Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
tour monet's worth
For Nebraska Fair and warmer.
For lows Fair and wtrmcr.
For weather report eeo Page 5.
Special Train Bearing1 Executive and
Party Crosses Massachusetts
and New York.
Number of Five Minute Speeches
Made from Train.
New York Executive Travels from
Albany to Syracuse.
Senator Crane and William -
Cromwell Travel Across Bar
with the President Tra. "J
on Blow ftrhednle.
SYRACUSE, N. Y.. Sept. IS. After t. '
versing today the tm-o great states of Ma, .
achusetta and New York President Taf,
tonight Is skirting the southern shores of
Lake Erie, on his way to Chicago, where
he will arrive at 11:30 a. m. tomorrow to
make his first Important stop on a 13,000
mlle tour of the west and south. The
presidential train passed through her at
7:16 p. m.
Where the train stopped today on Its run
from Boston there were large crowds at
the railway stations and the president was
greeted with enthusiastic cheering. The
day was typical of many that are to come
and the president was prevailed upon to
mek a number of flve-mlnute speeches
on the platform of his car at points not
Included in the Itinerary. In Massachu
setts Mr. Taft spoke at Worcester. Spring
field and Plttsfleld. Entering New York
state he was greeted at Albany by Gov
ernor Charles E. Hughea and both made
little talks to the depot throng, which
cheered the state and fedrr executives
with equal enthusiasm. OoeVrnor Hughes
became the president's guest on the train
from Albany to Syracuse and had dinner
with him on the car Mayflower.
In Hart 'Oood Hnmor.
President Taft was to rara good humor
today. Ha seemed thoroughly happy that
the Journey which he has been looking for
ward to for several months had at last
begun. He thanked those who came to
greet him In the different cities and said
he believed that the long and arduous trip
would bring him Into closer touch with
the people than any other plan which could
be devised. Mr. Taft said that the more
he could see of the country and the people
during his term of office, tha better presi
dent he would make. In behalf of the peo
ple of the state of New York, Governor
Hughes bade the president godspeed and
a safe return to his duties at Washington.
Mr. Taft and Governor Hughes are pro
nounced admirers of each other and their
meetings always are characterized by many
' exchanges of graceful and earnest compli
ments. Today President Taft told of the
splendid work Governor; ttugttes had done
for him and the governor replied that the
president could never call upon him In vain.
Train Leaves Boston.
Starting from Boston a little after 10
o'clock this morning, the president headed
straight for the west. It was his fifty
second birthday, and he received many
congratulation and messages of good
will. At Plttsfleld some enthusiastic ad
mirers fairly filled the president" car
with flowers. The throng which lined the
way from the hotel to the station tn Bos
ton was but a forerunner of those en
countered along the way. Even at places
where the president' train did not stop
there were many to wave him a greet
ing, i
Aa guests out of Boston the president
had with him his aunt, Mlsa Delia Torrey,
Senator W. Murray Crane of Massachu
setts and William Nelson Cromwell of
New York. Miss Torrey, of whom the
president is very fond, went as far a
Worcester, leaving the train there to go
to her home at Milburn, where many of
Mr. Taft'a ancestors lived. Senator Crane
went a far as Plttsfleld, and Mr. Crom
well to Albany.
On Blow Schedule. .
The president set a precedent today for
the entire trip by electing to run on a
alow schedule. The New ork Central lines
surrounded the train with every precau
tion for Its safety. There always were
men on- the engine and prominent repre
sentatives of the traffic department were
also with them at the start.
Vice President Sherman made a vain at
tempt to see the president at Utlca, Mr.
Sherman's home city. It was not known
that the vice president waa at horn or
would be at the station. Th train stopped
about thirty seconds for orders. Mr. Sher
man clambered aboard the rear end and
waa making hi way toward the presi
dent's room when the conductor, not know
ing tha vice president was aboard gave the
signal to go ahead. Mr. Sherman shouted
to one of the attaches that he waa not
able to go on to Syracuse and hopped off.
He left behind, however, a five pound box
of candy aa a birthday present.
firing Blesauge of Good Will.
In his address at Springfield the presi
dent said:
"I am very much pleased to be in Spring
field. You prlj yourselves on a city of
homes. It Is alno a city of traveling men
who go through th entire length and
breadth of th union selling their ware.
I Ilk to talk to that class of men. I
am a sort of Itinerant preacher myself. I
am bringing a message of good will to all.
