Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
a cWb, wflabla nwTtpaper that It
Admitted to ach and every home.
For Nebraska Generally fair.
For Nebrnskn Probably ahcwrrs.
For woatht-r report ore page 3.
Eight Killed
by Explosion
in Washington
nterior of Mine at Roslyn Wrecked
i t
i ident Layi Cornerstone " "
1 Unirertalist Church at Ea.
Gladsome Monarch Founds His Eat
to Harbor Strength for a
Strenuous Week.
and Debris Takes Fire Three
Men Fataly Fnrt.
Mound City Begins Its Celebration by
Binding Bells and Blowing
Fifteen Thousand Children Sing
Patriotic Songs in Coliseum.
" 1
e Attend! Morning Service at First
la Unitarian Church,
Short Address to Children Made in
Train Makes Few Short Ston In
Oma for Early Part of Night
Stay la Portland Greatly
PORTLAND, Or.. Oct. S. President Taft
today preached another ermon. The scene
had changed from the Mormon tabernacle
at Salt Lake City on Sunday last to the
rornerstone laying of the First Universallst
church In East Portland.
The president handled the silver trowel
and worked hard to see that the stone was
properly adjusted. Ills apparent earnestness
In setting the stone called out great ap
plause from the open air audlenoa.
The president referred to his various
church experiences and In concluding said:
"No church In this country, however
humble It may be, that preaches the doc
trine of true religion and true morality
will lack my earnest support to make, It
more Influential whenever opportunity
The presidents train left at :10 p. m.
over the Southern Paclfla railway for Sac
ramento, Cal.
Mr. Taft had a truly religious day, which
began when he attended the morning ser
vices of the First Unitaxlan church in
Portland and listened to a sermon by Rev.
W. O. Eliot, Jr. Following this service the
president we the) guest of honor at a
luncheon by Senator Bourne and which In
cluded the varloua state and city officials.
In the early afternoon the president
vlHlted 8t. Mary's Koman Catholic school
and a made a flva-mlnute address to the
school children. In which he declared that
loyalty to the church meant fidelity to
Address at Church.
Tha line of march followed by the presi
dential party to East Portland was almost
as crowded as were the streets on Hunday
and there was hand dapping along the way
with some cheering by the more enthusias
tic In tha Sunday throng.
After the president had been Introduced
at the Corner stone laying by Iter. James
Corbv. Dastor of the church, he said:
"I don't know that any one questions
the propriety of my being here and of
ficiating. irucB.atr' occasion as this or
that an explanation of any sort Is called
for. But I want to say that I believe It to
be the duty of the president of these United
States to welcome and to suggest every In
strument by which the morals and religion
of the community may be elevated and
malnta'ned. Not long ago I officiated at
the cornerstone laying of an orthodox Con
gregational church in Waahlngton. Then
I appeared In the pulpit of a Jewish taber
nacle at Pittsburg. But a few days ago I
helped to lay the cornerstone of a Catholic
Institution at Helena, Mont.
"And now It Is my great pleasure to as
Ist here today In laying the cornerstone of
thl'i fnlversa.lst church, which like my own
church, the Unitarian, Is known as a liberal
"I am glad always to be present at such
occasions as these, for I believe the corner
stone of modem clvlllxatlonmust continue
to be religion and morality."
Experiences la Philippine.
The president told some of his experiences
with the Catholic church In the Philippines
and then said that on the occasion of his
visit to Rome he ventured to say to the
popei that while In American the sentiment
was strong for the separation of church and
state there was nothing In the American
government or American people that op
posed the church or lla highest develop
ment: that in no European country had the
Catholic church flourished aa It had in
America; that In thla country the Catholic
church received from tha government and
state officials only that treatment accorded
.vrv other denomination.
I added," continued the president, "that
this was not to be taken aa an Indication
that every government and state official
was other than anxious to encourage the
establishment and maintenance of churches
and that their Influence might be broadened
throughout the land.
"I think we have reached the time when
churches are growing together, when' there
is ! WUerneas of denominational dispute
and that no matter what creed we may
follow, the churchea are beginning to real
ise that they must stand shoulder to shoul
der In the contest for righteousness; that
we all eland for the fatherhood of good and
the brotherhood of man.
