends
Dr. and Mr. W. H. Mick have returned
from a southern and eastern trip. They
vuttrd Atlantic City and attended the na
tional meeting of the American X-ray so
ciety, and also the Hudson-Fulton cele
bration. Mrs. John C. Goodwin of New Castle,
lnd., and daughter, Kathryn. hav arrrred
to be the guests of Mrs. Goodwin par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Kennard.
Mis A lite Kennard, who L been, the
Piaaos are
'ft'ffcft'rr!' k
Now I
WI ar pleased to announce that w have been made ole western repre
sentative of THE BLA8IUS FIAVO COUP A ITT of Philadelphia, on
of the oldest American firm angagod ia th production of honorably mad,
uprb toned piano and piano player. .
W at th am tlm Inaugurate an entirely new method of elliny
piano w will hav NO agent whatever piano may now b purchased,
with the usual 85 per cent agent' commission KNOCKED OTP.
In th near future w wlU tell more about th many distinctive features
of th "BUslus" Instrument In th meantime make up your mind to get
"nearer to rock bottom" on price see what this "omission" of agent' per
centage really mean.
Note tkese 'I'TTJ' A Musical
names Marvel
Pianos "S3 Player
Together With Anether Authoritative Make
The 'Krell-French" Piano
1 Albrecht
. faj- V ll'l ISl Hll I IWJKWSBM- j SP "1
Council Dluffa, 334 Droadwo. PhooeBWft.
Suits that will wear and give satisfaction in stylos that are bocomiug and perfect Jit
ting. Hundreds of new models just from Fifth Avenue makers, on sale Monday at
$18.00, $22.50, $25.00, $29.50, $35.00 and $45.00
Ready-to-Wear Dresses
In plain tailored, trimmed and hand embroidered styles of
bilk poplins, taffetas and silk Jerseys, id so broadcloths, serges and
wool materials. in extensive display Monday, at
12.75, $15, 19.50, 22.50, 25, 29.50, 35, 15
Coats for Every Occasion
Of tan coverts, chiffon broadcloths, wide wale serges and two
tone effects in diagonal worsteds, made in semi and tight-fitting
styles, also new Russian front effects. Hundreds of these coats
will be placed or sale Monday for the first time at
15.00, 19.50, 25.00 and 35.00
Capes for Street and Evening Wear
Many different styles, materials and colors being shown at
15.00, 19.50 and 25.00
Tailored Linen Waists
We show an immense stock of pure linen waists, beautifully
tailored and embroidered, at .
2.50, 2.95, 3.50 and up to G.OO
Beautiful Rich Furs
of Mink, Lynx, Fox, Squirrel, Ermine, Jap Mink, Brook Mink
and Russian Lynx. These furs are all made, from specially selected
bkins and we guarantee them to give satisfaction. " v
Fur Sets at 10.00 to 250.00: -
aTTieTH M '
Dowery Chest
of Silver
We ' are showing this fall
the finest and largest line of
chests with new patterns ever
shown In Omaha, containing
spoons, forks and knives, etc.,
from 24 piece) up to 300,
from $50.00 to $500.00.
Let us have the pleasure of
showing them to you.
C. B. BROWN Co.,.
Jewelers nnd Silversmiths,
16th and Farnum.
,a-Book 2l Yost
Webster-Sunderland Bldg., N. E. Cor. 16th' and Howard Stts
Omaha's Fashionable Furriers
Announce that on Monday, October the
eleventh, nineteen hundred and nine, we
will place on exhibition for one week the.
Magnificent Display of
ever shown in Omaha.
Direct importations of Parisian Creations and of severaT
of New York 's high-class designers, combined with our owijt
manufacture, will make this opening of extreme interest h
lovers of beautiful furs.
This is a collection of FURS that we feel the smartly
dressed women of Omaha should be proud of.
Sharpest examination, closest competition, and mqst
exacting comparison will prove the excellence of our gar
Tel. Harney 2687.
Handsome Fall Hats to go with Your Fall Suits
Our line of fall hats are the most becoming and stylish In Omaha
You'll find the prices reasonable.
Our own tailored hats have no competitors.
Prices from 55, $7 and $10
Our Aim, Highest Quality at the Lowest Prices
We carry everything In hair goods from curls to wigs.
make you look stylish this
Switches from S1 to 525
Our $6 wavy switch Is necessary to
season You cannot do without it.
F. r.l. Schadell & Co.
1522 Douglas Otreet
able one.
Fantorium Prices
We believe that most people like to know what It is going to opat
before they send their clothes to be cleaned or dyed that is why we
often. ruu a price list in our advertisements. j
You will notice the prices are quoted outright and not $1.00 ii
thus leaving an opportunity to charge you as much more as you 'ill
pay. , , I
You pay just the same price as your neighbor and it Is a reaaoa-
The well known Integrity of
this houBe and the confidence
It inspires, makes this a place in
Dmaha where anyone, however
unfamiliar with diamond val
ues, may purchase gems with
out any possible element of risk.
We are closely connected with
one of the largest diamond cut
ting houses In the world, and
can therefore give you extra
good value for your money. You
are cordially Invited to come In
and Inspect our stock.
lflth slid Harney Sts.
Dry Cleaning-
rialrv Waists $ .00
KIU WulHls.
Plain Skim
Malted HKlrts
hMrt sii1 lJrop....
Juckits (xliurt) ...
4 length, line.l. . .
l,vng-th, unlined
7 6 up
1 60
and Pressing-
1 00 up
1 60
'I 00
Z 60
i 60
Dry or Steam Cleailng-Cleaning-
and . Dyeing- and
Pressing; Praising;
Suit $1.50 13 00
l i His 76 I.6A1
Vexta 60 .761
Pant U 1.00V
Overcoats ....... I.jij 2 S
I Isturs (heavy;... 2 00 3.00,
(limes 10
Necktie 10
we cican party arease nuu cuuumm umuinon, uui cannot qi
prices without seeiug them but you can rest assured It will be rea
able. Wagons reach all parts of the city. Remember we hav3
branch offices.
1518 Jones Street.
1 1
'Good Cleaners and Dyers."
.. II. Out of town buslm-k receives prompt otttutlou.
i v