Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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" ' -t
Addreu Stirs Up Thing in American
. Order of Protection.
Mfmktn ef Order Will Hakt This
Mediant for Atlark oa Its
l.malltr and Reek to Have
It Abrogated.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. 14. Ipeclal.) The Order
of Protection met here this morning and
after a welcome address by Mayor Lot
and a speech by Supreme Commander T.
M. Bennett of St Paul, went Into execu
tive esgon to transact business.
At Ihla meeting State Auditor Barton de
livered a apeech which haa atlrred up the
delegates to the talking point and the al
tonight around the hotela ia full of what
la going to happen to the contract which
the company haa with the American Order
company, organised by officiate of the
American Order of Protection and con
tracted with to do the field work for the
Order of Protection. Some of the delegates
are n favor of abrogating the contract and
compelling the officials to pay back to
the American Order of Protection the
money that haa been paid to the American
Order company.
Auditor Barton denounced the organlsa
tlon of the American Order company as
contrary to law and his attitude la being
used by W. H. Thompson of Grand Inland
and others as a basis to work for Ita abro
gation. C. P. Oaylord Is a supreme officer
of the American Order ef Protection and is
also president of the American Order com
pany with which the contract for, field
work has been made.
In his talk Auditor Barton showed the
great Increase In expense under the con
, ttract compared with the old without any
corresponding Increase In new members
or growth of the order.
iAcoordlng to delegates who were present
at the meeting the auditor ahowed that
Y under the old contract from September,
1900. to March, 1302, the expensea of the
American Order of rPotectlon waa $10,000.
Under a similar contract with the Order
company the expensea had been as follows
since 1902: In 190" $8p4. atrd for each year
np to 1M9 as follow $1 1,644, 112,040, $6,663,
$2,6:, 12.385. $1,848, making at total of $S0,919.
The net gam In membership haa been as
follows: - -
1901 1,41241.006, loss SO
1S03.' l;.. y 815(1907 , 106
1904 938 1909 436
3906 890 J
The number written In 1906 Included 1,600
Itching, Burning Eruption from
Head to Foot Doctor Gave Her
Up Entirely First Application of
Cuticura Brought Relief and Sleep.
" Fonr years ago I suffered severely ,
with a terrtbln eczema, being a mass of
sores from bead to feet
and for six week con
fined to my bed. Dur
ing that time I suffered
continual torture from
itching and burning.
After being given up br
my doctor.! was ad
vised to try the Cuti
cura Remedies. After
the first bath with Cuti
oura Soap and applica
tion of Cuticura Oint
ment I enjoyed the first
good sleep during my entire illness. I
also used Cuticura Resolvent and tha
treatment was continued for about three
weeks. At the end of that time I waa
able -to be about the house, entirely .
cured, and have felt no ill effects since.
I would advise any person Buffering
from any form of akin trouble to try the
Cuticura Kemediee aa I know what they
did fuT ree. Mrs. Edward Venning, 203
Main St., Watertown, N, X., April 11,
1909." '
Cuticura Soap
Soothing, Cool lr)r. Refreshing;
for Tender Skins.
Because of Ita delicate, emollient.
f sanative, antiseptic properties derived
from Cutioura, united with tha purest
of saponaceous ingredients and most
refreshing of flower odors, Cutioura, '
Soap is unrivalled for cleansing, preserv
ing and purifying the skin, scalp, hair
and hands, for dispelling itching, Irrita
tion and Inflammation and preventing
clogging of the pores, the cause of many
disfiguring facial eruptions. All who
, daltglit in a olear skta, soft, white hands,
Lateen, wholesome soalp and live, glossy
kir, will find that Cuticura Soap realise
Tory expectation-
Cutisurs Sou (Met, Pattern Otatmast (SO.)
ui Cutlrun Hawlvnei (SOe.l. or Is ih torn ot
CkoMUM 0ld rills, 2m par ( 60) ara sold
thnmvhout tbt world. Poller Druf a Cnra Corp..
golf. Prop.. 15 Columbui &nH Roatou, Mmb.
. a-.i3-p Cuticura hook. rcftUMl frw, slvtnf
w- ..... tYolnitnl ana 'ira nf btl wtfertw
iiiwwit J
top tsotheahe
vkulil thw u a
amy or not. Mer
an us et Ioms us
fntwiArfwckM, ImU
A tmtU Affair. aW ae e
rr BEST'S TOWTKaOMg sen.
ai all eraesuia, l ceus, or by aiau.
Deurs Corn Cum Z?
C. 8. DENT 4 CO.. Detreo, Mies.
rnnn rno wee and ai
a wwa m w b fU4 their power M
NFRVES ork auMt youthful
vIV ' gone aa a reault ef even
work or meatai exertion anould teas
make you and sleep etui be a umi
1 Boat bases It M by nui
IXIkMAJl m atooojra mux. oiu co.
Gw lean aad Osage Bree.
See. leu aaa
- Stock la th
$00.00 Per Sham
Who WsaU It?
A. P. HJLLIS, I Board Trade
members from the Pons and Daughter of
Dr. Wlleoa Reappointed.
rr. W. H. Wilson has been reappointed
state health Inspector by the State Board
of Health. The salary la $1,800 a year.
