Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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is 10
Correct Dress For IVIcn and Uoys
1 C3
mrm Ts.,rjrl yipprr:,fcsg'-'
qILo")) and
Taoteiredl 8y5Ss
We announce for Saturday'! selling a special showing
of new tailored suits all beautiful exclusive styles and
priced so reasonably low that will make early buying here
a great inducement.
Exclusive (lew Tailored Suits Specially
Priced at $35.00
Every suit an exclusive model, made of fine broadcloths,
imported mannish suitings, cheviots and serges, in fancy
or strictly tailored styles. Every suit a $50.00 mqr nn
value; our special early fall price vwUsUU
Stunning (lev Tailored Suits Specially
Priced at $29.75
A grand collection of new models to choose from; made in
fancy and plain tailored styles of fine all wool materials;
$35.00 and $30.60 values; our special early fall fOQ 7C
price i)ji3
Beautiful lien Tailored Suits Specially
Priced at $25.00
These suits are all perfectly tailored in the very newest
fancy and plain tailored styles and made of fine all wool
broadcloths, cheviots, serges and worsteds, . Anr nn
$30.00 and $32.50 values; our early fall prices. . . . OOiUu
Writon Profit Greatly By Wildnen
of Pitcher Krauie.
Thres Doable Steals Pollen Off, Two
of Which FIsTSjre la tho tcorlnsr
Twenty-Eight ThOOSand
tho Unme.
PHI LA DELPHI A Sept. 17.-Detrdt won
ths second fame of the aerlea with Phil
adelphia today bv a t to I score, before
a crowd of 18.000 peraone. Kach team
made the moit of Ita baa hit. Philadel
phia scoring. all Ita runa by bunching- five
ante drive In two Innings, while Detroit
profited by Krause'a wlldneaa. None of
Mullln'a four passes did any damage but
four of Detroit's runa were atarted by
bases on balls or a bataman being; hit by"
a pitched ball. In the laat two innings,
Prominent Sidell Man Gives Tes-
. timony of Cure Made by
v the United Doctors.
Attacks of Gall Stone Colic Had Be
comes Ho Severe He Feared
They M ould Kill Him.
There haa been a great deal aald among
physicians, about the many ourea that are
being made by the United Doctora who
have their Omaha Institute on the second
floor of the Nevlle block, corner tilth and
Harney streets, in eases of gall atonea.
It was formerly believed by tho medical
profession that the only hope of a patient
afflicted with gall atonea waa to una mor
phine to atop the pain and later to operate.
The trouble with the operation for gall
atonea la that It la not only dangeroua to
Ufa, and may kill the patient during the
operation, but If the patient la ao fortunate
as to live through the operation ho la
aeldoin cured and often baa adhesions,
which make hla caaa worse than before the
The treatment uaed by tho United Doo
tors la a revolution in medlotne, as It con
tains no morphine or other opiate, and no
operation la required. They Simply dissolve
the atonea by their dissolvent treatment and
by clearing up tho liver and kidneys, re
lieve the cauae of gall atone formation and
thereby permanently cure the disease. A
gall atone patient who la treated by the
United Doators seldom has a symptom of
the dlaeaae after the flrat ' two weeks'
treatment, and a cure can be expected In
the course of a few months.
Ira M. Palmer, a prominent farmer of
Sldill, 111., writes as follows In regard vto
hla cuse:
Sidell, III., Sept. L ISO.
For a number of years I Buffered aevere
attarka of gill atonea that seemed as
though they would kill me. I tried varlou
local physicians wUhout any permanent
On March 6th of thla year, I placed my
case In the hands of the United Doctors,
when ii. cy told ine they could atop thoee
attacka. From the beginning of their treat
ment until the preaent time, the flrat of
September. I have not had even one severe
attack and for several months past have
ben entlrtly free from anything that
even In the allghteat way resembled an
attack of gall atones. My digestion waa
also aerlouaily Impaired, and what I ate
hurt and dlatreased me. sines taking their
treatment that la almost entirely curod
and I expect within a short lime to bo
entirely cured of gall atonea and dlgeatlve
.-! vunvuiriiuuuiiy endorse and re
commend their treatment as they have
- done all for me they promised and they
say now that, with a short continuation of
treatment, I will be entirely and per man
witly cured.
