TIIEBEEs OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1900. Vn; Omaha Daily Bel FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSE WATER. VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omthi postofflce as seoond clets matter. - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Tl'r ! (without Runday) one year. .MM Dally liee and Sunday, on year .W DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally Bee (Jncludlng Sunday), per week. .15; I'ally llee (wllhout Huntley), per week. .10 Evening Uee (without Sunday). par weak e Kvenlng Bee, (with Hundayj, per wak..lw r Bunday Bee, one year t ji Saturday Bee, one year " Address all complaints of Irregularities la delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. 8outh Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluffs 1 Bcott Btreet. Lincoln 618 Lit tie Building. Chicago 1M Marquetta Building. New York-Rooms UU1-1102 No. U Weal Thirty-third Street. Washington 726 Fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE!. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. tnly t-cent stamps received In payment of mall accounts. J'ersonal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Stale of Nebraska. Douglas County, aa.i George B. Txachuck, treasurer Of The iJee 1'ubllxhlna; Companv, "jelng duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of August, 10S, we as follows: 1 39,900 ' IT 41,780 i 41,000 II 43,030 1 41,470 1 M0 4 41,630 10. ........ .41,410 t 41,770 21 41,630 C 41,840 II 40,000 7. ...... ,..41,790 IS 48.260 I .....S9.900 . 14 .....41,770 41,930 25 .43,030 10 41,990 14 41,700 11 ;. 41,940 2T 41,730 II ...41,870 II ....43,170 13 43.030 SI 40,000 14 41,430 SO 41,910 16 40,000 SI 43.190 1 41,850 Total 1,899,410 Returned copies...,, , .... 10,381 Net total 1479,031 Dally average , . 4M89 GEO. E. TZSCHUCK. Treasurer. Subscribed in my ereesnce and sworn to before m this 1st day of September, 1908. It, P. WALKER. Notary Public Safeaerlkora leavlnar . tr tem porarily shoal The) Baa tailed to theaa. Address -or HI b ehaaged mm often as reqaested. Welcome Eagles. Make yourselves at home. Divorce costi in San Francisco from 12 to $S0. But staying In 'Frisco is bard on the lady's reputation. From the price of cattle and hogs one might Imagine that the middle west feeds live stock on orchids. We are still waiting for a decisive report from ' Havelock as to whether the State fair at Lincoln was a success. One honor Mr. Harrlman squarely won. The bravest death la that of the man wbo prepares to die and dies pre pared. ?, Eagles hare a reputation of taking things aa they come and making the best of them, and they will do so with the weather. Every additional democratic decla ration of principles reads more like Mother Oooee. It. Is familiar always, but never convincing. Miss Elklns is a woman of talent. She is prolonging her engagement on the principle that one courtship is bet ter than twenty weddings. Judge Lovett will try to fill Mr. Har rlman's shoes, which he will find will be no easy task. Here's hoping that he wears them comfortably. We know one fact about the North Pole. It is nearly all wind and ice. Anybody seeking to capitalize it would find It a good place for hot air. The great railroad king is gone, and the railroad business resembles Eu rope after Napoleon's hands were tied. There are so many little kings. Two doctors testify that Cook's sin cerity Is known, while Peary has often deserted the truth for quite a distance. That was Cook's day on the high side. A mill for vegetable silk is men tioned. What's the use? Silk is like champagne. It Is no better than many other things, but only costs more money. Peary la at the least a humorist. Ills gigantic boatswain driving the starving Cook away from the latter's stores Is equal to the best thing in lit erature. Before Christmas, marketmen pre sage, butter will sell at 50 cents a pound. If so we shall repent all the ; bard words we have used about good, ' old, faithful Oleo. Increases in iron and steel exports will bring James J. Hill to his feet. It is but a year since he told us that selling American manufactures abroad was an Idle dream. It would be Interesting to have the real present-day sentiments of "Bill" Oldham on the sidetracking of his candidacy for a nomination on the democratic state ticket. Of course, we are all glad to know that our democratic congressman from this district has returned home safe and sound, but it is too bad that he did not leave his smutty stories in Eu rope. Big bankers at the Chicago meeting are opposed to postal savings banks because they need the money them selves. The reason is no sign that Mr. Taft will not get the law through congress The Tour Begins. President Taft begins his tour at a time when both he and the country will be receptive and absorbent to ward the major subjects of govern ment. The president