8 THE BEE: OMAITA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1900. Want - Ads Airrtlwmrit for tko want a4 e-olaaaas will fc takes 111 IS a. to a nrilat edition ul aatll SiSO a. M. far ta mora la lir tloaa. Cash nul aeeeaaaaar all ' waat ada aad ao aarertUeiaeat will bo aoceato for lea tkaa SO seats fa flrot laaertloa. UtH apply ta eltaer Tao Dallr " aaday Be. Always eaaat l word fa a lla. CASH RATE FOR WAWT AITS. RROOLAR CLASSIFICATION Oas lasertlea 1 1-S coats word aad 1 rral ar ward for rack aasea.aeat Ineertloa. Rark laaertloa. odd days, 1 1-S eewts ar wordj ft. 00 per llao arr aoilk. Want ada for fa mar ko left at aar of the following- drag; stores oao la your "rorarr draga-lst" tkef arr all branrk offices tor Tko Bra aad roar ad will ka laarrtrd Jaat aa aroatatlr and oa tko aaaia ratra aa at tko mala office la Tko Boa Balldlac, Srrcateratk aad raraaaa atroctai Albaeh. W. C. 46ih nd Ftrntm. Berenek. 8. A, 1406 B 19th St. Becht Pharmacy. Bnaon. Neh. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy. txX Sherman Ave. Cnughlln. C. R., th and Plei-re fits, rilflon Hill Pharmaoy, 1313 Military Av Conte, J. B.. tint At, and Farnam St, Crlssey Pharmacy, 34th and Lake Sts. rrrmtk, Emll 1204-g 8. 13th St. Ehlers, P. H.. 202 Leavenworth St Foster A Arnoldl, tin N 26th St. Freytag. John J., 1314 N. $4th St. Florence Drue Co., Florence, Neb. Oreenoiigh, O. A.. 1S24 8. 16th St. Hanacom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. th St Hayden, William C 8020 Far nam Si. Hoist, John, 524 N. 18th St. Huff. A. Li., 2W4 Ieavenworth St King. R. P.. 2838 Farnarq 8t. Kountaa Place Phaamary, tflOl N. 24th St Lathrop, Charlea E.. 1324 N. Nth St. Patrick Druf Co., 1602 N. 14th St. Snyder Pharmacy. 30th and Lake 8ta. BIRTHS AND DEATH). Births A. Nielsen, 2701 Rucgles, bov; Arch Ferguson, 1411 Park Wild avenue, boy; Jacob Mav. 2124 Maple, girl; Frank R. Stanger, 2018 South Seventh, boy; Charlea E. Rooney, Fifty-fourth and Par ker, boy: Charlea Aboud, 1314 Pierce, boy; Beatty Fuller, 1931 South Twenty-ninth, girl; J. R. Stephenson, 1608 Corby, boy. Ieath Mary Altman, 1544 North Six teenth, 41 years; Isabella Faulkner, For tieth and Poppleton avenue; Mra. Elenora Larson, 501 North Twenty-third. 48 yeara; K. N. Mareh, St. Joseph's hospital, 60 yearn; William Fred Wahl. Wise Memorial hoa plial, 47 years; Henry Arff, Swedish hos pital, 4 yeara; Mra. L. K. Hasse, Thirty fourth and Meredith, 43 years. MARRIAOB LICENSES. Permits to wed have been granted the following couples: Name and Residence. Age. Jessa Collier, Omaha 27 Emma Tabor, Omaha 22 John Kuslk. South Omaha 27 Mary liedneasx, South Omaha 20 Clifford W. Knight. New Castle, Wyo.... 22 Luclle A. Wilson, Miller, S. D 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS PnATLi Carbon. lUAJ coutanl $6 60; Climax. 14.E. Coutant A Squires, 1406 Far. D. 930. WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES. at half retail prices; buy direct from Im porters; save dealers profits. 1214 Harney, Tel. Doug. 22S1, and agent will call. Monuments. J. F. Bloom dc Co., 1816 Far. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. Kn A. JETE8. 1302 Duuglaa St. "u James H. Craddock. architect room I Waad Bldg., Uth and Farnara. Red 1374. DEPOSITIONS. T. 3. Sutollffa, S28 Be bldg IF TOU want any dirt call on C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton block. M. E. NEPIN8KT. MODISTE. 008 Paxton Block. Douglas County Fair The Douglaa county fair will be held In conjunction with the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival September 19 to October 9. 1909. Special girls' textile department, $M In cash of fered. Oet premium Hats and entry blanks at Lewis Henderson's, 1519 Farnam street, or room 601 Bee building. Q. W. 11ERVET, Secretary. s BOILER REPAIRING Now Is the time to aee that your steam boilers are In good repair, before the rush comes. We do the job quickly and do It right. WILSON STEAM BOILER CO., Wth and Pierce. Douglas 1141. CLEANING AND DYING The best aver. Twin City Dye Works, 407 B. uth St. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. strengthen, duo box. .vjeul, ukuu CO. WE are now showing ladles and arenta1 Fall Suiting. Max Morris, 901 Brown Blk. CHA& H. THATCHER, piano tuning. D.M1I AMATEUR PHOTO FINISHING; expert work, prompt delivery. Leave orders at M1LLAHU HOTlilj fMAtMACT. FOR watches and jewelry repairs see uusiaison s tienrickson. JUl N. 16 Lh St. MISSOURI filters mads and sold. 1310 How. D. H. BECK, formerly mgr. of the Hersog Tailoring i;o.. nuw at iu a. um Bt. WOOD, Dr. O. 8., m N. T. L. Homeopath. When returning from your vacation tele phone ALAMITO SANITARY DAIRY Douglaa 4U. FOR TOUR MILK SUPPLY HATS RENOVATED. TtAMSEB, practical hatter. 2J) 8. Uth St. OMAHA Eleetrlo Works repairs electric elevators. 10s N. Uth Bt O. 1151. A-144S. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. MONEY- S TO IX) AN LOW RATE, In sums to suit 310 Bee Bldg. 'hone Knur 4U UNION LOAN COMPANY. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. Last a Life Time. t07 N. 17th. 'Phone Red Ul Developing and finishing. Best work and quickest delivery. Dempster, 1216 Farnam. J. D. Bulger, painter and paper hanger; I paints and oils. 3110 Corby. Weuater 3u2. OMAHA PASTE CO. now located at 713 8. llih bt Telephone Douglaa 1764. REMOVAL SALE monuuienla. 