0 nf83 1 m a ni c rr? i r ISIO DOUGLAS STREET DOUGLAS STREET STORES THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SETTEMTiETl 15, 1900. v The New AuhimiY Styles 1 ji 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Are Arriving Daily Every day nmo bring neio arrival in worn.' ins apparel of exclusive character fr0m Paris and New York. Many of the most charming styles art exclusive with Brandeis. Selections made here give an opportunity for individuality in dress that every woman of refinement seeks. In apparel for every purpose the selections art the best of their class. For the woman who chooses the richest apparel and the ones who wish garments that are inexpensive, of medium price, the great variety we offer enables a satisfactory selection. Everything is invariably in good taste and away from the ordinary. We are showing stunning new styles in Dinner Costumes and Evening Gowns. Smart Tailored Suits at $25 to 98 Tailored Cloth Street Dresses at . . . .$25 to $49 The correct Women's Coats for Fall and Winter at $19 up to $75 Women's Separate Skirts and Waists. Misses' and Children's Suits and Dresses for prnctical school wear. . BRANDEIS STORES t ill I ffjUflf I (I (ptef t fr4ffi 4 4 44 .ft .ft 44 fofo.fr 44 44 JIMS' DONKEY ON TOUGH ROAD Lo'cal Democracy it Bent in Twain and Dahlmanitei Are Down. HOWELL AND KANSOM ON TOP Paragons of Parity Wk Smote Jim III and Tales Last Winter Will Ran the County " Election. It I a rocky road the democratic don key has to travel In Douglas county. The democratic nomlneea for county of fices and the democratic committee ap nolnted to carry on the fall campaign have hj a falling out. . Tie trouble hinges 09 the 8. o'clock cloa- ' 7 4 The return of the oyster warns you of the approach of Autumn. And good Judgment warns you that It la beat not to wait until cold weather Is here to place your Fall garment orders now while the Fall fabric Is brand-newest and while nur aewinir tailors hava the fl greatest amount of time to exer cise the greatest amount of rare. Suits to order f2S to $45. Perfect fit guaranteed. MacCarthy-WHson Tailoring Co. 304-304I So. 10th St.. Near 18th and Farnam Hta. Ing law and the way the Douglas county senators In the last legislature smote the Jims" patron saint. Mayor J. Charles Dahl man. hip and thigh. For the democratic candidates are Jims and the head and front of the campaign has been vested tn Sen ators Howell and Ransom. Just what kind of a campaign the can didates will wage has not as yet been determined, as far as known, but W. 8. Shoemaker, candidate for police Judge, ex presses It thusly: "It Is up to we candidates to push our own Individual campaign, for we are slightly up against IL" John E. Reagan holds the title of being chairman, but 'he working end Is vested In John E. Moriarty, lawyer, officering with 8enator Frank Ransom. Nothing Is said against Reagan, for the candidates say he means all right and would do the square thing If he could, but Moriarty Is secretary of the committee and Moriarty Is dominated by Ransom, and Ransom worked against the mayor, and the mayor la the Idol of the candidates. Pete Boland, candidate for sheriff, said it would b a hard campaign for him as he would be met everywhere with the re minder that he was a member of the last legislature which enacted the 8 o'clock law. Coupling this fact with the additional fact that Senator Ransom Is to run the campaign with his confederate. Senator Howell, the votes the party hoped to win for Its candidate for sheriff are slipping away. Boland did not want to become a candidate, but he was drafted into the service as were also Al Patton, candidate for county clerk; Ed L. Lawler, candidate for register of deeds, and John P. Crick, candidate for surveyor. Oeorge Holmes, nominee for county Judge, Is one candidate satisfied with his lot, but this Is because he offices with Chairman Reagan and Louis J. Plattl, one of the sub bosses. Holmes and Shoemaker, however, are on the outside as far as the mayor's personal following Is concerned. The Jims were for Mertens for county Judge and young Anheuser for police Judge. Holmes and Shoemaker got the votes and the nomination. Holmes was formerly high man with the Jims and last year was secre tary of the county committee, but no ex planation is given for his belpg thrown down by his old friends. Former Omaaan to Wed. CHICAGO. 