Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
TIi Oaaaoil Blmffa Offla of th
Omaha la at It " "treat.
Both paoaa 43.
Valuable Additions Being Made Daily
to the Prize Liit.
Davla. drug.
Diamond pUylng the best vaudeville.
CORRIGANM. undertaker. 'Phone 148.
Majestic rarigee. f- C. l)e Vol lldw. Co.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. Ka.
l,ewte Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 17.
For rent, modern house, 72 6th avenue.
When you want relluule want ad adver
tising, uc The Bee.
W. A. Stone, fancy groceries and meate.
Phunea M N. Main atreet.
Famous Steel King farm wagons, Sper
line at Triplett. !U7 Broadway.
Li r. W. W. Magarell, optometrist, moved
to 2U6-2US City National Hank building.
Up-to-date Art Department and Picture
Framing. Horwlrk. 211 bouth Main street.
For good painting See Walter N'cholalsen
A Co., 14 Mouth Mam street. Phone Inde
pendent tlli Red.
A general meeting of the Woman' guild
ot St. 1'uui t.plscopul church will be neld
Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
C. A. Larey, 5m Sherman avenue.
, KKS, A; Lo.Nli am Iticr l.Aet, t.i.
i The foot hall taint yesterday between
lliu high school Uain and memoers of the
1 alumni resulted In a victory for the "ha
ncei.s ty a score or 10 to V.
! HAM, 1,1 . a SEt; 1'fc.TEltSK.N at KiJiiO-
Members of the Knights and toadies of
I Security will meet this afternoon at l:u
' o'clock at the home of D. L. Kunyoii. 1MU
I Soutn Temii Htreel, to attend iu a body the
funeral of Mrs. (J. Cake.
For the best results In picture framing
' go where It is nudi a spei-laiiy. wiilca la
Alexander's Art More. ll way.
13. M. Joiicn of Treynor was taken Into
i custody yesterday under an indictment re
turned by tne district court grand Jury a
; few days ago. He Is charged with main
taining a numaiice In the shape of a saloon,
1 contrary to the provisions of the mulct
law. Jones furnished a bond In I tie sum of
1 $400 and was later released.
Coroner Treynor, after Investigating the
Hi cuinstances attending the deatn of A. L.
aswartsel of Woodbine, la., who was found
jVrad In bed at the Uuodrlch hotel Friday
evening, decided yesterday that an Inquest
' was not necessary. The body Is being held
at the undertaking rooms of Ualrd, Longe
necker A Boland awaiting disposition oy
Texas and FUrlsa striving; to
Whlrh Will Have tke Mnr At
tractive Exhibit Both Ask
l arge are.
Fall Cleaning la Here.
Fall weather Is here; you will need to
have that light overcoat and fall suit
cleaned and pressed. We have experts In
charge of this department and are In t lu
best position to give you the most satis
factory service In the city at strictly rea
gonable prices. Bluff City Laundry. Dry
Cleaning and Dye Works. Phones 314. 22-14-26
North Main atreet.
aid to Have Hrrs the Fake Wrest
lers In One (ianie.
Tom 8. Robinson of Karmington. la., and
Ed Leech of Montroae, la., two of the de
fendants named In the blanket Indictment
returned Thursday afternoon by the federal
grand Jury In the Mabray case, were taken
Into custody yesterday under bench war
rant. They were brought to Council Bluffs
last evening in custody of Deputy United
Rates Marshal A. D. Dunlap ol Ottumwa
and lodged In the county jail. Their bonds
undnr the Indictment were placed by Judge
McPherson at 3.0W, but they hope to get
this reduced, and In any event expect to
furnlnh ball Monday;
Robinson was arrested July 14 last under
warrant Issued from the court of Justice
Gardiner on the charge of conspiracy in
the case of E. U. Allspaugh of Terre
Haute, Ind , who was fleeced out of $1,600
ou August 5, 190S, In this city by the
Mabray gang on a fake wrestling match.
