10 THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, REPTEMBEK 2. 1P0H. The Honor of Your Presence Is Requested at Drandels Stores Annual FALL OPENING ' In our departments devoted to Women's Ready-to-War Apparel First prpKfnUtlnn of exquisite costumes nd mtUlnrry, selected In Paris, Ixndon, Berlin, Vienna and New York bjr our own representative. Our second floor In brilliantly decorated for this event. Opening continues throughout the week. J. L. BKANDEIS & SONS ANATORIHK FOOTWEAR (SI. COLBS ATZVT.) "The present as knows no In vention or development means so murh to humanity tn a-enpral as does Pr. Coles wonderful Anato mlk Fhoe." i fit i L "n"-- L"8 OMAHA af aSii3 .,""n a Tuesday Is Special Bargain Day Brandeis Stores Some Extraordinary Special Offers: ROO WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WALKING SKIRTS A manufacturer's samples and stock on hand, bought at a C CJQ tremendous sacrifice, worth up to 17.60, at..... vprO 4 O. Inch Black and Colored French Voile at 80c Yard From a Jobber's cancellation on a delayed shipment. . The biggest voile bargain ever offejed on bargain square at, a 39c New 12 Up Scotch IMald GInirham at 6c Yard ' The kind that Is so much in demand In the fall of the year fast H coiora eiira SBiesieuyi? uu wniuug m uatroujcui, - at, yard : . . . , . v JC New lots of 25c hosiery for women, misses, children, men and boys, at pair 13V4tf Val. torchon' and fancy wash laces, worth up to 15c, at....2V4 5J Women's .Untrlmmed Hats of Bengallne and silk, all colors, worth $2.60. at 81.50 Women's Felt Untrlmmed Hats, new shapes, worth $4.00, at $2.50 Regular 75c and 85c all silk dress messallnes, chevron silk and dress taffetas. In all colors, at, yard 39 Manufacturer's samples of men's, boys' and children's hats and caps, worth up to 50c, Tuesday, at 15 Children's Underwear vests, pants and drawers Jersey ribbed, light weight, fleecy lined, worth 25c, at 15J Women's and men's hemstitched pure Irish linen handkerchiefs, all widths of hems, at, each 8H BRANDEIS STORES " Thousands upon thousands of people younn. middle aged snd old are suffering from some, one or more of .he symptoms produced by some stsse of the malnriy known hs "fist foot," or hroken down arch, as It Is fre quently railed. The enrly stages of "flatfoof are usually the moat painful. At this time very little, If any. de formity or rhanfte In the foot's outline can be observed; conse quently the pains are attributed to other causes frequently to rheumatism. The rheumatic-like pains may be In the feet, calves of lens, knees, hips, back, and sometimes there Is dull pain In the back of the neck." other symptoms are swollen painful toes, bunions, cramps In Uie feet, toes drawn up or down, weak ankles and a general "used up" feeling at the end of the day. Come to our store snd let us demonstrate to you a simple les son In foot anotomy and you will quickly see why Anatornlk Shoes are considered by thousands of people to be one of the greatest blessings ever given to humanity. ExcrttrsrvH aoxhts rOB SUIT AJTD WOME2T. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street M If BtrrXKIOB TZLEPKOBTB izbyicb if ! ft i l Roth phones to all departments. A great con- I flB U vTnlync to yu durlngthe street railway strike. Jfr V f! On the Dnrfjuln Tables niGII SHOES. ANKLE STRAP PUMPS AND OXFORDS The variety is broad enough to meet most any need. Choice new goods and styles, of course, but size range is limited from 22 to 4M: about 300 pairs in all. It's a miscellaneous lot from vari ous lines in our regular stock and quality is right up to the Dennett standard. Just the kind of shoes you'll find best suited for business and general wear. Also exclusive styles for young high school girls. u Quality Is Our Guide StilillilWiBHUP r& FLOUR 4 Speolal Demonstration aid Sat all Week "KLOSFIT" PETTICOATS The petticoat that helps make the stout figure slender, side gores fit , tightly over the hips. No unsightly gather. It fits without a wrinkle. Made of rustling taffetta or best quality taffeta. Ilr Brandeis Stores wi! 4 UPDIKEMIlllNdC OMAHA, NEB. PLEASES THE MOST CRITICAIj At all grocers UPDIKID UILXJNO COMPANY. OMAHA .ON TOP ' i if! You have ohoice of Patent Colt, Button Shoes, Vici Kid Lace Shoes, Oxfords and Ankle Strap Pump in dull and patent leathers. 7 uuu $a.uu, $z.ou a $3,uu SHOES ABOUT HALF J On the ta- ' bles Tues day Special Price to Clear TUESDAY'S SPECIAL DARGAK! DULLETI!! 