The late democratic legislature attempted
to legislate Dr. Wilson out Of offloe, but
In Its efforts to get every offloe in sight
It made a mistake and amended the wrong
aection of the law, and thus one offloe was
saved for an entire board to fill instead
of Just the governor.
MsrlliMi Oat of Polltlea.
Hon. Peter Mortensen. former slate treas
urer, was In Lincoln today enroute home
to Ord after having accompanied his son
aa far aa Omaha on hie road to school in
"I feel better than I have for a long
time," aatd Mr. Mortensen. "My aon
wanted to develop bla muscles In order to
stand a chance to get on the foot ball
team, so he went to work on a farm. We
got an automobile and went out together,
and I worked with him. The result la
both of ua built up our musolee.
"I hear Borne politics, but I have no Idea
who will be the strong man in a primary
for a' nomination for governor on tha re
publican ticket. I believe that Senator E.
P. Brown of Lancaster county would be
a logical candidate if the fact that he Uvea
In Lincoln would not operate against him."
Mr. Mortensen said he had no desire to
get In the race, as Valley county already
haa one candidate, though Mr. Fries has
not aaid on what ticket he will run. Sen
ator Cady, Mr. Mortensen thought might
also get Into the race, though he had noth
ing to base hla presumption upon Insofar
aa direct knowledge la concerned.
Lights for Capitol Oronnds.
Former Mayor Brown was at the state
house this morning to get a blue print
of the grounds showing the position of
the electric lights that are shortly to be
up. The former mayor la going to aee
to it that the city erects lights at the
corners of the grounds, something he has
been trying to get done for many years,
but . which the city of Lincoln has con-
a'.stently refused to do. Now that the state
la preparing to light the grounds the city
Is going to light Its streets at the corners
of the grounds.
The claim was made at the meeting that
the expenses about equalled the Income
and little or nothing was being put by
for an Increasing mortality. The auditor
Informed the delegates that the cost of
the Insurance would continue to increase
and he, insisted on providing for mortuary
income. The auditor Insisted upon the re
peal of the present law which permits of
the transfer of any of the mortuary fund
to the general fund to pay expenses.
The speech of the auditor was ordered
printed so that tha delegates would be fa
miliar with the facts when they take It
up to discuss his suggestions at the execu
tive meeting tomorrow.
Same Board Appointments.
E. Ratnour of Weeping Water has been
reappointed a member of the Board of
Embalmers. and Dr. E. A. Thomas of Red
Cloud has been appointed a member of the
Board of Secretaries of the State Dental
board, to succeed W. T. Smith of Geneva.
These appointments were made by the
state board.
Home for Conaamptlvea.
The State Board of Health has designated
Tabltha Home as the hospital for the care
of Indigent consumptives. Under the law
enacted by the late legislature the board
Is to designate the hospital in which indi
gent consumptives are to be cared for, and
it Is the duty of the various counties to pay
the expenses of the afflicted ones, provided
the person shall havs been a resident of a
county .for at least one year. Tabltha Home
Is located in 'Juloooln . and la under .tad
supervision of the Lutheran church.
Good Roads and Waterways.
The following delegates have been named
to the Oood Roads congress at Cleveland.
O.. September 21 to 23, 1909: Jesse W. Fouts,
DUler; E. Fllley, Reynolds; J. W. McDon
nell, Falrbury and Jesse Oandy, Broken
The following delegates have been named
to the Lakes-to-the-Qulf and Deep Water
way convention at New Orleans. October M
to November 2: Hal McCord, Omaha; H.
T. Clarke, sr., Omaha; H. H. Hanks, Ne
braska City; Judge H. D. Travis. Platta
mouth; P. B. Gordon, Decatur; Colonel M.
A. Bates, Plattsmouth; John Flynn, South
Aviator at Broken Bow.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Sept. 14. Special.)
The Custer 'county fair opened this
morning with all arrangements and de
tails complete. It Is a big exhibition all
the way through and one of tha beat
efforts In this direction ever put fprth
in the county. Prof. H. Sorenaon, the
blacksmith aviator, aaya, with a fifteen
mile wind blowing he can demonstrate
without: ths aid of a balloon; but if tha
sir is still, the machine will nave to be
towed to a height of several thousand
feet an) cut loose, as upon a previous
occasion at Berwyn, when he made his
phenomenal drop of 1,50 feet The live
stock exhibit this year is particularly In
teresting and, notwithstanding the un
usual dry, weather that prevailed last
month, the agricultural display la rar above
the average. The racing program la made
up of the beat material, the fat purses
offered by the management bringing In
a number of horses with low records. The
fair officially closes Friday night, but the
attractions in town will hold over Batur
day. filling out the week of carnival.
Thlovea Steal Widow's Horses.
CENTRAL CITT. Neb., Sept. 14.-Rr-
clal.) Horse thieves continue to ply their
crart in tnia vicinity. Thau- latest deDre
dation waa the theft of three horses from
Mra. John C. Reevea. a Widow whose hue
band waa killed a couple of weeks ago by
a train. It Is believed that the tblevea
were aware of this fact and took
tags of her helpless condition to maks
Dsn't. Vcrry Absut hi
- During the Hot Weather
This la not the time to worry about your
fat. The thing to do Is to remove that fat
arithout taking ehanoes with the hearth of
the rest of ths body. . There haa been a
greet aemana xor several years for a con.
venlent reat of the body. There haa been a
tcnpiion wnicn naa met wrth such suo
eess in the past few years In the reduction
if flesh. Thin damand haa been met In the
shape of a small tablet that holds all the
principles' of the famous prescription and
at the same time enables a, fat person to
always be able to take their fat reducing
formula, no matter where they may be.