"1 am an optimist. 1 believe we are much
better today than we were fifty years ago.
man by man. I believe we are more aliru
latlc and more Interested In our fellow man
,an we have been at any time In the last
fifty vars. Of course you hear from time
to tin of instances of aelfishneaa and
treed but the only reason these Instances
are alvlng prominence la because we con
Sent" them the more and belle" l1'"
calling attention to them they will be mada
more and mora Infrequent.
No church in thla country, however
humble It may be. which preach, the doc
trine of true religion and true morality,
will lack my earnest aupport to make It
Influential wherever ri'i
offers." .
Visit to Cataolla School.
It as on his way to the corner stone
laying that the president stopped by St.
Mary's catholio school and from the steps
af that Institution made a brief addresa
fc the boys and girl. Mr. Taft was pre
tested by archbishop Christie atd after
congratulating the children on their rosy
checks and "chubblnesa" said:
"Your church teaches that loyalty to
God Is the same aa fidelity to country and
reverenca for constituted authority; and
so do all good churches.
"And we can be certain that those who
are loyal to their church are certain to be
loyal to their country; that those who are
catholics are good cttutena. Just as
'those who are consistent members of other
churches find In the doing of their duty
to the churches everything that leads
on to the uplifting of humanity and
ICeallnued Second Pa.)
ROSLYN. Wis., Oct. a-At least eight
men were killed and three perhaps fatally
injured In a gaa explosion in mine No. 4
of the Northwestern Improvement com
pany near here.
The known dead are:
CARL BEROKH, (run boss,
Those perhaps fatally Injured:
Otis Newhouse,
James Gurrell,
John X. Jones, father of John E. Jones.
When the explosion occurred a column
of fire was thrown hundreds of feet Into
the air. Igniting the shaft plant and ad
Joining buildings. Under the Intense heat
the hoist of .the shaft crumbled and fell.
Cinders were blown In all directions, sev
eral buildings in parte of the little min
ing town taking fire. The citizens were
unable to extinguish the fires and the Ros
lyn fire department waa called out.
The mine in tha neighborhood of the
shaft was burning fiercely late tonight,
flames shooting up from the shaft nearly
100 feet Into the air. The electric pumps
which supply the town of Roslyn with
water were cut off and the water supply
In the city was very nearly exhausted. It
was reported that the shaft was oavlng In,
and that other explosions might occur at
any moment.
Rescue parties will be sent Into the mine
from the slope connecting with the shaft
as soon as it is safe for men to approach.
Pittsburg Street
Car is Wrecked
Axle Breaks While it is Running
Down Hill and Two Passengers
Are Hilled.
PITTSBURG, Oct. 8. Two men were
killed and eight other passengers seriously
Injured, three of them probably fatally. In
a street car accident here tonight. The
dead are:
JAMES DUFFY, aged 36 years.
MARTIN O' ROK.EKKE, aged 35 years.
The accident occurred In the fashionable
residence section of the eaat end, on the
Butler and Negley avenue division of the
Pittsburg Railways company. While a car
on this line was rounding a corner at a fair
rate of speed, one of the axles broke. The
car swerved around and upset, the dead
and Injured being caught In the wreckage.
All the victims were passengers, the
motorman and conductor escaping unin
jured. '
Dr. Cook Willing
to Submit Data
Explorer Announces that He Will Ask
University of Copenhagen to
Waive Its Rights.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8. Dr. Frederick
A. Cook, the Arctic explorer, announced
tonight shortly after his arrival from New
York to deliver his lecture, that he will ac
quiesce In the proposition that the Univer
sity of Copenhagen be asked to waive its
claim to a prior examination of his records
in order that American geographic societies
and other scientific bodies in thla country
may be enabled to review his data. He said
he would be satisfied to have the decisions
of all these tribunals announced simultane
Doable Traaedy at Home of Miss
Clara Ullenbrock near Har
nlhal, Mo.
HANNIBAL. Mo, Oct. 8. Oscar Wll
klnHon shot and killed his rival, Arthur
Plx, at the home of Miss Clara Ellen
brock, three miles southwest of here, this
afternoon and then committed aulcldo
Wilkinson, who was 19 years old, also
seriously wounded Henry Hoelscher, 60
years of age, who tried to disarm him.
Miss Ellenhrork secreted herself In the
house, which Wilkinson searched In vain.
His body waa found tonight In a field,
where he had shot himself In the. head.
Hoelscher Is not expected to recover.