has pleased the south with a remarkably well selected list of local officials and with an equally tactful series of utterances. The northwest and central west are In the good humor of rich crops and busy wheels. It Is not a swollen phrase of com parison to say that at this time Mr. Taft and the country are in what can be called a more "chummy" frame of mind than the country and any presi dent have ever been. He will listen while he talks and they will talk while they listen. Neither will be curbed with the caution of suspicion. Mr. Taft may be more popular or less popular than either of his Immediate predecessors. The conditions bring him nearer to the voters In the discus sion of the issues foreseen at the moment. The tour Is a sort of pageant in which the first executive appears before the people. The deeper mean ing is that the president takes account of the state of the country,- In Jef ferson's or Jackson's time a president could deal only with reports and they would be meager. In this period he can literally make a series of calls on the people, sit on the step and talk things over. Mr. Taft is exactly the man to get the most and give the most in such an unprecedented experience. He will touch closely every part of the coun try and understand every syllable and Intonation of what he hears. It is a mighty thing that the president is transparently honest and understood by the people. The tour Is not a dis play, but a grand Inquiry on the evolv ing opinions of this nation. Irresponsible Atlantic City. Up and down the Atlantic coast the papers treat Atlantlo City as a regular and absorbing topic of discussion. It ranks as one of the non-assimilated facts of the country's scheme of ex istence. The New York Evening Post, a paper as serious as any we have, calls upon the New Jersey legislature to end a situation that is freshly scan dalous every Sunday. There Is nothing unnatural about this situation. Atlantlo City differs from other communities in having an insignificant local population; Even that insignificant citizenry recks little of what happens unless it is on the day 'twixt Saturday and Monday, It Is a strip of beach holding a board walk and many hotels of many ranks. In short, it is the greatest Sunday summer resort In eastern America. With the resolute 'persistence of a beleaguered Rochelle or Joppa, the peo ple have decided to let anybody sell what anybody else will buy, regardless of the minor subdivision of time. There Is no dispute or battle. They Just re fuse to stop taking good money from the wayfarer- Sheriffs, constables, Judges and the governor have notified, lectured, decided and proclaimed. The Evening Post lets Governor Fort take refuge behind a plea that he has ex hausted his powers. He has not, for he can call out the mllltla and put the army of New Jersey In camp, if It is not mosquito time, and a sentinel at every neglectful door. At this point the governor dodges, because he knows that he would touch the New Jersey tickle-bone and pocketbook. This is not a fling at Governor Fort, .who is a man of dignity and shrewd good sense, unluckily caught in a situation, like tilting at pillows, striding on the edge of the ridiculous. If there were a local population big enough to be respon sible or formidable, the ' governor could act effectively. As it Is, weighty organs of thought, like the Evening Post, should not harass the poor gov ernor with appeals to the law. No man taxes an oatn to make himself look fooltob. Atlantic City resembles a run of herring or a flight of snipe. It does not obey the law. That is the story of Atlantic City. It is not vicious, wicked, immoral or Immodest. It is simply irresponsible. Cotton Factories, Natural laws which are at first ob scure often overthrow the cunning and capital of able men. An Instance arises In the manufacture of cotton. At one time conservative Investors be lieved that ultimately the south would manufacture all of Its own raw cot ton, against Lancashire and New Eng land. The southern factories multi plied and enlarged, to be sure, until they learned to use more cotton than New England. The relative gain, how ever, does not Include the finer and more highly finished grades. If there is an enduring cause which In the future forbids the south to dom inate the manufacture, It is the homely one of insufficient water of the proper quality. Persons who ought to know, say that this defi ciency Is permanent. Large Investments have been made In establishing bleach erles, but they have been failures. Few cotton men expect results from arte sian wells. Cotton intended for high grade manufacture goes to New Eng land or to England. Labor is another weakness of the south. The negro is not considered most desirable In highly organized fac tory work and the white labor from the hill country is as a class not steady and dependable. These labor conditions