1417 S. 11th. Notice to Paper Hungers Our Sample Books of Wall Paper Are Now Ready for Distribution. OMAHA WALL PAPER CO., UJJ-UJ0 Howard bt TAYLOR THE TAILOR. 4th Floor, Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglaa 1383. DRESS suits for hire. SUGARMAN, 111 8. 20th St Ths Quality Proas, Printing. 12111 Harney. K'ova C. R Heflln, lil4 Douglas St.. over vc Lindsay's. Tel D. J4; A-4366. A8 MANUFACTURERS we carry In stock ths must complete line of Roofings. Build ing Papers and Roof Coatings that caa be produced. Amer. atupply Co., Uil Farnam. SHOES called for and delivered free. Standard Shoo Repair Co.. LftM Farnam. J. C. DOWNING. WATCHMAKER. Vat nine years with A. Edhulm. Is In bust le for himself. U14 Howard bt. Id floo GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R. Stevsnson Roofing Co., gravel and composition rooring. Ill S. 10th St., Omaha. Tels. Doug. 1X19. Ind. A-1793, Res. b. 394 ANNOUNCEMENTS tConiud DAVID COLE Creamery Co. WHT are SCHAEFERS better able to take care of your drug wante than any other competitor? 'Cause they have FOLK BIG PRUU STORES and buy-more goon than any competitor. THAT'S REASON ABLE. COM RH, 1B20 Douglas, expert ey fitting AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second-hand cars. DER1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam St A 6-CLTINDER. 40 H. P.. 7-passenRer touring car. In flrst-clas condition. M"i sell on terms or trade for city property or farm land. Address T 721. care Be. RAMBLERS New. 4 and t-cyllnflers. 30 per cent discount. Rambler Auto. Co.. 2044 Karnam fit. Motorcrelee. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS. Three Reading-Standards," $100, 1110, $115. Three "Lights,1, $!. 1110, $1. One "Recycle," $5. One "Merkel." 1138. Two Indiana." 10, $76. One "N. 8. V." 2O0. L. FLETCHER, 1621 CAPITOL AVB. BARTER AND EXCHANGE A 8-CTLINDER. 40 H. P.. T-paasenger touring car, in first class condition. Will sell on terms or trade for city property or farm land. Addraaa T 72L oaro Be vein RAT P. or FVCHANGE 160 acres of land, under the Bijou canal; 1 mllea of small town on Union Pacific railway; lays close to main oanal; will consider aood auto In Dart payment. The Fort Morgan Land and irrigation to.. run Morgan, Colo. TO EXCHANGE For lend. MO 000. Omaha residence, nearly new, all modern; large grounds, fine stable. Owner wanta good land in Dakota or xse hrl flic fl 46,u)u Dunning in umana, reniina ior o per cent net. All monern, ciose in rn.an brand new. For land In Nebraska or Iowa- PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., . First Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781; Ind., A-1188. BUSINESS CHANCES to nv.T In or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 ee Bldg. Tel. jj-utu FOR SALE The best and largest plumb Ing. heating, pump and windmill business of southwestern Iowa. Have several con tract Jobs on hand now. W 111 sen at in voice. Address Y 18L care Bee. FOR SALE Restaurant and loe cream parlor In a town of 3,000; the only one In town. . If you are looking for a location this Is the one. Don t answer this unless you want to buy. Address Y 638, care Bee." FOR SALE A clean, up-to-date hard ware stock In southeast Nebraska; county seat; Invoice about 15,000; doing I3,000 busi ness; town 2.600; only two stocks; best opening In state; owner wishes to go into banking business. This Is a money-maker and will pay to Investigate. Address Box US, Tawnee City, Neb.' HOT-EN-TOT Twins, the Hot Sensation, are comiug soon. Walt. Watch. Listen. They are great. Jl I , 111. . . . - u.UQ VIV,. . . 'J't stand, stock and sales; terms easy. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE At a bargain. If sold soon, first class butcher business In Brush. Colo thriving town of 2,000 population; a anap If aold soon. Address A. Nelson, Brush. Colo. WESTERGARD can help you get In or out of business. 403 Bee Bldg., Tel. D. 1449, 200-BARREL flouring mill. Will sell to highest bidder, sealed bids, Saturday, Octo ber 2. For complete Information, write Morion at aiartin. uvuuwn, jaoni. IF YOU want your business sold, sea "THE MAN THAT CAN." J. W. KANTBHER, SCIENTIFIC SALES MAN. 303 NEW YORK LI Fid BLDG, for competent man. See owner, 1101 N. Uth St., 9 to o clock. FOR SALE The best located hundred- barrel FLOUR MILL and grain elevator In the state; present owner being In business 26 years and wants to retire. Address Y 345, care of Bee. FOR SALE Confectionery and lunch counter fixtures; good location; rent 120 er monin; tor particulars address F. .A. ichaelfer, Weeping Water, Neb. Box 295. BAKERY for sale, good location. Ad dress K 516,. Bee. OOOD business In Imp., buggies, w axons. pumps and plumbing work; have several good prospects. Address X 736, Bee. FOR SALE Only bakery and confection ery In good town of 1,100. Poor health reason for selling. Wo refer you to any store or bank In city. Address 8. B. Rob inson, Grant City, Mo. imm 'rairiu House, nose in. Tun 01 room' ers, lor sale. Tel. Douglas E426. 7-ROOM flat, new furniture, near Rome notet; excellent location; owner leaving cny, iuu conn, oaiance izzo mommy pay menta. suggest Bnap in umana. GANGESTAD, 404 Beo Bldg. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. IMS Farnam Bt. Douglas 6497. CONSULTING ENGINEERS E. W. FITT, mechanical drawings, con suiting engineer. 616 Bee Bldg Tel. D. 6926. R. 12-24 Patterson Bldg., 1623 f arnara Bt. DANCING MORAND'B DANCING SCHOOL fo adults now open; lessons Tuesday and Frl day evenings. Pupils attendinc hlah school or the colleges half regular rates; success rur ran teed. Private lessons dally. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041. CHAMBERS' CLASSES REOPEN. For Adult Beginners Monday, October 4. Assemblies Every Tuesday, 1:30 to 11:30 p. m., commencing Tuesday, October 6. Married Classes rueuaay, uotober 13. High School Classes October 3, Children, Beginners Tuesdays, 4:15. Oc tober 12. Children. Advanced Saturdays, 3:30 d. m. Opening party, October 16. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers personally In struct all classes. Pupils should list their names before October 1. Circulars. MR AND MRS. MORAND'B classes for children In dancing and physical culture. in reunion institute. 310 S. lth St (near Farnam, ground floor), reopens on Satur day, October 16, 3 p. m. Season, six months, lio. For particulars Tel. DoukI&s 1041. or Harney 1141. Booklets. DRESSMAKERS Miss Galbrlth, 104 Sunderland Blk., 16 4V How MISS STURDY, 2427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7636. TERRY College. 30th and Farnara Sis. McDowell Dresmaking School. 1623 Far, PRESS PLEATING; buttons covered all styles and sixes. The Ideal Pleating Co. 200 Douglas Blk. Both 'phones. TAILORS' trimmings, buttons promptly oovered at lowest prices. Eastern Woolen Co., lal Douglas. DENTISTS BAILEY 4V MACK. 3d floor, Paxton. D 1036. TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas Bt DR. FICKE9, 217 Board of Trade. "Hi doesn't hurt Uka others." DETECTIVES A. J. ADLER. 61T Karbach Blk. D. 3831. When writing to advertisers remember t only takes a stroke or two of the pen o mention the taut that you saw tne ad In The Beo. EDUCATIONAL OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, IStth and Farnam. M. O. Rohrbough. Pres ; K. A. z,artman, v. t'res. FALT, TERM now open. Enroll at once. PKSSION3 duv and night. TELEGRAPHY U. P. official school; U. P. wire. PoMtlnn gnsrsnteea. CATAIX)0 FREE. Write or telephone D. 1289 or A 21S9. MOSHER-LAMl'MAN BUSINES8 COLLEGE. Unexcelled courses In business. short hand, penmanship and EnEllsh. None but xperlencen teacners. iay na rvrnni sessions. Most Interesting catalogue puu llshed In Omaha. Fend for one today. MOSMKR I A jlrMAIN, Seventeenth and Fsrnam Streets, Omaha, Neb. THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE) IS OPEN. In both the day and night sessions. Every day N-O-W is an enrollment aay. Complete business course. Complete shorthand and typewriting onurse. Complete telegraph course. Complete civil service course. Official training school for telegraphers for U. P. R. R. Send today for free copy or tne now famous book "Bread and Butter Sciences. Address H. B. Boyles, president, Omaha, Neb. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS. 41st and Charles Sts. Apply Rev. F. D. Tyner. 8S48 Charles St. Tel. Harney 23JM. References: Kt. Kev. A. u. iiiism., Bishop of Nebraska; Richard 8. Hall, esq.. Chancellor of the Diocese of Nebraska. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN BALDUFF'S PURE CANDY fresh every day at THAT'S PATRONIZING HO-HE IN DUSTRY AND GETTING TUli BEST CANDY MADE. M. ORLIJAN. fine ladles' tailor; makes suits reasonable, also from your own ma terial. 1619 ilarney. NEW ENGLAND TAILORING CO Gar ments made to order, iu up; pressing ana repairing; work guaranteed. 6U6ft N. 18th. FRENCH DRY CLEANING WK8, Both Tels. Best work; prompt service. CHINA decorating: order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urdays. Firing dally. Children s classes Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Uungate, BV4 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 6486. CAKES THREE-LAYER WHITE, 3Q0 Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON dc GOODLETT, 20th and Lake. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING In fam ilies by the day. Call after 7 p. m. for ap pointment. Web. 3206. 2202 Grand Ave. LADIES' old hats made over new to order: reasonable prices. Miss E. L. Pep per, mtllnery parlors, 614 s. mn bt. Phone Harney nans. BUNDLE washings wanted. Douglas 4894. LEARN HAIRDRE8S1NG while you work; clases 6 to 7 p. m.. The Oppen- neim r'ariors, 313 Mruague block. Tel. Doug. 2396; Ind., A-1566. FLORISTS- HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers dally from our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglas um. ui9 Farnam. HESS ds 6WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St J. H. BATH, 1621 Harney. Douglas tOSO. FURNACE REPAIRING TELEPHONE today and have your stova. fumaoe or hot water heater Inspected (no charge); let us get your heater ready for the coia snap u s coming, it you want nsw furnace, ours are the better kind. OMAHA STUVB REPAIR WORKS, Both phones. 1206-8 Douglas St HOUSECLEANING CARPETS, Rugs, House, Etc., cleaned by the compressed air and vacuum system. THE IDEAL AIR CLEANING CO. 200 Douglas Block. Both 'Phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. WANTED Six saleswomen; must be ex perienced. Apply Brandels Candy Dept. Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER, experienced In gen eral office work; no beginners; accuracy and neatness essential. Write (longhand) giving references and salary, Box 1300, Omaha, Neb. Factory aad Trades. GIRLS WANTED, at once; steady work; good pay. Bemls Omaha Bag (Jo. WANTED Bindery girla. lar Co., 414 So 14th Street. Irvln A. Med WANTED, candy maker, girl preferred will pay good wagra to right one. Address JaB. Felcn, vaienune, an eD. WANTED Experienced presser for ladies work. The Wardrobe, 2016 Farnam St Housekeepers aad Domeatlea. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. J IL rarrotte. 4UU Davenport best wages paid; references required. Mr w m. nun, nuwti a. WANTED Girl to assist with housework good wages. 2406 Cass bt. GOOD GIRL for general nousework: two In family; a desirable plaoe. Call at 640 1 'ax ton HIK. between 1U a. in. and 4 n m rnone Doug. 2322. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Best wages. References necessary airs. uouuer, iiarney ligs. 4102 Dav enport GIRL for general housework: no wash lng; corner 36th and Lincoln boulevard. 1U04 N. 3oth bt Tel. Harney 1876. WANTED Experienced Klrl: no wash. log; good wages. Tel Hurney 4760. Mrs. w. J. llynes. &16 Harney St. WANTED Girl to assist In iieneral housework; a good home and good wages to right party; transportation furnished. Mra. G. E. Hall. Waterloo, Neb. GIRL for general housework. 125 N. 3Mh Ave. Tel. H I4i2. WANTED Competent cook and laun dress; family of three. Inuuire 411 S. 4utii fit GIRL WANTED Must be sood cook: small family; no children: big wages. '1VI. Harney 2515. Apply 29,0 Pacific. COMPETENT girl for general house work; 3 In family; no washing. Mrs. W. F Milroy, 3174 Farnam tH. WANTED A girl for general housework no laundry. Mis. Carter, 401 S. 3Mh St. COOK, good wages. Mrs. Joseph Barker 1006 S. 8lh Su Tel. Douflas 34j0. FIRST-CLASS cook; 38 per week for lhe right party; call at once; white or colored. 3Ju2 Woolworth Ave. WANTED Cook, 33f.: housemaid. 820 per month; no washing. Mrs. M. A. Hall, Hi N. 3uth St. GOOD girl at 206 S. 33d. 3 In family. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. T. F. Hall, flat 8 Sherman apait nients. Phone U-2017. COMPETENT girl; small family; good wage. 116 North 38th Ave. Tel. Haruey 2711. Competent Help. In always to be had. The lW-e publishes practically a complete list of all the people In Omaha who want help, so any fine out of jrork always look In The Itoe to find a place. HELP WANTED FEMALE f lonsekeepers aad Domestics Com. YOUNG girl to help with housework. 125 N. 3Nth Ave. Tel. H. 14f.2.. GOOD girl St. for general housework. 933 No. 25th HlinlUsesst. LEARN hear dressing: It pays; you can easily earn 115 to 125 weekly. Full course taught Brandels Hair Dressing Dept. HOT-EN-TOT Twins, the Hot Sensation, are coming soon. Walt. Watch. Listen. They are great. WANTED Young lady solicitors; nothing to sell: salary. Call between 2 and 5 hursdny afternoon 401 No. loth St. HELP WANTED MALE Aceate, Solicitors aad Salesmea. THREE high class salesmen. 640 Bldg. Call after t. Write. ' Bee WANTED By one of the largest trunk manufacturers in America, a 'salesman to cover Minnesota, Dakotas and Nebraska. Must be experienced salesman in this line of goods. References required. Address Y543, care Bee. WANTED Expert canvassers for Omaha and vicinity. At once. None .but hustlers need apply. Call for H. C. Berns tein. 1901 California between 6:30 and 1:30 p. m. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call aid see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. MEN, good appearance, experience not necessary, to solicit 623 S. 16th. CIGAR salesman wanted; experience un necessary; big pay. Globe Cigar Company, Cleveland, O. WANTED Salesman calling on hard ware, harness or grocery trade, with new commodity as side line. Write Geo. Nash, Columbus, Neb. WANTED, sood. reliable Insurance pro ducers for the Fraternal Union of Amer ica. Very liberal compensation. F. F. Roose, President, Denver, Colo. Boys. WANTED Several trustworthy boys: good wages. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th St WANTED Boy with wheel, to deliver; steady work, good pay. 2907 Leavenworth. WANTED Boys for factory work: none under 16 need apply. Omaha Box Co.. East Omaha. WANTED A boy with some experience to work In bakery shop nights. T. V. Mulligan, 1S29 N. 24. Clerical and Office. WANTED Bookkeeper, active, nulrk at figures and write a good hand. Give name. experience, references and wages. Ad dress H 514, Bee. BOOKKEEPER, familiar with creamery work. Atlantic Produce Co., Atlantic. Iowa. fsslert auaal Traaloa. DRUG stores (snaps) and lobs. Knlest Bee Bldg. WANTED Twenty good bricklayers and thirty good carpenters; union scale; Coli seum Bldg. at Del Moines. Ia. C. L. Gray Construction Co. WANTED) 3 cornice makers. Co. Bluffs Sheet Metal Co. WANTED Experienced plumbers, famil iar with Durham system, on a million-dollar building; wages, 35 per day; open shop; no strike. Reply will state where, and In whose employ, proficiency has been ac quired. Address Y 641, care The Bee. WANTED 8 furnace men. Co. Bluffs Sheet Metal Co. M Isoellaaooaa. IF YOU need a SUSPENSORY. TRUSS. ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. CRUTCHES or anything In the SURGICAL LINE, see oCHAEr )R DRUG STORES, THAT'S MONEY SAVED. YOUNG MEN. STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law. Evening sessions only. Further Information address secre tary, 701 N. X. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas S67. FREE Employment, Dept. Ruatnesa Men's Ass n.; no leas, call 327 B. of T. Bldg. WANTED Railway mall clerks, post office clerks, carriers. Examinations In Omaha Nov. 17th. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept 189 F., Rochester, N. Y. HOT-EN-TOT Twins, the Hot Sensation are coming soon. Wait. Watch. Listen. They are great. WANTED Engineer, thorough and com petent, for loe plant: give sge, experience ana icierences. Lt ueo. PORTER wanted In larse retail store. Give all details In written application. Ad dress j-blb Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. Wagon and Auto Repairing. Second-hand Broughams and Business Wagons. A. J. Simpson ft Son, 1409 Dodge St. ELEGANT handmade surrey, cost 3250 to make; win sell it now tor 3126. Johnson Dan forth Co., 10th and Jones. HAY. 38 a ton. Wagner. 801 N. Mth. McCRARY buys, sells all kinds of horses. Blue brick barn, back Millard hotel. D-4096. FOR SALE Horses of all kinds; buggies and wagons. 141a (Japltol Av. D. 1810. LOST AND FOUND HOT-EN-TOT Twins, the Hot Sensation. are coming soon. Wait. Watch. Listen. They are great. LOST Open faced gold watch; leather foil, liberal reward. Jo Conners, Bee Ed LOST Strayed or stolen, a brlndle and white female bull terrier, answers to name of Mlggs. Reward. Tel. Harney 34.1. l.osi bunday morning rrom express wngiin, 1 bundle lady's clnthing. Kinder please telephone Red 6640. Rewurd. LOST Between postnfflre and lloxl'n theater, coin purse containing money and Taylor trunk krys. hinder will be re aided at lioyd's box office. IX)ST A hat pin with blue stone sur rounded by rhlnestones. Finder please notify Mrs Warren Swltxler, No. Zm4 St. Mary's Ave. MEDICAL I CAN 'cure consumption, asthma, rheu matism, cancer of either kind, appendicitis or any disease caused by poison ill the blood. Prof. Johnson, Uth and P. Sts., South Omaha. KKEK MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton's Medical collect 14th and Davenport a's.; special attention pais to confinement oases; all treatment super vised by eollece professors 'Phone Doug laa 1161. Cain answered, day or night BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food P!ll, 81 a box. postpaid, onarmaa 4s McConnaU Drug Co.. Omaha. m MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS WHERE TO BORROW MONEY Come In and get all you nred on four HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. PIANO or on your PLAIN NOTE, It you art) steadily employed. You will find our rates the cheapest, our terms the easi est, our services the quickest and our offices private. HERE'S THE PLACE. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 8rd Floor 307-808 Paxton Block, Northwest Corner 16th and Farnam Streets. 'Phones: D. 1411; Auto. A1411 KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! WHO IS THERET Is It the rent man, gfocer, doctor or some collector. Borrow money on your piano or furniture and pay us back weekly or monthly, a small amount out of your salary. We will be satisfied and so will you. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade. 'Phone Doug. 2295. 306 a Uth St. HERE SINCE 18M2. AfnVTTV to loan on pianos, household iiiwAiijj. BOO(a furniture, etc. Lowest rates Small payments, bee us before you Otuain a loan elsewhere. Phones: Douglas 1356. Ind. A1366. NEBRASKA LOAN COMPANY 16th and Capitol Ave. Opposite Postofflce. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM 310 to 3100 on Balory. furniture. pianos, etc.; no publicity, lowest rates, weeKiy or mommy paymenta. THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 614-15 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1607. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Toiman. Room U New lorK uire iiag. FURNITURE. Live Stock. Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., R. 3. Barker Blk, LOANS of 35 to 326 on salary or chattel security; private party; no red tape; hours iv to i ana to 6. can vo) Paxton Block. CONFIDENTIAL QUICK LOANS. A HOME LOAN COMPANY. l,uaps on r 'UKnnuKB. lANOS or tiALAKiho, LOANS on your plain note. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK. 1404 FARNAM. 5 on DIAMONDS. W.FLATAU, 1E14 Dodge. CHATTEL and salary loans, lowest ratea. Rm. 12. Continental Blk.. lBth and Douzlas. Tel. D. 4190; open evenings until 7:30 p. m.; calumny s until p. m. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES GU8 TURNER, graduate of Letnstn. Gee. many. Conservatory of Music; piano lessons cheap. Tel Red 50.16 or drop me a postal at zof Harney t. ana i win can on you. FRANCIS POTTER'S School of banlo. mandolin and guitar. Barker Blk. D. 3863. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dava port ats warehouse xot-ob isara St OFFERED FOR RENT BoaraMaa- nooaaa. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer borne; fins lawn. 123 6. 25th Ave. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. pool airy rooms, modern, fine shads. with or without board, to two gentlemen or man and wife. 2404 Capitol Ave. ROOM and board In private family; modern home; also large south room, with alcove. Tel. Harney 4753. ALL MODERN ROOM with board in private family. Near St. Joseph s hospital. Terms reasonable. Douglas 6u0. BOARD and room for one or two gentle men. Tel. Harney 4767. IjARGE south room, to permanent mar rled couple; also single rooms to gentle- men; In modern home; references. 1918 Cass. Phone Douglas 1476. Faralaaeel Rooms. GOOD rooms, fx per week: free bath. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluffs. MODERN ROOMS, good location, every. thing new. 2019 California. NICELY furnished front room In new modern flat All conveniences; walking dis tance. Z40a Harney. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms In modern house, price reasonable. 308 North ls.li street VERY desirable room; fine location walking distance. 21S S. 26th St THE NEW ATLANTIC HOTEL. all newly furnished, 1409 Cass St. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room In private family, for one or two )oung men; very reasonable. 2019 Webater St. VERY desirable large room; ne vly furn ished; also smaller room; fine location. 301 8. 26th Ave. 2243 HOWARD Front rooms. modern. two blocks south of f arnam on Z4tu at ONE extra fine front room, flr.e furnl ture. modern. 320 No. 20'h. No slgs on house HOTEL Colonial (Vienna), Farnam and loth, newly furnished rooms Dy the week. FURNISHED room for young men or married couple, employed. 316 N. 19th St. FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms excellent board; reasonable; centrally lo cated. 61M so. 19tn at. ONE or two gentlemen looking for com tunable, well furnished and strictly mod em rooms, within walking distance, should call at 23US Dewey Ave. or telephone Doug las 6401. PLEASANT ROOMS, modern ons very large front room, lo; one at VO; one ac 6x. 620 N. 23d St NEW. modern home, Dundee; will rent 1 or 2 rooms to first clas party; gentle men preferred; hot water heat. Address L D17, Bee. WELL furnlxhed southeast front room with alcove: modern; private family. 7U2 So. 2th St. Aaartaaaata aad Flats. THREE and 6-room rata. Scariro Bldg MITH N. 24th St.. South Omaha. Ha.l. 4il Ramae Ill.lg. Both 'phones. LOOK at 542 S. 26th Ave.; attractive 6 room apartment; second floor of practically new brick; strictly monern; newly paperea in best lomllltoii. 335 00. Harney 31. $35 ST. lAU'lS FLAT, 6 rooms, strictly niodei n; facing lianscom park. 1511 Park Ave. CENTRAL apartments, high grade. 6 rooms, modern, hardwood, perfect order Fire proof Malrways. hot water free, year around. Janitor, steam hat, walking dis tance. He.-t thing In city Only 2 left Summer $J3. $J6; winter, $7 more. Refer ence required. liEMIS. 40 Brandels. 8-KOOM brick flat; Ham Sts. new. 8th and Wil- FOR RENT Beautiful complete t-room St. Louis flat, facing Bemls Park. 3315 Cuming St., $35. Phone Harney 2758. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued ) llsaiekreelag Rooms, . i,.imvnlnf rooms. Ilinr.p. urniniirvi ' ' ' ; all modern, new and clean, gaa range. w N. lth St. wil.KINO distance, four unfurnished rooms; modern. 2C23 Burt. TAC a 1 D A TJ T tP mnrlarn f 11 rmla)Vl(1 rOOiTlS. reasonable. Harney 34S3. 301 3 Webster St. TJafaralsked Rooms. 4 ROOMS, modern, parlor floor. 1509 S. 2. Rosin aad Cottaatoa. HOUSES, flata. Garvin Bros.. SIS N. Y. L. snort RRNT-4 rooms, cltv water, toilet. 1523 No. Mth. 312. M) and water rent C. M. Bachmann, 4.16 Paxton Blk. NEW strictly modern 7-room house, 827.50 month. 2'i5 Miami bt., one block irom Dodge St. car line. a Uiis-.ft.fQ A ei..r.r tnllat 1906 N 26th St., 1S, 3 rooms, city water and toilet In yard. 2526 Rees St., 89. 4-room house, city water, 924 N. 2Sth Ave., 312. 6-rooms, modern except heat 918 N. 25th. 122 and water rent CHRIS nuie.it. 32d and Cuming Sts. FIVE-ROOM St. LoulB flat, 1736 S. 27th St. 326. Phone Harney 3886. SAVE CAREFARE LOWEST RENTS 6-r., mod., barn. 212 S. 28th. 318.00. 6-r., part mod., best repair, 840 S. 23d. l7.50. 6-r., mod., newly papered, 822 S. 20tt, 319. -r.. mod., new, 2t'.40 Seward, 3'25.00.. 6-r., mod., barn, 2332 Poppleton, Ave., $21. 6-r., 6 lots, i'lOS 8. 8th, 8S00. 4-r. cottage. 2707 S. 21st. 87.00. 6-r., lBth and N, So. Omaha, $7.00. 6-r., city water, 6th and Locust, $6 00. 4-r., city water. 1938 8. Uth. $"00. RUSSELL & M K1TRICK CO. 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. 709 Georgia Ave., 12 rooms, all modern. 224 Leavenworth, 8 rooms, all modern. 3t26 Davenport 8 rooms, all modern. 1204 N. 26th St., rooms and bath. 3854 Chicago, 6 rooms and barn. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Doug, or A 2152. 1001 N. Y. Life nidg. FOR RENT Nov. 1, fine 7-room, all mod ern houe. 106 S. Snth St. R. P. and E. O. Hamilton. Tel. Dougltis 2546. ALL modern, six rooms and large recep tion hall. 2412 Burt St, 330. Apply H. B. Boyles, Boyles College. Botth phones. 2813 WOOLWORTH- Ave., 8 rooms, mod ern, $27.50. 1560 N. 20th, 6 rooms, modern except nest. $23. 2219 California, 6 rooms, H7.W. 2310 Webster, 9 rooms, modern, $23. 24J9 Emmet, 7 rooms, bam, $20. R1NGWALT BROS.. 306 8. 