Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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OMVER Typewriter, rebuilt ?B.
EVERYTHING In typewriters: lust a
: few of our bargains; rebu
Premier. 131; No. Ollv
. A lUmlnvInn LIS Mtlllnl
few of our bargains; rebuilt No. 1 Smith
Iver, 116; No.
shipped on ft t-
' proval, r.o deposit requli
ilred. Tvoawrlter
'"equipment Co.. MM B. Lfch St.
vli-rivli hand tytuwrltera inM rnlr'
ral typewriter uchange. Jtl07 Farnam.
UOfl m cut prices, freight paid on aft
aria; catalogue ire. Bherman m
pel' Drug Co., Omaha, Neb.
INOTON Visible Typewriter, nrtr.
' HAVE on hand a number of Ink
i la which we will Mil at 60c each. They
-(Ina for rain water or aabes. Call at
i room Be Publishing Co.
I 1
JR SALE New and id-hand blllard
, pool table. W lead the world in
lc,ap bar fixture, ruy payment. Brum
HI k-Balk Cullender, tcfl g. loth St.
floor Denamore Typewriter, MO.
TRY a ?! Dlmmock.
. jmaha. for lumber.
,4c Sons, South
nearly new. I would not take 11 000 for It
If I were not suing oat of business. Ad
dress E-140 Bae.
HALL'S ?if. new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnam.
Porno fine rebuilt Smith Premiere.
Second Hand Boilers
We will cell two bbliere that have been in
tixe at tre Re oulloint;. They are eacn
17F-horepower return tubular holler, Js
Inch diameter by II feet lotiK Tiiey have
ls C. I. tubas. I Inohea byll feet. Work
ing preseuie 1 pound per-square Inch.
Heat aurface 13. 0Oi iqutrt feat. Urate area
Kt aijuara fast.
We are very analous to dlspnse of these
boiler Immediately and will sell at a bar
gain. If taken at once.
The bkb rl-ildino company.
17th and Farnam 3t.. Omaha Neb.
COAL ' 1,llhl'c Market Special, r.
x-annage-i nompHon Co., 1010 Harney. D. 5M2
TYPEWRITERS for rent, all mnke.
Special rates to students
TEN-HORSE gasoline engine, shafting,
aw and other machinery, cheap. E. H.
Howland, South Omaha, Neb.
I'nderwood Typewriters rebuilt. IL'S to :'
SAFES,, new. and second-hand. 1110 Farn.
.tt m AT. R)d; Yukon egg or lump,
i?UKsJftlj b(,ri for prce ,ry
HARMON & WEETH. Roth phones.
v TYPE WRITE K 4 for rent-82 up.
FOR SALE Double heater, base burner,
a good aa new. 1546 S. asth St.
SQUARE piano for Rale cheap. H., P.
O. Box 888, Omaha.
FOR SALE First-class cement brick.
No. 24th anil O Sta., South Omaha. Neb.
JOHNSON. INS 418 n! Y. L Tel. 13. ISM
Dr. Katheryn Nlckolaa. (08 S. Y. L. Bldg.
D. O. BARNELL Paxton Big. Tel r.ed 711?'.
HUFFMAN. 818 Neville Bldg. Book free.
HEED A B8TRACT CO., 14; promp
etvloe; tei- our prlueo. 1710 Farnam Bu
OANGF.HTAD. .404 Be Bldg. Tel. D. N67.
"pAYHE INV. CO.. flrat floor N. Y. Ufa
BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandala Bldg.
.HAH. E. WlLIUAMtiON Preeldenl.
cit pboehtv ron ialg
9 Rooms7$ll,500
East front, In ixclusive Went Karnflm
llatrlct. Not offered befoie.
Harrison 8r Morton
Prompt-paying tenants. Nil vacancies.
Its location Insure good, permanent
INCOME, $1,332 A YEA It
Pries tS.OOO. Only 16,000 oash, balance long
time I at fi per cent, investigate. It is
worth while.
Mult C!4 N. Y. Lira Bldg.
Have You $300? Yes
All right, we will spII you on monthly
payments, same as rent, a new s-rooro
cottage In the north part of city, with
bath, toilet, wah basin, hot and cold
watar, gas, good cellar, attic, corner lot,
paved street, good neighborhood; Imme
diate) possession.
Payne, Bostwick &Co
Sola Ageuts, Main Floor, N. Y. Lite Bldg.
NEW cottage, eontalnirg rooms, one
block from cat, two blocks from school
I1.A50, fV0 cash ft per cent discount If
sold quickly If desired, will lease froo
buyer. L. 2.0. 1 e
I Want Farm Loans to the
Amount of $500,000
Limited -to about $W per acre for loans
on choice eastern Nebraska lands.
Security approved and titles examined
by Omaha men. No long delays.
S12 !0 Barker Blk.
Second Prize Story
Itha Larkln.' Norfolki Neh., Aged 1
Years; J. C. Larkln. Father, Norfolk High
School. Ninth Grade. -
CHINA decorating; order work a spe
cialty. Lesson Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday. Firing daily. Children's classes
Saturdsy morning. Bldg. Tel. Rd.
Mrs. Davis sat at thv window with a de
pressed look on her face, while many
thoughts flitted through her mind. Sha
had Just lost all of .her wealth, and sha,
being alone In the world, knew not what
to do.
Her wealthy friends had now forsaken
her, for she was noting now but a poor
Mrs. raW hid noOUng left but a few
dollars and that would keep her but a
very short time and she must try and find
work. But what oould aha do, nothing In
fact presented Itself to Mrs. Davis' mind,
for she was not strong and could not do
all kinds of work. Sha had moved Into a
flat of two roasna about week before
and while sha aat thinking thus Tha Bea
citt PsorKiiTr ron balk.
