- THE HKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEITEMRER 17, m. 11 PERSONAL (Continued) M VdNFTIP treatment. Mm "mil n oor A HOME for romtn Ourlnf confinement V find horn tor bablra where mother cannot ore for them. Babies boards For term. address Mrs. Martha A. U. ti Pantrott St., Omaha. Neb. Phone Doug la li!l. THINK this over 10 Suit at 11 VOM.MKR'b, 107 8 !th. MRS. RITTENHOCK, graduate of the Weltmer Institute of Nevada. Mo., treats rheumatism, constipation. paralsls, lum bago and all chronic diseases; electric, mil ca and baths. Hootn Ma, 4th floor Bos ton Store Bldg ; elevator entrance lv aV Join St., -.tairwa on Douglas alt. MRS. AMES of Washington, D. C, mani curing ana muuff. i,u Capitol Ave. THE SALVATION ARliT solicit, cutoff clothing. In.facL apy.thir.,1 you At not need. We collect. reixUi and ai at 114 N. nth ft., for coal of collection to tli worthy poor. Call pliote Dougla 41.2 and wagon wili call. DR. ROGERS, private confinement bum lis Maxima St. -Yet Deua-tn S0 HOT-EN -TOT Twins, the. Hot S-ntlon, are coming soon. Walt. Watch. Listen. They are (rest. MAGNETIC Treatments! Einmerlln lirott, tail 8. lath St. Doug. $14. ANYONE knowing; the present where, about of Jai.ies O. bailard. who resided In Douglas county In lit:, or any of his relatives, will plewsa , communicate win H tn. care Omaha Ilea. Omaha, Neb. WB WILL, call for. clean and adjus; jour phonograph for 11.60. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. I'lionea Doug. !&. A-lwil Cor ltn and Harnev. Private confinement home. Mm. Dr. King Li''4 N. 24th Tel.. Web. tut, lad. B-lioi. OMAHA Stammerers Ins.. Rwrnge BIO WHERE do you have your PHEHCRIP TIONB FILLED? At.h your DOCTOR If he has confidence In Si'lUEKKK ii. He knows ha can depend on our goods and w want you to take advantage of our PRICES and ftRVlCE. We CALL for and DELIVER prescrip tions without extra charge. THAT S KA1R. VT(3S ""d toupee for men. GRIFFITH, ",Ul3 U and 14 Frenser Bit. LADIES wishing to obtain tha latest dress cutting system. Learn cutting. Cat! 311 No 2Mb St. 'Phone. Douaiaa lull. PRINTING PHONE -IND. ' A for good printing Lyngstadt Printing Co., Uih at Capitol Avs. HOLLAND Printing Co.. il 8. lTUt St. HTATT St' LONOACRE. PRINTERS. 17(a) Leavenworth Ml Tel. Dong. SbtJ. REAL ESTATE REAL BITATU D8ALERI, REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 14; prompt ervlce; get our . prie'ea. niO Farnaia Su OANGE8TAD. 404 B Bldg. Tel. D. tW. PATNE INV..CO.. flrwt floor N. T. Ufa. BENJAMIN R E. CO.; 47T Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE? TITLE-TRUST CO. -HAS. K. WILLIAMSON. President. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE LOTS OF-ROOM fttjt.X I. - .1 .. J!, f ll will injure i iu iiiii. . v viipi uil wi - ner. lot, with nearly aj aors of ground, an -room strictly modern iiome,,. cemented cellar, laundry scrrice; location the beet, only two squares north of tha Karnam car at 17 th. Sl.T-4'.u0v.,ITeims. Will sell house with only 98-ft, Ipc for lass money. Ask us. O'KEEFE real estate CO. 1001 K. Y. Life. Doug, or A-21U 7 OWNKlt WANTS AN OFFER on the two find lots and seven cottages, located on the northeast earner of t4th and K streets, South Omaha. I JO on 24th by 1M) on K St.; room for a fine brUk flat: high school In rrar. This is one of the best in vestments In either of the two cttles, as It Is bound to become bunlneha property In the near futuK. Owner mum, pell; best offer get. It; look at it today and sea us quick. 1'KAN-AMIIEN K CO.. ' KX-KA N. Y. Life, Hole Agents. 11IO bargain if sold at onca. 8-room modern house, fion. and bnek Htairs. f re place and hardwood mantels In front and back parlors; lartte whade Trees, full lot. Tel. owner. Harney 4241. Fine Field Club . Home We- are authorised to offer 'for trade, a fine l-rootu, thoroughly modern houxe; has large living room, hot water hnat, acreened In porch, etc.; hit f2 ftet front; paved tre. with pavina: paid. Only one block to Field club. Very choice. Owner wants good land. . Price I&000. ; W..L Selby, 4 Hoard of Trade Bldg. ' CLOSE-IN HOME . : . . EASY TERMS ' . Xw. Tnodera ho ma, f rooms, finish, near 80th end Dewey Ava. Be us about this. R. H. Lahderyou, 41 board of Trad.' . Tel.: Douglas H51. Sixth Prize Story JAMIE'S GARDEN THE RE SULT OF A BEE WANT AD By M. Myrtle Jensen, SM9 I sard sreet, Omaha. Father Is J. N. Jensen. Passed iniv .WHiui to of A eliMtr M aool Teuchtr was Miss Hopper. Aged U Teara. ANYBODY" Either sex, can make $4 dailv all vear raising mushrooms for hute.s and restauranu with my spawn In cells a sheds, boxes, etc. ' Free tllueiratd Ins ruc tion booklet. West .New Vork. "Uood-bye. Jamie', I'll "be home early to day, lUm,.' Hald Mrs. Cllfol'li. f...' opened the door, preparatory to g lng out to acaf, which aba did dally. Four years before, when