The Omaha Daily Bee Tiie Omaiia dee Is (he tnoit ' poererfal balnM (totter In the west, becane tt itoeg to the horn en of poor and rich. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Generally falt For Iowa Generally fair. For weather report nee page 8. VOL. XXXIX NO. 80. OMAIIA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1900 TWELVE FAGES. SUNTGLE COPY TWO CENTS. TAFT GUEST OP CITY 0FCIIICAG0 President of United States Has Twelve Strenuous Hours at First Stop on Long Trip. Americans Will Return to Work At Schocnville They Will March to Plant This Morn COURT REFORMS PROBLEM OF DAY President Taft Says Improvement of Administration of Justice is Greatest Question. CONVENTION CITY KNOWN TODAY Result of Vote by Eagles Will Bo Announced at Grand Aerie Ses sion in Forenoon. LOUISVILLE IN RAID ON SLATE ing, Despite Threats Made by Foreigners. WILL RECOMMEND COMMISSION REVIEWS SCHOOL CHILDREN Hundred Fifty Thousand Massed Along South Side Boulevards. BALL GAME IS AOOON With 30,000 Other Far. ' Seel Chicago Lose, j t SHAKES HANDS WITH 5 EES Ma km Addresses at Lane ' 't Commercial Clab aad at U Meeting la OrrhMtra Hi ta the Eventa. , CHICAGO, Sept. m.-Preeldent Taft dur lns a stay of twelve eventful houra In Chicago today, plunged with a will Into the long program of entertaining that awaits him on hla long western and south ern Itinerary. With perfect weather and crowds that fairly fought to catch a glimpse of the chief executive, this, the first city to be visited, aet a high mark of enthusiastic weloome which the presi dent seemed deeply to appreciate. From the moment he stepped off the roar platform of his private car at a tem porary station on the outskirts of the city until he retired late tonight on board the train which will take him to Mllwauk kee tomorrow morning, the president's journeying of thirty miles or more over the city's streets, and parkways led him through lanes of massed humanity that were kept open with the greatest dif ficulty on the part of the police. Bear Twelve Roars. Beginning with an automobile trip In re view of 1M),000 school children, four deep on either side of the park boulevards, the president's day was replete with incident. He attended and spoke briefly at a lunch eon of the Commercial club, viewed an ex hibit of ambitious plans for the Improve ment and beautifloatlon of Chicago plans which the president said he hoped would be realized by Chicago pluck and energy attended tho regular National league base ball game between the Chicago champion 'Cubs" and the famous New York "Giants," dined quietly with the Hamilton club at the Congress hotel, made a notable address to a mass meeting in Orchestra ball this evening and as a finale attended (or a few minutes the ball of the American Bankers' association at the Auditorium. Greeting of Children. Mr. Taft was deeply Impressed by the greeting of tho school children, each one of which waved a little American Tag and sang and cheered as he passed. The presi 'dent reeU Jho t.Co,msnsnnial club luncheon to the impression the smiling faces and the fresh youig voices of tho children had made upon him and declared it was not often given to a man be he president or not to receive such a wel come. At the National league grounds this aft ernoon the president saw his biggest base ball crowd. There Were more than 30,000 people ecktd lnlu the stands and bleach ers and overflowing Into the playing field. The president sat In one of the open sec tions of the double-dt.ckfcd stand and thor oughly enjoyed a brilliant game In which the two greatest pitchers of the league -' Mathewson of New York and Brown of Chicago faced each other. New York won. but the crowd had some compensation In cheering the president, who remained to the end and waited to wave a farewell to the bleacher throngs that poured across the field in a perfect avalanche when the , last "sub" had struck out. Shakes Hands with Players. President Taft when he first reached the park, went down on the field and hook hands with the members of both of the teams. Proceeding then to the re served section in the stand, he held an impromptu reception, during which he met "Pop" Anson, the famous old Chi cago player: Garry Herrmann, president of the National base ball commission and John A. Heydler. president or me National lease. Mr. Heydler was Invited to a seat just behind the president and throughout the game Mr. Taft fiequently referred to him for expert opinion on some of the plays and decisions of the umpire. Charles W. Murphy, president of the Chicago club, la which the president's brother is a part Owner, also was with the president (or a part of the game. "Texas" Kelliy, the editor of the San Antonio Light and Gazette, who rode all the way from Ban Antonio to Chicago