Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 9, Image 17

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nnnitrmiT All m TTTl S0"
) liliU N Til Tlifl
M. E. Smith & Co. inc.
W7io7esae Dry Goods
"The Market Place ol the Market Town"
(Continued from Eighth Para ).
i namma.
Floor Space 313,632 Sqnare Fet or 7 Acres.
V. ... ' i - . it 't'jlw
We Manufacture the Famous
"Ideal" Brand Goods
Consisting of
Shirts, Overalls, Jumpers, Duck Clothing,
Canton Flannel Gloves and Mittens.
There Is Nothing Better There Are Few So Good
Retailers Are Invited to Inspect Our Plant
great growth In both manufacture and
Jobbing has been wholesome, the flgurea In
representative lines may be quoted. They
ho that no single Una has participated
beyond Its due In the melon cutting and
that a liberal share of the fruit has fallen
to each. In agricultural Implementa the
thtrty-nlne houses of the city have sales
for this year of 112,125,000. In 1KB they had
17,110.000. Dry goods Increased from $5,710.
000 to $11,156,000, and groceries leaped from
113.000.000 to 18, 815.000. Hardware men
dipped In for thrlr shjri, going from I3.6R0..
000 In l05 to ii.G2B.0U0 In this year of grace.
Likewise In manufactures. The packing
houses, by far the largest line, have gone
from $107,000,000 to $M3,l35,0"0, a neat little
Increase of $.16 000,000. Creamery product
show an Increase of ll.OOO OHO, a figure
which is believed to be too small for the
great growth here In this line Is famous.
Omaha Is In fact the first butter market
in the world and the Elgin price Is likely
to disappear from the Quotations, with
Omaha" on the date line In Its place.
Men's clothing has gone up a cool million
and the production of alcoholic liquors has
been boosted $5,200,000, or a little better
than a million a yrar.
Manv causes have contributed to this
rrowth. Omaha's position Is strnfjr'c. Its
command of raw products is sure, its rail
way service Is such that not only Is a
firmer grip being made on o'd turltor.
hut new Is constantly being added.
Th.n Benin there Is the enormous agri
cultural wealth, which Is the real basis
of Its commercial and industrial success.
In a state all Its own, which raises more
wheat per capita than Kansas, more corn
per acre than any other state In the coun
try, with Its farmers largely practicing di
versified farming, the most certain wealth
producing form of agriculture, Its Increas
ing live stock resources Omaha's certainty
of being a great primary market is abso
lute, sd far 'as things human are absolute.
From the viewpoint of tho manufacturer
and' Jobber with but a little Imagination,
there Is an enormous field if wealth to
come in the country to the west, the soil
of which has not even been scratched and
n.hixh heinnes to Omaha Jobbers and manu
facturers by a right difficult to alienate.
the right of geographical position ana
topographical formation. A cateclysm
which would destroy this would aesiroy
The full import of the figures of In
crease is difficult to grasp or to convey.
They must be interpreted In various ways;
by the Increase In bank clearings, by the
new buildings going up of every kind for
store and office buildings, new theaters,
new churches and new homes, are but co
ordinate reflexes of the other movements.
To sum up: Omaha's commerce and In
dustry have grown prodigiously. The
growth has been equal, or approximately
so, in all branches. The growtn ns ni
been forced; 'Is the result of no boom. Its
roots tap living waters nd find nourish
ment In the richest soils. When the gov
ernment census takers of 1910 begin to
accumulate data with regard to Omahas
activities and resources they will find
plenty of material to work upon.
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How lie Mad m. Cuddle.
A gentlemen went into a pipemaker's
hop with the Intention of seeing the
method of making ptpea. Tn proprietor,
who was a Scotchman, had arrived from
Edinburgh a few week ago.
When the Philadelphlan got In the shop
tie found only a boy back of the counter,
ao without mora ado he thus addressed
"Well, my callant, I'll give you a quar
ter If you show me how you make your
"I canna mak' a peep, air," replied the
lad. "I ca only mak' a cuddle.'
"A cuddle! What's that, my' hlnney?"
"It's a short peep," replied the boy, "sic
as men and women, smoke oot on."
"I'll give you a quarter If you show me
how to make that."
"Gle's yer quarter furst," was the reply.
The gentleman gave the boy the quarter.
and he took a long pipe and broke a piece
off it, saying:
"There, now, sir, that Is the way I mall'
cuddles," Philadelphia Ledger.
Bla Blase at St. Anthony.
DES MOINES, la., Oct. 2. Fire early to
day, from an unknown source, destroyed
half of the business section of St. Anthony,
la., doing damage which totaled $45,000.
The flames started In the postofflce building.
Experiments with Tropical Birds Car
. rled BOO SI lies from Their
. Nests.
tie laii Iroi Company
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The question as to whether animals have
a special homing sense can never be an
swered y experiments' upon the homing
pigeon. It was this thought which led
me to make a study of distant orienta
tion in two speclea of tropical birds which
are found upon Bird Key, a little deserted
mound of aand about $00 yards in diame
ter, lying In the middle or me nun pi
Mexico. This key Is a member of the Dry
Tortugas group, sixty-five miles due west
from Key West The birds' in question
are the noaay ana sooiy wrn, ....
to the gull family, and not differing much
in size from the homing pigeon. In the
fall and winter months they are to be
found distributed generally over the tropi
cal waters of the Caribbean sea. un may
1, almost to the day, about 26,000 to 30,000
of them migrate to Bird Key and remain
there for the nesting season. Bird Key
Is thus the northern limit of migration. A
study of their habits shows that they do
not get out over the water In their search
for food for distances greater than fifteen
to eighteen miles; consequently any dis
tance north of Bird Key greater than this
would take the birds Into an unknown
territory. Here, if anywhere, then, we
have material at hand for carrying out
experiments upon distant orientation. We
can send birds out over an ocean pathway
or we can send them Inland. My experi
ments have not been carried very rar at
the present time, but they have already
progressed far enough to give some really
astonishing results.
After the egg Is laid the male and fe
male birds take turns at brooding, and one
bird is always to be found at the nest.
At this time the birds are bold and can
be captured easily. After being captured
they are marked Individually with large
streaks of different colored oil paints.
These marking can be so varied that each
bird sent out has a different marking. The
nest Is then tagged, showing tne time oi
the bird's removal. On tho early morning
of June 13 five birds were put into a targa
insect cage and given into the charge of
Pr. H. E. Jordan, who was returning to
New York. He carried the birds via the
government tug to Key West. There food
was purchased for them (small minnows).
At 1 in the morning of Friday, the Hth,
t)r. Jordan boarded the Mallory boat Den
ver, which was leaving Key Wist at that
time for New York. On board the boat
the birds (which were carried In the hold
of the vessel) were both watered and fed
On Sunday, the 16th, at f in the morning
the birds were released at latitude Si de1
trees, longitude 75 degrees 10 minutes (ap
proximately twleve miles east of Cape Hal-
teras). The wind was fair and fresh for
several days after the birds were released.
I kept their nests under constant observa
tion, but had almost given up hope ot
their return, when, to my surprise, on
June 21, at 8:30 In the morning I found
two of the marked birds upon their re
spectlve nests. The nest mates of the other
three birds bad taken new nest com
panions; consequently, had the marked
birds returned, they would have been un
able to obtain possession of the nest. A
few days later I, by chance, observed one
of the marked birds attempting to alight
at its own neat. It was Immediately driven
away. Three of the five birds are thus
known to have returnsd. I have little
doubt that the other two birds, also .re
turned. The dlttauee in a airalght line
from Hatteras to Bird Key la approxi
mately fcoO mile. The along shore route is
about 1,01 mOea. The latter la the route
in all probability chosen by the bird,
slnoe by studying their habits I .found that
they do not fly at night, nor swim nor rest
upon the water; and yet are dependent upon
the occaa for their food and water. This
distancs vras covered in a little leas than
six days 1'rvf. iolia ii. Wauon in Harper's
A Little Hasty.
Numerous complaints had come before a
certain publio official In regard to the
quality of food served to the inmates of
one of the public Institutions and he deter
mined to- Investigate for himself in' order
to see If the matter really required atten
tion. ,
Making hi way- to the particular build
ing in question just about dinner time, he
walked straight over to where the kitchen
was located. At the very door he encoun
tered two muscular looking men carrying
a huge, steaming boiler,
"Put that kettle down," he ordered
brusquely, and the men at once obeyed.
"Get nie a spoon," he next' commanded.
The man that brought the spoon was
about to say something, but was ordered
to keep silent.
"Take off the lid," was the next com
mand; ''I'm going to taste It."
The two men were utterly cowed by the
official's brusqueness and wonderlngly
watched blm gulp down, a good mouthful.
"Do you mean to say you call this soup?"
the official demanded. "Why it tastes to
me more like dirty water."
"So It la, sir," replied one of the men,
respectfully. "We were Just scrubbing the
floors." Uncle Remus' Home Magasiue.
If you nave anything to sell or
and want quick action advertise
J'he Bee Want Ad columns. s
It In
1 ., .
"Visit Oup
Wholesale Pry (Goods louse
'Ikv Goo
. Mammeff
d Coo ,
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