One of these little tablets taken after each
meal and at bed time will stop at once the
production of all fat and will remove the
fat you have at the rate of from It to It
ounces per day. - They are perfectly harm
less, contain no druga that will tear down
your system, but they do their work lust
as nature Intends It should be dene. They
go Into the stomach and atop that organ
producing fat. They reach fat wherever
It la located and assist the body in throw
ing it off. They require no diet no exer
cis. and they will not leave vast layers of
loose skin to make targe w rink lee like ail
fat redueers do. They are being sold In
icreat Quantities and are used bv all
classes. Hundreds of physlolana prescribe
them. Tou may ouy tnem at any drug
store, price 7 eta par case, or you send
direct to tl.e MarmoU, Company, Dept lit.
their raid. Sheriff Her offers a reward of
M on behalf of the cokinty for the recovery
of the horses and conviction of the thieves.
He baa also made a special aDneal to his
brother officers In the state to exert every
effort possible to capture the thieves. Mrs.
Reeves offers an additional tJR for the re
covery of the horses.
Oplan Joint Raided.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Sept. 14.-8pe.
dal.) The two young men who were
placed under arrest some days ago for a
robbery of the till of Leo Lung s Chinese
Bon Ton" restaurant have been dis
charged, no evidence having been found
against them. One of the young men lives
at Frsmont. His fsther came to the city
upon hearing from an anonymous source
that the lad was falsely Imprisoned, and as
result of the boy's story to his father.
Mayor Schuff personally directed a raid
on Lung's private quarters over his res
taurant and found him hitting the opium
pipe just as the boy stated, the lad sug
gesting the time and the manner of the
raid. Lung's opium smoking paraphernalia
waa seised and will be held aa evidence
against him. The other part of the boy'a
atory Is that he was taught to smoke by
Lung and that, many others, among them
dissolute women, have been frequenting
the looms. Lung charging 1 per smoke.
Lung was arrested and la being held under
a $300 cash bond. A new clue as to the rob
bery of Lung's till points to other parties,
search for whom la now being made.
Boiler Makers la Session.
FAIRBURT, Neb.. 8?pU 14. (Special Tele
gramsDelegates from all the divisions
of the Rock Island system are in Falr
bury today to attend a five days aesslon
of the annual meeting of bollermakera and
helpera. The convention in seaslon here
la known aa the Tenth division. The
most Important business to come before
the convention will be the election of
officers and the selection of a place for
next year's meeting. So far Kansas City,
Mo., Is the only place asking for next
year's meeting.
Green Apples as Antidote.
LAUREL, Neb., Sept. 14.-(Speclal.) The
4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Bo
llng, south of town, drank lye water last
evening which had been set to kill mice.
and for a few hours It was thought he
could not live, but the indications are that
he will recover all right. The saving of
his life Is credited to his having eaten
heartily of green apples shortly before
drinking the mixture, the acid of the apples
acting aa a counter Irritant.
Bis Sale of Apples.
ARLINGTON, Neb., Sept. 14.-(Speclal.)
Henry Williams, representing a Chicago
commission company haa bought about
3,000 birehels of winter applea at this place
nd will probably buy more from other
farmers and fruit growers. Most of the
fruit in this section la first class and free
from worws, although Mr. Williams re
fused to buy apples trom some local or
chards because of the wormy condition.
No Trials at Cbadron.
CHADRON, Neb., Sept. 14. (Special.)
United States federal court was In session
yesterday with Judge T. C. Munger pre
siding. The prosecution not being ready
for trial In any of the cases they, were
mostly continued or dismissed and court
adjourned. There Is no grand jury.
Clothier Store Robbed.
M'COOK, Neb., Sept. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) The clothing atore of Roseel 4c
Bona waa robbed last night to the extent
of .nearly 1,000, presumedly by a gang
of tramps who were observed in the eity
last night ' ,.'
Nebraska Ntwi Notes.
BEATRCIE Harry Homey left yester
day for Beaver Crossing, Neb., where he
will engage in the jewelry business.
CHADRON The Dawes county fair be
gan today, lasting all week. The largest
crops ever raised In the county assure 4
big show.
BEATRICE Frank Folsom, a ' former
resident of Beatrice, died In Lincoln,
where he has been living since leaving
LYONS Rain has fallen here every
night since Friday up to this time, Tues
day, and things are taking on quite a
rainy effect.
BEATRICE Ralph Hubbard of this city
and Miss Anna Scharton were married in
Lincoln yesterday. They will make their
home In Beatrice.
BEATRICE Another heavy rain visited
this section yesterday. The ground Is
now in such condition that farmers are
unable to get Into their fields.
GUIDE ROCK Miss Vera Pool goes to
Kearney this week to attend the normal
school. She was the valedictorian of the
class of 1909 of the Guide Rock High aohool.