be was a merr, rosy-cheeked boy, he had been cripple 1 In an accident- lnca then he had never been able to walk without a crutch. His father died shortly afterward and then followed many miaforrunea, after whi.h they war reduced to poverty. Now they lived In a small, porly furniahed room on tha third story of an old building. Mrs. Clifford had been gone only a short while when the landlady tapped o.i the door. Sti had brought a picture bookf jr Jamaa to look at during the long day. and some peppermints wrapped In a nepap?r. Oh, tliank you. very much. Mrs. Town ley,' Ua exclaimed. As he was taking bis prppermiuu bi yook up the piece of paper a fragment of Fan Omaha. K and saw tha above ad. Wir," he muaed, "lira. Townley never uata beg' attic, i'nt aura sha g let ma have 'Tins' STORY WON A HANDSOME PRIZE LAST WEEK. , REAL ESTATE . t'TT rkUPKRI run I tLR. , (Continued 1 HANSCOM PLACE BARGAIN THE BEST PLACE FOR TILE MONEY IN OMAHA OWNER LEFT CITY AND WILL SELL AT ONCE FOR BEST OFFER. FRICi: $3,000.00, ONE-FIFTH CASH 1302 Georgia Avenue (Southwest corner Georgia nvenue and Poppleton.) This house U located on a large corner lot, 50x140 feet, ea9t front. It has 8 large rooms, with splendid high ceilings, well built and in first class condition, all modern plumbing. "Well papered and painted throughout. Porch in front and around the side of the house, plenty of room in the rear of lot to build two more houses, or a brick block, splendid large elm trees. Only one block to ear line, convenient to both, school and church in fact, the very best location in the park district. Both streets paved and paving paid for. The lot, if vacant, would readily Bell for $3,000. to $3,500. The house could not be built for less" than we are asking for the whole place. If you want a bargain, let us show you through this house, as owner has left city and his family wish to follow at one. The property will 6tand a loan of $4,000, so that $1,000 cash is all you need. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney Street. TRACKAGE PROPERTY FOR TRADE Equity In trackage property to trad for cottage of tlx or seven rooms la good location. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 490 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 7 Rooms, $3,500 All modern. In Field Club district. Harrison & Morton 1317 So. 35th Are. This Is a splendid 8-room house, built for a home. Has vestibule entrance, fine re ception hall, large living room with fire place, pleasant dining room and kitchen and pantries, all finished In quarter sawed oak. Upstairs has 4 bedroom and bath. Also fine screened In sleeping porch In rear. Large attlo. Cellar, under entire house. Cistern water In kitchen and laun dry. Good lot, on paved street. Only one block from Field club. If interested, call on E. W. Htoltenberg at tha house, or Harney 3416. 5 Acres at i0 per sore. 4Sth and Ogrien. Convenient to Ames Ave. car line. W. H. GATES. , , 617 N. T. Life. Phona. Ioug.aIJ94, .$2,500 Tor a new five-room modern cottage,' corner ioi; eouin rront. one Dioca irom Ames Ava.; SO0 cash will iiandl It. VACANT. . . , Lot 60x132. south front, cement walks, sewer and gas In the street, only two blocks from Ames Ave. Owner muct sell. J. W. RASP. CO. i-n Brandels Bldg. Doug. ll A KC1 FAKMEHS. LOOK HERE! SARPY COUNTY HARUAlNb. NEAR ( ORETNA. 10 aorea, well improved, miles of town, nearly level, very choice, at M0 par acre; terms. 0 acres. M4 miles of good town, nearly level, in high state of cultivation, 90 acre native hay. I acres alfalfa; no Improve menu; nlose to school end church; a snap . . . - . . . i eoi.pv pvr acre, nair oasn, uaiarioe lerms. HO acres. Joining above, has a0 worth good improvements, at 1130 per aore. DO acres, Vi-mlle of good town; ail In cul tivation; tenants' building; this Is flue; iiii-e, nw per acre; terma. SO acres, 7 miles from town; all good land. 70 acres In ctod; small set Imorava- menta, and a bargain at J7i per acre; half cash. 40 acraa, 6 miles from town; ffi acres In cultivation; all good soil and vary cheap v r.w( terms. Ntilrt PAPILLION 146 acres, 1 mile from town: all tha heat of soil; at I'.ii per acre; f3.0u0 cash, balance ai s per cent. ISO acres. 2 miles west of Pspllllon; well Improved, all good soil, at 1130 par gcra, and a bargain at that. Ut acres, bottom land, t miles of Kninh Omaha; all good land, at 76 per acre; this is very cheap. We also have two forties located near Papilllon, at 112$ and II per acre. Tha above are all good farms and worth the money. We want to aell tbem. If you ate In the market for good farma coma and aee them. Ion't wrtte, but come w will show them any day. I E AN-ANDREWS CO.. 2-3i N. Y. Ufa, Omaha. . FOR quick icti'rns. !r your real estate 'or sale and exchange with me. uo sale no pay. W. V. Mitchell. Board. t Trade Bldg.. Omaha Neb. REAL tlva onea, tit for $J0 Sulla. Voll mer'a, 107 8. 