I shall be pleased to talk with anyone
personally concerning what they have done
for mo.
the vialtlng playera also ran the basea with
great cleverneaa and three double ateala
were registered by them. Two of these
double ateala helped to bring a runner
home. Four aaorlflce hits and three aacrl
fioe file were made by the Detroit playera.
On hundred policemen were again on
the ground to preserve order, but there
was no aamblance of rowdyism. The only
play over which any objection waa made
waa when Jonea of Detroit bunted down
the line and threw his arm up to prevent
Davis from making a throw to the plate
to catch Delehanty. Umpire Perrlne called
Delehanty out for Interference. Mclntyr
scored for Detroit In the first Inning, after
getting four balls, on Btt&h'a sacrifice,
Cobb'a at.fe hit and Crawford'a grounder
.to ColUna, . Heltmullera (Ingle, Berry'
sacrifice and Bakers alngle tied the score
In Philadelphia's half on the fliat Inning.
Detroit again took the lead In the third
Inning;' Mclntyre again -scored on four
balls to himself,. Bush'a aaorlflce, Cobb'a
scratch hit and Crawforda aaorlflce fly.
With one out in the fourth Inning. Jonea
waa hit by a pitched ball, took third on
Stanage'a single and scored on Mullln'a
aaorlflce fly. Philadelphia tied the score
In the fifth Inning by acoring two runa
on Thomas' double, Krause'a aafe bunt,
four balls to Heltmuller, Collins' sacrifice
fly and Baker's single. One man waa out
In the eighth when Crawford drew four
balls-- and Barry fumbled Delehanty's
grounder. The runnera worked a double
steal and Morlarty's single acored Craw
ford. In the ninth. Mclntyre and Bush
each singled and then worked a double
steal, the former acoring on Cobb'a sacri
fice fly. Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.K
Mointrr. it.. I l 1 v UH.Itm-ller, 114 1 It
Bush, M I 1 4 1 Ou.rrv. 1 1 0 1
. rr i i i o ocolllns. tb..
Crawford, il l 1 I ( OBaker, lb...
Del.hantj, 2b 4 1 0 0 Davis, 4b....
Hurtanr, lb.. I 1 I t vMurpbr. rt..
Jr. lb t Oil) 1 loidrini. cf..
Sums, t....t 1 I OvhoiMt, e...
"ullln, p I 0 0 1 OKrauaa. p...
Hartwl ....
Totals tt mil 1 'Coomb ....
. 4 i 0 t
4 on i
. 4 0 0
10 10
. I 1 10 1
, t 1 I) 1
110 0
10 0 0
Totals M 7 17 11 I
Batted for Thomas in ninth.
Batted for Krause In ninth.
Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 08
Detroit 1 0110001 1
Two-base hit: Thomas. Sacrifice hits:
Bush (2), Cobb, Barry, Morlarty, Oldrlng.
Sacrifice flies: Crawford, Delehanty, Mor
larty, Jones, Mclntyre. Bush. Struck out:
By Krause, 8; by Mullln, 8. Left or bas. v
Philadelphia, 7; Detroit, 8. Base on ball:
Off Krause. 4; off Mullln, 4. Time: 2:17.
Lmplrea: Perrlne and O'Laughlin.
Mew York Blanks Cleveland.
NEW YORK. Bept. 17,-New Toik won
another game from Cleveland toduy, the
acors being 10 to 0. The visitors had the
bases filled In the ninth with none out,
but were unable to score. Doyle held them
to three singles and a double. Score:
H.mphlll. cf. 4 I I 0 OKrtch.l. lb... 4 1 0 1 1
Keti.r, rf 1 1 1 ti:i', at o i 4 e
t'rM. rf 1 1 0 0 UUouda, rf I 0 1 1 0
t'baa., lb ... 4 1 10 0 aLtona, lb ... 4 0 14 0
fciilla. If I lit OttlOMIi, lb... 4 1 11 V 0
(iardnsr. lb.. 4 I 1 4 IRrnVham, cf 4 110 0
Elhrfald, sa. I 1 I f I Hlnrhiaan, If I 0 1 0 0
Auatia, lb...O 0 11 OH'tsina. c I 0(01
Knlfbt. lb.... 4 Oil 0 ft lknb.rt. p 1 1 0 I 0
Swefrii.r, o... 1110 OAblca. p I 0 0 I 1
Do) I., p I 0 0 & 0 'Clark. 1 o 0 0 C
Total II II ft 11 I Total. ..