Rotlhson Is said to have acted the dual
role of "stecrer" and one of the fake
wrestlers. Mn was bound over to await
the action of the gmnd jury and his bond
plaoed at 12.500, which he later furnished.
O. O. Newberry, a farmer, of I,ee county,
Iowa, who win one of the witnesses at
the preliminary hearing of Robinson In
the Justloe court, charged Robinson with
having "steered" him against the Mabray
gang two years ago !n Wllkesbarre, Pa.,
when Newberry dropped JlS.OtO on a fake
wrestling match.
Ed Leech, arrested at Montrixe, Is said
to have been one of the fake wrestlers
employed by the Mabray gang, but it
could not be learned last night If he was
Implicated in the fleecing of Allspaugh,
who Is a haberdasher In Terra Haute.
Superintendent Freeman L. Reed of the
National Horticultural eongresa announced
yesteiday that additions to the premium
Hat of the fruit ahow, to be held Novem
ber, 15 to 20. are being received almost
dally and the list haa now reached pro
portlona that far exceed the moat san
guine expectatlona of the directors.
The Omaha Bee Publishing company has
contributed a valuable sterling ailver
trophy cup to be contested for by the stu
dents' Judging teams of the various atata
universities. The cup must be won twice
In succession by the same college to en
title the winners to Its permanent custody.
The conditions are that the college win
ning It shall keep It until next year, when
It Is to be returned and contested for under
the same or similar terms. This will be
one of the most valuable and interesting
cups that will be offered and the con
testants will represent the principal agri
cultural colleges of the United States.
Among the other additions to the pre
mium list received Saturday are fifteen
valuable articles having an aggregate value
of 300. contributed by the Pioneer Imple
ment company of Council Bluffs, and a gas
engine donated by the International Har
vester company of America. Dozens of
smaller additions to the premium list and
each of large and Intrinsic value have also
been received within tha laat few day a.
Superintendent Freeman Heed haa re
ceived official application for space for
state exhibits from a number of additional
stalea, including Virginia and Maryland.
Application has also been received for a
fine exhibit from Fresno, Cal., but Just
at the present time the greatest interest
V being arouaed by the spirited contest
and rivalry between Texas and Florida.
The auperlntendent haa received a request
from the Texas Citrus Grower associa
tion asking for 1,000 square feet of space.
In the letter making this reservation J.
W. Canada, secretary of the association,
says that he is "glad to see Florida being
stirred up. I know Mr. McComb very well
and he is a hustler." That Florida la
stirrfd up" Is evidenced by the work that
is being done there now. The entire state
Is aroused and large and small fruit grow
ers are endeavoring to make the exhibit
at the exposition one of the most remark
able and beautiful that Ilea within their
splendid possibilities.
Mr. McComb, who Is a special commis
sioner engaged In collecting Florida's ex
hibit, writes stating that they must have
apace enough to properly ahow two car
loada of exhibits. A list of these exhibits
ahowa that they will contain everything
relative to horticulture produced in Florida
and that It will be one of the most at
tractive and beautiful exhibits ever made
In any northern atate. Such things as
orange trees of gigantic elxe In full bloom,
budding, ripening and ripe fruit will be
the central figures. Their exhibit has al
ready cost several thousand dollars and it
will cost a large amount .to bring .it here
and Install It.
Beth of these-states are 'flooding all
parts of the United State with Invitations
to their friends to attend the congress and
see the splendid exhibits that they are pre
paring. Neither of them are specifically
after prize, but are determined that their
best reward shall He In the' example that
they will give of their geniality of climate
and desirability for closer relationship be
tween the frigid north and the sunny south.
