Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
"It's music that makes the world ro round?
X . 188
' wl
Minor Mention
The OaaacU Bluff Offlct of the
Oiiikl Be li IS Boot Street,
Botk 'pho 43.
1 1 r I , drugs.
Majestic KariR.-s. DeVol Hdw. Co.
CORR1UAN8. undertakers. 'Phone 148.
Fur rent, modern hdune, 728 th avenue,
Woodilng 1'ndcrtaklng company. Tel. 1.
Lewis Cutlir. funeral director. 'Phon 37.
liatrd A Boland. undertakers. 'Phone U2.
ruhool supplies at Alexander's Art store,
&I4 litoadway.
When you want reliable want ad adver
tising, one Tlx I
Famous 8teel King firm waKI,
Sperling & Triplett. ii, Broadway.
lr W. V. Maaarell, optometrist, moved
to J08-2ut City National bank building.
Up-to-date Art Department and Picture
Fiainu g, Borwlck, 211 taouiU Mai (tract.
A marriage license was iHsued yesterday
to Frana Arthur Tornbloni, aged 21, and
.Urn rude May Wailkle, aged it, both of
WA(JK8 It TO SIX iHd.I.ARK Plill
Mi. Fannie A. Mchnlla fa,.d suit in the
t district coin yesterday for divorce from
l.lmei- 1;. NI''hfillH, to whom nhe vm mar-
rif d In January, K-4, In this county. rhe
chaiKts husband with deserting her
In July, VM.
Mrs. Daisy M. Illrks, living at Eighth
venue and Seventeenth street, filed an
Information In usile Cooper's court
charxlnir her husband. Jerry Ulrks, with
de;nri1n5t her. The husband retaliated by
filing an Information In the fame court,
-rmrff'nn h!a wife with grns misbehavior.
, lioth cases are set for hearing before Jus
tice Cm.pir next Monday and rn the mean
time both husband and wife are out on
' bonds.
8am O. French, owner of ftie Bijou mov
ing pli lure thoatei. succeeded yeeterday
In partly fixing up some of the litigation
he ras been Involved In. He gave a de
livery bond to si-cure the alimony claimed
by his wife In her divorce suit and satis
fled the claim of Mrs. Anna it. Hahn,
owner, pf the building, for the rent due.
Thin accomplished. Sheriff McCaffery
turned rfver the theater to French, who
l resumed business at the old stand la.t
V Michael Callnshan. effr-d 77 yesra, died
T jesterday morning at his home. 1W4 Sixth
' avenue. H Is survived bv his wife and
two sons, Thomas Callaghan, member of
the Council Vlluffa police force, and John
Callaghan of Winnipeg, Man. Deceae4
had been a resident of Council Ttluffs since
1884. For the last few years he had served
as caretaker at Cochran park. The funeral
will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock
from the Holy Family church and burial
"Will be In St. Joseph's cemetery.
WANTED 100 Girl to wrap Woodward's
real butter scotch and Woodward' pure
sugar tlck sandy. Work don by piece-work.
Girls can earn from four to eight
dollar per week. " John O. Woodward &
i Co.
Nest Merlin of Association to Be
Held la Omaha..
Di. A. B. Somer of Omaha was elected
president of the Medlcul Society of the Mis
souri Vallty at the closing session In Coun
cil Bluffs yesterday afternoon of the
twenty-second annual meeting of the of'
ganlxatlon. Omaha was selected for the
mi-annual meeting next year, which will
be held on Thursday, March 24. '
The other officers elected were: First
I vlce preaid --nt. Dr. J. M. Bell, Bt. Joseph,
Mo. ; second vice president. Dr. F. B. Tlf-
fany, Kansk City, Mo.; ecretary, Dr.
' Charle Wocd .Fassett, 8t. Joseph, Mo.;
. treasurer, Dr. Thomaa B. Lacey, Council
' The attendanoa at yesterday' sessions,
'."while good, was not as large a that on
- Thursday, as On the first day the program
mi composed of purely scientific subjects.
' sugar, nineteen pounds, fl; tomatoes, per
basket, ti tents; grapes, per basket, 19
i vents; graham crackers, I packages, 25
Ijcents; Es-0-See or Dr. Price' food, pack-
age, 7H cents; fruit jars, per do., up from
43 cent; Jelly glasses, per doxen, 28 cents.
