10 ITCE BEE: OMAITA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1000. Want - Ads Advertlaeaaeata fee ta waat enlaanas will a takes aatll 1 a, fa the trtilif Hllln Ml aall MiSO a m. far (a aaaralnaT aad MiuT tlwa. Cask ( aeeaaaaaay all ardav fa waat ada aad advertleeat will 3 aeeepted far laaa tkaa SO aaata las first fasertloa. Rate apply altka Tfca Dally Snaday Baa. Alway alx wtfil ta m llmm. CASH R4TKI POR WAMT ADS. REGCMR CLASSIFICATIOH Oa Insertion, 1 1-S vate ar ward aad 1 rnl per word far aak aneejaa Inaertfoa. stack laaartloa aaada aa add days, " word) f 1.50 per Ilaa per maatk. CARD Or THANKS. Mr. Albert J. Eandberg and family hereby express their-nine re thanka to the mem bers of North Omaha lodge No. 23. Degree of Honor and Gate City Hlva No. . L. O. T. M. and to their many friends for their kindness and their beautiful offerings In our recent bereavement In the loaa of a beloved wife and mother, Mr a. Kulda Sana berg. I wlih to thank my many friend and relative for the kindness and sympathy nhown me during the illness and death of my beloved wife, Elizabeth. Also for the many beautiful floral offerlnga. JOHN BURT. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrths-Clyds Stults, 2731 Fort Omaha avenue, boy; David Brown, S13 South Thirty-sixth, boy; Arthur Brlggi, 8110 Sew ard, boy; Charles 8. Ingalla, 1318 South Twenty-fifth, boy; Robert O. Roberta, 1207 (South Twenty-seventh, boy; Anton StoslntJ, 8017 South Twenty-fourth, girl. Deatha Kllxa Muenteferlng, 2929 Dor cas, 87; Mary Keatl, 1410 bouth Eleventh, VS. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tha following marriage llcenesi were is sued yesterday: Name and Residence. Age. Jackson Parka, Rockwell City, la 29 Jean McCarplndale, Rockwell City, la. ...20 Clarence Davis, Lincoln 21 Clara Fuller, Lincoln 20 Harry Tremble, Shotelaw, S. D 37 Alice fox, Clarksburg, Va. 37 R. F. McCloughan, Maaon City 26 V. Florence Parker, Sioux City 20 n. E, Erlckson, Oakland 23 Marie Butttfrfield, Oakland 1 Clyde C. Dutscher, 'Butte Over 21 Josephine Lamlsh, Butte Over 18 ' William Schamer, Benson 22 Maiy ttohleu, Benson 19 W. F. Guild, Omaha 26 Ethel E. Lowrla, Omaha 23 Arvld Peterson, Atlantic, la a. 3 Eileen Woolsey, Atlantic, la 18 Henry Relmers, Chalco 27 Ella Stelnder, Gretna 27 John P. Gannon, Fremont.,.,, 23 Jessie M. Breltfeld, Fremont 22 Charles Russell, Sioux City 33 lnga Nelson, Sioux City 23 Clyde T. Hays, Lincoln . .. 30 , Anna K. Hose, Lincoln 28 Guilford Porneroy, Omaha 25 ' Etta M. . Stanberrr. Omaha 23 Samuel Moore, Omaha 80 Minnie Buse, Omaha 83 George W. Ssxton, Omaha 20 Agnes Jarboe, Omaha 20 "Will Rlchter, Millard 32 Minnie Eggera, 1 Millard 82 Otto Kuhn, Humphrey 81 Rosalie Hauck, Humphrey. 83 ANNOUNCEMENTS lYiAT, Carbon. 84.60; Climax. 34.60. VsVJi-u Uoui4t 4 bqulrea, 140 Far. t. . WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES, at half retail prices; buy dlreot from Im porters; save dealers' profits. 1214 Harney. Tel. Doug. 223, and agent will call. Monuments, J. F. Bloom as Co., ISU Far. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. crt A. JETES, 1303 Douglas St James H. Craddock, architect, room I Wead Bldg., lain and Farnam. Red 6374. DEPOSITIONS, F. J. Sutellffe, 828 Be bldg IF YOU want any dirt call on C. M. Bachmann, 438 Paxton block. M. E. NEF1NSKY. MODISTE. 808 Paxton Block. BOILER REPAIRING Now Is tb time to seo that your steam boilers are In good repair, before the rush comes. We do the Job quickly and do It light. WILSON STEAM BOILER CO.,. ltith and Pierce. Douglas 1141. CLEANING AND DTINQ The beat aver. Twin City Dya Works. 407 8. 15th 8U HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen, too box. BELL DRUG CO, AMATEUR PHOTO FINISHING; expert work, . prompt delivery. Leave orders at MILLARD HOTEL PHARMACY. FOR watches and jewelry repairs see Guaiafson St Henrlckaon, 301 N. 16ih 8t MISSOURI filters made and sold. 1810 How. D. H. BECK, formerly mgr. of the Hersog Tailoring Co.. NOW at 111 ft. 1Mb. St. WOOD, pi. O. 8.. ta N. I. L Homeopath. O. 8. Watson, the well known noraeahoer, 312 N, 21st St. Phones D. 2667; Ind. till. Keyi C. R. Heflln, 1516 Douglas St., over Lindsay's. Tel. D. TJli, A-426. IflY'iJ Roofing. Building Papers. Uii uo. American Supply Co. 1112 Fa Vollmer's for your winter ault or over coat. 3U up. 1W S. lttth St. When returning from your vacation tele. phone A LAM I TO 8ANITART DAI RT, Douglas til. i'VJU IUUH MILK. SUPPLY, MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bids 'Phone Douar. 