The Omaha' Daily Bee The Omaiia dee T" tb mnet prwrfnl basinets retter In the Nt, bee, tree it roes to the home of poor and rich. WEATHER FOEECAST. For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Fair. For report so pajre 1. VOL. XXXIX-NO. 78. OMAIIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1P09-TWELVE PAGES SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. PRESIDENT TAFT TALKSFINANCE Principal Topio of Address of Chief Executive to the Boston Chamber of Commerce. FAVOES BIQ COTEAL BANK High Praise for Senator Mdrich's Work for Cnrrency rm. DEPRECATES SECTION,", TALK 5 All Parts of United Stat ' Same Business Boat.- e - DISCUSSES PURPOSE OT TEIP Personal Teirh with III. . - -llow Cltlsees Will Make Him a Better aad More Efficient Public Officer. BOSTON, Bept. 14. Prenldent Taffs first public utterance since congress adjourned was made In this city tonight before 2.0OJ men representing the combined business In terests of Ponton. The occasion was a banquet Riven In Mechanics' hall, the larg est auditorium in Boston, by the Boston Chamber of Commerce, recently formed by a merger of the Boston Merchants' associa tion and the Associated Board of Trade with the Chamber of Commerce and It marked the beginning of the president's 13.000-mlie trip through the country. The featurer of the president's address were his endorsement of the proposition to estab lish a central bank In connection with cur rency reform, his words of high praise of Senator Nelson W. Aid rich of Rhode Is land, head of the National Monetary com mission, and his repudiation of any attempt to start 'ectional Strife In the country, such as that which he attributed to Governor Johnson "In calling .upon the west to or ganize against the east" Among the guests tonight were cabinet members, diplomats, congressmen, clergy men and distinguished business leaders. The president was most heartily greeted and at a reception preceding the banquet many shook hands with the executive. Dis tinguished guests from national and state political Ufa. from the Judiciary of the nation and state, front army and navy and congress and from local church, civil and business circles were present. The president was cheered loudly at the close of his address. Under escort of the reception committee and the National Lancers he passed through the dining room to the street and proceeded to the Hotel Touratne. where he spent the night. He will leave on his western four at 10:11) o'clock tomorrow forenoon. Mayor Hlbbard, who was Unable to be present, sent a lettea welcoming the presi dent to' Boston. ' President Taft'a Address. Mr. Tsft began by congratulating Boston on the organisation of all Its business men. "It Insures a concentration of Influ ence that must make for good." ha com mented. Mrv Tact then spokfj.of his west" tin trip. ' ' ' r "I am on the eve of beginning a Journey of 1.1, (M) miles In length," ha aald, "which will enable me to see thousands ' of , my fellow citizens and enable them, I hope, to see me. Occasionally I hear a query why I should start off on such a trip and 'what particular good does It do to any body?' Well, It certainly Is not going to be a pleasure trip, atlhough I shall enjoy it. It will Involve much hard work and great deal of mental effort to think of things to say and to say them simply and clearly, so that they can be understood. On the other hand It will certainly give me a very much more accurate Impression as to the views of the people In the sections which I visit. It will bring closely to me the needs of particular sections, so far as national legislation and executive ac tion are concerned and I believe It will make me a wiser sa tad a better put lis officer. I ought to be able to explain to the people soma of the difficulties of gov ernment and . some of the problems for solution from the standpoint of the execu tive and the legislator as distinguished from that of the honest, but Irresponsible erttlo. The personal touch between the people and the men to whom they tem porarily delegate power, of course, con duces to a better understanding between them. Time for Oeod R eolation. "This Is the second week In September. We are all enjoying our vacations and go ing borne. This Is the time of yea rather than the first of the calendar year, when good resolutions ought to be made and kept, as far as possible. This Is the time when, looking forward to the