Aviator Ret arms to Karth Beeaaae
Breese Tilts Machine to Dan
gerous Angles.
NEW YORK, Oct. 8. In a wind more
treacherous than an aeroplane can well
withstand, Glenn H. Curtiss started out to
fly from Governor's Island In New York
harbor Just after sunset this evening. At
sea-level It appeared that there had come
a lull In the strong wind, but when the
aviator got Into the air he found the
breeie still fitful and after a minute aloft,
during which the aeroplane was tilted at
dangerous angles, he came safely to the
ground. Although pressed for time, Cur
tiss decided to remain In New York until
tomorrow, so that In the event of a calm
he may make another flight.
Spaniards Are Convinced
That War is Not Over
MADRID. Oct. S. There Is an absence of
news from the front since General Marina,
commander of the Spanish forces at Mel
Ilia, opened the otfenalve yesterday, but
the recent reslstanoa of the Moors and the
Spanish loaaea have convinced the govern
ment that tha war la not yet over and that
too much Importance should not be at
tributed to the capture of Mount Curuga.
Following last night' decision by the
cabinet to aend a new division to Morocco,
Premier Maura tonight announced that he
wished to end the campaign aa quickly
as possible and that therefor General
Marina would be given ail the reinforce
Archbishop Glennon Makes Address
at Statue of St. Louis.
Ten Bis Gas Baas Will Start In Con
tests for the Uba ran Great
Crowds Bee Torpedo Boat
ST. LOUIS. Oct. . Centennial week was
Inaugurated here today at 6 o'clock by the
blowing of whistles and ringing of church
bells. Services In the churches were de
voted to centennial themes. This after
noon 16,000 children assembled In the col
iseum and sang patriotic and religious
Twenty thousand Catholic children gath
ered at the same time for services at the
statue of St. Louis In Forest park. Bishop
John J. Hennery of Wichita. Kan., cele
brated mass and Archbishop John J.
Glennon made an address.
Those who did not attend the religious
services flocked to the levee In such num
bers to Inspect the torpedo boat flotilla that
the police were powerless to control the
throng for a time.
who viewed the airships and balloons,
who viewed the airships and balloons
which were made ready for tomorrow's
races. Ormon with a Far man aeroplane
arrived today. Ten balloons will .ascend
tomorrow. Prises have been offered for
time and distance and the entrant hope
to win the Lahm cup by exceeding 176
The first race will be for balloons of
40.000 cubic feet capacity with the balloons
Missouri, Aero club of St. Louis; Peoria,
Air Craft club of Peoria and Indianapolis,
Aero club of Indiana as entrants.
The second race for balloons of 80.000
cubic feet capacity which wIM start at 4
o'clock has seven entries. Three of them
are owned by members of the Aero club
of St. Louis and are as follows: Pt Louis
I. I. I., Centennial and University City.
Other entrants are: Hoosler, Aero club of
Indiana, New York and rommery. Aero
club of America and the Cleveland of
During the day hundreds of advertising
balloons will be turned loose with rewards
for their return.
Colonel Swope
Dies Suddenly
Death of Kansas City Millionaire
Philanthropist is Due to"
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 8. Thomas H.
Swope, millionaire and philanthropist,
died suddenly at his home here tonight
following a stroke of apoplexy. He was
61 years old.
Colonel Swope waa born in Lincoln
county, Kentucky, October 21, 1827, and
graduated from Central college In Dan
ville, Ky., In 1848. He took post-graduate
work in Yale and came to Kansaa City
In 1857. He was never married.
Much of his property is In Danville,
Ky., and he has made a number of gifts
to Institutions there.
Colonel Swop' most munificent gift
to Kansaa City was the park which bears
his name. It contains 1.400 acres and is
worth more than $2,000,000. He also gave
the city a $26,000 site for a new hospital.
Recently he gave $50,000 to the Young
Women's Christian association building
fund here.
In 1906 the city council here passed an
ordinance making the first Friday In May
a holiday to be known aa "Thomas H.
! Swope day." This holiday haa since been
observed by the schools and all depart
ments of the city government.
Colonel Swope was alwaya retcent
about his philanthropic work, and, It is
understood, he made a number of gifts
that were kept secret.
Salvation Army Lass at Hannibal.
Mo., Says She Was Attacked by
I'nldentlfled Man.
