THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMHEK 12 , li'W. r, Weinlander S Smith Ladies' ExcIhsItb Furnishings 117 Soo'.b Stxirrnth St. r -P jjw SOCIETY SEES WORK AHEAD Calendar for Coming Week is Full of Good Things. LaCamille Corsets The only perfect corset for I properly wearing the new 1 gowns. iSi'Mst.'a'. AAM. i ui ivjatieissxrcm Miss Blanche Sorenson Teacher of Singing Quito 540, Ramgo Dldg. Tl. Htrmy 2687. WOMEN AND PRESIDENT'S VISIT One romplalia liat tfc Fair Arc Given !to Part la the Entertain mrot of the Tnft Parlr. The Prude. The Hollyhocks stand In Miff, prim row, Lining the garden walk; Th Bachelor Button behind them grow. But hlxher on their stalks the Hollyhocks blow. Nor look behind them because they know Hnw folk ere Inclined to talk. So the Bachelor Button swings to end fro, Ignored by the Hollyhock. -Thomti Grant Springer, In Smart Set. Racial Calendar, MON PAT Monday Sewing club. Mra. C. V. Hmlth; Mra. Arthur Draper Smith and Mr?. J. II. Uumont. luncheon for miss Carpenter; Mr. Robert Fisher, dinner, at Happy Hollow. TUESDAY Ladies' day at Happy Hollow and Field clubs; Mrs. George H. Kelly, bridge luncheon at Field club; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carpenter, dinner for Lock w nod-Carpenter bridal party: Miss l,"l,iy Holers, luncheon at the Field club; Mis. J. L. lllm-s, luncheon at Field club; Mr. and Mi a. C .C. Belden, dinner at Happy l r 1 1 , WEDNFSDAT Wedding of Miss Jane Blanchard and Mr. Howard MrMonles: meeting of the Dundee Woman s club with Mrs John O. Yelser; Miss Elizabeth McConnell. Itim-linon at Omaha club; Mrs. Nagl, WVdnrertnv club; roluinblan club enrd pnrty; wertdlns of Mr. J. H. He Shane, Jr., and Miss Jean Allen In Jollet, Mont. . , TM'li.SDAT Wedlng of Miss Linn Car penter and Mr. Arthur Lockwood: ladles day at Happy Hollow and Field clubs; Mra. Weekes, luncheon at Country club; Mrs. V. H. Rhodes and Mrs. James Mirrton, bridge pnrty at Field club. FRIDAY Junior Bridge club meeting. SATURDAY Dinner and dance at Happy Hollow and Field clubs. original little hostess caller recently. has had but few HOTEL. SNAPFS HOTEL Excelsior Springs, Mo. Strictly Modern. Cuisine I'nexcelled. Ser vice Ideal. Vp-to-date In all Appointments. Hot and cold water In every room. All Rooms Equipped with Local and Long Distance Telephones. 100 Rooms Mostly with Bath. Every Room an Out side Roonii All of Oeneroua size. Zm The Heart of The City. Broad and Bpaolous Verandas. 8. E. and J. W. SNAPP, Proprietors. At th roaatrr tln. Mr. Frank F.. Wllhelm gave a dinner dance last evening at the Country club. Cover were placed for Miss Brownie Bess Paum, Miss Jran Cudahy, Miss Helen Cudahy, Miss France Nash, Miss Flor ence Wyman of New York City, Miss Caro lyn Conitdon, Mr. TV T. Burns, Mr. Walter B. Roberts. Mr. Edward A. Cudshy. Jr., Mr. fl anley Ineson, Mr. Ben Gal'agher and Mr. Wllhelm. The Misses Moorhead hnd eight guests at dinner last evening at the club. At llnnpr Hollow. Mr. Earl Burket was host at a dinner party at Happy Hollow Saturday evenl-it In honor of Ml?s Ethel Burket of Lin coln. Those present re: Miss Ethel Burket. Bernlce Edwards, Doris Wood, Margaret rhllllppl, Elizabeth I lckens. Mvra Breckenrldge, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Burket of Llnroln. Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Burket of Omaha. Messrs. Fred Wallace, Prentls Loid, Roger McKenzle, Jack Webster, Waldo Dennis antVEarl Burket. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carpenter enter tained at dinner at Happy Hollow last evening In honor of Miss Linn Carpeti ter.and Mr. Arthur Lockwood, when the guests were members of the Carponter Lockwood bridal party. Covers were laid for Miss Linn Carpenter, Miss Alleyne Bet chel of Minneapolis, Minn.; Miss Batcii elder of Chicago, III.; Miss Olive Carpen ter, Mr. Arthur Lockwood, Mr. Ed.vln Lockwood. "Mr. Kenneth Patterson, Mr. George Barker, and Mr. and Mrs. A. . Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, . Jr., gave a dinner party at Happy Hollow club Sat urday evening. Those present Were; Mr. and Mrs. T. K Combs, A. H. Workman, George Meikle, John O. Yelrer, Harry K. Burnam, Kicnarfl Kitchen. Dillon, jonn rioss, jr., Havens, Mrs. .Nellie Havens. WHERE TO EAT tub Chesapeake Bandar, Table d'Hots, BOo. , Caviar Canape Garni Celery Hearts yueen OUvea Consomme Julienne Chicken Mulllgatawney Filets of Halibut Vint Blano Holialndalse Potatoes. Roast Prime Ribs of Beef la Jus Leg of Veal Savory Dressing Minced Chicken In Cream. Mashed Potatoes Succotash ... . Tomato Mayonnaise Vanilla Ice Cream Cake Tea Coffee Milk DSWWI8. Manager. n-Buslness Men & Wom8nr, THE BOSTON LUNCH Za the One Vlaoe for Business Men and Women. Ton get a meal and hare finished before a waiter can get to you. ALWAYS OFZN lsia JTarnam. I40e Douglas. rPaxton Hoteln Cafe, and Grill OPEN EVENINGS Beginning September 6th. we will remain open from 6 A. M. to 12 p.. m. ohpo Is ajid ColLerfe St. Andrew's School for Boys CrrfTllst and Charles St. Fall Term Begins September 14 For particulars, apply Rev. F. D. Tyner. (841 Charles Street. . Tel. Harney 233. References: Rt. Rev. Artthua L. William. 8. T. D., Bishop of Nebraska; Richard 8. Hall, Esq., Chancellor of the of Nebraska. Country club golfer are In query as to what to do with their golf course, and the women no longer play In their red sweater, since the cows have been turned out to graze on a forty-acre tract, which Is part of the course. Meny quick turns were made In the mlx-up lost ween, wnen the club decided not to buy, the owner leased to a milk man, cow were turned onto the links, and finally the court ae- cldcd that the cows must be keproff. Members of the club are hoping for a settlement of the difficulty so that they may know what to expect next year in the way of a golf course. The men seem to be receiving all of the honors as hosts for the entertaining of President Taft, who will bo the guest of Omaha September 20. Pome of the women object to being left In the background, as Is shown by the following letter: "To the Society Editor of The Bee: I would like to know If President Taft Is president of the United States or only of the men of the United States. What about the women? Are they to be neglected completely and" utterly in this visit of the president to Omaha, soon to come, or will they get their rightful share of the entertainment? "Even the narrow-minded people who re fuse to admit that woman has any brain at all give her at least some authority in the domain of hospitality. In the sphere of entertainments. What then of President Taft? Are we to have no part In display Ing to him what Omaha can do? Are the men of Omaha ashamed of their wives and daughters and sisters? "Last year he spent half an hour at the Women's club, not much perhaps, but cer talnly much more nearly our deserts than a complete and ungentlemanly Ignoring, such as we are getting now. "A WOMAN." Omnha and vicinity have more bright children than any one realizes who does not come in contact with them. A little girl at Fort Crook is known for her orig inal sayings. Recently her mother told her that there was a mouse in the play room, whereupon th child aaked: "Mamma, will it eat my dolly?" "Why, no, dear. What makes you think so?" re plied the mother. ' Because my dolly wears a cheesecloth dress." A IIUlu girl who lives in the west part of town, Is some times bothered with lit tle friends who come to see her, when she Is planning to go some place else to play. She has plenty of Ingenuity and quickly found a way. She looked out of the win dow and saw her pet goal and she knew that he would go after anything that was In front of him, if some one would pull his tall. So the little hostess took her little playmate out on the lawn and as Billy stood facing' the children, his tall was given an unmerciful Jerk and the children started for the house screaming. They were rescued b a big brother who held Billy's hoi ns until