to present a formal Invitation to Mr. Taft to visit that city, also met the president at the ball game. He was in typical cow boy costume and had reached Chicago on horse from the Taft ranch in Texas only this morning. The president assured Mr. Heilly that he was looking forward to his visit to Ban Antonio on October 17 with a great deal of pleasure. Mayor Galvln of Clnclnuatt called in the stand to pay hla respects end' received a hearty "Hello, Jniui." from the president. la President's Box. Secretary of War Dickinson sat at tho president's right. Governor Den sen at his left and General Frederick D. Urant in '. trout On the surrounding seats were mem bers of the president's party and members of the Hamilton club, which succeeded the Comu.erctal olub during the afternoon as lions to the distinguished visitor. Mr. Taft received moet hearty cheers tiuiu the base ball enthusiasts, especially when he stood up with the reel of the "fans" at the beginning of the "lucky sev enth." Although the Inning brought only a blank for the home club, the crowd appro bated the president's good intentions. Once luring the game Mr. Taft was asked by one of his party: "Mr. President, who are you for. Chicago or New YorkT" "I'm tor Cincinnati," declared the presi dent. With an anxious look at the score board, which showed a S to S tie between Cincinnati and' Pittsburg la the seventh Inning. s but Just than the score-board boy marked ' jp four for Pittsburg In the eighth and two in the ninth, and the president de clared amid laughter that he was dumb founded. Agra Prelate Is 111. j.Ol lrfVIl.l.K. Ky . Sept. IS. Right Rev. illlam George MoC'loskey, bishop of luisllle and the oldest living Catholic wrelate in the United tSates, Is seriously fW hare. He U M years old. PITTSBURG. Sept. IS. With the Ameri can flag at the head of their column, the American workmen employed In the Pressed Steel Car company plant In Scho envll!e will fall into line at :1B o'clock tomorrow morning and march to the works. Since the American and foreign strikers have split, the Americans have decided to return to work as they are satisfied with conditions In the car plant since the strike was declared off last week. Throughout the strike district, the Amer icans made It known to the foreign strikers that If Insult was offered to the flag the offender would be shot dead. It Is ac cepted that the majority of the marchers In tomorrow morning's unique labor par ade will go armed. The announcement late today that the Americans would return to work was met with defiance from the foreign strik ers who threaten to stop all attempts of persons to resume work inside the car plant stocade. Violence and dlorder such as characterized the last trouble marked the new strike to day at the plant of the Pressed Bteel Car company at McKee'a. Bocks. A large num ber of men were roughly handled, street cars were compelled to stop running between McKee's Rocks and Schoenvllle and within a few hours after daylight everything was at a standstill. Several thousand strikers were stationed at the O'Donovan bridge and along Nlchol avenue and Oeorge street, the scene of the fatal riot August 22. The present strike had Its Inception yes terday when the foreign workmen quit their positions, alleging that men imported dur ing the last strike were being retained as bosses. The striking employes claim the company agreed to discharge the men. Johnson's Condition is More Hopeful Physicians Say Minnesota Governor is Resting Easy and Condition is Satisfactory. ST. PAUL. Sept. 16. Although the night was one of anxiety at the bedside of Gov ernor Johnson In St. Mary's hospital at Rochester, the morning reports received here Indicate his condition is much more hopeful. From the bulletin Issued by Dr. Mayo at B o'clock today It was learned that at 3 o'clock this morning Qovernor Johnson was In a precarious condition. This fact was given out at the time. At 8:30 Dr. Mc Nlvan stated that the governor's condition was ntuch improved. Frank A. Day, governor Johnson's pri vate secretary, talked .with Dr. William I J. Mayo ovef ' the . telephone anrd quoted Dr. Mayo as saying that the condition wus dieldedly more hopeful this morning. He said the governor displayed splendid nerve last night, that his voice was strong and ha was cheerful. Dr. Mayo said that Gov ernor Johnson at times spoke to him Jok ingly about his condition. At 11 a. m. St. Mary's hospital Issued the following bulletin: Governor Johnson Is resting easy.. Pulse 104, temperature normal; condition satis factory. ROCHESTER. Minn.. Sept. 10. At 1:30 o'clock this afternoon Dr. McNevIn Issued the following bulletin: , Governor Johnson Is sleeping fltfullv. Pulse 90, temperature 88.S. Gas pains gone. If Governor Johnson passes safely through the crlfUs expected late this after noon or tonight, he will probably recover. Reynolds Takes the Appointment Acting Secretary of Treasury Goes on Tariff Board Meeting May Be Soon. WASHINGTON. Sept. 16.