THK 11KN: OMAHA, WEDNKSDAY, CK.TUUEK 6, 1000. CRAHA5D PRODUCE MARKET Xeoelpti BtiU Hetry, but Price Hold Up Well, Nevertheleti. unTTTimrp to WftTir rrurpTrn l'olo Steady, Holding Kvea Vkrii, luk Staff Being aaa Falling on Alter Time. OMAHA. Neb.. Oct, . 1909. ir still heavy anil a continued Jient I predicted If the favnr- ier condition! prevail. Imtk of grain la being bought to decreasing premiums and cash ' , rtlcuiarly In coi n, nave surrerea yj j dines. An Meal fall conditions f , mers hava begun to ell freely and I ioat nf llm lav. Tradlnc was light , iCthe whole the market was feature- neah stuff u a shad" easier. "options firmed loint after the clone pot market on scattered support. t aaa steady at the atari ana wi up Md fairly firm with the steady wheat I. Caah corn was easy and priced de 1 aharply under pressure nf heavy re- an4 free selling on the part. of coun- r.lpper 1 'rlmarr receipts were J.289.000 bu. and .Ipments were 1, 1X4,000 bu.. against re ceipt laet year of 3.036.0UO bu. and ship ment of 1.2VOnO bu. Primary wheat receipt were 624.000 bu. and shipments were 2.VO0O bu.. against re. cepts last year pf 244,000 bu. and shipments of ano.OOO bu. . Clearances were l.OOO bu of corn, 125 bu. of oata and wheat and flour equal to 428,000 bu. - . Liverpool closed unohanged on wheat and ad lower on corn, Local range of optlona: Article! Open. Hlgh.l Low. Clo. Yes'y. Wheat Dec... May... Corn - Peo.... vf 96 . 97 64 V 66 , .. . Oats Deo.... May... 3Vt X Omaha Caafcv P" rices. ii wheat-no. hard, n.mvai.m: no. ,l!ird, 7HWoi No. 4 hard, 9&(fc; No. 1 apring, mw. CORN No. I 5ic; No. t. 664c; No. 4, 66c; No. I yellow, 66c; No. S yellow, 66Vo; No. 3 white, 57c; No. g white, WHti67c. OATS No. I mlwed, 8A(i0Hc: No. 2 yel low, S7c; No. I white. 3iViOkNo. white, WVT3c; standard, 27&38c RVE No. 2 W470c; No, t. S9c. Carlo Receipt. - ', Wheat. Corn. Oats. -Chicago ...... ..,...... 70 , 63 27 lllnn, SHl ' v;"r""" a 70 uuiutn !!!!!'..'.""''.!'.'.! & . CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS amaaaai . t Features of Trading; and C losing Prices on Board of Trade. CHlCAOOi Oct. 6. Active milling de mand for the. caah grain had a strength ening effect on the wheat market today closing quotatlona showing net gains of S'' o to l'ule. Corn and oats closed strong, but . provisions wear weak. Traders In the wheat pit headed the bulllHh situation in the cash market and bought freely of the options resulting In a sharp rally during the final hour of tlie day. fcl'S of cash wheat here were reported at 90,-000 bushels, mostly mall lots, and the premiums paid were sufficiently hlKh lo prompt liberal covering by shorts In the. December option. A sen sational lnorease In the world's visible supply, amounting to 17,2aO.OOO bushels as outlined In Brart.itreets weekly statement was the principal bearish factor, but It had little effect on the market. The range for December for the' day was between 7o and 11.014. The market closed strong at almost the top, final figures on Decem ber being at 11.01. mineral local receipts ana conimuea favorable weather for the maturing of the new crop caused slight weakness in the corn, market, fur,, p. ;itutt.,bu. latrr, It. became firmer. The market cloHi-d firm at almost the top, final quotations show ing net gains of ha to HQ 4c. Oats were weak. At the close prices were HtlVo to buO above yesterday's final figures. Provisions were weak. Prices . at the close were 6o to loo lower Leading quotations ranged as follows. Articles.! Open.) Hlgh. Low. Close. Ycs'y. I I 1 00 lOlHf 1 03 I . 99T 1 02 1 01 1 03 1 00 1 02k 1 02M 69 Tn 6!V4 , '69 ' 6V " 69" I - I . . 23 26 -IS 40 23 26 U 6-'H 12 S2 11 NO 10 90 U 60 18 47 11 27S M 47i u as T1 -WITH! V 11 771 10 ' II T7't 11 2HI 11 2V 0 W W VH 10 s-'b i I 11 V) I It 99 9 70 70 '9&H tt. 11 4S 6 11 47H 2VI , t 9 72V4 ?. No. te Cash qtiof&tlom Vere a follows: FLOLlt 1 irmi winter patents. 44.6636.00. winter straights, 4.SoU4 W; spring straights, wiiw; bakers, f3.ava.w. . - n i rw in o. z, 700. B A RLE Y Feed or mixing, 4816500; fair to choice malting, 6fuU3c. HEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $1.35; No. 1 northwestern, 11.45. Clover, )9.50i 110.46. PROVISION 8 Mesa pork, per bbl.. $24 28. Lard, per 100 lbs., 112.324. Short ribs, sides lloose), 111. 2611. fi2 V; short clear, sides tboxed), f U.rf(U12.&0. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 423,000 bu. Primary receipts were 1,210,000 bu., compared with I.OW.OUO the wrespoudlng day a year ago. The world's visible supply, as ahown by Bradstrect's. Increased, L726.OU0 bu. Estimated rocelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 41 oars; corn, 444 cars; oata, 174 cars. J BUTTEH-Bteadyi creamerlee, WAfflSSc ; dairies, 22$ Ma u I L'lliia jAlni. a mm hj" wwvivis. i-Biri, Market steady; at mark, caaea Included, lSc- firsts 2ZHc; prime firsts, 24o. CHKE81C Firm; dalslss. 16Hl5ic; twins, 1444ll6cl Young Americas, l'v4 16o; long horns, 16(ul6c. POTATOEStSteady; choice to fancy. 609 lie; fair to good, 4fc4&o. POULTRY Easy; turkeys, 1518c; chick ens, Uo; springs, 13Vc. Estimated receipts fur tomorrow:. Wheat, 6 cara; corn, ill cars; oata. JM cars; hogs. 10,0u0 head. a , . Loata Ueaernl Market. T. LOUIS, Mo., Oct 6. WHEAT Fu tures. Higher; caah weak; track: No. t rea casn, LUSMi.a; r-o. J hard. 11.06 a-xxx; uecemoer, si.vui.tut; juay, 41.U6. CORN Futures, hlghur; cash, lower; No. I cash, MKUfcf1.'; Pecember, WSmMc; May, 6rS694ac: Now I white, 0W1V. - OAT 8 Firm; track. No. cash, 3942 . 40c; Pecember, M!4Ci Jiajr, 41i4o; No.. 2 unite, 420. 1 RYE Nominal. FLOUR Vlulett red winter patents. 86.40Q t76; extra fancy and straight, Ht&U'040; ard winter dears, $4.tii4.u, SEED Timothy. 3.OOi03,M. L CORN MEAL 63.20. iJRAN Woak; sacked, east track, $1.02 HAT Rteadr: timothy, $1SOO1400; prairie, tiouauu.00. DAUUUMI-Io. HEMP TWINE To. PROI6IONPork, unchanged ; Jobbing, W Lard, lower; prime ateam. 111.97(1 12.024, Pry salt meats, unchanged ; boxed, extra ohorta, 11160; clear ribs, 112.60; short clears, 75. Raoon, unchanged; boxed, extra short. 1X61; clear ribs. $ij.60; short clears, v lil.76. POULTRY -Firm; chickens. ljtc; springs. IJo: turkeys. 164jliw; ducks, loo; aeese 7Wo UllTTtll ili,.,IV V. . ' ' KOOS-Flrm; U0. Receipts. BnlDments. rlour, bbls 10 sou 21 7, ,NVheat, bu..... 8io l ) iCorn, bu 1.6' 3&.00O tjats, a 41.000 65,uuo i Aval la ate gagalles of (irala. 