111.. Sept. 14. (Special.) Miss Allee Aldous, whose marriage to Watteron R. Rothacker will take place on Saturday, October J, Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Aldous, 74J Jackson boulevard, and well known In west side social circles. Orchard & Wilhelm niq.Ib.lS South Sixteenth GREAT SAMPLE FUR" NITURE SALE OOO.OO worth of Manufacturer's Samples, priced at a third less than 9 regular. It's an unusual offering of Bargains. The collec tion of Furniture Pieces is the finest ever assembled in the "West to be sold at such low prices. Beautiful Mahogany Pieces, in Library-Tables, Purlor Tables, Tea Trays, Book Blocks, , Tilt Top Tables, Shaving Stands, Mahogany Frame Mirrors, Dinner "Wagons, Tea Tables, Candle Sticks, Costumers, "Work Tables, 1 1 - I - and a large assortment of 4-post Beds, full and twin 6izes, with Dressers, Chiffoniers, Toilet Tables, High Blys, etc. all go at one-third less than regular. PRETTY PARLOR PIECES in three-piece suits and odd pieces, loose silk Velour cushion seats, in solid mahogany and mahogany finish frames. You save a third if you buy at present sample prices. ' MISSION FURNITURE Complete sample line Settees, Chairs, Koekers, Tables, i etc. All chairs, rockers and settees have Spanish leather up- Metering. On this entire line you save a third. i ins great sale otters values that no one contemplating a furniture purchase can afford to ignore. tlira nU CQl'ltlrr l a n full INSPECTION INVITED Mr. Rothacker Is the son of O. H. Roth acker, formerly prominent In newspaper circles In Omaha and Denver, and a godson of Henry Watterson, for whom he is named. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride's parents. HILL DISCUSSES FUTCREOF FARM (Continued from First Page.) than 750,000 any year since 1902, there will be from 2.000,000 to 2.500 000 more mouths to feed every year. Having In view this increase In population, the declining aver age yield per acre of cultivated land In the United States after It has been farmed for a few years, the rise of per capita con sumption with a higher cost of living and the movement of the working population away from the land, the time Is now ap proaching when we shall not only cease to be a wheat selling nation, but will find It necessary to Import a portion of what we consume Adverse Trade Balance. "Our foreign trade in the past has rested mainly on our exports of products drawn from the earth directly, or only once re moved. Our manufactures for exports are to a .large extent natural products ' sub jected to a few simple processes. How are we to meet the immense trade balance against us, how prevent financial storms of frequent occurrence and destructive force, how feed the coming millions. If the farmer, who pays most of the bills, has retired to the city or the country town in order that his children may the better enjoy their automobiles and enter Into the delights of the social gameT 'A stationary or declining product, a soil becoming annually less productive, a revolt against the life of the farm and a consequent rise In wages amounting, since 1895, to 56.4 per cent with board, compel such a rise of all prices as bears ruinously upon town and country alike. "The consumers of bread throughout the world Increase by probably from 4,000,000 to S.000,000 every year. In our own country we shall require from 13.000,000 to 15.000,000 bushels more annually for seed and home consumption. The domestic supply cannot be maintained by present methods. Not only Is the cultivation of the soil being neglected, but It is also notoriously In effective. Our wheat product per acre from the older lands falls steadily. Our national average Is less than half that of England or Germany, both of which have soli Inferior to our own. Only by bringing rich new land under cultiva tion have we prevented the fall from be coming abrupt. Good farms in the Mo hawk valley In New York state forty years ago were worth from $100 to $150 per acre; now many are sold at from $25 to $30. This la not because wheat has become cheap, for It la dear; not entirely because of west ern competition, but because there Is neither good cultivation nor enough cul tivation. Many Farms Worn Oat. 'The younger generation throngs the cities; and the land, rented by Its owners to tenants careless of everything but Im mediate profit, Is abused and robbed of Its fertility. In New York state 20,000 farms are for sale. The southern central portion shows a progressive loss of popu lation. If anybody Imagines that this pro cess of exhaustion and abandonment or transfer to other uses is peculiar to the east, let him look at Iowa, whose average wheat crop In the five years, 1883-87 was 28.6M,WO bushels and in the five year 1904-8 was t.97,4Ji8 bushels. In 1908 It was 8.06S, 000. "Practically only a few months lie be tween a universal cessation of production and the destruction of the human race by starvation. The marvelous diversity of modern industry and Its products blinds us to the bare simplicity of the situation. Those who, like you, are main factors In supplying to Industry the means to carry It on, who open up the main and lateral channels through which the fertilizing stream of capital may be turned upon the otherwise barren field of labor, should be always mindful of the first great source and storehouse of national wealth, and the most sensitive whenever It Is depleted or endangered." AadreM