TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 26. 1909. B SOCIETY FEELS THE STRIKE Intwrnptei Car Serrict ruti End to ThiBft Planned for Week. JHLD CLUB'S CLOS lIXEYXSTriT. 0faar Fartlea -W in R Few a.a I m. t faallr Small ralenear for ikir.Bti Bellas Lack '4 lronillaa;. -1 Stralgat I p. The one Piece . Uowi ' Straight I'P and . Vy Piraa .Matron nd Mill, But. on ' Th Pead. When All I 8nM It make Them 1.00 k Ukt . Thl. 5 .A Social Calendar. MONDAT-Mr. and Mm. r. W. Thorn.' an 4 Informal evening for Mr. and Mn. Clyde C. 8lKHnl nf Kanana l-ltv --Houston Pot. , TUESDAY Mri. R. J. Dinning, luncheon J at ttavpy HoUowi Met. A. Hhotwall. a J brWUa artyf Mr. P. . J. Jurgenserf, -f Hfrmo club; Indies' day at Hnppy Hollow; a miawff oanre at Happy Hollow. iWEDNEHDA Y Mra. O. C. Genrice. lunch it eon at HartT- -HoHrrw; rervptlnn nt ft. I Paul a Epiacopal church for Uev. and fMrs. Hoover? aOTHL'RSDAY Vaudeville and table d'hote J dinner of Happy Hollow; Mra. Arthur Hoover entertain meeting of Coinoa club; if. loi" day nt Happy Hollow. jJTKIDAY Mra. Louie Clark entertain Junior ftrldfta dub. JSATl -itpAY-Wk-nd- dinner and danc i at Happf Hallow. 1 i ,,1 Th aoelal calendar is decidedly affected by th street, cat strike, and th, closing of the club (a 'scarcely noticed. Usually the closing nlghjr at.th cluha fa markid by ''.one of the, largest , dinner lisle of the sea son. Last, fvenlfig, which, was the last .'.week-end; danc for this season at the Fleld dub, very few dinner parties were liven and In guest -Hal for these were mall. At Happy" Hollow, the larger dinner 'partle were postponed Indefinitely owing -.'to th car service. There has been leas -entertaining during th wek than at any time this year excepting during the hottest weather in tk summer. . . I 4 Ik t I L During- th present jull, In society, rhahy are planning f6r a gay Ak-Sar-Bn week. Ther. wHI be th uetial number 'of ' out-of-towh ut and the affairs given for them ncj then there will be a larger num ber of army peope prBent,than have vr before attended an Ak-kar-Pen ball. The visiting aftny officers as' well as thos rfrom .IJoft Crook and Fort, Omaha will help to make the ball a brilliant' affair. Saturday afternoon following the baft, -then wity be tb fchl'dreri's fet. erhlph Js to; . be a Japanese tea this year, and consider able interest 4s taken In It -especially by ,th . parents aad frunai ot . th dh(ldreit. . - Another largs social affair will be given . by Otnaral and Mrs, Charles Morton In honor of th visiting officer and their wlve. Thl will probably be a large J timing reception at the Field club. KJ6 tf visiting., -of fleer remain long enough, other affairs will be given for There Is, a saying that "all good Ameri can go' to Pari, When they dl." Per haps that I boaus they would feel at bora there. During th summer many Omaha people have spent considerable time i'-ln Paris, and by spending a short time at it Cook on th Avenue d I'Opera, on may (1flnd all the English speaking people they jWlsh, as so many American and Engltah get their mall and also get their money changed there. Among the Omaha people Injuria this summer ware Mr. and Mis. Howard Baldrlge, Mr. Orace OuloU. Mrs. ' Hlmebaugh, Mr. and Mrs. W7 J. Burgess, Mr. W. C. Sunderland, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly, Dr. ' and Mr. ' O. ' S. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. H.' P. vVhltmor and Mis Whltmore, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. HlteUeock, Mis Crounse and a number of '"trier. 