16th. it for planting And, eh! If I could only earn some money for mother! I must tell Mrs. Townley. for I'm aura she'll help ma. "But money! . "Oh. I know," ha said aloud. "Tha day that gentleman was here he gave ma a big coin. That must be enough." When Mrs. Townley came up with hla lunch of plain bread and butier, he told her aftout hla plana. She readily agreed to help htm. and that afternoon mailed a letter asking for the booklet. A week afterward Jamie's garden was started. That was hts greatest delight. All the little boya In the neighborhood, with whom ha waa a great favorite, would take turna selling tha mushrooma. "Jamie, you seem to be so much healthier." said his met her. he was not In the secret about the gar den, which seemed to Inspire new life Into him. On her birthday Jarale gave bis mothari ail the money he had accumulated. "Oh, Jamie," ahe aald, "how did you get It?" Then Jamie told her tha whole atory. "Oh. Jamie, my love, you are a little renlua. Now we ran let the nice east parlor which Mrs. Townley haa for rant. And you ahall have some new clothes. I must thank you so much." "No. mother, I'm not a genius. It waa that Bee want ad that started It all and Mrs. Townley helped ma. That ad waa )uet splendid. Don't you think ao?" - "I heartily ajfree wltb you. Jamie." aha answered, sincerely. REAL ESI ATE UTT PHIirKHTV Fni IALII fr.nt'nti 1 Conservative Building. BRAND NEW COTTAGE Under construction at 1817 I.alrd Rt. Will be complewd about November 1. This cot tage has five rooiiw, ba h and vesi bul, window seat In d.nlng loom, h op panny and entry for refrigerator off k.ichei., sple'idid interior arrangement; thoroughly built throughout Two rooms could be fln- Intied upstalis; neighborhood good. If In terested In buying an up-to-date, modern home, ask to see this. Csn sell on reason able terms. Price, Including furnace, $2,&d0; witnout furnace, n.ioo. SH 1MKK CHASE COMPANY tot 8. 17th St. Both Phones. HOUSF8 In all psrts of tha city. If you are looking for a home or Investment aee us. K M. ray ,t tiro., olO Bee Blda-. Ioug. 3407. I HAVE a nice 6-roorrt house, all modern, hot water heat, at MM S. 3tth Ava., that I would like to rent or aell. Phona owner. Harney 1824, for terms. IMPROVED ACRE TRACTS IN FLORENCE 14,200 for 8 acres, all under cultivation. only 7 minutes' walk from end of car line. Improved with a good sited barn, nearly new chicken house, fine well of water and a 5-room houee. Young fruit of different varieties Soil is a rich, black leaf mould. Electric llarht In street. High t class . Improvements beyond ' It. Price Mhclhdes tM year4 "'dr-bp' If fold Immediately. Owner anxious to sen. as he . 1.1 goijlg to California. TM l your opportunity to buy an acre tract at a low price ' where land values are stesd . 11" Itjcreasing .and acre tracts unimproved are selling' for . . J0 an acre beyond it. Near stores, schools, churches. ' car line, etc; reasonat le terms. Could be cut Into smaller Iraoia. if deal red. Investigate at once. $S.2O0 for 10 acres on paved street, facing east; only II minutes' walk from end of car line. New 8-room house, newly papered and painted. Fine well of - water. New chicken house; young fruit of all kinds. Seven acres ' under cultivation and - everything In good condition. Acre tracts of this kind so near city conveniences and In good location are difficult to find. Owner leaving for California. Investigate. $4,200 for ?0 acres three miles north of Florence, half mils from paved road. Young fruit of all kinds. New house and outbuildings. Owner selling account of slckneea. Reason able terms. Investigate. George & Co., Exclusive Agents 1601 Farnam 6t. Phona Douglad 7W, " I'LL BUY If prices are right," Is often, heard from prospective purchasers. Well, If these ait not right we'll. do our best to make them so, and also on the easiest terms, such as auO to mm cash and 110 to NO per month. isew, broom, modern cottage, sightly corner lot, on car line, line location. Is. w. Good, (-room cottase, full lot, near 10ih and Kavan, only $mo0. Choice double apartment. 12 rooms each, all modern, lot ttixlAQ, fronting on two streets, with plenty additional bullellng space, paving all paid. A bargain at MOO Good li-room house, modern lot, 3uxl40, close In, tl.iia. $175 cash and $30 per mo. Very desirable t-room, all modern resi dence, and lull lot, near JSd and Daven port. $3 7&0. Good home place of 7 rooms, modern lot EOxlA barn, ahade, etc., close to car and In fins residence locality. RUSSELL & MeKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney MAKE AN OFFER FOR -room house and lot, 2602 S. 20th Ave. VERY EASY PAYMENTS Want to sell badly. The time to buy Is when the owner wants to sell. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., Suite 614, N. Y. Life Hldg . 'Phone Red VfJ3. Omaha. Neb $1,332 INCOME PER ANNUM from an Inside rental property that Is sura and permanent on an INVESTMENT OF $5,000 looks attractive, doesn't It? Let us show you. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., Suite C4. N. Y. Life lilrlg.. 'Phona Red lwa. Omaha. Neb SUMMIT ADDITION Lota U75 and up. Get circular. The Byron l.eed C, ail as I4ih 6 U SAFE, CLOSE IN INVESTMENT $1466 for corner lot. IMk&O fi.. facing east and south on paved atreet. only two blocks from poatoffioe, west of luth. Improved, with three houoes, now renting for II.' per year. Property la eiceoiionally well located for Investment purposes and the location Is Ideal for brick flats or apart ment house, which could be erected later when present improvements are unfit for use. Owner leaving the citv. This property muai be sold at onca. Any reasonable offer will ba accepted if suld within the peat three days. Investi gate. George & Co., Exclusive Agents. 1601 Famajn 6L I'hoi.e ivai'. 754 if you are looking for something nice, be sure and aee this t-ruo.n Bungalow, all modern with hot water heat, ljt uP lit. located clos to the Country club, on Military Ava. Fries '$3 1io for a few days only. P. O. NEILSEN CO. TOJ N. T. L. Bldg Both r-hone REAL ESTATE CITV PROPERTY FOR SAIR. (Continued ) Sale of Lots in West Side Addition Continued We still have a number of exceptionally good lots left at the extremely low prices of $150 to $250 per lot on the very easy terms of $5.00 down and $1.00 per week. This is your last opportunity to buy such good lots at such low prices and easy terms. This pale will continue Friday and Saturday. Come out early several good lots left. This addition lays between Leavenworth and Center streets, 48th and 54th. Take west Leavenworth street car line to 4Sth street, get off and walk five blocks south. An unusual opportunity to get a lot cheap for home or in vestment. Lots 50x132. Prices $150 to $250. Terma $5.00 down, $1.00 per week. W. J. Dermody 83G New York Life Bldg. We have an 8-room houwe, modern, e. heat; nice barn, cement walks trees, etc. All In f'ne shape. Price iXiCJO. A vei small payment on will handle this. Lo cated I b,ocks or Dundee i ar. P. (J. NEILSEN & CO. 703 N. Y. L. Bldg. Both 'Phonea Thoroughly Modern Home Fine location. One block Sherman Ave. car. $3,700-ONLY $500 CASH Balance easy. I rooms and reception hall. If you are looking for a home you had better see this. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., Suit 4, N. Y. Life Bids., 'Phone Red 1W9. Omaha, Neb. Love in a Bungalow South part of city, good location; has i rooms, parlor, dining room, kitchen, two fine bed rooms, nice bath room, large attic, good cellar, gas and electric light, com bination fixtures, hot and cold water; ce ment walks. Price, $2,750. Eaey terms. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sole Agent. Main Floor New York Life. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE Walking distance, center of city; nearly "ONLY $2,4O0-$200 CASH Balance very easy payments. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO Suite $24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phona Red 1W9. Omaha, Neb 8 Rooms, $5,500 BEA JTIT ULLY LOCATED, atrictly modern, bnilt for a home, about .( months old, corner lot, south and east exposure on parked and paved streets, Mth and La fayette Ave., about cost ior quica saie. WALKUP Real. Estate .'Company. !7&-7 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 2K. WALKING DISTANCE. Southeaat corner 2$tb ' AVe. and ' Capitol Ava., two-story house, built by day labor last year for a home; oak finish on first floor, four bedrooms and bath on second floor: .convenient attic, cemented cellar, good furnace, first class plumbing; paving paid for; room for another house. Inquire of owner, who Uvea there. Tel. Doug. 733. price, I4.uw. L.a.11 ana investigate. 40x66, $2,250 Heart of city. Harrison & Morton BCT from owner; got' to sell my new houae In Hanscom park district on Georgia Ave., 7 good rooms; large living room, 4 bedrooms; bookcases built In; oak and maple finish; east front lot tOxlM. Terms. Address S 371, Bee. NEW cotttge, containing rooms, one block from car, two blocks from school. $1,660, $4S0 cash. 6 per cent discount if sold quickly. If desired, will lease from buyer. L, 27a Bee. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE Bouth part of town; t rooma, bath, wash basin, toilet, medicine cabinet, gaa and electric light, combination fixtures, fine attic, good cellar; cement Sidewalks. Price, II.760. Easy terms. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Main Floor New York Life. WHEN writing to a4venlaera. kindly mer tion The Hee. REAL ESTATE r-ARM AHO HAM li LAID FOR HALS Cawaa. My correspondents In Saskatchewan have Canada land at ona-half the ujuai price. Take a letter from me to theiu; It costs nothing and will save you big money. Frank Crawford, Ware Biook, Omaha, Neb. Colorado. TO RELINQUISH 320 acrea northern Colorado land under ditch, one mile from county seal, railroad town. For particu lars addreas Orley Lewia. Mitchell, Neb. LAND AGENTS WANTED for a special one day sale of Irrigated land lu the Rock., Ford dibtrict. Large ionium s oa, all paid in cash on onsummation of aala. Wrut at once for partU i.lara of exuaoidini t olfer. La Junta Land co., La, Junta, Colo lexaa. IF TOU are coming to Texas send for our new book. "A Trip to Southwest Texas." full of valuable li, formation and will cost you nothing. Byrd St Clarkaon, Uvalde. Tex. Wyoming, PARTIES wiehlng to locate in any of tha western states should first aee the fine farming lands in the Golden Prairie dis trict of Laramie county. Wyoming $10 to Hi per acre Write Allecjer at Nelson. Carpenter. Wyo, Oregon. OREGON" LAND Fruit farma. all sixes; prices ranging from $10 to t-.OuO per acre; good market; delightful climate; prosperous and energetic neighbors. Cell on me for particulars. C. II. GERBER, 81! Bee Bldg.. Omaha. lows. FOR SALEA fine S00 acre farm for salt, located about half way between Delhi and Delaware, in Delaware Co., Iowa. Good buildings, houae nearly new. For j particulars and terms address J. W. Bray- un. roiano, natkimer Co., fi. I. A bar gain. 1 8ns ACHRri nf land for sale. The tiest rancn proposition in w eaters Iowa. In. ; quire of L. U. Lambert, lci(ur, Neb. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY TOR 111,19. (Continued ) Investment Co., Telephone Douglas 510S. REAL ESTATE FARM AS D KNCH L.AXD FOB a.il.B (Continued.) BT.ataas. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND OPEMNO UNDF.H CARKY ACT. Conrad-Valter project, Moiuana. TO 0(4 ac.ies of fine, graaay prairie under irriga tion. Drawing October I. 1D0I. .Must rg Ister for drawing before October 7. You may register by power of attorney. For In formation and blanks write W. U. WAY MAN, Vnller. Montana, or lloO Security Dank Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Itetriam, RELINQUISH MENT Big Bargain 160 aores good rich soil in Cheyenne Co., Neb., 7 miles from good town, 14 miles from county seat; 40 acrea fenced; 20 acres broken; small house; good well. This is a snap. Bee or write us quick. ED JOHNSTON 4 CO.. Tel. Doug. 1235. 1614 Farnam 8t. A FARM FOR TOU. $0 aorea In Hall county, adjoining city limits to Grand Island; 70 acres in crops; all fenced. 100 acres, Merrick county, near Central City, all under plow; Improved; priced right. ItiO acres In Lancaster county; best quarter In tha county; all under plow; well Improved; near Davey. Wa handle all kinds of trVtes. HARWOOD A HARWOOD, 41$ Bee Bldg. .- Omaha, Nab. NORTH PLATTE IRRIGATED LAND are selling rapidly. Some people have an Idea that there is no limit to tha "Great West." Land hunger la eating It up at a rapid rate. We run AN EXCURSION EVERT TUESDAY from Omaha over the Burlington, leaving at 4:10. We have our own train, tha fa mous "Payne Special. We make a com plete tour of the WONDERFUL SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY from Bridgeport to tha Wyoming line. Wt show pur guests tha water supply har nessed by steel and cement. We show them the landa that are producing fabul ous crops, let them talk with those who are making good. We take them about In automobiles with no loss of time. EVERY HOUR IS AN EDUCATION to men who have never before visited an Ir rigated country. This education Is effec tive, for we have sold to more than 90 per cent of those who have gone with us. Since May 4 we have SOLD OVER $1.0oo.OiJO WORTH OF LAND along that valley, under tha big Tii-titate canal. Another large party of land seekers went out Tuesday and will return this evening. All are enthusiastic over the trip and you will be If you go. Tou will never regret going you may regret it If you do not. It's worth something to you to know what westrrn Nebraska la doing; It la worth more to you to get a piece of that irrigated land before it Is all gone. Don't delay too long. Come in and let us talk It over, or ask for some of our handsomely illustrated lit erature. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Land Merchants. N. Y. Life Bldg. Fine, Well Improved Cass county, 100 acrea farm, only t miles from good town; owner wants to Bell quick and has priced It at $7.b0 an acre. Cheap at $100. An extra good and well improved Saun. dera county iuo-acre farm; only 1 tnllea from good town, at $50 an acre. A iUO-aore Buffalo county farm; fair improvements and most of It cultivated, at $36 an acre; worth $45. Several fine stock ranches and dairy farma cheap. 