15th St. FOR RENT 8-room house near Hanscora park; large, beautiful lawn. Phone Bank ers Savings and Loan Association, Douglas $17. HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bllg. after Oct 1. Moyer Sta. Co., 1616 Farnam. 7-ROOM modern house, 2534 Davenport. $26.00.' rrnTTGlTta In all parts of ths city. crelgh Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. OMAHA Van A Storage fro., pack, move. store. H. H. goods: storehouse. 1120-34 N. Uth; office 300 So. 17th St. Tel. Doug. 1559. WEST FARNAM HOME FOR RENT. Eight-room modern home at 209 S. S5th Ave., newly papered, painted and deco rated-throughout, either furnished or un furnished. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6108 or A-2033. OMAHA Truck. Van and Storage Co. Doug. 1496, Ind., B-34X3. Office 1713 Web ster street FOR RENT Brick house at 1KU & 29th St, one block east of Park avenue caf tine; modern in every respect, with 4 bed rooms on second floor; largo parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, large nail and vee tibuls oa first floor. I&qulrs at 1509 S. iU St Tel. Harasy UV0. FIVE LARGE ROOMS Nearly new: first floor modern except Half block from cr. Tel. Douglaa 482s. HnilRlCHnr.n GOODS narked. fnrwar4e4. oheap freight rates; moving and storing. Kxpressmen s uenverv wo. i ci. uoug. X94 ELEGANT 6-room flat located at 610 S. $7th, all modern, price $35. Bemls, Brandels Bldg. 8-ROOM modern house 251$ Chicago St 1518 N. 20th St. Extra good, $ rooms. modern, new decorations, new furnace, big cellar. T. J. Hook, 1101 N. 18th St., 8 to 5 o'clock. Mnnr.KN l.rn,im house. 216 S 8&th iu. 'Phone Douglas 4587. A six-room house, ntodern except fur nace, located at 9454 N. 25th St. Paved street and one block to car, 320 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., 838 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6108 or A-2033. HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. MAGGARD Van St Storage Co. Tel. Doug 1496. We guarantee moving, pianos, house hold goods. HOUSES, all sixes. See our list K. M. Wray & Bro., 610 Bee Blydg. FOR RENT Detached 8-room, modern house. One block from good car service. $30.00. Tel. Red 6100. FOR RENT Detached S-room modern house; good neighborhood; two blocks from car, $30. Tel. Red 6100. 4-ROOM modern apartment, 2d floor. 2515 St. Mary's Ave. References. FOR RENT 8-room dwelling, Dundee, $480 per year. 8-room dwelling, 3114 Woolworth Ave., $35 per month. W. L. SELBY, 436 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT 25th and Parker Sts., 5-r., open plumbing, modern except furnace, fine shape. $20. 1537 N. Wth St., 7-r., modern except fur nace, $22. 2523 Blnney St., -r., city water, etc., $14. 2023 N. 22d St., 6-r., mod., furnace, etc., 220. W. G. SHRIVER. 1023 N. Y. Life Bldg. 1049 Park Ave., all mod., $35. 217 Mason, 10-r., all modern, $31.60. 2124 N. ltith, 8-r., part modem, $16.50. 300S Seward, 6-r., city water, $14. 8202 N. 24th, 6-r., part modern, $1.1. 3208 N. 24th, S-r., part modern, $. 3211 N. 25th, 6-r., part modern, $15. 4046 Hamilton, 6-r., part modern, $20. 1054 S. 20th, 6-r., mod. except heat, $18. 1117 S. 32d, 9-r., all mod., $40. 647 8. 25th Ave.. 7-r.. mod. ex. heat, $20. THE BYRON REED CO.. Tels. Doug. 297. A 334. 212 S. 14th St. Offices. LARGE, new, attractive ifflces at very low rental In Webster-Sunderland building. Two $20 offices facing 16th St. Entrance on Howard St. GEORGE A CO.. 1601 Farnam St. tares. . STOREROOM and basement In Scargs block. S. O.. 520 N. 24tb. Hall. 433 Ran.KS Bldg., both phones. STORE BUILDING at 4112 Hamilton, and 4 rooms adjoining; good location for most any retail business; owner will be reason able with rent until business Is established. Hutchlnson-Bollard Co., Ii23 Farnam St. OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters. Ty ,'pewriters All Makes Sold and Rented Kent Applied If Purchased All the standard makes. Prices '4 to hi manufacturers'. Rent a ma chine, lest It. If right buy It Olivers, Underwoods. L. C. Smiths, Remingtons, etc. Broad 3 years' guarantee with each one sold. Examine our slock or write for bar gain list before buying. 15. F. fcswanoon Co., 417 So. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. OFFERED FOR SALE Ty pesvrllerB -Contlnaed. EVERYTHING In typewriters; Just few of our bargains; rebuilt No. I Smith Premier, 331. N. 8 Oliver. 8.!5; No. 6 Remington, 8.13. Machines shipped on ap proval; no deposit required. Typewriter Equipment Co.. 304 8. 12th St. SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnara. Faraltare. FOR SALE A mantle folding bed In good conoitlon. Inquire at 366 California St T'l'KlUIIT folding bed and oak dresser. Tel. Harney l.iS3. FOR SALE household goodR, sideboard, tete-a-tete corner chair, Moorish chair, hall tree, couch, linoleum and other household goods. 23iiti Grant street ONE" White machine, drop head. new. com $40 Will sell for $28 cash. Tel. Hti 331a or t all 1913 St Mary'a Ave. Mlecellaneoaa. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid an eft $10 orders; catalogue free. Pberman 4b McCenneli Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. VK HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels w hich we will sell at 60c each. They are fine for rain water oi ashes. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. FOR SA LE New and Id-hand btllard and pool taWee. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bruns wlck-Ilalke Collender. 407 S. 10th St BUY from the factory. Burkley Envelopes COAL. Wood. Feed. 1316 N. Uth. Web. 44 1 1 ALL'." safes, new, id-hand. 1818 Farnam, V NATIONAL CASH REGISTER for sale nenrly new. I would not take $1,000 for It If I were not going out of business. Ad dress E-140 Bee. Second Hand Boilers We will sell two boilers that have been la use at the Bee Dulldlng. They are eacit 17fi-horsepower return tubular boilers, 7 Inch diameter by 18 feet long. They have IN8 C. I. tubes. $ Inches byll feet Work ing pressure 156 pounds per square Inch. Heat surface 19.009 i guars feet Grata area 22 situate feet. We are very anxious to dispose of these boilers Immediately and will sell at a bar gain. If taken at ones. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. 17th and Farnam dut.. Omaha, Neb. TRY H. C. IMmmock Omaha, for lumber. & Sons, South v i-vi nrtijr, i winn to seu my black lynx fur set. consisting of a rug-mu(f XT I - r I.-V-.I, Dili., . - .. kii.i niuii, wnii iieaus anu tails, lor ifl worth $7.".; in perfect condition. Address -1 i w, care lice. FUR coat and diamond ring for sals. Address F 613, Bee. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON. INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1864. Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas. 506 N. Y. L. Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Bis. Tel 174 7117. HUFFMAN, 318 Neville Bldg. Book free. PERSONAL PRIVATE home during confinement; bablea adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, Is. CORN Jelly will cure corns, tOc Haines Drug Co., 1610 Farnam fit STRICTLY private home during confine ments; excellent care; bablea adopted trained nurse. 2518 Davenport St OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramge Bldg. MAfrNFTTf! treatment Mm. Smith, JiLAUlNrjllO j22 8 16tn gt third floor; A HOME for women during confinement W find homes for babies where inothert cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terma, addreas Mrs. Martha A. Lee, 41 Bancroft St. Omaha, Nab, Phon Doug las 1921. MRS. RITTBNHOUSB, graduata of ths Weltmer Institute of Nevada, afo.. treats rheumatism, constipation, paralysis, lum bago and all ohronlo diseases; eleetrlo mas sage and baths. Room 306, 4th floor Boa ton Store Bldg.; elevator entrano 124 Jd Ibih bt, jtali way on Douglaa St LADIES wishing to obtain tb latest dress cutting system. Learn cutting. Call 811 No. 25th St 'Vhone. Douglas 1013. WHERE do you hav your PRESCRIP TIONS FILLED? Ask your DOCTOR If he has confidence In SCHAEFER'S. He knows he can depend on our goods and we want you to take advantage of our PRICES and SERVICE. We CALL for and DELIVER prescrip tions without extra charge. THAT'S FAIR THE SALVATION ARMY solicit castoff clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 134 N. lltlt St., for cost of collection to ths worthy poor. Call phon Douglas 4136 and Wagon will call. DR EOGER8, private confinement homo. $516 Martha St. TeL Douglas 633. HOT-EN-TOT Twins, th Hot Sensation, i are coming soon. Walt Watch. Listen. They fr ate great MAGNETIC Treatments. Emmerlln Brott. 2319 8. Uth St Doug. 6136. ANYONE knowing the present where, abouts of James C. Ballard, who resided in Douglas county In 1857, or any of his relatives, will pleaae communicate wlttt H 329. care Omaha Bee. Omaha, Neb. WE WILL call for, clean and adjust your phonograph for $1.60. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Phones Doug. 160k A-1963. Cor. 15th and Haroev. Private confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 13"4 N. 24th. TeL. Web. 3569. Ind. B-U5. WTHS1 ana toupees for men. GRIFFITH, MRS. AMES of Washington, D. C mani curing and massage. 1724 Capitol Av. ANYBODY having accounts against th Grand Restaurant, 404-6 S. 13th St., run by Leo Lun and Leo Willie, please present same before October 1, at 2 p. m., 1906. Law Hung l Leo Look, Proprietors. WANTED Plain sewing by the day or mending by the hour; 16 cents an hour. Tel. South 1198. PRINTING PHONE IND. A-2620 for good printing. Lyngstadt Printing Co.. 16th 4k Capitol Ave. HYATT A LONGACRE, PRINTERS. 17ul Ia van worth St Tel. Doug. 2647. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est 1; prompt leivlce; get our prices. 1716 Farnam St GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. TeL D. 8317. PAYNE 1NV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Llfa. "BENJAMIN R E. CO.. 47 Brandels Bldg, REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRU8TCO. .HAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President CIT1 PROPEHTY FOR SALS NEW cottage, containing rooms, ons block from car, two blocks from school. II.i'jO, $4.4 cash. 6 per cent discount If sold quickly. If desired, will leas front buyer. L. 27a Bee. SUMMIT ADDITION Lots $275 and up. Get circular. Th Byron Lted Co.. 313 8. 14th St 24x132. $17,000 Farnam, near 20th, Improved. 4 Harrison & Morton A choice building lot, "Hillcdnle." $100 rash, $1 a week, prices J;00 to -OU, no In teieM, no taxes. See u.s. HASTINGS Ac HEYDEN. l'i',4 Harney St BOULEVARD HOUSE 2243 N. Wth St. t rooiim, modern, only $2,500. Thomas BreOr m nan Room 1, New York Life bldg. V- C ) r