1 ' At tk Field Clab. Mr. and Mr. Fred Hamilton gave on of tb dinner parties last evening at th Field club. Covers were placed for Mis Mattl Robertson, Mr. and Mr. Frank Hamilton Mr. Earl 4Janntt and Mr. and Mr. Fred Hamilton. On of th parties at th Field club last evening included 1 - Mlsse Fay, Thorn, Darth Heltfcld and Beatrice Cole; Mtatii. Ltray Olllespl. Dr. Lleber and Carl Cott. Other dinner parties Saturday evening at th club were given by Messrs. . Henry Kruger, who had cover for eight guests; E. JJ. Carrigan, four; Q. A. "Pratt, six; A. I. Root, seven; J. F. Dale, six; V. I Coak ly, six! A. B. Pratt, five, and Dr. Foot, four. Charles Qoss, Mr. and Mr. E. O. Hamil ton. Mrs. Nichols of Columbus, Neb. J Mr. Psge nd Mr. and Mrs. I. "Ihbemeon. Mrs. Henry Van Qlesen entertained six gueat. At Happy Hollow. Tb week-end ' dance at Happy Hollo last evening was postponed, and also th large humber of drrtner parties, swing to the aii-eet car strike. Mr. and Mrs. ' I. tlbbernson gave th largest dlaner party last evening at Happy Hollow. . Cover were placed for: Judge and Mr. J. J. Sullivan, Mr. and Mr. Sanatorium Thl Institution la the only on Id th central wt with eparut building altuaUd In their own ami)! ground, yet entirely dis tinct and rendering It poealbl to eiaetilry eg, Tb one building being- fitted for and devoted to th treatment ot noncontagious and onmenul diseases, no others be ing admitted. The other. Rest Cottag, being designed tor and devoted to the exclusive treatment of select mental case, requiring lor a time watchful care ana s pe rls) nuralng. WfaMm Paat. Mis Dorothy Pt evens will leave October 1 for New York, where she will attend Mtas Rem pie's school. Mr. E. E. Edwards of Los Angeles, Cat., Is th uet of Mrs. Clement Chase until after October L Ms. T. C. Prunner returned Saturday from a visit with her daughter, Mr. R. W Wott, In Hastings, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wtller. Ml Agnes W'eller and Mr. Clifford Weller returned Saturday morning from their summer home at Chaae, Colo. . Mrs. John T. Stewart, Jr., nd children, who hav been spending th summer at Long Island, are expected horn th Utter part of next week. Miss Dorothy Rtngwalt. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Rtngwalt, will leave soon for Peehsklll, N. wber she will teach In the gymnasium, at the same time taking a post graduat course of studies, Miss Ring-wait Is a graduat of Smith eol-Ifge. "A dancing club, recently organised, for which a uooaaful season ts predicted la th Popularity Dance club. At the last regular meeting the following officer wer elected: President, C. H. Sommrr; secretary, C. H Sohoe!: treasurer, H. Stelnhauaen; manager, R. A. Con. Th club I com posed largely of young people residing In th south part of the city and the members are completing arrangements for a series of dancing fettles and entertainments to be held during the winter season. Mrs. O. E. Haverstlck was hostess at an enjoyable whist tournament and hmcheon Saturday nt the Field club. Play began at 10 o'clock, followed by lunoheoa at noon, and whist was continued during th afternoon, Thos present wer Mr. B tinker, Mr. C. K. Coutant, Mr. T. M. Orr, Mr. W. C. Sunderland, Mrs. F. E. Sanborn, Mr, George Hooblrr, Mr. Frank Colpetser, Mrs. Gibson, Mr. Fred Hall, Mr. A. Q. Ed wards, Mrs. A. It. darner, Mrs. D. B. Bar- gent, Mrs. W. B. Wilbur, Mrs. H. C. Jor dan, Mr. H. W. Tates, Mrs Smeet, Mr, H, H. Fish, Mrs. J. W. Uannett, Mrs. l'hlllp Potter. Mrs. Z. T. Lindsay, Mrs. William E. Guthrie, Mrs. Howard Smith, Mr. Cha4- wick, Mrs. E. M. Morsman, Mr. W. J. Broatch, Mrs. Parrott. Mr. Arthur Pinto, Mis. Everts of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Babble of St Joseph, Mo., and Mrs. Haverstlck. For the Fatwre. Mrs. Fred Jurgensen will be hostess Tues day at the meeting of th Berrao elub. Mrs. Arthur Hoover will entertain the Comla club Thursday afternoon at her home. The meeting will be a kenslngton. The dinner party which Mr. and Mra. A. G. Buahanan had planned to give last evening at Happy Hollow ha been In definitely postponed. The cafe at the Field club close today and the largest supper' party will be given by th golf players. Ther will be two teams of twenty-five player each and the .losing team will be host at th supper rrty. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stuht have returned from , Rochester, Minn., wher they war called by th Illness of their son. Mr. Clin ton B. Stuht, who I at th hospital of th Mayo Bros. MIhs Mabel Stuht ha gone to Rochester, wher sh will remain until Mr. Stuht I able to return te Omaha. A pretty ft ature of th Japanc tea party which will be given at th Den on October a a part of the Ak-ar-rVn festlvlts will be the tea pouring by forty of Omaha's dainty mlsse In oriental cos tume. Thos who will preside at the tea pouring are: Misses Katherine flaum Sylvia Brandef MSry Carrier Winifred Smith ' Esther Brandeis Ruth Wallace Marjory Smith Esther Smith Madeleine Young Barah BucKan Dorothy Hltta Helen Pcarce Elisabeth Beecher k; lea nor Austin Clara Daugherty aiarion Hrown rather Wllhelm Alice Hlnes . Helena Oheee Letitia Van Buren Virginia Otfut Wva Graham Dorothy Belt Elisabeth Plxley Dorothy Balbeeh Angelina Rush Marlon AUeman Anna Damon -Hulen Kroner Ruth Carter Josephine Marplea Helen AUeman Denael Zemea Esther Kroner ' Fresh Velvet Candy W beg to announce receipt of th feast pt our weekly shipments of UreU' Tel vet Molasses Taffy. i pouad JOo H pound ise 1 poaad Vox gBe. Our randy department comprises a Stock cf over 10 Items of pure food ; canities In sealed bexes Trash, eleaa aad j saaliary. Sherman & McConnell Drnj Co. ltk aad Ooaga. Owl Crug Cs. lth aa Barmer Helen Sherman Frances Hochstetler Mary Qlfford iiwuur anaoaay Alice load Persona I Gossip. Mr. and Mra. A. J. Lov hav returned from a short stay In the east. Mr. E. L. Lomax. jr.. has returned ti St. Paul's chool. Concord, N. H. Mr. Nichols of Columbus, Neb., la visit ing Mr. and "Mrs. a O. Hamilton. Mr. Randall Brown returned Saturday from a trip to points In Colorado. Mr. S.anley Brooks Mackav has nn i Holdemeas sclvooL Plymouth, N, H. Miss Margaret McPherson haa return to St. Mary' School for Girls, Garden City, ing island. Mrs. H. C. Vaa Gleaen exneeta ta leave for Now York City this week to visit her brother. Mrs. C. C.Tomllnson of Wakefield N.h I visiting her parenu. Mr. and Mr. C. a. v inn. Dr. and Mr. K. ' P. Hamilton have re turned from a alg weks' stay la tha Rocky mountain. . Mis Amalla Anbeuser. has gone to Lin coin to continue her studies In the Uni versity of Nebraska. ' Miss Frances Met has gone to Wash ington, D. C, where she will attend the National Park seminary. Mlsse Anna and Alice Frv ' have r. to Lincoln to resume their studies at th university of Nebraska. Mrs. C. 8. Montgomery Is In Colorado Spring visiting her aon. Mr. ftr.v Mont gomery' and Mr. Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllanj Hill Clark re turned Saturday from Chase, Colo., where they have been spending six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. XV; T. Burns, who hav road their horn at th Country club this summer, are now at the Loyal hotel. Mr. Thomas J. Rogers and Mia Mary Roger hav returned from tb country and are at th Merrlam for th present. Miss Emma Hathaway of Lincoln la spending a fw day vlaltlng her sister, Mrs. C. O. Talmaga at Caae street. Mr. and Mra Thomas J. Kelly returned Saturday from Wale. Germany and France, where they have spent th suat mer. Rev. C. C. Claaell and family ef Kansas City, formerly of Omaha, are spending a few day th guests of Mr. and Mr. C. H. Walrath. . Mra E. L. Lomax and Mis Mildred Lomax have gone to New York, from where they will saU for Europe next Wednesday. Miss Alice Hall ha gone to Annapolis, Md.. from ther sh will go to Baltimore, Md., where she will study vocal music at Peabody Instituts. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly hav r turned from Europe, wher they pent th summer, visiting Paris. Munlsh, Dresden and other points. A son was born TusaUay to Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Cleveland of Salt Lake City. Mr. Cleveland formerly Hat Sara Alexander of this city. Mis. Luther A. Harmon la expected bom next week from Wyoming, where she has spent th summer with her daughter, Mra Hugh McDonald at Inavala Cot rage, Ialay. Mr. and Mra R. W. boott, who hav been making their borne In Cvlunabua, Neb., hare moved to Hastings, Neb. Mrs. Scott a formerly Ml Laura Brunner of