Batted for Abies In ninth.
New York 8 8 0 4 1
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0
. It 4 14 It 8
0 0 0 10
0 0 0 0-0
Two-bane hit: Ketchel.
Sacrifice hits:
Sacrilice furs:
Stark. Doyle, KlbirMJ
Keeler, Chase. Gardner. Left on bases:
Cleveland, 10: New York. It. Double play:
Austin to Gardner to Sweeney. Struck out:
By Palkenberg. 8; by Doyle, l; by Abies, 1.
Base on balls: Off Falkenberg, 3; off
lH)e, 4; off Ablea, 1. HI: by pitched ball:
By Falkcnberg. Itoyle; by Ablos, Kicler.
Wild pltcii: liy Abies. 2. 1'aaauJ ball:
Swemey. lilts: Off Falkenberg, In three
and a third Innings: off Abies, ( in four
and twothlrds Innings. Time: 1:5a Um
pires: Connolly and Kerln.
Senators Pile l'p Blar Score.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 17. Walker
pitched his first game fur Washington to
day and held St. Louis to four scattered
hits, one of these, however, being for
lliiee base. The locals hit MeCr.rry hard
and von easily, 10 to 1. a passed hall let
ting In the vislluis' only run. Score:
B ll.O.A B. B.H.O.A.B.
Conr.7. lb... I 1 I 1 Orromploa, It. j a 1
W Killlfac, lb I ass o.loli.n. ct ..
Milaa. o( 4 tie 0Hana.ll. as . 4
t nsiaub, lb.. I tit tonsil,
lalt.rr, lb.. 1 0 10 OSmiib, U ...1
Uwttr, rt ... 4 14 vl'fvor. rf I If... I I 0 tWalJae. lb.. I
Yob, lb. 4 I 1 8 tr.rrta. tb.... I 1
Mrbrida, as . I 1 1 4 tr.ur. lb 0 0
atr.l. c 4 I I 1 0 KllliferJ ....! 0
aikr. p.... 4 I 0 0 OMclorrj, p .. 0
Millar 1 I 0
Totals U 4 M W 4
Totals M ltnt
Batted for I'nglaub in the alxth.
Washington 8 8 2 1 8 10
SL Louis 0 1 0 0 0 J
Three-baas hit: Crompton. Two-base hits:
KU 11 ride. Milan. Ooasler. Sacrifice hit:
slcUrlde. Left on bases: Washington, f:
31. Louis, 4- Bases on balls; off Walker,
1; off McCorry, 4. Base on errors: Wash
ington. 2. Struck out: By Walker, 7; by
McCorry, 4. Passed balls: Street, 1. Time:
1:40. Umpires: Dlneen and Evans.
Plttabsiraj; Defeats Brooklyn by Isore
of Sis to Three,
PITTPBtTRO. 8ept. 17. Pittsburg de
feated Brooklyn today by a score of to t.
Of the nine, hits they made, seven were
or extra uaxes, ranging ail me way irom
two-baggers to a home run. Wheat,
Brooklyn's new out-fielder, made two sen
sational catches, cutting off that many In
big hits. Score:
Eyrne. lb I 0 I I OBurah, ef I 0 I 0 0
Letrb. ct 1 1 it 4 110 0
Clark, if.... t 1 (Jordan, lb... 4 110 0
W.siMr, as... 4 111 9lKnr, rl... 4 100
Millar, lb ... 4 10 1 0 Alparman. Sb 4 0 111
Abstain, lb. . 4 III 0 OLannoi, lb. .. 4 0 0 4 0
Wllaon, rt ... 10 0 OMrMlllan, as. I I 4 I 0
CiUon, e 4 14 1 OBersan, o 114 10
Laid. Id, p... 4 10 4 6McjDlr. ..! 0 0 1 0
Totals 31 I2TU 0
Pittsburg 0
Touts M IMU I
S 0
Solo ,
Brooklyn 10001000 03
Two-base hits: Wilson, Lelfleld, Wheat.
