Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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$2.50 Hand Bags
Nothing to equal them evr
shown before; genuine all
leather lined, with overlapping
leather covered frame, and
leather lined purse, regular
60 valu 98
A Delightful Array of the
New Fall Garment Styles'
v New Cloth Dresses, Silk Dresses shown for
the first time Saturday. :: ;; ;: ::
t aw r iii " iA.
i I in ii iw ,
J f
Ladles' V bum Hun; pure white
long sleeve, ankle length, at,
Ladles' Outing frown Medium
weight,' big aiaortment, choice
t 75
Ladles' Under Vet Medium
weight, long sleeved, good
quality; aplendld value, at,
' 250
Complete line of Fowne'a Rey
nloes, etc., very best qualities,
all the new shades, 2 button
length, every pair fitted and
guaranteed, $1.50 and 82
Underwear, Cloves and Hosiery
Specials for Saturday Selling
Fall and lr?tr Kturas are Xow
Complete in Our Indies FurnlslilnR
I-partmwnt You're always certain of
securing just what you want in style
and quality at a saving price from our
magnificent lines.
2 button lamb skin and street
gloves, all shades; values to
11.50, choice OSd
Nuturday lionlery specials Im
porters samples and supplies of
ladles' fine silk lisle, lace and
plain gauze hose, all colors;
values to 60c, at, pair , . lf)
Ladles' 19c M ro lfoee -Samples;
black, tan, pearl, etc., on
sale, at, pair 12 H
Children's Ht-hool Hose Heavy
or fine rib, 19c value, 2 pair
Big Sale of Fine Shoes Saturday
In Our Busy Shoe Department
Having bought tbe choicest lots of the Luddy & Currier
and the Miller & Ilapgood Bankrupt stocks nnd the floor
etock of the Spencer Shoe Co., gives you an opportunity to
buy shoes at less thun the cost to make them. Take it from
us, that NEVEK in our history have such values been given.
Men'a shoes In all styles and all leathers, about 800 pairs In all, In lot
, 83.00 82.50 nd S1.08
Women's shoes In gun metal, box calf, vlcl kid and patent colt, worth
up to M OO a pair, 2 lots, at 82.50 and 81.08
Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' school shoes; Kangaroo calf, box calf
and satin calf; actually worth up to 11.75, at $1.10
Misses' and Children's school shoes In kid and velour calfskin; actually
worth $1.50, while they last -81.00
Shoes for the smaller children, worth up to $1.15, in 2 lots. at 75
and 6S)e
We sell Queen Quality and Drover shoes for women, and Stetson
and Crossett shoes for men.
r ft. i
The tight, form-revealing
fashlnns In
vogue this fall make
It abeolulely neces
sary that you wear a
new ooreet, modeled
along the' latest
Our complete
stock of shapes
and alses
In all the new
! make It
way ror you
secure ' faultless
form with perfect fit
and comfort, Scores
of splendid models
are shown, all haplly
combining faulting
style with perfect
comfort. Prices
R&G $it0 $5
Great Blanket Sale
We carry mora than double the
stock of Blankets carried by any other
store la the west. We carry more
Beaooa Blankets, more Bt. Mary's
Blankets and more Worth a tar Blank
ets ten times all the other stores.
Come In and we will prove this to you.
Cotton Blankets, each B4o
Wool Napped Blankets, pair 880
Wool Finished Blankets, pair... 81-88
Wool Filled Blankets 81.15
All Wool Blankets 88.00
California Blankets 8 BO
git. Mary's Blankets. . .81.83 to 810.00
North Star Blankets. .88.50 to 838.00
Crib Blankets Sao to 81.60
Mill stitched, extra heavy, 880, TBo,
81.00, gl .85, 81.50 up to 918.60
Home made extra larse, 91.88, 98.86,
93.60 up to 95-00
We can save you per cent
easy on this line of merchandise.