K room house and lot, KOt 8. 201 h Ave.
Rents 111 per month.
Win take tlW down and balance very
Then we have
houses ranging In price from 12.000 to 14.000
that we can sell on very easy terms. Let
us show you.
Suite tit N. Y. Life Bldg.
3517 Jackson St.
Owner leaving, city and desires to sell a.
once; has made very low price on hi
home. 6 room with bath, gas, hot and cold
water, mantel and grate, some fruit, paved
street, excellent nilhburhood. 2.600.
Payne, Bostwick & Co.
Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Llfs Bldg.
INVESTMENT Two St Louis flats,
built 1 year, monthly rental tloi; corner
lot. paving paid In full both streets, first
class location; BIGGEST SNAP JN
OMAHA: m.SOD. Could handle with i3,W0
Ground Floor. N. Y. Life.
Farnam St. Froperty
133 feet, 'near 24th, t.im0.
110 feet, near 2M, l'f a font.
24 feet, near 22rl. improved. IW.Ono.
7 feet, near 21t. $42(J (Improved).
90 feet, east of 20th. ITn.rtK).
M.4 feet, corner 20th. 142.000.
Harrison & Morton
ro'ms. modern, only $2,500. Thomas Bren
nan Room 1. New York Life Bldg.
ONE of the finest suburban homes In
Omaha and Council Bluffs; reasons, moving
to Oregon. For particulars Inquire of Wm.
Stars. Co. muffs, la. Bell phone No. 193JI.
I blocks north 24th car, electric light, fins
condition, nearly new. Good home, only
Let tin show you.
Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg.
BY OWNER. -room, well built, all mod
ern house; porcelain bath; wash stands;
barn with water and wash rack. Hanscom
i'aik, $.1,500; terms. Address N 452. Bee.
44x132, $10,000
Trackage In heart of city.
Harrison & Morton
7-rootn houxe, nearly new; modern except
Walking Distance, $2,400
Get settled before winter.
Suite 624 N. Y. Llfs Bldg.
One of the bent business corners In
Omaha; 1-story brick building; earns good
Income; sure to increase In value. Price
StVO.OOO, Terms $10,000 cash; balance at low
rats of Interest
Suite 144 N. Y. Life Bldg.
John Morrison House
$fi.VO00 Paving of Grand Ave. makes this
very choice best view in lh city.
Harrison & Morton
BEMId PARK New house, $ rooms and
lame reception hall, osk finish, hot water
heating, nice houUi front lot; snap at $5,500.
CATE, Ground Floor. N. Y. Life.
We have for sale a nice 6-iootn house,
completely modern; three rooms down
mairs and three rooms upstairs; full ce
ment basement. This houue Is furnished
complete, including gas stove, kitchen
iant!e, kitchen utensils, dishes, etc.; all
ready to move Into. The front room Is fur
nlxhed in mahogany, dining room In oak.
The reason the owner wishes to sell this I
that he lias a claim in the western part of
the state and has decided to move. House
is located at 2.S06 Burt St., on a nice lot,
which will increase In value each year.
The house was built three years ago and Is
as good as new. .In order to sell at once,
the owner has authorised us to offer the
hoiiFe and ail furniture, complete, at $3,000.
$1,000 down, balance $30 per month, which
Includes Interest. This is your opportunity
to secure a bargain. Sea us at ones.
Shinier & Chase Co.,"
Sola Agenta.
303 S. 17th St. Both "Phones.
72' feet, north side Farnam, near 22d.
$250 a foot. Act quickly.
Harrison & Morton
nearly new, all modern, with HOT WATER
HEATING, paving paid. Owner leaving
city; will take $5,&00. TERMS. GLOVER
REALTY SYNDICATE, around Floor. N.
T. Life.
LOTS in Gerlng. Cholca lots la Gerlng,
Neb., where Union Pactflo survey Just run
through: railroad expected In this winter.
For a bargain writ Box 286. Mitchell, Neb.
FOR quick returns, l'.s your real aetata
fur sals and exchange with ma, no aala.
no pay. W. W. Mlihtll. Board of Trad
B'.dg , Omaha Neb.
arrived and sha picked it up and glanced
carelessly over the pages. She glanced up
and down the want ad column, .but with
little hope.
"Nothing for me." she said, and she laid
down the paper, disheartened. The one
talent that Mrs. Davis poxsessed was her
skill in decorating chlha. This thought pre
sented a new Idea in her mind, and she
said, "I'll advertise In The Bee and will
decorate china by order, and give lessons
to children." Will It be a success? This
question puszled her mind until the arrival
of The showed the above ad. which
sha had put In the paper.
Tha next day after tha want ad ap
peared in Tha Bee, Mrs. Davis received
an unexpectedly large order for decorated
china, and It was not long before she had
a large class of children.
Everybody was pleased with the work
and told their friends. She was mora than
pleased with the results of her little want
ad and is now the most prominent of china
decorators In Omaha. She has moved to a
more suitable location for ber work.
She Is In good circumstance and ha a
nice little sum of money laid aside.
A little want ad gives big results.
(Continued )
We have the following:
tS.W) on 180" property, nesr lth and
Howard, drawing 6 per cent Interest.
I2.H0 on IlI.OUO property, near 24th and
Fsrnsm. drswing 5 per cent Interest.
11.800 on Ifi.OOO property, near 2.ld and Vin
ton, drawing 6 per cent Interest.