Omaha. Mrs. H. if. Baldrlge, who has been spend ing the summer In Europe, Is' expected home Monday. Sh was Joined several weeks ago by Mr Baldrlge, who will re Urn with her. Mia Ruth Lin ley haa been pledged to the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Other girls pledged during the week were Miss Anna McCaanaa, Mlsa Marie Hodge and Miss Louise Northrup. Tb people of SL Paul Episcopal church at Thirty-second and California will give a reception to their new rector. Rev. and Mr. Ooover Wednesday evening. All member and friends Invited to b present. Mr. T. A. Fry and daughters, Elisabeth and Helen Fry, have returned home from St. Louis, where Mis Elisabeth Fry was maid of honor at th marriage of her oottiin. Mis Clara Mltford, to Dr. 1 J. Han Is. Mr. J. A. Wakefield and her daughter. Mrs. Harry Street ef Chicago, pnt part of th week in Lincoln. Mr. Street, who haa been visiting her parents for a fort night, return to her home In Chicago the latter part of tb week Bishop and Mr. A. L, Wllllsms. who hav been spending the summer at their country home, Richard' Landing. Ontario, Canada, hav returned to Omaha and hav taken th horn of Dr. and Mrs. George L. Miller at 1M North Thirty-first street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Rose water and young daughter returned yesterdsy from their sumnie: visit at St. Andrews, N. B., accompanied by Mrs. H. B. Adam of Jamestown, N T., a lster of Mr. Rose water, who will be their guest for a while. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burgesa, who have been traveling In England, France, Germany and Switzerland during the sum mer sailed ' yesterday for New York on the steamer Baltic. They will spend some time In New York and Chicago, returning to Omaha about October 12. Wed dl aa mm Baarasreaaeata. Mr. Will K. Soherfel and , Miss Mae A. Spoercke were married Saturday at I p. m., by, and at the home of Rev. Ralph H, Houseman, pastor of the Castellar Pres byterian church. Mr. Scheffel Is a dentist of Gregory, 9. D., from which place also come th bride. They returned on th Saturday evening train. The marriage of Mis Ret C. Doyle of Omaha and Mr. Fred Tulosa of Hay Spring wa solemntxed at th ' horn of the pastor of the Castellar Presbyterian church by Rev. Ralph H. Houseman. At tending the contracting parties wore Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Kuhn of thl city. Mr. and Ml. Tulloss will ' reeid at Hay Springs. , Invitations hav been received In Omaha lor the wedding of Miss Neva Nadln Northern, daughter ot Mr. and Mra. Charles H. Northern of Hannibal, Mo., and Mr. John Richard Dumont. which will take place Thursday evening, October 12, at the First Presbyterian church at Han nibal. Tha church service will be followed by a reception at the home c the bride' parent. The young people will take an eastern trip and wilt make their home In Omaha. October will be a popular month for wed ding this year. There wHl be threa the latter part of the month. Th first to be nnounoed I that of Miss Grace Conant, daughter ot Mr. M. H. Conant, to Mr. Arthur E. Rogers. Th wedding will take place Wednesday evening, October 20. Th marring of Miss Edna Keellne, daughter cf Mr. and Mra. George Keellne of Council Bluff, to Mr. Conrad El Spen of Omaha will take place In October. . Another wed ding will be that of Miss Loralne Corns lock daughter of Mrs. a. B. Comstock. and Ms. Harold Everts. Th marriage of Mis Ethel Lawrl and Mr. Will Guild will take plaee September 12. Another of the fall weddings will be that of Mis Lucille Hayden and Mr.. John Madden, which will take place in November. A pretty wedding of the early autumn wa. that of Mlu Bessl Moorhead. daughter of Mr. end Mr. ' George Park Moorhead, to Lieutenant Allen Bevln Reed, U. 8. N., which was celebrated Sat urday evening at S o'clock at .the home of the bride' parents on South Thirty-eighth street. Rev. Frederick House officiating. The reception hall and stairway were elab orately trimmed with southern srallax, as paragus fern nd clusters