Special in Gas Burners & Mantels
Celebrated Feerleaa Inverted Burner,
complete with globe and manttle.49o
Upright Burner, complete with shade,
mantle and chimney flSo
Upright Burner, complete with deco
rated globe and mantle 860
Two 10c Mantles for 15e
Two 16c Mantles for ..90o
One Gas Stand, complete and shade,
burner, mantle, chimney and feet
of tubing ,83o
$1 Hand Bags 49c
An extra large hand hag with
strap handles and moire lin
ing, a regular $1.00 quality
bag and a great snap'Saturday
at our special sale price, -I9c
New Neckwear
All the latest novelties in
Dutch collars. Jabots, storks,
etc., on sale Saturday, at 25
New Hair Goods
New Switches, up from SI. 00
New Hair Rolls, up from
Wire Hair Rolls, up from J0(
Pure Linen Handkerchiefs
special sale Saturday,
at 5c and 7V!:C
Buy Books Now
Itemember we are the
only firm in Omaha selling
all the latest
$1.60 Copyright books... 08
$1.00 Copyright books... 43j
White House cook book, 75
Chicago Record prize cook
books, at 39
For Saturday Only, your un
restricted choice of
Our Griffon Shirt
in our entire stock, values
to $2.00, and the best pro
duced at any price, ftfl,
all at sVOC
Fine Flannel Overskirts, new
fall stock now in; at prices
from 98c to $2.50
Fall Underwear Most com
plete lines we have ever
shown silk, silk nnd wool,
mercerized, all wool, etc.
prices from 98c Up.
Flannel Night Shirts and
Pajamas, in immense assortment.
Most Complete Line of
New Fait
The setson's most clever new
modes in all the richest and
most wanted colorings and ma
terials. Delightful assortment
for your selection at a great
saving in price to you.
All Millinery Marked in Plain
Figures Here.
Special Inducements and Trice In
ductions in Our
High Grade Linen
Dept. Saturday
High grade hemmed huck towels,
good size, heavy and absorbent,
worth 10c, Saturday, each 7W
High grade cream Turkish bath
towels, heavy twisted thread;
worth 19c each, Saturday, 10
High grade Bed Sheets, slse SixVO.
good for wear, well worth 76e; Sat
urday, each 60o
High grade Bed Sheets, same quality,
same make, else 72x90, worth 69c;
Saturday, each 48o
Tnc Easy
Worth $10
Will wash the daintiest fabrics
without Injury and the heaviest quilt
with perfect ease. Tour money re
funded If after using It you are not
satisfied. The only washer fully
guaranteed for 10 years.. Buy at onoe
ss the price will only be fur a few
hOc New, Nice Parlor Brooms Only 25c
l-qt. retlnned Tomato Cans, dos..89e
Imported Willow Clothes Baskets for
only 49o
11.25 Food Chopper, guaranteed. . . 85o
$1.25 Mrs. Potts' 6-plece sets Had
Irons 80o
Blue and White Tea Pots, worth to
66c, only flSo
Berlin Kettles lie, BBo and Bee
Enameled Dish Pans, 17 qt BBo
350 ABTZOI.Bg FOB 1810.
Wilson Bread Toasters, Voorman'a
Sink Strainers, 8-Wire or Wooden
Coat Hangers, 10-quart Galvanised
Palls. 25c Clothes Lines, Wooden
Chopping Bowla, four boxes Clothes
Pins (So boxes), three rolls 10c Toilet
Paper, Hernia Fruit Press, Wire Corn
A more comprehensive collection of the styles, fab- LwJ'
rics and colorings upon which dame fashion has placed
her seal of approval could scarcely be imagined or de
sired, and from the most inexpensive to the richest and
expensive. You'll find them all absolutely correct in
style and of the highest order of excellence and quality
of workmanship and material.
250 Elegant Sample Suits the choicest pro
ductions of the best New York tailoring establish
ments, will be offered, while they last, at a fraction
above the actual cost of production. You'll be for
tunate in securing one of these magnificent bargains.
Tailor Suits , 1290
Serges, diagonals, tweeds, and fancy suitings
newest shades, 42 and 46-inch satin lined coats,
neat styles, as shown in our windows, all sizes;
your choice Saturday $12.90
. Capes Will Be Worn Exclusively This Sea
son We are showing a complete line of styles.
New Cloth Dresses Elegant assortment for se
lection $8.95 to $45.00
Fall and Winter Coat Styles The most complete
assortment of up-to-date styles shown in the
city; prices range from $4.95 to $45.00
700 Stylish Dress Skirts Women's and misses',
including extra large sizes, values to $7.50; on
sale at . $3.95
ifli! Iks.
' roevrjK- KT
CROWN JEWEL SUITS are a delight to all
visitors. Their superior quality, the beauti
ful and exclusive designs, are truly QOC
matchless values OfaM
Children's Fall Coats All sizes, 6 to 14 years, in
reds and navies, values up to $5.00; on sale Sat
urday at $1.93
Children's Velour and Bearskin Coats, sizes 1 to
6 years; regular $5.00 values, at $2.98
$1.60 Wrappers Saturday 98c
$3.00 Long Cape Kimonos $1.98
Wash Dresses, worth to $7.50 $1.95
KtTry HAYDEN'S First lU
Cut Glass, Jewelry . Silverware
Af About Half Regular Selling Price
Several recent and very -fortunate purchases have placed us in a position to offer our cus
tomers some of the most wonderful jewelry, cut glass and silverwear bargains Saturday ever
known in this or any other store. Read these prices and don't fail to see the magnificent bar
gains on display.