11.200 on n MO property, near 2tth and
Bristol, drawing ( per cent Interest.
BEM1S, Brandeis Blk.
A cholca building loi, Hillsdale." II 00
rash. $1 a week. Prices $100 to l-'OO; no In
terest, no tsxes. Fee us.
HASTINGS A HEY DEN, 1614 Harney St
MY nine-room modern house to he sold
before October 10th. The best offer geis
It. Address Owner, 3223 Harney St., Omaha.
NAP, sn l-room modern house nt !o
Hickory. Must he sold, lot 42x140. make
an offer. Call Room 411 Karbach Bid.
FOR SALE Belle vue fruit farm, loca
ted 84 miles southeast of Council muffs,
la. 20 acres, elevation high; health giving
location, full assortment of fruit. B'.speclally
adapted for practical fruit grower or
man of means desiring a beautiful subur
ban residence. Price i.000; less for cash.
For particulars, address owner. H. C
Raymond, 814 Sixth Ave., Council muffs,
KANSAS 24S acres for "ale; four-room
house, new barn, 40xHO. All fine tillable
land; corn will go sixty bushels per acre
this year. Pries $.16 per acre. For further
Information write for my special farm list
C. b. Clark, Parsons, Kan.
Ten thousand acres alfalfa, winter wheat
and corn land for sale in small and large
farms. In Biirraan, Buffalo and Cusiar
counties. J. T. Campbell. Litchfield, Neb.
100 acres choice all level Improved land,
all under cultivation, one mile from city
of 12.0U0 inhabitants; county seat in Cen
tral Neb.; $X0.00 per acre if taken In 30
days. ' This Is a real snap and you will
admit It when you see it. Lock Box 84ti,
North Platte, Neb.
The citizen of North Platte are anxious
to secure a large dairy near that city.
We have a farm two miles from the cen
ter of town, 684 acres, all under Irrigation;
160 acres In pasture, 150 In hay, 100 acres
In alfalfa, balance under cultivation. There
Is a comfortable and modern 6-room house,
windmill, tank, creamery, splendid water
supply, cow barn 192x 28 ft, all sorts of out
buildings, corrals, fences. The price of
this Is only $65 per acre and will be worm
$100 Inside of a very few years, and Is a
bargain for the right man. Could ba aub
1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg.
20 acres, SO acres under ditch, 40 In al
falfa, 15 of oats, 26 of corn. Will sell tools
and crop on ground, all fenced. ltW acres
in pasture, good house, well Improved. If
interested write W. K. Moe. Bridgeport,
NL'CKOLLS County, Nebraska, Land
Bargain 320 acres near Edtrar. good house.
barn, hog house, hog pasture, 30 .acres
alfalfa. 20 acres timothy and clover, VM
iicres other cultivated land, balance fenced
In fasture. If taken soon, $u0 per acre.
Terms. Box 76, Edgar, Neb.
KSO-ACRE farm, 235 in cultivation; house
30x30. two-story; barn, 26x 40; hog house,
granary, corncrlb; orchard; peach orchard;
20-acre hog pasture; 10 acres timber, bal
ance pasture and hiiy land: soil black
loam. Snap at $3S per acre. For further
information address, A. C Hubbard,
Ewlng, Neb.
Fruit farms, all sixes; prices ranging
from $10 to $2,000 per acre; good market;
delightful climate; prosperous and energetic
neigbin... Call on ma for particulars.
(19 Bee Bldg.. Omaha.
North Dakota.
FOR SALE-800 acres, .orth Dak6ta
farm, 20 miles from Jamestown, 6 miles
from Plngree; 700 acres under cultivation;
40 pasture; 60 still prairie; nine-room house;
good horse barn; sheds; 10,000 bushels gran
ary; good water, etc; school house on the
farm. Address the owner, J. D. Miller,
Miller. S. D.
oats Dakota.
HANDSOMELY Improved farm of $10
acres, one-half mile of Gregory, S. D., of
fered on easy terms. Address the owner,
W. B. Carlock. Gregory, B. D.
PARTIES wishing to locate In any of tha
western states should first see ths fine
fuming lands In the Golden Prairie dis
trict of Laramie county. Wyoming $10 to
',. per acre. Writs Allander & Nelson,
Carpenter, Wyo,
FOR Oregon, California and Idaho lands,
mines and timber address Clementa-Basler
Realty Co., Grants Pass, Ore.
CORN Jelly will curs oorna, tfio, Haines
Drug Co., U10 Farnam St
STRICTLY private home during confine
ments; excellent care; babies adopted;
trained nurse. K1S Lavenport St
A NEW BOOK, the Underworld Sewer,"
by Joels Washburn; price, $1.60. Sold
by Swarts & McKelvey, 10 b. 16th tit,
between Douglas and Dodga.
lfAft'F,TTf! treatment. Mm Smith.
third floor.
A HOME for women during confinement.
Wa find homes for babies where mother
cannot care for them. Babies boarded.
For terms, address Mrs. Martha A. Lee. Ui
Bancroft feu. Oiuaua. Neo. phono toug
las 1KU.
LADIES wishing to obtain the latest
dress cutting system. Learn cutting. Call
ill No. tb til. '4'hoo.a. luuglas ivli.
PRIVATE horn during confinement;
babies for adoption; Good Samaritan fcan
liuriuin, 740 1st Ave., Council bluffs, la.
MRS RITTEN HOUSE, vibratory mas
sage and electric baths. R. 4th floor
Old Boston btor Bldg., loth and Douglas.