he had calmed down a bit. About a week later the same little hostess had guests again, which In tel fered with her plans for the afternoon, so this time she locked her little play mut. In the play room ana went off for awhile, carrying the key with her, but soon rhe became a little frightened when she heird the children crying, so In haste she tiled to unlock the door, but the key would not work, so a hammer was tried, but this was fatal as the key broke. The big brother was called Into commission again and hnd to carry the little guests out through a window and o'ver a roof. This Henry J Joe. . tslned thla week by Mrs. M. A. Nagle at ber home. ' Mrs. W. II. Rhodes and Mrs. James Mor ton will entertain at brldse Thursday after r.oon at the Field club. Mrs. Weekes will be hostess at a lunch eon party Thursday at the Country club. Eighteen guests will be present. Miss Elisabeth McConnell will give a luncheon Wednesday at the Omaha club In hrnor of Miss Linn Carpenter, who Is to be one of the brides of this month. The women of the 'Columbian club of Sacred Heart parish will give a card party Wednesday afternoon at the parish hall nt Twenty-second and Blnney. The hostess's will be Mrs. H. Knnwler and Mrs. N. Swreney. Among the affairs planned for Mrs. Mary Oetavil Andrews, who leaves this week for her new. home In Minneapolis, Is a lunch eon that will be given Monday by Mrs. Edward Johnon, the president of the Omaha Woman's club. The guests will be the members of the executive board, who held office during the presidency of Mrs. Andrews. They are: Mesdamrs Maty Andrews, V. If. Wilbur. H. .1. I'enfold, Thomas II. Smith, Clara Uttrbank. VV. H. Hancock. Edward John-un. ---"'"l" '--Lliu wrwa.ia'liJM'riir mmm-mrwimmm sjhh ssua dgi-T gARNAM ST. At the Field Clob. ' Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Geor.ce Payne entertained ten guests at dinner at the club and Messrs. Richard and Philip Payne entertained ten; Dr. A. B. Bomers had six guests; Messrs. A. E. Mack, eight; R. A. Fndley, five; W. B. T. Belt, six; H. M. Rogers, s;x, and sev eral smaller dinner parties were given. The club season Is drawing to a close, and many parties are belr.g given at the clubs. Saturday evening a large number of din ner parties were given at the Field club. One of the larger ones was given by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rhodes. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mr. E. M. Martin, Mr. and Mr. James Morton. Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Weller, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Buffing ton, Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. William Watson, Mis Dlmmick, Mr. W. S. Johnston and Mr. and Mr. Itiiodes. Captain and Mr. John Leonard Hlnes had as their guests at dinner last evening at the club Major and Mrs. Bundy, Cap tain and Mrs. Wilder, Captain and Mrs. Jones, Captain and Mrs. Clifton, Miss Clif ton and Major Devore. The members of the summer bridge club and their husbands had dinner to gether. The members of the club are: Mesdame Fred Krug, Clayton Pratt. A. I. Root, Charles Burinester, J. J. Sullivan, Guy Axtell, Ben Baker. William Klerstead, Charles Marley, John Battln, Frank Dlehl, J. B. Garnsey. Mr. Frank Devalon entertained at dinner at ' the Field club Saturday evening for Miss Ethel Lawrie and Mr. Will Guild, whose wedding takes place October 7. Covers were laid for: Misses- Ethel Lawrie. Amy Lawrie, Mildred Funhouser, Messrs Will Guild. Jack Guild, Jack Palmer, Nell Guild, Marlon Funhouser, Elizabeth Hamling. Tom Braden, Andrew Clarke. Frank Devalon. Other dinner parties at the club last evening were given by Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ewlng, who had seventeen guests; R. W. Talmage, six; F. M. Frederick, six; H. I. Redinger, six; F. C. Fahs, fourteen; H. Leary, six; M. Dowllng, eight; C. C. Rosen berry, five, and numerous parties of three or four. 33 Discount en our fine line of Imported aud hand painted china, consisting of Lk'lfi, 'Weiigewood, GanUa, Lliu"K?8, Havlland aud PU-ard. Jv?jgaj)K MaLYvhinney (it liyan Co. aatti and Donglas .street Phenomenal Prices for Eagles Week September 13 to 20, 50 Discount on all leather goods, Including purses, bags, bill book, card cases, golf score cards, etc, 40 Discount on All Canes and Umbrella.