Council Bluffs
each of you, liable to It for all damage or
Injury done Ita property hy Individual per
sona, strikers, strike sympathisers, or as
the result of mob violence, and the said
company will look to you and each of you.
and will hold you and each of you. liable
to It for all damage and destruction com
mitted upon any of Ita properties above
described, and under the circumstances
above described, and pay for any and all
damages resulting from assaults upon lis
employes under circumstances above des
cribed. The eervlce of this notice came somewhat
aa a surprise to Mayor Maloney a the city
had been furnishing officers for the pro
tection of the car and no acts of violence
since the attack on one car last Sunday by
hoodlums, who crossed the bridge from
Omaha had been reported In Council
Bluffs. He said, "I was surprised to have
euch notice served upon me. Today Mr.
Wattles and other officer of the atreet
railway company assured me they were
well satisfied with what the city of Coun
cil Bluffs had done and was doing to pro
tect ita car' and Ita employe."
Deputy United State Marshal Groneweg
went to Grlawold last evening to serve the
notice on Chairman Bull! of the Board of
Rraamar la Wealth Bay the Beat.
The Radiant Home base burner 1 ac
knowledged to be the finest and most
economical hard coal stove ever made.
Giving the largest amount of heat for the
quantity of fuel consumed. Quick In action
and always under perfect control. The
cleanest, safest and best base burner mad.
Peterson at Schoenlng Co., Sole Agents.
Children's school shoes in high tops and
rcgulfr heights; all leather, in button and
lace, 1. 60 to $2.50 Duncan Shoe company,
23 Main atreet
House painting, paper hanging, picture
framing and Interior decorating season Is
now on in full blast. Our stock la new, up-to-date
and easy to select from. No old
odd and ends. Let lis figure with you. We
wUl mail the price right. H. Berwick, 111
South Main atreet.
If you are In the market for a range ses
Peterson & Schoenlng Co. They have one
of the best ranges manufactured the Ster
ling Lexington steel range. All part are
made from the best grade of pig Iron and
steel and not scrap iron. Will not craok
or warp; cannot get out of order. It ha
a ' sectional top, double walls of heavy
steel and asbestos board between.. All part
are hard riveted. The latest Invention In
dampers, "the slide damper," can be
found only on this range. The rang is
so constructed that the fire come in oon-
tact -w ith all the Important part. It 1 con
structed strictly on scientific principles,
and any person will find It a real pleaaur
to cook on this range. Peterson A Bohoen
ing Co.
JUST RECEIVED 806 gallon of home
made sorghum, strictly puro. In one gallon
cans, per gallon. 75 cents; in five gallon
Can, per gallon. TO cent. L. Green, 134
; Broadwajr.
Geo. VV. Klein
Upholstering, Furniture Repair
ed and Iltflnished, Feather
Renovated, Mirrors Re plated,
and all kind of matters work
Both 'Phone.
19 So. Main Council Bluffs.
"Have II Dcac Right"
jLtlf rt' Ltniti
Style and Good Tailoring
la a permanent Issue with me. I hold
. P. .I 'n,PJtant as the quinlty of the
ploth Itself You always feel comfortable
In one of my sulta. In the most aelect
gathering, every garment I make la cut
cloth Jort1'y- 'font th best grades of
Martin Peterson, 415 B'way
Company Serves Notice on Connty anal
tlty Officials.
Tha Omaha Council Bluffa Street Rail
way company, ethrough Ita local attorneys,
George 8. Wright, acrved the following
notice on Mayor Maloney and Allen Bul
lia, chairman of the Board of Supervisors
of Pottawattamie county, last evening:
The Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Rail
way company hervby gives notice to you
and to each of you that within the city
of Council Bluffs and within the county
of Pottawattamie, in the state of Iowa'
Its street railway property, consisting of
oulldings, cars, tracks, switches, electrical
wires and appliances is not receiving suf
ficient, adequate and proper protection
against unlawful assaults. Injury, damage
and destruction by Individuals, persons
and mob violence, and that the men oper
ating its cars have not been receiving suf
ficient, adequate and proper protection
against sssauits by persons, individuals
and mob violence; and that said company
(ears and believes, ar.d hus good reason to
fear and believe, that unless more prompt.
erfectlvo and decisive action is at once
taken by the municipal and county au
thorities, that further Injury to and de
struction of Its siid property will be
wrongfully and unlawfully committed by
persona. Individuals and mob violence, and
that further aasault will be made upon
the employes of the company operating
Its cars, all to the great damage and
destruction of the property of the com
pany, and to the interference of the opera
tion of Its cars and lines of street railway.