DR. EGG E US. private confinement boms
Hit Marina at lei uoualas &).
THE famous Velvetina Toilet Goods. For
sal by all druggist or phone Douglas 6tW.
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff
clothing. In fact, aatlnng you do not need.
Wa collect, repair and sell at 134 N. lltn
St., for cost of collection to the worthy
poor. Call phone Douglas 41JS and wagon
will cell.
MAGNETIC Treatments! '
Brolt Six S. Ith St. Doug. UN.
ANYONE knowing the present where
abouts of Jar.ien C. Ballard, who resided
In Douglas county In 1867, or any of hi
relatives, will please communicate wits
H $3$. cars Omaha Bee. Omaha. Neb.
Private confinement home. Mr Dr. King,
ir4 N. t4ih. 1st. Web. lad. B-16U
WTfSS nd toupees for men. GRIFFITH.
AVIO u M irrt.nlrr nig
A NEW BOOK, tha "Cnderwori l Sewer"
by Josle Washburn; price, $1.60. Sold by
.Swarts 4 McKelvey, 10 Soutn 16th St.,
between Douglas and Dodga.
HELEN AMES ct Washington. D. l.
maiutuiuut said massage. l-4 CiiUa Ate
(Continued. )
AMl'SE your friends! Teach N common
house fly to become a proficient dumb bell
Jusgler; no fske; act quick; send 10c
stamps or silver. N 6M. Bee.
WE will call for. clean and adjust your
phonograph for $150.
Phones Douglas 13, A 1J.
Cor. 15th and Harney. r
OMAHA Stammerera' Ins.. Ramge Bldg
PHONE IND. A-zttfO for good printing
Lyngstadt Printing Co.. 16th Capitol Ave,
l"i Ixavonworth St. Tel. Ihnig. 2547.
$100 to $in.oo made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wead Bl.'.g . ISth and Farnam.
$500 to $VO00 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefa
Real Estate Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug. r
M O N F T TO LOAN Payne lnvearnent Co.
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
Always on hand and for sale in amounts
from $:HK to $J.0u0.
412 N. Y. Life Bldg.
to loan On
Omaha Business Property.
Room 1. New York Lite Bldg.
LOANS to home owners and home build
erg, with privilege of making partial pay
ments semi-annually. No commission.
603 First National Bank Bldg.
SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated.
Apply Booms 417-1K First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Bell 'Phone, Douglaa Ula.
WANTED City loans. Paters Trust Co.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 F aroam St
Private money, $UM to $6,000; low rata.
LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandeis Bldg.
GARVIN BROS.. $11 N. T. Life $60 to
$200,000 on Improved property. No delay.
FARM LOANS-6 and 5H per cent optional
payments; no delay. I. SIB BERN BEN.
t, 6 and 7-room houses. If prices are right
we can sell your property for you.
Suite 624 N.. Y I' Hldg.
MONEY' WANTED to develop an estab
lished business: can show immense profits.
No chance to lose. Look Into this at once
Address D-544. Bee.
WANTED Cheap pair mated white Rus
sian wolf hounds. "pedigreed." Write
Box A, Far well. Neb.
BEST price paid fur second-hand furni
ture, carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug.
BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays best
price 2-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 4265.
WANTED Several carloads of fresh milk
cows or springers. Dealers In stato, let u
bear from you. Ala mi to Sanitary Dairy
Co., l&UI Farnam St '
BE8T price part for td-hand furniture,
stoves, clothing. W. Rosenblatt Tel. D. 6401.
GROSS' Loan Office, buy and sell old
clothes, 601 N. 16th. B 2351.
HIGHEST prices for furnltnrtV- etc.
BELL'S Furn. Store, 1406 Dodge. IlcS S5SI.
WANT 2d-hand ehoes and clu'Uiek." tt- 27S5.
WANTED Place to work with room and
board and attend night school. Address
W. Batson, Hastings, Mich.
LADY with several years' basiness train
ing desires position selling either in city
or will travel. Al references. Address
W 607, care Bua. ,
WANTED By young man, place to work
for board while attending Boyles college.
Both phones.
WANTED Situation In office by man
of 26 years' experience in clerical work;
best of references. Address 710 Mynster
St., Council Blutfs, la.
Ualos raclflc
Overland Limited a 7:20 am
China and Japan Mall.. a 4:00 pin
Oregon & Washington
Limited al2:01 am
all:59 pm
a :30 am
a 6:45 am
a 8:50 pm
Los Angeles Limited. ,.al2:55 pm
Portland (special...
Colorado Special ..
North Platte Local
Colorado Express...
Grand Island Local
..aU:66 pm a 6:46 pm
.a am a s:4o am
.a :15 am a 4:46 pm
.a 3:50 pm a 6:00 pm
a o.a pm aiu:i am
Lincoln Beatrice Local. bl2:40 pm b 1:20 pm
Valparaiso A. Central
City bU:40 pm b 1:20 pm
Missoarl Pacific
K. C. and St. L. Ex a 8 00 am a 7:00 am
K. C. and St L. Ex. (It.
Sat 12 p. m all: 16 pm a 6:60 pm
Cteicaao, Ruck IslauA raclrio
Rocky Mountain L't d..a!2:40 am a 10:. 10 pm
Iowa Local a 6:40 am a 4 SO pm
The Mountaineer a t:42 am a 1 50 am
Dcs Moines Local a 4:00 pm all .to pm
Iowa Local blO.Hb am b 9:66 pm
Chicago-Eastern Ex.... a 4.40 pm a 1:10 pio
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd.. a :0s pin a a. 06 am
Tha Mountaineer al0:40 pm a 7:36 am
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd.
