Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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' I . .. nil. 1 1 "" ' - IB'1' 11
,t,U Prog-la 19 lOIl FHOII 1E1CH At. I. PIFT1. lad. A-l4l
v Handsome New Dress Goods and Silks
Women's Tailored Skirts to Order
The heading tolls you almost the whole story. We are making beautiful Man-Tailored
Skirt, charming in trimming, beautifully tailored, of any dress good9 you may choose to
your special measure. All our own exclusive styles. Every skirt guaranteed to be a perfect fit
Note We are also making petticoats to order. Choose any muterial you like, we make
See models at dress goods department, juam iioor.
New Fleeced Materials
it to your special measure
. Remnant Square in Basement.
Remnants of finest flannelette and Swans
down, new designs, desirable lengths, regular
15c quality on sale at 10c a yard.
Boft and warm, color fast and at) lea the newest
and prettiest that are produced. See them In our
flannel department In basement. You'll be pleased.
Prlcea 10c, 16c and 18c a yard. Eaat Basement
In Speech at Winona Sayi It la Best
Feoole Rare Ever Known.
Rrpabllraa Wk Vtd Jt(lM
Akandsaa Organl tlo
WmI Schrtal Too
' Hick.
(Continued from F1rt Far)
Saturday Toilet Goods Specials
16c Tooth Brushes, Saturday, each 9c.
Idal Hair Brushes, Saturday, each 17c
Colgate'a and Williams' abating aoaps, Satur
day, a cake, 6c.
10c Glycerine soap, Saturday, m cake 6c.
Main Floor.
Gloves For Fall.
Kayser'a Silk Oloves In black, white and ahades,
per pair, COc, 75c and $100.
Kayser'a Lisle Gloves In black, white and
ahades, per pair, 60c and 76c.
Kayser'a Chamolsette Gloves in natural tone,
per pair, 60c.
Complete lines of chamois and natural white.
Main floor.
Clearance of Men's Fancy Vests Saturday.
Included In this sale are about 100 fancy vests, In
light and medium colors, most all alses; values up
to 13.00. Your choice Saturday, at, each . ..-G5
Special Sale of Women's All Wool Separate
Skirts at the Bargain Square in Basement.
Women's all wool separate skirts In the latest
styles, a good value at $7.00, Saturday at 4.B8.
See Howard street window.
Free Store Conveniences
The resting rooms with telephones, writing materl lis, magazines and large comfortable chairs.
Checking department, where we will care for all y our hand baggage.
Any questions pertaining to train departures or points of interest in our city freely answered.
Dtiitverv ot packages to all depots. All strangers I n our city are welcome to these privileges.
3d Floor.
Hair Goods
3d Floor.
(Continued from First Page.)
drtvan throush tha city over streets lined
with people.
On the way to the Stat fair grounds,
whirl the president made a brief address
to a big crowd, there ware five to ten
minutes to paas at the auditorium, where
a welcome was extended by the governing
board, at the Press club and the Chamber
of Commerce. The ride lasted two hours,
the president reaching the fair grounds at
10 o'clock.
It a day of Ideal weather and the
president seemed little fatigued from hi
strenuous day of constant going In Chi
cago on yesterday. After his speech at
the fair grounds, Mr. Taft did not return
to the city, his train having been switched
to the fair gates and leaving from there
direct for La Crosse. Senator Stephenson,
Governor Davidson and Mayor Rose took
part In ths program oi welcome to ths
latrodaoed Newspaper Man.
The president's greeting at the new Au
dltorlum Included a tribute from several
thousand school children, who gav their
school yells and three resounding cheers
when ths automobiles of the president's
party were driven direct Into the big build
Ing. At the Press club the president was
Introduced amid cheers as a reporter who
had attainrd to the highest office In the
gift of the people.
Mr. Taft In reply raid his newspaper ex
perience on the old Cincinnati Commercial
had extended over only a year and a half
of court reporting; that he' was not much
of a suocess and had no difficulty In sepa
rating himself, from his position, "without
At the Chamber of Commerce ths presi
dent spoke briefly In appreciation of wel
come extended him and pleaded for charity
toward all public officials, especially, he
said, sinae he, the president, chanced to be
one. Ths president made an Impressive lit
tle talk to the veterans of the civil war at
the Soldiers' home. He said he hoped they
were enjoying all the comforts of life that
a great ana grateiui country couia piaoe
upon them.
"We who were too young to have par
Iclpated In ths war," said tha president,
'feel that ws missed a great deal in not
having been able to have defended our
union, but when we consider the suffering,
the death of comrados and the great grief
of families we are reconciled to ths fact
that we did not live In that generation."