coming again of congress In Decera l ber, one must consider the need of the country so far as they may be relieved by congressional legislation and attempt to state what that legislation should do. "Your chairman has made some refer ence to a number of subjects to which the attention of congress may well be directed. In the first place there Is the monetary situation. While It Is probable the Vreeland bill passed by the last congreas will aid us in case of another financial orash It is certain that our bank ing system Is a patched up affair which satisfies nobody and least of all those who are clear headed and have a knowl edge of what a financial system should be. "The matter has been referred by con gress to a monetary commission, which has been studying with much Interest and enthusiasm the financial and banking sys tems of the great governments of Europe, and has embodied and will soon publish In Interesting and attractive form the best accounts of the financial systems of the world. It Is quite apparent from the state ments at Mr. Vreeland, who Is now the faoad of the committee on banking and cur rency in the house of representatives, and from the conversations of Mr. Aldiich. who Is the chairman of the monetary commis sion and of the finance committee of the senate, that the trend ot tne minds of the monetary commission is toward some sort of arraignment for a central bank of Issue which shall control the reserve and exer cise a power to meet and control the casual stringency which from time to time will come iu the circulating medium of the country and the world. Basis ef New Hesetarr Srstesa. "Mr. Aldrlch states that there are two peosable requirements In any plan to be adopted In evolving a central bank of Issue. The one Is that the control ot the monetary system shall be kept free from Wall street Influences, and the other that It shall not be manipulated for political purposes. These are two principles to (Continued on Fifth Page.) Building to Be Sixteen Stories, Says Cudahy Seventeenth and Dong-laa Office Building- Third Few One of that Height in Omaha. E. A. Cudahy yesterday authorised the announcement that his building at Seven teenth and Douglas streets will be sixteen stories In height. "I shall build a skyscraper," Mr. Cudahy told a friend, "an office and store build ing of sixteen stories." Mr. Cudahy added that he was now en gaged In working out preliminary steps to ward getting work on the building under way and that progress on the building may be looked for Immediately. The announcement will be welcomed In Omaha. It had been supposed that the new Cudahy building would be a matter of ten stories or so and a skyscraped was not looked for. This Is the third new Omaha building to go at least sixteen stories. The other two are the City National bank building at Sixteenth and Harney and the new Woodmen building which will be seven teen stories In height The Cudahy building will occupy the northwest corner of the Intersection of Douglas and Seventeenth streets and ac cordingly will be directly across Douglas from the Brandeis annex and theater and diagonally across from the Brandeis store and office building. Santos-Dumont Flies Fast with Baby Aeroplane Diminutive Craft Attracts Wide Attention Among Aviators hy Reason of Speed. PARIS, Septt 11 The re-appearance In the world of aviation of Santos Dumont with his remarkable performance of yes terday, when he flew In an aeroplane at a speed of fifty-five miles an hour, has attracted much attention on account of the diminutive slse of the machine. The aeroplane of Santos Dumont weighs, to gether with the pilot, only 118 kilometers (168.6 pounds). It has nine square yards of surface, as against twenty-two square yards In the Curt las aeroplane, twenty six In the Blerlot, and fifty-three in the Wright machines. The most striking fea ture In the appearance of this aeroplane is the short and broad wing, tilting at a high angle. It has no tail, and Us gen oral appearance Is that of a quail. Wyoming Coal Lands Case Up Hearing; at New York on Question of bending Defendant West " for Trial. NEW YORK. Sent. 14.