' 'Special pi Ices on peaches, pears, etc, In
case lot. Flour, flour, our"" "Special,"
guaranteed satisfactory or money back, to
day, per snck, $1.43. In our meat depart
ment: Rolltd biinelef beef roast, pound,
11 cents; pot roast, pound, up from 7 cents;
potted mcaf, per can, I cents; veal roast.
pound, up from S cents; poultry, to. In
our hardware department: Fruit Jar
wrenches, 10 and 10 cents; carpet beaterj,
15 cents; sealing wax, 6 cents; one-quart
tin fruit cans, dosen, 39 cents; large pre-
! aerving kettle, 33 cents; ten-quart granite
water pall, t9 cents; No. 8 granite tea ket
tle, 49 cents; The One Minute washer, $10
(let U send you one on trial); wringers,
, 11.50 to (4.50; food choppers, 79 cents, etc.
; J. Zoller Mercantile Company, 100-102-104-10J
Broadway. 'Phones 820.
4)al Cearfart Knew m Wearan ef Ctawei
as w C?V, naaj kj r
at Ba MT LM K&Jjf eat Haa
at. I w iuaias,rnAi Mrt
eaaaaajae n eiarra, u (
A Tailor Made Suit
"Will out-last a ready-made suit three to
' one. It always looks .-teat, and fits batter.
Bee me I create and develop clothes that
give a man an easy grace and quiet dig
nity. MASTur ruTEasoir.
41S W Broadway, Council Bluffs.
. J.U - .--....!.. . .
316-318 W. BROADWAY
Council Bluffs, Iowa. ' Both 'Phones 152
Grocery and Meat Department
Fancy Hand Picked Wealthy
Apvl, nice and large, peck...
Whltuey Crabs,
per peck
Kaney lig Potatoes,
per peck
Fancy Orape. n 8-l. Baskets.
Nice Large Bananas,
per dosen
Home Dressed Chickens-Spring Chickens, per lb 20c
lioll Beef,
per lb..
Prime Rib Boast.
per- lb
Extra free trading stamps for Saturday with Coffee,
Tea, Baking Powder, Spices, Extracts and many other
Items. J
; Governor Carroll and 0. S. Eobinson
. Spend Night at Institution.
Official Express Tfcenssele
Highly Pleased with the Insu
lation and New Bolldlaa
Sow Belnat Used.
Governor It. F. Carroll, accompanied by
O. 8. Itohlnsnn, member of the State Board
of Control, spent Thursday night at the
Iowa School for the Deaf. Governor Car
roll and Mr. rtoblnsnn arrived here Thurs
day evening from dVnwood, wherethey
vlFlted the State School for Feebl Minded
Children. They were met at the depot by
Superintendent H. W. Rothert and driven
direct to the School for the Deaf.
The purpose of the visit of the governor
was to look Into the matter of the use of
a part of the grounds of the Institution by
the Omaha Council Bluffs street Kail
way company for trackage purpose for Its
new extension. Mr. Robinson will make a
report on the matter at the next meeting
of the State Board of Control.
Governor Carroll and Mr. Robinson re
turned to De Moines at 11 o'clock yester
day morning, driving to the depot from tho
school. The governor, before leaving, ex
pressed himself to Superintendent Rothert
as being greatly pleased with the Institu
tion and It magnificent new buildings.
THE NEWEST THING on the market
today are cranberries. We Just received
a barrel of extra fine ones. 12'i cent a
quart. We are unloading another lot of
those celebrated "watermelon that every
boily has been talking about, 35 to 40 cents
earh. Tcur last chance to get good sweet
corn, something fine. Sweet potatoes are
cheaper today. 80 cent per peck. We now
have Transcendent crab apples, 20 cents
peck; fresh radishes, three bunche for 6
cents; lettuce. 5 cents; celery, 8 cents;
shipped cabbage, extra fine, 10 and 15 cents
head. We are getting everybody to use
our celebrated New York roast coffee at
25 cent pound. Brick cneese, 85 cents;
Swiss, 35 cent. We are not afraid to war
rant our Gulden Huh? flour, $1.70 per sack.
Bartel & Miller. Telephone 359. "
Occasion Also n Welcome to V. E.
Harry Curtis, secretary of the Young
Men's Christian association, who will leave
Council Bluffs Wednesday of next week to
assume a similar position with the associ
ation at Fort Dodge, will deliver a fare
well address Sunday afternoon at the. as
sociation meeting. This meeting will be
held at 3:20 o'clock In the gymnasium of
the Young Men' Christian association
building. Mr. Curtis will take as the sub
ject of hi parting message, "The Mystic
Letter." Henry Peterson, chairman of the
committee on religious work, will preside.