1 e " 1 I- i i Arc You ia Touch ith the New Styles VICTIM DOOMED TO DEATH ESCAPES AT LAST MINUTE Sarrradere4.br.pl FrlnJ, He Cheats th Ewatloarr la Milk of Time. gainst a oomblnatloo of circumstances calculated to hurl a human being- Into the darkest depths of dMpa.tr, a little mongrel do worked out hla own salvation tn the polloa station, with sagacity and complete Me. . '.' .. j " 'Tlge'V Is the do and he Is owned by a Mr. Shaffer, 1038 South Seventeenth street. Tig also la alleged to be a vicious dog. Neighbors complained about him to the poltoe with the result that Tla-e and his master were summoned to appear before Judge Crawford. This they did,. .that Is, hla master ap peared In court and testified that he had tied th dog out In the . police stubles and that he then and there surrendered hlin to be killed. To this several large and capable policemen also testified, having seen Tlge tied to a wheel of the hurry-up wttgon. This was all right with the Judge and the master was allowed to depart in peace, leaving il faithful friend to the msrejr of the ' stalwart guardians of the law, whe proceeded artillery In limber to carry out the edict of the court In spirit and latter. Taet Had reckoned without Tlge. how ever, and when they arrived upon the scene, Tlge bad departed hence. Hanging Ureply to the wheel was a short rope and to It was attaahed a heavy collar. But the collar was amply, and down Eleventh street there vanished a small, scurrying cloud of dust. 'Well, I'll be " said Officer Bostwick. ' Whatever Officer Bostwick will be. It is a safe bet that Tlge will not. just at pres ent at least. 0 FAME OF AD CLUB SPREADS BtasifU of Omaha Orgaaisatlea At. travta ItMstlaa ( Rochester Mtsists" Mea. "Advertising Nebraska" is the title of the addreas ta be Bade by Will Maupln. tepwty staee labor eoranWssieoes. at the -ainaaeaa at the Omaha Ad slab Tweeday. The luacceon will be betd at noon at the Rosa. Tae Ad stub has received a letter from Our at. Bill, manager ef the Koottester, iJf. T.) Brsatpg TUaas. Bnia wrttes that A PRETTY FOOT Deserves the best can put on it. Why deny yourself one of the real comforts of life? Get a HAN AN I ii I,. H: n.j. .rir I allVS'IIPTO DATE m i ij il Tin n i w ar mi l! L in r tassneasMMissn s 1 shoe you i hotels. A Very Liberal Offering to Introduce The Fall Quarterly Style Book By long odds the most beautiful, most belpful fashion magazine we know of There Is no woman anywhere who would not revel In this book. It :ells you the very fashion news you have ,tbeen wishing for. Shows you alt the newest styles in J, 500 pictures, with a concise description At AW .aVV 'V of each. It treats of every garment women. misses and chil dren wear and Instructs in the proper mode of cutting and fit- tin V The small cost of the style book Is out of all proportion to Its great value to the woman who sews or who aims to keep In close touch with late style tenden cies. Thousands of dol lars have been spent in Its publication. The world's fore most designers have contributed to It. The paper, nrintlns: and art work is superb. Every style shown Is represented In our stock nf Ladles' Home Journal Patterns. PRICE ONLY 7fC And Any Pattern You May Select FREE 'Phone orders filled promptly. We have a complete line of Hanan shoes and can suit the most fastidious. Russia calf, gun metal calf, vici kid, patent leather all In enduring styles that can only be had In a Hanan shoe. Women's Hanan Shoes, $5.00 95.50 and $0.00 Men's Hanaa Shoes, S5.50. $0.00 and 37.00 TIUrKONK ferewerySoJ foPlvffsDepi.&O Drexel Shoe Co. lilt Farnam Street. ha has heard of the local olub and of Its success. Rochester U talking of a similar society and wishes Information about the origin and ' achievements ef the Omaha olub as a pattern. A D aeree Weaad Is rendered antlseptlo by Buck! en's Ar atoa Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burns, pi lee, eoaema and salt rheum. ISa. eld Uy Beaton Drag 0 hi Wondertal Wattri of Colfax Come to Colfai. Let these great waters cure you. The curative effects of these great mineral waters are remark able In the extreme. The old M. C. and Murlo Spring waters have an Immediate cathartic and diuretic action and are cunceded to be equal If not superior to the great foreign waters. Oolfaz Water Cares Kheamstlstn These wonderful watirs are pos aessed of a remurkililn n.i-dluinal value and are a wonderful cure for all forms of Khetunatlsm, Obesity, Constipation, and Kidney and Blad der troubles. The Hew Hotel Colfax has been built at these world fam ous springs. The