of Speaker Cannon. Speaker Joseph G. Cannon, addressing the convention at the close of the morning session, declared the law enacted after the panic of 1907 (the Vreeland-Aldrlch act), was not perfect, but bad good results. He said that when congress met It was Besieged with currency experts, each doubling the orthodoxy of ths other. "I believe," aald Speaker Cannon, "that the only fault of the enacted law Is that It only lasts six yeara. It la not perfect, but It can be made perfect. If that law had been on the statute books there would never have been a suspension of business la 1SH7 with Its issuance oX olearlog feouse certlficat." Tie Fkw Fall ftsltois In Micjlr Class Tailored Silts, Presses m Goafs As exemplified In. our extensive showing of Apparel for every occasion, will be of interest to every woman. The showing is very large and complete, including the choicest of high-class novelties, brought out by the most noted designers, as well as a large and varied line of new models in medium-priced garments. fM&?5.... $29.75, $35, $39.50, $45, $50 to $125 Mannish Walk ing Suits at $25, $29.75, $35, $39.50, $45 (o $75 Tailored Street Dresses at $19.50, $25, $29.75, $35 and $39.50 CoeU,SioorSrcr:. $19.50, $25, $29.75, $35, $39.50 -$45 Defending "Cxardom," Speaker Cannon said: "One of the great questions before us Is 'shall the country go tn debt for vast amounts because this or that set of people says soT The good roads people want 1100,000,000, the swamp land people nearly as much, and then we are asked to de vote 1600,009,000 for the waterways to Im prove our Internal waterways. "In a hundred years we will rtee It; In fifty years we may. But we will spend our money In a sensible way for things that need doing first. I don't believe con gress will ever bond futurity for ISO, $100 or $500,000,000 at the behest of these ad vocators. I know I will never vote for It" PRESIDENT TAFT TALKSJINANCE (Continued from First Page.) which we can all subscribe. It Is quite pos sible that the report of the commission of a definite bill may be delayed beyond ths next session of congress. Meantime the members of the commission Intend to insti tute a campaign of education in order to arouse public opinion to the necessity of a change In our monetary and banking sys tems and te the advantages tha ailli arias from placing some form of coatroHover the money market and the reserve In the hands of an Intelligent body of financiers respon sible to the government. "I am told that Mr. Aldrtch will 'awing around the circle In the present fall and will lecture In many of the cities of the middle west on the defects and needs of our monetary system. I cannot too strongly approve of this pr6oposal. Mr. Aldrlch, who Is the leader of the senate and certainly one of the ablest statesmen In financial matters in either house, has been regarded with deep suspicion by many people, espe cially In the west. If, with his clear cut Ideas and simple, but effective, style of speaking he makes apparent to the west ern people what I believe to be his earnest desire to aid the people and to crown his political career by the preparation and pas sage of a bill which shall give us a sound and safe monetary and banking system, it would be a long step toward removing the political obstacles to a proper solution of the question. Will Talk Tariff Later. "I am not going to discuss the merits and demerits of the new tariff bill with you. I shall have often to refer to that before my Journey Is ended and I must save some thing for other audiences. Suffice It to say that the passage of the bill has removed a disturbing element In business. "Nor shall I dwell at length on the ne cessity for amendments to the Interstate commerce law, to the anti-trust law and the ortfanlxattoir of the departments In Washington with a view to promoting greater offlclency and expedition In the settlement of controversies arising under them. During Mr. Roosevelt's administra tion we were all struck with the neces sity for reform In business methods, for more scrupulous attention to the conduct of business In accordance with law and for the necessity of simplifying tha law In such a way as to make It clear to cor porate managers what they can do and what they cannot do. "We are, I believe, unless all signs fall, on the eve of another great business ex pansion, an era of prosperity. Indeed, It is already here In many branches of business. The ham of prosperity and the ecstacy of great profits are Ukely to dull our Inter est In these reforms and to lead us back again to the old abuses unless we Insist upon legislation which shall clinch and enforce those standards by positive law. Nothing revolutionary, nothing disturbing to legitimate business is needed, but we must set the marks clear In the statutes by which the lines can be drawn and the proper legitimate paths be laid down upon