2aui LOAN COMPANY. THE WARDROBE, expert CLEANERS AiN u u i cxui. wis r arnam. )otn phonea WE are now showing ladles' and cents' Fall Suiting. Max Morris. Jul Brown Blk. J. D. Bulger, painter and paper hanger; ..Int. mrA . i 1 ftllA r.iKw 1 . . ). . I OMAHA PASTE CO., now located at 713 a. utn au xeiepnone Douglas 3760. CHAS. H. THATCHER, piano tuning. VMM SHOES called for snd delivered free. Btandard Bhoa Repair Co., 104 Farnam. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. ANCHOR FENCE CO.. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. Last a LUt Time. 207 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 314. MULTIGRAPHED Duplicating Company. MULTIURAPHED Duplicating Company, Simply great, Drysmokanchu chewing cigar 1 T A TS Cleaned and reblocked. Neb. Hat AJ-AAO Factory. Iii4 DoUg. Dou. 7711. HATS RENOVATED. RAM SHU. pracUeiU batter. 330 B. 14th St OMAHA Kleotric Works repairs eiectrio electors. 10 N. Utx St. O. UM. A-ltU. Doukuvs pTlatlng Co. Tel. Douglas 44. OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka makes a specialty, of fir escapes. Sautters, doors aud aalaa. U. Anoraen. Prop a. win. - TAYLOR THE) TAILOR. 4th Floor. Paxton fiia. Tel. Douglas 1383. TVTt TV1V C HU1 Nut. Coal HUI u ii. Coal Co.. M a 16th 8U DRESS suits for hire. SUGARMAN, tit a Kin St. REMOVAL SALE monuments. 1417 a 11th DEVELOPING and finishing; beat work lulus; daUvary, Dutpler, Uii Farnam. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) OMAHA hat factory, 114 and lis 8. 13th fit. Hata remodeled. Mall ordera aollclted. Tha Quality Pre, Printing. 13U Harney. GRAVEL ROOFING. J. A. Stevenson Roofing Co., gravel and composition roofing. Ill S. loth St., Omaha. Tela. Doug. 131. Ind. A-17M, Re. Web. 2M. AMUSE your frlendal Teach a common house fly to become a proficient dumb bell juggler; no fake; act quick; send lOo atampa or silver. N 634, Bee. Vollmer'B for your winter ault or over coat, 116 up. 107 8. 16th St. AUTOMOBILES BAKER ELECTRIC CAE Complete new batteries and pw caalnga. Top complete; for 3650. DRUMMOND, 18th and Harney or 2024 Farnam. Used Car Bargains for Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors We are this week quoting special price on a good line of used automobiles, eaoh In excellent condition. II. E. FREDRICKSON AUTOMOBILE CO., 2044-48-43 Farnam St BEND for our Hat of seeond-band ear. DER1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO, 1814 Farnam St. Coma In and look these bargains over; all are In good condition. MaxwU 3-cy. touring car, fully equipped. 3 Maxwell runabouts .... 4550.00 No. 10 Bulck, slightly used 3710.00 SO h. p. Bulc! .4900.00 C. F. IjOUK, 180S Farnam. 7 SLIGHTLY USED AUTOMOBILE I and 4 Cylinder 16 to 40 H. Power BARGAIN'S FOR AK-SAR-BEN WEEK Write, Call and See Them W. L. HUFFMAN AUTOMO BILE CO., 2025 Farnam St. 8TEVENS Duryea Limousin body, flv passenger. In excellent condition. For sal cheap. Address B 458, Be. SPECIAL BARGAIN IN A WHITE STEAMER i fine running condition; full leather top; winq nmeiu, etc., cost o,vw. n iu uuw $1,000. Demonstration any time. DRCjMMOND, 18th and Harney. Vollmer's for your wlntr suit or over coat, 115 up. 107 8. 16th St. Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors While In the city you are invited to call and Inspect THE 1910 VELIE the "46" that goes Ilk "60." VELIE AUTOMOBILE CO., 1902 Farnam SL ELEGANT LANDAULETTE " AUTO BODY COST $1,500 Will not fit car for which It was ordered. Firm offered it at a discount of 3300. A. J. SIMPSON & SON, ' 1403 Dodge St. Motorcycles. MOTOR CYCLE BARGAINS These hav been used, but are all excep tionally good values: Thor, 1909 model, almost new, with magneto 176.00 Excelsior, ISO model 175.00 Twln-cylindar Reading Btandard 7- H. tr. 176.00 Fletcher BpecTal-Thor engines 76.00 Reading Standard, t H. P 126.00 Recycle, 2ft H. F 100.00 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Cor. IRth and Harney. Sts. BARTER AND EXCHANGE WE WANT CHEAP LAND Clear, in exchange for a fin 10-room, all modern home in umana. NOW ATA LAND AND LOT CO., 8ulte 624 N. T. Life Rldg. Will trade well improved sec tion in eastern Nebraska at cash price for Omaha income prop erty priced at cash figures. IIARWOOD & HARWOOD, 416 BeeBldg. Both 'Phones, BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of bualnaas eall os QANGUbTAD. 