I am starting on a long Journey. Whether
my throat and digestion will last I do not
"Aa you know, th people have voted
me fcS.OuO for traveling expenses. Con
gressman Glllett helped me get that. It
is very hard to get anything from the
appropriation committee unless you have
a mighty good case."
The president then referred to tha work
of the executive and concluded by saying:
"Th bulwarks of th government are
the men you elect to congress. Goodbye."
President Taft' rear platform speech at
Worcester was similar to that delivered
"I feel very much at horn In Worcester
county." he said. "All my anoealora have
com from Worcester county on both aides
way back. The first on who cam her
was a housew right, carpenter. My
father, who wa Interested tn genealogy,
had a great deal to explain in telling how
It was that when be signed his will he
stsned it with a arose. H always said
he had hurt hi hand with a hatchet and
therefor could not us It with th ynctl.
(Continued on Second Pag j
More Census
Are Appointed
Guy Frankin of Port Dodge Will
Have Charge of Work in Tenth
Iowa District.
WASHINGTON. Sept. lB.-Addltlonal ap
pointments of census supervisors by Presi
dent Taft were annonnced today by Census
Director E. Dana Durand. Included In the
number are those who will have charge of
the enumetatlon of population In the cities
of St. Louis, Guthrie, Okl., and Fort
Dodge, la.
Henry A. Baker will take charge of the
work in the Tenth district of Missouri,
which embraces the city of St. Louis. He
Is a graduate of Yale and a professor tn
Washington university.
Benjamin F. Burkey, a real estate agent
of Guthrie, has been appointed supervisor
for the First Oklahoma district.
The Second Oklahoma district wfll be In
charge of J. O. Langston of Guymon,
Vxas county, Okl. Mr. Langston Is
tiled States commissioner and county
k of Beaver county.
it a supervisor of the Tenth Iowa district
a Guy Frankin of Fort Dodge, former
if the court,
.erbert J. Balrd, a lawyer, has been
selected a supervisor for the Second Colo
rado district. He has had previous ex
perience In census work.
The Third Colorado district will be un
der the direction of Charles F. Hamlin of
Sallda, Colo., who Is registrar of the
United States land office at his home.
Foreigners Out
at McKees Rocks
New Labor Disturbance Inaugurated
at Pressed Steel Car Works Over
Retention of Bosses.
PITTSBURG, Pa.. Sept 15-Another
strike developed at the Press Steel Car
company's plant at McKees Rocks today
when 3,000 foreigners employed by the com
pany refused to go to work and gathered
around the entrance. Tha strike, it Is
stated. Is not organized and Is based upon
the demand that all the bosses employed
at the plant be discharged by th com
pany. Th strike caused much excitement in
and about SchoenvlUe, but there was no
demonstration aside from the foreigner
assembling about tha gate. Most of the
American workmen went to work aa usual.
About forty deputy sheriffs are still on
duty at th work. Later aeveral hundred
Americana quit work. The absence of the
foreigners, they said, necessitated their
coming out. The main grievance, it I
said, la the employment of a large num
ber of men. Imported during the late strike
In the capacity of bosses and sub-bosses.
The man claim on of the agreements by
which tha last trouble waa settled was
that all of the Imported men should be
Th American workmen, who left th
plant, say no work haa been accomplished
In the mill. Instead tha workmen gath
ered In a body and listened to addresses.
Suicide Theory
Fully Sustained
Autopsy Discloses Nothing in Sutton
Case Inconsistent with Attitude
of Naval Court. '
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. Although the
report of Surgeon Speare of the navy,
who made the autopsy at Arlington Mon
day on the body of Lieutenant Sutton
haa not been submitted to the Navy de
partment. It Is known that the autopsy
disclosed nothing inconsistent with tha
theory that the lieutenant shot himself,
either accidentally or with suicidal Intent.
In fact tha tendency of the surgeon's
report is to support the original verdict
that Lieutenant Sutton shot himself. The
bruise on the side of his face did not
extend below th skin. The hoi made
by the bullet in the cranium showed dis
tinct traces of powder marks, and the
bruise extending from the bullet wound
outward was such aa might have been
mad by the gaa generated by the pow
der at very close range. Moreover, th
report will show that the wound was of
a character that could have been inflicted
by Lieutenant Sutton himself without his
arms being In an abnormal position.