for Lincoln) a :30 am a 6:47 pm
Colo, and Cal. Ex al:2vpm a 4:30pra
Okla. and Texas Ex. ...a 4:40 pin a 1:00 pm
Rocky Mountain L t d. . ail. U pin am
W a bsis
St Louis Ex a 6.30 pm
bt. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs; a $.90 am
Stanberry Local (trom
Council Bluffs) b 8:00 pm
llllaols Cemiral
Chicago Express a 7:16 am
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm
Minn.-Su Paul Exn b 7:1. am
Minn.-St. Paul Ltd. a 6:00 pin
Omaha-Ft Dodge IxMJ.b 4:i5 pm
a $.28 am
all:ia pm
blO:U am
a 8:48 pm
a 7:16 am
a' 7:15 am
bll 30 am
Chicago, Mllvtaakee at It. Paa
Overland Linu-.;d al2:15 am a 7:05 am
Overland racial .a So am
Chicago omaha Special. a 7:J0 am
Colo.-California Ex a 6.00 pm
Perry-Omaha Local b 5:15 pm
ihleaao sY North wwtr
Colorado-Chicago a 4.U0 am
Chicago Daylight Spl..a 7.00 am
a 1:30 am
a 6.55 am
a 8.25 pm
bU:0 pm
a 1:30 am
all. 35 am
all :35 Din
Omaliu-Chicago Local.. .a!2:u5pin
Omaha-Chtcago Spi..
..a 6. & pm a 1.2s pm
..a 6.w pm a 7 u0 am
..a t oil pin a 8.2s pm
..a 8 10 pm aI2:05 pm
..al2.16 am a 7.05 am
..a 4:15 am a 8.65 pm
Pacific Coast-Chicago.
Lo AnRcles-Pol lland
Overland Limited
Carroll Local
Fast Local Cedar
Twin City aim Dakota
a 8:35 pm
Daylight a 7:4i am alO 20 pm
Minnesota and Dakota. a 7 uu pm
Twin City Limited a $:0upm
bloux City Local a i-46 pm
LaKota-aioux City
Uiualia Mjiie.-o(a-tiuux City
Omaha a 7.10 am
a $.2 pm
a 8 10 am
all .00 m
northwestern line west
Norfolk-lioueateei a 7 50 am a 10 SO pm oin-i-ong t-ine ai:wan
Norfolk-South Platte. ..b 2 lo pm
Hastings-Superior b J 11 pm
Dead aood-Hot fcpnngs. .a i 16 put
Caper-Lnuer a t 65 pin
Fremont-A Ibion b 5.30 pm
ralragto (.real Wreterm
Chicago Limited a t 16 am
Tain City Limited ....a 8 15 am
Chicago Express a S 30 pm
ali .uO am
b 6 :M pin
b 6:20 pm
a 6:20 pin
all 00 am
b I 65 pm
a 8 30 pm
a 8 30 pm
Clarion Lo a: a K on pm
Twiii City .itiru4 ... a 1 00 ora a s 00 am
Conductors and Motormen
Able-bodied men between the nges of 23 nnd 40, nbove
5 feet C inches in height, and well recommended, for jier
mnnent positions as conductors nnd motormen.
, Residents of Omaha and vicinity preferred.
Apply between 9:30 and 11:30 a. m. and 2 and 4 p. m.
nt the office of Superintendent of Transportation, 2d
floor Merchants National bank building.
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Company
Denver and California.. a 4:10 pm
Puget Sound Ex a 4:10 pm
Black Hills a 4:10 pm
Northwest Ex all50 pm
Nebraska points a 8:20 am
Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:20 pm
Nebraska Ex a 8:15 am
Lincoln Local ,
Lincoln Local a 7.25 pm
Schuyler-Plattsmouth ..b 8:06 pm
Plattemotrrh-Iowa a 9:14 am
Bellevue-Plattsmouth ..a!2:30 pin
Colorado Limited all:0O pm
Chicago Llinited a 7:20 am
Chicago Ex a 4:20 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:30 pm
Iowa Local a 8:15 am
St. Louis Kx a 4:40 pm
Kansas City and St. Jo.altf:45 pm
Kansas City and St. Jo.a 9:15 am
Kansas City and bt Jo.a 4:40 pm
a 8 46 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 7:10 am
a 6:10 pm
al2:16 pm
a 6:10 pm
b 9:03 am
a 7 60 pm
bl0:20 am
a 8:50 am
a 8:40 pm
a 7:10 am
all:36 pm
a 8:66 pm
a 8:00 am
al l:3il am
all: 10 am
a 6:45 arn
a 6:10 pm
Chfcaa-o, St. Pawl, Minneapolis A
Floux City Express b 8:00 pm bll:4S am
Omaha Local c 6:80 pm
Sioux City Passenger b 9:20 pm
Twin City Passenger. ...b 6:80 am
Sioux City Local c 8:86 am
Emerson Local b 6:56 pm b .:18 am
Mlsaoarl Pacific
Auburn Local b 8:60 pnf bll: JO am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, o Sun
day only, d Dally except Saturday.
Omaha-Carron Local. ..a 8:46 pm a 9:30 am
All September Changes
In Train Times Are
Shown In
85c Viwi Stands and Train SSo
Nottilni better on Iks Atlantis than our Emp
!r tlea od til stumer.
t So. Clrk St.. rhleato. 111.
t the
sixth CrulM letTM Nw Tork. Jannary
. lIO. Madeira, Spain, Maditarranean,
Orient. All arrangement! nncler our manage
ment. Kvaryibtn Inclada for tttais,
at ajoo aaa .
