THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER IB, 1900. CRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Domeitic Advance Thunday Makes Liverpool Cablet Strong. RECEIPTS CONTI51TE TO BE HEAVY Cora. Iteeelpt Ara Moderate, la Ala the Shipping; Dm4 r; Inkti Short May lloee Trooble with Dellverlre. OMAHA, Sept. IT. 10. Liverpool eablee cam strong, being af fected by tha domeetlo advance yesterday. Receipts In tha northwest continue heavy and all report Indicate they will continue, heavy. Tha export demand I very mod erate and thla must rcault In an accumu lation of stocks In tha north 'v stern mar ket and wilt affect prlcrs later on. Receipts of corn ara very moderate,' aa l also tha shipping demand. It looks aa If sellers of tha September corn may have oma dlffiouliy In making their delivering unleai country shippers becoma freer sell ara. Wheat ti ataady but narrow at the tart on better eablaa and anme eeauaied buying. Offering beeama freer la'er and week-end selling atarted and value grad ually eaaed off at tha oloa. There are nood Indication of a large northwetern movement for next week, which ahould cause a break. Corn u ateady early, but weakened later with tha decline In Receipts ara light, however, and tha market retain a firm undertone. Unless receipt Increase value ahould hold their own, aa sentiment la atlll bullish. Primary wheat receipt were 1 463 000 bu. and ahlpmanta wera 961. uno bu., against re elpta laat year of I,102.0u0 bu. and ship nienta of Tli.OOt bu. Primary corn receipts wara 49.000 bu. and ahlpmanta wera 231,000 bu., against receipts i,,LJ'r W,0v4 bu. and ahlpment of 410.010 bu. Clearance were 140 bn. of corn, none of oat and wheat and flour equal to lM.Ouo bu. Liverpool cloaed Vid lower to l'.d higner on wheat and Hd lower on corn. Local range f option ; ArUcla. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cios.t-Y4 T. Wheat Bept... Deo... Corn Sept... lac... Oata Sept... LQ... wJ KVa' Kh l I MSI 88V. K4 91'. lrt 68 I 68 Osaohn Cut Prloee. WHEAT No. I bard, MH$I (; No. 8 hard. fv08c; No. a hard, ftajfftftet No. S aprlng, 96t687c. CORN-NO. 9, t164g4r,V.c; No. t, ttci No. 4, 64H4i4o; No. I yellow, tfr8r'c: No. I yellow. fcff6oi No. I white, 8i66Kc; No. I white, er-atifce. OATS No. I mixed, l7HMe; No. t yel low, 8Ktte; No. I white, UHCWte; No. 4,; atandard, 40e. RYE 67e; No. 2, 66ti6c. Crlo Hteetftt, Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago 43 2)69 109 Mlnneapolia , 623 Omaha 21 84 23 luluth T7o CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS , Peat area of the Trmdlns; and Cloalafc Prices t Board of Trade.' CHICAOO, Bept. 17 The praeence on the floor of tha board of trade of visiting delegations fram various exchanges throughout 'the country who wera here to attend a grain men's convention detracted materially from Interest In trading today and prompted a shortening of the ses sion by halt an hour. Owing to tha In activity, price of the leading grain moved within narrow ranges. Wheat cloaed weak, at net declines of Vo to lo, compared with yesterday's final figure. Corn, oau and provisions also closed easy. Liquidation of September holding by a leading long, was tha feature of trading In wheat and was largely responsible for a heavy tone which prevailed tha greater part of tha session. Home of the most Influential oommisslon houses were per alstent seller of the December delivery, and this contributed to the weakness. Hal He occurred now and than on covering byahorta, but the upturn wera followed by renewed profit taking which caused fresh declines. Liberal receipt In the northwest wera the principal bearish factor. The rang for December was between 98tt1j99ic. Tha market closed weak at tha lowest point. Bom ahow of flrmnesa waa manifested In tha corn market at the start, but during tha greater part of the day sentiment in tha pit was bearish. Tha cloee was weak at losses of He to e, with December at 800c. Oats wera firm at the outset, but soon weakened In sympathy with the heaviness of other grains. At the close prices Were unchanged to ttc lower. Provision were Inclined to be weak all day. Prices at the close were 2Vo to be lower. The leading futures ranged a follows: Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Yet y, Wheat Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Dec. May Oats 8pt. Deo. May Jan. Ort. Nov. Jan. RJb Sept. Oct. Jan. 1 03 1034 1 02 1 024 l oavi 1 02 H MH 1 02S I 1027a 1 02 t ss! H uk 0iTk 61471 A lilffTtH 61 41 H os 62HtH,e2HfiS,62W 4m 4014 40H 40H 40H 40iiS S 40'tfiH 40 v! 42&43 43 22 H S.HS 23 96 I 18 01 10 7V4 11 00 j 11 6ft W 17V! n r?H 11 to 62H 13 5 18 00 23 95 18 05 24 00 16 10 13 DO 12 05 11 65 10 70 11 PJ 11 62H t;vt l 07HI io arm 10 CTVi 10 974 12 w 11 65 11 7 '4 13 or- 11 62V4 11 62'4 10 7H 11 7s! 10 CO 10 06 It 814 U 67V4 11 87V4I II w a 66 11 0 t 60 Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOCK Firm; winter patents. $4,650 I AO; straights, $4. 4 SO; spring straights, $4 55411.(6; baker. U.XXSi-60. RYE No. 2, 7173c. BARLEY Feed or mixing, SOffSgc; fair to choice malting. 6.fr65c. SEEDS Flax. No. 1 aouthweatern, $1 S3H; No. 1 northwestern, $1.4JS4. Timothy, 3 00 Clover, $1160. provisions Pork. me, per bhl., $2395 S4 00. Lard, per ino lb.. $12 TO. Short rib aides (loose!, $11 7IWH1.37H; short Clear sides (boxed). $11.17013 50. Total clearances of wheat and flour were cquuI to U)I.OOO bu. Expurta for the week, as shown by Bradstreet's. were equnl to t.287,000 bu. Primary recelpta were L45J.00O hu., compared with 2,102,000 tha correspond ing day a year ago. Eatlmatad recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, SI cars; corn, $29 cara; oats, 1.S4 cars; hogs. (.000 head. BUTTER Steady! creameries, 24ViG29Ho; daisies, MAIAc. EGOS Steady, at mark, cases Included, ldc; firsts. 2?c; pr'.me firsts. 23'rc. CHEESE Firm; daisies. 15Vfc154tc; twins, 14015c; young Americas, 16c; long borns. lc POTATOES Fasy: choice to fancy, 60JT 63c; fair to good. 55Jt58c. POI LTRY Steadv; turkeya. 