Three-base hits: Wagner, Absteln,' Wilson,
Gibson. Home run: Clark. Sacrifice hits:
Clarke, Burch. First base on balls: Off
Mclntyre, 4. Struck out: By Lelfleld, I;
by Mclntyre. 2. Wild pitch: Lelfleld.
Time: 1:35. Umpires: Kane and Etnslle.
Giants Detent Cobs.
CHICAGO, Kept. 17. New York defeated
Chicago 4 to 1 today. Wlltse held the lo
cals easily until the ninth, when he was
taken out with the bases full and none
out. Crandall relieved him and retired tho
locals with only one run. Chicago played
poorly at times. Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B.
Doyla. tb 4 114 OZimtnnan, 2b 4 1 1 I 0
8.-ymour. cf . I 1
McCorm'k, It. 4 0
Murrar, rt... 4
0 oaticbard, if.. I 0 I 0 0
0 UBcliulta, rt. .. 4 1 0 0
0 0( hanc. lb. . . I 0 14 0 v
1 OStelntaldt, tb I 0 1 1 0
I OHofman. cf. ..4 1 1 0 1
Devlin, lb
4 1
BnSwell, ai
Merkle, lb.
Sichl.l, .....
Will. n
4 1
4 1
I 0
. 0 0
1 1 Tinker, a...
0 0 Archer, c. ..
1 OPtrl.tar, p..
0 O'llor.n ....
4 0 I 6 o,
1 4
I 0 0 I 0
Crandall, p
1 0 0 0 i
0 0 0 0 0,
Overall, p.
.14 I 17 U 1 "Necdham .
110 0 0
l 0 .0 0 0
Batted for Pfeister in ninth.
.12 t 87 It 1
Batted for Sheckard In ninth.
Han for Needham in ninth.
New York 00080001 04
Chicago 00000000 1 I
Two-baae hits: Seymour, Murray. Hits:
Off Ifelster, 8 In eight Innings; off Overall,
0 In one inning; off Wlltse, 8 with none out
In ninth; off Crandall, none In one Inning,
sacrifice hit: Stelnfeldt. Double plays:
Pfeister to Tinker to Chance. Wlltse to
Doyle to Merkle. Left on baHea: Chicago,
; New York. 4. Bases on balls: Off Pfeis
ter, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Wlltse.
Chance. Struck out: By Pfeister, 2; by
Overall, 1: by Wiitse, 2; by Crandall, L
Time: 1:40. Umpires: Hlgler and John
Indianapolis Ootuata Milwaukee and
Wine, S to 2.
INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 17 Indlanapolli
batted Wacker out of the box In the xighth,
and before being retired had made enough
una to win, 5 to 2. Milwaukee was unable
to hit with men on bases. Score:
H H O. A B. B H.O A E.
Cbadb'rna. Ill 1 S 0 OR.gdall. rt... 4 10 10
Hardan. rt... 4 11
SR.rry, if 4 1 1 0 0
0 0MGun. lb.. I 0 0 0
1 1 Clark, lb t 0 8 1 0
I OXliunb. cf.... 4 110 0
I OMM'arm'k. tb I 1 110
4 0 PMrxt, a. .. I 1 4 I 1
I OMor.n. c I I I 1
I lw.-kar. p ... 4 0 110
t ODouiberty, p. 0 1 0 0 0
Hpncr. cf... 4 1 0
fair, b 4 t t
Iluik.. lb 4 I 1
H 'wi.r. a 4 1 I
W iillama. tb. 4 1 1
Hrika. a ... I 0 1
8!Bla, p 1 0 0
Graham, p .. I 0 0
Totals 12 .07 17 I Totala 90 t 14 :o 2
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 5
Milwaukee 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 02
Struck out: By Wacker. 3; by Slaule. 1;
by Graham. 8. Double play: Graham. How
It)' and Williams. Hit b- pitclied b.:i:
Chadbourne, Clark. Randall. Base on
balls: Off Graham, 4; off Slagle. 2; off
Dougherty. 1; off Wacker. 2. Hits: Off
Slagle. 3 In five Innings; off Graham. 3 in
four Innings; off Wacker. in seven and
one-third Innings: off Dougherty, 1 In two-thlr-l
Inning. Sscrif'c" hlt- Cha l'mrne,
McCormicK. Time, J.iiu. Umpires: Owens'
and Sullivan.