CralM Wilts Stsr Lis. A. Y., sr Afssta
Uncle Sam's Select Mnslpiana Are
to Play at the Audi
toYluni. Ths people of Omaha are fortunate In
having the opportunity presented to hear
the famous United States Marine band dur
ing the coming week. This splendid mu
sical organisation, th pride of every loyal
cltixen of this country, will reach Omaha
tomorrow (Monday) and will give the first
concert of tha engagement at tha Audi
torium Monday evening. Tha band will give
a fine matinee program on Tuesday after
noon and a splendid concert on Tuesday
night closing the engagement
It goes without saying that the music
produced by th United States Marine band
Is equal to any band music in the world,
for Unole Sam has tha pick of the finest
musicians In the world. The leader, Mr.
W. H. Santelmann, Is a musician and com
poser of marked ability and be has re
ceived the degTee of doctor of music from
several of the leading universities of this
The band contains a score or more of
famous soloists and It is hard to decided In
listening to the beautiful concerts of this
great organization whether the solo parts
or the playing of the full band Is most en
chanting. The seat sale began Friday and,
despite the street car unpleasantness, the
indications point to a very larg attendance
at all three of the concerts.
The Auditorium has 1.000 fine new chairs
Just installed on the arena floor, which
will add much to the comfort and enjoy
ment of the audience.
Foley's Honey and Tar dears the air
passages, stops the irritation In the throat,
soothes the Inflamed membranes, and the
most obstinate cough disappears. Sore
Inflamed lung are healed and strength
ened, and ths cold Is expelled from tha
system. Refuse any but tha genuine la
the vellow package Sold by all druggist.
James Phillips, general master mechanic
for the Cudahy Parking company for ilie
laxt twenty-two yearn, has r algned hi
position, to lake effect November 1.
the Was Pleasantly Surprised.
Minx H. E. Bell, Waunau. Wis., writes:
"Before I commenced to take Foley's
Kidney Pills I hsd severe pains In my
back, could not sleeep, and was greatly
troubled with headache. The first few
dotes of Foley's Kidney Pills gave roe re
lief, and two bottles cured me. The quick
renults surprised me, and I can honestly
recuiiimeiid them." Sold by all druggists.
Man Who Has Traveled Says Rum
blings Are Heard.
Time to Organise Awalnat Any
Such Move Is Notv, Says Sec
retary of Allied Trades
At i recent meeting of the National
Allied Tobacco Trades association in Chi
cago, Mr. Philip A. Urau, secretary, who
has traveled from the Atlantic to the Pa
cific, making a study of the situation,
sounded a note of warning. He pointed out
that the prohibition wave was furnishing
encouragement to the anti-tobacconists
"who believe that if prohibition Is success
ful, they can swing the influence of that
success toward the extermination of the
tobacco Industry," and he predicted that
the paid agitators and reformer now on
the orohlbttlon payroll would eventually
be found endeavoring to "put down to
bacco" for the money that Is In It for
Mr. Qrau called attention to the action
of a religious conference in Denver In
placing tobacco under the ban, and to the
action of another sect at Canton who
passed a resolution that in future no minis
ter would be licensed if he were a user of
"A little more than a year ago," he con
tinued, "a prominent Methodist bishop of
the east made a public statement that he
deplored the burning of the buildings In
Kentucky In which tobacco was stored,
but that ha thought the destruction of the
tobacco was an excellent thing." Mr.
Grau's address In full was as follows:
As a representative of the United States
Manufacturers' and Merchants' associa
tion, It has been my pleasure for the last
eighteen months to travel from the Atlantic
to the Pacific coast, studying one of the
freatest question that has ever agitated
he minds of the American people. This
Statement Is not an exaggeration.' Nothing
men, the days of the civil war has coni
milQded the attention of the public for so
long a time and has been given such seri
ous consideration as what is known as the
prohibition wave.
L has always been a source of wonder
to me that men who are as wide awake
and Interested in your own affairs as you
gentlemen are, cannot see the handwriting
on the wall. You may be inclined to treat
the matter lightly,, as many of you are. I
am sorry to say, but If you will pardon my
calling attention to the danger wfilcli al
ready threatens you, I will be only too glad
to give you the benefit of my experience
and aliow you to apply it to the tobacco
Industry, in whatever manner or form you
may see fit.
The prohibitionist and the Anti-saloon
league sympathizer Is In most Instances sin
cere, lie thinks he Is right, and with that
feeling In his heart, he works day and
ro accomplish hits end. My experience has
taught me that he hits In many instance,
although by no means in the majority of
them, a right to oppose some phases of
the liquor traffic. It Is equally true that
Instead of looking at the question from a
sane and reasonable standpoint, our so
called dry friends have become decidedly
emotional and hysterical. It needs no ex
planation to make clear to you gentlemen
that an opposition to a business or to a
movement which Is hysterical hnd emo
tional In Its nature Is an extremely danger
ous one, and should be checked as soon as
possible. Reason, not hysterics, should
You will find upon close examination
that certain religious socts have been and
probably always will be opposed to even
the moderate use of alcoholic drinks and
tobacco. These very sects are already
attacking your Industry, because they
have seen how strong the prohibition
movement has grown In Its opposition to
the liquor traffic. They believe that when
prohibition, or the Anti-Saloon league, is
succeKBful they can swing the Influence of
that success toward tiie extermination of
the tobacco Industry. Whether they do so
or not, when the prohibition movement is
broken, the paid agitators reformers for
revenue only who are now earning their
living in foisting deception and fraud
upon the people In the name of morality,
will find It necessary to turn to some
thing else In order to keep up their com
fortable Incomes. They ure already lay
ing a foundation to do this In regard to
the tobacco business. They realize that
the Anti-Saloon league must either con
quer or fall within a short time.