17c; chick ens, 12Hc; springs, 14c. VEAL Steady; 60 to AO-lb weight. iH fHc: 40 to 85-lb welghta, idlOc; S3 to 110-Ib. welghta. lOWCfUc. MlsiaeaoIla Gralat Market MINNFAPOLIS. Sent. 17. WHRAT Sep tember, December. 7c: Ma v. 1 00'i til Ol faah- Nn I hint iVr,il (ml.' N'n f northern, t$iVtc,- No. I northern. SXi-U it'T'4; No. 1 northern 4Vl5o. rLAX-Tloed at $137. PRAN In KO-nound sacks. $11. SS. FLOCll First patent. $S.n6.45: second patents, n.itorTS- firt cl ileara, $4. 364.56; aecond clears, IoqjI SO. (.lveraol Crala Market. LIVERPOOL. Sept. H.-WHEAT-Snct. dull! No. 2 red weatern winter. 7 4d- ril turea quiet: September. Ts December, 7a ad: March, 7s iVI. CORN-Spot. steady: new American mixed via Oalveston, 6s 4d; future uulai October. 6s 4Sd; December. 6a Ed. Mllwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 17 - WHET Lower; No. I. northern. HN'jfjlott; N northern. 11.021.04; Dtcetnbtr, teHfaiijUc OATS-41tU4c. oixc. BARLEY Samples. 4c. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 17. BUTTER Market 4M lower: extra western cream y, lc; xtra oeaiby prtrts lje. CUOS Firm; Pennsylvania and other marby firata. free cases, re at mark: cur ge( rvoietg la returnable cases, 1 at mark; western firsts, free case, re at I mark; current recelpte, free casea, JVtJUcat mark. HtEV K Steady; New Tork full creams, 'r.olc, le. WKW YORK OGKRAL MARKK1 (.notation ef the Day Varlo.s Commodities. NEW TORK, S-pt. lT.-FT,OUR-Re-ctpt. t!,ij hbl. ; rprta, 14. MO bhls. Mar ket quiet with prlcea firm and unchanged; Kansas straight, 84 8M'5 0u; Mlnneso.a pitenl. f..lti().oti; wlnttr stislghts. MM 4.; Minnesota baktrs. tt.KWjft.K); wlniet extra. 34 95; winter patents, ft 00J'S& 40, winter low erade. 84. 4 .VI. Kve Hour.; fair lo good, 4 l.V-14 25; choice to fancy, 84..3'4 40. I'URN mkaL Steady: fine white and vel low. Il.aivgi.a5; coarse, 81 60 1.65; kiln dried. Uvn3.70. HYB Dull; No. I western, 76ViO, nomi nal, c. I. f., New York. HARLKY.-Steady; feeding, 6SC59C. c. I. f.. WHEAT Rectlpts. 12 000 bu.: exports, W bu. Hpot market essy; No. I rd, H nominal, elpvalor; No. 2 red, ll.ll, iKjin.nal, f. u. b. afloat; No. 1 northern I'ulutli. )1.0W, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. t hard winter. II 12'i. nominal, f. o. b. afloat. The wriest market Welded to big northwest receipts and a slack cash de mand today, closing Hfilc lower. There was ony a llBht trrnl". w s'lv professional. Ki"rt mbrr rlooed at II H)4; December clysed u. I'M; May closed at 1 o;'t. t.'OKN Hecelpts, 22 U0 bu. Spot market easy; No. I. old. 7S'c, nominal, elevator, and 76V. nominal, delivered; No. I, new, ti7c, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Option mar ket. was without transaction, cloflnx about unchanged. September closed at 7Kst: !.. e.-mber cli sed at 7J"i". OATS Use-Ipts, to MO bu. Rpot market steady; m xed oats. 4llt't74fc; natural whim, 2tcj clipped white, 4;frn4lc. "'PI'ing, ,o. , 7i4igOs; rood 'o choice. 80i7'c, HOPS Firm; state, comm. in to choice S&S' lWi' nominal; Taciflo coaat, IKOe, ltu lo. HIDES Dull: Tlnvnta isvff.ias.' r.n,..i America. 20c. i.i A 1 Hi.K Qjtilfft; Cld. 22ti!IOc. ."ipVISIONS-Ueef firm; famllv. $14.00 4T14.W; mess. Ul.OtVuii.RA: heaf hamn 1)1,41 i.00; rackrt, 112.0012.50; city extra India mess, $2o.t)titi20..VJ. Cut meat, firm; plckl'-d b!'leB. 'ik'&Ut'O; phkUd hams, 12.00ci ''ar1' "teady; mld'lle west, )2.4f.$ nrauj; continent, routn ..HTr'ca' I'ork. firm: famllv, i:',t.jO?D 24 00; short clear. riwJvi,"kr in u.. 25.00. ' 1 TALIjOW Oulet : cltv (1 01 n.r r.,r. I -lRlt6Hc; country (pkgs. fr-e). SSigiUc. rtn wuici; aomesttc, sviOFc; Japan, bQ HO. BUTTER-Weaker 30Vie; extras. 30o. creamery, specials, CHEESE Steady; state, full cream, spe cials. 15H$lHc. 1 EGOS Irregular; western, firsts, ffi'.iiff 27c; first, 23524c; seconds, 21t)2L'Vtc. POULTRY Dressed, easv; western chickens, 15g30c; fowls. lfinUTc. St. I.oal General Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 17 WHEAT Firm; t rnrlr KTn vorl Ma mU. i t a vr n " ' m !-', tnaii, fi.iitji.ia, iU. at hard winter, J 031T1O7: September, $1.0314; tn-oember, $l.G3't.0KH; May, $1.0i. i,uA-nifiay; tracK, wo. I cuBh, fO'c: No. Whit aHiUr I r.ttU Muu Uhio. ' """" "Ai Bteady; track, No. 2 cash, 413 41He: No. I white. 42(4itc; December, 4b i, t)4S'c; May. 42c. F I. OCR Steady; red winter patents, $S.O0 05.30; extra fancy and straight, 4.70fi4 M; hard winter clears, 13.904 20. hfc.ED Tlmothv, M.Oi&3.50. C 1RNUEA L $3 20. RRANf IT-Irm ,.L A ... ... nl. n MA HAY-Pteady; timothy, $11.0015.50; pralr rle, 9.60fi 11.50. IKON i'OTTON TIES 80c. BAOOINO 7c. HEMP TWINE 7c. PRO VTKItIN M fnrl ,.. lkVI.. 2J fO. Lard, firm; prime steam, I11.70SP 11 Ml IV r.,.0. kl.k... I .. .... shorts, $12.50; clear ribs, $12.50; short 'cleat s. um;on, mgner; poxea, extra snorts, $13.f0; clear ribs, $13.50' abort clears. 113.75. POi LTRY Lower; chickens, 12c; spring, 12c; turkeys, 17c; ducks, lOVtc; geese, Oo. HUTTER Unchanged; creamery, 24Q31c; packing, aoo. . . . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 10.600 H.400 W hi, aa asv 4m aa Corn, bu 9it litfi oanrt Oats, bu ;78;40O 70.U00 Kaasa Cllr Oral sad Provlsloa. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 17. WH EAT Cash, unchanged to lc higher; No. 2 hard, $1.044 C1.06; No. $. $1.02&104H; No. 2 red, $1.15; No. $. $1.13fi1.14; September, WHc; Decem ber, 4Hc; May, 7c. CORN Nominally, unchanged to He higher; No. t mixed, "8Hc; No. 3, Mic; No. t white, Mc; No. i 6064c; September 66c; December, 581c; May, 61. OATS Unchanged ; No. t white, 4143c: No. 2 mixed. 38Hft40c. RYE 724J750. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy. $11.01 1126; choice prairie, $8.7&59-CO; cnolca al falfa. $13 5014.50. HUTTER Creamery extras, 28',ic; firsts, 2S'ic; second. 24"c; packing stock, 2uHc F.3as Extras, 86c; firsts, 21c; current receipts, cass Included, $6.25 case; second and dirties, 12c; southerns, loss off, 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Whrat, bu D4.C0O 117.000 Corn, bu 11. CK) soifl Oats, bu ,000 10,000 Cash quotations were as follows: Artlolen. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Wheat December May C01 n Ociober .. tccmber May MS 9514: 944 87S 6CS 5KS 61 94H--.i 66 I i iv r-s nil Peoria Mar.ket. TEORIA, Sept. 17.-COnN-Strong; No. 2 White, (&iifji,p; No. 2 yellow. ee; No. 3 yellow, f?c; No. .3. 68V; No. 3, re. OATS Firm; atandard, 404; No. 3 white. 39443940. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Sept. 17. SEED Clover, cash, $836; October. $8,574: Deoember, $7.50; March, IH.50, Timothy, prime. $1.80. Alxike. prime, $7.96; March, $8.06. Wool Market. BOSTON. Sept. 17 -WOOL-The Commer cial Hullelln of Boston will say of the wool market Saturday : ltuslnesa for the week is about I.0OO.O0O pounds, as the large mlllj are not operating. The market is very strong, but not heavy; buying movement will probably send values to a attll high" level. Only about 60.0U0.000 pounds of the lo territory clip are now held by dealers The shipments of wool from Hon. on to September 14, Inclusive, were Ikt. won I pounds, against 125.104.M pounds for the same time last year. The receipts to Sep tember 1. Inclusive, were 31.0is,2ti4 pounds, against 200,5h.8.")l pounds for the same period last year. IXINIHJN, Sept. 17.-WOOL A sale of faua nf ?nod Hnne arM Vnui .v.,..-.....,.... I was held here today. The offerings num 1 bered 656. 9M. of which ;3.7 were sold I There waa a very large attendance of Duyeis anu tne neniuna nag no id for west ern, which were geneially of a fine qual ity. Long wooled skins realized 4 pence higher than the laat sale, and short wooled V pence. Coarae wooled In demand at full rates, although om , lots hold at slightly below the previous al rates. i LAJt is. Bpi. it WO. )L-Unchanged territory and western mediums. 23 BC fin mediums, Zljjtic, fine, 13j1lkj. ' I.ondoa rtor Slarket. LONDON, Sept. 17. AnirrU an securities opened ateady today. Later the market was rather dull with prices ranging from S below to 4 above yesterday New York closing. London closing stocks: Conteis, moiwr J'4 I-ouItI11 a .. . t,l9w iu wi" ---.", iv. at 1 4j not u 1 11 s , K A T 4J PPr 44N. V Cntral!!!'.!!!'l4t t Norfolk w t:2 i do pfd .;; Ii A mai . iwfjwr Anaroaaa Athtaoa du pld lJ"WOiuarto it w minors a Ohle... ltl'4 Pnr..yynla n f.nUiu rstitif Wi.iui Mm.. ' rhoipaak A 0 44 P.radln tt CtiUo O. W HWeaihrn Hy .' " 11 fhl.. Mil. 81. f. ..!;. 4v ptd Tl " lie Besra liioulhara Facltlc )IIi iMMt t RIs O Lnloa Pacific jut i 4i m pu uxw Erie g t..l 4a lat 9t do ptd 13l do 4 pfd.... 44'4abh jn, Crwnd Tranli fT do ptd " llhiiou renlr I Ul4 Spanish 4a ... SILVI:R Bar. ateauy at iT4d per ounce MoNEY Sfl per cent. The rate of d'scount In the open market for short bills ta 14 per cent; for three months' bills, 19-164 IS per cent. gtateaaeat of Imperial Beak. BERLIN. Spt. 17.-The weeklv atate Piet.l of the Impei lal Hank of Uermany ahow the fi Mowing change: Cash in hand Increased 1,352 OHO marka. Loana ducreased 6.127.0iU marks. Discounts Increased ililOO marka. Treasury bills Im rcaaed ll.OUt.uuu marks. Note lu circulation decreaaed H,tt-4.uou marka. lupoalta Increaaed 79 11 4 000 marka. Quid In band Increaaed tJk.out marka. aEW YORK STOCKS ANDBONDS Speculation Moderates Iti Pace Be came of llonej Conditions. BASK SVPPLIE3 DWINDLKQ llalk of Bnalnesa la Done Below Level of Tharsday'a Cloae riaal Prleea Are Highest of the Session. NEW YORK. Sept. 17 The speculation In stocks moderated lte pace today, pre sumably In compliance with suggestion "vn those who hmrl the nurse strings. The fact of' the narrowing resource of trie 'money marsei have been obvious an through the week, but apparently 110 ac count has been taken of tne situation until today. With an actual surplus reserve laul Saturday of Ices than $4.mi0"u. the suo treasury had absorbed enough by the mid dle of the week to leave lna percentage of reserve below the legal requirements, unless a scaling down of liabilities ii.m been effected In the meantime by a loar. contraction. Of this there was no evidence in the stock market where an animatej speculation was carried on day after day, supposedly with Increasing liability for bor rowed money. The summary of the week s currency movement hhows thai tile nib- treasury reduced Its otfgregnte wttnriraw als for the week by yesterday's operations leaving the total at t.4o0.vOO. In place of last week's heavy loss on the Interior movement, the New York banks wppear to have aalned several million dollars trot that source, reuucliig Ly as inuoli the loss 011 suotreasury operation, rear turn me surplus would be entirely wiped out, therej fore, abated after the appearance ot tnc estimates of the currency movement. TI10 movement of foreign exchange during the week has made 11 evident that money was being borrowed abroad to relieve the local banking position. Foreign money markets gave additional evidence today of the effect of tnls pro cess. Discounts in London again advanced. The committee of tne Imperial Bank of Uermany did not advance the official dis count rate, as it was expected it would, but another meeting of the conimltttee was set tor tomorrow for further consider ation of the subject. The active specula tion in Berlin as well as the demand of Russia upon that center for gold has made It a competitor for the London gold sup ply. This promises to affect the chances of American borrowers for securing addi tional resurces. Stock market collateral on loans Is the most satisfactory to be had in the view of bankers, but the security depends on the maintenance of prices. The stocks which have been most active and prominent re cently were consistently pressed for sale on any advances today, but the selling orders were reduced or withdrawn on re cessions, St. Paul was picked out for operations to afford a sustaining force In the market. The recovery from Its earliy decline In Reading served the same pur pose and there were only scattering polt.tu of strength, especially among the minor specialties arid industrials. The bulk of the day's business, however, was done In the neighborhood of or below last night's prices. The spurt -in Reading waa re sponsible for the strong closing at the day's highest prices. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value, $4.378.0.0. United States 4's regis tered advanced per cent on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks today were as follows: Bales. Hlsh. Low. Clou. Allla-rhalmara pfd too 64 6.1 3 Amalgamated Copper M.40 Hk 11' Anuriun Atrloitllural .... " C 44 47 Am. Baat Sugar i.iHO 4 4 Am. Can ptd 1.M0 ithk 'l 12 W Am. C. A F 4.i0 7U4 491 70 Am. Cotton Oil !,iJ0 754 14 !4. Am. H AL. pfd (00 4V 49 4 Am. lea geourltles 1,100 WSt S4 it 14 American Linseed 4ft) lSt 1H 14 American LooomotlT 1,100 41V, 41 41 Am. S. R M.lOi) 100H M4 Am. 8. A R. pfd liD 112H 1UT lit Am. Sugar Refining 600 1 li 13! t Am. T. 4t T 4,it0 104 141 HZ Am. Tobacco ptd l.fH) 101 10044 100 American Woolen too l4 ts l Anacooua Mining Ce 1.400 4S 44 4SH Atchison M.400 13) 1.1 '4 11H Atchison pfd 14 Atlantic Coait Lin W0 1J4 111 1U Buklmor. Ohio ,7O0 111 111 111 Dal. A Ohio pfd M bathlaham Steal 4.000 14 It 16 Brooklyn Rapid Tr 17,X 7t 78 78 Canadian Parlflo .r. 6-XT Itt 1M 15 Central Leather 71.100 44 44 41 Central Leather pfd 1N 101 lot) loa Central of New Jersey 4l0 421 116 lit Chaaapeake Ohio 1I.0 M 12 19 Chicago Alton 1.100 70 9 W Chicago ureat Waatarn 1,100 1. 11 10 Chicago N. W ) 1M ll4 1K C. M. 4k Bt. P Ui.i'X) K4 140 1(1 C, C. C. & 8t. L 2"0 76 16 76 Colorado r. 1 1,700 45 45 Colorado A So 1U0 62 62 62 Colo. t go. lrt pfd, x-dlv ...... t Colo, a 80. id pfd, ai-UIr Tl CouaolliJiad Uaa 1.600 147 144 144 Cm Producta 1,M i.1 - tl J Dalawar A Hurt aoo 4.0V0 14 12 146 Panrer A Rio Oranda l.M) 47 41 41 I. R. O. pfd 100 44 14 M Ulitlllana' Securities 1'Hj - la 14 s n Krla U.60 M S6 M Krl. lat pfd l.aoo 63 61 61 Krla M pfd !' 4 41 41 Oanaral Electrtc fAH) 1M 1774 1014 Northern pfd 4.000 164 161 161 Oraat Northarn Or etfa.... 6,700 4 M 4 llllnola Central 1.40V 164 163 164 Imerborough Met 1,1m) 16 14 i4 4 Int. Mat. pfd 4,000 41 47 44 International Harveeur ... 1,400 S 6s Int. Marina pfd 4W M 22 12 International Paper 1,100 1 17 17 Intarnattonal Pump Too 4t 41 4S Iowa Cantral , Kanaaa Cltr 80 t.400 44 47 47 K. C. io. pfd 7M 7S 71 It Loulavllle N llj n 154 Minn. 81. L ) 61 61 62 M , 8t. P. A 8. g. M J44 144 144 Mumu.l Pacific 1,'K 71 M., K. A T U.luo 42 41 4 M , K. A T. pfd 74 National Blacult 1,600 111 110 111 National Lead 1.400 1 v i N. h. K. of M. 1st pfd.... U 61 61 68 N. R. R. of M. lit aid.... 00 till 68 tW New York .Central 17, to) lit lit 4a N. T., 0. A W 4.100 60 ' 44 44 J.orfo.a'A W North American Northern Paeifle Pa.lhc Mll Paiinaylvanta Paiile'a Gaa .,, P., C C. it. L. Prersrd eteel Car Pullman Palace Car.... K. Steel 8prlng.. H10I,;: hoou1 i.j 8tl Itviut'ic atari ptd . l,M0 4 14 Nt 700 61 It U . I!.l0 161 156 11 . 1.70) 16 24 14 . 11. 0 145 144 146 . 1,200 114 114 llt 100 10 ) Kl ISS) 61 60 60 114 . 1.1 JO 61 60 60 r70 111 Ht4 170 . ll.toO 41 41 41 4i 107 ltt 10: k RiK'k inland Co . . I.0 4(1 Mtt 1U'4 Koca ibiand to. pta 1.4 4) 77 , 7 it. L. at a. r. la pfd loo n k, 64 St. U.uia n w 401 :7 n 27 8t. L. 8. W. pfd 1.600 u t Sloss-ihcfhald 8. A I I.60O 0 S. lt Cuutharn raciflc 14. 70) ir lls ii Sim' hern Hallwar I, mo ll 1114 nv, 80. Haiiwar pfd 714 70 71 Trtneese l oppar 40 17 17 37 Irmii it Pac.tlc 1,7110 17 u t w T., t i.. A W 61 T., ot. L. A W. pfd M 7 Tl 11 l rscifl 71 IO 7 tA6 fxi Inlon paiiflc ild 4.00 110 114, iS l . s. 11. tr t.y m 1, B.-.s l. 8. Kul'ber 6KI 61 61 !t V. fe! 1M.700 14 I) fc lT. S. Blcel pfd i.cjA 1( ltt l;t, t un Copr, ei-dlv :oe 4ti 41 4m Va -Ciro. Chamlcal ) a4, Sl, " ! i' :t Wkaih pfl 1.3)) 61 4( 60 V'ta'wrn Mar) land I w 5 4 4. Wep!nghotiaa tlajtrl .... 1,1 JO 87 17 J w4tin Cninn 79 71 -s Uhaallug A L. B Wltroniln Central , " 54 Total aalra lor tha dir. 1.19 ,400 iharea. I.orai "ecorltles. Quotation furnished by Samuel Burns. Jr., tl4 New York Life Blag., Omaha: Bid Aikad. American Radiator Co., 7 m jjj Clir of Omaha'a, 1411 U' 104 Cudah Pat-klag Co at lil t olumoua Nb BlMtrlc Light 6a, '.U . M i ChiiasJ t ill Raliwar 6a lm juji Osaha Indapendant Talaphone 5a 10 tl 6..H a'.. Loula A Sub. it, Ml 1,144 juo Kansas City 8trot kallaajf ptd 61 til kanaia lit Railway euin 47U 4g Utrlilgaa i?tala Tla 6a aa iq Kabraaka Taiephona Slock. 1- ty liu Oiuaha Uai 6. 1417 a g Oinaba Electric Light A Pswei 6a, 16)1.. M li4 Uu.aria Eicitrlc Ught A Power pfd tl 64 Onuba A C. B. it. Rj. 6a. lilt 11 m jdi Omaha A C. B. it Rjr. 6a, IS4 51,14 i Uisaha A C B St. Ur. pfd , 1 H i.u Omha A C. U it. By 10m., 4' ,' 70 Omaba A C. B. Rr. A Ut lilge pfii , 4 . 1.1 i Omaha Wtr C. 6a. UK . ... WW Sail! and OBilnr tl Ii 4 t :in jj; giulh omaka S. r , lj M, smu cur Stuck Htnlt r.4 a g, lnloa Stork Yards, uauut, 1. ta. dlv. M 7 Trraiarr Vtatenieat. WASHI.VdTON. Spt. 17 -The condition of the treasury at the beginning of busi ness today was as fullows: Trust funds Gold coin. $sl 14S.86't- silver dollars. $4M.4.CjO; silver dollar of 1-ViO 407.0u0; iiver certivlcates uutstandttiB' $4.47ti.tJ0. General fund Standard ailver dollar in general fund, $o.&8.644. current, tluj,; working balance In treasury offices. $js -tut 1ft; In bank to credit of treasurer of United btates, $44,376,541; subsidiary stiver coin. $23.63t$l; minor coin, $1.T14 44J. Total oaiance in general fund. K4.4.M.J. REPORT Or TUB, CLEARING 1IOUSK Traaiartlaai ( tke aae-t-fated laakt for the Week. NEW TOK. Sept. 17. Uradatreet's bsnk clearings report tor the weea ending l?ep temher 16 aiiows at, aggregate of 4.I.4.U. 6.4. Ooo, as against 62. 424. 04. 000 laat week and $X6!si,l40.0no In the corresponding week last year. Following Is a list of the cities: CITIES. j Amount, j Inc. ' Dec. New York Chicago Ronton hhlladelphla rt. Louis I I'lttsburg , Kansas City tn Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Minneaixills New Orleans Cleveland Detroit Oir.aua Louisville Milwaukee Fort Worth I.os Angeles St. Paul Seattle Denver , liuffalo , Indianapolis Spokane, Wash. . . 