THE OMAHA SUNDAY TIKE: SEPTF.Mr.EIl 12. !!(. n .S Iowa :BLAHE ON STREET RAILWAY lailroad Company Iff&kei Report on ,' the Crossing Accident. DELAY N AMINO TEHrSIOJI AGENT , fiiaiilna m llirf Ikf Ha 7 Wli la to t Han hK HI- Office Caaeerted Effisrt Retain Bin Flail Fraacala.' , " (From a Staff Correspondent.) ! IKS aUIMS8, It (Hpeclaf Tele- s-ram.) Hlame la placed on the street railway for the collision on Went First atreet durlrajr fair week. In which a Rock 1x1 and parnger mwlirl Into a carload of people, by the report of the RncH Ik! and road. flod wtlh the State Railroad commission today. Thirty-one portions on , the stneet cw were Injured. The Rock Inland atatett i 1 pany'sj flas-ma V--f short flaf.," ' I little tlnva In Inland stateu that the street car 00m- man gava the street car "a which meana that It had which to iret acroaa ahead ot the 1ase ngnr. According to the con J tract between the Rock Inland and the "'street railway the street railway furnishes It Wii flagman. The Hock Inland asaerts It hs.d the right-of-way, but that an ex . am&iatlon of Its train Showed the air brakea were set, showing that the engineer trked to atop aa soon aa he aaw the etreet car waa attempting to paea. Delar Kiialng Penalon Aaeat. ' The aelecttoa of a pension agent for the Iowa-Nebraska district, the office of which 'a located here, will not be Ui- nounced before neat December and pos ' albly not for another year. Agent TV'JlVcox'i . commission expiree next December. Con ' crewman Hull, who haa alwaya named .the pension agent, baa announced be wilt fallow Senator Cummin to name the agent. The matter la one aettled by the entire wa delegation In rongrena. It (nay Klde to put it off for a year, when the iher federal appointments Coming to this tate will be decided upon. If this appointment Is allowed to the Seventh district at the nest meeting of the delegation, Cummins will Immediately an nounce his aelectlon. There are a num ber of candidate and there is no Intima tion who the senator has In mind. Effort to. Sara Ball Fraachree. A meeting of Des Moines bualneas men was held today to devise plana for get ting better attendance at the home games f the Doa Molnea base ball team In order to Inaure 'keeping the team here for the balance, of the year and for next year, Owner Hlggln having threatened to take It to St. Joseph. It was deolded to ask the street railway company to give better ervtVe, It being claimed that was the chlof difficulty. Another meeting Is to be belt! In a few days, when a proposal will be made to Hlgglns of support for next year. Following the three-game serlea with To- Jka etartlng today, the Des Moines team Will travel. On the return there will be eleven games with Omaha and siou CHy on the home grounds, closing the season. OAS EXPLOSIOX PROVES FATAL , Breaaara Ran V Too 1111. eit Crude Machine. , IOWA CITT. Ia., Sept 11. (Special Tele-' grrwm.r John Lens, aged lay la dead. Har J old Thompson, aged 19, Is dying, and John Hmmerman and Ernest Rehn wore erl t ously Injured In an explosion here today : Of crude gas plant designed to charge automobile generators. The gas tank waa FAMILY OF Two Little Girls had Eczema Very Badly In One Case Child's Hair Cama Out and Left Bare Patches i Father's Head Sore from Child hood In All Three Cases CUTICURA MET WITH ITS USUAL SUCCESS "I have two nttlo girls who hire beefi troubled very badly with eczema. On of ttxm had it on her lower limb. 1 did everything that 1 could hear of for . ber, but It did not give In until warm ' weather when It seemingly subsided. The next winter when it became oold' waather the ecrema started again and also in rmr bead where it would Lake the hair out and leave bare patohea as large a a ouartcr of a dollar. At tn same time ber arms were sora th whole length rf thnu. . I took her to fhv aiclaa and ho said that she had two atistlnct type of ereem. I continued With him for several weeks and the child grew worse all of the time. Iir sktttr's arms wcro also affected in the same way. Ily husband earn txin on dav with a box of Cutioura Oint ment and a rake cf C'utkiura flnap. I l'g an using tltem and also the (,'uucura I'ills and by the time the second lot wa used their akin wee aoft and smooth aa H bud not been before for the win tar. W keep th Cuticura Boap and Cuil ctira Ointment, constantly