HANNIBAL, Mo.. Oct. J.-Mlss Millie
Stocking, a Salvation Army lass, was found
unconscious and bound, In a small trunk
In the rooms of the Salvation Army of the
city. When she recovered consciousness
she said she had been choked and bound by
an unidentified man. She was alone in the
room, as other members of the army were
holding a street meeting.
Gold Receipts Decrease.
BATTLE, Oct. 8 September gold receipts
at the Seattle assay office were leys than
$2,000,000 or nearly a million less than for
September of last year, it was announced
today. This is due to lack of water for
placer mining In Atavka because of the
dry summer. Total receipts for the year
will be about the fame as In lf08, a little
more than $18,000,000.
ments that he needed.
The Moors are reported to be concen
trated on the three mountains, Aigaln,
Ulxan and Miloii. which are almost
equally as dangerous of access at Mount
Guruga, and from which they must be
dislodged. There are persistent report
here that Mulal Hafid Is secretly encour
aging a holy war and urging the tribes
men In the vicinity of Fei to Join the Rlf
flans and expel the Christians from the
country. There Is no confirmation of this,
but It is understood that several tribes have
been dispatched conglnents tg reinforce
Harka, the Riffiaa lud-
From the Cleveland Leader
Encampment at Fort Omaha Draws a
Multitude of Visitors.
Varlona Featarea of f.reat Camp
Prove of Immense Interest
Warm Fight on Between
t rack Ball Players.
Fort Omaha was the mecca for thous
ands of sightseers Sunday, when between
15,000 and 20.000 people Journeyed to the
fort to see the 6,224 soldiers in camp. No
dress parades or maneuvers were scheduled,
the only attractions being three ball games
and a band concert.
It was really a rare sight to see the peo
ple flock to the fort. Kvery conceivable
sort of conveyance was put to use, includ
ing shanks mare. The street car service
put extra cars on the Florence line In ad
dition to running three stub car to and
from Fort Omaha, but these were able to
handle but a small proportion of the
enormous crowd attracted by Uncle Sam's
encampment. One-horse shays, carryalls,
private carriages, automobiles, rent cars,
farm wagons and even baby carriages
were used to transport the multitude to
the fort. Besides all these conveyances,
there waa a continuous string of people on
foot the entire length of Fort street" arid
Thirtieth from he Amee avenue car.
Three base ball games were playtd, two
of them being In the tournament which Is
being played off between the soldiers from
the different forts. Fort Omaha, Fort Des
Moines, Fort Crook, Fort Meade, Fort
Riley and Fort Leavenworth have teams en
tered and the rivalry is most Intense. Fort
Omaha was at first picked as the winner,
but fell down In the first game of the
schedule because all Its men had not re
ported. Fort Omaha still has a chance to
win if Fort Leavenworth does not win four
straight games. In case Fort Leavenworth
goes straight through the tournament, a
post-tournament game will be played be
tween Fort Omaha and Fort Leavenworth
for quite a stake, as both forts are sure
they have the best team.
Kanaans Protest Wells.
Fort Omaha won from Fort Riley Sun
day afternoon and the Kansans protested
the game because Wells, a crack twlrler
who haa been sold by the Hignal Corps to
Ducky Holmes, was allowed to pitch.
Lieutenant Ware said, however, that the
matter would be all fixed up. aa he had an
understanding that he Could play both Mc
Gee and Wells. Both were former mem
bers of the team, but have secured their
releases that they may play professional
Some warm games are scheduled for
Monday. At 1:30 Fort Crook meets Fort
Leavenworth and In the morning Fort
Riley will play Fort Des Moines. Tuesday
morning Fort Riley and Fort Leavenworth
meet and Tuesday afternoon Fort Crook
and Fort Omaha will play.
The parade grounds were beautiful, being
lined on all sides by banns of people and
all sorts of conveyances. Interest cen
tred In the ball game until the Thirteenth
infantry band began Its concert, when
several thousand moved over to that sec
tion of the parade grounds.
AH the soldier camps were open for In
spection and thousands wended their way
through the long rows of tents. The first
group of Interest was the hospital corps,
which is tented near the entrance to the
fort at Thirtieth and Fort streets. Here
an idea was given of how Uncle Sam cares
for his sick and wounded.
The big balloon house was also a renter
of attraction at the post, aa was also the
wireless telegraph station. Thousands of
Omaha people had not viHlted these before
and had no Idea of the large sum of money
the government was spending for its signal
tOontlnued on Second Page.)