If you think I am exaggerating, let me
ask you whether or not you read the
newspsper a few weeks ago. From Den
ver, where the Presbyterian! held a con
ferencn of some nut ure or other, comes
the news that In convention assembled
they had placed a liHn on tohaccco and
were strenuously opposed to In use. In
Canton, O., when a few weeks ago the
United Brethren held their conference, a
resolution was Inlrodu-eil endeavoring to
prohibit any licensed preacher In tholr
church from preaching hereafter unless
he gave up the use of tohaccco. It was
defeated, but a substitute whs passed to
me errect that In the future no man
who used tobacco In any sliur"". manner
or form could become a licensed minister
of tlielr church.
A little more than a year ago a promi
nent Methodist bishop of the east made
a public statement that he deplored the
burning of the buildings In Kentucky In
which tobacco was stored, but that he
thought th destruction of the tobacco
ws an excellent thing.
In some Sunday schools cards are now
being circulated readlnir approximately as
follows: "I hereby solemnly pledge my
self to pay the sum of cents per
month for the period of one vear for the
support of the Antl-Salnon lesaue, and I
do further pledge myself to abstain from
the use of Intoxicating liquors and to
bacco In any shape, manner or form." I
may not have the exact wording, but I
am positive that the suhstsnce of the
pledse as I have given It Is correct.
Let me take vou one step further If
vnu will turn to par 17 of Pathfinder
No 1. Child's Health Primer, you will
tnd a chanter headed "OnKht a Bov to
T-e Tobacco?" If von will psrdnn me. I
will read that chapter
"Perhans some bov will ar: 'Grown
nonple are alwavs telling u this will do
r men but H Is not good for bov '
Tobacco Is not jfood for men: but there
Is a very good reason why It Is worse
for bos.
'If vou wer rolng to build a house,
would It be wise for vou to put into the
stonework of the cellar something that
would mike It less strong
"WniiM It be wise to put Into the mor
'sr the woodwork or the nails tie walls
ur am something that would make
thci'i n.'nk ami totli't'ing, instvsd vt
HI i'PS SI! I Si, ; ,T
"It would be l.i.l enough If yu should
repair our hoi..-t iih p.'1-r nuitei .ui.-,
but Jinn) it niut be built m the fnsl
p. Bee wltil lli' bcM you ihm Bet.
"Vou wl'l sunn h.un Unit Imis and girls
are bulUlliik their l.o.i.-, day ufter ilnv,
until nt lasi they teach full site. After
wards the? nuiHl be repaired ns fat ss
they Weill old. It would be f M'llsll to blllld
any part In u wav to make It weaker than
in oil he W ine (loctois have said that the
linv wh.t us, s tohncco while he Is growing
niiikesex cry part i'f his body less s;rcng thAit
it otherwise would be. K en his bones will
not grow so well. Hoys who smoke cannot
become such large, fine-looking men a
they would If they did not smoke. Ciga
rettes are small, but they are cry poison
ous. Chew Ini; tobacco Is a worse anil more
filthy lnibit even Hutu smoking The fre
quent spitting It inuses Is disgusting to
others ami hurts the health of th1 chewer.
ToIuhco in mi)1 form Is an enemy to youth.
It Is almost sure tn stunt the growth, hurt
the mind, or cripple In some way any boy
r kill who uses H. It may not do all this
to m t ry yonih who smokes, but it is al
ways true that no boy of 7 to 14 ran been
to enicke or chew hiiiI have so fine a body
nnd mind when he Is 21 vests old ss he
would have hud If he had never used to
bacco. If you want to be strong and well
men nnd women do not uso tobacco In any
Then turn to nse thirty-five and find
the following, headed "Tobacco on the
"Why does any one wish lo use totinrco
Hecanse mnhy men sny that It help them,
and makes them feel better. Shall I tel
you how It makes them feel better? If s Is cold, the tobacco deadens his nerves
s i that he docs not feel lhe"cnld atld doei
not take pairs to make himself warmer
If a man Is tired or In trouble, tobacco
will not really rest him or help him out
of his tremble. It only puts his nerves to
sleep and helps him think that lie Is not
tired, and that he does not need to overcome-
his troubles. It tuM Ills nerves Ic
sleep very much as alcohol does, nnd help
him to be contented with what ought not
to content him. A boy who smokes nt
chews tobacco is not so good a scholar at
If he did not use the poison. Jle cannot re
member his lessons so Well. I'sunlly. too
he Is not so polite, nor so good a boy as h
otherwise would be."
When you are through with that, turn
to chapter vlll on page 50, ami read that,
and ark yourself the question whether ol
not the situation Is serious.
"A farmer who had been In the babl!
of planting his fields with corn, wheat and
potatoes once made up bis mind to plant
tobacco Instead. I,ct us sec whether he did
any good to the world bv the change. The
tobacco plants grew s tall as a little boy
or girl and spread out broad, green leaves.
Hy and by he pulled the stalks and dried
the leaves. Home of them he pressed Into
cakes of tobacco; some he rolled Into
cigars, and home he ground Into snuff. If
you ask what tobacco Is good for, the best
nnswer will be to tell you what it will do
to a man or boy who ttsea It and then let
you answer the question for yourselves.