by us and when any little roughness or Irritation appears on their skin 1 quickly dunei it wilh the Cuticura Kemdls. My hiwband has uaed thecn with most satisfactory results for a eore head which has troub led him from childhood. Mrs. Charta akar, JUbiun, kie., Sept. 21, 190." Cuticura Olnlmonl Is uu of th moat aucceaiful remedies for torturing, dlxlgurtng humors of the skin and scalp, including lose of hair, of In fanta, children and adults, eer eem pounded, in proof of which a single anointing with It, preceded by a hot bain with t'utUura tfciep, and fol lowed by nilM donee of Cutleura ptllr. Is often sufficient to afford Inline cMate relief tn She moat-dtelretMlng furma of itching, burning and scaly humors, ecsema. trritatlona aad iu f lumiiiadvii, prmit real and sleep ana point to a speedy cUr when all elae falls t'utlAar Soa (J8e . - oinuarat ,loM Svi. m riiMUu i'mM Pills I, r tul4 lhroahuti ih world. Ptit'se tf A (!! Cr., tol rrupa., 11 c4 aHi A . Bustea. Mall rres, Calieurt But 4 on gkln Di- PR&S3F Ssd tfoa f W tell you about bow good you'll ? fact after tallne m CAbCARLT that million of people-buy. us and raoomineud IUm but that' tlk you uy ft bog now tako as directod tonight and get tb proof la the luorntuf After you aniiw CASCAKETM you'll new bo CORED SKIN TROUBLES 1 wl'Oioul Uem. f V CASCASETS roe a boa A jf tLwwt'ii!ivI'a 1 a werfc-a- biggcat seller. Iowa subjected to a pressure of 171 pounds when t"he accident occurred. POWER PROJECT AT IOWA FA 1.1,9 Interstate Power (ornpair Ilea Plaa to Dam Iowa River. 'IOWA FA t.Lfl, la.. Sept. 11. (Special.) 1 Last night the city council met to con sider the proposed electric light and street railway franchise which the In terstate Power company Is asking for a period of twenty-five years, and If found acceptable 1n the ordinances Sub mitted by the company to Issue a call for a aneOal election for the people to vote on the granting Of the two fran chisee. This brings to public notice the preliminary work that has beea " con ducted here for several weeks by M. O. Albrook of Delhi, la., the representative of the Interstate Power company. Which clalma Its head . offices In Chicago and whlnn Is wald to be Incorporated ander the laws of Idaho several weeks ago. Mr. Arm-cok eecsred an. option on the mill property and water rights owned by' Harp y Roberts, the consideration being stated as ll,600. Vnder the terms of this agreement the company Is to pay $500 to bind the bargain and each party to the 'contract la to pent a cer tified check ot 12.000 In a local bank a a gvaraatee that both will fulfill the terms of the Contract of sale. Other options hav been taken by Mr. Alhrook In the city on properties that will be affected It "his proponed water power plant materialises. It Is stated the com pany proposes to Invest $600,000 or more in a big water power plant here, and that among the detail are A thirty-foot dam across the Iowa river a ahort dis tance below the Oak street bridge. This will create an Immense reeervolr run ning back between the high banks of the Iowa river at thla polht the distance of a mile or more, tn addition a supple mentary reservoir Is offered In a lake covering several acres in the west part of the city. It 1 estimated the plant will develop between .600 and t.OOO horse-power and will grind out electricity at such a low rat that electric lighting and power rates will be revolutionised In this part of the state. It Is proposed In the ordinances now pending to place the maximum rata tsr lighting at 10 cents per K. W. hour and the power rat at I cent per X. W with the right to make lower ratea to large consumer. This Is a reduction of one third In the present lighting rat. The company also propose to light all the city buildings fre and to furnish forty 1,000 cndl-powr Street light at $2 each per month, or about the same as now paid for ettfit lights of Ilk power. It I reported that the company haa se cured options on the Hampton Eldora and other lighting plant. Ast Iojr a taeeesa. DENISON, la., Sept. 11. (Speclal.) Actlhg on the suggestion of the Review the business men of Denlson have made a great success of their Auto day. One thousand persons living out Klde . the city limit and whose trading place la Denl son cam to town and had a free ride In the best autos the cltisens owned. From 10 In the forenoon to t at night Autos were driving about the street and road near by filled with farmera and their families, many having their first rid of this kind. It Wft a great day for. the merchants, the stores being crowded all day. It gave parents a ohanoe to glv their children an auto ride and thus made a day which Will be a notable event in their live. Bnalneaa Chssgs at Crestoa. . " CRESTON. Ia, Bcpt. IX. (Special.) A change waa announced yesterday In the ownership of the C res ton Brick and Tile works, on of the largest Industries in the cKy. W. C, and II. L. Tramp have bought out the Interest of Charlea A., th young' At member of the firm, and will In the future be the sole proprietor. No change will be made tn ths policy of th plant. Th retiring member of th firm will leave for the I'aclflo coast in a few days and will locate In the west. Yoaag Economist from Boon. BOONS. Ia., Sept. 11. (Special Telegram.) Howard O. Browtwon, Ph. D., aon of Rev. Mr. Brownson, pastor of the local Baptist church and the youngest Instructor of the University of Pennsylvania, re turned to hla work thla morning. Brown son, when only 23, occupied a chair as pro fessor of economics In th University Of Illinois summer school during the last year, and now occupies a similar position at Pennsylvania. May Be Pollceaaaa'a Slayer. PIERRE. 8. t., Sept. 11. (Special Tele gram.) Deputy Sheriff West of Beadle county thla evening brought back A man giving the nam of Jo Hadsell of Cedar Rapids, la., who, from hla talk when drunk. Is believed to be one of the party who killed Follcenian Hawley at Huron last Wednesday night. Iowa News Mote. ORIRttT September 12 and 23 are the datea for th big Pumpkin days and Har vest Home festival In Orient. Four teams will be entered la a two-day ball touna ment and other sports and amusements ars planned for th occasion. CRESTON Th Union County Sunday School convention opened yesterday after noon at the Methodist church arid la In progress today. Many delegatea from all over the ounty are present and also a number of Sunday ecnOnt men from the State association. An Interesting program la being earrled out and the business of the asaoolatlon transacted. CRESTON Friday morning th soldier Of the Thirteenth United States Infantry broke camp at MokUnley park in thla city and started on the last stage of their hike Into Des Molnea. Thursday was pay day for the men and the army paymaster distributed In gold among the men, a large per cent of which waa left In the city with local merchants. KNOX AND MARY STUART Twa Raaared fifty Local Mea aad Wosaea Will Appear la Tsklsssi, Th tato of John Kiwi and Mary, Queen of Sootts, will be set forth at th Boyd September 14 and 17, under th auspice of th First Christian church. Two hun-4 dred and fifty local men and women will take part in the tableaux and allegorical praoeaslonala, knd so forth. Th costum ing of th production will be a feature. 1 he Ksrthwettera . Tim change September 11: Daylight Chicago train leave T a. in. inatead of T:tS a. m.. arriving Chicago 1:30 p. m.. with parlor car, diner and sleepers. Overland Limited leaves If 16 a. tn.. arrives Chicago 11:46 p. m. Westbound Overland Limited leave Chicago t p. ro.. arrive On aha T: a. m. Chicago Omaha train No. & leaves Chicago p. m., arrive Omaha T a. m. Other trains. Incladlr.g the , popular Omaha-Chicago electrlo lighted train at I p. tn. and th Los Angele Urn! ted to Chicago at 1 p. m., remain unchanged. City offlcea, 101-1 Farnara. If you have anything to sell of trad and wsnt qmrk acttonj advei Ue it la Tas Be Want Ad colunui. . Council Bluffs Continued from Sixth Pag.) Mm Tollman of Logan, la.( was awarded the guest prlsp. At the close of the game a course luncheon waa served. Mlia M. Frances Walker left Saturday for Colorado fprtngs, w hers she will re sume her work ss teacher In the Colorado School for the I'eaf. Miss Klsle Farrell. of South F.lghth street, and sister, Mrs, Frank Wormian, of Hobarv Okl., who have been visiting In Harlan and Manilla, la., will return home today. Miss Florence Otis entertained a number of girl friends at a slumber" party Fri day evening at her home on Woodbury ave nue, prior to her departure for IMxon, 111., where she will, attend school, Mr. R. Slaw son w ill entertain th mem bers of the Weman'a club of tn railway mall eefvlcv Wednesday aftertiOon at her home U Charles street. Mrs. V. J. Mc Donald will act as leader and the after noon will be devoted to th study of the civil service. Rev. D. H. Cooley, former pastor of the First Baptist church, arrived In the city from Chicago Saturday and will occupy the pulpit at that church this morning. lr. Cooley was pastor of ths church nesrly thirty years ago. The members of Kvergreett Cmp, No. Rl!". Royal Neighbors of Ami-rtca. ate planning a Jubilee, o be given Tuesday evening. November IA, at the Weat Knd club house. The evening will be spent In music, dancing and refreshments. Mrs. Painter Knox and son are Visiting the family of Oscar liumer at Lawton, Ia. Paul Hasleton left last week for Klin ball Union, N. H., to resume his studies at Kimball Union nendemy, Enroute ha will visit the Laka Champlnln resorts. Mr. Lee Harried of this cltv and MIsm Llllle blgelow of Ienvec were united In marriage Tuesday evenlrg at T o'clock at the parsonage of the Epworth Methodist church, 22 JO Avenue C, Kev, X. V. Babbi officiating. Mr. and Mrs. liarntd will make their home in this city. Mrs. Mien Stephen was tendered a sur prise party Wednesday afternoon and evening at her Cottngc at Lake Maflawa by the members of the C. M. L. clun. Five Hundred was played, the prlEe being captured by Mrs. Martin Hughes, During the evening a course luncheon Was served. Sixteen members were In the party, Mrs. T. M. Robbins entertained the East Side Card club Saturday evening. - At the close ot the game a course luncheon was served. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. J Zbornlck, Mr. and Mrs. William Foster, Mr. and Mrs. 1). Roff, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Robbins, Mr. J. Nap ier, Mrs. Lou Napier, Mrs. James Ferron, Mrs. Charles Ferron and Mrs. Dell Roth. Announcement haa been made of the en gagement of Miss Edna Starr Scott of Mal vern, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Srot, to Mr. Alien J. Chantery of Boston. Ml4 Scott Is well known In this city, having been the guest of Miss Eusebla Dudley during th last week. Mr. Ctian.ery ia a Well known naval constructor of Bos on, and haa been visiting his parents In Mal vern, Mrs. A. B. Smothers was pleasantly surprised Wednesday afternoon at her home by the members of the Society club and the Jolly Neighbors In celebration of her birthday anniversary. The after.nnort Was spent at cards, Mrs. J. F. Williams Mrs. J. C. O'Nell, and Mrs. C. L. Williams receiving the prlaes for the highest aeons. At the close of the game a course lunch eon waa served. Mr. Charles R. Hannan entertained at a prettily appointed luncheon Wednesday afternoon, in honor of her daughter, Miss Hnzel Hannart. whoso engagement to Mr. Howard Franklin Whipple of Boston was announced. Miss Hannan, who recently re turned from the east, is one of the most popular girls of the younger set. Mr. Whipple was a guest in this city last summer. He Is a graduate of Dartmouth, Ih th class of "08. Th St. Rose Literary society held Its nrst meeting of the season Thursday even- i Ing at the home of Mrs. P. M. Kgan, 725 , members present. Mrs. Kate Murrlct gavu a reading, "The Heathen Chinese," after which Rev. Father Burkhelser gave a short address. Miss Anna Stack entertained with number of pin no selections. The club will meet September II at the home of Miss Mafy Paahall.; , Announcements have been received tn thla city of the marriuge nf Dr. Hugh M. Mc I'onnell of Independence, Kan., and Miss Clara Louise Flnlay, whlsli took Dlace Monday at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Analo P. Flnlav nf .lackunnvllij. 111 The bride has been a teacher for the past flvs years at the Iowa School for the Deaf, and has many friends In this city. Dr. and Mrs. McConnell will be at home after De cember 1 at 123 East Kansas street. Inde pendence, Kan. Mlsa Frances Keellne entertained at an Informal kenslngton Thursday afternoon In honor of Miss Virginia Prince of Spring field, HI., who Is the guest of Mine Ruth Felt. The afternoon was pleasantly spent In playing games, st which Miss Vena Binder and Miss Agnes Wlckham were awarded the prises. Late In the afternoon luncheon wss served In the dining room, covers being laid for fifteen guests. Red roses were uced In decorating. Miss Mary Wadsworth entertained at