Demand is therefore made upon you and
upon each of you within your said respec
tive municipality and boundaries, you take
prompt, sufficient, decisive and effective
action to prevent unlawful assemblages
and to prevent assaults upon the employee
of the company operating Ita cars, and to
prevent all Injury and damage of every
kind and nature to the properties of the
street railway company hereinbefore more
particularly described; so that tha company
shall be protected, permitted to operate Its
cars and railway without Interruption and
Interference, and that Its employes may
operate its said ears without fear of as
sault or personal injury, and so that other
persona wishing to engage In the operation
of Its cars may not be prevented from
ao doing by fear for their personal safety.
Tou. and each of you ar hereby noti
fied that said company will hold you, and
I HAM MflMFY flM noaazs, cattle and
ajDj amy chattel SaxxTEcrrr at onn-BAjjp tub xxcxh bates.
Twctntr Tears sat Bnaosaihg P-n r
N o-'nectinn with taa
J JL.- - tum aaunnai UMeanetv. The Cinrfc Wortjrace C.
JO. r. TLMLsk. Mr.
the house: that saves you money:
Street Car Strike Famishes a
First Cot gregatlonal church, Seventh
avenue and Sixth street. Dr. Otterbein p.
Smith, pastor. Morning service at 10:S0.
Evening service at 7:30. Sunday school at
noon. Midweek service at parsonage
Wednesday evening at 7.45. Communion,
reception of members and christening of
children In the morning. In the evening
Dr. Smith will speak on "The Street Car
Strike." In the morning Mis Laura Robin
son will sing "O, Shadow In a Sultry
Land." In the evening Mr. W. W. Sher
man will sing "I Will Praise the Name of
the Lord."
First Presbyterian church, Rev. Marcu
P. MoClure, minister. Morning service at
(10:30. Infant department of the Bible
school at 9:30. Bible school at noon. An
hour by the young people for young and
old at 7. Evening service at 7:45.
Second Presbyterian church. Rev. George
A. Ray, D. D., pat tor. Services at 10:30
a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject of morning
sermon, "Show Us the Father and It
Sufflceth Us;" evening. "Watchman, What
of th Night?" Sunday school at noon.
Christian Endeavor at 7:15.
St. John's English Lutheran church. Rev.
Q. W. Snyder, pastor. Sermon subject at
10:30, "A Perpetual Desire;" at 7:45, "By
Whom Shall the House Be Filled?" Sun
day school at noon. Young People's meet
ing at 6:46.
Broadway Methodist church, Rev. James
M. Williams, pastor; Dr. Claude P. Lewis,
chorister. Class meeting at 10 In Sunday
school room. A very Important class meet
ing session. Morning service at 10:30. Ser
mon by the pastor. Theme, "The Place of
the Revival in Our Church Work." Sunday
school at 12, F. II. Orcutt, superintendent
Epworth league devotional meeting at t.K.
Toplo, "What the' Revival May Mean to
This League." Harold Flint, leader.
Monthly sacred concert at 7:30, Dr. Claude
L. Lewis directing. The program follows:
Prelude Sabbath Chimes
Organ and Uuartet.
Anthem Jerusalem Parker
Cross and Crown Havens
Broadway Mixed Quartet.
Chorus Zlon Awake Costa
Anthem Havior V hen Night Invades
the Sky Shelly
Mr. Anderson and Choir.
'Rose of Hharon" Parker
Broadway Male Uuartet.