St. PnnI Defeats Toledo.
TOLEDO Sept. 17. Inability to hit Kll
roy at opportune tlmus lust the game for
Toledo today against St. Paul. 3 to 3.
S B H O.A B.
Murray cf.... 10 1
I'laa. If I 1 I
1 0 Frreman. lb .
0 1 Mlnrhman. it 4
0 t McCarthy, rt. 4
1 OHh-kman. If . 4
I 1
0 t
1 1
I 0
4 I
t I
I 1
0 1
0 4
0 0
Atmh'.tor. rf 4 1 1
Becb.r. a. . 4 1 I
Urwa, lb I 0 I
1 OR.ttvry. rt... I
flinn. Ik .
Sper.r.r. c.
Kllroy, p...
I 0 I
1 IKi.crtt,
t 1L?nd. c..
t a
1 U Dr.liOT.a.
I 1 I
4 ! I
4 0
Pnioo .
t V 11 2Abbnlt .
Totals .... tt 4 17 It I
Batted for Donovan In eUhth.
Hatted for Elwert In ninth. '
Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
St- Paul 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 03
Two-baae hit: Spencer. Three-baas hit:
Hid man. Left on bases: St. Paul k-
Toledo. 4. Double plays: Hickman. H inrh-
man and Freeman; Breen (unassisted). Ba,
The man who wants n moderate priced suit will be greatly
interested in our Fifteen and Eighteen lines. "NVe aim to ive the
Best moderate priced clothing that money can buy. ,
And We Do It
We have these suits made for us from the master makers of
the world "Kuppenheimer," "Stein Block," "Schloss Bros.,"
"Hirech Wickwire," and society manufacturers ak-olutely with
out nn equal. To see these beautiful dark mixtures in hard fin
ished worsteds. The rich tones and patterns in the unfinished
worsteds, the handsome autumn shades of Oxfords and Scotch
Tweed. The very choice of the foreign and domestic looms. These
$15 and $18 suits are cut and fit in the same faultless manner as
our $20, $22.50, $25, $30 and $35 suits, because they are all from
the same celebrated makers we have mentioned.
Some Pretty Swell
Top coats, short and medium length, that are unusual values
at $15 and $18, as well, and of course we have better ones up to $35.
on balls: Off Kllroy, 5; off Donovan, 4.
Stolen bases: Armbruster, Boucher. Struck
out: By Kllroy, 1: by Donovan, 8; by Han
cock, 1. Time: 1:46. Umpire:'- Conavan.
Distillers Defeat Millers. .
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Sept. 17. -Louisville
won the opening game of the aerlea today
from Minneapolis. The locals scored two
runs In the first Inning before Hughes
Bvuim uunii, aiiu Willi (ins iau
neire held the visitors aafe all the way.
Catchea by Woodruff and O'Nell and
Olaon'a triple were the features: Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B.
r.nlon, rf...4 ell OO'Kelll, cf .. 4 1100
Rulllran, lb.. I 1 1 1 OOylar, t I 0 i 7 1
Olmn. .b 4 1 1 ODowna, tb....4 1111
m.hl, It I 1 1 0 lPl.kcrlns. rf. I 1 0 0 0
8-lm. lb t Oil lCrarath, It . I 1101
Morlarlty. n. I M Ol'olllna, lb... 11110
Woodnitf, cf. I 1 I 0 0OIII. lb S 0 10 0 1
1 Hufhaa, e. I 0 7 1 0 Clock, c I 1 J I D, I 0 0 I 01 Huhra, p. I 0 0 1 0
Qulllln 1 0 0 0 0
ToUls U 4 27 II trian 1 0 0 0 0
Total. ! 14 14 4
Batted for Hughes In ninth.