-Th ooal lands case came up today before UUjiu owes commissioner Gilchrist WU berforce Sully, a director of the American Malting corporation of New York; Frank T. Wells and Rufua T. Ireland of Amity Ule. N. T., and George W. Day of New Torlc, the defendants, were Indicted by the federal grand Jury in, Wyoming last May for conspiracy to defraud the United States government out of 1.000 aores of what are known as the "vacant coal lands" at Lan der, Wyo. The hearing today was up after the application of the federal authorlUes In Wyoming to have the men returned to that state for trial. The government rested Its case today with the reading of the indictments. Mr. Ireland, one of the defendant, then took the stand. An Eagle's Talc Most of the people are stralght-laced "The pastor of the Baptist church Is Rv. A. M. Hackleman. a young man, pro gressive and not aa stralght-laced as some of his congregation think he should be. "A little over a year ago this "Little Minister,' as lie is known In Mountpeller, decided that his people needed a new church and he assumed an obligation of 117,000. Part of this sum was subscribed b7 business men, part was taken up by notes ana pan was euDecrtoea by the Mountpellr aerie of the Eaglea - - " " - iu me cnurcn inriiu w mou euu naa preached several sermons ror them. "But this subscription by the Kagles s.arted a war against the minister. His con- gregauon saia ne must return that donation juiuaun vaiufin wajiea on mm with the mm miuiu u. u. luaiaiva on keeping the "Some of tne business man rk. v. n j they had promised unless the minister backed down. The attendance at the sermon. " w uj U - w. Ma. iu uiiiiuw was in a nerd way, "When things became that bad he wiote a letter to Vice President Herlng asking blm what was the best thing to do. He was told to stand firm for a while. "The vice presldsnt then sent letters 10 various Eagles over the country and se cured subscriptions enough to dedicate the church free of debt. He wrote the 'Little '""'" " wouia preacn the sermon ' mmik rrayne sent a special train to near tne vice president. "Hoosler Herlng preached three tlnue that day. and each time to a r,.n He criticised severely the Mountpeller nlnl.t.. tnlA all .H... . ...... '- in u(iea ao well cia ne talk that he made a solid nowaier wwn. u.y repemeu ior their action . to pastor Hackleman they apolo gised, and came to like him better than ever. -The little minuter now continues in the pulpit pf the Baptist church of Mount peller and his congregation says he is the best man they have ever had. "And now Pastor Huklrnun t hi.l . viM EidM. u --i ... ..v. in the country, and he has become a firm joiu lung ana neoome a candidate for grand chaplain." HILL DISCUSSES FUTURE OF FARM Northern Railroad Magnate li Prin cipal Speaker at Convention of American Bankers. FOOD SUPPLY COMDTCr PROBLEM Says Increase of Agricultural Popula tion is Imperative. WILL HAVE TO IMPORT WHEAT Growth of Cities Will Hake This Step Necessary Within Decade. SHORT SPEECH BY CANNON Speaker Praises Aldrtch-Vreeland Aet and Depreeates Demand for Enormous Appropriations for Improvements. CHICAGO, Sept. 14. Bankers from every state In the union and representatives of financial Institutions In Cuba and Hawaii Joined today in the opening session of the thirty-fifth annual convention of the Amerl can Bankers' association here. The conven tion was called to order by the president. George M. Reynolds, president of the Con tinental National bank, Chicago, In the Auditorium theater In the presence of close to 6,000 delegates. Reports of the various committees and officers of the association and the addresses of welcome and the responses filled the morning session. The program of the day also contained an Informal address by Speaker Joseph G, Cannon of the house of representatives. A prominent feature of the first dsy's ses sion was the discussion of practical bank' Ing questions by delegates. Address of James J. Hill. 'The Idea that we feed the world Is being corrected, and unless we can Increase the agricultural population and their product the question of a source of food supply at home will soon supersede the question of a market for our own products abroad." This was the warning given by James J. Hill at the convention of the American Bankers' association today during a discussion of the decline of agriculture and its conse quences. Mr. Hill's subject was "National Wealth and the Farm." "We have," said the speaker, "almost reached a point where, owing to Increased population without Increased production per acre, our home food supply will be Insuffl cient for our own needs. Within ten years. possibly less, we are likely to become a