404 B 11(1. Tel. 333fl FOR SALE Tha bast and largest plumb ing, heating, pump ana wtnanuu Dusiueei of southwestern Iowa. Hav several eon tract jobs oa band now. Will sell at In volo. Address Y W. cslt. Sea. FOR SALE Restaurant and bakery in northwestern Neb., doing good business; price from tl.u to U 000; reasons ill health; only oaah proposition considered. Address Y 340. care Be. WESTERQ ARD can help you get In or FINEST meat market In Council Bluffs for sale or rent. C. W. Letch ford. IF YOU want your bualness sold, aa THE MAN THAT CAN." J. W. XJLNTBHfcH, SCIENTIFIC SALES MAN, tut NEW YORK LIFE BLDU. POOL hall for sale; flv tables; good bualnaas. Lock Box si. cedar naplds. Neb. FIR8T CLASS opportunity for a broad gauge business n.an of weans. Address Y. U. Box 411. uwana. Hour Mill For Sale The best located hundred-barrel FLOUR MILL and GRAIN ELEVATOR In the stale, present owner being in business 3 years and wants to retire. Address z (46, car of Bee. FOR SALE Commercial hotel in the mountains, 40 milee from Denver, doing good Duatneaa tna year ruuna. XjocK Boa kit, Idaho springs, Wur ill i,' up". I': ill BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) DO YOU WANT TO OBTAIN BIG DIVIDENDS? W are opening up a great Gold Mine In one of the richest Gold Bearing Districts: In the Rocky Mountains, about forty miles from Denver, Colorado. BIG BODIES OF ORE IN SIGHT, There are place In this mine where the vein Is fully ten feet wide and tha larg bodies of ore already exposed in (ha tunnel and ahafta. Insure a big shipping produc tion almost from the start, and the output is likely to run Into millions of dollars. We have not got to spend a dollar hunting for ore; It'n already found, immense bodiea of it, ready to ha mined. We have chunka of ore from th mine at our office, that weigh nearly 300 pounds, that will run up Into tha hundreds of dollars per ton, some of th pieces show free gold all through th ore. Ore Assaying from $5 to $25,000 per ton has been found m tha workings and along th surface. For a distance of several hundred feet, along the mountain side, below th main workings. Immensely rich ore baa been found, that has evidently been broken oft and washed down from the mother vein above. The surface of th ground at this point is honeycombed with shallow shafts and open cuts made years ago by miners In their search for rich ores found In this ground. Some of the ores taken out of this slide have yielded from 3100 to over 325,000 per ton, mostly gold, although slabs ard chunks of rich sliver ore, evidently from a cross vein snd running as hljfh aa 14.000 ounces of sliver per ton, have been found in the same slide rock, all Indicating that there are probably two more very rich gold and silver-bearing veins in close proxim ity on this property that have never been opened up as yet. NEARLY $500,000 has been taken out of the mine Immediately adjoining on the west, which belongs to th same English company that owna the famous Stratton'a Independence Mine at Cripple Creek and the big Camp Bird Mine at Ouray, Colorado. Th miners who have worked in this mine all claim that the rich ore shoot pitches directly east into our property. The mine has been carefully examined by several mining experts, and as a result of their investigations. It Is believed tha property can be made on of th biggest producing mines in Colorado. We hav been quietly securing possession of the adjacent properties and now own nearly thirty acres of rich gold-bearing ground surrounding the mine and expect to begin active development and commence shipping or to th mills and smelter in side of sixty days. We Offer for Sale A limited amount of th stock of this Company at twenty-f Iv cents per share. . 100 shares for 3 25.00 1.000 shares for f 260.00 600 shares for 3126.00 6,000 shares for 31.250.00 A small investment In this mine Is likely to yield larg returns. The Improve menta in mining and mill machinery, and cheaper methods of ore treatment in th last few years, have given additional value to every ton of ore in this mine, and mad It possible to mine Its enormous ore bodies at a good profit. If you would Ilk to secure an interest call or writ The Magnolia Consolidated Gold Mines Co., 219 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. A PARTNER In a well paying ladies' and gent's tailoring business, located In the best part of town, to invest a few dollars. Vi N. 18th. , THREE STOREROOMS. LOCATED right to do buslnesa as DRUG STORE. GROCERIES AND FAMILY SUPPLIES, MEAT MARKET. A larae Dooulatlon needs these things. Business man can get their trade, bee owner. 1101 N. 18th St.. to 6 o'clock. I HAVE lust suceeded In securing con trol of what is likely to make one of the biggest mines in the Rocky Mountains. Thousands of tons of gold bearing ora in sight. Need some help to open it up, and would like to get a few good men to join with me In operating It and will sell part interest at a very low figure. If you would Ilk to consider this will be glad to hear from you and furnish particulars. Address Owner, P. O. Box 257, Omaha. Buy your fall suit at Vollmer's exclusive clothes shop, 107 S. 16th SL WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly mention The Be. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 160S Farnam St. Douglas Wit. DANCING CHAMBERS' CLASSES REOPEN. For Adult Beginners Monday, October 4. Assemblies Every Tuesday. 