1 handle only bargalua. Ask about these. W. W . .Vi ITCH ELL, Board of Trai? Bldg.. Omana, Neb. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY TkL'bi EE e.Dut ACRES Banner county t.Veo ) lanii iand. Soma under Irrigation, l-aie date, Octooer 6, lV. This is good wheat, oa.s ana alfalfa iand and will oe void In tracts to the highest bidder. Spviiai uain service. Terms reas onable. , n,( C . M. Ui uenther, iruaue, Columbus, Nee, NOT,, for f Ui paiiicuia. s. FOR SALE A s:ock farm In ws.erri Nebi aaka, 1. -M itei e ; will sell nil, ur without 160 head of cattle. AUUieSa care Bee. FINE FARM CHEAP 2J0 acres, highly Improved. in Nance county, NelraeLa. 1 miles from Belgrade, a town of 1 cOd people. All lh verv beat of rich black suit, with clay subsoil; just roll ing enough to drain well; 0 acres in culti vation, iu acres in a:falfa, iciicad hog-light; balance pabuiie. ail lenctd and croaa fenced. A l.ne orchjid l'lo a-rooni houae; bam U-'mii; gianary ltw, corncilos. ma chine aiitda. hog ioua and eierything that goea to maki' a hifciily Improved farm. You can't beai Ili a lu the state. Puce, for quick sale $ .-. )er acre; $ 000 cash. Laia ice easy. Write or wire for fuil particulars. S. E. WAIT & CO., 17 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. OOOU LAND CHEAP. Iu0 acres Kimbail County, Neb., 4 miles from railroad, every acre can be culti vated. aw acres Kimball county. Neb., 400 acres can be cultivated, 1 miles from railroad, $.u0 per acre. J. U. Buna, ouner, 2U Stiu gait blk . Council Bluffa, la. $14 IMPROVED FARM FOB 8 ALE. A good improved farm t miles from town nearly all second bottom land; W a re under cultivation; good Improvements: Price. $J0 per acre. Write fur our large bargain list. Agema wanted. Herman Springer at Co. Sidney, N REAL ESTATE FARM AU HA.X H I.A.NU roll IALV Kebrsska Tew tinned. PAROAIN9 IS FARMS. Ten thousand acrea alfah'a. winter wheat and eorn land for sale In small and latae farrrs. in Phernisn. fluffalo snrt Cutter umie. i. T. Campbell. Litchfield. Neb. at Takta. WE HAVE 100 barcalns near church and schools in farm lands. Hlack soil 1 Inches to three feet deep with clav subsoil. These lands are tributary to flregory. the brat town In the northwest. Raw lands In Tripp, Mellette, l.yman and Stanley coun ties; also sell relinquishments. "SQUARE DEAL LAND CO.." Urrgory. S D Mention Omaha Hee when writing. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS $2.50 PER ACRE On Oct. lt, 1909, anyone not having titod his honWteal right, may enter his choice of 1.500 quarter sections of open land in TRIPP COUNTY, S. D.. at 2.(0 per acre. I have personally inspected every quarter section of land in the county and am prepared to lo cate you on the very best land that Is open to entry. Get ready NOW and be on the ground Sept. 30th. CHESTER SLAUGHTER, Care of Dallas State Bank Dallas, S. D. ad SOUTH DAKOTA FARMS GET A HOMESTEAD NEAR A RAILROAD. The new Chicago ai Northwestern rail way has opened up some choice territory, it you want a floe free homestead lKf t. .-!' RiuliT AWAl, for the)' are going f U e can locate you ahead of this i ailioad. CHEAP EXCURSION SEPT. 21. Come and look at this land. Also fins li homesteads NOw OPfcN under the uelle Kourche irrigation Project. FARMS w rite today for our bargain list of dry and irrigated farma. Bu't UNI) NoV that will increase $00 oar cent to 600 per cent within five years. THERli Is ONLV ONE CROP of land Take advantage of this great opportunity liium now ir you want a fine 190 acres t utu. VN rite us today for lull Informa tion. WEST DAKOTA LAND CO., Pturgls. S. D. iMrailon Co.. 2i No. Main St., Aberdeen, bo. Dakota, $j; large list to act as power of attorney tort Cheyenne and standing Hock leaervatlona. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $1(1.000 rowde promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead bldg., 1Mb and Farnam. $u00 to $0,000 oo homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co.. lojl N. Y. Lite. Doug, or A-mt MONEY TO LOAN Payne lnvearoent Co. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to Iowa on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BKENNAN. Rooaw A. New York Ufa Bide GARVIN BROS.. $1$ N. t. Life. $60 $200,000 on Improved property. No delay. WANTEO-Clty loana and warrant. W. Farnam Smith A Co 1J20 Farnam oW WANTED City loana. Peters Trust Co. PATNE, BOSTWICK CO., M. Y. Lite bslua 1 A mnnav ffe&Ssfi ( jVaf i . e a-waaj , gov vv ajkajwv, aww st$a SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Rooma 417-18 First Nat'l Bauit ttlag. Ball 'Phona. Douglaa Ml. LOWEST RATES Bena la. Brandels Bldg. LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. No comnuaaion. W. H. THOMAS. aOt First National Bank Bidg. WANTED TO BUY BEST price part for td-hand furniture, stoves, clothing. W. Rosenblatt. Tel. D. hOL WANTED Several carloads of fresh milk cows or springers. Dealers in stale, let us bear from you. Alanilto aauuary Dairy Co., tall Farnam SL GROSS' Loan Office, buy and sell old cloLhera. SOI N. loth. B 236L BEST price paid for sooond hand furni ture, carpets, clothes and ahoea. Tel. Doug. $271. BALTIMORE td-hand atora pavs best price Id-hand furniture, clothes, ate. D. 4M. ONE moment! Suits sold up to $30 at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 8. l:h. 2DHAND ahoea and oolthes. D. 27a&. HIGHEST prices for furniture, etc. Bell's Furniture Store. 