KEARNEY L. J. Cappa haa assigned his
pool and cigar store to the Commercial Na
tional bank of this city, and the bank took
charge of the fixtures, etc. The place will
be closed, pending action of the bank.
KEARNEY Gabriel Shada. the 14-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Shada.
died suddenly In Kearney hospital 8unday
morning. The young man had only been
sick a short time. Doctors pronounoe it
heart trouble.
BEATRICE At a blue rock ahoot at
Plckrell yesterday John Humford waa
first with 92 points out of a posnlble 100.
Dr. Thomas and El wood Blgler tied for
second place. 90 each, and Will Tanner
third, with 86 points.
KEARNEY Incoming trains bring many
students for the State Normal school. Reg
istration starts Wednesday and the pupils
are coming to town to get comfortably lo
cated. Prof. A. O. Thomaa expects more
students this year than ever before.
PONCA Mr. B. J. Nelson brought Into
Ponca a load of new corn toduy - -1
declared that It would yield seventy bush
els to the acre. 1 he sist of the ear.
as If they would fulfil his prophecy. The
corn . prospect never waa better In this
section of Nebraska.
CENTRAL CITY-O. D. Burke, a leading
merchant of this city, will open a furniture
store here November 1. He Is now nego
tiating for an experienced furniture man
and undertaker. A la.rge building Is being
fitted i'p for the accommodation of a com
plete slock of furniture.
BEATRICE The Board of Education
held a meeting last evening and set Oc
tober 1 as the date for dedicating the
new high school building. Chancellor
Avery, who was a former teacher here,
has etpreeeed a willingness to be pres
ent and take part In the services.
GUIDE ROCK Noah H. Peters lost his
large barn by fire Sunday afternoon. The
blase was discovered about 4 o'clock. The
origin Is not known. One thousand bushels
of grain, twenty tons of alfalfa hay. Imple
ments, harness and many other things were
consumed. There was some insurance.
BEATRICE An insane man, supposed to
be OUIe Hargrave, was picked up by the
police last night and lodged In jail. He
boarded the Burlington passenger train
at some town north of here nd created
such a disturbance on the train that the
officers were called to take charge of
BEATRICE A sample of corn taken
from the farm of T. A. Woodward north
of town waa exhibited here yesterday.
The cobs are well filled with large ker
nels, and the grain appears to be of an
excellent quality. Mr. Woodward thinks
he can secure a yield of at least thirty
bushels per acre from the crop.
ARLINGTON Fred Q. Menklng. who
formerly owned a fine farm about three
miles from this city, has sold his 200-sre
farm near Blair to J. W. White of Council
Bluffs, la., for 196 per acre and has bought
the A. L. Hewett residence In this city for
M.000. Mr. Menklng expects to reside here,
but may engage In the real estate business
In this state if he can find a food location.
KEARNEY A general row occurred Sat
urday night and Sunday morning in the
Assyrian settlement In the eoutheast part
of the city, in which David Bolus and Ulks
Shames attacked each ether. Monday
morning Mike Shamas. who appears to have
started the fracas, waa bound over to the
district court, and also placed under a bond
of tluO to keep the peace. Bolus claimed
Shamas attacked him with a Dltchfork ami
was filled with Asavriana whan i-i.i
came off.
T thy a m . -
......... .. - niie piaving
foot ball with small companions and ran
, ri T proving quite
1 " " km iivf. neen in at
tendance. The knee is swollen very much
. . .1 .k, I.f..l T . .
' iii. ii was learea Tor a
lime that blood polsonng might set In.
but It Is thought the danger has been
KHRRisiri ritv-Tk. . -
nlsht did grest damsge to the fruit croti
here. One firm that had purchased several
orchards ln.t nvmw tn nnA t. i '
... . ii! V . ' estimated
that the loss In fruit In this county by
iiTiiv , ,. . munt o over
130.000. Nearly all the apples and pears
were blown from the trees. Many of tho
trees were not only relieved of their fruit
crop, but were broken off.
CENTRAL CITY-The Merrick countv
fair - PI..L. T, ' . 1
attract In v a .... t ..1 ... , ' "J. "
orl Pree have been hung up by residents
,.. .. ""r'"l- ne women also.
. 0(.,cr" of ,he Agricultural association
v.iiinuri iniii, presinens ana treas
urer: John Lumadue, Vice president; O D
Woods, secretary; John Howard. General
auperlntendent . ,
NrRDlBiri r-TTv T. 1 -k.-t . .
commissioners are here with their enr again
" " 1 wt-vT-im migtj snipments or
bass and crapple, which abound In the small
lakaa nn IK. Im. I n .4 . . . i . . ,
- o v.tnjBu, iiiin city.
They have already taken away three car
loads and expect to secure as many more
before cold weather puta a stop to their
work. The fish will be taken out Into the
...... v.. ,.. iiiv Bim wiirr, nvy win De de
posited In the email streams. The bass and
Pass the
It won't cost you a penny to reach out
a helping hand to a great army of honest,
hard-working and deserving men and
Just your moral support will Insure
work, a living and comforts which are
now either partly or wholly denied them.
How soT
Come on, let's have a look.
You've often been Importuned and many
have been commanded by advertisement or
otherwise to "refuse to buy anything un
less it bears the union label."
Looks harmless on Its face, doesn't It?
