Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1909, WANT ADS, Page 7, Image 38

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me of the Marvelous Doings of tht
Hammer on Wheels.
IrabloK Molilalia ! Tapltol
tepa, Tarilng (born and Sarra,
auU l'oi4 I arfal aa aa
Along Auto Row
TradrickioBa Srlva from Omaha to
Colnmbua Ooa of tii Vit.u.M
OTaat Croaa Country lay Baca.
Tha preaa agent has been tha meana of
the automobile climbing up Plka'a Prak.
'l the capttol Ktepa at Washltigton and alao
the Coloradci atate capltol atpps, u 4S per
Bent grade, and other marvellous ftata too
numeroua to mention.
Rtreet cars have already made the peril
ous trip up the rocky sldps of Pike's Peak,
but the latest of these was a little run
about. From the base of the mountirin to
tke summit along tha path It was forced
to take la a distance of 12 6 miles. This
little car struggled along for eight hours
up the slope of this the most famous of
all the Reeky mountains. In soma pla ea
the grade ran as high aa forty-five de
grees. Tha driver aa a the greatest ob
stacles he had to overcome were tha ob
structions In the trail, frequently It belnz
found necessary to fill In washouts and
pry away huge rocks which thundered
down the mountainside. Sometimes the car
jumped off the edge of ledges two and
three feat high. One wuhout which was
encountered was so deep that It was use
less to think of filling it, and so strips
of wood were placed across It and over
these the car waa run.
The Downward glide.
After a short rest at tha Summtt house,
at the top of the mountain, the car started
on the downward journey, the homeward
trip being just aa exciting, and even more
ao, afttr tha gasoline tank was punctured
by a jagged rock and all, except a gallon,
of ther precious fluid waa lost. For the
greater part of the trip tha car had to
coast, but this was not ao difficult. For
Its upward struggle the wheels were bound
with rope to give them more traction.
For 'the sake of advertising thla same
little car was aent flying up tha ateps
of the Colorado capltol building. Aa the
front wheels shot up the stone steps the
driver was thrown back In his seat, and he
had to oltng desperately to the steering
wheel to prevent belg pitched out. Every
thing had to be done In an Instant, and as
much depended upon the agility of the
driver as upon tha capability of the car.
Automobile "stunts" are becoming as
common aa flies around a molasaea barrel.
Soma of them are not performed in the
Interests of publicity. There la the case of
a doctor out In Michigan last summer,
who is tha owner of a light runabout, cost
ing $b0& Ther are four members In his
family. When vacation time arrived he
built a sectional rowboat, bought a aeven
by ten tent, with two folding poles, two
tent cots and a fishing outfit, strapped
them all on the rear of his car, placed
hi wife and two children In Its one seat,
at on a box himself, and drove away to
the camping ground. Had tha boat been a
little wider It would easily have floated
the automobile. If occasion had demanded.
Enterprising motorists have put their
automobile to some queer uses. A y an Wee
up in Connecticut Jacked up his car and
rigged It so that it would run a circular
aw, and In one day he sawed enough
wood to last him tho ontlra winter. The
proud possessor of a motor car with an
Ingenloua turn of mind and a number oi
Jersey cattle turned hla car Into an auto
ohurner. He la authority for the statement
that It turns out a fine grade of print
butter. Out on Long Island another motor
ist with the aid of a block and fall raised
a windmill that would hava required two
teama of horses to do tha work.
An automobllist and a chicken raiser says
he baa made hla car do tha dutlea of a
ben, for when hie incubator broke down
the car took lta place and brought forth
a fine brood of ohlckena, which be has
named his autohorns. They are not afraid
of a car, be adda, and instead of cackling
make a noise like an exhaust.
Tho automobile la Invaluable on the farm,
and can do everything, from ploughing to
thrashing wheat, cutting hay and milking
catjle. It la luat In lta infancy, however,
and no one can tell what tha future wUl
bring forth. New York Trroune.
them In
hla garage on Eighteenth, near
Showing a contlnuou apeed that has per
haps not before been equalled except on a
specially prepared couroe, Mr. H. E.
Fredilcksun on last Tuesday fairly flew
on his dash from Omaha to Columbus
currying the message of President Taft
on the Philadelphia auto relay race to
Heattle. Driving with a skill that has made
him famous for his road work, he crowded
the Chalmers "" to its limit for mile
after mile, seldom slackening except for
the most abrupt turns. Making an average
Btieed of foity-two and thr. e-fourths miles
per hour, It was necessary to hold close
to a sixty mile Bpeed whoiever the road
conditions would permit.