Batted for Oyler In ninth.
Louisville 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -3
Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
Stolen base: Cravath. Sacrifice hit:
Morlarty. Two base hit: Block. Threo
base hit: Olson. Double nlavs: linwni
to oyler to Gill ; Morlarty to Salm. Struck
" out: tiy Decanniere, ; Dy tiugnea, t.
liasa on halls: Off Decanniere, 1. Hit
with pitched ball: Sullivan. Left on
bases: Louisville, 3; Minneapolis, 1. Time:
1:30. Umpire: Hayes.
Kansas City Blaak. Columbus.
COLUMBUS, Sept. 17. Kansas City took
the first game of the series becatie Co
lumbus batters could net hit Flaherty
kwlth runnera on baaea. Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.K
Shay, aa 4
Ahainon. rf.. I
Hallman, rf.. I
1 1 OO'Rourk. 3b. 4 1 0
0 4 0 OtK'.nl.n, a... 4 1 0
0 I 0 OKrug.r, cl... 4 0 4
1 4 ( Ocmi gallon, rt. 4 0 1
00 nn.ini. If t 1 t
1 11 0 0oiW.ll. lb.... 4 1 It
l.ova, 2b
rarllale. It..
Rapp. lb....
Mi era, lb...
Frnmbea, c.
Flab.rty, p..
111 1' o..
0 10 Ocullen, tb.
10 1 l)Ki.ort-,
,..4 0 0
... I 1 1
p 4 t I
...10 0
James ...
90 62 14 I
.34 7 7 17 I
Batted for Cullen in ninth.
yulnlan out, hit by batted ball.
Columb-ts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Kansas City 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-2
Stolen bases: Love, Rapp, Moore. Sac
rifice hit: Hallman. Struck out: By
Flaherty, 1. Bases on balls: Off Ken
worthy, 1; off Flaherty, 2. Time: 1:10.
Umpire: King.
Davenport Wins from nioomlngtou la
Ninth Inning.
DAVENPORT. Stpt. 17 Good work by
Fleet and a sensational catch In the
ninth gave the game to Davenport today,
3 to 2. Score: It. H E.
Davenport 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 8 7 t
Bloomlngton 0 0001000 12 11 0
Batteries: Davenport. Fleet and Smith;
Blootnington. Steen and Smith.
HOCK ISLAND, Sept. 17. Rock Island
outbalted l'eorla today and Won, 6 to I. i
Score: R.I IK.
Rock Island 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 6 111 0
Pfcurta 0 1000000 0-1 I
lotteries: Rock Island, Lakaff and
Starke; Peoria, Walsh and Reynolds.
Dubuitue. Sept. 1". Decatur nhut out
Dubuque toduy, 1 to 0. in a lively pitch
ers' battle. An error by Huuser fiuve De
catur the only run. Score: H U E,
Dubuque 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
Decatur 0 0100000 01 6 2
Batteries: Dubuque, tluri.ey and Mason;
Decatur, Bens and McNamara.
CICDAR RAPIDS. Sept. 17. There was no
game with Springfield today on account
of the double header yesterday.
Lincoln Plays Omaha.
Now comes Lincln with Its rnuchly
strengthened team to ailack Pa's timid
team. Lincoln will beln a series of three
games at Vinton park Satuiday at 3:4."j nml
play' one Sunday and Monday, Monday be
ing ladles' day. Lincoln is playing as gooi
ball as most any team in the league Ju;
Sow and la likely to make Omaha hunt its
club house. Here are the Jlne-ups:
Omaha. Lincoln.
0 Kane First....
0 Fox Second. .
Hog iev
Ox kman
. Thomas
0 t'onrirv Thlril ...
11 I Pnlla Khiil t
Fisher Left
King Center..
Welch Right..".
Oondlng Catch...
Cadnian Catch ..