Had Been in Jerusalem, Engaged In
Building Vp Missionary
SARATOGA. N. Y., Sept 166. A cable
gram today from Conaul Wallace at Jer
usalem announcea tha death there of Mr.
Angelina E. Newman, widow of th late
Bishop John P. Newman. After her hus
band's death ten years ago Mrs. Newman
became deeply Interested In foreign mis
sionary work, and two years ago went to
Jerusalem for th purpose of organizing
a school for kindergarten missionary work.
Although 80 years old she had been ac
tively engaged In this effort until recently.
Central Take No Action.
NEW YORK, Sept IB-No successor to
E. H. Harrlman as a director of the New
York Central railroad waa chosen at
today's meeting of the board of directors.
Pay-as-You-Enter Cars on
Farnam and Harney Lines
Hurray, the Farnam box cara will soon
be gone.
Five of th ten new street cars being
built by th American Car company of St.
Louis for use on th Farnam tin ar ex
pected to arrive tn Omaha today and th
other will follow soon. Th fifteen simi
lar cara being built In the company's shop
in Omaha ar also nearlng completion.
Tbe cara ar of th pay-as-you-enier
type and will be put on th Dundee and
th Harney line.
Th rear platform of these cars la divided
into an entrance and exit and th conductor
remain on tha back platform all th while.
Th passengers pay tha conductor aa they
enter and recelv their transfer at th
am Jim, o they hay no, further bother
Bankers Discuss the' Relation of This
Class of Fiduciary Corpora
tions to Public
Laws of States Differ Widely as to
Regulation of Business.
President Endorses Gold as Only Safe
Reserve for Banks.
Trnst Organisation Reported to Hava
Stood Strain of the Recent
Panic In a Moat Remark
able Manner.
CHICAGO, Sept. lB.-Two great divisions
of the banking business, the trust company
and the clearing house, occupied the at
tention of the delegates to the convention
of the American Bankers" association here
today. Separate meetings of the trust
company section and tha clearing house
section of the association were held and
the problems peculiar to each were dis
cussed. Before the trust company section, which
was welcomed to Chicago by E. A. Potter
of the American Trust and Savings bank,
the principal address was voiced by Daniel
8. Remser of the New York bar, who
spoke ' on the "Post Mortem Administra
tion of Wealth."
Strong endorsement of gold as tha only
safe reserve fund for a bank was the
burden of the annual address of E. C.
McDougal, president of the clearing house
section. Sol Wexler of the Whitney-Central
National bank. New Orleans, urged
that the members consider in the coming
year the Idea of adopting a uniform rate
of charges for all Items of business
transacted by one bank for another bank
and also suggested that action be planned
looking to the establishment of uniform
ity in settling dally clearance.
Trnst Company Section.
In the trust company section the after
noon waa spent in discussing problems
relative to trust companies, among which
were "The Limitations of the Functions
of a Trust Company," "The Duties and
Responsibilities of Trustees Under Cor
porate Mortgages" and "Mortgage a
Investments for Savings Funda of a Trust
Members from-different parts of the
country took different views on moat of
the problems, explaining that the law of
th aeveral states on the question differed
so greatly that uniformity in practice would
not be practicable.
At the close of the session H. H. Mcin
tosh, president of the Guardian Savings
and. Deposit company of Cleveland, O., was
elected president of the section and Oliver
C. Duller, president of tha Wisconsin Truat
company of Milwaukee, Wis., waa elected
first vloe president.
The following were elected to places on
the executive committee of the section:
E. , K. BOlsot, vice president of the First
Trust and Savings bank, Chicago; John D.
McKee, president of the Merchants Trust
company, San Francisco; Charles J. Bell,
president of the - American Security and
Trust company, Washington, D. C. ; F. H.
Goff, president of the Cleveland Trust com-
i pany, Cleveland, O., and Edwin Chamber-
lin, vice president of the San Antonio Loan
and Trust company, San Antonio, Tex.
Many of the delegates In the afternoon
visited Gary, Ind., and Inspected the steel
works tilery Tomorrow will be devoted to
sessions of the savings bank section and
the annual meeting of the secretarlea of the
bankers' association.
A reception and ball tomorrow night will
be the chief social feature of the conven
tion. Clearing Hoase Examiner.
At the clearing house section meeting
the report of the secretary of this branch
of the American Banking association, which
Is carrying on a vigorous campaign advo
cating the appointment of clearing bouse
examiners, waa read.