The trip was a hair raiser from start to
finish. The terrific rush of air had torn
the flags from the car before the out
skirts of Omaha had been passed and the
banner attached to the hood waa the only
thing to Indicate Its mission and It was
impossible to rtad the Inscriptions on this.
When the mHcadam on the Dodge street
road was reached the hum of the motor
changed to a roar that never ceased until
the arrival at Columbus. Roads that were
considered rough ware passed over so
quickly that they offered hardly a Jar to
the car. One bridge with an oval ap
proach was Jumped over entirely clearing
a distance of over twelve feet. The wheels
would of times leave the ground and with
the full power of the motor behind them at
tain a velocity that would fairly cause the
tires to scream when they again came In
contact with the road. On this run of 100
miles the two rear tires that were new
at the start were worn down to the fabric.
The fatet running time of the Union
Pacific between Omaha and Columbua la
two hours and forty minutes. The Chal
mers Detroit covered the same distance In
two hours and fifteen minutes. This seems
Incredible, but It is a matter of record
and official timing by the Western Union.
It makes a new figure for this route
It emphasizes the construction put behind
a moderate priced car. It gives a local
driver the distinction of driving the faatest
lap of thp Trnnscontlnental race.
When Mr. Frtdiickson announced last fall
that In a Chalmers "Forty" ha would
endeavor to drive from Omaha to Chicago
In less than twenty-four hours, many
sneered at the Idea. While bad conditions
of the roads canned a poxtponoment of this
trial and business Inter prevented making
the trip, the time In which the Columbus
run waa made. If maintained for the entire
distance would have brought him to Chi
cago In 11:15, giving htm a leeway of 12:45,
In which to make good.
The only special preparation made for
the trip waa to remove the top and strap
tha frame to the axles so aa to protect
the springs. One of these double tug
straps was torn out by the violent tossing
over a stretch of rolling road and at times
the car buoked like a broncho. Tha streets
of the towns through which the car passed
were Jammed with curious crowds who
scampered to cover as the Chalmers dived
through the path that was kept open for it
Lewis E. Doty, manager for the Maxwell
Brlseoe Omaha company of Omaha, has
received the 1910 Q cara and Is showing
Colonel Derlght has received from the
governor a commission as delegate to the
Good Roads congress to h held In Colum
bus. O., October 36 to a. The congress ir
to be held In connection with the Joint
convention ofthe American Road Makers"
association and the Ohio Oood Rnads fed
eration. Colonel Derlght Is a stickler for
good roads and hops when he returns to
Interest the (rood rosds enthusiasts of
Omaha and this section1 of Nebraska In
better roads. -
The Btearns will be handled this season
In Omaha. This Is one of the high grade
cars, ranking along with the Packard,
Pierce, Peerless, Stevens William H. Wal
lace, formerly of Mclntyre St Wallace,
will handle the car. Wallace Is one of the
best automobile men In this section. He is
mechanic with ten years of actual shop
practice. He has been In the automobile
game more than two years. He Is fin ex
pert demonstrator and has made the Oak
land popular here. He will leave next week
for the east and arrange for a shipment
of Stearns cars.. He will continue busi
ness at Twenty-fourth and Farnam until
spring, after which time he will establish
himself In a garage erected 'or the Stearns.
George Relm, manager for R. R. Kimball,
announces the arrival of the new 1910
Cadillac. Relm says that this Is the first
car to be received In Omaha with the Delco
system. It has no coll on dash no oiler
showing only a mahogany board with
witch. The new Cadillac is the best car
ever got out by the Cadillac people and is
attracting a great deal of attention.
C. F. Louk has received his new Mar
mons, Holladaya, Haynes Empires. lie
Das added to his list the Fol-Car. Louk has
recently overhauled his garage and Is pre
pared to demonstrate his line In the most
satisfactory way.
Guy L. Smith has received another ship
ment of the new Franklins and his sales
far exceed the sales of any previous year.
Freeland Bros. & Ashley announce the
arrival of the new 1910 Midland, Morons
& Appersons. These cars are attracting
attention and they expect to show them
during Ak-Sar-Ben.
Proprietor Avery of the Omaha Automo
bile company has returned from the east
where he arranged for a large shipment of
the Auburn & Rider Lewis.
W. L. Hoffman has returned from the
factory where he procured some of the
late Inter-States, Hupmoblles & Detambles
to fill his orders throughout the state.