3:30 to U JO P. m., commencing Tuesday, October S, Married iiaaaes .umir, vuiguvr a. High School Classes October 3. Children, Beginners Tuesdays, 4:15, Oc tober 12. Children, Advanced Saturdays, 1:30 p. m. Opening party, October IS. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers personally in struct all classes. Pupils should list their names before October L Circular. Buy your fall suit at Vollmer's exclusive clothes ehop, 107 S. 10th St. DENTISTS BAILEY 4t MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D.108&. TAFT8 Dental Rooms, 1M7 Douglas SL DR. FICKES, 317 Board of Trade. "H doesn't hurl Uka others." DRESSMAKERS Miss Oalbrlth. KM Sunderland Blk.. 16 How MISS STURDY, 3427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7635. TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sts. McDowell Dreamaklng School. 1523 Far, DRESS PL1CATINO; buttona oovared all styles and sixes. Th Ideal Pleating Co., 2u0 Douglas Blk. Both 'phones. TAILORS' trimmings, buttons promptly covered at lowest prices. Eastern Woolen io.. itas uougias. Buy your fall suit at Vollmer's exclusive Clothes shop, 107 8. 16th St. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled courses in business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening aeaslona. Moat interesting catalogue pub lished in Omaha. Send tor one today. MOSHER at LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Neb. Vollmer's clasay clothes for th nifty droaser. 31S to 40. 107 S. 16th St. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEOE. 19th and Farnam. M. G. Rohrbough, Pres.; E. A. Zartman, V. Pres. FALL TERM now open. Enroll at once. Session day and nlKht. TELEGRAPHY U. P. official school U. P. wire. Positions guaranteed. CATALOG FREE Writ or telephone D. 12s) or A 21. THE FALL TERM OF BOTLES COLLEQU y Ifl OPEN. In both th day and night sessions. Every day N-O-W is an enrollment day, fnmnleta business course. Complete , shorthand and typewriting course. Complete telegraph course. ComDlet civil service course. Official training school for telegraphers for U. P. R. K. Send today for free copy of tha now famous book Bread and Buttar Bciencea." Address U. B. Boyles, preaideuL Omaha, Neb. Bargains In automobiles either or used are found under the "Automobiles" on this BUSINESS CHANCES (CoiiKaued.) OMAHA, NEBRASKA. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN M. ORLIJAN. fine ladles' tailor; makes suits reasonable, also from your own ma terial. 1619 Harney. K1TW PNfil.iNn TAIT-ORINfl PO Oar- repalrmg; work guaranteed. 606ft N. 18th. THE ARTISTS' MODEL CORSET SHOP, With L. Kneeter, Ladles' Tailor, 606 S. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 6065. LACE curtains, nicely don and wash ing to take home. Telephone Harney 1360. MTT T.TMTPT?VW can slvs you money. IY1 1 1 A il IN HAS, X R,ub., 1424 a. lsth. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing daily. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, WH Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 64S6. CAKES THREB-LTER WHITE, gjQ Groceries and Meats. Bottom Price. JOHNSON at OOODLETT. 30tb and Laka LADIES' old ' hata made over new to order; reasonable prices. Miss E. L. Pep per, millinery parlors, 614 S. 28th St. 'Phone ikarney mux. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING in fam ilies by tha day. Csll after 7 p. m. for ap pointment Web. 3206. 2202 Grand Ave. t.FiRN uiinnnrsRiNn v,n vn work; classes 6 to 7 p. m. The Oppenhelm Parlors. 313 McCaKua Block. Tel.: Dour. 2396; Ind. A 1656. Vollmer's classy clothes for tha nifty dresser, 315 to 340. 107 S. 16th St. "VIAVI" A drugless home treatment for women; 400 page book free. 812 Brandels Bldg. MERSCHEIM. High grade millinery. 204 Paxton Blk. French Dry Cleaning Works. Both Tels. Best work, prompt service. FLORISTS K HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowera dallv from our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglas 1263. 1519 Farnam. HESS ae 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam St J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Douglas 8000. FURNACES AND REPAIRING Two and ' four-hole laundry and tank heater will keep boiling from 80 to 100 gal lons of water. New furnaces, thermostats, furnace covering, water fronts, stove and furnace repairs, combination hot water and hot air heating. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 12U6-3 Douglas St Both Phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory sad Trades. GIRL8 WANTED, at once; steady work; good pay. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. WANTED First-class operation woman. Ap ply at once. Wolf's, 1517 Douglas St. f Hoaaekeeper aad Domestics. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. H. Parrotte. 4301 Davenport GIRL wanted for general housework; references. 'Phone Harney 4782. 3U Dodge. GOOD GIRL for general housework; two In family; a desirable place. Call at 640 Paxton Blk. between 10 a. in. and 4 p. m. 'Phone Doug. 3322. GOOD cook wanted. Mrs. L. F. Crofoot 122 So. 39th St WANTED Girl to assist In general housework; a good home and good wagea to right party; transportation furnished MrS. U. E. Hall, Waterloo, Neb. FIRST-CLASS cook; 33 per week for the rlKht party; call at once; whit or colored 3Ju2 Woolmorth Ave. COMPETENT girl for general houaework. Mra. T. V. Hall. Z21a Hhtrmiin Ava l.,.h 'phones. WANTED Thoroughly competent wo man to take waahlug and Ironing home. Jl N. 24th St now head page ill ..'"ir HELP WANTED FEMALE Honeekeepere and Domestics Com, GOOD girl at 203 8. 33d; two In family. WANTED Girl for general houaework; no laundry work. 401 S. 38th St. Vollmer's classy clothes for the nifty dresser, 316 to 340. 107 S. 16th St. WANTED Middle-aged woman to act a housekeeper; family of four. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt Bee Bldg. WANTED Girl for general housework; good home for the right girl. 635 Park Ave. GIRL "for general housework. 133 sT Cat St WANTED Cook; best of wages. Apply at once, 323 South 37th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 60b Park Ave. GIRL for general homework; good wages. Mrs. S. H. Foote, 1120 Park Ave. SMALL girl wanted, 16 or 16 years old; to help care for baby. Apply Mrs. Hur wltx. 907 N. 17th St. Id floor. WANTED Capable girl or woman for general housework; good wages to right party. 1413 No. Z4th, South Omaha. WANTED Cook; best of wages. Apply at once, 323 South 37th St GOOD girl for general housework. 1312 Lothrop St Telephone Webster 344. GOOD reliable woman or girl for gen eral housework. Apply 1608 Corby St x-none weDsier zvt. WASHERWOMAN for Monday or Tues- aay. if . Z6U St WANTED A woman to do washlnc. ironing and cleaning at once. 3011 Charles WANTED A girl for general house- wora; small ramlly. 345 Park Ave. NEAT girl to wslt on tabl for board. 3205 Farnam St WANTED A thoroughly competent maid for general housework; family of mree; oeei or wages. Mra. wane it. Squler, 8024 Pacific St. Tel. Harney 3303. WANTED A nurse glrL 2408 St Mary's Ave. WANTED A good girl for general housework; good wages. 408 N. 18th, s tor. GOOD girl for general housework: no ouiiaren; good wages. 1318 Capitol Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. 428 N. 40th. Tel. Harney 3261. EXPERIENCED cook wanted; good wages. IB a 6 Lafayette Ave. Tel. H. 2976. GIRL for second work who Is willing to help care for two children. (14 N. 40th St Tel. Harney 172. GIRL for general housework; references required. Mrs. Walter B. Wllklns. 210 S. 35th Ave. Tel. H. 2080. WANTED A cook; no washing 36. Mrs. Aycrlgg, 201 S. 33d. Vollmer's classy clothes for th nifty dresser, 315 to (40. 107 S. 16th St f WANTED Housemaid, in private family, out of town; must know how to serve at table and understand high class second work; Z5 to 330 and transportation, de pending upon ability. Mr. Stubbs, 1904 r arnam oi.- atlseallaaaoBS. LEARN hear dressing; it pays; you can easily earn 315 to 325 weekly. Full course taught Brandels Hair Dressing Dept TWO ladles over 21 to travel together, demonstrate and sell dealers, also one lady to work alone. Goodrich Drug Co.. 1308-10 Harney St. LADIES Earn 310 weekly decorating post cards; dime brings package of beautiful samples and complete particulars. Baylls Bernet Co., East Orange, N. J. YOUNG lady to act as demonstrator In drug store window; no experience neces sary. Apply Sherman fc McConnelL Ask for Mrs. Keene. BUY your clothes at "That totally dlf ferent Shop," Vollmer's, 107 8. 16vh. WANTED Young lady to collect In towns through the state; must furnish bond. Ad dress M 468, Boa. HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, SaUettara mad lalesatea. WANTED Expert canvassers for Omaha and vicinity. At once. Nona but bustlers need apply. Call for II. C. Barns, leln. 1901 California between 6:30 and 7:30 p. m. WANTED A solicitor with bora and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscription. Call and see circu lation manager, Tb Be Publlahlng Co. MEN, good appearance, experience not necessary, to solicit 23 S. 16th. MEN tx sell tb widely advertised Little Giant Household pump; saves plumbers' bills; needed everywhere. Address Stat Agent, M Pine St, Lincoln, Neb. GENERAL agent appoint selling agents, new; no competition. P. O. Box 412. WANTED. Agents in every town and city to sell Colorado lands. Writ for particulars at once. THE DIVIDE LAND & INVESTMENT CO ELIZABETH, COLO. COUNTRY agents selling Equalisers; large profit; new; no competition. 640 Bee Bldg, UI'V Vnlir rtnrh.u at "Thai Intnllw Alt- ferent Shop." Vollmer's, 107 S. 16th. SPECIALTY salesman wanted. A relia ble, established house wauls a high-grade specially salesman to sell its line to deal ers in exclusive territory; will pay salary of Ui0 to 3200 a month, expenses and com mission, to the man who can produce the business and will work. This Is not a snap, but offers excellent opportunities. Ex perience ss a specialty salesman, with good nerve and staying qualities aud the highest references for integrity, habits and square dealing are absolutely necessary. Give full particulars, and will arrange personal In terview. Box 82, Omaha. TWO clothing salesmen by Nov. 1, Ap ply to Frenzer Blk. Dr. Downs. CIGAR salesman wanted In your locality to represent us. Experience unnecessary; 3116 per mo. and expenses. Write for par ticulars. Monarch Cigar Co., St Louis, Mo. Experienced salesman to aell scholarships for old reliable educational Institution of high standing, In either of the following states: Iowa, Minnesota, Kansaa, .Ne braska, North and South Dakota. Only reliable men of good appearance need ap ply. Good money to right parties and ex cellent opportunities fur advancement. Write for particulars. A. H. Thrall, Suite 25, Marina Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. "NORTH POLE DISCOVERED BY AMERICANS," Cook's own story and Peary's expedition; of thrilling interest; going like wildfire; outfit free; big terms; art quick. Ziegler Co., 267 Fourth St., Phlla. Bay. WANTED Several truetworthy boys; good wage. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 131 b St WANTED Bright office boy; give refer ences. Address J 465, Bee. WANTED Boys for factory work; none under 1 need apply. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. WANTEIV-Gtrle and boya, 16 yeara of age, for cash and trana'er carrirra and atock room helper. Apply superintendent, Brandels btcroe. HELP' WANTED MALE (Continued.) Clerical aad Offlee, PTENC wholesale, 370. Young man, experienced In coal office, (M. Clothing salesman, 820 week. Cashier and elk., hotel, 336 with board and room. Traveling saleeman, mercantile Una, 1125. WESTERN RKK. A BOND ASS N., INC. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. FOR OFFICE POSITIONS. C. W. GORDY WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and accountant. Apply by letter, stating ex perience and salary desired. Address II 44, Bee. Vaeivrr aad Trade. WANTED Experienced plumbers, famil iar with Durham system, on a million-dollar building; wages, 35 per day; open ahop; no strike. Reply will atate where, and In whose employ, proficiency haa been ac quired. Address Y 641, care The Bee. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest, Bee bldg. WANTED First class tailors and press men for ladles' cloak and suit alteration room. Highest salaries paid for competent workmen. Apply at once to superintendent, Brandels Stores. LEARN PLUMBING by actual practice on new buildings; course covers 4 to 6 months; earn 3J a day; tools and material free; send for catalogue. Enterprise Plumbing Construction Co., SC66 Finney Ave., St Louis, Mo. WANTED First class Platen pressman; must be sober, competent to handle seven presses. George Bros., 213 So. 13th, Lin coln, Neb. WANTED Young bookbinder, two thlrder, with good experience as forwarder. A good growing position. Hub, Kearney, Neb. Y WANTED Millwright and carpenters at our elevator at Omaha. Tel. DouKlaa 3869. Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co. Mlaoellaaeoas. WANTED Engineer, thorough and com petent, for Ice plant; give axe, experience and references. L 416.Bea. WANTED Railway mall clerks, post office clerks, carriers. Examinations In Omaha Nov. 17th. Preparation free. Franklin InaUtute, Dept 189 F., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks required. Best paying work within the reach of poor man. Can have shop with small capital. Wages, S12 to 320 weekly. Wonderful demand for barbers. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber Col lege, 110 8. 14ih St FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's Assn; no fees. Call 440 B. of T. Bldg. WANTED Good laborers. 