It really Is a "demand" that you boy
cott the products made by over 80 per
cent of our American worklngmen and
women who decline to pay fees to, , and
obey the dictates of the union leaders.
It demands that you ask the merohant
for articles with the "union label," thus
to Impress him with Its Importance.
It seeks to tell you what to buy and
what to refuse. The demands are some
times most Insolent with a "holler than
thou" Impudence.
It demands that you take away the liv
ing of thla 80 per cent of American work
lngmen and women. ,
Ia that clear T ,
Why ahould a email body of workmen
aak you to help starve the larger body?
There must be soma reason for , the
"union label" scheme. ... (
Run over In your mind and remember
how they carry on their work.
During a discussion about working or
striking in the coal regions, about 24,
000 men preferred to work, they had wives
and babtea to feed. Thjnon men said
openly In their convention that if the em
ployers didn't discharge" these men they
(the union men) would; kl? them.
So they dynamited about, a dosen homes,
maimed and crippled women and children
and brutally assaulted aoorea ot these in
dependent workers.
The big boys of the union wore taught
to pound the school children of the Inde
pendent men. How would you like to have
your little girl shortly grown from the
toddling baby who used to sit on your lap
and love 'iDaddy" pounded by some big
bullies on bar way home from the school
where she had gone to try and please
Daddy by learning to read?
The little bruised face and body would
first need tender care while you ponder
the inscription writ deep In your heart by
that Maater and Guide to gll human com
passion, "Inasmuch as ye have done It
unto one of the least of these my brethern
ye have done It unto me." Then per
haps you would drop to your knees and
pray Almighty God for atrength In your
right arm to strike one manly and pow
erful blow for baby'a sake, even if you
went to death for it
Helpless children were brought home,
wtth faces black or bleeding from the
blowa and klcka of theae fiends, teaching
Independent Americana that they must
stop work when told and pay fees to the
leaders of "labor." Thouaanda of men,
women and children have been treated
From somewhere. Oh Father. of ua all,
we try to believe that You look with pity
ing eyea upon theae brutal blowa, cuta and
acara on the many human bodlea made
In your likeness and Image.
They are beautifully and wonderfully
made, each the dwelling place of a Divine
Ia It Your wish that they be crushed by
Iron ahod heels, cut by knlvea or torn
asunder by bullets and dynamite?
May we venture to think that a long
suffering patience la extended In the hope
that the men and women of America
may some day wake to a realisation of
the awful crueltlea pereptrated by thla
spirit of oppression and that they will
some day learn the lesson that the "sac
red gift of human freedom and liberty"
was given by God and must be defended
even to death Itself..
Our forefathers wre used by the Infi
nite God to establish our freedom in 1T76,
and our fathers gave freely of their blood
and treasure to establfah the freedom of
the black. Now again it seems we are
called upon to protect our brothers and
ourselves from that old time spirit of
tyranny which comes up from time to
time to force the people to obey tyran
nous rules and bend the knee of the slave.
In Wellston, Ohio, thirty Americans
sought employment In a factory. They
were aeeklng to earn food for their fami
lies. They were bombarded by rocks and
pounded with clubs In the hands of union
One of the Injured, John Brannlhan,
waa taken to the city hospital with a
broken jaw, crushed skulland other cuts
and bruises. He waa the father of two
children, and was. thought to be dying.
Perhaps hs did. I don't know, but I some
times wonder what the children said to
Mother when "Pappy" didn't come home,
and how they and the little woman got
any food, and how they could place their
wrongs before their own American
Mayhap sometime some kind person will
equip a home where the orphans and
widows of the victims of the Lbor
Truat may be cared tor and fed.
It would take a big home. It haa been
said there were Si Americans, many of
them fathera, killed in one strike, (the
teamsters In Chicago) and over 1.000
maimed, many for life. That's only one
Port of Mulege
Covered by Water
Tidal Wave Sweeps Two Miles Inland
on East Coast of Lower
MEXICO CITY. Sept 14.-The port of
Mulege, on the east coast of Lower Cali
fornia, was overwhelmed by a tidal wave
September 4. There were several fatalities
and considerable property was destroyed.
The tidal wave flooded the Inland district
for a distance of two miles. Mulege has a
population of 1,200.
Many people delude themselves by say
ing 'at will wear away," when they notice
symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble.
This is a mistake. Take Foley'e Kidney
Remedy and you stop the drain on the vi
tality. It cures backache, rheumatism, kid
ney and bladder trouble, and makes every
trace of pain, weakness and urinary trouble
disappear. Sold by all druggists.
Street Railway la Prospect.
IOWA CITT. Ia., Sept 14.-(Speclal.)-Eastern
capitalists are Investigating the
Iowa Clry franchise, and It Is probable
that a company will be organised to build
a city railway here next spring. I. R. Mc
Cleery of Chicago, agent for the eastern
parties, was Jn the city yesterday. He
made a thorough canvass of the situation.
"lesson" of these bullies. There are lit
erally thousands of cases wherein your
fellow American has been assaulted,
maimed or killed by these men. The same
work Is going on day by day. Suppose
you mske a practice of picking out each
day from the papers, accounts of brutality
to American worklngmen who prefer to
work free from the. Impudence and tyran
ny of self constituted leaders (?) than
to be always subject to their beck and
call, pay them fees and be told by them
when and where to work, and for whom.