$6.00 Cut Glass berry bowls, nawest
designs $3.00
15.00 Cut Glass berry bowls, newest
designs $2.50
$4.00 Cut Glass ollre, bon bon or
jelly, sarrors 08 1
$6.00' Chatallna Watch, In 60 differ
ent patterns, on sale, choice $2.85
All $10.00 Watches, at ... $5.00
All $6.00 Watches, at $3.00
All $5.00 Watches, at $2.50
60c Belt Purses. .
60c Cuff Links. . .
60o Hat Pins. . . .
60o Barrettea . . .
26-Plec Silver Seta, consisting; of
knives and forks, tea spoons, desert
spoons, table spoons, sugar spoon
and butter knife, $8.00 and $10.00
values, at $4.75
$1.00 Tea spoons, set of 6 ... -50
$1.00 Fruit spoons, set of 6 . . .501
$10.00 and 912.00 Kllver Tea Sot
of 4 and 5 pieces, plain or hand en
graved; biggest snap ever offered,
at $0.50
Babies' and Misses' Gold Rings.
$2.00 values, choice $1.00
$1.60 values, choice 75
$100 values, choice 50
Scores of other articles Saturday
at half regular price.
This Special Grocery Sale is for Saturday Only
The Hlgest
10 bars best brands laundry soap B5o
Bromangelon Jellycon or Jllo...TW
1-lb. can assorted Soup 7HO
Condensed Milk TMo
A mo Starch. Das
Quaker Wheat Flakes, pk...
All kinds Corn Flakes, pk..
The best Domestic Macaroni
Rex Lye per can
( pk(S. t'needa Biscuit
Choice California Prunes, lb.
4.1 h ran Fancy Bweet Corn.
D-lh ran Ooldan Pumpkin. Hominy,
Squash or Baked Beans THo
ttt lbs. best Qold Dust Asparagus
. .80
Quality and Fresheat Goods at the Lowest
The best Soda or Oyster Cracker.
per lb So
The bent crisp Pretiels or Ginger
Bnapn, per lb 80
BVTTEB AITS 011131 laLB.
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb.98o
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb 84o
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb 18o
Fancy Brlok or Llmbercer Cheese,
per lb BOO
Neufchatel Cheese, each... to
4 bunches fresh Beets 8o
t bunches fresh Hadlshes Bo
5 heads fresh Lettuce Bo
I heads fresh Cabbage
I bunchej Salalfy and Oyster
X'arce Eg Plant, each
Fresh Cauliflower, per lb
I Bummer Hquash
4 bunches fresh Pie plant
Fresh Apples, per peck....
I bunches fresh Celery
Large baskets fancy California
or Peaches, per basket
Large baskets Muscat Grapes..
Urn baskets Tokay Orapea...
Jelly Orapes, per basket
Jelly Plums, per basket
SUfe Board Completes All Except
Viiitto Hospital.
Afsareat, However, There Has Xever
Deesi Harmony' Betweea Com mind
aat Barnes and Adjntnnt
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Sept. 17.-(Spe
clal Telegram.) Excepting for Its flral
finding and a visit by the State Board of
Bubllo lands and buildings, to the ho-
pltala at the home this evening, the in
veetlgatlon of the charges filed by Ad
lutant McOraw against Commandant
Barnes, came to an end this evening
o'clock after two solid days of schsIoii
and the heaving of any and all
of the home who wished to come before
the board. At the end of the second day
the' board evidenced a weariness and
desire to get through, but yet patiently
listened to the defense and decided fur-
the. to look Into what are now evidently
the more serious charges, the treatment
of the patient of the hospital.
With the testimony of this morning It
was apparent that every charge against the
.-ai'lous contractors whose dealing are said
.o have been Irregular, had fallen entirely
.'lat. The Donald Porter company, com
pletely cleared up to the satisfaction of
the board, so far as the examination Indi
cated, any of the chortagen alleged by
Commlsnary Jones, as to the latter he went
mo the office February 1 and may not
personally have received the sugar that
was sworn by Soldiers Home employes to
have been delivered thero under a bill of
February I, but the department certainly
did. On canned goods a checking up by
Secretary Junkln and Mr. Jones fouuxl
Mr. Jones' books and the sums actually
paid the firm by the state, to agree. As
to O. Rot'sor, Mr. Jones acknowledged
when the former went on the stand and
examination by Mr. Jones wbh Invited that
every reported error had been rectified.
