Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1909, Page 5, Image 47

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Part the Children Will Play in the Coronation Festivities
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lESOUNDINQ of pong?
through the Ak-Sar-Bnn
Den fcaturday, October ,
will announce the
umpbal entrance of
gracious highnesses,
Emperor anil Em-
press of Jupan, who nae
ited all the nations to a grand tea party.
ThiB will be the children's fete and will
rival all of the other affairs given in honor of
King Ak-Sar-Ben. A group of boys will rep
resent the powerful warriors and personal
guard of the emperor. These will be followed
by a core ot Chinese coolies, who will watt
,,,. highnesses. The beautiful
UpUU I ll v l c n j, ' v ..-c
,,n nf Xlnoon. gorgeously gowned,
iti, her Utile paces, closely
by her special maids and ladles of the court,
and all of the subjects and guests bow down
with their foreheads to the ground In the
presence of such grandeur.
Aftr the great rulers have been seated
upon the golden throne a gong will announce
HiHt they a e ready to receive their guests.
Hut meantime wonderful program bus been
prepared to entertain the royal pair and the
great company present for the festivities.
Each of the nations present will vie with eacli
other to give the best entertainment.
Gorgeous robes of oriental coloring and
huge chrysanthemums to be worn by the
dancers and large butterfly bows and sashes
of rainbow hues will make a kaleldescope of
colors rarely seen. The wonderful cherry
blossoms and wisteria of the flowery kingdom
of Nippon will make a fitting background for
the tea party, and those who are fortunate
enough to attend will think that they are vis
iting In Faryland. All nations of the earth
will be there, dressed In their native costumes
and representative ballets and dances will be
given by the children ranging In ages from
3 to 16 years. There will be the toe dancers
from gay Paree, dainty In their fluffy costumes
of tarletan and in skill rivaling some of the
best toe dancers. The Tyroleans, Sicilians,
Hungarians, Polish and many other countries
will share the honors for gllvng this enjoyable
entertainment. The warbling Tyroleans from
the Alplan mountains will give their country
dance in brilliant attire.
From suuny Italy and Spain will be dark
eyed and graceful maiden in costumes of red
and yellow, who will give the tambourine and
Cicola dances. Germany and Holland will
send their fair eons and daughters and they,
too, will dance for the pleasure of the em
peror and empress of Japan and their guests.
From the United Kingdom will be the Eng
lish, Scotch and Irish young people, and they
will give tbelr native dances In costume.
Leading all of these will be the subjects of
Uncle Sam under the Stars and Stripes.
Scores of geisha girls and Japanese boys, all
in magnificent kimonas and sumarai coats,
will wait upon the imperial rulers, and hun
dreds of Japanese cups and numerous minia
ture tables have been Imported for thla great
tea party. The guests will all sit upon mats
on the floor around the little tables in genuine
Japanese style. Much speculation and curl
oBlty as to whom the emperor and empress
will be is shown by the children, as even their
august highnesses have not been informed.
For what child could keep so important a
secret? And no one must know until the great
One of the prettiest parts of the perfor
mance will be the grand march, led by two
little tots about 4 years of age, who will lead
the 500 children through a most Intricate fig
ure, weaving in and out serpentine fashion.
This will be accompanied by weird Japanese
music and gongs, all of the children taking
the tiny little steps or hops which are charac
teristic of Japan and China. Then the chil
dren' will divide Into groups of six and all Join
In a circle dance.
The children's ball Is not tinlike the. Ak-Sar-Ben
ball In numerous ways. Here you
will find the little daughters and sons of mil
lionaires marching with the children of the
baker, the butcher and the candlestick maker,
and probably the cook's children.
One of the prettiest groups at the ball will
be the geisha girls from the flowery kingdom,
who wear huge chrysanthemums in their hair.
These will be represented by girls ranging
from 12 to 14 years of age, and the brilliancy
of the colors in their costumes add materially
to their natural loveliness. They will assist
the emperor and empress In entertaining the
guests from all nations who will sit at tea
with royalty.
Dixie will not be overlooked in the various
national airs which will be played during the
afternoon, and w hen Uncle Sam sends his dele
gation to do homage to the royal pair their
feet will keep time to the good old southern
air which all love so well.
In the midst of these graceful and dainty
entertainments there will be a wild hurrah
and the startled guests will turn to find a
band of Zulus irom darkest Africa. But their
intentions are perfectly good and no one will
be harmed, tor they are on a peaceful com
mission and wish to Bhow obeisance to the
royal host and hostess. After a wild and
wlerd dance they will retire to one corner and
await order from the court.
After their royal highnesses have been en
tertained In this manner for about an hour
half a hundred charming little geisha girls
will bring In the tiny tables and the guests
will be seated upon the floor upon Japanese
mats, and tea will be served. These little
geishas will wear charming costumes, with
(Continued on Page Ten.)
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