-Actlng Secre tary of the Treasury James B. Reynolds has telegraphed to President Taft his ac ceptance of the appointment as a member of the tariff board. No date has bten t.xed for Mr. Reynolds' retirement fiom the assistant secretaryship, nor is It known yet who will succeed him. The arrange ments for the meeting of me tariff board are still incomplete, although the first ses sion may be held for preliminary organ isation within a few days at the Treasury department. ,, TELEPHONE STOCK IS SOLD Amerlraa Telephone aad Telegraph Company Owas All Subsidiary Lines la New York. BOSTON. Sept. 11 It became known to day that the American Telephone and Tele graph company has aoqulred nearly $16, 000,000 worth of New York Telephone com pany stock owned by the Western Union Telegraph company. This gives the Amer ican company control. This move insures, in the near future, the consolidation in a single huge telephone company, of all the Bell subsidiaries operating In New York state. Anterio Polio-Myelitis Afflicts Five Families The strange disease, at first supposed to be spinal menengitis by reason of its simlllarlty with that disease, nas struck Omaha and children in five families are afflicted wth it- The cases have been re ported to the health department of the city and physicians of the department are co-operating with other praoliUoners in an effort to eradicate It. Physicians analyse the strange disease as anterio polio-myelitis. Two children, S and t years of age. in the family of Mr. Rudolph, 2 North Six teenth street, are afflicted with the strange disease, as well as the following children: Dorothy Waltgren, S years of age, 2214 North Twenty-first street; Michael Lee, I years of age, ldli Davenport street; Mil dred Bendorf, 4 years of age, 60T South Tweaqr-nlath street, and Ruth Gibson. 1 Bill to Be Drafted to Eliminate Law's Delays. MODEL FOR ACTION BY STATES Procedure of Federal Courts to Be Pattern for Others. RECALLS PROMISES TO LABOR Executive Maya He Will Recommend la Ills First Message Passage of Law to Limit Abase of the Writ. CHICAGO, Sept. 16. Speaking with great earnestness to a mass meeting In Orches tra hall tonight, President Taft declared that no question before the American peo ple today Is more Important than the im provement of the administration of Justice and , announced .lis Intention of recom mending to congress the appointment of a commission to take up the question of the law's delay in the federal courts. The president said he hoped that the report of this commission, when rendered, would serve also as a guide to the states of the union In effecting remedial legislation. The president, at the end of a day of sightseeing, of base ball, of receptions and dining, received an uproarious greeting whan he reached Orchestra hall tonight to make the only set speech of his stay In Chicago. Recalling that It was In this same hall during the campaign of a year ago that he faced an audience of more than 1,800 worklngmen and made one of the crucial addresses of his candidacy, the president assured hts hearers that he had not forgotten his campaign promises and the platform declarations of his party. Labor and Injunctions. Mr. Taft devoted the entire first part of his speech to the subject of labor and said he Intended to recommend to congress in his first message legislation to carry out the platform promise as to Injunc tionsthat no Injunction or restraining order should be Issued without notice ex cept where Irreparable Injury would re sult from delay, In which case a speedy hearing should be granted. ,..., 6,c..o wmw mwm wmwm The president declared anew his belief In organised labor and congratulated the leaders of the movement that they have set their faces like flint against the doc- ! trlnes of the socialist. Taking up next the subject of the courts the president asserted with earnest em phasis that the administration of criminal law today Is a disgrace to American civil ization. Ashamed of the fact, as Amerl eana might well -be, he declared that the poor man has "hot how an equal eppor tuntty with the rich litigant, and said It was hlB purpose to do what he could to place the poor man on a more equal foot ing. The president frequently was interrupted with cheers. Addresa of President. President Taft spoke at Orchestra Hall as follows: "Mv fellow citizens of Chicago It is .Hi ft about a year ago tonight that I made a speech lu this hall to some 1,800 mem bers of the railroad labor unions, In which I attempted to convince thorn that there was nothing In my decisions as a