"The advantagea of thla plan," the re
port ran, "hava been clearly set forth In
many ways. It la conceded that th adop
tion of th plan would put banking on a
higher plane and would be of lasting bene
fit to the public The campaign carried on
by the aectlon has certainly created senti
ment In favor of this movement and It is
developing day by day.
"The clearing house cltie In which ex
aminers are now in vogue are aa follows:
Chicago. Philadelphia, St. Louis, San
Francisco, Minneapolis, St Paul, Kansas
City and 8t. Joseph. Mo., the cities of
Philadelphia and St Joseph having lately
fallen into Hue.
"The section haa now under considera
tion the working out of a plan for a uni
form method of reporting the weekly ex
changes by all th association of th
country and feels confident soma system
of accounting may be evolved which will
be generally put into force.
"Th section haa also started to do all
In its power to suppress th business
known as 'not kiting by giving publicity
to this business, carried on by so-called
Trnst Companies Firm.
Trenchant paragraph from the address
of Edward T. Perlne. president of the
Audit Company of New York, held the at-
(Contlnued on Second Page.)
from the conductor. The front door la
used as an exit only.
Tbla atyle of car haa been in successful
operation In New York, Chicago. St Louis,
Cleveland, Detroit and nearly all th larger
cltie. Among the advantage of the car
ar th fact that th conductor I always
en th rear platform, making It possible for
him to see whether the passengers are
aafely on and off the cara before signaling
the car to go ahead. Tha conductor is not
compelled to fore his way through a
crowded car to tha discomfiture of the pas
sengers, who may peruse their newspapers
or continue conversation undisturbed.
Pay-as-you-enter cars have been Im
mensely popular wherever they Lav been
tried, i .
I t i 4. J J J iJ
ii 'iA rf ill
Si vri vsjs u
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Several Corrections in the Course by
Scouting Party.
That Distance Will Be Covered by
tho President In His Automobile
Tonr Aronnd the City
Next Monday.
The official route over which President
Taft will be driven when ta Omaha next
Monday was finally decided upon Tuesday
afternoon, when C. H. Pickens, president
of the Board of Governors went over the
route with Hugh B. Mills. In charge of the
Secret Service department in this district
Several changes were suggested and
It was found Impossible to pass Crelghton
university because of the condition of the
streets and many other schools which tha
Board of Governor would like to have
the president pass couM not be reached
because of a lack of time. Instead of
driving west on Cuming street after leaving
Bemls park the party will continue south
and pass the Sacred Heart academy and
the residence 'of Bishop Scanned.
While the trip last evening waa made In
an hour, It la estimated that tha trip with
the president will consutno-an hour antf'a
quarter. The trip will covet! 197 blocks,
about fourteen miles, and' will give thous
and of children an opportunity to see the
president, who will ride in an open auto
mobile. He has given orders that rain or
shine the top must be down while he
divea through the streets of Omaha.
After the banquet at the Omaha club
the president will be taken to the den to
witness the oprey Paprika Schnitzel and
from the den he will go direct to the depot,
to leave on a special train for Denver.
Ronte In Detail.
Arriving at Union station, the presiden
tial party will be driven north on Tenth
street to Howard street, eaBt on Howard to
Ninth street, north on Ninth through the
wholesale district to Farnam atreet, and
then west on this principal business street
to Twentieth street. From Twentieth
street the route lies north two hirrk t
Dodge street and then west on Dodge past
tne nign ana central school buildings to
Twenty-second street, thence north on
Twenty-second street to Davenport street
and east on that street to vin.i.n.h
From Nineteenth and Davennort streets
the automobiles will make a Ions: run
straight north on Nineteenth to Lake
street, one block west on Lake tn Twen
tieth street, one block south on Twentieth
to Willis avenue, another block back east
on Willis avenue to Nineteenth atreet
thence south on Nineteenth to Clark, west
on Clark to Twenty-fourth street, south on
Twenty-fourth to Franklin street and then
west on Franklin street past the two build
ings belonging to the Long school to
Twenty-sixth street. The party will here
turn south on Twenty-sixth street to Hani.