Drummond Is having a special sale of
buggies and wagona to make room for a
growing automobile repair business and the
making of automobile tops and bodies, and
a novel Idea in his buggy sale was put on
yesterday by driving a fine Lenox trap
around the principal streets. It was
hitched to a classy horse with English silver
trimmed harness, and a sign advertising
the fact that t& would be taken off even
the cut price eaoh day until sold. Some
body's going to get a buggy bargain, and
no doubt several persons will be disap
pointed because they will grab for It too
Big Plane Laid for the Xew
Meet la .November.
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. .-Much enthusi
asm Is bring evinced by local automobile
followers over the auto races to be held
her under the auspices of the New Or
leans Automobile club on November 20
and 21. Plans for the fall meet are
already under way, and It Is thought that
the raoes will he the most pretentious held
In the Crescent City to date.
At a recent meeting of the club Homer
C. George was elected general mannser of
the mets and Fred J. Wagner of New
York appointed the eastern representative
and starter. T. C. Campbtll, president of
tho club, will
In fair condition at present, but new alter
a.lons ll be made.
Over 1,000 delegates are expected to at
tend the meeting called by Governor San
ders on November 19 of the Louisiana 0 od
Roads association. Tha delegates will at
tend the races as well, and for this rea
son special railroad rates will be made,
not only to them, but to other excursion
Additional Applicants Want to Kuter
Brlahtoa Event.
NEW TORK, Oct. I At a special meet
ing of the Brighton Beach committee of
the Motor Racing association It was de-
t'preaent the contest board ! elded to run off the postponed twenty-four-
of the American Automobile association. ! hour auto race on the Brighton Beach
The program for the meet Is now In the ! Motordrome on Friday and Saturday, Octo-
hands of the various committers and when 1 her 15 and 1$, providing there ate no con-
It U completed It will Include a number of
events for every (kind of car. The prises
to be offered will be of an alluring na
ture, consisting of purses and trophies.
Every effort v. Ill be made to surpass the
Mardl Utai meet. of last year and to se
cure the star automobile drivers to pilot
care In tha various events.
The racing will be over the historic fair
grounds track, where five world's records
were established last year. The track Is
fllctlng automobile contests.
A request has been made to the Motor
Racing association that the entry list be
reopened to permit of the nomination of
several powerful cars that were not ready
In time for the races scheduled for last
week. No action will be taken on this
matter until all of the present nine en
trants have been oonferred with.
Bee Want Ads are Business Boosters.
The Pinnacle of Small Car Construction
You cannot realize how roomy, powerful and quiet this car la II
you have not had a demonstration.
If you are seeking, the best car that has ever been made for any
where near the price, and wanl an early delivery you will frive this ex
traordinary car your Immediate attention.
We have already sold more of these machines than we sold during
the first eight months we exhibited our 1909 model. This Is due to
better appearance and the unusual record of reliability our 1909 cars
Order now If you want to use your car this fall. Also agents for
the Thomas Flyer and Pierce Arrow, America's light grade cars
H. E. Fredrickson Automobile Co.
2044-46-48 FARNAM STREET
Tli E,
Omaha bee's
mra t- w- r
U1K L.U 1 YrL
FsiOfAutoniob.Ies and Accessories
Brush's Masterpiece
24tb Nur Firsiai.
W. L. Huffman a Go. Xrnt
1824 Farnam Street.
S650; Hupmobile S7S0.
914 Jonet St.
OBI rOlt-ElBCi riC PlonompSmlnt Co.
U&U Ull E.IUUU BU Counci Biuffs. Iowa.
Wood's Electric
2024 Fira.a St
II. E. Fredrickson Automobile Co. I
l044-4-4t Paraan at.
Itrot, Rapid,
to Jack
Maka Thlaaa Warm
NEW TORK. Oct. 1 Jamas J. Jeffries
la not going to glva Johnson much tlma for
thought. Ha will tart after tho negro aa
soon aa ho arrlvea in New Tork. Jeff Is
expected homo next week, and after a few
days In thla city, will start for Chicago,
whero he oxpecta to meet Johnson. The
latter will come east a day following hU
fight with KetcheU and Jeff will meet him
half way. Aa soon as Jeff has signed the
final papers ho will hike for Lou Angelea
and devote hla time gutting lino condition
for the big show, which will probably take
placo in February.