circuit Judge in Injurtlon cases which ought to J make them vote against me for the presi- I i dency. It was a critical question In the campaign and aa I review that whole I controversy there was hardly another 'i-ptech In my campaign of greater Impor tance to me than that one; and In view of the result of the election I look back upon it now with especial Interest. This hall, then-fore suggests one of the subjects upon which I shall speak to you. "You will remember, perhaps, that tho head of labor organizations who had de clared for my opponent, was anxious to carry the whole union labor vote against me and as the ground for his action was my decUion as a Judge. I was put under the burden which I think no other candidate for the presidency ever had to bear of explaining and defending In a political come t the decisions which I had made as a Jude upon the bench. It was assumed by many, who thought themselves fam iliar with the situation that I would lose a Urge part of the labor vote which had heretofore been evenly divided between the republicans and the democrats. The result showed that this assumption was Incorrect and that labor men union labor as well as nonunion labor men thought for themselves, voted according to their own Judgment and determined, not to be delivered as a body to one party or the other and on the whole, I do not think In that election I suffered materially from the loss of labor votes. In the discussion 1 asserted that I was as much Interested as any one In maintaining the cause of labor, when labor, organized or unorgan ised, by proper methods sought to better Its condition by legislation or otherwise. I eald that I expected to recommend to congress, if I were elected, that Inter state railroads be required to adopt any additional devices useful for the purpose of saving of life or In averting injury of (Continued on Second Page.) years of age, 1W5 Clark street. The Rudolph children are now rapidly recovering. Dr. R. W. Connell, city commissioner of health, has addressed letters to all physi cians in the city calling attention to the new disease and Impressing upon them the necessity of promptly reporting any cases they may know of, whether they are sure It is "Polo-myelltls" or not. "Our department will gladly give any as sistance possible In eradicating this new disease aa It is to the interest of the health of the city that it be stamped out," said the comralslsoner. "The cltyp labaratory Is open for physicians to make tests and our city bacteriologists and our physician will do all we can." The new disease first made Its appearance In Grade Island a few weeks 040. V.; V 'M 4 i Hv w w . Ifil it vSaT ATrA ymtA- k POSTAL BANKS ATTACKED Question is Discussed by Savings Section of Bankers' Association. STRONG OPPOSITION TO IDEA Question of State Insurance Is Con sidered, bat No Voire la Raised In Its Favor ' Officer An Elected. CHICAGO, Sept. 16. Not a voice was raised today In defense of the postal savings bank plan in the sessions of the American Banker association convention, nor was there a word uttered in favor of guaranty deposit state or national banks. Informal reports in speeches and In Im promptu remarks both Ideas were repeat edly scored by the assembled bankers who were apparently of one mind in opposing the two remedies offered for the relief of financial conditions. ' The morning session of the 'Savings bank section opened with n 'iietm of wel come by Henry S. ' Heneehen of Chicago who lead the attack" on the postal sav ings bank by declaring that if' the good of the country demanded, that the ex perience of trusted and Intelligent men as custodians of the peoples' savings be dis regarded and the custodianship turned over to third -and fourth case postmas ters, the bankers would acquiesce, but that "If the welfare of the country did not demand such action the bankers would protest in no uncertain tones." President's Annual Report. The president of the section, John H. Johnson of Detroit In his annual report. argued against postal savings banks and Insisted that the savings deposits be safe guarded against all posalbllty of loss. President George M. Reynolds, the head of the bankers' association congratulated the savings bank Bectlon on Its steady opposition to the postal savings bank idsa. A new note was Injected into the pro ceedings by E. L. Robinson of Baltimore, who In his remarks on "The department of mercy" emphasized the help which sav ings banks 'could be to depositors by ad vising them and extending to them sym pathy and encouragement. President Reynolds, in his remarks, also prophesied that within a year there would be such a revision of the national banking laws as would permit national banks to accept savings deposits. Taxation of Hanks. While the