1 VEW TORK, Oct. 6!peclal cables and vyirgraphlo comraunlcatloua received by liradstreet'S show ths following vliaiises In available auppjlea as compared It h previ ous account; V heat I'nlted States, east )lockles, increased 1,162 A) bu. Canada In rreaaed I SO3.0HJ bu. Total I'nlud States and Canada Increased l.lsiS.Ono bu Afloat for and lu Europe Increased 11.400.0is) bu. V'oUi Amertcaa and European supply lu- tX 95 96 87 66V 67 87H 87U wv sv Wheat Pec. ' p May Oct. Peo, May Oats Pec. May Pork OcU Jan.. i Lard Oct. Nor. Jan. t Ribs J Oct. Jan. May ' rreased 17.Vi6.OiA bu. I "urn-t'nlted State atio latiaila lniTeed I'niOO bu. oats I'nited Htates and t'ansda Incressfd l.iT.'iO'O nil. i ne n ailing increases anu nrr'i reported th week follow: iticrasen Manltnhn 'ivi nr.) I,,, M .ll.rul. SIIOHJ bu. : Kort Worth. l.i'"U0 bu.; Minneapolis prlvtM elevators, lOini bu.; (iraii'l Kapllx. mmwi bu I tecreasi - ' 'lucago pi ivaie elevators, bu.; Nahvllle, 7b.0 bu. MIW VOKK 4.KVKR4I. MARKET ttaotatlona of the I)r on Varlona ( omnioillllri, NKW TOHK. IHt. r. -KLOm-Kereipts. hbU ; eiporls. i.3U bbls. Mmk.-t firmly held. Mlnninola patetus, r IVy j.iO; lntiT sirnlKhie, $4.KOf.. on, Minneaoia bakers, f4 4ii4.i)6; winter extras, $.3ovj4.h); winter patents. loOO-gw 40; winter low grailr4, 4.i (( 4 fi"; Kansas straignts. 14 now a. 00. live flour, firm; fair lo good, 4.i0'ft 4.30, vholce In fancy, 14 So ii 4 SO. roRNMKAI-Steady; fln white and vrl low, $l.Mt,166; coarse, $1.6tKgL5!i; kiln dried. R VK Pull ; No. 2 weBtein, Wstj, nominal, f. o. h. New York. BAULKY Quiet; feeding, SSifi-iOe, nominal, c. I. r.. New York. WH KAT Receipts. 2,1,500 bu.; exi"It. 79.S"J bu.; spot market, uitsettlol; No. I red, I!..', asked elevator; No. 2 red, nonil nal. f. n. b. afloat; No. 1 northern I 'ninth. 1 97. nominal, f. o. b. afloat, pecldfrt stit.'tigih all day in face of considerable b ar news was the wheat feature unlay. Th" buying was Influenced by reports of cholera In Russia, less favorable Argen tine news and strona- hull sunnort at Oil- is go. The cloM' was Xo net higher, iifcein ber, tl.Vi'V' closed, II 0"""; May, l. ll-lul oa 13-lti; closed S1.0UV i.uilis 1 ceipis, l, I2i bu.: t-xpori. am bu.; spot market, firm; No. 2, jc. eleva tor and 70o, delivered; No. ". t!'sc; spot, f. o. b. afloat, and 6.14c, winter shipment; No. 2. yellow, 70c, nominal, f. o. b. siloat. Op tion market was. without transactions, closing net unchanged. . l'ecember closed, 69 te. OATS Receipts. 67.32", bu. ; spot market, firm; mixed, 2tio2 pounds, 414&42c; natuial white, 2y U pounds. 4;'H'''-e; clipped white, 'Mvii iiouikIh, iVH4. JIA Y Firm; No. 3, MKaSOc; good to choice, 90clj 11.00. lioi'ti Firm; state, common to choice, 1909, .11 iir 3i,c; 190S. li a-0c; I'aclflc coast, 190J. 24C(ifc; lii)(, 17'4:'lc. IIPKS Firm; Bogota, 2021c; Central America, 21r.. I.EATKR Steady; acid, 22ii;!0c. PROVISIONS Heel, steady; family, 14 Ooy 14 fid; mess, 1 1 1 00 i 1 1.50. Hams, 124.00& 26.UO; packet, 1 1 2.0rttf 1 2 50; city extra India mess, l 1.00 if '1 1 .60. Cut meats, steady, pickled bellies. 14.0U4i 14.50; pick led hams. f l2.".Viii:i.OO. Ijird, easy; middle west, fiZ.iioin 12.75; refined, easy; continent. fia.flO; South America, 113.76: com pound. $;i.0O(((K.25. Pork, steady; family, :'5.0Ori2.O0; short clears, $23.oOij2i.60; mess, i,.0wn 2o.i0. TALLOW Steady; city, 6"c; country, 6 SSc. RICE Firm; domestic, 2ft 7c; Japan, 6c. KOU8 Firm; western, extra flrs.t, 25H 26Mic; firsts, 2ij25c; seconds, 2S23MiC. HUTTKIi Firm; creamery specials, 81c; extras, 20c; thirds and firsts, 26H29c; process, 25 27c; western factory, 23c; Imitation creamery, 25 "a-26c. I'll ELSK Steady; state, full cream spe cials, 16W& 16H-; state, fancy, 16c: state, common to good, 11 Vi V 14 c; full to special, 6(130. POULTRY Alive, firm; western chick ens, 17c; fowls, 17c; turkeys, 15o. Pressed: Western chickens, 14tilc; fowls, WHylc; turkeys, 18'a20c. WKATHKIl IN TIIK GRAIN BKLT Fair. Wednesday and Not Much C'hanae In the Temperature. OMAHA. Oct. 5, 1909. Qenerally clear weather prevails through out the entire country this morning and no precipitation worthy of note has oc curred cant of the Rocky Mountains within ins last twenty-four hours. Showers oc ourred In the mountains and on the Pa cific slope during Monday. Temperatures are slightly lower In the northwest, the upper Mississippi and lower Ohio valleys and New England slates and are slightly higher In otiier portions. Light to heavy trusts occurred in the lower lake region. The pressure continues high over the east and south and an urea of high pressure Is moving in over the west and conditions are favorable for continued fair weather in this vicinity tonight and Wednesday with no Important change In temperature except possibly slightly cooler tonight. Record of temperature and precipitation compared nith the corresponding day of the last thre years: 1909. 1WH. 1907. 1306. Minimum temperature ..00 56 49 44 Precipitation 00 . 87 . 00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 00 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 1.42 Inches. Peficiency corresponding period In 1908, 3.20 Inchex. Peficiency corresponding period In 1907, 5.b5 Inches. Kansas t'lty Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 5. WH EAT Un changed; No. 2 hard, 1.04ul.07; No. 3, 61.00 1.04 : No.-: z red, $l.UK(il.21; No. . 3, $ 1.19H; Pecember, 97c; May, 99c; July, no trade. , , . . . . .. - . CORN WftHc above Monday's lowest prices; No. 2 mixed. U)'ci 5c ; No. 8, ftf-iti 5Hc; No. 2 white, 61c; No. 3, 61e; Decem ber, 07c; May, 5.41.3c; July,- nd trade. OATit Unchanged; No. 2 white, 41Hc; No. 2 mixed, S'c, RYE 70c,7c. , . . , - HAY-Unchanged ;' choice t ihlothy. tlLSO 12.00; choice prairie, 6s.6tfuS.Iii;.. choice al falfa, $15 OtXy lii.00. , BUTTER Creamery, extras, 2Sc; flrstg, 2(iic; seconds, 24c; packing stock, 21c. EUUeJ Extras, 2iC firsts, 22c; seconds and dirties, 15c: current, receipts,-, 16c; southerns, loss off, 14c. Rocelpts. Shipments. Whaat, bu, 134,000 4,00o Corn, bu b6MiO Sd.OOO Oats, bu ; 3(1,000 7,000 Kansas City futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close. Wheat Pecember May Corn 1 lecember May I I I 9;97iS 9fiV97V,Ml I 1 I '.G14'uI-1RGT'ijr 5lt, i'al 591 D8T 504A A Asked. I) Bid. Philadelphia Prod see Market. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 6. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, S2'c; nearby prints, 84c. KOllS Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 27c, at mark; current receipts, In returnable cases, 26c, at mark; western firsts, free esses, 27o, at mark; current receipts, free cases, Zid 2c, at mark. CHEESE Quiet, but steady; New York full creams, choice, llc; fair to good, 15 4) ISViO. Minneapolis tiraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 6. WHEAT Pe cember. 9sSc; May, fl.02tiil.02S: cash. No. 1 hard. l.Ou-V, No. 1 northern, 1.WH; No. i northern,-Wlc. FIAX Closed at tAPi. R RAN In 100 pound sacks, $19 50. FLOUR First patents, $.'..20440.30: second patents, tu.tWiiS.lO; first clears, $4.3ytj4.56; second clears, $3.lvr3.ll0. Peoria Market. PEORIA, Oct. E.-COitN-t:nchanRed; No. I yellow. liOc; No. i yellow, 5,c; No. 2, tioc; No. 8, 69SIC, No. 4. 6!e. OATS Lower; No. 2 white, standard. 