Mr. Koeser challenged. In addition, to
prove. If the commlsary would show on
what date a case of egga was alleged to
be short, that the said case had been de
livered and had never been paid for by
the state. Credits have been given to
avoid controversy. Wolbach & Son made
Hpie Knights of King Arthur's
x time wore steel armor which
covered even theifeet. In those
days none but the poor walked
and foot-comfort was not a pro
blem. CROSSETT shoes are de
signed to meet the requirements
of a work-a-day world. In the
selection of honest material we
have gone far to make them
wear like iron, but above all
things they give their wearer
a similarly complete showing as to cloth
ing and shoes.
It was Bhown on the question of rules
that Mr. Barnes net axlda the rules recog
nized by the state when convenient and
declared them obsolete. The rules were
the recognized ones In the pension suit of
last year. A conference between the board
and Governor Shallenberger Indicated that
some action would be taken to establish
sometlilng definite In this respect.
, Hospital Investlsratlon.
Many witnesses testified that the hos
pital service was not what It should be.
that the patients often were not well
enough or properly fed. That the phy
sician was gruff and sometimes neglected
to Issue medicine. Some of this testi
mony was as severe an arraignment of I
the administrations of Commandant Hoyt !
and Commandant Askwtth as of the ad- i
i ministration of Commandant Barnes. The '
j attorneys for Mciiraw brought out that'
thirty-five gallons of whleky and wine had '
been bought in the last quarter, Dr. Slwi
gart testifying that many of the older pa-
i tlents In the hospital needed It. It was
not denied by Dr. Swlgart or the steward
that upon a few oci aslons they had drank
wine, which had been paid for by tho
state. As to the "stuffs! olives" Com
mandant Uaines stated that former com
mandants had kept a few luxuries on hand
in case of visitors and he did the same
thing. There was no evidence of the sub
stitution of vinegar for this Item In the
The evidence clearly showed that there
had been during their entire Incumbency
severe friction between Barnes and Mc
Graw and Mr. Barnes admitted that he
had wanted George F. Ryan of this city
as adjutant. A copy of a letter and a
communication refused publicity by a local
paper was submitted In evidence, it show-
Ing a desire to make political capital. De
nial was made by the farm boss of having
played cards while he should have been
busy. It was contended that the garden
products were not so plentiful on account
of the lack of rain.
the groom Is In the employ of the Odell
Vinegar company.
PONCA Mrs. T. 8. Myers of Ponca has
been elected delegate to represent the
Dixon county Women's Christian Temper
ance union at the national convention,
which meets at Omaha In October.
TABLE ROCK Nicholas G. Stelnauer.
son of the late Nicholas Stelnauer, one of
the oldest of Pawnee county's pioneers,
died at his home, near Bteinauer, Monday,
September 13, aged 37 years. He leaves a
widow and three children and had been 111
for some time with tuberculosis. Funeral
services were held at the Lutheran church
at Stelnauer yeuterday. He was a cousin
of Nicholas A. Stelnauer, who recently
represented Pawnee county in the state
TECUMSEH William II. Halth, tha well
known farmer who Uvea nine miles south
vest of Tecumseh, has bought the hard
ware and furniture stock of Bailey Cath
cart of Brock. Mr. llaitn traded his fine
ltiO-acre farm in on the deal. The farm
la valued at 112,000 and the hardware and
furniture stock will be taken at Invoice.
Mr. Halth will take possession of his store
between this time and November 1. Mr.
Bailey will continue In the undertaking
business at Brock.
FAIR BURY The citizens of Fairbury
have taken a hand in the fight against
a renewal of the franchise of the local
electric light company. A meeting of sev
eral of the Influential citizens of Fair
bury was held last night and the re
sult was a petition which la being gener
ally circulated and signed asking the city
council to defer action on the proposed
franchise and to ascertain the cost of in
stalling a new plant here, also the price
the present plant can be bought for by
tha city.
- - ... - - w m m.m -w aw a
that sense of perfect ease which
"Makes Life's Walk Easy".
$4 to $6 everywhere.
LEWIS A. CROSSETT, lao., Makers
Nona A bug too Mass.
(Continued from Third Page.)
to baffle the medical skill of 'he city.
Several more childie-n are suffering with
the sympoms, which no doubt will
prove fatal as ever) ease developing so far
has proven.
BEATRICF Alex Anderson and Bert
Carson of this eity returned home yester
day from Tillman county, OKlahoma,
where they purchased farms.
PON'CA Mrs. W. M. Mahoney has been
very ill from blood poisoning caused by a
small piece of glass. Mhe cut one of her
fingers and for three weeks her life hung
In tha balance.
BEATRICE William Rosencrsna and
Mlsa Mabel Craven of Odell were married
yesterday at the home of tha bride's par
ents at Odell. After a brief wedding trip
assist cuGcvroccov
vaxoIl cqusqXow
To CeXWs Xewc$a
ej$ecs,awas W Xvo
nAHoracnjftrro b thi
Fig Syrup Co.
World's Crops
Arc Much Better
Than Anticipated
Commercial Figures Indicate Heavier
Yield Than Lait Tear in Pro
ducing Countries.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. Condition of
the crops In foreign countries, as reported
to the Department of Agriculture, Indicate
that tha -harvest has generally surpassed
expectations. In Roumanla alone have the
reverses been severe In July, (ailing below
the pre-harveat estimate. The wheat crop
of Hungary has also failed to give eren
the medium results looked for a month
ago, but tha other crops In that country
have exceeded estimates.
This year has been unusually favorable
for barley and oat a. In nearly all Euro
pean countries these crops promise above
average yields, and In Hungary Indications
point to the largest crop on record for
both these cereals, as well as for corn.
The drouth In Russia and Roumanla has
caused a considerable decline In tha pros
pects for corn.
Estimates of the world's probable wheat
crop have been published during the month
by two English trade papers and by the
Hungarian ministry of agriculture. These
estimates, although they can only ap
proximate actual facta, serve as a good
indication of the results looked for by
well Informed European and official com
mercial observers. As compared with last
year, these estimates show a gain of from
lSrj.000.000 to rO.000,000 bushels In wheat, for
corn an Increase of 166,000,000 bushels, and
for barley a gain of 334.000,000 bushels.
Oats shows the enormous Increase of 8GT,
OUO.000 bushels, while rye Is placed at only
24,000,000 bushels above last year's produc
tion. From Argentina comes the official
announcement that tha reduction of the
wheat acreage on account of tha long
drouth was less than anticipated. Reports
from India continues quite encouraging,
while from all parts of Australia glowing
statements of crop progress are received.
department of public spsiklng, Is still In
the university hospital critically 111 from
three weeks ravages of typhoid.
Bablea Strangled
by croup, coughs or colds are Instantly re
lieved and quickly cured with Dr. King's
New Discovery. Wo and $1.00. Sold by
Beaton Drug Co.
After Alleged Bank Rubbers.
PIERRE, 8. D., Sept. 17. (Speotal Tele
gram. Sheriff Anderson of Kittson
county, Minnesota, today secured requisi
tion papers to take back to that county
two men giving the names of Dad Wil
liams and Joe Barnes, who are charged
with being tha men who robbed tha bank
of Karlstad some time ago. They are both
locked up at Webster, being held for tha.
Minnesota officers.
An Economical Vatoatloa.
Round trip tickets at figures but slightly
In excess of one way fares to a hundred or
more resorts In Canada and New England,
also to New Tork City and Jersey Coast
Resorts, will be plaoed on aala on various
dates after June 1, 1909.
Full particulars and dates of sale, limits,
stopovers and descriptive literature can be
obtained by writing W. 8. Cookson, A. Q.
P. A.. Grand Trunk Railway System, Ui
Adams street, Chicago.
Water Problem Serloos.
IOWA CITT, la., riepl. 1". (Special.)
Alarmed ly the city water conditions the
university authorities have consulted with
the city health officer and an Immediate
analysis of the city water supply will be
made before the university opens. There
are eight or ten cases of typhoid fever In
Iowa City and tne :lty health officer, Dr.
D. F. Fltzpatrick. claims that there Is
nothing to prove tha .ity s water supply
la bad. Prof. U. . r.wloo, btdd'of tbe
Pictures In
color by
Against desperate criminals and hostile sentiment a brave
yonng Eastern girl wins a home la tne cattle country.
AaUsars) ad "LANCFOftD OF THE 8 SAKS'
:h Burl- H
Peru students plan to go to Peru In a special coach' over tha
Ington leaving Omaha at 4:40 p. m. Monday, September 20. Special
goes direct to Peru. All students west and north of Omaha take trains
that reach Omaha before 4:40 and Join Omaha students'at Burlington
station at 4:40. Coach decorated with Peru colors. Y. W. and Y. M.
committees at station. Prof. P. M. Gregg will accompany party to
Peru A similar party accompanied by Prof. J. W. Searaoa leaves Lin
coln at 2 .4S p. ni.