Offertory Berceusetf lute and organ).. '
Mr. Parks and Mrs. Green.
Duet Crucifix Faure
Mrs. McCarser and Dr. Lewis.
Anthem King of Kings Senlper
miss Mcconneii and Chorus.
"Good Night" Havens
Broadway Male Quartet.
The Flrt Church of Christ, Scientist
Will hold service at 10:45 a. m. in tha
Masonic Temple hall when the subject of
the lesson-sermon will be "Reality." Sun
day school immediately after the service.
The regular mid-week testimonial meeting
Wednesday evening at I o'clock.
First Baptist Church, Rev. F. A. Case,
Pastor Morning services at 10:30; evening
service at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at
noon. BaplBt Young People's union at 1
p. m.
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Churoh, Rev.
Frank Caldwell, Pastor Sabbath school at
10 a. m.
Memorial Church Morning ser
vices at 10:30 o'clock. Sunday school at 12
m. Baptist Toung People's union at 7 p.
m. Preaching at I p. in.
West Side Christian Church Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Morning services at 11
o'clock. Evening services in the church as
usual at t o'clock. Prayer meeting at the
church Monday evening.
Epworth Methodist Church, Rev. A. V.
Babb, Pastor Sunday sohool at I a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and I p. m. Kpworth
league at 6:30 p. m.
Bethany Presbyterian Church, Rev. John
Kroonmyer, Pastor Services at 10 a. m.
and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 11:46 a. m.
Christian Endeavor society at 7 p. m.
Seventh Day Adventlat Church, W. A.
McKebben, Elder Sabbath school at 10 a.
m. Saturday services at 10 a. m.
Latter Day Saints' Church Preaching at
10:46 a. m. and 6 p. m. Sunday school at
:30 a. m.
Woodbury Avenue Chapel Sunday school
at I p. m.
Free Methodist Church Sunday school at
10 a. m., followed by preaching. Preaching
at t p. m.
Fifth Avenue Methodist Church, Rev. 8.
Grant Lewia, Pastor 10:30 a. m., preach
ing; 13 m.. Sunday school; 7 p. m . Ep
worth league, leader Melvln Uruvier; 8
p. m.. preaching by the paator.
First Christian church will hold services
In Danish hall atNll a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
The paator, Rev. Edgar Price, will preach
In the morning on "Promptness" and in the
evening on "Why I Am, What I Am."
Bible school at 3:46 a. m. and Christian
Endeavor meeting at 1.30 p. m.
Stew&irtl Stoves sioaH lRaiagss
Special This Week
at Hi gassaiSsi T
t." ' m i, .' urn i i
rrrd"?? fl A bbl rn'rS
$1.00 PER WEEK.
Are our special terms on The Stewart Mag
net Range this week.
We will deliver to your home a Stewart
Range or Baseburner, on the above terms.
and if for any fault of the stove it don't
give satisfaction we will refund your
money, or exchange stoves. This offer
j. i i e. .. i l a:
Come in and let us show you the best
on the market.
J7n,a I,, ,, ' "
214-210 BROADWAY
VF - , "'TV.. TV
' 4
Council Bluffs
Prices the lowest, quality considered.
Duncan Shoe company, 23 Main street.
Many Fatal Discuses
show their first symptoms in the eyes. That
fact alone should establish your confidence
In the Importance of having your eyes prop
erly examined on the first appearance of
discomfort. I have the Instruments neces
sary for making the fullest scientific eye
examination and nothing Is left undone that
can be done to find the caue of trouble.
Remember that defective vision can be
corrected by glasses properly fitted, w.
W. Magarrell, Optometrist, MC-308 City Nat.
Bank Bldg., Council Bluffs, la.
City and C. B. aah Compnny Agree
to Take It Up Monday.
Judge Smith McPherson, after consulta
tion with City Solicitor Kimball, yesterday
set the case of the C. B. Nash company of
Omaha against, the city of Council Bluffs
for' hearing on Monday. This date was
agreed to by counsel for the plaintiff firm.
The case involves the validity of tha pro
posed lasu of KiOO.OOO water works bonds.
In the ault of N. S. Sage against Cather
Ina and William Koepke, tried to the court.
Judgment was given the plaintiff for $12,167.
The suit was to recover on notes given for
the rent under a lease of a saloon building
in Soldier, la. The building waa burned
and. the lessors refuwed to pay the notes
which had been endorsed to parties in
Idaho, who brought suit. The defendants
also contended that the leasing of a build
ing for saloon purposes was illegal under
the Iowa mulct law.
The work of moving the federal court to
the temporary quarters in the county
court house was bvgun yesterday . after
noon. When court reconvenes Monday
morning It will be In the south court room
of the county court house.
The postofflce will be moved today to
the temporary quarters in the Merriam
block. Postmaster Hazelton expects to
have everything In shape to open for busi
ness Monday morning in the new location.
Judt'e McPherson wet to Red Oak last
evening to spend Sunday at his home.
George B. Stewart, assistant United States
prosecuting attorney, left last evening for
his home In Fort Madison. Colonel M. L.
Temple, district attorney, left Friday night
for his home at Osceola. E. R. Mason,
clerk of the circuit court, left yesterday
for De Moines, but will return the early
part of this week.
st the home of Mrs. Anna Doran, 817 Ave
enue E.
Mis. Wood Allen, 820 Clark street, enter
tained at luncheon Thursday afternoon for
Mrs. Kd Shepard and Mrs. Hairy Uleason
of Kansas City.
Mrs. Katherine DeVol entertained inform
ally at dinner Tuesday evening at hT home
on Willow avenue In honor of Mr. and Mrs.
LilKar Corry of Des Moines.
Mrs. James O'Connor entertained at din
ner Sunday In honor of Mrs. M. D. Gallag
her and family, who will leave soon for
California. Covers were laid for ten.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Evans of Minneapolis,
Minn., and Mrs. Ella i'lnney were the
guests of Mrs. Kate McGee and Mrs. F. E.
Fust-y. 21s Third street, during the last
Mrs. M. S. Orrell .announces the engage
ment of her daughter, Miss Edyth M.
Orrell, to Mr. Charles I.. Crewdson of this
city. The wedding will take place In Oc
tober. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. McConnell of 107
Charles Mreet had as their gueRts during
the last week, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Corry
m' 1 Moines and Mr. C. T. McConnell of
- Airs. W. W. Wallace announces the en
Ragetnent of her daughter. Miss Helen
Klixabtth Wallace, to Dr. Alexander Clif
ford Iiruwn or this city, the wedding to
take place In October.
The St. Rose Literary society met Tues
day afternoon at the home of Miss Mary
Paschal on Willow avenue. A number of
readings and recitations were enjoyed, after
which light refreshments were served.
Mr. Isaac Forman and Mrs. Frank J.
Long of Iowa City are guests of their
cousin. Mrs. J. H. Carse, en route home
from an extended trip to the Pacific coast.
Including a visit to the Seattle exposition.
Mrs. Rich entertained the Thursday Aft
ernoon Bridge club last week at her subur
ban home, i'rlzes were awarded to Mrs.
Still well and Mrs. Kretchmer. At the clos.'
of the game a course luncheon was served.
Mrs. It. E. Montgomery entertained at
dinner Saturday evening. Covers were laid
for Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge, Jr., of
Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Scott of
Ouialiu, Mr. N. P. Dodge and Mrs. Mont
gomery. The Thursday Kenslrgton club was en
tertained Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. A. J. Gorham on McPherson ave
nue. Tha afternoon waB spent In Kensing
ton work, after which light refreshments
were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hafer had as their
guests at dinner at the Grand Sunday even
ing, Miss Juliette Lang, who was playing
In the musical comedy, "Lo," at the Boyd
last week, and Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Link of
Des Moines.
The Daughters of the American Revolu
tion met Thursday afternoon at the horn
of Mrs. Donald Macrae, who is regent.
This was the first session of the members
this season and regular meetings will be
held monthly from now.
Mlfss Eileen Ritter entertained at break
fast Sunday morning In honor of the Misses
Claire and Margaret Gallagher.
The Ebony Warblers will entertain com
plimentary to Miss Fannie Jayne Dietrich
Monday evening at the home of Mrs. E.
Canning on Oakland avenue. Mrs. Canning
will De assisted oy Mrs. f . Iv tlllllllano.
Miss Florence Canning and Miss Mabel
Miss Ines Bloomer entertained a number
of her young friends yesterday afternoon
at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Bloomer, 7?9 First avenue. The aft
ernoon was spent with games, at the close
of which refreshments were served. Twenty
guests were present.
Mrs. H. B. Watson cave a prettily ap
pointed bridge party Wednesday afternoon
at her home. 111 West Washington avenue.
There were six tables used In playing.
Prlres for the high scores were awarded
to Mrs. J. B. Atkins and Mrs. Ray Blxby.
At the cln?e of the game a course luncheon
was served.
Mrs. George Gemer entertained inform
ally at bridge Friday afternoon at hr
home, 171 Glen avenue. In honor ot Mrs.
Edwr.rd Shepard and Mrs. Harry Uleason
of Kansas City, Mo. Two tables were used
for bridge, Mrs. John Davis being awarded
the prize for the highest score. Luncheon
was served at the close of the game,
Miss Laura Bonner of this city and Mr.
Elmer E. Teas of Spokane, Wash., were
united in marriage September 16 In Spo
kane. The ceremony was witnessed by only
a few intimate friends and relatives. Mrs.
Teas has made her home In this city fur
the last two years with her brother, Mr.
W. D. Bonner. Mr. Teas is a welt known
newspaper man In Spokane.
Mrs. Charles K. Woodbury entertained at
an Informal bridge party Tuesday
at her home on Willow avenue In honor ot
llrs. kdward Shepard and Mrs. Harry (ilia-
sun of Kansas City, Mo. Two taoies of
bridge tfere played, Mrs. W. Sherman re
ceiving the prise for the highest score and
Mrs. Shepard the consolation prize. At the
close of the afternoon a dainty luncheon
was served.
The regular meeting of the flower mis
sion was held Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Edson Damon, 1'i7 Kouth
. Eighth street. The meeting was greatly
enjoyed and plans were made for a card
party to be given October 12 at the home
of Miss Cecelia Wlckham. Mrs. Emmet
Tlnley, president of the club, was present
for the first time In many months. In
view of the plans for the Horticultural
congress, the dance to be given by the
members was postponed until later this
season. At the close of the business meet
ing light refreshments were served by the
hostess, ssslsted by Mrs. Clarence Empkle,
Miss Cecelia Wlckham and Miss Flora
Mr. and Mrs. Erwln E. Spetman enter-
tallied at a prettily appointed 7 o'clock
dinner Wednesday evening at their hoiua
on Bluff street In honor of Miss Jayn
Dlrtrick and Mr. Will Rich man, whose
marriage will take place the laat of this
month. Red carnations and ferns were
used in profusion In the dinning room, a
largo bouquet of carnations forming an
attractive table decoration. Covers were
laid for Miss Kiinnie Jayne Dletrlck, Mlsa
Lulu Spetman, Miss Madge Walker, Mr.
Richmond, Mr. Harry Mounts, Mr. Heifl
iih lii Giles of Omaha and Mr. and Mr.
In honor of Miss Mary Wads worth,
whose marriage to Dr. Glen Reed will take
place next month, Miss Elvira Klnnehan
gave a pretty luncheon Tuesday. The din
ing room was attractively decorated with
red roses, a huge mound of red rosea
forming the centerpiece to the dining
room table. Cupids adorned the pl&i'S
cards mid appropriate toasts furnished
much amusement. Covers were laid for
Miss Wadsworth, Miss Ruth Felt, Mlsa
Edith Organ, Miss Sura Besley, Mlsa
Eleanor Mayne. Miss Virginia Meyers, Mis
Velmu Peck, Miss Vena Binder and Miss
Our children's school shoes are all aolld.
Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Prices the loweBt, quality considered,
Duncan Slioe company, 23 Main street.
See Sperling & Triplett, 527 Broadway, for
gasoline engines.
Garland base burners, with the two
piece revolving fire pot, now on display.
Prices V&.00. $00.00, $06.00. P. C. DeVol
Hardware company.
If you have anything to sell or trad
and want quick action, advertise It In Th
Bee Want Ad columns.
LIQUOR CO., H9 S. Main. 'Phones m
A good five-room house, newly painted
and papered, corner 3fth and Avenue A;
city water; for rent or will sell. O. O.
Over, care A. Ilospe Co. Either phone M4,
or Bell Black 22.
Quick Action ror Your Money You get
that by using The Bee advertising columns.
Furniture made to meet a price always
has Its limits in value and costs more than
it 1 worth, even when offered at surpris
ing discounts, which, too, la always an
evident of its cheapness In- quality. We
believe In selling goods that we can hon
estly recommend and are standing behind
their merit, and our Judgment of the many
years of past experience ha proven to us
la that only first-class furniture Is the
cheapest in the long run and the most sat
isfactory furniture to Sell. Peterson &
Schoenlng Co.
Children's school shoes In high tops and
regular heights; all leathers. In button and
lace, $1.60 to $2-5 Duncan Shoe company,
It Main street.
Batrd A Boland, undertakers, 'Phone 122.
Boy Hurt by Automobile.
Thomas Happy, a 12-year old boy living
at Seventeenth street and Avenue A, suf
fered a broken leg last evening as the re
sult of being struck by an automobile on
Broadway near Sixteenth street. The oc
cupants ofthe automiblle, which was said
to be from Omaha, picked up the laf and
conveyed him to the Kdmundson Memorial
hotpltul, but omitted to leave their names.
Up to a late hour last night the police
had not secured the names of the occu
pants of the car, although they aie said
to have learned the number of the machine.
The largest stock of sporting good's,
guns and ammunition in southwestern
Iowa. Th new Remington pump gun, Rem
ington automatic, StevenB pump and Na
tional pump gun. This is the best and
cheapest place tu buy your shells. Peter
son 4: Schoenlng Co.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. SO Night.- L-1T02.
Our children' school shoes sre a'l s nld
Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Nniuber of Receptions and Informal
Kuterta laments.
Miss Aha McVay entertained the T. J. E.
club at her home Friday evening.
Miss Millie Beck was hostess to the Merl
colis Nochle club Wednesday afternoon.
The C. M. L. club will be entertained
Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs
Mrs. George Brady. 1909 Sixth avenue,
entertained the Idle Hour club Thursday
Mrs. Thomas Earp of Newton, la., ai
th guest last wees of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Chlsam left yester
day for a visit with relatives and friends
at Attica, lnd.
Mrs. Ionsrd LeutzliiKer was homes to
the J. F. F. club Tuesday evening at her
home on Law tun terrace.
The members of the Jolly Neighbors
Cid club will be eutaruuued Ovwber 1
409 Broadway, Council Bluffs
If you will attend a session of the great sale, you will find the best families of
Council Bluffs have attended the Leffert's Auction that have never attended a sale
before and many of them come every day.
Select Any Article
From This Elegant Stock
Sale is conducted by James F. Hand, the celebrated jewelry auctioneer of New
York. Mr. Emil H. Leffert personally guarantees the quality and value of each article
sold. Twenty valuable articles given away absolutely free to ladies attending each
daily sale.
Leffert's Leffert's Leffert's