1'rov Portland, ore , Richmond ,., Albany , Washington, D. C. St. Joseph , Salt Lake City Columbus Memphis , Atlanta Tacoma ..,$2.2;n.022.wn . e; ,. Itfu.tlb.oiHI, 14. 3 ,. l.V.ini.tiull 4.7, .. l;,714.ort.t 16. Si $S,.SM.IM lf..6 .. 7..t!U 1. ,. &l..!,tl) 22.0 ,. 4.H:';t,tH) 18.4! 2.'i,.Ui.oiiU! .s ,. 14.:t4S,t4X) 2.6 . i;i.l:.ui I U.K . .! li.H3l! 30.0' .. D.SUOHJ, 2a. 1; ,. 17.11!.iitt: 2.1. "1 , . 14, 48a, 000 17. 3 12,SD.I0 .0 , 4.81... 17.0 .. 26.1 ... 6.6;... S3.8,... s:.. W.2 ... .1... 87.21... 12.,... 14.4,... 6.4 1 00i 14.108.0001, ll.2fiS.OU0l 9.O!.000 .621,OtX) 8,47.0'I0 4.7U7,0H0 7.26,000! S.S.'l 0l 7.S47.0W 14 4 ... 6.14i.CKH' R 544.1 G.KMI.0U0 7.123.001)1 4 1 ks.b;.. 15.7.. 2.3J.. 23.0 .. ioi.i .. 25.5 .. 84.7 .. .2I.. 7.7.. .0.. 23.71.. 25.2.. ... 22.1 .. 26.0 .. 36.1 .. I. ').9 .. 25.4 .. 1.4 .. 20.21.. II. 9'.. 1.5 .. W.8.. 19.81.. S0.8.. 22.2 .. 22.4 .. 88. 4 .. 6.3 .. '4s! .. SI 8 .. 6,2:.cv4) 1 6:X.!00,000 5.81 5. fOO 2.6 I Savannah , 7.8!O.0iiO Toledo, O , Rochester , Hartford , Nashville I'es Moines I'eoria New Haven Sioux City Norfolk Grand Rapids Syracuse F.vansvllle Rlrmlngh'am Springfield, Mass. , Portland, Me Augusta, Ga Dayton Oakland, Cal Worcester Jacksonville, Fla... Wichita Wheeling, W. Va., Knoxvllle , Little Rock , Chattanooga , Charleston, 8. C..., Mobile Wilmington, Del..., Lincoln. Neb , Wllkesbarfe , Topeka , Davenport , Oklahoma , Fall River , Kalamazoo, Mich. 4.1,000 8.3i!. 000 J.siso.oio; 8. 435.0001 2:4.0"i 2.721."00j 2.,i:i4,0iinl;,oool 2.4a3.0HO' 2w'J).0"0 2.337.K) 2.0i5 iX), 2.16 ino 1.WH.0O0 2.447.0nO 1.070,000 2.215.000 1. W.ODOl 1.741,000 2. 70.OIX! I.ffi3.000 l.m.oooi l.37,O0O 1.4R3.0HO 2.01800O 1.2'i0.000 1.W7 .01)0 2. 441.000 1,433.0001 l.4? I.222 o 2.039,000' 1. 104.0001 1.200.000! 1.426,0001 l.Oftl.onoi R64.0OOI !M6.00 1.021.0001 1.212.0of! R!2.0tKl 1.222.0001 8.0 3.0' 21.8 22.6 20. 32.8 39.2 31.4'. 98.7f. IS. t. 1.T, 40.4 , 81. 2. 'ii'.k. 12.91, 73..l. 80.11, 73.51, sracramento Springfield, nt. Helena Fort Wayne Cedar Rapids. la. New Bedford ... Columbia, 8. C... Macon Youngstown Lexington Fargo. N. D Akron Roekford. 111. ... Krle. Pa Sioux Falls, R. Canton, O Qulncv, III 1 1.102.0001 1 Ml.fOOl 8.81 18.0 MS. 000 7RH 0001 32.000l 841 0001 8U OrtOI 7MJO0OI R66.0O01, R2R.0OOI m7.000 (! OOOI rvtj.nnoi R1R flnfli KOTOOOf twonoi 1"? ofwil 25 ftoni 444 onoi r) .0001 4 At onoi M W rVW ! 137 onoi 14.31... 24.81... 26. 81... 40.11... 14.81... ..I 6.41, 2.6 . Rloomlngton, 111. Lowell Ftnghamton Chester. Pa. South Bend, Decstur. Til. 8.91 15.11 67.71 a 6i 20 171 4 1' '17.81 I 33 .8 27.91 23.B' 4.81 Ind Pnrintrfleld, O. . 'Icksburg "Yemnnf. Neb. . Mansfield. O. ... Jacksonville. Til. ITackson. Miss. TTotiston tOslveston ...... Diiluth 10.91 I I 28.8 It !7 nooi . . Scranton 2 874 0001. .1. Not Included In totals because ontalnlna; other Items then clearing-". INot Included In totals because compari sons are Incomplete. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 17. MONEY On call firm at ZWZ per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at l per cent. SILVER Bar. 61c; Mexican dollars. 43a. PK1MU MERCANTILE PAPER 1 per cent. TIME LOANS Firm; sixty days, S?4 per cent; ninety days, 4 per cent; tix months, 4S per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 fc4i0jj( 4.8460 for sixty-day bills and at $4.t606 for demand; commercial bills, $4.83(i4.84. 1JOND8 Government, firm; railroads, heavy, Tlie following are the closing quotation on siocka and bonds: 11. 8. rat. 7m, rag 100 4. Int. Mat. H H'4 do coupon 10- Int. M. It. 4Ma 707 V. g. la, reg 1"1', Jrn 4a IT do coupon K a,i0 41,, as V. t. 4. rag 114t K C. So. lat la 7444 do coupon 117 L S. deb. 4a 1931 I4H Allla-Chal. lat 6a..... HI. A N. unl. 4a W "Am As. 6a 101 M., K. A T. lat 4e..l00 Am. T. A T. ev. 4a.. 104 do son. 4m I0H Am. Totauco 4a U'tMo. Parlfle 4 IIH da 4a 110 N. R. R. of 14. 4.. h Armour A Co. 4a.. DJ'i'N V. c. s. IHa I1V Atrhlaon in. 4a l'"4 do deb. 4 6 do ct. 4a Ill do dab. 4a M do c.6a Ill N. Y.. N. H. A H. At c. L. lat 4a... t ot. la 14 Dal. Ohio 4a HrtiWj N. W. in c. 4a.... sSVa do l ia KVj do cv. 4s )014 do S. W. IV,a yh No. Pacific 4a 101 Prk. Tr. e. 4a 17 do la 74 Can. ot (la. 6a 110 0. L. rf1f 4a 4t Tan. Laathar la l'OPenn. ot. a 1114... M O of N. i . 61....1.7 do eon. la ) Chas. A Ohio 4a. ...101 Paafllng (an. 4a 100 do rat. la 14lt L 1 I. r, Ii 4s. K rhlcaeo A A. IHa..., 7(4 do an. 6a f C. B. A Q. j. i.... 78t. L. S. W. a. 4a... 7 di) (en. 4a It do lit gold 4a H 0. at. P. la l7Seaooard A. L. 4a.. Iu C , R 1. A r. 0. 4a.. "to. Paclflo col. 4a.... M dn eol. la 41 do or. 4a 101 do rM 4a Ita do lrt rat. 4a 4 Colo. Ind. ia 11 Bo. Rallwar U .111 Colo Mid. 4 II do (an. 4a 11 C a 8 r. a. 4a. M inlon Pacific 4a 11 7. A H. ct. 4a 1 do ct. 4a US D. A P.. O. 4i 7 do 1st A ref. 4a ... fi do rf U soVjf. g. Kuhbor 6a 105 Dt'tlllera' la H, I. 8. Steal !d Ca 104 trl p. . 4a ID Va -Tiro. Cham. la.. ?t do san 4a 71 Vi'ubanh la la HI do i'T 4. aar. A 11 do lit A ei 4a 7SH du aariaa B 71 Wa.t. Mrl 4a . . Mt Gen. Kiac. ct. aa 1M Wrat. Biac. ct. 5a.... tv; IP. Can. lit ref. 4a.. ftWla. Central 4a. M Iloston Storks ana Bonds. BOSTON, Sept il per cult; tl 17. Money, csll loan s, 8H me loans,, 4V55 per ere: . . . HJ Arlmna Com ...ino Atlantic ..10 Putle ( oalltlun ... ...I"4V(.r:il. g Arliona.... ,..! Cnl. A H.ila . ..1 r'entannlal ...i:TU,t'otper Rana ..113 Inly .. l' Tranklln .. 04CianLy ... 47Oreene Canana .. ...10 1. K ova la ... l,Maa. Mlnlnx ...: Mirtiijan ,..124 Mnhawk ...141. Mont C. A V .. . Nsrada . .lut,OI,t Dominion ... 44 Caceuis ,. f.M Parrot ...147Quini . . . liiv shannon ... THTamara.'k ... HnTrlnliy . . .1114 f. S Mining ... 44 l- 8. Oil ... II t'tah. ai-di . . 4.1 V li-torl ...117 Winona ... 4W..harln ...14 Nlrth Butta cent. .. 45 .. .. f. .1H ,.T5 .. 42 .. 41 .. 14 .. 17 .. .. 1 4 .. I .. 10 .. 41 .. It .. 14 .. 54 ..147 .. 41 .. 40 .. II .. 71 .. lt .. 47 .. 14 .. 4.', .. 7 .. 