Tobacco contains something called nico
tine. This Is a strong poison. One drop ol
it Is enough to kill a dog. In one clnr
there la enough. If taken pure, to kill two
men. Even to work upon tobacco makes
people pale and sickly. Once I went Into
n snuff mill, and the man who had th
enre of It showed me how the work wai
done. The mill stood In a protty place be
side a little stream which turned the mill
wheel. Tall trees bent over It and a fresh
breexe was blowing through the open win
dows. Yet the smell of the tobacco wbh se
strong that I had tn go to the door tnunv
times for a breath of pure air. I nsked the
man If It did not make him sick to work
there. He said: 'It made me very sick for
the first few weeks. Then I began to get
used to It. and now I don't mind It.' Ho
was like the boys who tried to learn to
smoke. It alwavs makes them sick at first,
hut they think It will be manly to keep
on. At last, they get Used to It. The sick
ness Is really the way In which the boy's
body Is trying to say to hint: 'There Is
danger here; you are playing with poison. I
Let tne stop you before great harm Is
done.' Perhaps you will say: 'I have seen
men smoke clears, even four or five Irr a
day and It didn't kill them." It did not kill
them, because they did not swallow the
nicotine. They only drew In a little with
the breath. But taking a little poison In tht
way. dav after day. cannot be safe, or
really helpful to any one "
Not long ago Clarence Darrnw of Chicago
was speaking by Invitation at a prohibition
banquet. During bis speech Mr. Darrow
said: "You prohibitionists don't care how
many graves are filled, as long as they
are not drunkards' graves. There Is nn
political capital for you In thfl fact that
one person In every five who die dies of
"That's rum," struck up Interrupter
No. 1.
"Well, rum Isn't the only bad thing In
the world," continued the speaker. "I use
tobacco. So do millions of men. Tobacco
la bad. It has filled as many graves aa
rum, perhaps. Would you prohibit to
bacco?" "Yes," roared his hearers. In fact, they
almost yelled the word.
I do not believe any of you gentlemen,
as earnest as you may be, to Increase your
business, want to see boys smoke clKar
ettes or chew tobacco. I do believe that
when a man becomes of age he Is entitled
to use tobacco moderately. In any shape,
manner or form that he desires. But the
very people who will be using tohnceo,
smoking your cigars, and your pipes and
your cigarettes, In a few years from now,
are being told with some truth, but also
with a great deal nnd perhaps more of
falsehood that they should never touch It.
because It Is polw'nous. If only the truth
were told the proper use of tobacco could
and never would be condemned. Hut exag
geration and mis-statement abounds In
the teachings of the very persons, who
above all, should be truly temperate and
Christian In word and action. They would
destroy every veetlge of the Industry at
this very moment If allowed to do so and
I dare say, without any Idea of compen
sating you for the property so destroyed
or confiscated.
Sixty years ago the prohibitionists
started in with their antl-llqunr crusade.
Eighteen years ago the Antl-Ssloon league
began Its battle In the state of Ohio. Brew
ers, distillers, liquor dealers and saloon
men laid back In their easy chairs and
laughed. Had they taken advantage of the
opportunity even ten years ago they could
have prevented much of the unnecessary
and wanton destruction of their property
nnd trade and saved million of dollars.
Your Industry Is in the position that the
liquor people were ten years ago. It Is a
question that rests entirely with you
whether or not you ore going to take time
by the forelock nnd act. The danger Is Im
minent your peril Is grave.
If you will pardon the suggestion from
me, I will say to you that the time Is rhpe,
even now, for a national association of to
bacco manufacturers, dealers and grtwer.
The object of this association should be
to defeat the prohibition and anti-saloon
movement whenever possible. It need not.
In any manner be connected with the liquor
traffic. It should not be. But It ought to
remember that every time a dry vletorv
Is recorded It makes your enemies so much
the stronger nnd gives them o much
more power to attack and perhaps extermi
nate eventually the very Industries In
which you are Interested. The headquarters
of the association. I think, should be In
Chlecgo. the most central city In the
United Slates: It should be organised im
mediately and no effort should be pnd
to make It n aucceea. I know you will have
difficulty at first In securing members, but
I believe that If the attention of the trade
Is called to what I have taken the liberty
to tell yon. there will be no difficulty In
starting the organisation and putting It
upon a solid basis. If you do this and do
It now gentlemen, vou ran succeed In pro
tecting your Indoatrv and the capital In
vested. You will, furthermore, be doing
much to protect the thousnnda of men who
are employed In your buslnoes, who hove
wives and families tn support, a question,
which v our dry friends seem to think Is
of verv small Imnortance when measured
with their rabid Ideas of reform.
I -t your slogan be: "Opposition to all
sumptuary letrlslntlon.' Begin by dofeat'ng
the enemy now. Do not wait until the on
tvirtunlty has gone bv end do not listen
to the siren song of the optimist wlwi
scents no danger. Ixiulsvllle Courier Journal.
Herman Veterans' and Warriors A a
aoelation Holds Next feather
ing; la This City.
The next convention of the Herman Vet
erans' and Warriors' Association of Amer
ica, held In 1911, will be In Omaha. This
organisation has a membership of IS, 000.
The decision to meet In Omaha was
reached at the session of the convention In
New York Saturday.
Irrloaa Lacerations
and wound are healed without danger of
blood poisoning by Backlen's Arnica Halve,
the beallng wonder. 8Gc Sold by Iteatoa
Drug Co.
Be Want Ada are liusluea Booalera,