"Yesterday, in Chicago, 1 saw 160,000
school children and mors thousands here
today. I could riot help wondering as I
looked, what fats had In store for theee
bright young eyes, snd those flushed
young cheeks of ths boys and girls. I
wondered If that generation would suffer
and endure another war.
"I pray Ood that they may not. But
If they do, I know that ths example which
you set will not be without Its Inspiring
effect to place Old Glory on still greater
At the fair grounds, ths president's party
whloh already Included United States Ben
ator Isaac Stephenson, was Joined by Sen
ator Robert M. I.aFollette. Ths mutual
greeting was cordial.
schools to the nearest schools which will
be passed by the president.
The president's Itinerary will take him
within five blocks of the Sacred Heart
parochial school, and Rsv. P. A. Judge will
maka an effort to have the route changed
and lengthened to take the president by
this school, the largest of Its kind In the
city. Three hundred and thirty children
are enrolled In this school. If the route
cannot be changed, Father Judge said he
would take the children to a point on
Lake street, where they can see the presi
dent and give him a welcome by waving
flaps and singing a patriotic song.
The limited time will preclude tha pos
sibility of any speechmaklng to the chil
dren by the president.
The Weather.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.-Forecast
ths weather for Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Partly
cloudy Saturday, with warmer In east
and cooler In west portions; Sunday fair
and cooler.
For .Iowa Fair, warmer Saturday; Sun
day Increasing cloudiness and possibly
showers by night.
In America alone, but In frc trade and
protection countries abroad as well, kept
climbing higher and higher. Ths great
est enthusiasm of the president's address
was aroused when he declared that If the
people wanted free trade If they wanted
to close down manufactories and to have
cheaper prices at the sacrifices of many
business Interests, they ought to put the
democratic party In power. Ths presi
dent said he doubted even If that would
succeed for the democrats In the senate
voted strongly for the protection of arti
cles manufactured or grown In their states
snd districts.
Although Senator Crawford and Gamble
of South Dakota Journeyed down Into
Wisconsin today to pay their respects to
the president. It was remsrked that neither
Senator Nelson nor Senator Clspp, both
Insurgent, were here to greet the presi
dent on his first appearance In Minnesota.
The president retired on board his train
to night and leaves for Minneapolis at
I o'clock a. m.
President Taft In his address at the
Winona opera house tonight said:
"My fellow citizens: As long ago as
August J!W, In the congressional campaign
In Maine, I ventured to announce that 1
was a tariff revisionist, and thousht that
the time had cotne for a readjustment of
the schedule. In the summer of V.KK7, my
position on the tariff, was challenged and
I then entered Into a somewhat fuller dis
cussion of the matter. It was contended
by tha so-called 'Stand-patters' that rates
beyond the necessary measure of protec
tion were not objectionable because be
hind tha tariff wall competition always
reduced the prices, and thus saved the
consumer. But I pointed In that speech
what seems to me as true today as It then
was, that the danger of excessive rates
was In the temptation they created to
form monopolies In tha protected articles,
and thus to take advantage of the ex
cessive rates by Increasing the prices, and
therefore In order to avoid such a danger,
it was wine at regular Intervals to examine
the question what the effect of trie rates
hsd been upon the Industries 'n this coun
try and whether the condition with re
spect to the cost of production here had
so changed as to warrant a reduction In
the tariff and to make a lower rata truly
protective of the Industry. That was the
object of the revision as advocated by me,
and it was certainly the object of the
revision ta" promised In the republican
Meaning; of Platform.
"I want to make as clear as I can thth
proposition, because In order to -determine
whether a bill Is a compliance with the
terms of that platform It must be under
stood what the platform means. A free
trader 1 opposed to any protective rata
because he thinks that qur manufacturers,
(Continued from First Page.)
greet the president and It Is th Intention
to bilng students from other parochial
far . Y
la Main IFaslMis
Extensive Assortment of En
tirely New Creations. Special
ly Prepared for Present Wear
Tailored Suits at
At this price we offer a very Inrgo and interesting collection of
tailored suits long coat models, severely semi-fitted, lined
throughout with guaranteed satin. Skirts variously pleated.
It is not uncommon to find these suits priced at tsaTaR!!
$30.00 and $35.00 elsewhere; while at the Elite rfl)
you can choose from scores of models at. vuw
Tailored Suits at $35 and $45
Every high class maker of importance has contributed some of
his best models to this great line and wo are confident that suits
of eoual merit are not to be had elsewhere at this price. The
most correct kind of plain man- f f p f
nish tailored walking suits,
Tailored Dresses S9-75 ,0 j
jFoi Street Wear ot...iLl, V
These dresses are very stylish for street and general wear
this fall. We have many models strictly plain tailored, others
stylishly embroidered or trimmed in novel ways. Made of broad
cloth, tricot, soliel, serge, panama and silk Jerseys.
i:'M Wt
t p. m...
"Sampeck Styles" or " Youngish People"
a . Hi tl
-young ymanans
they know!
ask those VERY particular young fellows
where they, get THEIR Clothes: ask them
WHOSE make "sets" best; WHOSE make is offered in shades that '
are JUST according to the charts; WHOSE
Fashions are the ones to CLING TO.
if you could ask them all you would hear the
answer in deafening chorus:
"Sampeck" of
Sampeck's best sellers, the "cream" of the
line as it were, are shown here in sizes 31 to 33
at, per suit
$15, $18, $20 lo $25
"Sampeck" Boys' Suits,
too "double trousered'
even If we Shouldn't strike the parent' fancy on the
auperb tailoring, atyl and put up of "Sampeck" Boys' Suits,
wa Would cloao the deal on th strength of the "double
trouaer" idea Ta palra of truusvrs Instead of one with
very Knlcker ult.
table fairly hrlmmln over with striking suits. In pat
terns and outs Maw for falL Site T to It.
$7.50, $8 50, $10 and $12
.We're strong on. Boys Norfolk Suits at $5, too
Sea tha newer
"SauiptHk." Hub.
slan - Hlomt
bulls for boys 1
to S years old.
$5.C0 to $8.50
rTTJ ri I J i n I a
l".1 h i af sr n I P sJT KTr
s T VVT.i .A r-r VM.
Till I
courselM I
www ?
our farmers atid our miners 6ught to with
stand the competition of foreign manufac
turers and miners and farmers or else go
out of business and find something else
more profitable to' do. Now, certainly, the
promises of ths platform did not contem
plate the downward revision of ths tariff
6 a. m 68 rates to such a point that any Industry
J a. m Bi heretofore proteoted should oe Injured.
J J- JJJ Hence these who contend that the promise
9 a! m!!l!l!. .1 63 1' th platform was to reduce prlcea by
0 a. m 70 letting in foreign competition are contend-
'l l m 2; Ing for a free trade and not for anything
i i pm'm'.""!!.'!!!! gi that they had the rlnt ,0 lnfer from th9
2 p! m!!!!!!!'.!"!! 80 republican platform.
t p. m 82 i "The ways and means committee of the
P- m house, with Mr. Payne at Its head, spent
6 p. m.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 78 1 a u" year ,n tne Investigation in aaxem-
7 p! m.!!!!!!!!!!!!! 70 ; bllnK avldcnce In reference to the rates
P. m 7J , under the tariff and devoted an Immense
amount of work In the study of the ques
tion where the tariff rates could be re
duced and where they ought to be raised
with a view to maintaining a reasonable
protective rate, under the principles of the
platform, for every Industry that deserves
proteotlon. j
llonae and Senate BUI.
"Mr. Payne reported a bill the Payne l
tariff bill which went to tha aenate and
was amended In the senate by Increasing
the duty on some things and decreasing It
on others.
"The difference between the house bill
and the senate bill was very much leas
than ths newspapers represent).
"It turns out upon xamlnation that tha
reduction In the senate were about equal
to those In the house, though they dif
fered In character. Now, there Is nothing I
quite so difficult as tha dlscusaion of a
tariff bill for the reason that It covers
so many different Items, the meaning of
the terms and the percentages are most
i difficult to understand. Tha passage of
1 a new bill., especially where a change in
th method of asaesxlng duties Is followed,
presents an opportunity for various meth
ods and calculations of the percentages
of Increase and decreases that Is really
most misleading, or really throws no light
at all upon the changes made.
One way of stating that was done Is to
say what tha facts show that under the
Dlngley law there were 3.0-J9 Items. This
Included dutiable Items only.' Th Payne
law leaves 1.150 of these Items unchanged.
There are decreases In CM of th lictrfu
and Increases In ZX of the Items. Now,
of course, that does not give a full pic
ture, but It does show tne proportion oi
decrease to have been three times those
of the increases.
'Now, attempts have been made to show
what the real effect of these changes have
been by comparing th Imports under the
various schedules, and assuming that the
changes and their Importance were In pro
portion to the Importations. Nothing
could be mora unjust in a protective tar
iff which also contains revenue provis
ions. Some of the tariff Is made for the
purpose of Increasing the revenue by in
creasing Importation which shall pay
duty. Other Item In th tariff are made
for the purpose of reducing competition,
that In, by reducing Importations, and
therefore, the question of the Importance of
a change In rate cannot In the slightest
degree be determined by the amount of
imports that take place.