Do you want a
girl for housework?
Phone Douglas
238 and get one.
That is the "Want-ad Num
ber." If you are without help,
go do it now. No use drudg
ing this hot weather when you
can get help so easily.
Girls looking: for work know that
Tb Bee publishes yractlcally a com
plet list of peon who want help,
a they look to tb Bee Want-ad
when locking for a place.
Better step to the phone and
put in tha ad.
the Ire "Went; More Folar Controversy.
Gets a Report
On the Strike
Governor, After Hearing from His
Deputy, Offers to Come if
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Oct. 3-(Special Telagram.)
Governor Shallenberger late this evening
made publio a report from Deputy Labor
Commissioner W. M. Mauptn on the street
car strike situation in Omana. He recom
mends that an investigation should be
made of the situation under the statutes.
Mr. Maupln reviews the strike and re
ports that the strikers refused to listen to
a settlement based upon the possible pun
ishment of the men who acted as commit
teemen for the strikers and who conducted
the strike. President Wattles Insisted that
only 80 per cent of the strikers would be
employed and rejected Mr. Maupln' pro
posal that all be taken back and If . the
company had a grievance against any one
on account of his connection with the
strike, the grievance be submitted to arbi
tration before a committee composed of
three men, one from the company, one
from the men and the governor to consti
tute the third. The men agreed., to thla,
but President Wattles would not. Mr.
Maupln report that he then oeased all ef
fort to reconcile the contending parties.
Mr. Maupln asks that an Investigation
be made by the governor under the pro
visions of the statute. If for no other
reason than to make a permanent record.
He says the strikers have at all time been
willing to submit every point to arbitra
tion and return to work.
The governor said this evening he would
hold an investigation if business men send
In a request.
raweagera Given a Sllsht Shaking
I'p and Vestlbale Broken.
A Sherman Avenue street car oollded
with a Farnam car on Fourteenth and
Farnam streets at 5:50 o'clock yesterday
afternoon. The front trucks of the the
Farnam street care were knocked off the
track and the fender of the Sherman ave
nue car was broken. No Injuries resulted.
The fender on the Sherman avenue coir
fell on the pavement, but was replaced
and the car resumed It trip. The glaa in
the front vestibule waa also broken.
The Farnam street car was pulled back
on the tracks with little trouble. Traffic
was blocked about five minute and a
large crowd gathered.
Army Officer Who Commit Solelda
In Massachusetts Leave
NORTH ADAMS, Mass., Oct S Lieuten
nt O. W. Balrd, V. year old, a recruiting
officer in the United State army, com
mitted suicide at his boarding house tonight
by taking poison.
The suicide left a note asking that his
father. Dr. W. C. Balrd of Beaumont, Tex.,
be notified, the note closing with the words:
"Here goes a misspent life. May God
forgive me."
Germaa rilartm Father.
CHICAGO, Oct. a The German of Chi
cago today celebrated the anniversary of
the landing of the uerman "pilgrim
fathers" and the founding of Germantown,
Pa., on October 6. l&M. The celebration waa
opened with a parade In which 26,000 Ger
mans participated and 500 societies were
repreesnted. After the parade an Immense
mans meeting was hela tn the Coliseum
during the afternoon and evening.
Two Voids Men Drowned.
AMESW'RY. Mass., Oct. S. Whil posing
in u cunoe to have their pictures taken,
Joseph Manahan, aged 24, and his brother,
Frederick, aged if, were capsized and
drowned In Lake Gardner today In full
view of Miss liella Bailey, a young woman
friend, who waa about to snap-shot them
from the shore. The young men could not
World's Soils Are Not
Gradually Wearing Out
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3,-Declarlng that
the world's soils are today more fertile
than ever. Prof. Whitney, chief of the soils
bureau in the Department of Agriculture,
In a bulletin Just issued, takes a stand In
direct opposition to the views of many
writers that soils are gradually wearing
Prof. Whitney states that a study of the
record for the last forty years will show
that the average of crops is Increasing,
practically in the older state, where the
soli has been worked the longest. There
has been, he states, an Increase of two
buhhels la the average yield of wheat per
Leader for Strikers Goes to Toronto
to Attend Meeting.
Company Annonnrea formal Street
Car Service Will Be Restored oa
All Lines In the City
This Morning.