savings banks section was holding its meeting the members of the standing law and federal legislative com mittees of the association discussed the question of securing national legislation placing the taxation of banking institutions on an equal basis. .James P. Helm of Louisville. Ky., reported an exhaustive analysis of the varying conditions of taxa tion of bank capitalisation In the different states and urged the passage of a law making the rate of taxation uniform. At Its session In the fall the standing law committee will further consider the ques tion. Late In the meeting of the savings bank section a resolution was offered to put the section on record as favoring the segrega tion of savings deposits, but after some (Continued on Second Page.) You learn withyour first automobile. Isn't a second-hand machine to start with apretty good scheme? You will find a chance to get a really good car cheap, if you watch the ads under the "Automobile" heading on the want ad page. Some men, you know, who bare) too much money, sell their car every year so as to have the latest make. Borne people who own cars move away. Some who thought their taste was for autoa. change their minds. They usually adver tise them for sale In The Bee. Watch the Want Ad page. It pays. Rich Alabama Woman is Shot Dead by Niece Mrs. Will Nowling Killed Near Pol lard by Enraged Woman, Who Used Shotgun. BRETVTON. Ala., Sept. 16. News reached here today of the killing of Mrs. Will Now ling, one of the wealthiest women in south ern Alabama, by Mrs. Henry Nowling near Pollard late yesterday. The younger woman, Mrs. Henry Now ling, who is a niece by marriage of the woman killed, had forbidden the use of a email house on her place for the storage of some of the -effects of Mrs. Will Now ling, threatening to kill ber If she did so. She used a shotgun in carrying out her threat. The woman who Is alleged to have done the shooting escaped, presumably into Florida. Harriman Leaves Property to Wife Contents of Will Made Publio in New York Discloses Disposition of Money. NEW YORK, Sept. U. All of Edward H. Harrlman's property, real and personal, Is bequeathed without restrictions to the widow, Mary W. Harriman. The will was filed at Goshen, N. Y., this afternoon, but was made publio in this city. It is a brief document dated June S, 1903, and reads as follows: "I. Edward H. Harriman. of Arden. In the state of New York do make, publish and declare this as and for my last will and testament, that is to soy: "I give, devise and bequeath all my prop erty, real and personal, of every kind and nature, to my wife, Mary W. Harriman, to her absolutely and forever, and I do hereby nominate and appoint the said Mary W. Harriman to be the executrix of this will. "In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighth day of June, in the year nineteen hundred and three. "EDWARD H. HARRIMAN." (Signed, sealed and "published and de clared by the testator as and for his last will and testament In our presence, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have each of us hereunto subscribed our names as wit ness:) "CHARLTCS A. PRABODY. "C. C. TEQETHOF." Mr. Peabody, wha made the will public declined to make any estimate as to the value of Mr. Harrlman's estate. According to a Wall street publication, "It can be stated on the highest author ity" that Mr. Harrlman's property amounted to between 175,000,000 and $100. 000.000. Cam pal an Launched for Prohibition. BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Sept. IS. A cam paign for a constitutional amendment for prohibition in Alabama was launched here today at a conference, which was par ticipated In by several hundred prohibi tionists, anti-saloon league .members and partisans from all over the state. An official statement was made prior to the beginning of the meeting that the con ference represents no political faction or set of politicians. Ninety-Ninth Anniversary of Mexican Independence MEXICO CITY. Sept. 16The ninety ninth anniversary of the Independence of Mexico was celebrated throughout the republic today with much enthusiasm. In the capltol the day was ushered In by salvos of artillery and later a great mili tary parade In which President Dlas. par ticipated, was held. At 6 o'clock tonight, the national con gress assembled. The annual message of President Dlas was read by him to the assembled deputies and senators. Ths document was a review of the happenings of the last year and In no way recom mended legislation of any kind. Speaking of the foreign relations, the president declared that they were nevr btter. He told the assembled legislators that he had been Invited by the American president to meet him at El Paso on Oc tober 16 and that he had accepted the In vitation with the