llton, thence west to Thirty-fourth street
and then southwest through Bemls park
to Thirty-sixth ard Cuming streets. They
will continue south to Burt street and
west past Sacred Heart academy and the
residence of Bishop Scannell. The party
will Jog back to Cuming on Fortieth, west
to Forty-first, south to Davenport, east to
Thirty-ninth, south on Thirty-ninth to
Farnam, east one block to Thirty-eighth,
south to Jackson and east on Jackson to
Thirty-sixth street. A Jog of a couple of
blocks will be taken north to Harnev and
then east to Thirtieth street, or the South
Central boulevard. On the boulevard the
party will go south and west to Woolworth
avenue. On Woolworth avenue the party
will Journey east to Thirty-second avenue
and south on this avenue, the western
boundary of Hanscom park, to Center
A t-peclal dispensation has been made in
regard to Hanscom park and automobiles
will be allowed to go through with the
presidential party. The autos will move
east on Woolworth avenue Dast the Park
school to Georgia avenue, north on Georgia
avenue to Poppleton avenue, east to Twen
(Continued on Second Page.)
Call Douglas 238,
the "Want-ad
Ask for the Want-ad Depart
ment and your ad will be tak
en carefully and will appear
in the next edition.
Probably you have something you
should advertise a room or houwi
for rent need help something to
ell aomething you want to buy.
Do it now while you hae it
McCann to Show
He Was Merely
Obeying Orders
Chicago Inspector Will Claim He Put
Lid Down Because These Were
His Instructions,
CHICAGO, Sept. 15. When the defense
In the "graft" trial of Police Inspector
Edward McCann began today an Impos
ing array of character witnesses were
present. Including Mrs. Charles Henrotln,
former president of the General Federation
of Womens' clubs; Mrs. Gertrude Brltton
of the Hull house social settlement. Dean
Walter T. Sumner and Miss Minnie Low,
superintendent of the social service.
"We will show," said Judge Neely,
"that the defendant when he took charge
of the Des Plalnes street district was or
dered by hia superiors to curtail the vice
of the district He received speclflo in
struction concerning some of Louts
Frank' houses where young girl were
"He put the lid down with a severity
never known before and a howl went up.
Likewise this conspiracy waa formed to
put away the Inspector. The Inspector
stopped the aale of liquor tn all disorderly
houses and those who suffered thereby
arose against him. Inmates of these
house -were 'fined -an aggregate of J9,3O0,
a record un equaled anywhere. "
"We will prove, as to women released,
that this waa done at the Intercession of
representatives of societltfc Interested In
rescue work."
Riding Test is
Far Too Rigorous
General Albert L. Myer of Depart
ment of Texas Says Roosevelt
Plan is Severe.
WASHINGTON, Sept. lB.-In his annual
report General Albert L. Myer, command
ing the Department of Texas, character
lzind the Roosevelt riding test for army
officers as a detriment rather than an aid
to Increased efficiency.
"There are many very efficient and val
uable field officers," he says, "particularly
In the staff and supply department, who
should never under any circumstances be
required to make any such rides." Gen
eral Myer favors- yearly physical examina
tions of all officer to ascertain their fit
Conncll Adopt Ordinance Embody
in Aarreement Already Made
with Michigan Central.
DETROIT. Mich., Sept. lS.-The common
council last night adopted an ordinance
embodying the terma of agreement be
tween the city and the Michigan Central
railroad In regard to the erection by the
latter of a new depot and terminal to
coat $2,000,000. The ralljpad la given sixty
days In which to accept. Aa the com
pany's officials have already approved
most of tha agreement the erection of the
depot Is expected to begin soon.
Peary , Leaves Flag Given
Him by Wife at the Pole
BATTLE HARBOR, Labrador, Sept. 16
Via Wireless to Cape Ray, N. F. Com
mander Robert E. Peary, who Is still at
Battle Harbor on board the steamer Roose
velt, conversed further today with the As
sociated Press representatives regarding
his Journey to the North pole, lie spoke
particularly of the flag he raised at the
pola and the records he left there, and he
touched again on some of the assertions
credited to Dr. Frederick A. Cook.
Commander Peary said the first flag
thrown to the breeze was a silken Ameri
can emblem presented to him by his wife
fifteen years ago. He had carried this
flag on all his expeditions to the north,
leaving a piece of it at the highest point
he attained. The last remnant were
raised and left at the pole. The explorer
then raised the navy ensign, the flag of
the navy league, then the flag of the Delta
Kappa Epsilon fraternity and finally a flag
of peace. Tent poles and snow lancea were
used as flagstaffs, and when all had been
raised th commander took aeveral photo
graph of the group.