39 394c; No. 3 whUe, S6c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEPO. Oct 6. SEEPS Clover (oldl. $S.9fi; October, ft) 10; liecember March, $J.26, No. 2, S Ml; rejr-leo,' Timothy, pr'nie, $!.. AltlK"? frime, October, $8.20; December, $ j0- March cash $9.20; .a.: 6-V40. Mllstaakee Uraln Market. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 6 W j I EAT No I northern. $l.U6iul.0i'; So. 2 iiotthtrn, $H31: 1.04; Iecembei-. $101 bid. OATS 4Vu 4o. 11ARLEY Sat iples, 64).j4''iio. Metal Market. NEW YORK. let. 5.-M ETA LH Standard copper was easy on the Nea York metsl exchange. No business as reported. Lou don market closed quiet at slight advance; spot, 5 7s (d; futures, ' 159 -jig 9d. Lia-al dealeis reported the red metal unchanged ; lake. $i;! (nl3.2'i: electrolytic, lt.7.i!;r U.Oo; casting. $lii!4il!S7'. Tin advanced 5 points In a quiet market. London marker closed quiet and firm at an advance of los; spot, 140; futuie. 141 2s ll. Lead oon tlliued quiet and a little stlffer on Inside quotations. Spot closed $4 S-'Su4.37l. Lon don market advanced 3d ss to 13 (a 8d. Spelter ruled firm, but quiet at 6fjl0 points higher. Spot, $5 S-Vil'f. 'J6. London unchanged at 32 6s. Iron declined 1V1 for Cleveland warrants In Ixmdon. closing at 62s 3d. Lo cality very firm, with No. 1 foundry north era No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foun dry southern soft. $it.254rl76; No. 2 foun dry northern. $18.75- 19 25. ST. IA)I1S. 4ct. 6. METALS Lead steady at K ',; speller, fuui at Ivat, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Vulnerable Point in Poiition of U. S. Steel Jars Speculator. CALL MONEY EISES TO 6 PER CENT teel t'oramoa arils Off Several Points talll ii Iteaf-hra HI, When Market Is gnpporlrd and Rally Kmart, NEW YORK. Oct. S.-Speculatlve eonfl- leuce hbs jarred today bv the discovery of a vulinerable point in the market posi- iiuii 111 c iiiiii c-iaitn rieei. Moreover, the call loan market, instead of relaxing as the date of the October money payments recedes, roie today higher than on Friday, and by consequence, higher than since early In l'KS. The rate touched percent. The constant succession of new high re cords In I'nlted spates Steel has encourag ed a presumption that the market protect ion for the price was inevitable mid that interrupted progress to par or above was an assured fact. It apprarB. however, that a growing prlportlon of the speculative uojmg in me recent nnst hss been ac companied by ihe precaution of a stop- ", eeuiiig oraer. placed at a given point tinder the purchase price. An element amongst the professional speculators learn ed of the existence of these orders In large oiiiiuB ai aDout i and again at 91. Uy offering the price down to these levels they saw opportunity fot profit by buying t to cover their short sales while the stop S" "lllnl orders were being executed. The result wns a drop In United States eteel of more than four points from ves terday's high level, llelow, 91 the support of the stock became effective again and the price milled. Movements for the rest of the day were notably lacking In de cision and the whole market was greatly unsettled In tone with a final violent break. uracuiar Intimations were sot .fl,,.t nr Important developments (lending In the fin ancial affairs of the .United States Steel corporation, but they did not avail to rv'v strength In the stock. A consider able liquidation of speculative accounts must nave been effected hv the otiv selling durina- the dav but t h monv mar ket was not ensed correspondingly. The $3,279,000 which the sub-trpasury has ab sorbed since the laHt bank statement Is about obliterate the slender surplus reserve men actually existing. The flood of merchandise imports con tinues and the exports do not grow, none me ioretgn lenders of money seem to hesitate about extending further the nuo cretins given American borrowers. There has been some transfer of bank' ing credits also from New York to In terior points, according to the views of a well known banking autthorltv In Chlcaa-o. An approach to the limits of tthle resort Is also Indicated, although there was a recovery in New York exchange at Chi cago today from 40 cents to IS cents dis count per $1,000. Financial markets are looking for Im portant new Issue of securities at an early date, but the method of money market supply for these floatlonals is not clear at present. V notable point of strength In today's declining market was New York Central. The rise was attributed to the imminence of the meeting which Is ex pected to elect a successor to the late E. H. Harrlman on the board of directors The strength of the Erles was regarded as sympathetic to an extent. . The renewed discouragement over the statistical position of refined copper and a fresh decline In the consumptive demand made. Call money by rising to slxx per oent belled the assertion of a number of banks that the rato would not go higher than five per cent for the remainder of the year. The market closed weak aand in some excitement. Bonds were Irregular. Total sale par value $4,086,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on Slocks today were as follows: galea. Hlrh. Low- Closa. Allla-rhalmers prd 400 H' MV, M Amalgamated Copper ,2) s American AurUukunll .... 4u0 40 U 4 41 Am. Baet Sugar M is 4 4 Am. Can Did 84'fc tut Am. C. A F 1,7'K W Am. t'ulton Oil LOW Ui, 14 741 Am. H. L. prd CH 4Ki 41, 47 Am. c W-urltlM ..... t'.... H Anisrtcan LilnaMd l4ii American Locomotlvs .... 4u ! so i Am. g. A R 12,000 W 1"H Am. s. R. ptd 1 nil HZ't 11- Am. Suiar Rednlni l.Oio 1344, l.L'V, U2 Am. T. A T ... 6,W 143S 1424 142 Am. Tobix-o pfd 800 11 10ii 1W American Woolen I'lO W 'M Anaconda Mlnlna Co l."0 4S . 4e. 4 Ateklion 67.400 124H U'ta 123S Atchleon pfd I.U0 lou 1ih l'H Atlantic coast Line I'll lit in ma Baltlmor A I lo t,9ot 1UH i 'lSi U'4 bai. a uhio pra hw Uethlebem Steel 100 8(4 3(' Brooklyn Rapid Tr t.lO 814 71 iii Canadian faclfla . 700 18 IS? 4 Htti4 Central Leather 32, HW 4 4 4a Central Loalber pfd 600 Uu4 lm Central ot New Jenex Jl Cheeapeake at Ohio 1.1,t0 SS 874 cnicaso a Alton 7 H4 - , i hkaao Ureal Weeiera... l.ido :4 14 1 Chicago & N. w l.Hn) IS. 4 mi i C, M. A 8t. P gt.400 l(U4 ln 140 C. C, C. A 8U h i Colorado P. ic 1 2,4iAI 41.4 44S 4 Colorado a Bo oi Colo. A So. let pfd 79 Colo, i So. Id ptd 74 coneoiiaaieu uaa l.C'R) Ha 144 144 Corn Producta i 23 24 S24 ueiaware ft ttuaeon iw lKos, ij llenver Klo Urande r) 44 464 464 u. at n. u. pro a4 . M4 Dlntlllera' Becurltles auo 374. aV 4 Kne 21, SOW JJ4 3j; erie lat prd 1.WX) 60 4tt 49 Erie id pfd WH) 414 404 411 General Electric 4M ls 1444 lfcoH Oieat Northern pfd ,4i) li3 ii24 loat (real Northern Ore ctla.... 1,700 84 8I4 KI4 llllnola Ceulral .110 Hi Ion Iui4 liuerbxrougli Met 4.9ii 14 1 ju Int. Met. pfd S.7IK) 494 48 484 iiusnieiiuDti narveeter . , w 8H i Ht int. Marino pfd J.twu 24 Si 224, iitrruBiiouai reper .00 174 17 17 International rump loo 484 48S Iowa Ceotral jt haiiua city bo ,4oo 444a 4J 434 iv. c. bo. pro 7H, Loulallle A N 100 lit m l.