You will discover the same general con
ditions underlying all these dally attacks.
In erery case the worklngmen prefera to
be free. He haa that right He then trlea
to go to work. He and hla family sorely
need the money for food or he wouldn't
run the rlak of his life. Many such a man
has wiped the tears away and quieted the
fears of a loving wife, left wtth a kiss
on her Hps, set his manly jaw and walked
Into a shower of stones and bullets to win
food for the loved mother and babies.
A good many have been brought home
on stretchers with blood ooslng from noae
and ears, aome cold, while some gradually
recover, and carry for life the grim marks
of the "union label."
They are your fellows, my friends, and
yet you auplnely read the account and
say "too bad." "
Have you grown ao calloused that you
care nothing for the sufferings of these
men who need food and these helpless
ones who rely on the life and atrength
of huaband and father?
Let ua hope that aoon you may be
moved by a Just God to rise In your might
and by voice and pen, by vote and right
arm you will do a man's part In pro
tecting yourselves and your brothers
from thla onslaught of American cltlxens.
Thla cruel warfare la carried on not al
ways to raise wages, but to establish
union control, kick out the Independent
men and establish the "label."
Unfortunately the "Labor movement"
which started many years ago honestly
enough, haa fallen under control of a
lot of tyrannical, vicious "men of violent
tendencies." y
There are too many to attempt to name.
You can recall them. They Include men
who have planned the murders of miners,
teamsters, pressmen and carpenters, shoe
makers and Independent workmen of all
kinds. Many of them have escaped hang
ing by an outraged public only because
juries became terror stricken and dared
not convict them.
Some have been punished slightly and
some, Including the principal officers of
thla nefarioua crew are now under sen
tence to imprisonment but have appealed
their cases.
Right here some apologist rises to pro
test against "speaking thus of laboring
men." Blesa your dear heart 1 isn't the
honest and real workman who does these
things. It is the excitable onea and the
tougha and thuga who don't work except
with their mouths, but have secured con
trol of too many unions. I don't even at
tempt to specify the criminal acts thsse
persons have aaslsted or winked at in
their plan for destroying free working
men and forcing men to stay in the
"union" and hence under their control.
The newspapers for the past aeven years
contain almost daily accounts of the
criminal, lawless and tyrannical acts
against American cttlsens and haven't
told half the tale. Right here It becomes
necessary to aay for the ten thousandth
time that there are scores of honest law
abiding union men who deplore and are
In no way responsible for the long in
famous record of the "Labor Trust" under
Its present management, but they don't
seem to stop it.
The men who manage, who pull the
strings and guide the policy have made
the record and it stands, as made by them.
Examine, if you please, the record of
a string of members of the American
Federation of Labor and you will view a
list of crimes against Americans, stupen
dous beyond belief. They defy the laws,
sneer at the courts, incite mobs and are
avowed enemlea of the peaceable cltlxens
of all classes.
This band wields an Iron bar over their
subjects and drives them to idleness
whenever they want to call a strike or
exact extra pocket money for themselves.
Men don't wsnt to be thrown out of
work and lose their livelihood, but what
can they do when the slugging and mur
dering committee stands always ready to
"do them" If they try to work.
L The poor women and helpless children
suffer and no one dares present their
case to the public. They must suffer in
silence for they have no way to right
their wrongs, while the notoriety-seeking
leaders csrry out their work.
These men cannot thus force oppres
sion on the weak and Innocent or use
them to bring newspaper notice to them
selves and money to their pockets unless
they can "hold them In line."
Therefore, with the craft of the fox
and venom of the serpent they devise
the "union label" and tell the public to
buy only articles carrying the label.
Smooth scheme Isn't It
They extract a fee from every union man,
and in order to get these monthly fees,
they must hold ths workers in the "union"
and force manufacturers to kick out all
Independent men
Can anyone devise a more complete and
tyrannical trust?
If allowed full sway, no Independent
(Continued from First Page.)
were In line with the general expecta
tion. Judge Lovett succeeded Mr. Harrl
man as chairman ot the executive com
mittee, while Jacob H. Schlff and Will
iam Rockefeller were elected directors and
made members of the enlarged executive
committee. Aa waa the rase at the Union
Pacific meeting, no action waa taken In
the matter of electing a auccessor to Mr.
Harrlman, as president.
llarrlmaa Stocks Rise.
The Harrlman stocks moved upward on
the market today, largely, however. In
compliance with the recent optimistic re
ports of the future plans of the financier's
supposed successors.
There were meetings today of the direc
tors of the Illinois Central railroad and
of the Wells, Fargo ft Co., In which Mr.
Harrlman had membership. Neither board
took action to fill tfie vacancy, but Presi
dent Harahan of the Illinois Central was
authorised tot appoint er committee to
draft suitable resolutions on Mr. llsril
man'a death.
The directors of the Union Pacific,
which Edward H. Harrlman organised out
of comparative chaos and made the nu
cleus of hla 60,000 miles of railroad con
trol, paid him their formal tribute today.