might be gradually altered for the better, though up to the present the good factory hands come from the old Huguenot, Scotch and German stock which was there before the rev olution. The water problem seems beyond the arts of human Ingenuity. It makes a separation which confines the region of raw cotton to the unbleached cloth and assigns fine cloth to the north. There has been surprise In the public mind that the spindles of New Eng land have been largely Increased, even within a year. In ten years, while the number of factories in the south have developed, the splndleage of the north has steadily kept Its place at the head. The New England trade papers have now settled down to confidence that New England still has Its work of finishing cotton cloth and making it into the varied staples generally known as dry good and white goods. It Is a valuable lesson in the laws of natural production. The Eagles' Convention. Omaha Is entertaining the national convention of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. It goeawlthout saying that the hospitality of the city belongs to all the delegates to this convention, and all the friends who accompany them. The convention is here by invitation extended by our citizens and commer cial organizations, and as hosts we wish for our guests the most success ful meeting the order has ever held. Realizing that the Eagles' conven tion is here for business, as well as pleasure, our people have endeav ored to provide all the necessary facil ities for the apeedy and effective trans action of the business, and also an en tertainment program to make the pleasure hours a source of real pleasure. To the Fraternal Order of Eagles Omaha extends greeting and best wishes. Ilarriman's Successor. In an elaborate analysis of Harrl- man's temperament and methods the Boston Herald Judges that speculation as to where the mantle will fall is not settled by picking a natural heir or a personal representative, but by answer ing the other question. Can the mar shals whom he has trained be relied upon to command the confidence of the same men whose vast stores of capital were intrusted to his genius? The question points to the answer. These marshals will have to prove themselves before they wear for a term of years the Harrlman crown and are settled on the Harrlman throne. Judge Lovett Is a man of strength. versatility and resources, but to handle the routine of property without serious error is widely different from fighting great battles, formulating great Boli des and encountering great obstacles. He may do all that Harrlman did as well or even better than Harrlman, but he has to demonstrate his ability to go it alone. It may be safely predicted that the chief Harrlman properties will each be preserved intact, In good order and in profitable condition. How much of the vast mass of capital will be oper ated and directed as a whole, no man can say with confidence, because not even Mr. Harrlman, brought to life again, could tell. , Too much depends on Intractable factors. Too much hangs on the uncertain factor of what notions other men will take and what Is their ability to carry a notion into a policy. Taking the most optimistic view of the prevision and foresight of Mr. Har rlman, the good faith of strong men who will try to uphold the stocks, and the skill of Judge Lovett and his colleagues, there are yet man, com plex problems yet to be solved. The successor of Harrlman must find him self, must fight, strive and acquire, until he Justifies leadership and com mands submission to the dual lan guage of whip and reins. Shrewd men will be on the lookout for a successor of the calibre of Harrl man among the newly elected board of directors. The law of finance seems to be to throw greater and greater power Into the hands of men of the great commander class. It is a one- man age, though people waste a great deal of platitude on efforts to prove the contrary. Today there is no man on earth who knows how to align all the so-called Harrlman properties. Yet alignment is desired by the share holders. The situation of a group of more or less unartlculated stocks calls for a Harrlman to maintain them In an orderly and closely knit working pro cess of operation. It Is better to wait for what happens than to nominate the next autocratic ruler. Meanwhile, the people of the Harrlman territory have the duty of helping the officers to maintain the credit and develop the facilities of the roads. State Fair Attendance. The shortage In attendance on this year's State fair Is provoking more or less general discussion, focused princi pally at Lincoln, as to the whys and wherefores. After interrogation of local merchants and business men the Lincoln Journal summarises as fol lows: The causes offered (or falling off In business are: The rainy season, which de creased the state fair attendance on the first three days; the lack of decorative Illumination and street attractions in the city; and the fact that Lincoln Is a "dry" town. 'While some declare that prohibition has hurt their trade, others declare It had no effect whatever on their business, and others say that their business has tn eretsed since the prohibition rule has been in effect. Borne complaint lias been made that the night attractions at the fair grounds hurt business In the down town section. Three attractions served to draw people from the city the saloons at Have lock. the fireworks at the fair grounds during the evening, and Capital Beach. Capital Beach did a business during the end of the week that was measured only by the transportation faollltles. It Is everyone's guess and all these reasons doubtless enter Into the aggre gate result, but there Is one additional suggestion that seems thus far to have escaped notice, and that Is that the State fair as a great modern agricul tural exposition needs a systematic and up-to-date publicity and promotion campaign. Present methods may have been all right In their day, but their day Is passing. It Is not enough to have a good thing, but the people must be made aware of It and impressed with the desire to take advantage of it The State fair management ap parently spent in the neighborhood of 160.000 to produce a show lasting five days, and success or failure depended oh getting the people there at the par ticular time the gates were open. How much of the $60,000 was spent for ad vertising and other forms of publicity we do not know, but we Venture the guess that it was a comparatively small amount. Tens of thousands of dollars are hung up sb premiums and speed prir.es and other thousands paid for amusement features, salaries and wages of employes doubtless all legitimate, so far as they go, but bound to fall far from the mark if the people are not brought out to see the exhibits. The State fair ought to take in $100,000, and it doubtless would If it spent $10,000 or $20,000 for adver tising and be big money ahead at that. According to the financial exhibit In the annual report of the Young Men's Christian association, along with re ceipts on the building fund of about $9,600, la the item, "Cost of collec tion, $998.98." Why should the Young Men's Christian association have to pay 10 per cent discount to collect subscriptions made when the building fund campaign was on? Observant spectators in a court house audience always noted that It took a smart man to have the evidence right In cow cases for railroads. Judge Lovett gained fame by that route and now he is executive head of the Harrl man roads. The moral Is that young lawyers should learn the real people by close application to cow cases. Those republloan editors at Lincoln, who are now balking on the repub lican state platform which as dele gates they voted to adopt, must have been caught unawares In the conven tion by having the motion put before they had time to consult with their as sociates on. the outside and get orders on what they should do. That nonpartisan democratic candi date for supreme Judge might have Volunteered to represent the dear peo ple in defending the corporation tax law, to which the democratic state platform points with pride, but the corporations saw him first. A literary Journal has unearthed the news that in Rome they had car ried advertising to the point of stick ing posters on gravestones. Yet the democratlcT;party is boasting of its progressiveness. How long, oh, con script fathers? Now-MtvTaft comes to the test of the 'ThirflblM degree. He meets the soath Aod west on the deck of a river steamer, It will be the masterly triumph of, his term. White House au diences are the mere mechanics of the presidency.' Ex-Banker Helnze is ready for a new career. All his indictments, ex cept one or two, are quashed or nol lled. He has the class of brilliant financiers almost to himself If he is going to open a new game. Those present remarked that the pole was ''like every day." That Js the tragedy of ,lfe. Every day Is like every day when you see it. The thrill comes to him who Bits back and reads about It. 1 Secretary MacVeagh's economy dis missed a clockwlnder and convenience was constrained to reinstate the pub lic servant to make the clocks run har moniously. Ours is a great and pro gressive government. If the Panama exposition comes in 1915 it is not premature to start the preparations. 8till, there is time. Mr. Taft'e second term will, at the swiftest, be at an end before the canal is complete. Julius Chambers writes that Mr. Harrlman saw so far ahead that the other brokers used to regard him as a wildcat operator. Men like Harrlman usually have some such reputation. Playing the Stellar Role. Washington Post. The wind gauge, seems to be playing a more Important part in the dlsoovery of the North pole than either the compass or the sextant. Politeness aa an Asset. Kansas City Btar. Dr. Cook's undoubted popularity in the arctlo controversy now pending Is a note worthy demonstration that it pays to be polite and civil. Increasing; the Preaaore. Cleveland Plain Dealer. It Is gravely to be feared that by the time the president has made the round of banquet tables through the west hU waist line will Indicate the wisdom of Its owner beginning again to tee his own ball. Pass It Vs. Philadelphia Record. If the water is 1.500 fathoms deep over the pole how are the United 8tates going to accept Commander Peary's present of sovereignty over the entire region? Na tional jurisdiction extends only a marine league from shore. Taft aa a. Phrasemaker. Springfield Republican. Humor Is a "shock absorber," says Pres ident Taft; and the felicity of the phrase indicates that constant practice In public speaking is developing his powers of ex pression. Epigrams begin to crop out In his occasional addresses, and. in a short Hire, he may shins as a phrasemaker In comparison even with bis two Immediate predecensors. NEBRASKA POLITICAL COMMENT Falrbury News: Tou do not hsve to be a pop to be a progressiva republican, but a good many fall to recognise the differ ence. Rushrllle Recorder: All you hsve to do to discover that democratic nonpartisan bias Is to look up the democratlo record In the halls of congress and legislatures, par ticularly the late Nebraska legislature. If that does not convince you of the genuine ness of the latest democratlo fake nothing will. Fremont Herald: Lincoln had a grouch all week. It has been biliously kicking about exorbitant charges for shoe shlnea, for for lodging, about signs over the sidewalks, high prices charged for meals, the attend ance at the state fair and, lastly, yowling because Douglas county took the main prlxea for farm products. It rained nearly all week and It Is evident that Lincoln has water on the brain, hy not go to a drug store and take suthin for It? Kearney Hub: The country newspapers of the state continue to have their say upon the subject of leaders, for which a call has gone forth from some over-excited newspapers at the state capital. The Falr bury News Is of the opinion that It Is not leaders that we want, but that the demand Is for "servants" Instead. The News truth fully adds that we have no reason to com plain of the men as a whole who are serv ing us In the national congress or the state capltol, and It sums up the whole matter concisely when It declares that "the faoi that we are doing away with the leaders' Is a compliment to the Intelligence of the republicans of the state." 80, when the consensus of opinion has been reached It will be found that the people are of a mind to get along without being led by self styled or conspicuously , -labeled party leaders. Falrbury Gasette: The democratic state platform of the current year Is quite frank in one particular. It offers with apparent satisfaction this phrase: "We endorse the successful business administration of a democratlo governor." The framer of this Immortal document no doubt had In mind the admirable thrift of Governor Shallen berger In charging a fat fee to a number of public schools of the state for which he delivered commencement addresses on In vitation. That method of touching up the publto schools of the state of which he is governor, speaks in the h'Khest terms of the thrift and business sagacity of the democratlo governor and entitles htm to the platform commendation of a "success ful business administration" of his own affairs at least. It would be Interesting to know if the payment exacted for these addresses to public schools was accepted as a "non-partisan" In accordance with the current democratlo platform or Just as a stratghtout democratic governor. The Incident had much of the odor and ear marks of a demooratio politician "out for the goods." Tork Republican: The Republican does not ask or expect that the democrats shall vote the republican ticket. Borne may have Individual preferences for republicans on the ticket and vote for them. But as a general rule it is good, sound political ad vice for democrats to vote their own ticket and republicans to vote their own ticket. When you get a democrat Into office you find that you have simply taken an enemy to your bosom, and when the tlms comes that you are particularly anxious for the election of your own party candidate this democrat whom you have helped Into offloe by your vote Is on hand In the position of influence to which y6u helped him, work ing for the defeat of your man and the election of the other. With every foot hold of official position the voters of a party give to the opposition, they find it more difficult to carry their own ticket. It Is 'good policy, good polltlos- and good citlsensBlp to stay with four pollta-ai friends and not go prospecting around among . your political enemies. You get nothing but the horse laugh for having done so. PERSONAL NOTES. It Is all settled. Cook Is a democrat, Peary Is a republican. No democrat could beat a republican to it. The surprising thing about the revelation of graft among the Chicago police is that anybody should be surprised at It. President Taft Is going to take with him on his western trip a cook who knows how to make apple pie, hot biscuits and corn bread in the true Yankee way. A nobleman la under arrest at Pittsburg on a charge of false pretenses. He seems to have been guilty of trying to get bold of American money In some less formal way than marrying It. T. St. John (pronounced Slnjln) Qaffney, consul general at Dresden, la so ardent an Irishman that he wears green clothes, green shirts, green ties, a green hat and green socks. He is having some green spats built. The district attorneys of the various counties of New York seem to 'have a pretty good opinion of William Travere Jerome. They have Just formed a state association, and Mr. Jerome was unani mously elected president. The hero of Innermost Thibet, Henry Savage Landor, Intends also to be the hero of farthest south, If possible, and Lieu tenant Shackleton must race for his laurels. Tha Landor Idea Is a trip to the South pole in an airship of the Zeppelin type. SEPTEMBER. Beneath the blue September sky The golden sunlight lingers; All but the Jays and blackbirds Have gone, our woodland singers, The katydid's shrill orchestra Is tuning In the trees, Whose graceful branches swaying, Fling network to the breeze. The sunflower hearts are hanging. Their necks are growing limber; There's a oloud of blackbirds settling In yonder far-off timber; Two lovers pause beside the road, The sneese-weed flaunts in view; He asks the maid to be his bride; Her answer Is "Hac-tchoo." The rain storms of Heptember Have now begun to roar; The wind comes tearing down the hill. He bellows at our door; But the radiant Bunllght comes again. Leaf shadows fleck our rugs, While father sits outside and fights Those "pesky U'l green bugs. ' These warm days of September, The hammock In the sharte Of yonder maple would entice, Rut somehow I'm afrali. As I wander 'neath low-benrtlng boughs, The air grown still and stiller, Is rent by one heart-piercing shriek; Tls ma and a caterpillar. BAYOI.L NE TRELE. IMPORTED and AMERICAN MINKHAL WATEK3. x Obtained as direct shipments from tha springs as importer. Case 12 W -gallons Boro-Llthla Water, for "80 West Baden Spandel Water, case of I dosen quarts 99.60 S-gallon Jug Crystal Llthla Water. .93 -gallon Jug Salt-Sulphur water $2;M Buy at either store. We sell over 100 kinds mineral water. Sherman & McConnsll Drug Go. Blxteeolh and Dodge Sts. Owl Drug Go. . . fUxteratb and Harney gu. LYD1A E. P1NKHAIW5 FRJVATE TEXT BOOK AILMENTS PECULIAR TO W0ALN WsinNrs wt TMt IVDW t rWKHA Mtoanftt Co. irWK MAUACHUSCm Why You Should Send Now This book is a treatise on all those diseases peculiar to women. They are fully explained in plain and simple language, that anyone can understand, and instructions for a complete course of home treatment. In a word, with Lydia E. Tinkham's Trivate Text-Book at hand to refer to in case of need, you need have no cause for anxiety about your ailments. The Danger of Delay Anv woman who possesses this book has at hand such informa tion as may save her a serious illness, and if she is already ill, it will give her an intelligent understanding of her case and suggest a cure. This book is a text-book not a mere advertising pamphlet. Until you have read it, you cannot make sure of the exact nature of your trouble. A great many women suffer from some complaint, which may not seem very serious to them, because they do not know what it is or to what it may lead. - Perhaps you are one of these women. Do not remain in doubt another day send for this book and find out for yourself. This book is written in the kindly sympathetic spirit that guided Mrs. Pinkharn in all her actions towards her suffering sisterhood, and you will feel when you are reading it as though you were having a confidential chat with some motherly and trustworthy g woman friend. Remember, your letter will be treated as strictly private and ' confidential and the book will be posted to you in a perfectly plain envelope, without any printing on the outside. -Fill Up This Coupon- cut out this Coupon, at once while you think of it. and by or you may forget it It vears of suffering perhaps from Fill in your name and address and Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. It will PRIVATE TEXT-BOOK in a plain Nam-- City.... surni GEMS. "I would lay down my life for you," wrote the poet to the Ideal of his wildly beating heart, to which she replied: "I won't ask you to do that; If you will but lay down your pen I shall be satis fied." Houston Post. "Modern literature has nothing similar to Polonlus' advice to his son." "No chance for It. No modern Polonlus would attempt to tell his son anything." Louisville Courier-Journal. The Patrolman's Wife Does your hus band est fruit in the morning? The Roundsman's Wife N,o; he's only on duty In the even!ng.--YonkeTS Statesman. ' Vne Vra mo-A h ' mfateV. 'what' !wotUa yiil do It you reit line you aian 1 nave a menu in' the world? The Kich Man What would I do? Why. I'd apply for a Job as base ball umpire, of course. Chicago News. "The ten commandments have never been repealed, so far as I know," said Uncle Schools an n Collosfcjs rownell For You ng Women And Giris fjollege preparatory, academic and collegiate courses. Native French and Oer man teachers. Experienced instructors In music, all educated in- Europe. Ex aellent advantagea In Fine Arts. Thorough courses In domestic eoonomy Sew ing, Cooking, etc Well equipped gymnasium and outdoor spuria under profes sional supervision. Illustrated year book sent on application. FAX.X, TERM OFEM8 SIFTIKBia 83, 1909. - !KeaOTrae,y Mafias? i A place where manly boys ara made Into manly men. Home life combined , f with seml-mllltary discipline. Prepares for ell colleges and for business life. Location healthful and building fire proof. All athletics, and all carefully supervised. , Write fox Illustrated catalogue. HARRY N. RUSSELL, Head Master, : : Kearney, Nebrasbj. j otit T xnTTTTtn rirtT T tiriD With Oii-UAiU V UA.WUMUb roundlngs, a large and able faculty, olean and successful athletics, offers at a low expense the following courses: COLLEGE Degrees In Classical, Scientific and Philosophical Courses. irinrMTfl Pr,nrDtlnn fnr anv PnlLaH nr TnlverSltV. HOBUAL SCHOOLS Elementary and ,rncoirSBBVATOBY---Theory of music, Modern dormitories ror botn men sua Address FB.XS. S. LINCOLN Businos If ex"! College Writ fof itut free book and know (haul,! euuift lor buHOCM lift at Unroll Kn uUai bcrc. A wofltin trhool tLAt turn aut liva trmdiux. wbo drwtrrm and u: bc b'l airliif ixxluoiit- 9V0 Kuilenu UM Wc arc cuoiuiitly alacini our iraduaiea ia too Mrina .uuaiioat. 1 oorouiu. tkaL Cboica of course, mupukiw Asanas, klaaal Saalaaaa Callaee SO Sana ThlrMM L !(, Mar. STOP STAMMERING I 9urm quickly. compllf n4 rainUly IM sBtut stubborn of iUmntiD. I CAN CURE YOU Mr polllr la oa : 4alt wblck luara f.il 1 turu. Mir mlh.l la tha moat aua ,, 1, m' in tba world. No fsllura In II aara' raa- uta. nrn, v.w i s- Vkuatia, Prva.. loaulula (or SUaw UO-M itiue Bis,. Osaaaa. Nab. Write NOW For FREE 80PAGE J BOOK N Lydia E. Pinkham's v Private Text-Book ! Upon Ailments Peculiar to Women Don't wait till by may be the meana-of saving you from death itself. send it along to the Lydia E. Pinkharn bring you Mrs. Pinkharn 'a 80-PAGE envelope by return of post, absolutely fnt. ... ?,...Srert... .Siatt .'..L Allen Sparks: "but In these days, of course, you' can't expect them to be enforced In communities where the publlo sentiment la against them." Chicago Tribune. "Tou women never keep posted on curj 1 curjb' ng ttu rent events." v "Why. yes we do. I've been reading about the finding of the pole. But, John?'") -wen, -wnat?' "How did the pole happen to be lost?"- PhlladelpUia Ledger, . "Did you tell that photographer you didn't want your -picture taken?" "Yes," answered the eminent but un comely .personage. "Old he take offense?" "No, he said he didn't blame me." Wash- 0 STndlson C. Peters Was 'dlscusslnir the question, "Will the comlim man mnrry?" lie. Instanced a wrtaln type of bachelor. "This man," he said, "1m a hypocrite. He uses his religion as a cloak." "And what will he -do In the next world?" "O, ho won't need any cloak there." Harper's Weekly. Kl. Rev. Artbnr L. Williams, L L D. President of Trustees. SUBS MAJKBDXK, VBUTOIFAXk , Certlflcat admits without e- ami nation t WalUale-y, Smith, Vaasar, University of Chicago and other eastern institution. beautiful ramDus snd elevating sur- advanced courses. State certificates piano, voice, violin, elocution and art' women. W. ITOOXBT, BEMBTtrS, WXB. Lincoln. Nebraska. .... A klb sTade aabeet aeadsoUS 7 a bUUU airoug faculty aa. sraaarliii lor tbe pn rrtOA'S ' poaitloua. Idaai location. Ma ( aalosna In Unaoin. Kali Ooanlas AWAIT OUR Lt. L Wrlia (ur baautlful aat. r D.nil.TLC l0"' Addrart W. St. Urraat. r' (jBAUUAIM Hi: O ttr.al Unualu. Nb. 0 a f I III I L I ?J Irsi Taaobaa all rommartla. Braackaa, t!UU2ln.i BDunnaiia. kuglUh. oln Serrloa. It airiaplijr. School U OmrUI Training F U. K. Talagral l I tlLiri at. ..a. m-m iMuartnunl. Mmw w ra n,r nuaaa an,...J, 'r'W yda l..r bl vniiwi. nionnana rnabonk. H S Hovlei. rr.i School sod College Informal Eorean of the 0 naba Bee All Information shaolutelv frea and impartial C.UIk.u. of any particular school cneerfully fu. H la lied auyoa reu.uaJ- 1 f l CBkasJLali I I f S-9T-4. iJ I I I Ommh; t I ZJts ( I 1 1 Pi 54 J