140$ Dodge, Red KM. WANTED TO RENT BY gentleman, rpom In private family; must be first claaa. Address M UK, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By young man, place to work for board while attending Boylea eollega. Botb phonea. THINK It over! Suits sold to tiSO at $lfi. VOLLMER'S, 107 S. 16th. LADY with aeveral years' business train ing desires position selling either in city or will travel. AI references. Address W 507, care Bee. OFFICE or road position with firm handling lumber, building mateiiaJ and coal. Beat of references. Address Fred D. James, Graf, Neb. ' LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by tha Secretary of tha Building Committee of the Armory of the Firty-flih Infantry Rand, Clarlmla. Iowa, until 1 u'cloca it in Th,.. I day, October dth. 1. for the construction of a two-story brick armory. xl36 feet, In Liarinda. Iowa, In accordance with tha plana and specifications prepared by W. W. Welch, architect, Ciarinda. Iowa! copies of which will be on file at the office of the Secretary of said Building Com mittee In Ciarinda, Iowa, after September 17th. A certified check mads payable to the Secretary of said Building Committee for $ per cent of the amonnt of the bid must accompany each bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter Into a contract and furnish bond for tne construction of said building satisfactory to aald committee. The checks of all unsuocesaf ul bidders will be returned upon date of opening and of the aiicceaaful one when contract and bond are approved. Plans and Specifications may be secured from architect by depositing $10, which will be refunded If they are returned In good condition within ten days from the date they are forwarded. OEO W. LANDERS O WM RICHARDSON. ED F- ROSE. WM. ORR, Committee. Per Wm. Orr, Secretary. 8ivi NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEA I.ED bids will be received by Chae. Krumbach, secretary. Shelby. Neb., up to October 11, into, at 7 p. m.. for the erection of a brick school house, at Shelby, Neb , for school dis trict No. 22. Polk county. Neb., to be com pleted by July 1. 1910. according to the plana and specifications now on file at the Firs' National bank of Kkelby. and also with arelijtect, John Latenaer. Omaha. Neb. The right Is reserved to reject any snd all bi.ls. ("has. Krumbach, Secretary, Shelby. NVh S17d7t GOVERNMcNT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE COVTISUCTINif qitrterntf T. t'l rvrnnr, W m!n. Kep ten her. It 8.Oet fro;n1. in trip licate, will hr received at t'ls office tirill $ a. m.. mountain time. Wednee.lav, Oc tober l.t. lfU'i. at which time thev will be opened In public, tnr the Installation of steam heating plai ts complete in officer' quarters Xn 1 to No a, Inclusive, and No. II and No. 3.V pout plans. Fort D A. Itos sell, Wyoming Plans sml specifications for the Inspection of bM.lers are on file In this office. slo In the office of the Chief Quartermsster. Department of the Missouri. Omaha. Nebtaeka; Chief Quar termaster. Department of the Colorado. Ienver, Colorado, and the office of the sec retary of the Mulldeis' exchange. St. Paul. Minnesota. The government reserves the right to relect or accept any or all bids cr any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposal for Steam Heating officers' Quartern Nos. 1 to a, Inclusive, and Nos. It and M. Post Plans, Fort D. A. Russell. Wyoming.'' and addressed to V. K. Hail. Captain 1Mb In fantry. Acting Quartermaster, U. S A.. n charge of construction. Room I, Keefe Hall, Cheyenne. Wyoming. Pep 14 17 -O. 11-11. RAILWAY TIME CARD l Slot STATION 1VTH as MAIOR talon Paelfle Leave. Arrive, all ( pm a S0 am a S 4K am a i .W pm a $ 4S pm a 2 46 am il.it pm a $ 00 pra a 10 .10 am b 1.20 pm b 1:20 inu Overland Limited a 7.20 am China and Japan Mall. .a 4 00 pin Oregon A Washington Limited all 01 am tsoa Argeles Limited., .sil W pm Portland Special al2 M pm Colorado Special a 1:4(1 am North Plane I.ochI a :!." am Colorado Express a 1 50 pm Grand Island I-ocal a t - pm Lincoln Beatrice Local. bl2:40 pm Valparaiso at central City bl2 :40 pm Ikleage, Rock talana aV rlft EAST. Rocky Mountain L l d..al2 40 am al$ 20 pm a 4 SO pm a I.U ant a 12 $0 pm b 1 11 pro a 1:10 pm