C O. Pratt, strike leader, left Omaha
last night for the avowed purpose of pre
senting the situation here to the conven
tion of the International Amalgamated
association at Toronto, Can. By a vote
of the atriklng car men assembled tn
a mass meeting at Labor temple Sunday
afternoon Pratt' trip to Toronto was
authorised and endorsed.
In actual developments the strike
situation Sunday waa quiet. The street
railway company employed twenty more
of the old men, according to the state
ment of L. C. Nash, superintendent of
transportation. Sunday afternoon many
applications for employment were re
ceived. The aervlc this morning, the
company Bays, will be complete on all
lines, with car manned by permanent
employe. Many strikebreaker were
sent to Chicago Sunday night.
Service In full, with the union men
back to work, was resumed on the Ral
ston lines Sunday morning. The atrikera
from thl line accepted the company'
proposition to return to work under the
old terms. They were assured the right
of committee conference for the settle
ment of grievances at any time.
Car to Fort Omaha.
Today the Twenty-fourth street cars
will be operated through to Florence to
accommodate the crowds expected to at
tend the military exhibitions at Fort
The strikers' mass meeting at Labor
temple wa addressed by C. O. Pratt, Ben
Commons, Rsv. J. L. Fisher and a num
ber of othr men active In the work of
organised labor In Omaha.
There was much of reassurance in the
speeches made at this meeting. Efforts
were made to Instill new courage Into
the men. Those who the labor leaders
admitted had deserted the ranks nf the
carmen's union came In for vehement
and personal condemnation.
Mr. Pratt suggested rhat It would be
a good thing to hold a labor parade and
demonstration Wednesday, the big car
nival day. The Idea seemed to meet with
approval and the matter 1 now In the
hands of a committee of the Central
Labor union.
Ben Commons, in the course of his ad
dress, announced that his term of office
In the International organization expired
on Saturday and that In view of his long
service he wa not a candidate for re
election. Politic Good Weapon.
Common urged political activity on
the part of the labor union as an ef
ficient weapon. He suggested that
through an appeal to the American Fed
eration of Labor, Samuel Gompera might
be brought to Omaha to take up the
fight. He offered encouragement to the
strikers. He declared that two women
were Injured In the Interruption of the
meeting at Twenty-fourth and Ames ave
nue and that they would institute legal
Rev. J, L. Fisher dlacusaed a visit to
the governor at Lincoln. He Informed
the meeting that Governor ghallenberger
had told him that ha eould not come to
Omaha to take a hand unless he was re
quested by certain people here. Rev. Mr.
Fisher declined to say who these persons
were. He announced another visit to
Lincoln today.
Ted Morrow, a member of the strikers'
executive committee, waa mentioned as
a candidate for the office of sheriff. This
met wltli approval from the strikers.
Morrow spoke, briefly. Among others
who addressed the meeting were Tony
Donahue, Charles Lear, president of the
local carmen's union, and O. J. Randall,
secretary. The meeting was attended by
about 400 persons. Many In the audi
ence were there aa sympathisers.
acre in the laat forty years, although the
yield of corn has decreased one-half a
"The soils of New England have ma
terially increased in yields of torn and
wheat during forty years," says the pro
fessor, "but what Is more startling, they
are producing considerably heavier yield
than the soils of the Mississippi river
He adds that an examination of remrds
shows that the leading Kuropean natloim
are not only producing greater crops now
than at an earlier period, but the crops are
larger than those produced by the compara
tively new soil ot tb Cnliud biatea.
Enthusiastic Subjects Disturb Rest on
Last Day of Leisure.
Cautious King; Inspects Personally th
Layout for His Subjects.
Great Khonlng nf Prise Prodnco rl
Ilonaa Comity Holds the Stage
Today, with Soldier aa aa
Added Attraction.
xrtro's highway nooaui
Howard Wlr Walker 3(30, 4)30,
8:30 and 9:30 (free).
Tuesday, October 6 Itrawork.
Wednesday, Ootober Eleotrioal pa
Thursday, Ootober 7 Military parade,
Friday, Ootober 8 Coronation ball.
Saturday, October Japan Ts
Base ball game! Hiley against Da
Moines, 10 a. m. j rort Omaha against
Xllsy, 1:30 p. m.
Cavalry saddle sqnad drill, 3)30 p. m.
Cavalry bareback Quad drill, 3t4S p. m.