which all business shall proceed and must have It understood by means of prompt prosecution and punishment that the law Is for all and Is tof be enforced even against the most powerful. "Then too, the needs In respect to the conservation of our national resources; he amendment to the public land system; the execution of the pure food law and all the rest of the Important matters that should demand attention, make the exe cutive and, legislative labor of the next three years heavy enough, If our purposes are carried out, to exhaust the energy of the most enthusiastic and hopeful. Roast for Sectional Talk. "Still the world Is making progress our country Is making progress. Occasionally one hears a note like that of Governor Johnson, denouncing the east and calling upon the west to organise In a sectional way against the east because the east is deriving more benefit from the government policy than the west and at the expense of the west. "It Is difficult for one to treat such an appeal seriously. Throughout this coun try there Is free trade of the freest char acter and due to this prosperity of the west, especially the agricultural west, Is even mere pronounced than that of the east. Moreover the east Is too close to the Pacific coast, too close to the middle west, too close to the Rocky mountains because all the people of these western stretches have eastern relations and eastern connections and because they have eastern capital with which their section have been largely built up and because they are loo much assisted by eastern markets In enhancing the prices which their pro ducts bring, to make such an attempt at sectionalism, successful. All la Sunt Boat. "It Is true at times public questions will be given a local color by what la thought to be a local benefit, as distinguished from the general and the national benefit. But such attitude Is generally temporary and it takes but a few yeara of business ex perience, it takes but a panic or two, to present the mort convincing evidence that in this country we are all In the same business boat and that the prosperity of one section adds to the prosperity of the other and that business disaster In one section Is only the forerunner of business depression and disaster in another. "I was born and brought up in the mid dle west. I have had a New England an cestry and New England associations. For tune sent me out to the Paclflo slope, so that I know something of the feeling, of the west coast. Jurisdiction as a Judge gave me a somewhat Intimate knowledge of southern feelings and southern aspira tions. I feel, therefore, as If I could speak with confidence in respect to the whole na tion, and as president of the United States may well lift up my voice to protest against any effort by whomsoever made to arouse section against section and Americans against Americans. Not In the history of the country since the war has the feeling between the north and south been mora cordial and friendly than It Is today, and a political attempt to make a cleavage be tween New England and the east on one side and the west on the other will be found to be so utterly hopeless as to con found those who propose It. Nation la Making1 Progreaa. "And now, my friends and fellow cltl sens, as I take my departure for the west I feel that I carry from you to every citi zen and Inhabitant of the United States whom I shall meet the cordial greetings of New England and the east, your congratu lations on the prospective prosperity in the whole country and an earnest wish that the national government shall be con ducted in such a way as to Insure peace with all the nations of the world and tran quility and prosperity at home, growing out of the conduct of business on lines of commercial Integrity and within the law whloh forbids the organisation and main tenance of monopolies and systematlo sup pression of competition. Things are not perfect, but we have made progress. We have a right to be optomlstlo and believe that further progress Is likely, that condi tions are Improving and that wa may con-. tlnue to maintain for all clttsens of the country that equality of opportunity which it Is the highest object of a well con ducted government to preserve," Aa American KlngT Is the great king of cures, Dr. King's New Discovery, the quick, safe, sure cough and cold remedy. 00c and S1.00. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. TO introduce fine materials, clean methods, scientific equipment into the making of soda crackers was one triumph To actually bake into them a subtle goodness, a real individuality, never before known, was another triumph But to effectually protect them so that the fullest benefit of these fine materials, this careful, cleanly baking, this unique goodness comes to you unaltered, was the crowning triumph that gave the world 0 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY