THE OMATIA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 3, 1900. CENTENNIAL OF ST. LOUIS n t City to Observe Hundredth Anniyer lj sary of Iti Incorporation. HUBCH BELLS TO EEIO SUNDAY kroih the Week Tker Will Be and Aeroplaa. Races, e veiled I'ropket ad Other Attraction. VlflO 1 'IS. Oct. I A wnk'i celebration ntennlal anniversary of the In 'ii of St. Louis will begin tomor unrlse. when the bells of 444 within the city limits will be 1 annnunrfmnt nf th Ininviirfltlnn rogram. Aeroplane flights, distance between spherical balloons, speed f s by dirigible air craft, a water .it with four vessels of the United navy participating;, parades, festl amiuets. the annual appearance of the terluini Veiled Prophet and several pub' appearances by Dr. Frederick Cook, Aro 'explorer will fill out the week. Prepara- ns for the big events have been going fur months. An elaborate system of rest lighting has been Installed, a treat court of honor erected and practically the entire city has been decorated with flags and bunting. Two men Glen H. Curtlss, aviator, and Dr. Cook, explorer will divide the honors to be accorded to Individuals. Mr. Curtiss, beginning Wednesday, will make dally flights, weather permitting, from Art Hill, Forest park, where a great natural am phltheater la capable of accommodating cores of thousands of spectators. Dr. Cook will take a prominent part In the festivi ties, presided over by the Veiled Prophet, and will be tendered a publlo reception. The Sunday observances will be of a re ligious and historical nature. Special ser vices will be held In the churches, and songs of praise and thanksgiving- will be sung by thousands of Sunday school child' ren. In the afternoon, tablets marking the places or historical interest will be veiled. These latter will commemorate all important events from the landing of Pierre Laclede Llguest In 17G4, to the build ing of the new municipal structures, the laying of whose cornerstones will be an Important feature of the week. Balloon Races Monday. The balloon races will be started Hon- any. iwo events are on the program, the first limited to spherical air craft of 40,000 cubic feet capacity or less, and the second by larger balloons of up to 80,000 cubic feet. Seven distance and two endurance prizes are offered for these contests. In the evening the streets will be Illumin ated for the first time, and the opening oanci concerts win be given Tuesday will be a period of pageantry. The United Mate torpedo boat flotilla, con sisting of the MacDonough, Wilkes, Tinge and Jhornton, will lead a parade on the Mississippi river, In which scores of motor boats, river packets and other vessels will take part. The evening will see the Veiled Prophet arrive in greater pomp than has been his wont for years. The floats of his parade will be unusually elaborate, and the ball with which the celebration ends will be one of the most brilliant functions at which ho has ever presided. Glen H. Curtlss is scheduled to Inaugu rate his flights Wednesday, following the review or a "municipal pageant" by the mayors of 1,000 American cities, who have been Invited to witness the doings of the week as the guests of the city. Thursday 200 floats, representing the In Austria! progress of a century, will wind through the streets Friday will witness a series of aeroplane The Nebraska" Welcomes Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors The greatest clothing store west of Chicago extends hearty greeting to the thousands of our friends who will visit Omaha and this store during the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. Wo invite you to make this store your headquarters; meet your friends here, check your baggage here, use our free phones and let us help make your visit more pleasant. Correct New Fall Styles For Men and Boys Never In the twenty-three years of our history has "The Nebraska" enjoyed more completely the confidence of the people than It does today; never have we been better able to satisfy the clothing needs of our thousands of loyal patrons; never have we shown a more complete assortment of new styles, such a variety of fabrics and patterns, nor better quality at such a wide range of prices. For Ak-Sar-Ben visitors we have made especial displays of our choicest garments, and expect to have the pleasure of your personal inspection. We'll be proud to fit you perfectly In a garment that you'll be proud to wear, at any price you favor The new fall garments we offer you are made by the very best makers in America, and 4iave every good feature that results from splendid material and the best handiwork of expert tailors. We'll be proud t of It you perfectly In a garment that you'll be proud to wear, and at any time. Men's Suits - - $10 to $35 Men's Cravonettos and Fall Overcoats. $10 to $25 J15 Our Boys Clothing Department Is the Most Complete in the West This Is not a rash statement nor a careless boast, but is a simple statement of fact. We devote more attention and painstaking care to securing the finest and largest assortment of Boys' Clothing than any western concern. In fact we attribute much of the success of our men's department to the fact that we've been so success ful in fitting and suiting the boys, that they have naturally worn "Nebraska" clothes from their first suit until the present time. It's so easy to prove the truth of our statements, and so much to your interest to do so that w shall ex pect you to visit this department soon and Inspect our Boy's Suits 93.93 and up to $12.45 "The noose of High Merit" Special Values in Women's Stylish New Fall Suits, Coats and Skirts Women Stunning New Full Suits, Worth $22.50. at $15.00 Splendid new suits of broadcloths and fine worsteds, in the season's newest shades. New long coats 42 Inches in length, new plaited skirt, and guaranteed satin linings. Handsomely tailored and finished, perfect fitting garments that are positively worth $22.60. Special for Ak-Har-Ben mm ...$15.00 Women's Beautiful Fall Suits, Wrth $35. at $25. These awell suits are so varied In styles and shades that no matter what your preference, we can please you at this prioe. Made of the very newest and most fashionable materials in the very latest models, and beautifully tailored and finished; these suits could not be matched elsewhere at 15.00. Special for Ak-Bar-Bea Week, mt ... i v t $25.00 Women's New Long Coats, A Wonderful Value at $10.75 Remarkably handsome coats of fine all wool kersey and swell mix tures, made In the new trimmed hip effect; yoke and sleeves lined with tailors' serge. Coat full 64 inches in length. This coat is equal to any f 16.00 coat sold In Omaha. Special for Ak-Sar-Ben week, at ........... $10.75 Women's New Fall Skirts. Exceptional Values at $4.90 New Fall skirts of fine chiffon Panamas and swell mixtures In the new pleated effects. The majority were made to sell at 17.60. Special for Ak-Sar-Ben Week -.. . $4.90 Women's Deautiful Fall Skirts A grand assortment of swell, new skirts In all the new materials, such as Panamas, serges and worsteds; made In the new pleated effects. These are splendid, per led rutin g skirts, actually worth $10. Special for Ak-Sr-Uea Week A m m mmr $7.90 was not a man to find continual exousc for the Ignominious flight of his people in the late war with Turkey, Neither Qia he boast for the future that every tteuene would sacrifice his last blood drop on the .itar nf Cretan independence. Bo tney contests In which some startling results are caiied him a coward. And in the streets anncipaica. an a aoxen inventors or the .u ,.! him with such names as United States, many of them as yet ob- ..,.. "Armenian." sDltting cure, have signified their Intention to par- after tney pronounced these words. Hcnaie. xne prises or ii.vw and a gold lt waa timt ot u,. elections for medal, and 500 and a sliver medal, for the ,.,. nm.j, parliament. The vot- i uitiui, win oe given to the operators lof t ho machines which mnk. tfc I nights out from and back to a starting (square 200 feet in dimensions. j The street pageant this day will be combined educational, historical and mill' tary parade in which students, floats and etcte -and national soldiery will appear. Saturday s program lnrtudes a race fnr dirigible balloons, with Baldwin, Beachey and Knabenshue as the chief contestants the release of the two score ungulded spherical balloons of 3,000 cubic feet capac ity, a parade of 600 automobiles and the I dedication of "Fairground," a new publlo park. As many aa possible of the centennial decorations and Illuminations are to be preserved until after President Taft's visit later In the month. AN ELECTION IN MACEDONIA Events Preeedla the Flndtasr of ta. Corpse of a M.rder.4 CarUtlaa. The new gendarme of the district bad been instructed by the foreign officers In charge of the gendarmerie reform school at Salonlca, and he knew therefore that when he discovered the corpse of a Chris tian lu the high road he roust report the fact In Just the same way as he would if the dead man bad been a true believer. Equality was to reign In the Ottoman em pire. So the kalmakam, or mayor, of the town outside of which the body was found received a visit from the gendarme. The body was identified as that of a Greek named Perloles, a pig dealer and buyer of cocoons, a man of 40-odd years, with a wife and eleven children and grand children. Though In the matter of family and personal appearanc Pericles was un mistakably a Greek, he differed from the great majority of bis race in the quality of brain matter contained In his fat. round head. rte was a reasoning man. In politics as well as in commerce he took views that were practical, lie was possessed of no visionary Ideas about the raoe to which he belonged. He did not believe that be should swindle and lie. aa one has to do to maintain existence in Turkey, and thea Insult the ancient Greeks by laying claim to direct descent from them. Tet he loved his people and nourished hope for them. Burely there had been a bard lot He Ing district had been so arranged by the government that neither the Bulgarians nor the Greeks could bring In a majority. These rival Christians were to cut each others' throats, politically speaking, while the Turkish delegate should ride In upon a Mnha.mmedan vote. There was no chance for the Christian nominee. This the Bulgarians saw, and being prac tical people some of them took no interest In the election, while others voted In the preliminaries for the best Turk who was proposed. But the Greeks could vote only for members of their own proud race. They were going to have their rights! They would meet at the churches and go In a body to the polls; tills would show their strength and valor. They flourished revolvers and long knives, which the new order of things permitted all men to carry. But they were sure of winning the elec tion In any case by sheer weight of num bers. The Greeks, they numbered thou sands, a hundred thousand. In this dis trict alone, while the Bulgarians and the Turks could be counted, they said, oh, on the tingera At one of the meetings of his party Pericles pointed out that it did not matter what the numbers of respective communi ties were the Young Turks meant to have the election. They meant to have a ma jority of Mohammedans represented In the parliament from Macedonia as well as from Asia Minor. This statement set the meeting In a tumult. Some of the assembly were ready to throw things at the speaker. The thing was aa outrage. Greeks would have thelr rtghta. They would try peaceful means first. The bishop would write at one. to the patriarch and the Turks would be given the warning In ample time. The stout, perspiring pope, at whose residence the meeting was held and who acted as chairman, gathered up his long black skirts and scurried out of the crowded room to draft the protest to Con stantinople, tils blood was at such a pitch that he could not wait. The protest was one of a thousand that went to the patriarch from every town which held a Greek community on either shore of the Egean. At another meeting before the final elec tion, the election for the delegate to the chamber, lt was found that the Turks would have forty electors, the Bulgarians twenty-eight and the Greeks twenty-one. It was an outrage. The Greeks would have their rights. The Turks had better not drive them too tar, eta, eta When the other speakers had shouted themselves hoarse, two and more some times speaking at once, Pericles found an opportunity. But he did not speak long. He was howled down In a few minutes, for his speech was not of the same char acter as the others. He had nothing to say of Greek righta Greek valor or Greek determination to depart this life, and he had the temerity to advocate that the twenty and one Greek electors should cast their vole for Ismail Kffendi, an honorable Mussulman, who had on one occasion turned a rabble of his co religionists away from this town, the Chris tian quarter of which they had Intended to plunder and destroy. "Greeks shall vote for a Greek and none others," was the will of the meeting, which was swayed by the long-hatred, long-robed sweating priest and a swaggering insur gent, once an officer in the army of Greece, who always carried a rifle upon bis shoul der and wore a six-inch silver cross sus pended by a purple ribbon around hli neck. The cross had been given the in surgent by the priest two years before, on the arrival of the former from Athens to engage In a campaign against the Bul garians, and he, the insurgent, received. It is said, from five to seven nuj.diega for every member of the schismatic church ahoin he and his band could slay. The final election came. Of the twenty and one Greek delegates twenty voted for the Greek candidate and one, Pericles, voted for Ismail Effendl along with ten or a doaen Bulgarians and twenty-odd 'lurks. Ismail, the Young Turk candidate, was ot course elected. lt was two days later that the body of Pericles was found, gashed and mutilated and suspended by the feel from a mul berry tree on his oocoon farm. All the Greeks knew the reason he had been slain, lt was because he had turned traitor to ihe cause of Hellenism. "This insurgent, Theorides, he is gone of course?" the Turkish Kalmakam aatted the gendarme who reported the find. "Kalmakam Bey he is in the house ot the Rayah priest," was the reply. The Turkish governor lifted his ayes as much as to say "I thought so." "If he comes out," he said, "you might arrest him." The kalmakam bad no Intention of mak ing trouble tor himself over a slala Chris tian, lie knew lhat no eud of a protest such as Greeks only are able to make, would go to the Young Turks from the patriarch if the "castle of the pope" were entered and searched. An American Insurance company paid the widow of Pericles the fair fortune of 11.000. For, as I have said, Pericles was. like the others of his race in personal mat' ters, a most practical man. FREDERICK MOORE. yjtS7MyjL them, yet the ordeal through At I inVIT! which the expectant mother tlJ I ivff Cfrmust pass usually ls so fuJ1 Vsbbw .1 s "niTn Astir q suffering and dread that she looks forward to the hour with apprehension. Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event JTnM. -vith but little suffering, as TV nnWUV TFMfTA numbers have testified and iVl IVM 10 CH.ivCS la- 11 I r--l K JJ 1 1 21 I II 11 said, "it Is worth its weight 1 ' 11 90 per eotu of druflsu. gUlU. Bouk eoateuilBf valuable lav formation Bialleu rrae. tSM UASriZLD KJUI0UIAT0& CO. Aaesta, W Short Stories As St. Loala Lawyer. Talk. Circuit Judge Reynolds bad announced that be would hear Jurors who bad excuses to offer for not serving, and a dosen Amer ican cltlxens crowded up to the bench to tell their troubles. Their excuses were as varied as those who were bidden to the feast that the Bible tells about. One bad an important engagement and another could not hear very well, and another had sick ness In his family, and another bad duties to perform which nobody els. on earth could perform, and another was going on a Journey. And so it went The last man In the line wanted to be let et because he was a Gorman, Us might have been excused If he had not presented bis excuse wrong end forward. "Judge.", he said, "I can't understand good English." "Oh, you'll do all right," said the Judge. "There ls no English spoken here." Pleased His MaJeatr. The dark monarch from sunny Africa was being shown over an engineering place in Saiford by the manager, who. In explain ing the working of certain machinery, un fortunately got his coat tails caught in It, and In a moment was being whirled round at so many revolutions per minute. Luck ily for the manager, his garments were unequal to the strain of more than a few revolutions, and he was hurled, disheveled and dazed, at the feet of the visitor. That exalted personage roared with laughter, and said something; to his in terpreter. "bah," said that funotlonary to the man ager, "his majesty say he am berry pleased with de trick, an will you please do It againr" Sketchy Bits. Heso.rcef .1. In a certain church in Ireland a young priest took for his text, "The Feeding of the Multitude." But he said: "And they fed ten people with ten thousand loaves and ten thousand fishes." Thereat an old Irish man said: "That's no miracle; begorra, I oould do that myself," which the priest overheard. The next Sunday, the prlesi announced the same text, but he had ii right this time "And they fed ten thouband peopla on ten loaves of bread and ten iisiie. lie waited a second, and ih.n leaned over the pulpit and said: "And could you do that, Mr. Murphy?" Murphy replied: "Sure, your reverence. I could." 'And how could you do Iff" said the priest. "Suie your reverence. I could do lt wiLh what was left over from last Sunday." The Argonaut. Back to tne Home Roost. A traveler in Arkansas came to a cabin and heard a terrifying teriea of groana and yells, li sounded as if murder was being comuiiiled. He rushed ill and found a gigantic negro woman beating a wizened old inau with a club, while he cried for mercy. "Here, woman!" shouted the traveler, "what do you mean by beating that man? ' "He's man huaban', an' 1 11 beat him ah I likes," she replied, giving the man a few more cracks by way ot enipnasla. "No matter if he ia your iiuaband, you have no right to uiuider him." "Go 'long, while man, and luf me alone. I'll shush heal him some luoah." "hai lias he done?" "Whas ho uoiie? why, dls triflin' no 'count nigger dune let' de door of in chicken houoe opeu and all luau chickens done gone out." 'Pan, mats nothing. Tliey will come back." Come back? No, aah, dey'll go back." Saturday Evening Post. Actor aad Critic. District Attorney Jerome of New York a as praibing at the Union club a re- ' source! ul lawyer. "Get him in a hole," said Mr. Jerome, i "and he is out of it the very next second He is as r-SJurcruVaa an actor 1 recently heuid about. "Thia acior, at 2 or I o'clock one morn ing, got in a taxlcab to drive home, and when almost there discovered that bis money was spent. He had nothing for cab fare. A lamoua physician lived nearby, and the resourceful actor told the chauffeur to stop there. Then he Jumped out, rang the physician's night bell and screamed up the tube In an agonised veloe: " 'Doctor, our baby I I've got a taxlcab waiting!" " 'I'll be down at once,' said the doctor. "AJid lie mere4 at OUCS, sa OYtXwtt over his pajamas and a case of Instruments under his arm. "The aotor bundled him into the taxi- cab. " To 84 West 'Steenth street,' he said to the chaffeur. Til go on to the drug gist's.' "And the actor walked off, chuckling, for the address be had given was that of an old maid dramatlo orltlo, dared to roast his last play." who had A Venerable Blah op. On Thursday, September 23, the venerable Bishop Paret, of the Episcopal diocese of Maryland, who Is soon to have a coadjutor in the person of the Rev. Dr. John Gard ner Murray, celebrated th. eighty-third an niversary of his birth at his home In Balti more. After the consecration of his coad jutor on September 29, Bishop Paret will sail for Europe to spend a year In rest and recreation. Bishop Pret was born in Nw York, September 23, 1836. He wss graduated from Hobart college in 149. He was mad. a deacon In 1852, and a priest In 1803. Be. "Want Ads ar. Business Boosters. .1 fT l ' SO THE style of your clothes can be no better than their tailoring, for Correct Style is the result of Conscientious Tailoring. Every stitch adds its mite to the style-might of the finished garment. "HIGH ART CLOTHES" are made with the single aim of honoring their name. Every process, every detail, every accessory, arc identical with those employed byrJicgood form "custom" tailors. Rare patterns novel colorings advanced style unerring fit consum mate grace and poise these are unmistakable characteristics of every "HIGH ART" garment. The soft symmetrical, athletic lines of "HIGH ART CLOTHES" afHx to the wearer the stamp of tovun-brtd distinction. You can probably obtain "HIGH ART CLOTHES" of your clothier. Or -we will send you, for the asking, iho name of a dependable "HIGH ART" shop near you. STROUSE & BROTHERS Makers of HIGH ART CLOTHING" ALTIMOJtZ, MD. POK IALI MX ALL Writ, rW Fa suae LI. A D ING CLOTHIERS it-