Monday evening Mr. and Mr. Curtla and
Mr. and Mr. F. B. Pleraon will be guest
of honor at a reception to be held In thrt
parlor of the Broadway Methodist church.
The reception will take the form of a fare
well to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis and a welcome
to Mr. Pleraon. the new physical director
of the Young Men's Christian association,
and his wife.
This program has been arranged for the
Muslo .,
Y. M. C. A. Orchestra.
Rev. M. P. MoClure.
Y. M. C. A. Orchestra.
Mrs. Robert B. Wallace.
Vocal Solo
Dr. Claude Lewis.
Senator C. G. Saunders.
Instrumental Duet
C. H. Parks and Earl McConnell.
In the recelin line will be Mr. 'and Mrs,
F. J, Day, Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Wilcox, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Curtis and Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Plerson. The reception will be en
tirely Informal and a general Invitation to
the public Is extended. Light refreshments
will be served during the evening by a
committee of women.
NOW IS THE TIME to put up your
fruit. Don't t delay. California Salway
peaches, per box, $1.10; Kartlett pears, large
boxes, per box, $2 75; California blue
plums, per case, 81.40 or 85 cent basket:
eight-pound basket fancy . grapes, per
basket, 25 rents; California grapes, per
pound, 10 cents; tomatoes, per basket, 85
cents; Jersey sweet potatoes, per peck, 85
cents. Just arrived, new cranberrlea, per
quart, 10 cents; Wealthy apples, per peck,
15 cents; Jelly crabs, per peck, 20 cents;
new honey, per pound, 16 cents. We are
always cheaper than the cheapest on high
grade goods. L. Green, 114 Broadway.
Telephone 324.
Labor Plrnle Sunday.
The plcnio of the carpenters' unions of
Council Bluffs, Omaha and South Omaha,
to have been held Labor day, but which
was postponed on account of the rain, will
be held, providing the weather Is propitious,
Sunday afternoon at Walnut Grove In the
northwestern part' of the city.
Etate Senator C. O. Saunders of this city
will deliver an address and prominent labor
leaders from Omaha and South Omaha will
Fancy Freestone Peaches,
per box . . .'
Fresh Country Eggs,
per dosen ,.
12 Bra Laundry Soap,
. 23c
48-lb. Sack of the Beat Flour on the
market, every pound war- t ia
ranted, per sack vl.iV
Fancy Oleomargarine,
per lb
I i Fancy Beef Roast,
t' per lb
Nice Lean Bacon,
per lb
also speak. The exercise of the day will
begin at 1:30 o'clock and following the
program of speeches the race and other
sports will be pulled oft at originally
The street railway will maintain a serv
ice during the afternoon and evening be
tween the Twenty-eighth itreet station and
the grove.
Valuation Considerably Larger Tana
Last Year. "
When the Board of Supervisor meets
next Monday to fix the tax levy In Pot
tawattamie county for 1W9 It will do o on
a total valuation of S1K.M1.KI0. In prepara
tion for the meeting next Monday County
Auditor Innes yesterday completed, the
tabulation of the valuations In the county
and they are a follows:
Personal and real estate IIS.TO.KX)
Telephone companies 13S.028
Telegraph companies 23.6K7
Railroad 1,860.44
Express companies (.971
Total I15.68L590
The total valuation on which the levy
for 1P0S was based was 1S.J2S.J0S. so this
year will show an Increase of 1212, 4f8.
The levy last year for state and county
purposes was 15 mills for the county, with
the exception of Council Bluffs, which wa
12 mills, a the lty levies It own bridge
' County Attorney Innes I of the opinion
that there will be but little change In the
levy this year. For 1W8 It was as follows:
State ; 5-10
State university 1-5
Iowa tate college 1-5
State Normal school 1-10
County 4
Poor 8-10
Bridge I
Road 1
School 1
County Insane 2-10
State Insane 8-10
Soldiers' relief 1-10
Total 15
The new models of Hie great Majestic
Range are In and on exhibition. Prices,
847 to 8C5. P. C. DeVol Hdw. Co.
Teams Which Are to Compete Are
Now Limbering; Up.
The Indoor base ball tournament, to cele
brate the opening of the gymnasium In the
Young Men's Christian association build
Ing next week promises to afford consider
able amusement both to the players and
the suectators. even ' If no records are
fractured. The teams which will enter the
contest are now Umbering up, although
the work of Umbering up has tended to
materially stiffen some of the members
wTio have not' been accustomed to such
violent exercise' for many years past.
Captain R. B. Wallace has organised his
team of real estate and Insurance men.
and Captain C. B. Swanaon has picked
the men who will form the professional
men's team. v They are aa follows:
Real Estate and Insurance R. B. Wal
lace, captain; H. G. McGee W. J. Lever,
ett. W. S. Cooner. Frank F. Everest. W
F. Schnorr, Painter Knox, James Foley;
Whitney Raymond.
Professionals C E. Swanson, captain;
Rev. M. P. McClure, Rev. John William
Jones. Frank Capeli, lr. Mae Hancnett,
Dr. S. Wi MeCall, Prof. C. E. Reed. Prof,
Raymond Wilson. , ...
It. P. Barrett, the 1 veteran newspaper
man, who will captain the Nonpareils, Is
having ..some trouble getting a team to
gether, although he succeeded yesterday
in getting several tentative players out
to practice. He expects to be able to
announce the personnel of his team today
The first game of the contest will be
pulled off next Tuesday evening and a big
crowd is expected to be on hand.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. L-1701
Real Kstat Transfers.
These transfer were reported to The Bee
September 10 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Vlctorlue Phillips, widow, to Adeline
E. Witt, part out lots 8 and i. Neola.
w. d .i $ 1180
Stefano Menlchlttl ttnd " wife to Silvio
Vergamlni, lot 6 In Aud. aubd., '.
swW 20-75-43, W. d....r
Etta Maxwell, single, to J. E. Hollen
beck, lot 11, Aud. subd. and W2D8
feet of out iota t and 3, Jackson's
add. to Council Bluffs, w. d
Anna Dreyer and husband to Edward
H. Richards, sV SWV4 22-74-41,
w. d '.
Christ Hchroeder and wife to Thomas
J. New kirk, part lot 4. referees' plat
wV4 sw4 0-74-44, w. d
Frankle U. Ulen and husband to Nina
M. Martin, lot 17, Aud. subd. of part
s neVi 26-7R-44, w. d
II. iC. cv'huaier and wife to Benjamin
Felir Real Estate Co , lot-27, block
21. Kerry add. to Council Bluffs,
w. d
Roy L. flmlth and wife to Edwin W.
Mitchell, part lot 7, block 8 John
Johnson's add. to Council Bluffs,
w. d
Verena J. Ftulette and iteorge E. Hu
lette to Edgar Price, lot 8, Judd'S
Park add. to Council Bluffs, w. d ...
C. M. Bope, unmarried, to Benjamin
Fehr Real Estate Co., lots T and H.
block 4, Webster's 1st add.) lots 28
and 24, block 4. Twin City Place add.;
let , block "I," Potter A Cobb's
2d add., and lot I, block "11," Pot
ter tic Cobb's 2d add. to Council
Bluffs, w. d
M. F. Ronrer and wife to Ethel N.
Whitehead, lot 2, block 1, Pttrce's
subd. In Council Bluffs, w. d
Wllbert Wilcox et al. to Charles Lee
Whitman and wife, lot t. Mt. Lin
coln of Elder's add. to Council
Bluffs, w. d
8 WO
Total, twelve transfers
LIQUOR CO., Bid S. Main, 'phones SZ24.
See Sperling Triplett, UT Broadway for
gasoline engines.
Tear Plaaaed by Dr. Clark.
IOWA CITY. Ia., Sept 10. (Special.)
i Dr. L. C. Clark, for four years pastor of
the Methodist Episcopal church In Iowa
City, bas tendered his resignation to the
trustees, to take effect September 2S. On
that date Dr. Clark and wife wll start
on a year's study and travel abroad. He
will enter the well-known theological Insti
tution known aa the Free Church college
at Glasgow, Scotland, where he wilt pur
u a year's work. After this Dr. and
Mrs. Clark will tour Egypt and Palestine,
returning to Europe la time for the Pas
sioa play.
Juwpk V. Reynolds Flued.
BOONE, la.. Sept 10. (Special Telegram.)
I Joseph F. Reynolds of Chicago, who is
In Boone In the Interest of a suit of his
ivlfe, Mary 8. Reynolds, for annuities,
which tied up th sale of the Boone elec
' trio properties, yesterday was arrested on
.a charge of drunkenness and haled before
Mayor Wilder and fined today.
Rich Wents Dies im gqaalor.
DEMSON. Ia., Sept. 10. (Sp clal.)
Uabala bnellbaker, a maiden woman who
bis bean a realdont of Denlaon for twenty
years, died on Tuesday. Although the
j.vwutr ui wv vi iui laim mrte mues
A Very Special Sale
This means something very different from discontinued
styles. It means a complete revision of the various makes
of PIANOS heretofore carried on our floors. It means a
readjustment in what we conceive to be a better proposi
tion or relation of otje grade to another, so that we may be
able to give out piano patrons BIGGER VALUE for their
money grade for grade.
In order to quickly effect this purpose we have decided
' to place on sale all of the pianos of several makes which we
shall no longer handle and make STARTLING PRICES
move out these pianos rapidly.
In justice to the makers
see the pianos and note the
Two Player Pianos, of
a well known make
were $1,050; on eale.
southwest of Penlson, she died In wretehed
surroundings, being miserly In her habits
of life.
Iowa Deposits
On Increase
Almost Seven Million Dollars More
Than When Report Was Jlrnje
in May.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, la. Sept. 10. (Special Tele
gram.) The consolidated. bank report frem
the state auditor's office today shows that
on August 10 the state and savings banks
of Iowa had on deposit over 8238.000,000,
which is an Increase of $,000,848 over the
report made May 18. There were thirteen
more banks August 10 than on May 18.
The report shows an Increase of over
$00,000 in capital stock of banks since
May 18.
Ioveat News Mote,
IDA GROVE Bert Buss, who two years
ago, bought an Ida county iarm between
here and Oalva for fg an acre, has Just
sold the place for $136, an Increase of 850
an anre In two years.
CRE8TON A regiment of the Thirteenth
United States Infantry passed through
Cteslon today enroute for Dps Moines,
hrr thev will participate In the big army
maneuvers. A crack base ball team Is
maintained by the regiment and arrived
in the cltv In advance of the main body
of the regiment for a gam with the local
MASSENA The big fair which opened at
Massena has been practically drowned out,
three whole days of rain marking their
four-dav urogram. The fair will undoubt
edly prove a financial failure. Members
of the different concessions suffered, as
the cltv afforded Insufficient accommoda
Hons and ths hotels cloned their doors to
ran of the crowd In jhe city and abso
lu.ely refused to receive them.
CRESTON-In an accident on a freight
train near Maloy, on the Great Western,
ye terday morning J. Q. Hamilton of Salt
Lake City and two companions, who were
beating thetr way, were Instantly killed
when a freight car in wntcn they were
tiding overturned and crashed down a steep
embankment. Hamilton Is a member of
the Eagle organization and the lodge In
this city wired to have the body given
the proper attention and. also endeavored
to locate his relatives In Bait Lake City,
LOGAN The fiftieth anniversary of the
marriage of Mr. and Mrs. John Wood was
observed at their home In Logan Monday
evening, none but member of the family
being present. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have
been residents of Harrison county ' for
fortv-four vears. Mr. Wood has been ao-
live In polities and business, and both Mr.
and Mrs. Wood have been equally active
In church matters during a greater part
of their residence In Harrison county.
IDA GROVE Company B. Wth Iowa
track team of Ida Grove went to Fort
Dodge, Eagle Grove and Webster City In
a four-sided field meet, but Eagle Grove
and Webster City did not show up snd
Fort Dodge amad It a dual meet. Ida
drove won by a score of 81 points to 52.
Fsgle Grove has the championship of the
Fifty-third. Ida Gorv the championship of
Fifty-sixth. Eagle Grove had been boasting
what they would do to Ida Drove and It
was for that reason this meeting was ar
ranged, but Ida Grove got cold feet and
did not appear.
Country is Busy
With Building
Unusual Activity Eeported in Many
large Center, According to
Latest Figures.
CHICAOO. Sept 10. Unusual eotlvity In
building operations al over the United
States during the month of August Is Indi
cated in a report published In Construction
News today. Aeourdlng to this authority
a remarkable Increase of 84 per cent In
building operations Is recorded during the
month compared with the corresponding
time last year. In the fifty largeat cities
of the country permits were taken nut last
month for the construction of IS. XI build
ings. Involving a total estimated cost of
M. 140,011.
In the gain column Salt, Lake City
stands at the tup. with an Increase of 4
per cent and I followed by Philadelphia,
with an Increase of 818 per cent Other
ciUeS that show large Increases are St
no names are given in connection with these pianos, but the figures tell tho story,
various makes to fully appreciate what this very special sale offers.