Musical cavalry saber drill, 4:00 p. aa.
Infantry parade, Thirteenth Infantry,
4:11 p. m.
Concert, Thirteenth Infantry band, 4iM
p. m.
rrlday . . .
Saturday .
.93,100 19,684 14,918
The king Is nwake.
His majesty was aroused at an early
hour this morning by a loud shouting at
the outskirts of tlio entrance to the Im
perial residence.
"Wat tlmo do they open, O, King?" waa
shouted. -
"A most peculiar greeting, faithful Sam
son," said the king, as Samson, ever
watchful, reached the royal bedchamber
when the voles were first heard. "I know
not what It means."
" TIs a greeting from those who come)
from afar, where the Joy fountain never
bubble, O, King," answered Bamno. "But
I implore your majesty to remain In bed i
for 'tis to be a most strenuous week, and,
'tis osslble your bed will know you a
more for six day and six nighta.M
"Then, be it so," nkt th king, "for my
pleasure la to see my subject doubled op
with merriment and while J know not
what 'they' Is, let 'they' be opened,' " and
forthwith the entire city waa opened and
all the keys were lost until S o'clock, when
all subjects are commanded to appear on
the King's Highway to Inspect the king's
And ns daylight h oread over tha Vlnv.
dom his mnjesty opened his eye In wida
" 'TIs a wonderful place." he nM
neither would I recognise it aa the city
over wnich l began to rule Just one short
year ago. I have In my kingdom magician
and genii, for these magnificent building
have grown as though In a night. 'TIs a
fit place for the subject of a monarch tj
congregate." And It being hi desire to da
so the klnir walked nv.r muni, t-
- " - ' ......... ..t nm ui.
main and at every step to his faithful
chamberlain, he expressed his arreat autl.
The gates to the King Highway were)
all closed and locked Sunday and through;
Douglas street to the west a read waa
opened for the king Is overly anxious that
no man be kept from attending divine er
vloea by reason of the blockstw
thoroughfare. And through this road th
launrui people went to their varlou places
of worship earning glance of approval at
the scenery along the King' Highway.
Special Rate a. Magwet.
The special rate which have Wn
by the railroads have attracted attention
throughout the kingdom. The thrifty man
has figured that It is cheaper to an.n
week In the capital city of Qulvera than
ii is to remain at home and grow old with
out having lamed of the Joy of a real out
inc One week at Ak-Kar-Ben with it Joy
and pleasure and hilarity mean years in
nana wnen me road to the end of lif. i.
reached. So, therefore, it 1 a a-nrwi in
vestment and there b Hon who say It 1
People who have seen It are)
of the opinion that It la worth th trip
irorn anywnere in the state to View the
spectacular production "Saved by Wire
less." This Is a aolentlflo production put
on by Prof. Meillener, th Union Paclfla
wireless wUard. and Ou Renxe, th Ak-Bar-Ben
tireless wiaard. It la a most
realistic exhibition, showing a hlpwreclc
at sea. the wireless room reoetvlnrf th
mesHuge for help and th final rescue.
In the Uig Otto animal show Miss Klsln
Fay does a thrilling act with leopard
which haa caused her to be called tb queen
of animal trainers. After forcing the snarl
ing brutes to do her bidding, against their
will, MIhs Kay place her bare arm in the
mouth of the moat ferocious of them all.
The free show by the Howards, high In
the air on trapeze and bicycle, 1 probably
the most thrilling performance and tha
most dangerous the board ha ever put on,
Blgr Expectation for Tonight.
While the crowd Saturday night wa a
good one, tonight i expected to be tha
record breaker of the carnival thua fa.
Only home folks have been out. but Sunday
many strangers came In and during the
day every train will swell th srewd. 6.
the carnival Is Just now .really on In
Tuesday night the big firework display,
Wednesday night the electrical parade,
Thursday the military parade, Friday night
the grand bail and Saturday the Japaneao
tea party constitute the big features of th
week. The show on the carnival ground
arc the best ever brought here by Ak-ar-lien.
The streets never looked better and
never has Ak-Sar-Hen used more varied
colored electric lights to mak a beautiful
effect than thla year.
Sunday a large crowd of Omaha people
went out to Fort Omaha and enjoyed th
band c.incert by the Thirteenth Infantry
band and the base ball game. Tha as il
evening parad wa aiao gMvau, ,