wheat-importing nation. The percentage of the population engaged in agriculture and the wheat product per acre are both falling. At the same time the cost of living Is raised everywhere by this relative scarcity of bread, by artificial increase In the price of all manufactured articles, and by' a habit of extravagance which has enlarged the view of both rich and poor of what arc to ha considered the necessaries of life. City Ponnlatlon o Increase. "It means the same thing, in kind and consequences, when the agricultural popu Iatton, the producers and depositors In the great national treasury of wealth. Is declin ing year by year, while the city population, which thrives only by drawing drafts upon the land and cannot live a year after these cease to bo honored, rises at Its expense. Yet not only Is such a crisis approaching. but It Is being hastened by legislative stim ulation in favor of other industries whHe overlooking this. 'In 1790 only about 34 per cent of the American people lived In towns. At th time of the civil war the percentage had risen to 16. In 1900 more than SI per cent of our population was urban. The change la portentlous, and there Is no doubt that the coming census will show It to have proceeded In the last ten years with ac celerated speed. "With our annual lncreass of over L5 per cent In population from natural causes. and Immigration that has not been less (Continued on Fifth Page.) OW Vice President Herlng of South Bend. who succeeds to "the presidency of the Eagles this ysar, came to the rescue of "The Little, Minister" of the Baptist church at Mountpeller, Ind., when the pastor was about to be forced from the pulpit and saved him his position and at the same time paid off the debt of the church, U a story that the Indiana Eagles are telling everybody they meet. Here la the way they tell the tale: jnounipeuer is a typical Hoosler town, in which every inhabitant knows Just how every other Inhabitant live and they are set against drinking. dww" miiiiaier naa oeen a great or leave the church. The head of the warning that he would be dismissed from money. . . " ......... J ICIHIW ID CIV, lh. dedicating the church. Apru, ne journeyed to Mountpeller and Eagles flocked In people for their altitude touard tne voun 'UU" Impression on the people of the little - 'iiui la one oi me oest men friend of the big Eagle. He expects to From the Minneapolis Journal. MORGAN ELECTED DIRECTOR J. P., Jr., Succeeds E. H. Harriman on National City Bank Board. BIO INTERESTS IN ,' HARMONY Jadge Lorett Elected Chairman of Sonthern Pacific Exeentlre Com. ml t tee and gcalff aad Rock efeller Directors. NEW YORK. Ortne. 11 ir"V ' .rnr..n 1- was elected today to the' late B.'H. Harrl man's place on the -board of directors of the National City hank. By Wall street, the election Is regarded as one of the most significant of the week's flnanolsl devel opments, presumably indicating that har monious relation exist between the Mor gan and the Kuhn-Lorb-Stanaard oil groups of financiers. Added weight was given the matter because It followed so closely on the recent reports that the Morgan Interests were about to take an active In terest In the government of the Harriman roads and that the younarer Mmmn w. slated as the ultimate successor of Mr. Harriman In the command of the Union and Southern Pacific systems. The National City bank', uireeat n h nation's financial institutions. by the Kuhn, Loeb-Standard Oil Interests, wnicn yesterday assumed a commanding position for the time beln at l,Bf in the executive committee of the Union Paci fic. George W. Perkins, of the firm of J. P. Morgan A Co.. Is alreariv of the bank and the additional recogni tion given the firm today was taken by many In the . financial district to mean not merely the existence of an "entente coraiaie, Dut the consummation of an active working alliance betwean ha r great groups of American financiers. The National City bank, referrm n h the general public as "The Standard Oil bank," has resources aggregating more than 1300,000,000, while the First National, known as the "Morgan bank." haa r. sources approximating 1160,000,000. The tremendous resources ,o( the two com bined Is at once apparent The commanding position which th Na tional City bank Interests now hold In the Harriman railroads Is indicated by the fact that four of the six members of the reconstructed executive committee of the