Jk. i THE OMAHA srT)AV TIKE: S1TTF.MRET? 2H. low. Omasa . , .. JUL fVvi 7V i 3 - If.,lfi ..TrrnriM. l nr.n.J ! S ) I '1 11 1 ill I t.---Olfcl.i-. Jtv. ........ .,n . . , W C'- m.m.,.,..-.-,.,,,, ...., , , .ii.n. i.i.i .. T I ' 1 I I i I ill I I p-1--VT1T- . Ml . ,.,,.. .,., . ....J -- --. - I "V,. S r I v f ft 1 I I I I I mm.mmm ... .iiii.i. .i m, .,,. ..mm.- V c 9 vky y fc: ' - VT-- s -sssssss li i' (Sill ;' tibv'f'l - 'if 11 vsT ; sjt -mmx We Arc Jobbers ol the Famous Empire Tire We Have or, VanA A Large Assorimeni Of Maxwell Supplies THE HAYNES The man who owns this roomy, classy, luxuriously appointed Haynes can feel proud of his car in the company of the highest class cars on the market, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE. It has the same graceful lines and the same rich upholstering and the same quiet-running quality that costs hundreds of dollars more in other cars; and it has certain snappy features IN ADDITION not to be found in ANY other car at ANY price. 'fix: v. And Now Here It Is May just n word of advico to prospective buyers of automobiles be permitted Jf you are buying a ear for the first time, avoid the mistake made by many people. Put enough money into your first ear to insure get ting an all-around satisfactory automobile at the start. Don't make the right car which you'll buy in the end anyway cost you two prices by experi menting or "working up" .to It through two or three' unsatisfactory cars.' The money you lose on the sale of these cars is all n part of your automobile jnvestnient consequently, it makes the right car you finally get cost you twice as much as it ought to. Furthermore the extremely low cost of mainten ance, the absence of trouble, and the keen permanent enjoyment you will ex)xrienee if you buy the right car now, ou would not expect to secure in the pur chase of a temporary car. You should consider the Haynes car from the standpoint of economy. Buy for Permanency And bear this in mind, that once you buy a car you will never bo satisfied without one nor will you ever be content until you own a car that is as good a car as you can buy. Then why not take advantage of this fact and save at least $l)00.) at the start by getting a HAYNES, especially since you can get one for only a little more than you are asked to pay for the temporary car. , What You Get When You Buy a Haynes In buying a Haynes you get the experience of the oldest automobile manufacturers in the United States. (Elwood llayucs built the first American motor car in 1S!K'.) Mr. Haynes was the first manufacturer in the United States or Europe to use nickel steel. lie was the first to employ aluminum in motor cars. lie was the first to use a magneto on motor cars. And he was the first to introduce roller bearings in Automobile construction. More than this, every important feature introduced by Mr. Haynes in automobile construction has be come standard in the cars that have followed the Haynes. You get in this model 10 a car made by a concern that has never made anything else but high class cats and that does not believe it possible to put real satis faction into ii cheap car though we could probably build a much better cheap car than any other manu facturer, f Haynes cars have won 41 First Prizes, medals or perfect scores in 41 consecutive tests the best possi ble proof of our persistent adherence to a high grade ouly policy. (No other car, American or foreiguj at any price, can show a like record of victories in con tests of all kinds.) Aral you get all the benefit of this reputation anU record this positive guarantee of highest quality in this Model 1'J for $2,000.00. Note specifications above. More than this we demonstrate in this Model 19' that it's unnecessary to pay over $2,000.00 for the best car it is possible to build. The car itself will prove this claim. Value ol Established Reputation Probably not one buyer in a hundred is mechanic enough to buy a car on his own responsibility. Are you( Even the simplest car is a fairly intricate proposi tion to the novice so much so that it affords a maker abundant opportunity to skimp in scores of places and still make a car that will run satisfactorily at the start. And here is where an established reputation for superior construction (such as is back of the Haynes) is of immense value to the buyer. It is practically his only guarantee that the car he buys will be all he expected it to be. It is his ony definite assurance that his car will be a long-lived car for all-round service. And it is his only possible safeguard against the weaknesses that are apt to develop in cars that are more or less of an experiment, or that are built to sell at a cheap price. A HAYNES car is the "Government Bond" of automobile investment. Satisfaction in Buying the Best Then there is the indescribable satisfaction of driv ing a superior car the joy that comes, and comes only, to the driver of a thoroughbred. Motoring can never be enjoyed to the utmost unless you are absolutely sure of your car unless you know that the manufacturer has given you that immunity from trouble that can only be given with a car built as the Haynes is built. Let Us Send You All the Facls About This Superb Car Whether you buy this car or not you owe it to your self to investigate. A HAYNES Car at $2,000.00 is certainly too good a proposition to "pass up" if you are in the market for an automobile. This Model 19 is as appropriate (in style, finish, speed, and general appointments) for the present owner of three or four cars who wants to add a snappy, speedy, flexible car to his garage, as it is for the man who is buying for the first or second lime and who wants a car that will bo as satisfactory next vear and the next as it is wheu he buvs it. S2.000.00 Fully Equipped Specifications -15 to 1; -1-7 to 1. (ioar HutloM 3- llorse Power 30. iKiiitttnw-High-grade double system magneto battery system through distributor and single unit ?oll to separate Bot of Plugs-. ; Lulric(la -Sylwh and force feed pller, located in the bot . ; . torn half of the crank. cape, oil pump from npclal rser , 1 voir'., to, engine bearings by gear driven pump. Insuring positive lubrication under all conditions. Mttor -Four cylinders 4Vi-inch bore and E-lnch stroke, off set. Cylinders cast in pairs very large water Jackets. Springs Front, senil-elliptic; rear, three-quarters elliptic. Steering (iear Worm and sector gear type irreversible. Tunk Capacity 15 gullons. Treul 66 inches. Tires 3 4x4 inch front and rear. Transmission Selective type, giving three speeds forward and one reverse. Valves Nicked steel heads, electrically welded to stems. Inlet and exhaust valves same size and interchangeable. Wheel Hast- 110 inches. Front Axle Singlo piece drop forging of special steel I beam Beetion. Hear A!e Full floating type special pressed steel housing; weight of the car carried on housing Tim ken roller bear ings throughout. l,iiik-s Two separate systems of brakes, one external band operating en a pressed steel drum, the other internal ex panding. Adjustment accessible and alignment perfect. jIy Made from carefully selected three-ply vond. Runabout body nuido from the same materlul with single rumble st at. Hearings Tlmhen roller hearings throughout, front wheels, traiiFnilsdon and rear axle. Carburetor -Flout feed carburetor of improved design. . Clutch Hayjies contracting steel band upon bronze drum. Drive -Shaft drive with bcveld pinion and gear, mounted on Tlmken roller bearings, eliminating all friction, side thrust and noiae entirely. Kquipmeiit Full lamp equipment, ,top, glass front, speedo meter, complete set of tools, Jack' and tire repair outfit. Frame Cold rolled pressed steel. lasnaBras 3EI BiiAsrjr roi tcue comvij:ie:;ci! w. , ' ' .V. .,.. I - - . - -. -. - . J V.. , it?' 1V'., ,,r.'rf'.ro.-.-in A JX ' ;;'1 Here is the easiest riding car in the world. Here is the car that made the best road record in the Glidden Tour of any car in its class. Here is a speedy car. A strong car. A reliable car. It is graceful; easy of operation water cooled; 32-40-h. p.; Bosch magneto: transmission selective; sliding gear on rear axle; leather faced cone clutch with relieving spring under-leather. Sec it by all means. Surburban Tonncau, S2,G50. Touring Car, $2,650. The Haynes The Mar mo n The Halladay The iCmpire Cut i out, nmrkinir lli: far nboiit wiiich you wis'.i inl'dnnatidn and we will Si-iid it. Xanic A.l.hvs .c 1 ? J At ; . jjr?--: "" HP,,, i I I' . i Runabout 31,OSO v The Halladay is the product of one of the best fac tories. It was tested three years before it was put on the market. It is now one of the popular cars east. I have sold several carloads of Halladays in the last few weeks. Four passenger, 100-in. wheel base, 4 cylinder, 34-h. p., Hosch magneto, direct coupled bevel gear, water cooled. We want agents lor these cars. lliiclny Open fHwlnrj Seal, SI,lGO. Touring Car, 31,200. LOUEi Slate Agent. 1308 Farnam St. MODIl B SPECJFICAJIONS. TUf BniDir Twenty." M. .!.-) I:. ,hffis ..i.lv rr.-ui Mo.l.-I A In i. !t .I Mn'l ilit. Im.-siH' f-li-K tli.- nie tt Ix.lh. nhwn lv Inr cul hood l ut..l. and ml'litKiu.il ikU- Is kIm-ii id i tit- btiiiii t- ' i n 1 1 1 : . I' huh: P-.t lire fllteil at..1 :1 i-K .Mi... N mrrli-H .11. Ii.p liar ll. f U. OwhlL' I I ' welitht of tins cir It i.s (mvriitie to carry h liglu-r fur thnn that usd in flmn i A jiaiii it a hjiiiiiv iin;,. iu.i!-.ttr T oM Hi.! lii-iiim nr.il tail lumii. burn. t nl and lilt. IftTiO K. . li. I iiulauaiuM !B. .i ..r- il I'-.r! I. .11 li;:t C. F. LOUIi State Agent. 1SOS Faroau St. 1 1