-. We offer a ttpeclal 40 per cent discount from regular prices for 11 week on our entire line of rtuci and umbrellas. $3.50 to $20.00 Pleasure. Past. Mrs. Stmonds of Fort Crook entertained Informally at luncheon Friday at her home for Mrs. Johnston, who leaves today for Denver. Those present were Mr. Johnston, Mr. William C' Bennett, Miss Colt and Mr. Simonds. Mlts Mabel Mould was hostess at an In formal party Friday evening at her home for the local members of the Alpha Phi sorority, In honor of Miss Jane Blanchard, whose marriage to Mr. Howard McMonle will take place Wednesday evening. Twelve guest were present. Mrs. W. E. Guthrie and Mies Margaret Guthrie entertained at a bridge party Fri day afternoon at their hqme in honor, of Mra. Thomas Crelgh, when those present were Mr. Thomas Crelgh, Mr. Arthur Rogers, Mrs. A. J. Cooley, Mrs. Harry Jordan, Mrs. Lydia Morrison, Mr. E. H. Scott, Mrs. G. W. Peek, Mis Gladys rcters, Miss May Eastman, Miss Lorraine Comstock, Miss Margaret Guthrie and Mr. Guthrie. Mr. Joseph Courtney of New Vor' City Is spending a fortniRht visiting his ther, Mr. C. R. Courtney and his many iilcnd.s here. Several informal dinner parties wore given last week. Mr. George Thummel en tertained at dinner one evening and Thurs day evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pickens gave an Informal dinner followed by an Orpheum party. The guests Included: Misses Dorothy Morgan, Ixulse Lord, Alice Carey McGrew, Elizabeth Pickens, Messrs. Prentlp Lord, Kenneth Patterson of Kansas City, Roger McKenzle and Joseph Courtney of New York City. One of the Jolllest affair of the week was a stag party Friday evening given by Mr. Carl Nagl for Mr. Ralph Bedwell, who will attend the Culver Military academy this year. It was an Informal evening affair and luncheon was served the latter part of the evening. Those pn sent were: Personal (iosslp. Miss Nell Carpenter will return to Wel lesjy college this fall. Miss Holland, who Is in New Tork City, will return September 20. Mips Helen Stuart of Wall Lake, la.. Is the gu.'st of Mlsa I.oretta Cope. Mr. Will J. Hayes left this week f r Rock River, Wyo., for an extendod stay. Air. Ptc'ii.:ss lint it ItuMt Vuesdiy to con tinue his studies at Amherst college. Mir Grace Meyers returned Saturday from a four mo-iths' visit In the cist. Mrs. Joseph Allen and Miss Luella Alien have returned from an extended eastern trip. Mrs, M. O. Rohrbough has returned from " "i, Colo, where she has bn'ii for a month. . J. Cloyd and Miss Effle Cloyd of Fa.ittte. Mo., are visiting Dr. and Mrs. A. D. C'.oyd. Mrs.. C. ;W. Hicks and Miss Mabel Hicks will return from Lake OkoboJI next Wednesdny. Miss Elizabeth Sweet left Thursday ond Miss Helen Wrlfrht left Monday to enter Smith college. Mr. Louis Sweet has gone to Williams town, Mass., to enter his Junior year at Williams college. Dr. James Irvine left Friday evening for Duluth and the northern lakes to be gone two or three weeks. Mrs. S. R. Elson and daughter, Made line, returned Saturday from an extended trip through the east. Miss Myrtle Busk will leave September 27 for Wellesley college, where she will enter her Junior year. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Patterson and family have returned from Lake OkoboJI, where they spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm, who have been spending a few days In Des Moines, are expected home today. Mrs. T. A. Fry and daughters, Helen and Elizabeth, leave today for St. Louis to attend the wedding of a friend. Miss Pinto, who has been spending two years in the east, has returned and is now with her sister, Mrs. F.A. Ewlng. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Garloch have re turned from a trip on the Great Lakes and to Canadian point of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lord of Dickson, 111., arrived Friday evening to make a visit of a few days with Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Lord. Miss Helen Cudahy will leave early In October for Washington, where she will resume her studies at Mrs. Somers' school. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Pearce have re turned from an extended eastern trip, Including Atlantic City, N. J., and New York City. Mies Elizabeth Picker. will leave about October 1 for Washington, D. C. whers fhe will resume her studies at Mrs. 8om er's school. Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Wharton, who have been spending several weeks with eastern friends on the Atlantic coast, are expected home .today. Captain Horace Clifton of San Fran cisco arrived Thursday for a two weeks' visit with his brother, Captain Clifton, at Fort Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Zimmerman and fam ily, who have been spending the summer on a ranch near Big Timber. Mont., will return home Sunday. Messrs. Percy Hall, " Robert Williams, Fred Clarke and Liston Bryson will leave Wednesday to enter Shattuck college at Falrbault, Minn. Miss Carmellta Chase leaves tbe 20th for Autumn Apparel for Women In Beautiful Novelties and Practical Styles Our stock of Women's Fall Apparel is at its height. Not only have we the extreme styles, favored by the ultra fashionable, but attractive assortments as well of charming creations adapted for conservative tastes. Our models con form in most trifling details to the latest dictates of fashion and are offered at aston- ingly low prices. Tailored Suits in a great variety of styles, mtteriah and coUrs at from $ 19.50 to $7o.0o. At $25, $35 and $45 tve are shewing plain tailored beautiful suits im ported Englishwor8ted chiffon broad cUths and French serges. Jersey Top Dresse9 suitable for pres ent wearing a tttyle that is becoming to almost every woman and is very new and smart, being especially popular in the East and Paris. Wool Dresses in Princess styles and new embroidered ni tailored effects at $12.75, $17.50, $19.50, $25.00 and up to $45.00. Stunning new long coats of covert and broadcloth, showing the new rather tight semi-fit, giving the long waist line. Priced at $15-to $45. Elite apparel for women stands out distinct ond alone for that indefinable ond indeseribable something that wear ers of good clothes immediately recog nize and purchase. I 'UlllllflHllllffl ."m".MlSOM!HCTM Forest, 111., after which they will return to Bryn Mawr college. Mrs. Herbert B. H. Bell of Des Moines, la!, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mr. Edward Porter Peck, at their country home near Calhoun. Mrs. A. Hospe of Paplo View, West Dodge street, has been spending the week as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. G. H. Miller at her bungalow. Lieutenant Allen B. Reed, United States navy .whose wedding to Miss Bess Moor head will take place September 25, Is spend ing a few day in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. MeGilton. Miss Wil liams and Miss Eleanor MeGilton have returned from Prior lake, where they have spent several weeks. Mrs. Herman Kountze, who has spent the summer at Slasconset, Mass., Is expected to return home the latter part of Septem ber or the first of October. Mr. Jo Roddy leave today for his former home In St. Paul. After a short visit there he will go to Bruele River, In northern Wisconsin, for a fishing trip. Mra. Charles Kountze and children, Miss CUnnnr .nil Master Kountze. who have week's visit with a school friend at Lake BP" several weeks at their summer home at Mackinac, will return home about September 20. Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Crow of( Indianapolis, Ir.d., and Mrs. Hattie Council of Gordon, Neb., are the guests of their mother, Mrs.. Mary A. Crow, 3Sii8 California street. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Btdwell are ex pected In Omaha Wednesday. They will move this fall to California, where they expect to build a home at Hollywood. Miss Julia Nagl, who left the University of Nebraska two years ago, spending one year studying abroad, will resume her studies as a Junior at Lincoln this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned, who are in the east, are at present at Quebec. Later they will go to Saquenay, Can., and ex pect to return home the latter part of September. Mrs. John A. Horbach, Mrs. John G. Bourke and Miss Sara Bourke, who have been spending the summer on the coast of Maine, are expected home the latter part of next week. Rev. T. J. Mackay returned home Sat urday and met several Omaha friends during his stay in Boston. Among them were: Mrs. Fairfield, Miss Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Learned and Miss Louise Mc pherson. Mrs. Ward Burgess is the guest of Mrs. Charles Kountze at her country place, and will remain until the closing of the place and return with Mrs. Kountze the latter part of September. ' Miss Clifton of Washington, D. C, who has been visiting Captain and Mrs. A. T. Clifton at Fort Omaha, will leave Wednes day for her home, but will return again to Omaha early In October. Mr. Ralph L. Mackay will enter the General Theological seminary In New York City this month. He makes the change from Cambridge to New York with the consent of Bishop Williams. ' Mr. and Mrs. Byron Smith, who went east last month, have returned home. Mr. Smith, who waa ill while in New York and had an operation for appendi citis. Is now recovering satisfactorily. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Mick leave Tuesday for New York City and other eastern points. They will be gone until October 1, and will attend the national meeting of the American X-ray society In New (Continued on Third Pe.) if . MISH KOHADKIX has returned from the east with Urge and well fleeted Ntot'k of Milliner'. la Hair Goods every tiling under the sum, from Hn Curls to Iks. Announcement of Opening later. j F. -M. SCHADELL Ralph Bedwell, Henry Howes, Ederd Meg'ath, Arthur Frederick, Charles Gardener, Ralph Welrlrh, Fred Meyer, Warren Howard, Philip Ihmer, Rogfr McCullough, Philip McCullough, Louis I'lxley, HukIi Mills, Howard Dlanieter, Harry Dclamcter, Robert Coran. Charles Baker, Roy McCullough, Leon Nelson, Arthur Knutson, F.dward Burdick, Harold And run, Barton Nash. Kay McWhlnnery, Harold McKtnney, Carl Nasi. t-iirso in storing or ivn m rwood avenue celebrated her eleventh birthday, Septem ber 10, by giving a little party for her f i lends. A number of games were played on the lawn after which a muslcale was given, each taking pait and doing them selves great credit. The enmpany marched Into the dining room and surrounded a beautifully decorated table. Pink being the prevailing color, the center piece of cup nations, favors and candles on the cake being of pink. After supper all engaged in a 'Leddy Bera" contest which created treat mirth. Marlon Coulter winning the prlz?. The children present were: Msrtha Clark. Ktrel Hnbhs. Marlon Coulter. Kktlier Roberta Coulter, ltinli Ki app. liriald Kyle. F:'lzal.eth Moling, Buddie Buckley, Marnaret Htgbee. Beatrice Buckley, Llizabeth Crawford. The women assisting were Mra. Clark, Mrs. Buckley. Mrs. Kna p, Miss Mciuau and Miss Currena. Pleasure la Prspect. Miss Nell Guild 1U entertain at bridge Saturday, October I. for Miss Ethel Lawrie. TUb Wednesday Card Club will be enter- Formerly Hotel Rome Will Open Their New Shop 1517 Douglas Street Formerly Benson d- Tkornt Location Monday, September Thirteen The Aim of 1 his Shop Will Be to Attract, Secure and Retain A Viry Substantial Patronage. To this End No Talent, Time or Labor Will Be Spared. Showing Gozvns, Cloaks and Street Costumes, Both Importations and Adaptations of Paris Models for the Autumn Season Nineteen Hundred and Nine