Union Paclflo are directors In the bank- Jacob H. Schlff. William Rockefeller. Frank A. Vanderlip and Henry C. Frtok. Mr. Rockefeller and Mr. Schlff were elected yesterday, when the slxe of the committee was Increased, and Judas R. S. Lovett was made chairman, filling the vacancy made by Mr. Harriman's death. The changes made In the Southern Pa cific directorate at the meeting today as a result of Mr. Harriman's death were precisely the same as those mado In the Union Pacific directorate yesterday, and (Continued on Third Page.) The man who doesn't want your trade enough to ask foritwon'tdo much to hold it. Advertising lg an Invitation to to buy from the advertisers. You will find It pays to buy exclusively from advertisers. These are th firms who sell the most roods and at the closest prices. Under the head of "An nouncements" are half a hun dred small ads that are of interest to buyers. Read them. Have you read the want ... todaT ' " PAINTING IT IN GLOWING COLOliS. Thompson Has Control pf Pan American Line Nebraskan Will Personally Look After Property When He Leaves Diplomatic Service. MEXICO, Sept. U-DkvM El Thompson, United Statea ambassador to Mexico, today secured control of the Panaraerican rail way,, a. line extending from Ban Gerunimo on the Tehauntepeo National railway .to Mariscal, a town on the Mexican-Guatemalan frontier. Ambassador Thompson did not make pub lic the purchase price, but said that he would have controlling Interest in the prop erty, having secured by purchase 9,600,000 worth of the stock. The line, which Is 244 miles In length, was formerly owned by Los Angeles and St. Louis capitalists, D. P. Doak being pres ident of the road and J. M. Neeland of Los Angeles, vice president. Ambassador Thompson declares that the line Is of great strategic value in that It is the only feasible route for entrance Into Central America. The road ' will be Im proved and Mr. Thompson will personally look after the property as soon aa he re tires from the diplomatic service. Boy With Bullet in Center of Brain Washington Lad Tried This Method of Suicide, but is as Lively as Ever. WASHINGTON, Sept. 14,-Wlth a 13 callbre bullet Imbedded In his brain, fired there with suicidal Intent more than two weeks ago, Frank Blaine left the Casualty hospital in this city yesterday discharged as cured. He said hs suffered no discom fort other than pains In the head and neck, and he talked rationally. The surgeons at the hospital who have been observing Blaine closely said they detected no ill effects from the bullet In his brain, an J It Is their belief he will not sufter from It in future years. An X-ray photograph of the young man's head showed the bullet Imbedded In the center of his brain. Peary Insists HeisOnly White Man Who Reached the Pole BATTLE HARBOR, Labrador, Sept. 14. Via Wireless Telegraph to Cape Ray. N. . F., Sept. 14. "I am the only white man who has ever reached the North pole, and I am prepared to prove It." This statement was made to the repre sentative of the Associated Press by Com mander Robert . Peary In reply to a question on the I'eary-Cook controversy. The Associated Press tug Douglas Thomas arrived at this lonely whaling and mission settlement at noon yesterday. A squall of rain waa sweeping over the har bor as the Thomas steamed In, but with glasses . It was possible to make out the mast and hull of the Artie steamer Huote veil moored In the Inner bay. The Thomas drew near to the Roosevelt. The steamer looked little the worse for its second trip to the regions. Along the rail were gathered the members of Us famous crew, among them the redoubtable Capteln Robert Hnrllelt, who was at once recognised. Captain Barllett Invited the Thomas to lay alongalde, and the corre spondent clambered over the wtather beaten bulwarks and proceded direct to the cabin to meet the man who has stood upon the apex of the world. The correspondent at once began ques tioning the explorer regarding the merits of Dr. Frederick A. Cook's claim to have reached the pole. The commander de clared positively that he would not fur ther discus the subject until the main point, whether lr. Cook had actually reached the North pole, had been decided by others. H then dictated the following ALTHAUS HEADS STATE F.O.E. Omaha Man New Grand Worthy Pres ident of Nebraska Aerie. CHADR0N GETS NEXT MEETING Mayor Charles Tracy of Benson Elected Vice Grand Worthy President, to Great Joy of Eaglet ef that Tows, - President Xnle Aithaoa, Omaha. Vie president O A. Tracy, Bansos, Secretary -j. at. Tannsr, South Omaha. Past President J. J. Kydsr, Omaha. Treasurer la. B. Landers, Chadron. Chaplain George Gamble, I'lorenoe. Conductor M. Pederson, Blair . Inside Guard T. X.. Walker, MoCook. Outside Guard fee. &. Grain, South Omaha. Trustees C. XL. Christiansen, Fremont: B K. Bwltaler, Unoola! Dr. A. J Ames. Morth Platte. The foregoing list of officers was elected for the ensuing year br the fourth annual convention of the Nebraska aerie of Eagles In Its final session at Benson veaierrf.