.. JuJe
Waldron I
Sunders Pitch MtGisth
Keeley Pitch Ryan
Tower Pitch Fanning
Hollenbeck Pitch Nagle
Patton Pitch...
x -v
It's about time you were thinking about a New Fall Hat.
We're mighty well fixed to fit you out at $1.50. $2.00. $2 50
$3.00, $3.50 and up. Without question," we have three times
the number of styles Black and coldrs of Navy, Caded,
Moose, Acorn, Morsellepcrl, Wine, Olives, to say nothing of
the varied shapes in black one glance at our Hat Section and
its completeness and you'll be satisfied that we've the Hats
to talk about not through
The Home of Kuppenhelmcr Clothes, Etc.,
Feature Event at Syracuse Goes to
Canadian Stallion.
i Ambolator Takes 2i09 Pace
Sixth Heat Bronaon III
Away In 2il6
SYRACUSE, N. Y.. Sept. 7.-Ths free-for-all
pace was the feature of the grand
circuit meeting today, the gray Canadian
stallion The Kel wriggling out a victory
after losing the second heat to Copa De
Oro In 2:0314-
After winning the first In the 2:16 trot
Bronson, driven and owned by Henry L.
Titer of Keadvllle, Mass., ran away. He
hurled his driver to the ground and bolted
down the track, but waa stopped after
running a quarter of a mile. Walter Cox's
Melva J won tiie next three heats and the
race. Slerry Chimes took ths 2:13 trot.
Naoma won the first heat, but fell bark
to fifth position in the second. 8he was
then drawn.
Klla Ambulator outfooted Caffeno and
won the fifth and deciding heat of the 2:09
pace. Summaries:
Pacing, 2.0t class, best three In five,
diiim Si. 200 tunflnlHhed from yesterday):
Klla Ambulator, b. m. (Murphy) 12 2 1
Cafleno, b. g. (Merrlfleld) 6 114
My i on K. b.g 8 8(8
Lady of Honor, ch. m. (Snow).. 2 3 3 3
Annabel Lee. br. m. (Geers)..., 7 4 4 ro
Schumerhorn, b. g. (Weeks). ..1 6 6 6 ro
King Cole. b. s. (Dodge) 4 ds
Time: 2:07V, :0W4; 1:075 1:085 3:07.
Free for all, pacing, two In three, purse
The Bel, g. h. (McEwon)
Copa de Oro, b. s. (Murphy)
Lady Maud C. s. m. (Wilson)...
Alle-n Wilson, br. h. (Cox)
Time: 2:(fc; 2:M; 2:03.
Trotting, 213 class, three in five, purse
RoHumary Chimes, br. m., by
Chlmea-Lucelle's Baby (Raihbuii)8 111
Royal Bonn, b. h. (Ludwlg) 5 4 2 2
MacDougall, ch. s. (LaSdlle) 8 2 3 8
Noumu, blk. m. (Burgess) 1 6 dr.
Birch Leuf, b. g. (Titer) 4 8 4 4
Time: 2:125 2:13; 2:11; 2:1:'.
Trotting, 2:16 class, three Ijn five,
Mtiva. J., b. m. (Cox) 3
Bronson. br. g. (Titer) 1
Silver Baron, br. h. (Geers) 4
Wilkeifon. b. g. (l.aSc.lo) 2
Alamadel. blk. a. i walker) b
Time: 2:li; 1:11; 2:13; 2:13.
Rutin. tig. f Ive-rlgliths mile uajh. purse
82t "J. for d-year-oldh and up: Abjure won,
' i us second. Cousin Kate thiid. Time:
Mltrrn Turf Followers at Urraveeend
( harsnl With Violating Law.
NEW YORK, Sept. 17. Racetrack follow
ers here have received as seveie a shock
toduy as that administered to prise fiKht
promoters yesterday, when the state,
county and city authorities refuseu a
counterani-i; the bout between Stanley
Ketchtl and Sam Lanafoid. Sixteen in. n.
many of the-n well knu'wi members of thj
Metropulitan Turf asHitclatiun, were ar-
restt d at the Gravesend race track
the ra en w ere In piogiess, and arraigned;
cl.orReO -.Mih 'u.illi.a n.l abttting In the
einp.i.y tnent or OKikinaKcid
The arreftx were made by detective
from the nil Ices of the King county dis
trict attorney on bu:ich warrants granted
by County Judge Fawcett. The men wer;
tukrn into t-uslcd quietly, and it mi
some time before the news spread abou;
the enclosure. Then there was a commo
tion. The men attested weru Bertut
Squire. Samuel Flank. John 11. McTiiine.