proviso that Congress grant the necessary permission fur the president to leave Mexican soil. Referring to the recnt political riots, COUNCIL BLUFFS AERIE WINS Captures Two First Prizes for Parade Showing. SOUTH OMAHA NABS MOST CASH Benson Not In Competitive Events, bnt Scores Chief Honors of Day In Spectacular Featarea -Parade Pleases Crowds. AWA&s or nuns, Tor aerie having; greatest number of men In llnei Council Bluffs, first) South Omaha, ssoond; Sioux City, third rior enee, fourth. Aerie coming greatest distance 1 Ban rranolaoo, first j Kansas Olty, aeeond. Tot marching oluba having' greatest number of uniformed men In llnei Coun cil Bluffs, first 1 South Omaha, ssoond; rierenoe, third. For floats 1 Xtoauvllle, Xyn first 1 South Omaha, ssoond and third. To greatest number of men In bandi BonUs Omaha, 'first) Sioux City, aeoond; Uncoln, third. For fife and dram oorps oomlng longest distance 1 San Tranolsoe, first) no second. Council Bluffs carried off the chief hon ors In the Eagles' parade aa adjudged by the committee, although from a noncom petitive and purely spectacular standpoint the Benson aerie furnished the most note worthy feature of the day. The Council Bluffs aerie comes off with $260 in cash prizes, $150 for having the greatest number of men in line and $100 for the largest number of uniformed paraders. South Omaha gets $150 for Its band victory, $100 for second prize In the greatest number of men contest and $126 for Its floats. Fi nancially It leads Council Bluffs. No award was made , for the most original uniforms or for pipers. The Sioux City delegation came last In the parade, but was not the least in size. There were 173 men and forty women in automobiles. The Sioux Cltyans took time by the forelock to secure these cars, which were contracted for some weeks ago. The Oregon delegation, headed by Charles Flynn of Baker City, rode In a tally-ho near the end of the parade. Ten men sat In the vehicle, which was handsomely draped. Among the marchers, the Kansas City aerie, garbed in white flannel, made a highly favorable Impression. The Louisville float, which won the first prize, was a representation of the Lincoln cabin. South Omaha took second and third with an allegorical float with a steer stand ing In the van, and another float also em blematic of the packing Industry. Though smaller In numbers than hoped for, the parade was an Inspiring sight At the fanfare of trumpet and blare of bugle, 8.000 brilliantly uniformed men began the line of march, keeping step to the rhythmic strains of half a dozen bands. If the number of Eagles tn line was smaller than expected, there was a very large number of spectators all along the line of march, and particularly on Farnam street. The court house grounds, whose graceful terraces have seated thousands upon' thousands during the fall festivals, had their usual crowds. Men, women and children had planted themselves there long before the parade reached the scene. But (Continued on Third Page.) which have occurred in some parts of the republic the president said: "During recent months there has been a perceptible political movement prepara tory to the election of federal officers which is to take place next year. It is certainly praiseworthy that the Mexican people show each time a greater In terest In the exercise of Its lectoral right, as this Is a pledege that In desig nating Its future officials it will guarantee those conquests, ' which the republic has made under the beneflclent influence of peace. "Unfortunately not all the manifesta tions of the lectoral prapaganda have kept within the peaceful limits of the laws, and Initiated by agitators, prompted by their own personal ititrests, certain dis orders have occurred, which the police have repressed with true moderation. Tho government, whose principal duty It Is to preserve public order, will put permit that this be disturbed even though to ac complish the object it may be necessary to employ energetic measures." Eentuckians Make Strong Effort to Take Prize from St. Louis. RAILROAD PROBLEM COMES UP Not Enough Certificates Presented for Fare and Half Rate. NEW WORK IN EXEMPLIFICATION Delegates at Auditorium la Evenlnjc to ee nitnal Which Will Be tTsed Hereafter In All Grand and Subordinate Lodgrea. TBIBAT. 8:30 A. at. An to ride for women to Connell Bluffs. Care will leave Taxton hotel. 9:30 A. M. Excursion by trolley to Council Bluffs and Talrmont park. Place and assembly for trip to he announce later. 8:30 F. II. Drill team competition on pavement north of postoffloe. 