Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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HS)(Q)S)aaEagles National ConventionsTis1
EAGLES Monuments! NEED Princess Theatre Hear the Eagle Scream
Visit the ANY . NOW OPEN! AT
V lOl t tlXV THE MOST BEAUTIFUL j- i i . T T , 1
a dt cLiQp vrcu Schhtz Hotel
Alv 1 Orivyl Granite Monuments AVUUULI m the West, showing the
nt In the West a i r Most Exclusive 3,11(1 3I6S
. 1421 farnam street PZt mZ cI VJ U U U b i . Oained th. With Increased Facilities
An especially beautiful line of Eagle pictures all this week. soon, APPROVAL OF OMAHA. ,
We frame pictures in the latest patterns, cheaper than anyone and t0 We HaVC Them Special Film Service Combined
- SAVEocrs?o?VINO wxSSestthe With Our Usual Good Service
PidUreS. Frames, raMjirTO ,1 We Are Ready
Mouldings, Bric-a-Brac J. F. Bloom & Co. tielllJrUgU). Brown vniiard TO SERVE and CARE
' vvy v- vv. . w "Soprano" df the Kimball Hall,
(Look in the Farnam Street Windows) 1815,17 Farnam St. Omaha. 1216 Farnam St. Chicago, sings Illustrated Songs p0f Our Guests.
.at every performance. '
m w t. V!sitinfi Eagles Lum' TT .1 1 Eagles, Attention! J Y0U WAI?A Attention Eagles Gtafson &
Mrs. Rlttenhouse ber and Hardware Eaplpcl Typewriter ue"uu" A Hendrickson
mamuTunifTOP m l j ma-wo . J,,rT,. Has Your Aerie An eagle emblems
ouaduate ob the Merchants Are ....... save $20 Look at our
Weltmer Institute Invited Mwini'' Eagle? display
OF While in the City . vice, you will find- ,vni ANI JACKSON S?,tofe ' I Can Supply You With a In North Wmdow.
. J - - 15111 AMD JALKbON Bllckensderfer, No. 7 25.00
Nevada, Mo. Your Drug Wants n . 1!r'."r.::.)lM Bird Ready Mounted 1uJSnaim
T7or1' & Has made SPECIAL PREP- Remington, rebuilt No. 1 3000 AND CHARMS
Treats .Rheumatism, Constipa- JaglcS Promptly attended to here. ARATION for your COM- em'nton' No- 6 J6 0 In the ... We have a full line in Gold
" . . prtonv. v Remington, rebuilt No. 6 35.00 , n , ,
tion, Paralysis, Lumbago and all WHILE OUT SIOHTSEE- ourb ??,h,-J 'i S2 Latest -Artistic TvnP
chronic diseases electric mas- tOnVCntlOIl INO YOU WILL FIND OUR 0 i-iS T ! ! ! ! ! ! HIS LZXeSl ArtlStlC 1 VPe 50c to $35.00
cnroni diseases, eiectnc mas store an INvmNQ pLACE Everything in Season gK S ! " For $15.00. An Exceptionally Fine Line of
sage and baths. 1 O Lall TO REST and have your favor- - outS No! I i i::::.::::::::: ti.ll others char-re 00 Write for STERLING SILVER
D OAQ 171 d inspect the most complete "e Ices and Drinks served. Is served and prepared Wi SOUVENIR SPOONS
KOOm 308, 4th Floor ine of Roofing Papers and Roof Fine line of High Grade the Best f Care' - We rent Typewriters $2.50 jut, has just been received from the
r , Qtrt o p, ,rf Coatings that can be produced. Cigars and Candies, and a com- h11r.r D P month. Reference. -ufactawn wd placed for
B0St0n Store Bldg. . , plete stock of Toile Articles. Our Greert Room XT tn r 1 South Omaha Aerie No. 154. sale at 75c to $3.00
Elevator1 entrance 10 S 16tn SPecial Prices to the trade. , . . JNebraSKa LyCle T) T? 11 Get one as a Souvenir from
Uevator entrance 1.0 S. 16th Merchants Pharmacy - R. R Mullen, Omaha before you leave the city.
Street, stairway orr Douglas The American Supply ' q w fnrn ' nt . , ' LOHipany TAXIDERMIST Gustafson & Hendrickson
stW ; r ' S.. Corner of ... SH0W pLaCE'OF THE CITY. t,PABiTOOV ti, e Jewelers
trcet" fnmnon-ff iRti, Tiftmft.j 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Phone So. 650. OA1 ... 0l .
company 16th and Howard Streets. ;. . Cor. 15th and Harney, Omaha. XT 04..eA 0 ' 201 N. 16th Street.