Oweu Moran, so Charley Harvey says,
will sail for this country on October 6. anj
Charley says he la very busy looking over
the lightweight field for an opponent for
Owen. Ho will havo to look no farther
than Tommy Murphy. And that would bo
soma fight.
Murphy haa accepted the offer from Kan
aa City to fight Tommy Mowatt on Octo
ber . After that Kay ltronson will bo
taken on In a twelve-round boul la lloston
Marvelous Values in Slight
ly Used Automobiles
These are Genuine Snaps.
li-h. . .urrar lp.
aaublar, I cjl
Wimua.' la'yV.i' h. .. I a.. d.uth.bla tonj
Cmv''i 'piaa'.' iiii' ''. 1" rpalntd l"
Ka Trvok. aulld tlrae, will carry two lima J
Pot-Harllord, t paaa., Ilt runnlns orJr..
Orlant. light aVMvrrr wajull. brans naw
Uainn Aangu inacne, lov. hum. lampa. too.a,
ta I'--"'
Slanlaf imh ear, runabout, jual onrbaula4 t!
turd. 4 oi., L-a. p., ruJ.aboul. tap, lami an4
tools I"
Autocar. I cjl . l paaa I""
Oldaowblla. mra'uut. vaacl alaar U
Uuna. 1 l . h p . t pata . Juat r. painted IV
Caaillao. muxlal "K", I para., prrlt (onJuiJO ...a
Vpton. 4 afl., l-h. p., paaa., aacrliaul valu.
franklla, t crl., lull? sulitJ, M-h. p, a !"-.
al ... I .
sna for a fra oopr o( our momhlr magaatoa,
Tha Ttonsa quai AuinoiutJii. C'liuan). Thta ttl
fcalp "k la ealacilnt a tar.
VaU-UM Mickisaa A .. Chicago, IU.
ranch Hauaaa aw Tork lily, sit Waa eatk
at.; t.aau cur. aa. l'01-i;ui avals l y
I i-i'a. I.T . Oar. kfc aiii Puts it.
SCODZXi 10-T. Beats 1. Wheal base las Inches. Wheels 36x4 H. B0 K. T. 13,800, which Includes feosoh
Magneto and Soloo Battery System, 5 Iduapa, rtaat-o-Uto Tank, Horn and Tools. Top 9129 extra.
The Motor Car Unequaled at any Price
A strong statement! Intended to bo strong. It cannot bo made too
atrong! No uae mincing words about an established fact.
Owners and users of "Stoddard-Dayton" Motor Cars know thla state
ment to be true.
We want every prospective owner of an automobile to know It, too.
The '"Ftoddard-Payton" always always mark you haa been a good
car. Every aucceedlng year has been a good car bettered. And every
year It has led the advance of American automobile progresa.
In the 1810 models, tho "Stoddard-Dayton" is, aa usual, tha car
"away ahead."
rinest Motor Made. The famous "Stoddard-Dayton" Valve-ln-Head
Motor, having almpllfled and get-at-able parts with 20 per cent greater
power using less gsolln bi-Jng free from vibration affording ateatly
application of power with Its automatic positive oiling aystrm with
steady power at slow as well aa fast speed alwaya powerful, quirt,
smooth, snappy and apeedy. Is now acknowledged the trreateet nf gaao
llne motors. The most prominent foreign cars have motors with many
of these aame points In common. Fully as clever are the principles,
design and construction of all other mechanical parts. Every alight
detail shows studied thought.
Materials. Finest quality, strongest and most durable known to
' aclence.
Workmanship. Experts, the most skilled possible to obtain, ars em
ployed. Dayton is the home of the world's best mechanlos.
The man who kava lamped from make to make stops whsn he bays
tho "Stoddard-Barton." He sticks to IT. TOD need not experiment.
Just start right with tho
It poaaeases all the tried and true excellence of former years com
bined with the most advanced accomplishments in tha automobile and
mechanical world.
Moneyed men who disregard price, but who are overly exacting In
choosing a car, buy the "Stoddard-Dayton" time after tlma.
Scientific, machanlcal men. and hrads of machinery companies com
pare all prominent cars and ofteneat buy "Stoddard-Daytons."
An official of the Carnegie Steel Co. a man exceedingly hard to
please la now driving his fourth "hloddard-Dayton."
Four stockholders In an automobile factory producing one of Amer
ica's highest priced cars, are now driving "Stoddard-Day ton" Hoadsturs.
Owner of "frUoddard-Day tuna" swear by their cars.
The "Stoddard-Dayton" must be absolutely the beat or It would not
deserve and receive such flattering patronage.