-ilti mi nil. si. 41HI 1V i(4 4 M.. St. P. A . S. U JuO 14J 1414k 140 Mlesoun I'acldu l.loxj t e4 (U4 M . K. A T l.h.D 40 i4 4V4 .ti , tv. a i . pia 1i ..n,M.l DWIill Jl.-.S, 11SI, l.j ie.i lonai ia J.Zuil Hi yi. n. n. n. oi M . ll pis.... loo OS l.U t4 New York Central 47, W 1jv 1,14 138 4 N. Y., 41. A W 800 4 4 44 484 Norfolk A W 7uu 8e 4 4 North Amerl(n l.toO 814 79 ft, 1 mi. ,ort IJB f-acou- uau 1.2110 a,,- 3.-, ,14 rciiue;iania C4.0O0 l(t4 147 1474 Peoplea Oaa 1.811O ll' iif,v n&(4 P., C C. A 8U Lv U0 M SiC fcj Preawd 8teel cr ' 400 44 4 Z . u.,ti, i,iui .r ifrj Railway Btrel Spring 1 4S4 4;w 47 "sling U. 14 iai4 Hepubllo Steel IJ.SoO 47 4 4i4 4i4 Republic Steel pld 200 lwl', 1 Joe Rih laland Co ikj 384 374 3114 Rixk laiaud ("o. pfd l,7uo K tsi, 7.; St. Lv S K. 2d pfd ft) 5 67 67 8t. L. S. W. pfd 7-M S 7 u SIOM-Sheflield S. 1 70O W4 fe2 - Souihern Pacific ;.. XJ.iO 132V uu na,u Souuiern Railway J,j, 3u, j. -Z So. Railway pfd (,) 68. M lenne.e Cupper ,. j 6 34 HI. L. ft W u (,, 6, T . St. U Ar W. pfd t , s,u I nion Pacific u,i,. 214 2n4 I'ttlon Paclllo pfd DM) I074 H 1 I. Ilealty ,,) : i Li Sri t:4 , l . ' ...J8S.6.IO 44 po I tah topper , ' W.b."1"1 rh,n"'1 4 4HH 4,4 t.J5 p Weelem Maryland " Weetuigliouaa fclectrlo .... 400 17" "r" m J E::::::::;:: ...-one)B Leairai M ... uw Second Siiaaaeuient " umiil Total saWe lur l!ie day, 1.14O.8U0 shares. ew lork Mlalagr Sloeka. NKV VOKK. Oct. 5.-Closlng quotations on mining slocks were as follows: Allow 174 leadTllle Con ' ( Hrunewlrk Con 4 Little chief . a fie. funni-l sux-a... 28 Meiltan !.!i!..'!lo "do bonds 184uolarlu vo r.m. Cal. A Va 14o (phlr " J Uorn ller 7 biandard . . w Inn Silver 176 Yellow Jacket 1 Ofered. Bank ( learlaga. OMAHA. Oct. ft.-Bank clearings for to day ere M.722.!4i'.2! and f..r the corres ponding date last year ,uot.j;ti.. Treaaary Slaleaueat. WASHINQTON, Oct. C-The condition of the trraaury at beginning of business to dsy was. 'irust r'unds Oold coin, $s6S.7i),6!- silver dollars. $4B.zil.ouu; silver dollars of liao $4.2.UiO; silver certificates, $406 outstand ing, $45,714.001). General Fund Standard silver dollars In general fund. $.'i.33i.uj; current liabilities $100.1.7, ill, workuu: balance la Uwaaury vf- flees. $..4a; n henk to credit of treasurer of United htates, $..2K3.teJ, sub sidiary sliver coin, $-'l.lno.; minor coin, Iwls; total balance in general fund. x.m.s.'i;.. ev 1 orlt Moaey Market, NEW VOKK. Oct. . MONKV-On call. strong and higher. 4i per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing bid, At per cent; offered at 4 pet rent. Time loans, fairly strong and fairly active; sixty (lavs, 4u44 per cent; ninety days, 4V7J44. per cent; six months, 44j44. per rent. 1'lUMh, MtHCrfiMlLli 1 AFER e4)4J0 per cent. STKUI.INIJ EXCHANtlR Easier, with srtual business In bankers' bills at $4 44f 4 M10 for sixty-day bills and at 4 K5:6 for demand; tominerclal bills. $4.KJ44.H.i. (SIIA KH Har, 614c: Mexk-an dollars. 4Jc. UuXliS-Oovernment, steady;, rail road, lr- regular. The following are the dosing quotations on stock. and bonds: l'. 8. ref. 2a. reg 14, Int. Met. 44a SH 00 coupon 1004 int. M. M. 44a 714 I 8. In. reg Ill 4 japan 4a 74 do coupon 1014 do 44 V. 8 4a. reg 114 C. 80. lat U.....'.i do coupon 1174 L. 8. deb. 4a 1H1. .. t AllU- hl. lat ba.... 84 4 L. A H- uni. 4a 9 Am. Ag. Si I3 M . K. A T. lat 4a . M04 Am. T. A T. ct. 48 .14 do gen. 44a 4 Am. Tobacco 4i Mo. Pacific 4a It do 11N. R. R. of M. 448 S4 Armour a Co. 44a... 4 N. Y. C. g. 4a 1 Atchlann gen. 4a l''4 do d-b 4i f4 do ct. 4e ItIS N. Y., N. H. A H. do CT. 61 122 ct. 4e 144 At. C. U lit 4a M4N. A W. lit c. 4a... 4 Bat. Ohio 4a ' do ct. 4 ,1014 rto 141 2 No. Pacific 4a 1"14 do 8. W. 84a (Ma do Sa 74 Brk. Tr. ct. 4a 874 ". I rfdg. 4a... 04 I'm. of Oa. ta lftS Pnn. ct. 14a lnn... Can. Leather 6a I00S ilo con. 4a losVi c. of N. J. g. 6e.. . .liS-4 Reading gen. 4 S, Chca. Ohio 441. ..1084 8t L. A 8. F. fg. 41. 4 do ref. ta I118 do gen. is 8d Chicago a A. I4.. . 7f.8 St. Li. s. w. c. 4a... 774 C. B. A Q ). 4a ... 74 "o 1st f"ld 4a t44 do gen. 41 4 Seaboard A. U. 4a.. tl C. M. 8 P. g. S41 B4 So. Pacific eol. 4s... 1 C, R. I. ft P. c 4a.. 77 o ct. 48 1oj4, do col. fii 714 do lat ref. 4.. (MH do rfg. 4a 81480. Railway (a.. I104 Colo. lnd. ta 824 do gen. 4i 11 Colo. Mid. 4a 82 Union Pacific 4a 10J4 C. A 8. r. A e. 44a. 884 ct. 4a 1174 I. s H. ct. 4a 104 do 1st A ref. 4a... 4 D. R. O. 4a.., M4 I'- 8. Rubber 4s 11M4 do ref. 6a. i 1'. 8. Steal 2d ta 10f4 PttlUee 6a 7 Va.-Caro. Cbem. as.. 84 Erie p. I. 4s 87 Wabaah 1st ia IH4 do gen. 4i 74 do let a ex. 4i 7J4 do ov. 4s, ser. A.. 4 Western Md. 4a 84 do aertea B 741 Weat. Blee. ot. fia... as Gen. Klac. ct. ta IM4 Wla. Central 4a WH 'in. van. in rer. 4S,. 8v Bid. Offered. London Steel Market. LONDON, Oct. 6. American securities opened quiet today. During the early ses sion trading wa limited and tne movement of prices Irregular. At noon Atchison, To peka & 8anta Fe was a point higher, while the rest of the list ranged from v. higher to H lower than yesterday's New York closing. London closing stocks: Console, money. ...8 1-16 LouliTllle N 1674 do account 834 M , K. a T 41 Amal. Copper 804 N. r. Central 1424 Anaconda 10 Norfolk A W 874 Alculaon 1284 do pfd M do pfd 1074 Ontario a W 81 Baltimore 4 Ohio... .121 PenmylTanla 784 Canadian Pacific 14 Hand Mlnea 84 Cheaapeaka A O 1 Reading 88 Chicago u. w H4 Boufhern ny 11 Chi.. Mil. A it. P. ..147V 4o pfd 714 Do Beers 184 Southern Pacific lit Denver A Rio Q 474Vnlon Pacific 8134 do pM 874 do pfd U0M, Erie (64 U. 8. Steal 844 do 1st pfd fl do pld 18J4 do 2d Dfd 41 Wabaah 20 Grand Trunk 844 do pfd... 474 Illinois Central ISTSpinltn 4a 864 SILVER liar, steady at hid per ounce. MONEY it 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 1 7A per cent; tor three months' bills, 24, per cent. Boston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON, Oct 6. Money, call loans, 4 Q44 per cent; time loans, iw per cent, closing quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atrhlioa adj. 4a...... 83 Amalgamated 12 do 4a 1004ArlM)u Com 444 Atchison R. R 1M Atlantlo s do pld H)44 Butte Coalition 26 Boston A Albany Do Cal. a Art tone , .100 Koeion A Maine lit Cal. A Heels 480 Boelon BteTated .....12 Centennial" 4 N. Y.. N. H. ft H... it 14 Copper Range 74 linlon Pacific MS Ialy West 14 Am. Arae. Chem 4T,4 Franklin 17 do pfd ii 4 Greene Caossaa 10 4 Am. Pneu. Tube 84 Isle Royala 4 Amer. Sugar 1M4 Mining do pfd 117 Michigan"...! !.,..-.... 104 Am. T. A T i424 auhawfc 40 Amer. Woolen 18 Mont. C. A 0 20 do pld 1034, Nevada !.'... .24 Dora I. A 8 88 Old Dominion 44 General Electric ....144 Gaceola 1M M-b. Electric 18 Parrot ...1 tl Mmi. Oaa wa.ihaunon v 144 United Fruit 167 Trinity 114 Unitad 8. M ' V. 8. Mining M4 do pfd oU- 8. OIU..,. 34 U. 8. Steel 0 " do pfd J2i, Victoria 14 Adventure 4 Winona 74 Alloucs M North Butts 40 Local eonrttles. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, jr.. pit in. x. 1110 iua. uwiui; . . Bid. Armour A Co. 44a City ot Oroetie 44a (ilt) -lot4 Cudahy Packing Co Columbua INeo 1 Blac. Ught ea (llf). 44 Independent Telephune aa lOmahaj to luurnatloual Coiiatructlon Co Kansas Cliy, Mex. A Orient pfC 114 Kauaaa City, Me. ft Orient com 10 Neb. Telepttona Stock, , ax-dlT M Omaha Uaa 6s (1817) 84 Omaha Blec. Light a Power aa (1833).. 84 Omaha glee Logut and Power pld 83 Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry. la (1828) Aaked. 84 1014 Mil 84 U 44 84 84 1004 84 11 lul 834 74 Omaha A C. B. 8U Ky. aa (.814)... Omaha A 0. B. St. Ky. pld., 6.. A C. B. St. Ky. coin., 4. Omaha Water Co. to (1848) Omaha Waiar Co. ea (1814) Omaha Water Co. lat pld 81. Loula 81 (1811) Bwlft and Company 81110k South Omaha Sewer 44s 12... Siuux City Stock Yarda ptd., 4. Cnlon Stock Yarda, Omaha, 100 8) 71 44 4 to 84. 108 1004 84 tl 444 1004 4 ISO lie 181 80 84 Wool Market. BOSTON, Oct. 6. WOOL The movement of wool stocks to the mills eontlnues ac tively with dealings more Insistent on the full asking price. Local dealers anticipate that the high level will be maintained for six months. It has developed that the strength has Induced bidding for the l.'lo clip on the sheeps' backs. Three-eighths wool, both domestic and foreign, are In particularly good demand and are selling freely at lop price. Ohio fleeces and terri tory fine staple are also in demand. The leading domestic quotations range aa fol lows: Domestic Wools Ohio and Pennayl vanla fleeces (XX). HoTuSTc; No. 1 washed, 40mc; fine unwashed. 47Ultfc; half-biood combing, 37c; three-eighths-blood combing, 27c; quarter-blood combing, 34gJ6c; Delaine washed, 44a41c; Delaine unwashed, S3&oc. Michigan, Wisconsin and New York Fleece Fine unwashed, jjj"Jvc; Delaine unwashed, Sli:o; half-blood unwashed, 34a3bc; three-elgliths-blood unwashed, iSif36c; quarter blood, 83.i34c. Kentucky. Indiana and Mis souri Tliree-elghtlis-blood. 34o; quarter blood, teazle. Scoured Values Texas, fine, 12 months. 7l7c; fine. 8 to 8 months. I 70c; fine, fall, Ss.tiOc. California, northern. e-vy.oc; miaaie county, b3aijj.; fail, free, tOu52c; fall, defective. 3bni 40c. Oregon, eastern No. 1 staple, ;'a!X-; eastern cloth ing, TOifTUc; valley No. 1, 674)5bc. Territory, fine staple, 77mo; fine medium staple, 70 Hi72c; fine clothing, lOT-iic; fine medium clothing, oti'jitisc; balt-blood, 7r76c; three-elghths-blnod, 6c.lj70c; quarter-blood, 67tf. Fulled Fxtra. 724j75c; tine A, u&t70o; A superspecial, sOc. SVDNKY, N. H., Oct. 5. WOOL The an nual sales, which had been stopped by a dispute between the wool buyers and the brokers, have now recommenced. Of the 10.4JI bales offered today all were sold at the firmest prices, which were equal to the best of the last sales. ST. LOI lS, Oct. i-WOOL-fiteady; ter ritory and western mediums, 23i2c; fine mediums, 22!324c; fine, 13lic. Cotton. Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 6-COTTON-Futureg opened steady; October. I2)20e; IHtcember, I3 c; January, 13.2bc; March, 13 34c; May. U3nc; July. 13.36c; August, U 10c. Futures closed barely steady. Closing bids: Octolier, 1310c; November, H(16e; De cember, 13.14c; January, l.l.LSc; February 13.1JC; March, UWc; April, ItlSc; May 13 22c; June, lS.lsc; July, 13,ni August! 12H0c; September. 12.21c. Spot closed quiet. AI points lower; mid dling uplands, 13.40c; middling, gulf, l$.S6e: sales, 5SS) bales. CJALVKSTON. Teg., Oct 6. COTTON stea.l ; 134c NEW OKLEAN8, Oct. 8 COTTON Spots were quiet. Low ordinary, ,c; or dinary, 10 J-lbc, nominal; good ordinary, 11S-; strict good ordinary, li l-lc; low middling, l:'4c; strict low middling, 11 le-ldo-middling. 13 1-lbc; strict middling, li J-isc-good nilddllng. 11 5-ltic; strict gord mid dling. 134c; middling fair, 1J4.C; middling fair to fair, 14c; fair, 14c. nominal. Ite ceipts, .:i2 bales; stock. 72 07S balea ST. IUIS. Oct. COTToN-viulei; mid dling, 13Sc Kales, none; receipts, 246 bales' siiipmeiius, 4.l bales; stock, ,740 bales, ' agar aad Hvlaaacs. NEW YORK. Oct. 4 SI'UAR Kaw steady; fair refining, l7t4J.724; centrifu gal M test. 4 ij4.XI'-ic;, mota.aa.-a sugar .4iii3.4W. Reflnrd. quiet; cruxhed, li-ioc' powdered, $.2oc, granulated, ' OMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beceiptt of Cattlt Are Very Heary Again Tneidty. ' HOGS SHOP OFF ANOTHER NICKEL steeelats ot gsiees) aad Iisaba Verr lrge, Mil lie Trade Centlaaea la Moat gatlsfaetery Caadl tloa Taroacaoat. SOL'TM OMAHA. Neb., Oct. 8, 1909. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. ;Sheep. Official Monday 11.4m 3 1 K.KF4 Estimate Tuesday 7.000 ,)() '27.000 Two days this week.. 10.01$ (,t8 fame days last week... IS,, 072 .72 Same days I weeks ago 1S.1K 6.K72 Same daya t weeks ago. IS. 10 1.470 Same dsys 4 weeks ago.17.lDo .74 Same days last year... .11, SW 8.tx 70.120 4.llfi M.T9I 20.4A0 The following table shows the recclptv of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha ior ine year to date, compared with last year: ijw. ibo. Cattle 7SliM T41IWI Hoga 1.H30.J10 lBsngh theep 1.487.1(83 1,488, 364 The following table shows Ine. Deo. 41.329 US.Mt U.14. the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the laat several days with comparisons: Date. j ISO. il9U8.lN7.7W.UO.! Bept. 24. . Sept. 26.. Sept. 28.. Sept 27.. Sept. 28.. Sept. .. Sept. W.. Oct l.A. Oct. I.... Oct. 3.... Oct 4....I Oct. 6.... 1 I 7B t Ml s I 5 2X1 t 24 I 11 I 18 I li I 13 B 7KI 6 74 6 3 87 5 70 S 7 5 74 S 9 I 861 6 72 ! 7 71 t 74 t 82 I 6 81 t 72 1 6 t 74 I 7 6 67 1 l9l 77 t 7 V u t (7, I OStt 5 Mi 7 a7Vfs 66 7 88 7 r,'H 7 884 60 01 (01 I t 2 ( 6 SI 6 t 841 ( 63 t IS 621 'I 45 $ 10 $7 82U 281 5 081 7 80 I 8 S4j 8 29 t 06 'Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live took at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at S o'clock yes terday afternoon: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Hrs. C. M. A St. P T S Wabash 1 Missouri Paclflo 1 I Union Pacific 96 16 69 .. C. A N. W. (east) .... 6 2 8 .. C. A N. W. (west). ...108 18 61 1 C, St P., M. et 0 4 3 C, H. & Q. (east).... 1 8 C, B. ft Q. (west) ....Va 18 13 C, R. I. A p (east) .. 6 C, R. I. A P. (west)., t Illinois Central 1 1 Chicago Oreat West.. 2 Total receipts ....868 67 146 1 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 521 l,otj 2,307 Swift and Company.... 1.424 1.028 1.716 Cudahy Packing Co 1.646 838 1,501 Armour A Co 1,676 1.125 331 Cudahy (from country) 1.102 Morris A Co 176 W. B. Vansant A Co llv Benton Vansant A Loeb.. 867 Stephens brothers 86 Hill A Son 824 F. B. Lewis 152 Huston A Company 1H3 , J. B. Root A Co 2V7 J. H. Bulla 5 L. F. Hula 127 L. Wolf 802 McCreary A. Carey 231 8. Werthelmer 187 H. F. Hamilton 661 M. Hegarry 18 Sullivan Bros 136 Lee Rothschild 210 Church, Klein A Smith.. 44 Smith A Palgey 68 Other buyers .....1,219 .... 31.122 Total 10,041 4,184 88,129 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were again very liberal this morning, making the total for the two days this week 20,000 head, a slight deorcaae, as compared with a year ago, but a gain of about 2.000 head, as compared with the same two daya last week. In spite ot the large reoelp'.s, the market was In a very satisfactory condi tion throughout. ' ' Packers- were out early In the morning and were free buyers ot beef steers, paying prices that were fully steady with those prevailing yesterday and last week. The trade was quite aotlve and the desirable kinds changed bands In good season In the morning. Cows and heifers were also very free sellers at good steady prices, there being no material change In the market as com pared with yesterday. There has been a very good demand for desirable feeding cattle and anything com ing under that head met with very ready ale at good steady to strong prices. Even the medium grades moved off freely at as good prices a prevailed yesterday or last week. quotations on cattle: Good to choice eornfed steers, $;.2b4J.CO; fair to good corn fed alters, t6.2&7.26; common to fair oorn fed steers, $4-10416 26; good to choice range steers, $6.26wVw.40; fair to good range steers, $4.4(a5.26; common to fair range steers, $$. 6014(4. 40; good to choice eornfed cows and heifers. M-OO-OO; lair to good eornfed cows and heifers, A264.00; common to fair ournfed cow a and helfeia, $2.00t8.3Ii: good to choice range cows and halters, $3.V&4f4 26; fair to good range cows and heifers. $3.26 3.76; common to fair range cows and heif ers, $2.25&126; good to choice stack ers and feeders. $4.006.96; fair to good tuckers and feeders, $3.40.400; com mon to fair stockera and feeders, 3.7&4p..40; took heifers, $2 u4I.5; veal calves, $3,600 176; bulls, stags, etc.. $2.7&i.7o. Representative sales: WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 12 cows 884 tA ouws 909 10 feeders.. 676 2l feeders.. io2 12 calves... 845 14 cows Mk 25 feeders.. Vl7 113 steers. ..1174 8 55 3 30 3 09 4 16 4 00 3 36 4 20 4 (16 4 26 3 16 2 75 25 4 00 3 26 4 06 4 10 18 cows... 8 oows... 19 cows... 12 feeders 21 cows... 47 feeders 990 907 954 339 904 90 3 85 8 00 2 30 4 00 3 75 8 66 4 66 4 30 4 26 3 26 3 76 4 30 2 90 4 06 4 76 4 00 3 00 184 steers. ..1180 24 steers.. ,.lli9 162 steers. ..1033 16 steers.. ..lilt 16 oows. . 14 oows.. 7 calves 12 cows.. 1 bull... 86 714 960 779 8 heifers... 731 18 cows 907 22 feeders.. 997 12 cows 813 8 feeders.. 1030 45 feeders.. 1134 3 heifers... 412 6 calves... 230 .1300 7 feeder. Sua 10 steers.. ..lltoO fi feeders.. 1134 4 00 4 16 3 60 $ feeders. 878 6 feeders.. 626 SOUTH DAKOTA. 15 feeders 14 oows... 3 calves., 9M) 4 00 6 cows 1061 3 00 4 25 3 00 2 60 4 76 3 36 $ 20 4 40 4 tO 3 90 4 00 2 SO 3 00 101s 830 3 40 t 60 3 10 6 00 4 16 885 1 16 4 00 4 25 4 66 4 16 3 60 2 60 7 calves 400 K74 714 U2t 6 cows... 12 heifers. 48 steers.. 13 cows... 19 cows 1023 14 steers.. ..lliiO U feeders.. 702 8 Ouws fct 14 heifers... 841 7 f coders.. loos 8 fKleis..llb6 94 feeders.. 1074 7 feeuers.. 6V7 K45 9 COW8...,.10V1 7 steers. ...115 4 feeders. .1117 20 feeders. .1118 6 feeders 6 cows... 9 heifers. 1074 678 11 feeders 10 cus... 897 WYOMING. 11 cows.., 16 oows.., 17 cows.., 10 cows... .1090 . 876 . 927 4 26 14 heifers. ..1002 3 80 4 16 4 00 8 10 8 40 8 75 4 90 4 10 2 36 3 36 2 00' 2 40 4 40 4 90 11 calves... 42s 11 heifers... SU 9 cows.:., .1022 ' 6 cows ISA) 7 cows 10t,7 62 steers.. ,.113 25 heifers. ..1008 MO 1 heifers... 74 14 steers.. ..1136. 1U steers. ..1117 9 cows 960 2 90 C. A. Westoott-B. D. 18 feeders.. 1171 6 20 .22 oows 1023 4 00 Fla.ts Vsll.y Farm And Cattle Co. Neb. 48 leedcrs.,103 4 26 feeders.. 1037 8 60 li ieeaers..uis 4 iv feeders.. M A. Nllson-Nsb. 8 16 I M 12 feeders. .1080 4 60 4 feeder. 6 oows 94 3 30 R. Nllson-Neb. 26 heifers.:. 764 3 W 1 bull..:. Scows 878 2 60 8 cows... H. M. Nllson Neb. 842 .1340 .1073 06 3 10 21 feeders . 825 4 80 2 cows. . ... 960 $10 Mllldale Cattle Co. Neb. 85 feeders.. S1 4 50 ( feeders., 516 .3 69 15 oows 980 3 00 9 calves... o3 i ii 8 calves... 174 60 ' Klltjatrlck Bros. Neb. 93 Bteer....107T 4 30 Ieo Keefeler Nf b. 1 cows 908 3 60 ' II 8. Mttchwll-Wyo. 42 steers.. ..1057 4 60 90 steers.. ..1219 6 26 C. Meukomeye Wye. 24 steers.. ..1160 4 76 2u cows 108S $78 ' J. B. Cooper U. I). 11 steers.. ..1175 4 65 19 feeders.. 3 4 46 26 cows 974 $ 46 Gooding A Llttlefleld . D - 21 cows 1U67 3 50 32 oows 907 I 90 8 calves... SJt 4 09 JO- Beam-S. D. 17 feeders.. 1(H 4 40 1. A. Weaver 8. D. 18 feeders.. 1146 4 99 at. D. Goodard-Colo. 18 cows 838 3 t Trobrldge Bros. Colo. 23 feeders.. 968 4 40 6 oows 893 1 76 X. W. Hamaker-Neb. . 19 feeders. . 7W 3 20 35 Cows 317 2 16 calves... 87 4 69 R. tl. Hatnaker Neb 22 cows X9 3 M) 31 CUWB 336 I 10 16 calves... 273 4 35 Thorns White Wro. 12 feeders.. 9i4 4 10 28 cows MS 3 $71 U feeder.. 4 14. Goodrich Wyo. 24 feeder.. WJ 4 so R mixed... 4.1 8 35 Beaver Creek Cattle Co.--Wo. 17 cows 9)4 3 80 Manhlll A Nichols Wyo. 1$ feeders.. 134 4 6ft 8 cows 1110 3 85 F. li. Fawcett Wo. 8 cow 10(4 8 60 C. W. Marquis Wvo. I cows 1034 8 89 18 steers.. ..1114 4 35 R. A. Harper-Wvo. 17 rows 918 3 60 $ feeders.. 1118 4 73 P. N. Nondsrrsn V, yo. 24 feeder.. 967 4 20 3 cow 1042 3 60 II S. Mttchell-Wo. W feeders.. 11.M4 $10 13 steers. ..12P1 4 90 10 steers.. ..112 8 00 13 steers. ...1123 4 00 33 COWS 973 3 76 C. H Tully-Neh. 76 heifers... 573 3 40 4 heireig... 38! 3 00 M. C. Hubble Neb. 44 feeders. .1170 4 66 36 steers.. ..10S6 $80 3 cows 9!) 8 SO J. B. Musser Neb. 29 cows 84 8 40 6 Cows 816 2 95 2 bulls 11H0 2 16 J. F. Stewart Neb. It feeders.. 1190 4 40 cows 906 3 36 B. K. Hanlon-Neb. 13 rows SM) 8 85 Frank Telrce Neb. I OOWS 1011 8 3S 2 cows. 1000 2 90 O. C. Kllkenney Wyo. 13 rows 913 3 40 7 cows 8 SO 1 00 6 feeders.. 706 8 90 C. Dtirland Wyo. 8 calve... 218 6 50 4 cows $70 2 75 11 steers.... 807 3 50 H. F. Hunt-Neb. 4 cows 778 t 99 1 bull t4V 8 10 8 COW 913 3 25 3 heifers... 831 4 00 R. Hand-Neb. 3 steers.... 880 8 86 17 cows 908 3 40 Frost A V. S. D. 3 steers. ...105 4 85 4 steers.. ..1000 4 50 13 Steers.. ..10W 4 3 J. Jelley-Neb. 9 calves... W I 24 6 calves... lr3 6 50 6 cows 1000 3 K6 14 cows 7) 2 Kn 19 oows 897 8 40 12 heifers... 683 3 40 Shackleford Bros. Wyo. 6 steers.. ..1020 4 65 3 cows 1093 370 4 steer.. ,.1107 4 65 6 steers. ...IO06 4 5a W. Weldon-Nen. 19 steers.... 8(e) 3 70 $ heifer... 866 3 30 Monton A J. 8. I). 18 cow 923 3 80 13 heifers... 6S0 8 50 18 cows 1033 3 50 7 calves... 235 3 76 8 steers.... 647 3 80 10 steers. ... 876 4 00 steer.. ..UK 4 40 J. M. William S. D. 56 steers.. ..1110 4 25 66 steers.. ..1023 4 65 J. Hlne H. D. 4 steer.... 66 8 80 2 calve... 876 8 76 cow 803 3 80 4 calves... 247 4 60 N. L. Hawkln-8. D. 44 steer.,,. 1042 4 40 J. Welgnr 8. D. cows 978 3 00 4 cows 1017 3 60, cows 1180 3 60 11 steers.... 874 4 10 . I. H. Chase 8 D. 20 feeders. .1048 4 70 3 cows 1013 3 00 86 cows 998 8 60 . R. Keene 8. D. 27 feeder.. 1003 4 60 30 heifers... 936 3 70 18 cows 1003 $ 86 18 cows 93 3 fe) J bulls 1630 3 10 10 calves... 804 4 00 3 calves... 1S6 6 60 7 steers 1034 4 00 J. O. Bam-S. D. II cow" 971 3 60 6 cow 1102 3 10 8 feeder.. 712 4 60 1 calf 160 4 25 1 calf 800 4 00 M . H. O. Uomford-8. t. 13 feeder.. 1210 4 90 U cow 1043 4 10 F. R. Llthoff Neb. !eow 7S6 3 40 7 oows,.... 8SK 8 40 1 oow 846 8 40 1 bull 1060 8 05 HOGS Today market was generally a shade to 60 lower than yesterday and the trads was not very aotlve even at the decline. A considerable proportion of the hogs sold at $7.7oj7.tiO and on up aa high as $7.95 for the best here. Owing to the small receipts everything was cleaned up In good season. In spite of the faot that the trade was so dull. Representative sales: No. A. 8h. P. 4 UK) 10 T 70 M 114 SO T 76 48 It8 ... T 'b 41 214 80 7 74 41 J8 lttl 1 74 M 181 120 7 75 44 4I 180 T 74 '4 117 140 t rry 4 184 ... 1 77W 4 376 140 7 Tl 41 4e 80 T 80 48 tet 80 T SO 44 L44 40 7 80 t ... t 40 41 m 140 T 80 "4 237 800 7 40 48 175 IS) 1 M W ... T 80 8MI ... 1 40 lt ... T 40 " 7 ... J o m ... 7 80 No. 70.. 74.., TV... At. 8h. Pr. ....Ml im 7 80 ..,.148 140 7 80 ... 40 t 80 .147 40 7 40 4 4 1J Iki 68 I.I 40 7 4n 21 lit 130 1 80 24 817 ltd 7 84 18 118 ... 1 80 4 170 80 1 80 71 184 40 7 80 I. Ml ... 7 10 81 tl U 7 40 41 ...U74 ... 7 80 48 144 40 7 80 Sol ... 7 40 82. ill 140 f lo II K 1U0 t 42 28 SOI ... 7 t6 0 M4 ... 7 M 44 2U ... 1 n 44 o4 ... 7K SHEEP Despite yesterday1 record run of heep, everything was sold before the cloee of the- session excepting a few odd loads of feeder stock. Although It took some lltu Umi to get tarled In the morn ing, owing to large amount of sorting and naplng up of supplies, when the trade was once under way packer took hold muoh belter than wa generally expected at the outset and a comparatively early clearance on anything desirable for kill ing purposes were affected.. As was noted in yesterday's report, choice grade of both sheup and lambs ruled nearly steady, while common and Inferior kinds sold all the way from weak to 16c lower. Feeder were rather alow sellers, but brought very nearly steady prices on bulk of sales. Considering unusually heavy receipts the general market on all classes of stock finished In very good condition, looking at It from a seller s standpoint. Today receipt were again heavy, about 10,000 head less than yesterday's run, but also 10,000 head heavier than the combined receipts of the first two day of the corre sponding week of last year. As has been the case almost every day lately the mar ket wag slow in getting started owing to late arrivals, shaping up, eto. Quality was about the same a yesterday, a large per centge of "tripe" being Included In shlp menta Very little trading was done In early rounds; In fact, hardly enough to af ford an actual test of the market, but the general feeling seemed to be about steady on all kind and grade. A the morning progressed It became apparent that several large shipments would hardly be received much before noon, but the fw string of sheep and lambs sold early, brought generally firm prices, with every prospect of a good, steady market throughout the day. Quotations on fat sneep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, $6.666.86; fair to good lambs, $o.2MBU.iu; good Tight yearlings, $4.90 U&.20; good heavy yearlings, $4.t'a-4.W; good to choice wethers, $4.1644.40; fair to good wethers, $; good to choice ewes, $4.0041-4.16; fair to good ewes, $3,760 Quotations on feeder stock: Good to choirs lambs, $6.90Kf 8.30; fair to good lambs, $6.15ru5.90; light yearlings $o.00(ii.10; heavy yearlings, 4.?&u6.0u; old wethers, Kooy 4.26; good to choice ewes, $2.7&if3.16; breed ing ewes, ti.tugbM; yearling breeding ewes, $6.60a.00. Representative sales: . 231 Wyoming yearling and weth ers 92 4 15 351 Wyoming ewes, feeders 90 2.80 120 Wyoming ewes, feeders 103 2.80 102 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. 85 4.90 170 Wyoming lambs, feeders 72 6.05 103 Wyoming lambs, feeders 61 4.08 130 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. 78 4.90 835 Wyoming ewes, feeders 91 2.90 250 Wyoming ewes, feeders 92 2. 90 1K8 Wyoming ewes, feeders 98 3.00 116 Wyoming ewe .....lot 3.90 733 Wyoming lambs 88 6.60 29 Wyoming, lamb, feeders 40 6.00 232 South Dakota wether, feed er 102 4 10 230 South Dakota wether, feed er 99 4 )0 138 South Dakota yearlings 69 4.90 91 Wyoming ewe, feeders, 90 2.95 211 Wyoming ewes ...116. 4.90 . 212 Wyoming wethers and year lings 93 4. 60 63 Wyoming lambs, feeder. .. 68 4 00 280 Wyoming lambs, feeders 68 6.00 844 Wyoming lambs ............... 70 8 65 4i6 Wyoming lamb 69 6.66 Z2 Wyoming lamb 60 6.40 2i5 Wyoming lamb, feeder..'... 64 6 86 262 Wyoming ewes, cull 94 3 00 161 Wyoming ewes, culls.... 98 3.00 417 Wyoming Urn ha, feeder 61 $ 90 404 Wyoming lambs -. 49 - (.66 109 Wyoming ewes, feeders....... 96 3.10 366 Wyoming ewes, feeders loo 3.10 268 Montana wethers, feeders.... 97 4.10 1M Montana yearlings, feeders.. 75 4 MO 361 Wyoming wether, feeder... 39 4.10 662 Western wethers, feeder.,.. 97 4 10 298 Western wethers, feeders 96 4 10 864 Western wethers, feeders 96 4.10 487 Western - wethers, feeders.... 97 4.10 64 Western wethers, feeders 97 . 4.10 919 Montana yearlings, feeders., 76 4 90 469 Montana wether, feeders.... 97 . 4.10 1st Montana yearlings, feeder.. C4 4.90 687 Wyoming ewes, feeders 61 8.09 218 WyomUig. ewes. -feeder 80 3 00 160 Wyoming ewes 91 9.45 ' 613 Wyoming, lambsi feeders 65 $ 60 555 Wyoming lambs, feeders 46 4 60 U Wyoming lambs, feeder 60 $.00 163 Wyoming lambs, culls ,...58 3 84 168 Western wether,' feeders.... 96 4.10 479 Westeru wether feeder..,.. 97 4.10 Kaatas t'lty Hve Sleek Market. VlKDla f'lTe lint IJ'ITTI P celpts. le.0a) head. Including; l.OuO southerns. Market. 10c higher; top, $A 40. choti-e ex port ana areaeiea oe steers, 40. 003 40; fair to good, $4.75t(6 2&; western steers, $3 u t476; stoekers and feeders. $JOo5 20, southern sierra. $3.3tft4.86; southern cows 2 4"i3 76; native cows, $2!Mi4 2fi; native heifers $3.2uo4 00; bulls, $J 604.25; calves, $3 7 .a 7 75. IK ids Receipts, 14 000 head; market, 10c to 16o luwer: tup, $ 07V, bulk of Bales. $7..l4Mi 7.90; heavy, $7.904jfi OTW. rsi-ker and tMitriirre. gJ.tWVW; light. 37 8.-4 7.M); pigs, m.2ti7 K. SHKF.P AND LAMHJ4-R,-celpta, 0o0 hesil; market, strong; Utah Jambs, 87 0."-; lambs, 85 75V7 05; yearlings. $4 ,Mi n.ia; withers. 84 26glMS: ewes, $.,', 54 1 4.J0; ioi'kei4 and feeders, $3.2Mi5.(W. t lllt AtiO 1.1, R 4TO( k M4IIKKT Cattle Steady II oaa Lower Sheep Steady to Lower. '. 1. CHICAGO. Oct. 6. -CATTLE- Receipt, S his) hesd, market steady; steeis, $ 40r 50. rows, M 500 26; hef,.r, $.16(i4 O0: hulls. l&0(Ht'4.efi; calves. $3 (svuv.0(l; storker and feeders. $3. 75 5. 60. HOGS Receipts. 10.000 head; market MJIrtc lower; choice heavy. $8.f8.!W; butchers. $8.1Nrs 30; light mixed. $7.7Hi7.90;-.i holce IlKht. M.OIVhK Of.: nai-lilne- 47 ami 11V nlee $7. 