luncheon yesterday afternoon nt her home. Ml South Klghth street, at which announce mnt of her engagement to Dr. Glen Reed son of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman L. Reed, of this city was made. The decorations were In yellow and white. Covers were laid for: Miss Vena Binder. Miss Eleanor Mayne, MIms Virginia Meyera, Mlsa Sarah Realey, Miss Elizabeth Day, Miss Helon Robinson, Miss Ruth Felt, Miss Cherrle Wells, Mrs. Frank Putnam. Mrs. Frank Hinder and Miss Gertrude Kinkald of Lin coln, Neb. Th Ladles' Aid aoclety of the First Con gregational church held its monthly busi ness meeting and kenslngton Tuesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. John P. Davis About twenty-five members were present' liana were discussed for a "birthday din her" to be given the last of the month at the Danish hall At the close of the busl ne" meeting a social hour was enjoyed, light refreshment being served. Mrs! f;a'" assisted in entertaining by Mrs H. W. Tllton. Mrs. E. T. True. Mrs. R. H Bloomer and Mrs. E. L Moore. Miss Anne Pearl Tallman and Mr. Oeorie Richard Timme were united in Wednesday evening at the home of the irnuaa paiema, air. ana Mrs. W. W Tail- ' man, aK) Avenue C. Rev. F. A. Case of I the First Baptist church performed the I ceremony In the presence of about twemy- 1 flvs frlenda and relatives. The house was prettily decorated in green and white. The I bride wor a dainty white gown and a I ins 1 tulle veil. A weddlna- luimrr u. after the ceremony, lr. and Mrs. Tlmni's will make their horn In Omaha. The Woman's club of the rallwav m.u service held Ita regular monthly rheet ng i in noma or Mrs. r. a. rair. tnere were seventeen m m bera and five guests present. A brief business meeting was held and plans were made for a fall picnic to be held in I jne woods at an early date. Mia. Will- ' am nicDonsia read an Interesting Diuer on "The Civil Service." Piano numbers were rtnn'reu uy alius Alieaia Fuller and 1 i jr. ira. aici'onneli sang ""'i "i, ii uu were greatly appre ciated. At the close of the nrnimm . three-course luncheon wa served by the I Mr. Christian Eberhart wa pleasantly surprised Tuesday evening at his home tr.28 Avenue B, by a party of friends, the occasion being the slxty-lhlrd antilvei nrv of his birthday. Music and games fur nished amusement for the evening af'er iniii litem rei reminiems were served The guests were Rev. and Mr Enale, Mr. and ana- ii.niuurN, ni f . no Mrs. isnrwf -k Mr jnd Mrs. Klsahnsh. Mr. and Mrs. oWn' Mr. and Mrs. Hurts. Mr. and Mrs Prove Mr. and Mrs Hanry tberharl, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eberhart, Mr. and Mrs. II r-n-s Mr Boase. Miss Rdlth Lew and M'ss n"ll iMirham. Mr. Eberhart was the recipient f many gift in honor of the oceaaion. BRIEF IN NORMAL CASE (Continued from Third Page.) Montgomery, are pioneers of Tork. having moved here nearly forty years ago. They wer very active In the upbuilding of Tork. M COOK The dedication of the new Evangelical Lutheran church of this elty will take place Munday, MepteinbeT It. Th dedicatory aermon in the morning will b delivered by Hev. R. Flnlster of Culbertson. In the afternoon Itee. L. Urotheer Of Ox ford will deliver a similar sermon In Eng lish. WEST POINT The regular trknnlal tta'e rouiiiil for Nebraska of the Catholic Knlshta of Ameiiua has ben called to meet at f iartlmrtun on October ID. The history of th order In the slate during th last three yrara has been marked by great activity and an increase of membership of over 1 per cent. Fourteen flourishing branctie ei isi re aow eaial . la Ki. brakka. Th pieecut officer of ta cvuiitil Sp ill IF I rm I HE excellence of these new i OOOO enterprising people. Special offerings tomorrow will add interest to the Fall Exhibition values that should attract the attention of those who are economically .inclined. A few of the specials are mentioned below. awaaWaaaaeaaaaatawaaail II ) i i I laakaaSaaa. XAjf.6'lKlar BRUSSELS HUGS 12x9 feet. The assortment Is large the patterns beauti ful Oriental and Floral designs. Colorings thflt are reproductions of the original de signs. Tn quality oi tnese rugs are absolutely guaranteed peclal 11.69 illllf CHIFFONIERS Made of solid oak, exceptionally- well polished and finished. Five large draw ers, laminated construction. Mirror of fancy shape, Frenoh