-Lv afternoon. No strong opposition was made against any of the successful candidates, and most of them were put Into thalr tions by UUe unanimous vote of the aerie. Chadron, with only Grand Island as a rival, was selected for the 1910 meeting. The defeated city was ruled out of the contest because Its aerie was behind In the nay man t of certain ituea In the Stat aerie. If these had been paid before the convention. It Is said. Grand Island would have received the convention. The delegates decided to make a fight for three reforms state autonomy, a new method of making laws and a better way of taking -care of tuberculosis victims. Resolutions recommending these changes to the grand aerie were adopted. The one dealing with better care for conaumntlvaa asked for immediate action by the grand body and recommended a national home. Longr-Lald scheme Hatched Oat. In getting Mayor Charles A. Tracy elected to the office of vice president the mem bers of the Benson aerie achieved an end they have been looking toward for months. As soon as they landed the convention for their city a year ago they besan lavln plans for putting one of their most popu lar members into this office. The vice (Continued on Second Page.) telegram to the Associated Press for pub lication: "I am the only white man who has ever reached the North pole and I am prepared to prove It at the proper time. I have already ?ted publicly that Cook haa not been to the pole. This I reaffirm and I will stand by It, but I decline to discuss the details of the matter. These will come out later. I have said that Dr. Cook's statement that he had reached the pole shouid not be taken seriously and that I have him nailed' by concrete proof to support my statement. In six months you probably will get the whole story. It would not be policy for ine to enter upon a full d abate with the subject as It now stands. To do so would be giving out much information of which other uses could be made. I Intend to wait until Dr. Cook has issued his full authorized state ments. Up to the present time there have been only newspaper accounts of Dr. Cook's alleged polar trip, and th-se may or may not be accurate. W hen Dr. Cook has time to lasue a complete authorised version of bis Journey will be the proper opportunity for me to make public the In formation which I have.. After that the Jury In other words, the people and the tcientiflo bodies of the world will pass judgment on the matter and there will then be nothing left of Dr. Cook's case but bis own assertions that he has reached the North Pole. In the meanwhile It Is my determination not to deal with debates for the reasons already slated." EAGLE PRESIDENT MPSjtfAGAZINE Bernard J. Montghan Replies to Attack in His Annual Report to Grand Aerie. BIG TIM SULLIVAN STORM CENTER Article Attacking; Former President Also Hit at Order. CONVENTION MAKES SPEED Much of Routine Work Got Out of Way at First Session. POLITICAL POT BOLLS HARD Baffalo Rant Plotting; to Make San Frnnciaco Take Gathering In 1RTO Instead of 1011, Warn East era Town Wants It. Raffle Convention Proffram. WIDUEIDAT. 10 tOO A. M. Visit to naeklna- honaaa aft South Omaha and luncheon ander aus pices of Booth Omaha saris. 8 too P. x Tour through retail storae by visiting ladles. Every store In parade dress. 3i30 P. X. Tlslt to wholesale district under escort of home excursion com mittee of Omaha Commercial club. TXu-RSSAT. IOiOO A. X. Trolley tripe tot visiting ladles. 13:00 X. Orand parade and review k Jndges who will award the prises. 8 too P. H. Exemplification of the new ritual by the grand officers at Auditor ium. Open to all Eagles la rood stand ing. 8:00 P. X. Theater cartv for vtaitnr ladies and trolley trips to the lakes. Replying In very pointed language to an article which appeared last spring In Mo Cluro's muKazlne In which the character of Big Jim Sullivan of New York, past worthy president, was attacked directly, and1 the honor of the Fraternal Order of Eagles was assailed Indirectly, President Monufihan Injected considerable ginger Into his annual roport which was submit ted to the grand aerie of Eaglea Tuesday afternoon. The chief official of the order gtvea the lie to the author of the article and the publication itself comes In for a scoring for printing the matter. The rest of the grand worthy president's message to the delegates was of a de cidedly hopeful and optlmisllo tone and showed a remarkable growth In the order. The report was the principal feature of the afternoon session, which was secret and followed the conferring of the grand aerie degree on 800 delegates, who had never attended the grand aerie before. The obligator ywork was conferred by H. H. Thompson, the first grand worthy president of the order. Order Growing; Rapidly. The credentials committee reportetd there were 1,612 delegates attending the convention. The only other business aside from the presidents report was the read ing of the reports of the treasurer and secretary which had aleady been made public ' Flgues quoted by the president In his report show there . were during the year nlnety-flve aeries Instituted, four re-or- ganlzed and four consolidated. Sixty-six surrendered their charters. There arc In good standing 1,693 aeries, with a total membership of 309.U&6. These aeries have assets worth o,l!W.!u.83, an Increase over the proceeding year of I758.2S9.67. An Interesting statement showing the total disbursements of the order since Its founding was Included In the report. It was, an follows: Sick benefits $2,s3.,410.75 Funeral benefits Hfl.lM.2U Special relief &U,04o.ii6 Aerie physicians from Juno 1. 11)06 to July 81, HAW 1,110,16X37 Grand total chargeable to bene ficial fund $6, 22, 842.56 President Monaghan referred to the fact that he had required all aeries to abolish buffets In states where they were prohib ited by law. Gambling and drunkenness, he declared, would not be tolerated In lodge rooms. M notes tne Insalt. The portion of his address that aroused most Interest was that referring to the article In McClure's Magazine entitled "Tammany's Control of New York by Pro fessional Criminals." In the article was Uils reference to the order: "The Eagles, a great, national organisa tion of sporting men, bartenders, politic ians, thieves and professional criminals, made Sullivan their head and the Bowery became the recognized metropolis of Amer ican criminals." "That quotation," said Mr. Monaghan, "la sufficient to show the vile nature of the published articles and la sufficient ot Itself to discredit any and all of the statements therein contained. Crooks and criminals there may be scattered here and there In the Fraternal Order of Eagles, as there are In every other asaoclation, fraternal, polit ical and commei, and In every profes sion, not excepting the clergy. If there be any In. the Fraternal Order of Eagles they are not such by reason of that fact, but In spite of It. And every member of this grand aerie knows the precepts and prac tices of our order tend to higher Ideals of morels and citizenship, and thousands of men have been lifted to a higher plane by reason of their association with Its mem bers and affiliation with the order. "Tins article waa evidently written for po litical purposes, but the writer, In order to accomplii-h his purpose, was willing to of fer the grossest Insult, and evidently did not take the time or trouble to certify to the truth or falHlty of his s torments. Thla great order was never used by any ofHoer entrusted with Its affairs for any rut the high ur.d beet purposes for whloa It ex ists, a i. a. none knew better or more Xor out'hly understood the necessity of keep ing It far above and beyond the power f any man to use It for political purposes than lid the distinguished grand worthy president who has been so unjustly at tacked." 8 olll van's Administration Excellent. PreMdtnt Monaghan here quoted from tullvan's first official circular which birrfd religion and politics from discus s oa In the order, made each member the lo Judge of these matters, and denounced personal graft and private gain at Uis expense of the order. "The policy therein enacted,' he con tinued, "as insisted upon ad haa besa