At a special meeting yesterday follow
ing that whloh filled Mr. Harrlman's va
cant place on the board of directors and
at the head ot the executive, the directors
man could keep working In a free factory,
for the goods wouldn't sell no matter
how perfectly they be made. Then when
the factory haa been forced to close and
the employees get hungry enough from
lack of wages the workers must suppli
cate the union leaders to be "allowed" to
pay their fines (for not becoming mem
bers before) and pay their monthly fees
to the purse-fat managers of the Labor
Trust. Thereupon (under orders) before
the factory be allowed to start they must
force the owners of the business to put
on the "union label" or strike, picket the
works, and turn themselves Into sluggers
and criminals towards the Independent
workers who might still refuse to bend
the knee and bow the head.
In the meantime babies and mothers go
hungry and shoeless, but who cares. The
scheming leaders are trained to talk of
the "uplifting of labor" and shed tears
when they speak of the "brotherhood of
man," meaning the brotherhood of "Skinny
Maddens," "Sheas," "Gompers," et al, al
waya excluding the medium or high grade
Independent workers. .
Perhaps you have noticed lately that
the makers of the finest hats, shoes and
otler articles have stopped putting on
the union label. Naturally the Labor
Trust managers have ordered their dupes
to strike, lie idle, scrap, fight, slug and
destroy' property to force the makers to
again put on "the label." But for some
reason the buying public has been aroused
to the Insults and oppression behind It
and in thousands of cases have refused to
buy any article carrying what someone
named the 'tag of servitude and oppres
The bound and gagged union slave is
fined from 15.00 to 125.00 If he buys any
article not bearing the 'union label."
Nevertheless, hi, time and again, risks
the penalty and buys "free" goods sim
ply In order to help the fellow working
man who is brave enough to work where
he pleases without, asking permission on
bended knees from the bulldoslng lead
ers who seek by every known method
of oppression and hate to govern him.
If these poor wageworkera will thus
brave fine and slugging to help out other
men who seek to live a free life under onr
laws and constltutlon'cannot you, reader,
help a little?
Will you reach out a hand to help an
independent workman earn food for 'his
wife and babies? Or will you from
apathy and carlessness allow him to be
thrown out of work and the helpless suf
fer until they prostrate themselves be
fore this stupendous and tyrannical ag
gregation of leeches upon honest Ameri
can labor? t
The successor of Henry Ward Beecher
In Plymouth church, Brooklyn, saya:
"Union ihbor hatred for labor
burns like a flame, eats like nltrlo acid,
Is malignant beyond all description. But
the other day, a woman representing a
certain union visited many families in
Plymouth church asking them to boycott
a certain institution. Alas this
union woman's hatred for non-union
women burned In her like the fires of
' She was pitilessly, relentlessly and tire
lessly pursuing the non-union women and
men to destroy the market for goods, to
ruin their factory and to starve them out.
In the French revolution only 2 per
cent of the French people believed In
violence. The 98 per cent disclaimed vio
lence and yet the 98 per cent allowed the
2 per cent to fill the streets of Parts with
festering corpses, to clog the Seine wtth
dead bodies, to shut up every factory
in Paris until the laboring classes starved
by the score.
The small per cent element In the Labor
Trust which hates and seeks to destroy
the large per cent of Independent Ameri
cans sends out letters declaring 'free"
Industries unfair and tries to boycott
their products. Jf they could bind everyone
it would bring suffering upon hundreds
of thousands. Immeasurable ruin upon the
country, and land it absolutely under con
trol of the men now attempting to dic
tate the daily acts of our people and ex
tract from each a monthly fee.
There are babies, children, women and
honest, hard-working and skillful fathers
who rely upon the protection of their
fellows, when they seek to sell their labor
where they choose, when they choose,
and for a sum they believe It to be worth.
-Every citizen having the rights, priv
ileges and protection of a citizen has
also the responsibility of a citizen.
The Labor Trust leaders may suavely
"request" (or order those they can) to
buy only "union label" articles, and you
can of course obey if you are under
Depend upon It, the creatures of the
Labor Trust will, upon reading this, visit
stores and threaten dire results unless
all the things bear "the label."
They go so far as to have their women
pretend to buy things, order yards of
silk or cloth torn off and various articles
wapped up and then discover "no label,"
and refuse them. That's been done hun
dreds of times and is but one of the
petty acts of hatred and tyranny.
Let no one who reads this article un
derstand that he or she is asked to boy
cott any product whether It bears a
"union label' or not. One haa a consti
tutional right to examine tha article and
aee whether its makers are Labor Truat
appointed a committee, consisting of Mar
vin Hughltt. Henry C. Frlck and Charles
A. Peabody, to prepare suitable resolu
tions on the death of their former leader.
Teat of Resolatlona.
A copy of thee resolutions were first
sent to Mrs. Harrlman at Arden, and to
day their contents were made public The
resolutions follow:
Resolved. That the board of directors
of the I'nlon i'actflc Railroad rnmpanv,
with deep sorrow, records the death of
Edward Henry Harrlman at hla country
place at Arden. N.. Y., at 3:35 o'clock on
the afternoon of September 9. 1W9. In the
S21 year of his age. He was more than
chairman of the executive, committee and
prentilent. which offices at the time of
his death he held and had long filled.