of large Amer ican Beauty roses. Th latter were also in vase on th mantel. The drawing room, where the marriage lines war read, was profusely decorated with southern mllax and whit clematis. Th bride's attendant were two of her sisters: Miss Ruth Moorhead. maid of honor, and Mr. Harry Tukey, matron of honor. MIks Moorhead wore a stunning costume of pink satin charmousse, decollete and short sleeve. Th gown was princess effect erttralne. with an everdrap of embroid ered net. Sh carried a garden hat filled with pink aster and led with pink Illu sion bows. Mr. Tukey wore a beautiful costume of pink and whit satin charm ousse, with an overdrape of moltn em broidered In a design of crystals.. The gown was decollete and short sleeves, and th garden hat was filled ' with pink and whit asters tied with pin and whit Huston. Tb bride eame next, with her father. Sh wa charming In a gown of whit satin, made empire, with tunle ef fect. The leave, yoke and overdrape wer of stlk net on mollne, elaborately em broidered In pecrls and crystals. The tunle was edged with a fringe of crystals. A long tulle veil was held In place with a wreath of silver leaves, and she carried a shower bouquet ef swansonia. Lieutenant fTnn"Ti"j n irriTiti 1 1 1 nTtnTTTllrflTfiTaTTi 1 1 i t u 11 1 1 in i m 1 1 m i ul Hi I f 1 lit )itpFjP7? II SB Cwed Ml! Wiifier ppwe Thai Will Appeal to Discriminating Dressers "Eiite" garments for women stand alme and distinct for that indescribable something that ' wearers of good clothes immediately recognize We cordially invite your inspection, even though ' o u do not wish to purchase. cv'f i ' . 4 'WA' "'".. v! on t(t .-! .... (Continued on Third Page.) Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors WILL FIND I (f IT UJ 1' Wh li- ',?Jf TtlK "WtCHTP rOR. Ill 1 ' QS3S& v: A most desirable stopping place while In tha city. One-half block from auditorium. Two blocks from all theater. la th heart of the shopping district. Don't forget to visit Rome's Vineyard and Hummer Garden. Unique, In viting, Enticing, Entrancing. Take car from Union and Hurlington stations to 10th streets transfer south to Jackson street. Fur lad'rs and gentlemen who enjoy good eating and good servico ROME MILLER Bee Want Ads Boost Your Buisness Hmill n Tj-.-L-.--uuTj-u-uTjuTjuTjnj- Mrs. A. Huster Exclusive Mil hnery Fall Opening, Thursday, September 30 Grand display of the latest and correct styles in trimmed Viats. The most fashionable artistic designs. ' The tafest novelties m the ynillinery line direct from Paris and New V ork. Don i fail to visit our elegant store Thursday, 221 No. 16th St. Hotel Loyal Bldg. t ...... ...il V Convenient (or Ladies .When Shopping IVe Feature Our Afternoon Tea for Ladies T'S a areat convenience for ladies to bave a quiet, refined place like the Htnuhaw Cafe, where, they can go for luncheon while down town shopping. Select Orchestra at Dinner and Alter Theater A dainty, satisfying luncheon, an simple or as elaborate as you wlnh, at reasonable charges. Business men appreciate our facilities also. : We are proud of the fact that our patron age is among the most discriminating class, and our effort Is to unceutsiugly deaorve tha favor of those who appreciate the best. If the best of French cooking, careful, tin obstructive service, and a richly varied menu appeal to you, you will enjoy your luncheon with us. For After Ak-Hnr-Hen Hull Reserve Your Tables Early. Henshaw Hotel Cafe T. J. O'DIUKN. Proprietor. l si sj ijarmjuu? .1.-1. ! JJS.T Opening of Fall Millinery We have tried to show a good, practical and, at the same time, beautiful line of hats. You are cordially invited. ' I I ass Special Sale of Hair Goods In order to Introduce a new, all s round wavy transformation, and a new Billie Burke puff. New wavy transformation. 85. CO A tual value, $7.00.' New Blllle nurke puffs, $3.00 Actual value, $5.00. Long braids. Just the thing for the new hair dress, from 82.00 to 812.00. F. M. SCIIADELL & CO., 1522 Doualas Street m9 irmt sWiwminwMaiJW'-''.al I