John McPherson, i 'i landa Jones, John
Simprou. Charles WIImuii. Albert Kroiis.
Henry Willing. Walter J. Goff, Willla n
Snow. Slanmnd Ashman. Mark Reardoti.
Jeiome Reardon, Harry Cohen and Michael
The im n were taken before Judge Faw-
cetl In Brooklyn, where ttoy all pleaded
not guilty. They were released under 31 utj
ball each for trial, on September !t.
Results of
Uolf Matraee.
RYE. 'N. Y.
Sept. 17
Hy winning their
McCaffei iyJmauht tuday, b. W. bat gent (Harvard;.
Mat XalSc
Harry Legg (Yale), H. B. Karchner (Penn
sylvania, and Albert Seckel (Princeton)
will compete here tomorrow for the indi
vidual championship of the Intercollegiate
Golf association.
In the Omnha league the Onltnode took,
three games from the Hospe compuuy, roll
ing one game of t)16. wliloh Is the high
game for the week. Sherwood had high
total, 538. Monday ii'mIi: the Mets Bros,
meet the Advos. Score.
1st. d. M. To'al.
Tracy '. 172 1K2 10.) SOD
LVI Vlllll HIT" 1111 JDV SI
fSchumacher 121 lf2 lf 467
Sherwood 174 i0 164 638
Chandler l.lo IjI 164 blQJ
Totals 72 915 756 C.432
1st. 2d. 30. Total.
W. Zltiman 118 123 177 4'4
Kepler IBS lf6 122 431
Bushnell 116 Lis 14 400
Zltxinan 141 128 146 418
Weaver Ill 161 146 418
Totals 636 712 737 2.0S8
In the Booster league the Cream Cltys
lost two games to the People's Store. I.
Melum of the Cream Cltys rolled high
single Rime, 203, and John H"'iele he of
the Omaha league ahot high total, 543.
Society Brand Clothes
--rffiXfefeew. .ill I
i i i n A...wi-.:s:f..-&?r iftiv:ii.-..St.Ji;
Hi KMSlli
rr a I I llllf. .r.i.'l rT. 'TVTI'.V'.i.y ".'1 I
Sotwjj (m Uronli. 107 So. 161h Street
Monday night the Cream Cltys meet the
Cudahya. Score:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
I. Melum 161 (08 167 619
Handa, 14fl 187 108 S'.il
N. Melum 128 lfi'.l Iba 433
Ruff 134 158 147 4H
Katlken 138 144 126 VH
Totals 710 7TI8 701 2,209
lt. 2d. M. Total.
Abbott 146 106 1W S.V7
Aldrich 147 123 121 444
Howard 1R1 100 171 431
Kast 138 144 168 450
Bengele 1K4 161 1D8 611
Totals 7,6 693 706 3,23
Polio. Stop FlRht.
PITTSBURG, Sept. 17 The MoOnnn
Klaus bout before the National Athletic
club here, scheduled to go six rounds, was
stopped In the middle of the third round
tonight by the police after McOann had
been repeatedly warned not to strike low.
A Total Kcllre
of the functlona of stomach, liver, kidneys
and bowels is quickly disposed of with
Kkctiio titters. 60c. Sold by Beaton Drug
for the
Young Man
Assuming that
all good clothes'
makers use the
1 1
same excellent
materials, what is
sodifferent about
Society Brand
Clothes? They
are genuinely
young, mannish,
patterned for the
young man's mind,
designed for the
young man's taste,
shaped for tlie young
man's body. Ameri
c a ' s characteristic
young men'sclothes,
rightly priced
18.50 and up
Clothes for men who
want to stay young.
Eiperl Clothes Fitters