10th and Pierce Sts. F. B. Durness. WANTED Immediately, 600 young men, 20 to 40 years old, for steam railway fire men and brakemen and eiectrio railway motormen and conductors In all parts of the United States; 60 to 1140 a month, with excellent chances for advancement; experience- unnecessary. Hundreds of positions open. Write today for particulars. National Railway Training Assn., 1240 Reliance Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. AMUSE your friends! Teach a common house fly to become a proficient dumb bell Juggler; no fake; act quick; send 10a stamps or silver. N 636, Bee. WANTED A good farm hand to do gen eral farm work and shuck corn by bushel; good wages. Come at once, or address, Waldo Hancock, Tekamah, Neb. AN OLD established manufacturing com pany desires a resident manager in each county, financially responsible for 3300 to 3600 in cash, supplying the demands created for our manufactured products, attending to advertising the sales, deliveries, coiiec tlons, eto.; report weekly; no canvassing w pay good salary and office expenses; position permanent; send references. "LIB ERTY" Mfg. Assn., 12-14 Stat St, Chicago. WANTED Intelligent laborers for steady work. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. Ware- houss, 8th and Dodge Sts. Good wages. WANTED A young man experienced In clothing, shoes, eto. Reference required. State wages. Address Becker &. Co., Gen eral Merchandise Store, Albion, Neb. WANTED Dry goods msn and trimmer. Address box 40Z, Aurora, iseu. EXPERIENCED men to work In Ice houses; no others wanted. Apply at Cut off Lake. Omaha Ice & Cold Storage Co. HOUSECLEANING CARPETS, Rugs, House, Etc.. cleaned by the compressed air ana vacuum system. THE IDEAL A1H CLEANING CO. 200 Douglas Block. Both 'Phones. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse a aad Vehicles. HAT, $8 a ton. Wagner. 801 N. 18th. FOR SALE-Horses of all kinds; buggies and wagons. 1413 Capitol Av. D. 1810. PONT for sale, cheap; broken to saddle and buggy. Phon E. Tlndal, Benson, zzz. M'CRART buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. l 4098. Wagon and Auto Repairing. Second-hand Broughams, tsuainesa wagons. A. J. Simpson & Son, 1409 Dodge St PUT your olothes at "That totally dif ferent Bhop." Vollmer's, 107 S. 16th. LOST AND FOUND LOST Between 37th and Grand Ave and 83d and Fort, boy's brown sailor blouse. Re turn to 4iU4 XNortti ami, or pnone weDster 1011, and receive reward. LOST Boston terrier, brlndle and white, B.p.n, tall Htktiirn te n X KTAtman 2307 Dewey Ave., or phone Douglas 6618! Get reward. CLOTHES for the young man and the man and his father. Vollmer's, 107 S. lfith. LOST Leather pocketbook containing 3.126 note and some money; reward. Tel. Harney 19U6 or leave at Bee office. FOUND Gold hunting case watch. Apply Orchard & Wllhelm Carpet Co. MEDICAL BEST narv brae for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pilla. 81 a box, poetpald. Uberman MoConnall Drug Co.. Omabr. FREE MEDICAL and auraioal treatment at Crelghton'a Medical college. 14th and Davenport 81a.; apecial attention paid ta confinement cases; all treatment super vised by eollege profeaaora. 'Phone Doug las lli. Calls answered, day or nlaht CI.OTHES for the young man and the man and his father. Vollmnr'a, 107 S. 16th. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMD CHATTELS) Titf-jTTy to loan on pianos, household 1VI WIN Aj i goods, furniture, eto. lxiat rataa. Small naymenta. See us before you oblalu a loan elsewhere. Phones: uougiaa 1368. Ind. A-13.4. NEBRASKA LOAN COMPANY 18th and Capitol Avenue. Opposite Postoffloe. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEO PLE, WOHKN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 68 principal clues. Tol man, room 613 New York Life Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM 810 to 31U) on salary, furniture, planor, etc.; no publicity, lowest rates, weekly or monthly paymenta. THE J. A. 1IUTTON CO.. 814-15 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1007. LOANS rf 33 to 828 on salary or chattel security; private party; no red tape; hours W to 3 and 4 to 8. Call 84) paxton Block. FTtnviTt'RE. live atock. salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., It 8 . Barker Blk. LOANS on FURNITURE. PIANOS or 8ALARIKS, LOANS on your plain note. IA1WEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK, 104 FARNAM. MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad ChatteUt oatlaaed. W1IEHE TOBOIiEOW, MONEY Coma In and get ail yon need i your HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE), WAREHOUSE. RECEIPTS, PIANO Ofy on your PLAIN NOTE, It yo steadily employed. You will find rates the cheapest, our terms the est, our services the Quickest offices private. HERE'S TILE PLA( RELIABLE CREDIT Cd 3rd Floor 307-S08 Paiton Biol Northwest Corner 16th and Farnam Streets. 'Phones: D. 1411; Auto. A14111 IT PAYS TO FIGURE WITH US When vnti want mniv TIT up at th most reasonable rates In u i-iijr. in a viliht lumriUEMlAL VI that Will r.mmm VA.. 1 vn.m ... -I..L. . out of work, payments will be extendt be extended you. ghteen years. V mn Co V liunuui K.MHA I'UIST lo you. We have been reliable for eighteen Omaha Mortgage Loan Co 11 Board of Trade. 'Phon S29S. HERE SINCE 1892. SOS 8. 16th St. CLOTHES for the young man and the man and his father. Vollmer'B. 107 8. 16th. h on DIAMONDS. W.FLATAU. 1614 Dodge. M0V1NQ AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office lath and Daven port St a., warehouse JO7-0S Ixard It MUSIC AND LANGUAGES OUS TURNER, gradual of Lelpslo, Ger many, Conservatory of Music; piano lessons cheap. Tel R-d 6038 or drop me a postal at 2574 Harney St and I will call on you. FRANCIS POTTER'S School of banlo, mandolin and guitar. Barkar Blk. D. 8&1. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding aad Hooana. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer bom; fin lawn. 123 8. 26th Ave, . DEWET European Hotel, uth aad Farnam. COOL, airy rooms, modern, fine ahade, with or without board, to two gentleman or man and wife. 3404 Capitol Ave. ROOM and board In private family; modern home; alao large south room, with alcove. Tel. Harney 47C4. THE GEORGIA, single room and en suite, with private bath, steam heat; ex cellent table and good service. 1042 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 661. TWO or four ladles can find board and room In very nice borne. Kounia Place. Telephone Webster 1233. Famished Rooms. GOOD rooms, p per week; rr bath. Ogrten Hotel. Co. Bluffs. FUR. rooms, house new, plenty hot water. 31 N. 13th St VERY desirable room; fine location; walking distance. US 8. 36th St THE NEW ATLANTIC HOTEL, all newly furnished, 1403 Cass St BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room in private family, for one or two young men; very reasonable, torn Webster St VERT desirable larg room; nawly furn ished; also amaller room; fin location. Ml 8. 26th Av. ONE extra fin front room, fin furni ture, modern, m No. XTb. N sign on house HOTEL Colonial (Vienna), Farnam and 10th, newly furnished rooms by the week. FURNISHED room for young men or married couple, employed. 318 N. Uth St FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms; excellent board; reasonable; centrally lu. cated. 620 So. 19th St r- CLOTHES for th young man and tha man and his father. Vollmer's, 107 8. 16th. PLEASANT ROOMS, modern: on vary large front room, 16; one at tlfl; en at 88. 628 N. 23d fit FOR GENTLEMEN ONLY. NEW, MODERN. STEAM HEATED ROOMS. HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATH. BUILDINGS. FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS. ABSOLUTELY BRAND NSW, THE BELMONT. 1518 DODGE ST. DOUG. 3775. D. T. VER MEHREN, MGR. COME and see Nicely furnished room with alcove; permanent; gentlemen Ary Oct L 2663 St Mary's. ONE nice, large room, private family, for gentlemen. 2664 Douglas. Tel. Harney 333. MODERN front room; reasonable, if taken at once. 2715 Dewey Ave. FURNISHED room with bath, 35. 2833 Capitol Ave. LARGE sunny room, elegantly furnished, electric light, furnace heat, hot water, walking distance. 815 8. 2th Ave, near Farnam. Tel. Harney 4608. FRONT furnished room for young men; references. 2043 N. 20tb. Web. 1721, MODERN, furnished, with or without board; reasonable. 811 8. 23d 8t Double front room; desirable, (or four; modern. 222 N. lth St. NICELY furnished steam heated room. suitable for two young men. 216 N. 22d. LARGE south room with private family; modern; for runn and wife or two gen tlemen Tel. Webster 4K85. Ohio street street. Two nlcelv furnished rooms; heat light. hot and cold water, 15. 316 N. 23d st CLOSE In. modern, private entrance, op posite bath room: plenty of hot water all the time. 607 N. KOlh. 83 per week. vrpv ,iairaile front room, all modern house, private family; suitable for two; very reasonable. 712 No. lth street. Phon lie,! b.m. liOVELY furnished, large room for man ind wile or one or two gentlemen; also me smaller room; near High school; ilrlctly modern. 313 N. 30th St. 2 south rooms, private family, J045 Dodge. rrnvTSHFI) amoll aouth room: 81.78 nr week 81 No. 22d. MiiUKRN front room, private family. 2417 Caldell St. LARGE front room, south front, 2412 Cass street. ci.oSK IN, beautifully furnished room In modern borne; suitable for 1 or 1 uu Cass. TWO furnished rooms. 2022 St. Mary's Ave. FURNISHED rooms for ssntlemen. 110 So. 13th St. The Chatham. LARGE room and alcove. 824 So. 24th Ave. Two elegantly furnished rooms. In pri vate family; references reuutred. 801 South 22d. Tel. Red 4487. heat; board if dealred. Park or Lea)ti- worm cars, lis ueorgia Ave. BEAUTIFUL rooine In new houaa to re fined gentlemen; no cigarette amoker. 207 N. lsth St. . FOR RENT For one or two gentlemen. a nicely furnished room, modern' no other roomers. 2;u Davsupori at 'let. u. Slwst