1112 FARNAM ST ' ' 6 0Ea E' MICKEt" 509 No' 24th St- South Omaha. HOTEL LOYAL BLDG
'. . " . , ' '
EAGLES ARE john A. Every Eale Fall' 1909
Ol t 1 TT ii, 00Ab BfS',' R"'umatlc Cur 8c', Acid Phonph.te, 4O0 and Its
ShmilH UlCIT V.ii'.?. folnfectant . oc Kllmer'a Swamp Root. 46o and.......... Mto
. -Tf" 7 t TT T k H T OllULilVj. Y lolL ' Antlphloglatlna, we sell e. Mc and ti ll r0c L Juone Face Powdar Mn
ALWAYS ON TOP! KERVAN Americriu, T, . . MS!iW?iil
.. WHAT? Merchant . Pet Store lilt rid lb
TP 1 "t T T T ATJIP Horaoheaa Garman Byrup. fcc and.... To Mntholatum. we acll 26o and a
I nt a. Birds and Ppts frnm oil nvar ( I I Bromo Beltaar, 10c, 26c, 46o and 88e Mllk'a Emulilon : o
HTTP MOISTFY thfwd ms aU over YOU -ESSI
UU1 IVIUIN Jl I Suite 506-12 Brandeis Bldg. red head parrots 'from $6 S
.-v ' Meco. a, on.y..... $6 The Steps Save You 40 c
HOW MUCH DO YOU WANTT Announces his Fall and Winter VJT $3 ' &$n"$ T. --I:::::
ItTAXTT TT rnnnAV rrVT VrTT showing Of the most exclusive nr.r n run ,Pnm ,... u. HI! niPPi Tablet. '(Rxalirit0;"45c. e 1 phll"P' tup Whaat Phoaphat. wa
WANT IT TODAY, DON T YOU t i . 4U , , . , , - GOLD FISH, from Japan, H 15(j Euealyptua Catirrh Jelly, tha blandMt Jt. nVi .'' mm w"m V 890
. . designs in the latest shades for d0"n 75c; or- ,ach : ng "t,'i;a,1l'or clrr"- m uo ioapho"p" tJSS V
Not Tomorrow or a Week from Now. dresses of good taste. You are dan"nq mice, a novaity 43 50 TDTrATiVrTrT T dd. i. "LVkin T.mViV.'!"'. .lc0rftce' Smrt wTo7n,'-'-'' SS
j 11 . ., , , . , tnm th Orient, pair po.ay K T V V P I Il.tO Falrchllda Eaaenca of Pmin M ,1J0 P'nula Vfiabla Lilac, Violet.
cordially invited to pass judg- . i-l 1 IN LLLu tlM vUow t y'"Hy
M"D:,U4. Get us n t-10 'Phone aB quick as you read ment on the newest importations It's one of the "show Rights" -.CTT T nTn.r o.'fflnl!; X .Vt.. .nd.:::.
Klgtlt this ad, or come to our ofLe. . 7 and the best in style, fit and of Omaha. Visit often. Your 're MILLINERY W-
workmanship. welcome. . Tlr Kianty nd bladd'r cur- ri& f,u"."...M.u..f.".. V.V;r:;."V
We've Got It, AH You Want Of It suits from $35.00 to $60.00. M r . . n. , r COMPANY rZ
p. - 44-4. ... Max Geisler Bird Co ArAA , MS
Perhaps you can use some to entertain your friends! R;t sofi.i2 RmndAU nido ' ' 111 rirktirflnc .n y Almoni cream. . swift-a syphilitic Bpecino, sw and., hm
, , . . , ouits ouo-j. liranaeis liidg. ifiiT VARNAM 8TRFFT Ull UOU2iaS Ol. Hoatattr;a'BitV;'roV lr,h Pa,t.e K") i
Perhaps you are go ng to get married! 101 ' A"WAAl falltiil krmIv 1 ZVV''" 1100 zmo for "ra -
, 6 6 6 , OVER TFWFT TTIlJsATi7'T SHERMAN a McCONNELL DRUO CO, Cor. llth and Dolr. 8ti.
Perhaps some financial difficulties are worrying you! ' xiir.ivir.itj owl druq co., ocmer nth and Hamar strata.
S5'M TRANSACT BUSINESS EaCS T" " A"" 'The Eag,CS 'P1""' !nt "
,,..... X llC O (Upitalr) Bell D5152 w 1.1 . .
Tiie fail of festivities is on. H Moulting, to acquire new life.
If you don't need it, don't get it If you do need it', the ques- jTaXtOIl JtlOtel xlf r 0Un w. f They come to Omaha to acquire the vim and
turn is this- the Llty WOrtn energy of the Windy City.
J HOW MUCH .AND HOW SOON? f J Y0U ARE invited Before the' leave th(y shuid can at the
Put down our address, you will find it mighty handy when
VxdlC dHQ to visit the pi o Woodmen of the World Headquarters
you want money. You are always welcome at our office, cour- Most Complete Cigar Store VllUJP OUCV The strongest fraternal life insurance order in
teous treatment at all times. I xfl I I KAAm n Omaha America. Twenty-five per cent of the new members"
LOANS on household goods, pianos, live stock on any secur- vJ 1 AAA XVUUlll y0ur Kvomi' ITt'oTtUr or o rir written by fifty-seven societies during 1908 joined
itV you mav have Tobacco Here. dllLl 1 U U W
' (OPEN 6-30 A M TO 1 P M ofC6tddooPia? Ll" We have 000,000.00 in our nest and $200,000
YOUR BUSINESS IS YOUR BUSINESS. OUR BUSINESS ' ' our sp.ei.1 DiS.y i-W i i bein added everJ' month A monument to memory of
IS OUR BUSINES.S YOUR BUSINESS AND OUR BUSINESS iwViVwSrth f'vuu I hill KHnr every deceased member, old age total disability bene-
IS NOBODY'S BUSINESS SEE. THIS IS WHY WE TREAT The finest meals in the city- to our store Vlllll 1 dl 1U1 fits at 70 years of age and thereafter. Assessment
ALIj BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. plenty of waiters, giving you Price. $1.00 up. ' rates lowest consistent with "paying the last man."
Both Phones: Douglas 1356; A-1356. Low Rates, Small Pay. C Prmpt aUen' bV' ZVXr QuVc.XViV Specialty of Eagle Woodman Camps being instituted.
ents- ' , . A" W HU-&dp.-r lB ur CHINESE, ITALIAN J Q ROOT,
lN6Dr3.SKci JL03,n VxO T T n Special Attention Given to J Q YATES
Room 7 Crounse Block. Corner 16th and Capitol Ave, Headquarters 1 TaCy brOS. LO. Orders Going Out. ' SOVEREIGN CLERK
1416 Douglaa Street.