51 lug quotations Alchiaon adj. 4a... do 4a Atrhlaon R. R do pfd Hi .Ion A Albany.. Hoitnn Mama... ttiieton Klerated .. Kltchbun pfd N. Y , S. H. AH I'r.lon Pacific Am. Area. Cham.. do fit Am. Pnau. uba.... Amer. Sugar as pfd Am. T. A T A mar. Wootaa do pfd Pom. 1 A 8 Fdlaon Bier. Illu I. mural ElertrlO .. Man. P.iai-trlc .... do pfd Data. Uaa Intted Fruit t'n'ted . M do pfd I 8 ttaal do pfd Advanlura AmHlgainstel Did. Jffarad. New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. Sept. 17.-Closlng quotations v. ere as follows: Alir 175 ladvilla Con I Piunawlok Con. .... 1 Littia t hief 4 lorn. Tunnat atoek... SB Mcxtran V dc bnnoe n Cmarto 2i) loa Cal A Va 130 (.,hlr lj Hra. 8ller 4o Hianlard 125 lrt.n Sllr 170 Velloe Jarkot 145 Offered. No ffcaag 1st Dlaa-ooot Rate. BERLIN. Kept. IT. The discount rate of the Imperial bank of Uermany remained unchanged today. The committee discuafced the subject today and decided an advanco aaa not neoeaMHary. Peters Trust Company Main Floor N. Y. Life Building Pay 5 Per Cent Interest through their First Mortgage Farm Loan Bonds, which can be had in amounts of from $500.00 up. LOAHS Sept. 15,1908,$ 0,585,150.00 LOANS Sept. 15,1909, 11,108,647.00 Gain. 34 Per Cont. This growth tells its own story. .The largest TRUST COMPANY in Nebraska Open 9 A. M. till 5 P. M. We accept Trusts of every description. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Eun of Cattle, with Price, Gen erally Steady. HOGS STRONG TO FIVE HIGHER Very Few Sheep or I.amba of AT Kind Here Friday " Prices Ohow No Change Compared with Thursday. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., Sept. it, 1909. Rectip, were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oftlcial Monday ll.UT' 1..0H !U.7t4 Oft'iclal Tueaday 6.814 4.7tU te.vO-' Official Wednesday t.tii i.M ii.m Official Thursday 7.8 3.U42 la, 709 Estimate Friday 1.6U0 1.UUU i Five days this week..4.24H lQ.UW K.112 Same days last week....2.Hri6 tuSi ti.VA Same daya weeks ago.2i,7& 3U.7L4 78.3HA Same daya t weeks at50.:to,l75 u.4t0 57, Hants daya 4 week afo.ZS.t'to Xj,374 , 52.512 Same days last year.... 40, 401 20,047 87.527 The following table shows, uie receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South omana for the year lo date, compared with laut year: 1909. litug. Inc. Dec. Cattle K2.26 6t8 163 24.1U8 Hogs U63.7W 1.886,isil 124,245 Sheep 1.1S8.269 l.iS4,2 t7.975 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha tor the last several days with comparisons: Date. 1909. ldOt.19U7.190ti.l0G.lS04.!lul. Sept. bepU Sept. Sept. bipu Sept. ht-pt. bept. Sept. Srpt. Sept. ... 7... I. . ... 10.. II. . 11.. 16. 14.. Id.. lb., 17.. I 81 f 1 8 fi 4 I ft 69, 6 82j t 8 t b3 4 Oti 6 4 8 7lJ ft 68 , o 8o, G S) 6 s. 6 Jv tj 6 0j 80 6 84 1 6 7t fi S I 90 I i S3j 6 87 6 90i 8 tM 6 03l 6 0J I 6 11 6 t7 la 6 80 6 8h ' I 6 361 I 4 8 ut t 14 b 14 ft 2&I 6 44 ft a0 6 61 T-M I 7 hi 7 7V1 7 Jifci 7 93 : 7 9?l 04; 8 0tt, ft 44; 8 w ft 61 5 64 ft 54 ft fill ft bs ft 67 ft fMI 6 6i 6 t ft i fi til 5 lit 'Sunday. ltL-ceipt and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, bo'itlt Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hour tnuing at i o'clook p. in., September 17: RECEIPTS-CARS. Cattle. Hog.-,. Sheep. H'r's. Cat tle.Hogs. Sheep. C, M. & St. P. Ry 4 waDaBh R. R 1 i Missouri Pacific 4 .. Union Pacific 4 9 8 C. 41 N. VV., East 13.. C. dt N. W., West 18 S C, S, P., M. & O ft C, 11. & W., East t C, H. Ac y., West In t C, R. 1. & P., East 1 1 C. R. 1. oc P., West..., 7 Illinois Central 1 C, O. W 1 Total receipts 70 4ti 8 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle, iiogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Ml 4.70 7m Swift 4k Co .76 yuO ti Cuoahy Packing Co toi tlo Armour dc Co 021 bcnwaiis-Rolen Co 153 St. louis itiU. Pack. Co tvi Sch'iaxiiiid 6c Suisbei'ger.,100 Oiitana trrom Kan. Cny 86 W. B. Vansant Co 38 Sitphen Bros 70 Hill at Son 60 F. U. Lewis 2,3 Huston 4k Co 10 J. U. Root & Co 113 J. H. Bulla 2 JU. K. Huss to 1. Wolf 129 McCreary A Carey.. 3a8 , Sullivan Bros 47 Lee Rothschild 7 Chne 4c Christy 17 Smith A Pauisey it Other buyers 694 1,311 Total 4.679 .li 3.6t3 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very light this morning, only stxiy-swven cara being reported In, which was not enough tu make much ut a market. VN few beef steers there were on sale commanded about steady prices with yes terday. Good choloei btef sleets ate gen eially counted 163sV higher than a week ago, with common kinds, of which there hus been an oversupply, only about steady. Cows and heifers, while not particularly active, were generally steady with yester day, which means lmi'LSo higher than a week ago on the best giadts and canners. 1 he medium kinds did not show much Im provement. '1 here were only a few feeders here and tiny sold in about the same notches aa tnn'iiUy, or around 10c higher than a wei k ugo for the better kinds. Common light cattle have not shown much change. wui inuii on cattle: Good 10 choice cornfid steers, f7taBij, fair to good cornfed steal , e. tOj 7 .UO; common to fair coinfed steers, 84 7t.u8.40; good to choioe range steers, to.20ij 00; fair to good rangs steers, M.usu&'M; common to fair raima steers, t3.76a4.J; good to chotc cornfed cows and heifers, 14.006.00; fair to goo.l cornfed cows and hatfsrs. HOoiUOO. com mon to fair cornfed cows and heifer. 0h1o0; ood to choice range cows and belter, 83.7604 50; fair to good range cows and helfera, 83.00ig3.75: common to fair range cow and heifers, $2 afcyS.OO; good to choice atockara and feeder, f GO'ipa 60; fair to good Blockers and feeders, ixSoii 34 20; common lo fair stockers and feeders, taoi-itlW); stoock heifers, Ii.6vu4.50; veal culves. 13.UC60, tulla, stags, etc., ttbDit 4.60. Representative sales: WESTFRNS NEBRASKA. 10 feeders.. 1041 4 30 10 cows 9J7 ft cows 12 S SO Is cows V'2 4 cows 10,3 4 iO 24 Cows M 2i hi tiers... 767 3 30 13 calves... 176 10 calvt-s... t t 50 6 sn-ers.... i44 a hdfers... 41 3 ( 8 talvrs... 178 4 cows 976 1 15 17 steers. ... 8 S 8 sieets.... s8 3 7ft ft steers.... 738 C. C. Outhouse Neb. ft cows 911 t "5 13 steers.... 876 J. Urubaker Neb. IS steers.. ..1028 4 40 3 heifers... 6M A. Bowerlng Neb. it enws 9M 3 60 4 cows 1073 6 heifers... "II 3 23 30 heifers... atw ft heifers... 6t3 3 50 W. O. Sammons Neb. It cows 724 3 4o 8 cows HM 11 cows Ki'O 3 10 23 cows .... i cows 1017 3 60 13 heifers... 60O 1 80 3 10 2 (0 3 00 3 65 3 00 3 7.1 t 80 10 40 3 00 SOj t75 3 r, 1 i) R. H. Oltman Neb. I cows 1113 3 10 4 cows 987 I 7t 17 steers.... 4 4 10 Thomss Ernest Neb. IS steers. ...I11M) 4 40 William Cooper Neb 13 83 4 26 .18 steers.. ..10r 4 35 8 cows 971 3 10 31 cows 987 3 36 Shandera F. Neb. t cows N !MI I cows 1080 I 76 11 steers.... 804 3 80 J. A. Yorgan Neb. 127 feed its. f.17 4 55 66 cows 910 t 40 24 cows 910 I 35 J. I). Byler-Neb. cows vS 3 25 4 calves... 940 4 00 8 cows I60 2 S6 M. Zimmerman Neb. 19 cows 970 3 50 6 feeders.. 318 4 26 H. H. Miller-Neb. 14 feeders.. 1121 4 10 4 steers.. ..1090 8 20 ft cows 63 3 20 W. J. Bloom Neb. a calves... 232 6 75 7 calves... 1110 4 60 8 cows 1070 8 60 1 cow 760 t 00 R. W'hltaket Wyo. 4 cows H2 2 70 3 cows 972 3 60 U steer.... 761 4 60 7 steers. ...1084 4 80 B. J. Mclntosh-Wyo. 28 cowa 941 3 75 39 cows 888 8 16 1 calf m 6 00 3 steers. ...1110 4 eft E. Jammerman Wy. 8 cows 933 3 60 3 bulls 1340 t 10 9 COWS 900 3 60 1 bull 1300 8 10 T. S. Mills Wyo. 8 cow 1083 3 20 4 cows 1062 2 M 6 cows 1076 4 2ft 24 steers. ...1220 6 So Diamond Cattle Co. Wyo. 71 cows 964 3 85 James Stubbs Wyo. 19 calves... 431 4 85 8 calve... 8!3 8 76 D calves... 200 6 00 26 cow 1020 4 00 19 cows 980 8 00 24 cows 1068 4 13 John Nolan Wyo. 14 cows 970 3 65 4 cows 1063 1 90 Laird & W.-S. D. 20 steers. ...1180 4 45 F. Stapleton 8. D. 40 steers.... 91S 4 10 2 bulls 1240 2 13 Ed Brown S. D. 9 steers. ...1073 4 60 88 feeders.. 985 6 05 S3 feeders.. 875 4 80 6 cows 1010 4 00 Tom Welsh-S. 1. 13 cows 947 3 40 9 heifers... 683 4 lrt 3 heifers... 848 4 15 4 rows 1026 6 15 23 steers.. ..112S 6 15 6 steers. ... 873 4 10 HOUS Receipts of hog were very light again this morning, only forty-two cars being reported In. The market was a llttU stronger, prices ranging anywhere from steady to be higher than yesterday. This means that the hogs sold largely at $s.06 68.15 and on up as high as 13.26 for the best loads here. With so few hogs on sale, everything was cleaned up early In the morning. The advance made in prices during the last few days has carried the market well up, but still It Is a little lower than the high time In 1893, when hogs on February 17 sold at an average of I&.19. Representative sales: No. Av. ah. Pr. Na. At. 8h. Pr. 03 l.M .,. . 1 ',6 U 110 H I 8 10 41 144 10 1 T7 144 8 I 40 2M 44 7 45 i2 . ... 8 10 r in ... 4 ,0 . 4C 1H 40 4 10 is its m 8 oo t :i ... t io 41 .66 40 8 00 (1 Hb 40 4 10 40 143 104 4 0V 74 146 ... til 46 !7 ... 8 46 44 iH 40 4 Its 44 m ... 8 05 41 12 44 4 12 if il 184 4 Of 13 X74 40 4 16 ill til ... 8 04 7T ... 3 14 aa ...21 ... 4 05 14 3"4 1)0 4 Ii 44 ei 40 3 06 t 414 ... 6 14 74 1JJ ) t U7H 71 I 40 4 16 77 Hi 40 07S Tt 114 SO 4 14 74 Ml 120 4 071, Ii tl'l 1M 8 16 77 il4 0 8 14 74 Ill ... 6 17 H 45 247 ... 4 10 101 171 ... 4 M 75 44 ... 4 10 17 m ... t 16 74 Ut 140 4 10 ti ,74 ... t 16 M 1(7 ISO I 10 41 14 ... t 15 48 8.4 ... 8 10 1 lit ... 4 31 64 Z ... 4 10 SHEEP Receipts of sheep were very light this morning, there not being enough 10 really mak a market, but what there were commanded about steady prices. While receipts this week have been very heavy, the market as a whole has been In a good healthy condition. Packers have been ,jood buyers of all desirable killer and while the market Showed some weak ness, especially on fat lambs on Tuesday and early Wednesday, still e strength developed yesterday made up for the loss and today values are about where they were a week ago. Feeding sheep and lambs have been free sellers ail the week, the demand being sufucient to clean up supplies practically as fust as they came In, so that very lit tle was carried over from day to day. Prices were a little lower on Tueaday and Wednesday, but the loa waa all recovered Wednesday afternoon and yesterday, so that the market Is steady with a week ago. Quotations on fat sheep and lambs: UooJ to choice lambs, 3o.X'7.2:,j fair to good lambs, SO. 75 V few; good to light yearlings, 36.15Uv.40; good to light yearlings, ftu.uyjj 87.2i; good lo choice wethers, 64.4u4.t6; fan to good weiheis, 84,364(4. 40; good lo choice ewes, 84.40i44.60; fair lo good ewes, 44.1M41 140. (Quotations on feeder stock: Cuod to choice lambs, $b. lfw no; (air to got lambs, ftO.60tfti.16; Hk hi yearlings, 86.0tKrio.26; heavy, yeaiiuiga. i.i6iy6 ou; old weuiern. .H-UWui 4.40; good to choice ewes, 8;t.27uX7f breed ing ewes, jKi.7tAu6.6u; yearling breeding ewes, !. 60230. 00. Representative Bales: No. Av. Pr. 446 Wyoming lambs, feeders '2 6 8ft 343 Wyoming lambs, feeders 67 V iii 2b& Wyoming lambs, feeders 61 6 10 . it) Nevada yearlings 92 ft 2S ins Nevada ewes 96 4 60 223 Nevada lambs, feeders 60 i 2j M Nevada lambs, feeders 67 6 26 721 Nevada lambs 03 1 00 70 Nevada lambs 73 8 76 2si Wyoming ewes loo 40 29 Wyoming ewes, feeders 92 3 36 361 Wyoming iambs, feeders 6ft 6 37 K6 Wyoming yearlings, feeder.. 70 ft 1ft 324 Wyoming lambs, feedets 60 (30 318 Wyoming lambs, feeders 4s i 10 846 Wyoming ewes, feeders 80 8 00 DO Wyoming yearlings, feeder.. 70 4 76 47 Wyoming ewes, culls..'. 77 I 75 '44 Wyoming lambs, culls 38 4 60 It. Joaeph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, Sept. 17. CATTLE Re ceipt, 1,600 head; market ateady; steer, 34.&G2i7.0t; cow and heifers, 2.6o(y6.oO; calves. 33OU4;7.60. HOUS Receipt. 4,000 head; market steady; top, 8.35; bulk of sale. 88.064jvIi.3j. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.0u0 head; market steady; lambs, $4 6t'tj7.60. lasts City Lira Stock Market. BIOUX CITY. Sept. 17-(8j,eclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelpta, 40V head; steady; beeves, 4.00-u7.75; cows, 8300&4.26; feeders, 34.0OU6.60; yearlings, 33. (44 4 00. HOGS Receipts. I.6U0 head; market steady; range of prlcea, t7.8oa3.10; bulk of ale, 87.9O4U8 00. Ktsaaa Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Bept. 17 CATTLE Re ceipt, 8 UO0 head. Including l,6oy head s-vaherns: market ateady; for cows strong; choice export and dressed beet steers, ftu.ftvij 8.25: fair to good, 34.5WM.25; western steers, 83.904fii7.6O; stockers "and feeders, 33.00 t60; aouthern cows, 32.25ivf4.O0; native cows. 32 2614.60: native h'-lfers. 83.2.Vu4.00; bulls, 82.75413 50; calves, 160n 5 (X). HOGS-Recelpts, 7.000 heart; market steirtr to 5c higher; top. 38 35; bulk of stiles. 87 5 tiS.25; heavy, 88.10fa8.S5; packers and butch ers. $7.9038.36; light, 37.76BS.15; pigs, K2, TJi NltEEP AND LAMBB-Recelpts, 2 000 head: market steady to 10c higher: lambs, 9o.Tbtffl.4H; yearlings, 35.0iij5.40; wethers. $4.25(05.16; ewes, ftt.OOitt.OO; stockers and feeders. 83.0ftii6.25. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Cattle and Sheep Steady, Hogs Five to Tent Cents Lower. CHIOAOO. Sept. 17.-CATTLE-Recelpts, estimated at 2.000 head; market steady; steers, 36.8Mi8.60; cows, ;!.W'i5 26; heifers, 83.5OiJf4S.00; bulls. $3.00i4.iv; cmIvh. 63.0Uii 9.00; stockers and feeders, I3.75W5 23. HOQS Receipts, estimated at 12,000 head: market 6(&10o lower: choice heavy, ftSf .il 8 46; butchers, 38 30$ 46; light mixed.. ISM ii 26; choice light. $H.S0'yX.4; pncklnu. 87 K.7 tiKDO; pigs, iri.264j7.70; bulk of sales, tW.lOJ) 8.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, esti mated at 10,000 head; market steady; sheep, 14 26(h.25; iambs, l6.76iit 7.A0; yearlings, 86.U0 tju.60. St. Loots Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 17-CATTLE-ReCelpts, 3,500 head, Including 2,200 head Texans; market steady; native shipping and ex port steers, Jii.50fl7.75; dresed beef and butcher steers, 86.4O416.6O; steers under 10 0 lbs., 84.00i.26; stockers and fodcrs, 3. &m0 6 00; cows and heifers. S3.3 Jt.T.; cannms, $2 40Sf2.75; bulls, I.I.OOfij 1.25; catvi-. $...ijit) 8.00; Texas and Indian sleet s. 9.J.(t1 i.5 1; cows and heifers, 42.4uti4.50. ' HOGS-Recelpts, 4,4.0 held; market steady; pigs and lights, (6 0Kt,4.iO; packets.; butchers and best heavy, 8.80a 8.60. SHEEP AND LAMnS-Rceelpts, 1 m head; market strong; native muttons, $3.76 Cj6.tib; lambs, 8'i6u7.50; culls and bucks, 83.5O04 60; Blockers. $3.001 3.76. Stock In Sight. pal western markets yes.eiday weic: Cattle.Hng.4. Sheep. South Omaha l.too 3 ouo 7,,o Sioux City 400 1.50J St. Joseph l,t4) l.tnnl 4.0 1 Kansas City 8 uoo 7 ooj 2.0) St. Louis 8.61K) 4.44) 1.60) Chicago 2 000 12 0JO MOJO Total 12.100 31. WO 18.60J Metal Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 17. M ETAI.S The tin market waa firm and higher to day. Spot and all deliveries up to the end of December closed at $M. 2oj 30.40. Tha London market closed steady, with ifp'H Quoted at 1138 3s 6d and futures at fl3 3d 6d. The market for standard copper was steady. The London market was Quiet and unchanged at 68 17s 6d for spot and 59 13s 9d for futures. Local dealers uuota Iake copper at 13 07f 13 2a; electrolytic at fl2.76a13.O0, and casting at 312 634(13.87. Lead was quiet and unchanged, with spot quoted at 34.30tj4.S74 New York, and at 34.20(14.25 East St. Louis delivery. The London market was unchanged at til 12s 8d. Spelter was quiet, with spot quoted at 8S.7it6.76 New York, and 85 56'j.62 4 East Si. Louis. The London market was unchanged at 123. Iron was unchanged at 61s 44d for Cleveland warrants In Lon don. The local market continues firm. No. 1 foundry northern, 18.70iij 19 00; No. I, IIK.50&19.00; No. 1 southern soft, )l.2t(i 18.75. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 17. METALS Lead, firm at 44.37 Spelter, firm at u.tt2S. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 17. COTTON Futlre opened steady; October. lZ42o; December, 12.48c; January, 12.43c; March, 12.47c; Ma, 12.62c; July, 12.610, offered. Futures closed steady; September, 11.60c ; October. 13.51c; November, 12 60c; Decem ber, 12.61c; January, 12.68c: February, 12 B7o; March, 12.63c; April, 13.63c; May, 12.67c July, 12.65c. Spot cloatd quiet. 10 points lower; mid dling uplands, 13.70c; middling gulf, 13.46c; salts, bWt bales. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 17. COTTON-Steady ; middling. 13 11-16C. Sales, none; re ceipts, none; shipments, 61 bales; In stock, 10,160 bales. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 17.-COFFEE-Mar-ket for coffee futures was featureless to day, opening quiet at unchanged prices and closing dull, net unchanged to 6 points lower under a little selling In the at) sence of prompt demand. Sales were re ported of 1 600 bags. Including December, at ( 46c; March, 6.50c; and May, 6 B-V. Havre was net, unchanged. Spot, quiet; Rto, No. 7. 7c; Santo, No. 4, SV4tt9c. Mild quiet, Cordova. 8Vu 12c. Oil and Hoala. OIL CITY, Pa.. Sept. 17.-OIL Credit balances. 91.5S; run. 1.7H.4T7 this.; average, 137,216 bbls.; shipments, 179,026 bbls.; aver age, 191.00. SAVANNAH. Geo., Bept. 17-OIL-Splrltl turpentine, firm; tVIc. HOSIN-Flrm; B. 13 80; D, 33 70; E, 34 05; F, 34.26; O, 84 30; H. 14.36; I, 84.6S; K, 6S.20; M, 86.40; N, 85.75: W O, 90.60; W W, 8j.W. car anal Molasaes. NEW TORK. Bept. 17.-f4IXIAR-Raw, firm; fair refining, 171c; centrifugal. M test, 4 lie; molasses sugar, 3.4'",c. Refined, Steady; crushed, 5.85c; powdered, i.'&c; granulated, ft 16c. NEGROES TURN TABLES ON WHITES AT TAFT, OKLAHOMA Warn Then to Leave and on Hefasal tore of One of Them la Dynamited. MUSKOGEE. Ok).. Sept. 17.-Placardlng the neighborhood with warnings that un less tha three white men who located In tha strictly negro town of Taft, Okl., last week, left town immediately, death would be their punishment, negroes laat night dynamited the store of on of tha whites at that town. Tha building was partially demolished. The dynamiting followed a warning posted laat week urging the whites to leave. The white merchant declare they will remain. Further trouble la expected.