After this ceremony Peary enclosed rec
ords of his trip and other documents and
personal papers in a box and burled it In
tha ice. Th document were placed In
water-tight covering and the box itself
aa water tight so it would float If the
hUOng or inciting, lea brougul U to
Delegates to Pass in Review Before
Public and Officers.
Special Train Coming from Lincoln
and Council Bluffs a'nd Sioux
City Will Be Out In
This is the day the Eagle promise to
emit the big scream for the benefit of
Today Is the day of the monster parade,
when all the delegates will line up In uni
form and show off before the public. The
long procession will start at 1 o'clock at
the corner of Fifteenth and Howard streets.
From a stand located near the Paxton hotel
the officers of the grand aerie will review
the marchers.
Towns surrounding Omaha promlae to
pour In Eaglea. Eaglesscs and Eaglets by
the thousand. In fact It ia given out that
the cities close to Omaha have been wait
ing for this very day to show their enthusi
asm and they promise to make up for what
ever they may have neglected to do here
tofore. Lincoln baa sent word down that a spe
cial, train will bear 150 marchers and a
band from the capital city. Sioux City has
promised 200 automobiles loaded with sight
seers. Council Bluffs will also send from
400 to 600 people across th river and other
nearby towns with Eagle lodges will turn
out In proportion.
The first bugle call for the parade will
sound at 12:30 o $ ock, the second at 12. 5 J
and the command to march will be given as
nearly at 1 o'clock as possible.
Competition promises to be strong In the
contest for the prizes offered for the best
floats in the line. South Omaha will have
four and expects to carry off the palm.
Council Bluffa will also be represented on
wheels and Louisville, Ky., will do some
tail advertising for the convention of 1910
by means of a float or two. Omaha is
barred from the competition, but this- will
not prevent local lodges of Eagles from
getting in from purely patriotic motives.
Kansas City to Be In Line.
Slg. Spagetll's Royal Band of Umphs
will lead the Walking club of Aerie No.
47 of Kansas City in the grand parade to
day. The degree team will be In line and
the Kansaa Cityana will number at least
The marching club consists of about 150
members. They will be uniformed In white
pleated shirts, blue trousers with belts
and blue hats with red, white and blue
ribbons around the band. The degree team
won first prize in the competitive drill at
Milwaukee in 190C and at Norfolk In 11107.
It will compete in the competitive drill
before the grand lodge, during the session
and expects to win first money. The
team has been working hard for tho
The winners of the competitive drilling
contest will be awarded (400, the second,
12:0 arid the third, 1150.
The delegation and in fact the entire
Missouri contingent rallied to the support
of St. Louis for the 1910 convention and
are working hard to help the St Louis
delegation get the plum.
The Kansa City delegation does not
ask for tha convention. The National
(Continued on Third Page.)
water. Commander Peary haa not devel
oped the films he took at the pole.
Referring to the weather conditions at
the apex of the world, Commander Peary
said he found nothing like the revolving
wind referred to by the antarctic ex
plorers. The weather conditions varied
fro time to time, although there was prob
ably considerable uniformity. He would
not say whether or not he found currents
at the pSIe.
Commander Peary today received a
cablegram asking verification of a report
from a Danish source that he hH n ,.....
a notice on the Greenland coast that Dr.
Cook was dead, making this notice a' pre
text for the appropriation of Dr. Cook's
supplies. The explorer declared he knew
nothing of this; that It evidently waa a
newspaper publication.
Commander Peary has said already
what he Intends to say in regard to Dr.
Cook. His statement dictated to the As
sociated Press covers this subject fully
for the present
Peary did not see th beginning or the
ending of the solar eclipse; the part he did
see waa obscured by cloudx. He said he
had experienced no earthquakes In the
polar regions, explaining at the same time
that It would ba difficult to recognize
auch occurrences because of the movement
of the ice and th continual grinding noia
resulting, (herefrom.
New York Man is as Good r
Vice President of T
National Aerie
n ii
St Louis Leads for Getting the Con
vention Next Year.
Pacific Coast's Action Helps the
Metropolis of Missouri.
Second Day' Session of the Conven
tion la Taken I'p with Eloquent
Speeches of the dominat
ing Orator.
Eagle Convention Program.
10:00 A, M. TroUsy trip foe visiting
1 P. M. Orand parade and review by
Judge who will award th prise.