0n!7.00; bulk of sales. $4 IM1S.30. tiMISM' AINU 1. A MMN Receipts. 24.000 heed; market steady to lOc lower; sheep. $4fiofl.6v; lambs, $6.006.25; yearlings, 15.35 fI6.60. St. I.onls I. Ire Stork Wtarke. ST. LOUIS, Oct. $ CATTLK-eReoelhta. 8,000 head, including $.500 Texana; market for native steers. 16c to 25c higher,, others steady; native shipping and export steers, 86Ma7.75: dressed beef and butcher steers. $5.26(16.40; steers under 1.000 pounds. $4 009 5.26; stoekers and feeders, $3 601)4.76; rati and helfera, $3 OOOie.25; cannei s, $2.2,Vff2."6; bulla, $3 00il4 ; calves. $5 JOtys 00 ; Tas and Indian steers. $3.S(fl5 35; row and heifers, $2. 2f.ifi 4 00. HOGS-Uerelpts, 10.700 head: ' market steady: pigs and lights, $5 50(38 90; parkers. $T)i.10; butchers and beet heavy. $8 15i 8.36. , SHEEP AND I.AMRS Receipts, 8 40 head; market strong; native muttons, $3 f.t A4.75: lambs, $5.75tg7 IB; culls a ml bucks. $.'.7yi4 90; stoekers, $3.25(il4 00. . . Sloac City Llwa Stock Market. SIOl'X CITY. la.. Oct. 6.-4Sbeelal TeV gram.) CATTLE -Receipt, 2,800 ' head. Market steady to snsy; beeves, $I.OOf7.50; cows, $3.ornr4.ri0; feeders, $4.0OtfS.?5; yenrr lings. $3.XVJ(4.0O. 1 , , HOGS-Recelpts, 1.700 head. , Market good, firm, others weak; rsnge of price, $7.707.96, bulk of sales, $7.501. 50. Stock la Sight. Receipts of live slock at the. si principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. South Omaha 7.600 S.ons 27.009 Sioux City 2.6O0 1.700 1 St. Joseph 4. BOO 6.000 ' 1.900 Kansas City , 19.000 16.000 9.000 St. Loul 8.000 10.700.. ' .1.400 Chicago 9,000 10.000 U8.000 Totals ...50.700 46,400 68.200 OMAHA OBlVERAtt MARKETS. Staple aad Faaey Prdee rrleos rara alsked y Bay era aad Wkeleealere. BUTTER Creamery, No. v, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartona, 87 Hot No., t In 60-lb. tuba, 17c; No. $ in l-lb, oar tons, 2o ; In 60-lb. tuba, 84o packing stock. Utt(30Ho; fanoy dairy, tubs, 12 34c; eonv .. mon roll, fresh made, lowyisifeo. Mark change every Tuesday. EGGS Fresh selling stock, candled, too. CHEKSK Finest Wlaconaln lull .oreaoa twins, 16o; Young Americas, 4 In hoop, litoic; favorite, 8 In hoop, loc; daisies, 30 Is boop, I6H0; cream buck, full ease, Uo; block Swiss, I60; full aream llttiburger, loc. POULTRY torollera, loo; alive, springs, 16c; bens, 10c; cooks, 7o; ducks. 10a; geese, $0; turkeys, 16u; pigeons, per dos., Sou, guinea lowlA per doa, $169, aquabs, per -dos., $3. Dreased hens, 110) springs, ' Ufa 8I01 cocks, tfeo; duuka, Uc; geeeae, lltc; ' turkey. 23c FlSll-Fresh. caugnt, almost all are dressed: Halibut. oi buffalo, 9c; trout, bullheads. 14ct catfish. 17c: flrSDDlaa uuflah, 4)4790; black base. 26c: whltaflali,..., 13c; pike, Uo; salmon, 14c; plokerel, 10c; frog lag, 86c. Fresh froeen: WhUeflsh, No. 1. lOo; round, 9o; pickeroL rti-essed. and headless, 7c; round, 6c; pike, dressed, ' 10c; round, so; red snappers. 13c; tjpaniso . n.nL ...I 1 f ' nillv, menk.,,1 X? Aant. Bk.EF CUTS No. 1 ribs, 19c; No. 3 ribs,.,; 12c; No. 8 ribs, 7Vko; No. 1 loin, 200; No. a loin, 13 (c; No. 3 loin. lc; Ho. 1 chuok,. to; No. 3 chuck, 4c; No. 9 cnuck, 4)40; No. 1 round, 9c; No. 3 round, ic; No. $ round, o; No. 1 plate, 6u; No. 2 plate, 40; No. 2 plate, 8tto. VEGETABLES Kansas sweet ' potatoes, ' $2.76 per bbl. Celery, Michigan, 60o bunch. r.t.k... knm ernwn 1 bw) nr lb. eilalaw i sonsln Red Globe onions, 80 per lb -'Call- " fornla cauliflower, $3.00 per mate. Toma toes, home grown, maikst basket, 600; . crate, $4.00. - Lettucs, par aoev, Joe. Par nipa, turnip, carrots, 76c per doa. l'lor- . Ida new beets, cat i ota, parsnips, turnips, atA.. riar do,. 76a. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 5-The local market for coffee future opened steady, but un changed. It was held down by lack of trad ing Interest, some advance being due owing to a gain of U frano at Havre and thnt, ,'. market being Influenced by a rise of 150 reis at Rio and 60 at Santos and frost at . one point In the coffee belt of Sao Paulo. Business halted until Just before the close, when there was some scattered trading, Importers selling and shorts covering. Final prices were 6&10 points lower on the sell- lng pressure. Hales were 80,260 bags, In-, eluding 21,500 bag of switches. Actual sales Included December at 6.66c; March, 6.70c; April. 6.65c; May, 5.76c; July, 6.80c; Sep- tember, 6.90c. The market for spot whs -steady, with Rio No. 7 quoted at 7VW 7 6-lOc; mild coffee dull; Cordova, 84&13q. - Liverpool Grata Market, LIVERPOOL, Oct. I. WHEAT Spot quiet; No. 2 red, western winter, 7s 4W4. Futures, steady; December, 7 6 HI; March. 7s 8d; May, 7s 7S. CORN Spot quiet; new American, mixed, (via Galveston), 6s 2d. Futures dull; Octo ber, 6s lSd; December. 6 COLORADO AFTER CORN PRIZES Coming to Bapoeltlosi to Carry Away Plfteea Thoasaad Dollar in Awards. , ' "Colorado ia coming to the corn show ex pecting to win $15,000 In prizes,'" Is. the mes sage sent back from Denver jby Will A Campbell, who is In the mountain state ad vertising the big exposition. Denver newspaper are taking up the publicity end of the show and assert that the farmer of th state will be among this largest exhibitor in an effort to (how ths people of other sections what th agricul tural resource of that mountainous terrl-' lory really ar. The state expect to re tain the oat trophy now held by It and In addition to send a monster exhibit -which will eclipse all other effort oti the .agri culturists of the state. ( In the exhibit will be a miniature moun tain with the snow melting on it peak nd running down the aid forming a smgll mountain stream, which In turn forms an Irrigation ditch watering th crops In the valley at tlie .foot of the mountain. Hot A Boye Sawed. Loul Boon, a leading merchant' of Nor way, Mich., . writes: ; ,"Thre ' bottle pf Foley Honey and Tar absolutely cured my boy of a sever cough, 'and "A-nelgh-bor's boy. who a so ill with m cold that th doctor gav hint up, Ag cured by taking Foley' Honey and Tar.", Nothing clss 1 a af and oertaln In results. oy ll drugglat. : . , ; chuda 'gets .fifteen gays Mast Wtao Draw Man, on Wife - I Glvea a Maat Seateace ! Jail. James Chuda. who was arrested charged with Insanity after h had threatened Mis. Chuda, his wife, -lth a dr wn -revolver, was sentenced to flftten day In prison by Judge Crawford. Chuda, JW0K0 duWU (he door of their homo and tried to make his wife receive him again Into her Mfeetlon by' pointing a gun at her tiesVd. Mr. Chuda had begun divorce proceeding against him some weeks ago and refused. He wss dis armed by passersby and taken lo the polios station. H was not proaeeutad on the charge of Insanity as he pleaded Intoxication as iys excuse. Your complexion as wen as your temper ia rendered miserable by a dlsordsred liver. By Uklng Chamberlain' (stomach and Liver Tablets you can Improve both, twi) by ail druggu,t.