4:00 P. K. Trip to Tort Omaha) Impac tion of balloon house. Band oonoert. Although the polls cloned at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon the result of the elec tion In the'-grand aerte of Eagles will not be known until some time this forenoon when announcement of the count will be made at the morning session. Until then It will not be authoritatively known whether Ixmlsvllle succeeded in Its efforts to raid the "slate" and take the convention in 1910 away from St. Louis or not. The contest raged all day In the auditorium and rivaled the parade in the Interest it roused among the members. On account of the parade and the elec tion, no regular session of the grand aerie was held yesterday. The auditorium wae given over during the day to the politi cians. Last night's session while not of a busi ness nature was very important one to the members of the order. The new ritual adopted at the last grand aerie was given Its first exemplification and eagles were permitted to see the work for the first time. Hereafter the new ritual will be used tn all. subordinate and grand lodges. So Important was It that all delegates ap peared at the meeting that President Mon aghan gave it out In the afternoon that delegates falling to attend would be re ported to their aeries. Phlladelphian Directs Work, The honor of presenting the work was given to the degree team from aerie number 47, Kansas City. The officer In charge of the exemplification work were W. J. Murray of Philadelphia, presiding officer; W. D. Hall of Philadelphia, dlreo tor; Bernard Goss, - Fairbanks, Alaska; George Hamilton, Newark, Ohio; Fred Huges, Yonkers, N. Y.i John M. Hlgglns, Sacremento, Cal.; John W. Eggeman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. The meeting was open to all eagles In good standing and many Omaha members attended. The convention found itself face to face with transportation problem and a com mittee has been appointed to effect a com" promise with the railroads. It is asserted the railroads have refused to grant the rate of one-half fare for the return trip because the number' of certificates pre sented did not warrant it The committee which will try to arrange a compromise consists of Theodore A. Bell, J. F. Palle tler, H. L. Leavett and H. H. Thompson, Convention Rite Main Contest. The contest over the location of the next convention overshadowed all others at the election. It was an out-and-out fight by the Insurgents against the so-called ad ministration ticket, and predictions were freely made that so well had the Louts vilie boosters arganlzed things that they stood a good show of winning out. It was conceded even by the 8L Louie delegates Improved wonderfully during the forenoon, that the Kentucky city's chances had. A minor fight was also being waged on the four candidates Included on the admin istration slate for members of the board of trustees, the only office on which there Is a contest. There are eight candidates for the four places to be filled, and the card which was discretely distributed late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning con tained the names of H. J. Lea of Seattle. W. T. Garland of Boston. Owen Kane of Cleveland and Theodore A. Bell of Napa, Cal. ' The card, though It bore no title, was dubbed the administration ticket and some of the candidates for trustee who were left off began to use their Influence for Louis ville In an effort to prevent the "machine" plan of sending the meeting to St. Louis from going through. Aatl-Nlate Men Happy. While the fact the "machine" endorsed St. Louis and four candidates for trustees was generally considered to be In their favor the "Insurgent" movement became so strong during the forenoon that those who had been left off began to take cour age that the reaction might be strong enough to overcome the influence of the administration.- "I believe the distribution of the tickets favoring 8t. Louis as the next place of meeting will help rather than hurt Louis ville," said an enthusiastic Louisville boos ter, as he stood on guard at the front door of the Auditorium. "The so-called ad ministration machine has much weight un less It becomes too open and apparent in its methods and then it is likely to stir up a reaction that will more than counter balance Its influence. I am satisfied that If a vote had been taken yesterday at the close of the nominating seeches Louisville would have been chosen by a large ma jority. We still have hopes that our city will win out." One example of the Inroads made by the Insurgents In the administration forces is the Indiana delegation, entitled to about 200 votes. Grand Worthy Vice President Frank E. Hering headsthe delegation from the state and la said to be pledged to sup port St. Louis. The Louisville sentiment was so strong In the delegation, however, that that city was given what amounted to a positive endorsement, although a proviso was made releasing those pledged to Bt. (Continued on Third Page.)