"Stoddaxd-Daytoas" alwaya sell at the full prloa, not one cent less
to anybody and atlU there la always a shortage la the supply of car
before the season is over.
Have us "how you" by practical demonstration that "Stoddard
Daytina" are all they are cl.tlmed to be. i
Olaasy-Beantiful. "Stoddard-Davton" cars are of clasv design
with graceful, pleasing lines and diHtinctively beautiful finish, not elaa
where equaled
Ease-Comfort- "Stoddard-Dayton" cars are so balanced and hung,
dlmenaiona and welehta are ao proportioned, the sprimre ao mnrle and
tempered, bodies and seats are ao carefully shaped, and the upholster
ing ao expertly done, that taken as a whole the conatructton affords
the eaaleat rlillns;. tho most comfortable automobile ever produced.
Blla at-Smooth. "It goes like a breezp." a the wav a wealthy
easterner vialtlrx here !nt week, expressed his approval of the aileut,
smouth-going "btoddard-Dayton."
Great Power. At one time or another the "Stoddard-Dayton"
won victories over every Hill Cllmblne: competitor with which It
ever contented. And this Includes cars of the hghest price. It
been In twice as many Hill Climbs as any other car, and won a much
larger percentage or victories.
peed. No car can go faster, and (equally as Important) no car can
go aa alotvlv on direct drive with as much ease on the motor action.
Low Goat. The first cnxt Is the lowest because you get more for
every dollar Invested In a "Stoddard-Dayton" than any other car made.
The second com is the very lowest, because the Valve-ln-Head motor
develops 1 0 to 20 miles per gallon of gasoline and repair expenses are as
low as the lowest.
Taie your choice of some thirty styles of body and body combina
tions. Nowhere on motordnm's map will you find a concern manu
feclurlnir audi a great variety of models.
Selection of a car In harmony with your views and your purse Is
thus made easy, and no matter what car you select you will secure
a lilgh-claas ctr. because all of our model), and de'lgns are hlxh class.
Among these 1910 models are smart runabouts seating two, three, four
or five passeniters, rakish roadsters of varied capacity, Impressive
touring cars some carrying five and the big seven; open
cars nnd eloeed cars, coupes, limousines and lanriaulets.
Making more essentlnl part of cars than any other manufacturer,
we are enabled to meet the Individual requirements of prosoectlve pur
chasera and deliver to them a car bearing the stamp of their own
"Stoddard-Payton" qnalltv never Tarles. It ts as good In the small
ears as In the larre ones. They a-e offered at a price One Price to
All which represents an sctnal saving of the profit, which other mann
factnrers who are mare assemblers of cars mnst pay to tho makers of
those narta.
Deright Automobile Company
lerigiit Automobile Co.
Wiwly, Lexington,
1814-16 Firnim St
Henry H. Van Brunt
Ovorlanrf, Pop
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
The easiest riding1 car in the world.
C. F. LOUK, 1808 Farnam Street,
.State Agent.
Murphy Did It" AUTO s
1818 Farnam St.
750 Fully Equipped -4 Cyl.,40 H. P.
HUFFMAN & CO., 2325 Faraim St.
- 2044-46-43 Farnam St.
n fl Detroit Electrlo
Goit Automobile Go.
2209 Fsrnsm St.
Doug. 7281 2318 Harney Street. -A-2011
FREELAND BR 3 3. & ASHLEY. 1102 Farms It.
Atlantic anl Council Bluffs, Iowa
Rn jIMRAI I stevens'0uryea, Cadillac. Stanley Steamer,
i Hi mtilDHLL babcock electric
tot Parson Street.
2026 Farnam SL
10 RD,
Atlantlo and Council Bluffs, Iowa.
AlinilDM l.'lt".::: RIDER LEWIS WW
4 Cylloo-er SI
OaIAHA AUT0M01LE CO., 216 S. 19.
In its class without a peer.
0. F. LOUK, SUte Agent,
1808 Fanxaun St.
1102-4 Farnam Gt.
Central Tire a Rubber Co.
Tbi Firestone Tire
2127 Farnam SL
Wili s Etsctrie
2024 Finn St.
MPn Rnr Vollo Automobile Co.
U LaaliaaULM 1902 Farnam Street.
JOHN DKKKI PLOW CO.. Onaaha. Diotribuloro.
Kemper, Hemphill & Buckingham
14 VeUi 1 Sts St, Tersofcea Dotaf.. TS
Aoto Limps,