He was the genius of the new Union Pa
cific and Southern Pacific; and the high
state of efficiency to which these proper
ties have been brought, the part that Is
being performed by them In the develop
ment of the country they serve and the
solid bsls upon which the securities of
said companies now rest, are monuments
to his genius, marvelous energy and un
tiring work In the Interest of these com
panion. It is Impossible to here record any ade
quate expression of appreciation of Mr.
Harrlman's work for the American rail
road system, for It must form a large and
Important chapter In the history of our
times. Rut we, who were Intimately asso
ciated with Mr. Harrlman appreciate even
more the qualities which were less con
spicuous to the public. The kindness of
his heart, the strength of his friendship,
the quickness of his sympathy and his
loyalty to all his associates were traits
of his character so marked aa to Inspire
the devotion of all who knew him well,
and his happiness In his home circle wss
an inspiration and delight We deeply
mourn his loss as a personal friend and
as the head of these companies, and ten
der to his family our profound sympathy.
contributor and slaves or are free and In
dependent Americans.
I have tried to tell you something about
those who are oppressed, vilified, hated,
and when opportunity offers are attacked
because they prefer to retain their own
Independent American manhood. These
men are In the vast majority and include
the most skillful artisans in the known
world. They have wives and babes
dependent en them.
These men are frequently oppressed and
have no way to make their wrongs known.
They are worthy of defense. That's the
reason for the expenditure of a few thous
ands of dollars to send this message to
the American people. Remember, I didn't
say my "excuse" for eendlng it The
cause needs no excuse."
Battle Creek, Mich.
N. B.
Some "parlor socialist' who knows
nothing of the Russian Csarlsm of the
great Labor Truat will ask right here:
"Don't you believe In the right of certain
workmen to "organize." Oh yes, brother,
when real workmen manage wisely and
peacefully, but I would challenge the
right of even a church organization when
Its affairs had been seized by a motley
crew of heartless, vicious men who
stopped Industries, incited mobs to at
tack citizens and destroy "property in
order to establish their control of com
munities and affairs, and subject every
one to their orders and exact the fees.
When you see work of this kind being
done call on or write the prosecuting offl
cera of your district and demand proced
ure under the Sherman anti-trust law,
and prosecution for conspiracy .and re
straint of trade. We have the law but the
politicians and and many a our officers
even while drawing pay from the people
are afraid to enforce It in protection of
our cltlxens and now the big Labor Trust
Is moving heaven and earth to repeal the
law so their nefarious work may be mora
aafely carried on.
But yon. Why don't you strike out and
demand defense for your fellows?
Put your prosecuting officers to the
test and Insist that they do their sworn
duty, and protest to your congressmen
and legislators against tha repeal of the
Sherman Antl-Trust law. Its repeal ia
being pushed by the Labor Trust and
some Jjlg capital trusts In order to give
each more power to oppress. Do your duty
and protest. In this great American Re
public everyone must be jealous of the
right of Individual liberty and always
and ever resent the attempts made to
gain power for personal aggrandisement.
Only the poor fool allows his liberty
to be wrested from him.
Someone aska "how about your' own
I didn't intend to speak about my own
affairs, but so long as tha question Is
almost sure to be asked I don't mind
telling you.
The Poaturh workers are about a thou
sand strong, men and women, and don't
belong to labor unions. The Labor Trust
haa, time without numbers, sent "or
ganlzera" with money to give "smokers,"
etc., and had Its "orators" declaim the
"brotherhood of man" business, and cry
salty tears describing the fearful condi
tions of the "slaves of capital" and all
that. But the "confidence game" never
worked, for the decent and high grade
postum workers receive ten per cent over
the regular wage scale. They are the
highest paid, richest and best grade of
working people in the atate of Michigan
and I believe in the United States. They
mostly own their own homes, and good
ones. Tllr wages come hi weeks in a
year and are never stopped on the order
of some paid agent of the Labor Truat
They have savings accounts in tha banks,
houses of their own and steady work at
high wages.
They like their dally occupation In
the works (come and ask them) and are
not slaves, and yet the Labor Trust lead
era have done their best to ruin the sale
of their products and force them into
Idleness and poverty.
It would cost the worklngmen of Battle
Creek (our people and about 1,000 others)
from $1,000.00 to $2,000.00 a month In
fees to send out to the leaders of the
Labor Trust, If they would allow them
selves to become ''organised" and Join
the Trust
Not for them, they keep the money,
school the children and live "free."
That's some comfort for white people.
Once In a while one of the little books
"The Road to Wellvllle." we put In the
pkgs. of Postum, Grape-Nuts and Post
Toastles, is sent back to us with a sticker
pasted across It saying "Returned be
cause It don't bear the union label."
Then we join hands and sing a hymn
of praise for the discovering by some
one that our souls are not seared with
the guilt of being conspirators to help
bind the chains of slavery upon fellow
Americans by placing added power in the
hands of the largest, moat oppressive and
harmful trust the world has ever seen.
When you seek to buy something look
for the "union label" and apeak your
aenttmenta. That's an opportunity to
reach out a helping hand to the cduntlesa
men and women In all kinds of Industry
who brave bricks, stones and bullets,
to maintain their American manhood and
freedom by making the finest goods' In
America and which do not bear taa aeal
of Industrial slavery, the fUaiom XabeL"
Detroit, alien.
( threatened to kill him. The court room