plate. A genuine bargain. Special ...i., 10.25 Our Displaj of Steel Ranges. Cook Stoves, Heating Stoves and Base-fiurners are now reaedy for j the Fall Selling. Bright and new. Lincoln Peninsular, Comstock 8c Castle, Great Western,! Bellville, W. & D. Sager, Chicago Stove Co., are amongst the lines shown. All Styles and j sizes and prices. There is one to suit you. "CREDIT" if desired. LI LIBARY TABLES Arts and Craft dealgns, in weathered finish. Tables are mads of olld large roomy drawer and stretcher shelf. You cannot duplicate thia value elsewhere. Special i nnm -iim-ar-i-ari m n n i irmrr m "aT Catalog Free to Qut-ol-Town People 1414-18-18 DOUGLAS STREET are: president. Very Rev'.' Joseph Ruealng, i West Point: secretary, Charles V i isa. itrtrtlmctom treasurer, John 11. LJndai. WtsL Point. WEST POINT Mrs. . M. GIsln. aged W years, died Friday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carolii.e Kloke at West Point. The deceased was the mother of Edward tiisin, a member tf the Piters Tiut.t ciiiiipaiiv of riinaha and of three mar ried daughters. Funeral services will be h Id Sundav under the auspices of the Orrnian Lutheran church, of which the d co-d a lifelong member. a,- DEATRtC--Heatrce eonncll No. 1M. Knights and Ladies of Security, held meeting last night and elected these of ficers: T. V. Rhodes, president ; N. II. Harsh, first vice preBldent; J. W. McKls slck, second vice president ; Mary Campbell, corresponding secretary; Harriet liavls, financier; liiid Uavta. prelate; Augustus Schwarts. conductor; Roy Wilcox, guard; George Wilcox, aentlnel. NEBRASKA CITT The members of the Cowota club, a social organisation having a membership of nearly tM of tb beat young men of this city and a finely fui nUh.d club quarter in one of the largest buildings in the city, met last evening and elected its board of managers for tb en suinir year as follows: Harvey Teten, George Slack. Keeves Pdrkby. Herbert Stan ford and Frank Rartltng. PONCA The city councIT-at its meeting last n!-ht elected Clarence Kingsbury to the office of city attorney. Uy a unani mous -vote they dei-bled to sroeeed with th ce of Ciiarlc i'uvt agaiuaC .Ui ellj til HI Ion did S ho Orl ai'lal "a araa at 'Mil terns in, rugs will be quickly appreciated. Neyer before did we feel so proud of our showing. It gives evidence of the emphatic leader ship of this store which caters to such -a wide circle of Omaha's WWM 7$ ffjf No Interest - mi rWif y chaed-' "' V "'itvttti n i ii ill' W . Massive Upholstered Rocker American quarter oak frame. Handsomely carved heads on arms; upholstered in guaranteed Nantucket leather. Full spring seat. It's a wonderful value, Ipa a g a. worm beater at tne price. Special for this wek Only ,ljjljijvijl)-lj-Lr,jxrvswviJryjrisinnrinfiririri-M--i-i-i-i' - ' ' - - - ' - -- -- mm Q or golden oak, have 4.89 Combination Bookcases and Writing Desks The writing compartment Is Very roomy and well arranged. Adjustable shelves and doubl strength glass top bookcase. V uooKcaae. 11.05 Made or solid oak. French plate mirror. Special , marshal, who had captured Mr. Foot On susplilon or bootlegging In Ponca. Th lua.rchMl securifl twn ouarts of whiskV In Mr. Foot's possession, but , released Foot on the advice of the Tnayor. Ths case will be called In court September 80. KEA UN ET Elmer Miller, the boy ar retted for stealing a bicycle, a horse and a saddle, was arraigned before Judge Hallo well Fiiday morning and committed to-the State Industrial school here. Miller's past record was straight and clean, upon Inves tigation, and It appeara that his only mo tive for taking the properly was to get away from the people he was living with. If a was formerly an Inmate of an orphans' home in Omaha. KEARNEY A certain well known travel ing man out of Omaha, but residing In Kearney, ordered a barrel of seventy-two quarts of beer from Urand Island, and soma of his friends, for a practical joke, got the beer from the express offioe and Consumed same. The drummer la hunting for his friends and his friends krs In the meantime helping him hunt tor them, but they really think It doubtful whether there is any beer In tlioxe seventy-two bottles. The express sgent feels most keenly over the matter. LEIGH Joseph J. Kucera, a farmer liv ing eight miles northeast ef here, com mitted suicide on Wednesday by