8:00 P. BL Exemplification of tha new
ritual by th grand offloera at Auditor
ium. Open to all Eagla In good stand
ing. 8:00 P. M. Theater party for visiting
ladlea and trolley trip to th laksa.
Orand Worthy Vlo President Thomas
T. Grady of BTw York.
Orand Worthy Chaplain P. K. Col of
Engiswood, 111.
Orand Worthy Bsoretary Conrad M.
Mann of Kansas City.
Orand Worthy Treasurer Plnly Ho
lla of Hslena, Mont.
Orand Worthy Conduotor W. A, Dlsoh
of Parsons, Kan.
Orand Worthy Xnld Onard Edward
B. Puller of Richmond, Ta.
Orand Worthy Trusts (font to b
K. J. Lea of Seattle.
Theodore A. Ball of Hapa, CaL
James r. Cheatham of Ban Pranolsoo,
John A. TnthlU of Omaha.
Own Kan of Cleveland, O.
William P. Oartland of Boston, Mas.
Daniel C. Kally of Book Island, m.
Chart E. MoOonald of Buffalo, V. T.
Convention In 1010
St. Xionla.
These were formally placed In nomina
tion at the session of the grand aerie oi
Eagle Wednesday morning and during th
session all contest except two were elim
inated. John S. Parry and John A. Cllne, aspir
ants for grand worthy vlo - president,
dropped out of the race Wednesday morn,
ing and threw their aupport to Senatoi
Thomas F. Grady of New York, lnaurln
Grady's election without a contest.
There still remain eight candidates fot
the four vacancies on th board of tru
tees to be filled and four cltie ar in th
race for tho convention in 1810. These will
be the only contests to be settled by th
delegates today when the polls open.
Nominating speeches took up practically
all of the time Wednesday morning and It
was 1:30 before the convention adjourned.
Twenty car loads of delegatea and visitor
were hurried off to South Omaha wher
they spent tha afternoon aa guests of th
South Omaha aerie. The packing house
were visited first and then the Eagle war
taken to the rooms of the aerie wher re
freshment were served. The South,
Omahans spared no palna to niak th
visit of their out of town brother a suc
cess, over 2,000 being expended for th
entertainment. i
A'o Know of Fireworks.
It became evident before the session of
the grand aerie began Wednesday morning
that the contest for grand worthy vlo
president, which promised to be th spec
tacular one of the session, Waa over with
out even a show of fireworks. Parrv mnA
Cllno both announced their withdrawal
and their action left Grady alone In the
field. Parry's boom interfered with h
aspiration of Past Worthy President Theo
dore A. Bell of California for trustee and
of his home city, San Francisco for tha
convention In 1U11 and he decided to with.
draw, though his state delegation had Just
given him a re-endorsement for th place.
it narrowed down to a situation wher
the Interest.: of the state Beamed tn nnn.
llict with nw candidacy at this convention, "
said Mr. Parry, "and consequently I with
drew my name."
San Francu-co also got balky when tha
easterners tried to make them change their
request for the convention In UU to 11110.
President Kennealy of the San JTranolac)
aerie announced in very positive language
that hia city did not want th convention
In 110 and would not take It under any
conditions. He said, however, It waa ready
to ahow them the time of their live la
'Frisco Help St. Lonls,
Thl actlun on tho part of th Callfor
nians Is helping out tha boom pf 8t Lout
and it Is now believed the contest will 11
between Louisville and St. Louis with th
condition favoring the latter. Buffalo'
ambition to get the convention In liU
practically eliminates all eastern oitlea
from the race for the 1910 meeting and
San FranclHCo's desire to get the conven
tion tho same year also put a damper on
the western cities for next year. Thl
makes it highly probable that a middle
continent town will be selected and so far
St. Louis and Louisville have put up by
far the best fih'ht. Tha arrival of a train
load of Kansas Cityans who organized
themselves Into St. Louis booster will give
added Impetus to the Mound City boom.
The close of the morning session waa
varied somewhat by a series of raps at
Oinuha hotels for alleged "rat" boosting
during the convention. The matter waa
brought up during the nominating speechea
for the vurious cities aspiring to enter
tain the next convention. Theodore A
Bell of California led off with th charg
that the delegates had been charged ex
orbitant prices for accommodation and
demanded that before tha next conven
tion should be located the favored city
ought to give a guarantee that price
would l ot go up. The Indiana delegation
a alxo "sore" and several other took
tside ahota at the local hoatelrle.
Th nomination of Thoma F. Grady for
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