"In order to determine th importance
of th changes, it Is much fairer to take
the articles on which the rates of duty
have been reduced and thos on which th
rates have been increased, and then de
termine from statistics how large part
th articles upon which duties have been
reduced play In th consumption of the
country, and how larg a part tfiose upon
hli'h th duties have been lncreaaed play
In the consumption of the country. Such
a table has been prepares oy nr. raynt,
than whom there Is no one who understands
better wbat the tariff la and who has
given Dior attention to th detail of th
Th praaiaant than quoted from thl
table the iiicreaaee and decreases from
each sehedule and continued:
"Moreover, It will be found that In ached-
Buy Your Smokes
Saturday at
AU the popular Brands at
Half Price
Tlfty Brands to leleot rrom,
10c El Contento, perfecto, extra
Ise, Saturday, eacn
Box of as 91.85
Limited two boxes to a customer.
10c Robert Burns, Conchas C
slie, Saturday, each
Box of 60 aa.60
Limited one box to a cuatomer.
10c Palmer House. Invincible C
else, Saturday, each ....'
Box of 85
10c Tom Moores, Boquet else, efi
Saturday, each
Limit ten to a cuatomer.
lflc Slnciuded, Conchaa C
bae-irday 'C
Bex of 60 83.60
'lOc Robert Kmtnet, Perfecto
size, Saturday, eaoh
Box Of 60 83. 50
10c Flor de Calidad,
tiaturday. each
Box of 864)1.08
15c McCord-Hrady's Arogon.
Breve size, Saturday 3 for.
15c Prince de Oales, Pullman
ise, Saturday, each
Box ef 8588.35.
15c Gato, Marconi slse,
16c El Sldelo, Breva & Rotha-
chlld slse. Saturday, caiti ..
5c Owls, Saturday,
eight for
6c Little Chancellors,
Saturday, eight for
10c Elena, Perfecto Blze, C.
Saturday, each ,c
60o Genuine Allegrettl Chocolate
Saturday, per pound, 39c
Beaton Drug Co.
15th and Farnam Sis
25 c
bailor riults for
boys of 5 to 10
years are here
In s p a r k 1 1 n k
"Samiiefk" styles
$5.0f to $8.50
ule A, the Increase covered luxuries, per
fumeries and like article; Hihedule N
wines and liquors that are certainly lux
uries, and are made subject to Increase In
order to Increase the reveuee, amounting
to $432,000,000, and in schedule L, silks
which are luxuries certainly, Ilofi.0u0.000,
making a total of the consumption of thos
artlclea upon which there waa an Increase,
end there are luxuries of $.-,79,000,000. leav
ing a balance of Increaae on article which
were not luxuries, of value In consumption,
of only 1222.000.000, as against $5,000,000,000,
representing the amount of articles enter
ing Into the conaumptlon of the country,
mostly necessities upon which there has
been a reduction of duties and to which
the 600 cVecre&sea applied.
"Now, this statement shows as conclu
sively as possible the fact that therywaa
a substantial downward revision on arti
cles entering Into the general consumption
of the country which can be termed neces
sities, for the proportion Is T.0(lO,O0O.OuO,
representing the consumption of articles
to which decreases applied, to less than
1300,000,000 of article of necessity to which
the increases applied.
We are now open for business in
our new location, 318 South 15th
Street, where we have the choicest,
brightest and lightest Clothes Shop
which skill and good taste could
devise, and cordially invite YOU to
inspect our fall offerings of Clothes,
Ties and Hose for men and young
You will remember that before re
moval to our new location we sold
our stock out completely, conse
quently our showings this season are
fashion's latest creations new styles,
new fabrics. New models are now
here ready for you to wear.
We have given the lighting of our
shop especial consideration so that
the man who finds it inconvenient to
trade in the day time may buy here
with confidence, as the Tungsten
lamps which we use enable us to show
goods in their true colors by night as
as well as by day.
318 South 15th Street
I Weinlander & Smith V
Ladles' ticiusiit Famishing
317 So. 16th Stresl
Stylish and practical; we
have them in linen and Bilk,
in the newest shades and
patterns (or Fall.
4 "startright"x shoes
C same old makebut in the newer fall shapes. This
m&Ke is so iavorea in uman& mat aeaiers axe cuxmncuu-
ing to use the phrase: "As good as the Startrights.'
each pair means a season of pleasure and comfort for
Miss or Child
in dull leathers, tan leathers, patent leathers, patent
leathers with white tops or with brown or red tops. All
on "foot form" lasts.
$7 Special Sat., .
1 10 Special Sat.,
915 Special Sat.,
Sizes 11 to 2 at $2.50 and $3.00 pair.
Sizes SM to lOVa at $2.00 and $2.50 pair.
Sizes 5 to 8 at $1.50 and $2.00 pair.