taking strychnine. Mr. Kucera had been tn town In the afternoon, and In the even ng. while Ih ether members of the famUy were busy outside with the chores, he went Into the house and trxrk the poison. There wa do appareut reaaba for tlx act, a TTA To) umf I I AAUVV . . rsnrsrsrs wins: of Atgtt re mi designs in furniture CREDIT' - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - In th extra CHINA CLOSET Made of solid oak, double trength glass, adjustable helves grooved for standing j : M dTs&B. MirriQ SO aM Prhases. tOp. Special , 4 LrfMWaMWawaw platee. Bent end 2fc GREAT STORES TIUtOUGnOUT THE IT. 8. n Mil he wa In good circumstance and his home life wss pleasant. Mr. Kucera was H year ef ag and Is survived by a wlfo, one son and three daughters. TORK Th opening of the York college, the Urullns academy, and the York busi ness college and normal schools tills week and the large numbers coining from nearly every county In Nebraska, from nearly every state west of the Missouri river has verv Indication of a larger attendance of York's educational Institutions than In years past. New departments have been add-d and several educators have been adtd to teaching forces, made necessary by the large Increased attendance. York tekes great pride In Its high school and Ita college In which i.OUU scholars and students attend. FiKATRlCE Joseph Urttbee, ths Bohem ian farmer residing near Haineston who has had considerable newspaper notoriety of late, was yesterday sentenced to thirty Aavs In th eoutity Jail for drunkenness. Thursday night hs became Intoxicated, drove hla ebildren out and attempted to fir his home. Neighbors Interfered and he was lodged In jell at Liberty until yesterday, when he was sentenced to the county Jail. Friday Mra. Qrabec insti tuted habeas corpus proceedings against her husband for the custody of the chil dren, but as they are now In her posses sion the case waa dropped yesterday. BEATRICE A remarkable Incident oc curred here yesterday on a Rock Island west-bound passenger train. Aa th train, in chary of Conduelos Charlea Elsham left Ueu-lv a wouian. who waa talking 1 --' fU"W1 ... a. Blip and the new pat HI mm 3J4 a fi. ' " V r-.i -13 ' ...,,:;"r,r .,1. ' i'ff;; IN ' ' iniiiinLaa inVMr-t-- - taaBVaaaVaaaaaat' WILTON VELVET RUGS 12x9 feet. You must see these rugs to apreclate them. Their value cannot he duplicated In Omaha ot the price. High soft pile, exquisite color ings. Oriental and floral d- f aea 21.50 signs. We guarantee the quality. Special a DRESSERS In golden oak or mahogany finish", largo French plate mirror, mi in liiho standarda. Two top drawers serpentine. i serpentine. 8.35 Liresser is exceedingly large and massive. Special jij juir.wwvwrriVi i- ------ 11 BRASS BEDS bright or satin finish. 1-Inch pot with heavy tuning, ueninne rrenen jucqurr, ST Fully guaranteed. All steel side rails. A monl wonderful bargain. Special . . 13.90 Oat-oMown Visitors always welcome. Souvenirs with 1414-16-18 DOUGLAS STREET with some friends across ths alsl (n th coach, missed her llttl daughter. A thor. ough search of the coaches waa made, but the girl was not found. The grlef-etrleken mother appealed to the conductor, who stopped the train and baoked Into Beatrice, over a mile, to find the child, who had left the train and gone to a house near the sta tion. The only plausahle explanation Is that ths girl, who Is a somnambulist, stepped off the train at the depot In her sleep. LEIGH Many Important business chanxts have been made in our business circle during the last week. On Tuesday H. H. Huesly sold his automobile garage to Gus Hahn, H. P. Pubman and E. I. Wurdeman. The new" firm also purchased the livery barn of Mr. Hoesly. The latter haa built up aV very successful automo bile business here during last two years, and will go to Madison, where h will open up a new garage on a larger scale. On Tuesday II. P. Ruhman sold his Interest In the general mercantile busl. ness of lluhniah Moeller to John Hrock. The complete transfer In thla deal will not be made until some time In February, when an Invoice will he taken. Mr. Huh man has been a member of the firm of Huhnian A Moeller for a number of years. A Fterr Attack of malaria, liver derangement and kidney trouble Is easily cured by Electrle Hitters, the guaranteed remedy. 00c. Bold by letoa Lrug Co. J