I 00 am a 1M am Iowa Local ..a $ 40 am The Mountaineer a 7 42 am ts Moines Local a 4:04 pm owa Local bl(.K am I hicago-Kastern El. ...a 4 40 uo Cbicavo-Nebraaka Ltd a ( OS pm WF.8T. The Mountaineer a 10 40 pm Chicao-Nebraaka Ltd. for Llnooln) a vdG am a I 47 pm Colo, and Cal. Ex el Mipm a 4 SO Dm Okla. and Texaa Ex... a -$ pm a t M pm Rocky Mountain L t d..ail.Upm aU 20 am Wabash 6L Louis Ex St. lxiula Iocal .a . pm a .2$ am aU:U pa blO:l ana (from Council Bluffs;. Stanberry Local Council Bluffa). a $.00 am (from b 6:09 pm Chicago Northwestern t Leave. Arrlva Colorado-Chicago a 4:00 am a l .to am Chicago Daylight Spl..a 7 00 em aU SS am Omaha-Chicago Local.. .al2:fltpm all HR pm Colorado-Chicago a 2 pm a $ 28 pm Omaha-Chicago 6pl....a t.txt pin a 7 o0 am Pacific Coast-Chicago. .a $:0S pm a $:2$ pra Los Angeles-Portisnd Limited a 10 pm alt 08 pm Overland Limited '.al2:16 am a 7:(0 am Cm roll Local a 4:16 am a t b pm Fast Local Cedar , . Rapids-Omaha :. a $:3S pm NORTHWESTERN LINE-NORTH. Twin City andDakota Daylight a 7:45 am al0:20 pm Minnesota and Dakota. a 7 :00 pm Twin City Limited a :00pm a 7:10 am Sioux City Local a 1:46 pm a $ 2 prn Dakota-Sioux City Omaha a 1 10 am Mlnnesnta-Sloux City Omaha all 00 am NORTHWESTERN LINE WEST. Norfolk-Bonesteel t 1:50 its a 10 -80 pm Lincoln-Long Pine a 7:50 am all 00 am Norfolk-South Platta...b 2:14 pin b 6:20 pm Hastings-Superior b 2:1$ pm b $:20 pm Deadwood-Hot Springs.. a I U pm a t:20 pm Casper-Lander ..a 8 M pra all W am Fremont-AllMon ... bB:J pm b 1:26 pra Chieaao brwavt Weatorat . , Chicago Limited a $1$ awi a I: J pm Twin City Limited ....a $11 am a $ 30 pm Chicago Fx press a 1:20 pm Clarion Local '... a 100 pm Twin City Express ....a :00 pm a 00 am rhlemaro, Mllwaskes A St. Pawl Overland Limited all 15 am a 7:05 am Colorado Special a 4:00 am a IrtO am Chicago-Omaha Special. a 7.20 am a :65 am Colo. -California Ex a tK pm a $:& pm Perry-Omaha Local b 6:16 pm bll 06 Din llilaols Centrwt Chicago Express a 7:11 am a I 48 pm Chicago Limited a t:O0 a 7:15 am Mlnn.-Si. Paul Exp b 7:1. wm Mlnn--St. Paul Ltd t : pm a 7:1$ am Omaha-Ft. Tiodare Loo.b :i8 pm bU:20am Mlaaoarl Pwelflc 5 an.dt'wHeB' ,:0, m 1M K. C. and St L. Eg. dir. Sat. 12 p. m-...M-.u pm a $:W pm BURLINGTON BTA 10TH A MASON BwrllwgrtOBk Laava. Denver and California.. a 4,i pm Puget Sound Ex a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Ex alltO pm Nebraska points a I 20 am Lincoln Fast llall...,,.b 1:30 pm Nebiaaka Ex .a y:li am Lincoln Local Lincoln IvicaJJ a 7:26 era Schuyler-Platismouth ..bS Oipm Platiamouth-low a ..,...a t in am Bellovne-PlattMmouthi ..al2:M run Arrive, a $ 4C pm a $10 pra a 1:10 pm a 7 :10 am a $10 pm ali.U pm a :io pm b $.08 am a 7 so pm blO xO am a $ aw am a 2:40 pm a 7;t0 a.m all pm a $.65 pm a l ot am all am all:) am a :4 am a :10 pm Colorado Limited aU:60 am Chicago Liimted a 7 20 am Chicago Ex a 4:30 pm Chicago Flyer a t.to prn Iowa Iocal a :1S am St. Louis Ex a 4:40 pm Kaunas City and St. Jo B10 45 pm Kansaa City and Su Jo.a 15 am Kansas City and SL Jo.a 4:40 pm WEIITEB ITA 10TH WKBSTBA Chicago, St. Pawl, Minneapolis at Oaaahw . tava. Arrlva. filoux City Express b 2:00 pm bll:46 am Omaha Local o 0:20 pra Sioux City Passenger bl.JMpm Twin City Passenger.. ..h t:M am Sioux City IM-al e i lK am Ernersoii I.cal . . b $.f4 pm M UM Mtssuarl Parlfle Auburn Local . IM pm bll:J am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun day only, d Dally axeeot Saturday. Omaha-Carror. tcal a 2 V. pm a am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS PHOISE u or THZ Jan. to. 1010 To Madeira. aaia. sfaSlterrMaaa. arles- I M:nM ei,i7 aoo mm. aeladiag all eipoaeea, fort Sayw, ' Crslsc txs4 Walls Sur Line. .T. ar At- nAMADIAM fAClrlC WCKKLT tAILINOS BkrWggM HONTKBAU Qlgbac; anu i.iv karoo u Ksthlng eatlar ea the A'laaus laaa ear gaui Cg bkMJ AatlsT. O. A, t2 g. Clsrk it., Ckia, lit NEW RULING ON THE OSAGE INDIAN LANDS Secretary Balllcr Asaends Rrnalw. Hons Gortralag l.ewaes l-lmlta Fixed for erasing. WASHINGTON, Sept U.-the rejiulallons of tha Department of the Interior govern ing tha leasee of Osage Indian allotments were t oiay amended by Secretary BalllDgr so as to provide: - , Surplus lands will not ba leased for any purpuce for a longer period tnan one year at a time. No person, firm or corporation will be pai mined to lease for grsilng purfoses more then 6,0X0 acres. Lets. aa will not be permitted to sublease or asMgn their holdings without lh con tent lhr to of the leaser in writing btng first oliained. and tha same approved by tha secretaiy of the interior. Dr. Abernethy. the grat English physi cian, aald. "Watch your kidns When thry are affected, life Is In danger." Foley'g Kidney Remedy mak ea n- li. ti4 kiMiofa, corrects urinaiy lrregulrwe, and ivuea up ui whole system ctfYffi nrr-twanf