accomodations are unsurpaaed. A great feature of the hotel la its magnificent baths. Besides the Mineral Water Cure In all Its forma there are the Electric, the Turkish and the Nau hetm System Hatha, ate iaerlcai fUa. S! pi r Say and Colfax Is on the main line of the Rock Island Line, 23 miles east of Ies Moines. Hourly tnterurban service between Dea lUolrus and Colfax. Take electric car direct from depot to hotel. Write for Illustrated booklet. (7) K UST W. IOHISI, Mgr. Motel Colfax Colfax, Xowa Hotel Rome BtmorKAn- Vk "J"k"''"' f img in aonoi yaeacelled For It's Beauty and Modern Appointments. ROME MILLER fl BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Both 'Phones. Send us your orders. Get the choicest, freshest goods and quick service. Bennett's Golden Coffee, pound 9o and 30 green stamps Bennett's Challenge Coffee, pound 180 and 15 green stamps Bennett's Teas, assorted, pound 48o and 60 green stamps Bennett's Tea Slf tings, pound 15o and 16 green stamps New Evaporated Apricots, pound 18o Eddy's French Mustard, Jar 100 and 10 green stamps Wonder Wax, three large size for 85c and 10 green stamps Polk's Tomato Koup, three cuns for 85c and 10 greon stamps (Sweet Pickled Peaches, quart Jars Sfto and 20 green stamps Diamond Crystal Table Salt, sack 100 nd 10 green stamps Yacht Club Salad Dressing, bottle a 60 and 20 green stamps Royal Honey, per Jar 100 and S green stamps Solder's Tomato Soup, large BOo and 10 green stamps Earl New Cleanser, three cans for a So and 30 green stamps Hartley's Marmalade, jar 8O0 and 20 green stamps Hippo Washing Powder, six for 850 and 10 green stamps Jell-O Ice Cream Powder, package lOo and 10 green stamps Diamond Crystal Halt, H-lb. sack for 85o and 20 green stamps Walker's Chill Con Carnl, can lOo and 5 green stamps Bennett's Capitol Oats. 2-lh. package Ho and 10 green stamps Bennett's Capitol Wheat, 2-lb. packaife Ho and 10 green stamps Make Your FALL SUIT Hart, Schaffner & Marx the Best. H u Ml llalS THE RELIABLE STORK See Our Great Fall Line of BOYS' SUITS Surpassing Values. Three Grand Specials Tuesday In Omaha's Ouslost Cloak and Cult Department 75 Elegant New Tailor Suits In the new vrhU wale materials, Skinner entin Qflft rn lined, most wanted shades, reg- V "MsOU ular $50.00 values; at, choice. . . . $25.00 and $30.00 Tailor Suit Values Newest fall styles, Skinner satin lined; Q fl 7r 100 of them for your selection, M I Me I J Tuesday at Beautiful One-Piece Dresses Regular values $14-75 to $25.00 silk, messaline and wool materials, magnificent bargain, Tuesday, choice Big sale Tuesday of INFANTS Wear Baby Bazar, Second Floor. r-Vool Dress Goods-. The largest and best select ed stock in Omaha; also best goods for least money. Broadcloth, yd. $1.00 to $7.50 Tailor Suitings, 50c to $5.00 rVool Dress Goods-. Domestic Remnants, 25c, 39c, 49c, 59c, Up. Also remnants of all the finest goods in 2r2 to 7 yds., at less than half their cost. Extra Specials for Tueoday In Our Famous Domsstio Room .S8d) '. .' .' .' . .' .' .' . ." ji .8$ 57 95 ao n Special sale on Bat. 5t 84 10 12 np to fcl.OO bale on Bleached Muslin 44 7H 8 lOt Put Up Your Poachoo Now This Will De the Last Week for Peaohes Extra weight single Bed Comfortable, worth 79o No. 1273, best 11.00 Comfort made No. 1399, the best 2.00 Comfort made Sliver Star, a good 85c Cotton Blanket, at, pair Ideal, a good $1.25 Blanket Argile, a fine $6.00 Wool Blanket We haye a carload of extra These are very extra fancy. Tomorrow, per crate fancy Colorado Elberta Peaches for this aal. If you have not put up your peaches, bny now. 81.00 CRAB APPLES FOR JELLY Large market basket fancy Hyslop Crab Apples, per basket... 204 Monday's prices on Flour, Sugar, Groceries, Butter, -Cheese, Crackers and Meats. Eor TRY MYDEN'S FIRST ?flTO nTo and Pacific Coast Points Id September 15 to cftober 15 Tourist Cars Every Day G. S. Pentecost, Division Passenger Agt Omaha, Neb- Call Us by 'Phone Whenever 704 vast something call 'yhooa i Douglas IS! and make 3 It knovn taroagk a Be WaoC Ad, D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Boeceswer to Dr. B. U Bamacrtottt) asnsrrAjrr nan twiartti, OiXiou aa4 XMplsal, SSI Wnna Uses. Calls Promptly Answered at All Heave. $m n Rollablo I Dentistry WVTafl's Dental Rooms saisiBBunBan FREE ART EXHIBIT "The Conquest t Paiie,, Latest masterpiece in oil by Irving R. Bacon, which won high honors for him at Munich last year. Court of the Bee Bldg. A IX IVKI18 OF ART AB.E I7TVITKI TO I.NbPECT THIS MAGNIFICENT I1CTVKK.