Call and look them over
well known Eastern make, never before sold at such remarkable LOW PRICES,
$(Q H 0ne Play Piano,
850 rirr.....
are the only Piano Merchants
Omaha's Leading Piano House of tho West
Louis. Detroit, St. Paul, Cincinnati, all of
which note gains of more than 100 per cent.
Sacramento, Cat., heads the list In the loss
column, the decrease In that city being es
timated at 66 per cent. Seattle and Balti
more each shows a decrease of 87 per cent
Mobile, Ala.; Terra Haute, Ind.; Louisville,
Ky., and Pittsburg each shows a loss of
more than 80 per cent.
Dr. Fitch Makes
a Positive Denial
Claims Police Have No Evidence
Whatever Against Him in Mill
man Case at Detroit,
DETROIT, Mich., Sept 10. The author!
ties today will continue search for evidence
relating to the death of Maybelle Mill
man, the Ann Arbor girl, who died on an
operating table and whose body was
hacked up and thrown Into Eoorse creek
neaf here. The discovery yesterday of th
missing portion of the body resulted In
complete verification of the theory of the
police that Miss Mlllman met her -death
on a surgeon's table.
Dr. George A. Frltch, arrested In con
nection with the case was still In custody
this morning and no other arrests had yst
been made.
Dr. Frltch was taken before Police Judge
Jeffries today and remanded under 110,000
ball to wait further Investigation of the
case. Dr. Frltch mad a brief statement
to the newspaper men.
In this statement to the newspaper men
Dr. Frltch said:
"My arrest was a great surprise to me. I
do not know that I ever saw th Mlllman
girl, but I think she was In my office two
week ago Thursday night in company with
another girl.
"Several people were waiting and when
their turn cam I Invited th two girls to
enter my private office. Only one of them
came In and she asked me If she might
make an appointment for an examination.
I said that the present time was aa good
as any, but she said she would not wait
then and would call again. We talked for
about three minutes. Nothing was said
about the nature of her ease.
"The following Monday her friend came
and asked if I had seen her. I replied
'No.' I - am not positive, but I think It
was the Mlllman girl who came to see
me. ,
The night of my arrest I told Captain
McDonnell that my arrest wss due en
tirely to my having been arrested In the
Presley cane."
When told that bricks similar to those
with which the body was weighted had
been found In a garage being constructed
at Dr. Frltch's home the doctor said that
undoubtedly cement bags might be found
there also.
Dr. George A. FTltch was tho only per
son under arrest up to noon. Reports
that a-man had been arrested and was
being kept at the county Jail closely
guarded by Sheriff Oaston and his dep
uties are denied by the authorities.
It is reported that County Chemist J. L,
Clark, Pr. Thaddeus Walker and County
Physician Grimes have found by a micro
scopical examination that po criminal
operation was performed upon Maybelle
Mlllman, though preparations had been
made for a surgical operation of some
' He Took t Tip.
a nrtmner was In the nlsht court on a
charge of disorderly conduct and Intoalca-
"Where do you workT" asked the magls-
Electrician, Columbia university," was
the response.
"What would President Butler do If be
knew you were this way?"
"He'd dctasrge me: and say. yotir honor,
take a tip front a wis guy like him and
do the ame yourself."
The magistrate did. New York Sun.
lie KtUlat.
At a school one day a teacher, having
asked most of his pupils the difference
between an Island and a peninsula without
receiving a satisfactory answer, came to
the last boy.
"1 can explain it Sir," said the bright
youth. "Flret got two glasses. Fill one
with watxr and the other with milk. Then
oatch a fly and place It la the glaae of
water. That fly Is an Island, bwcaus he
li i-;irly surrounded by water. Bat now
Discontinued Lines
One beautiful
of a leading
was $300.00;
Two Pianos, shipped
to us by mistake-
was $475.00 1 on sale.
that refund you your money, If the
8? A 1 1
plsoe the fly In the glass of milk and It
will be a peninsula, because It la nearly
surrounded by water.
The boy went to the top of the class.
W alerbury American.
Fleet Engines
in Good Shape
Eeport Adopted by Commander Ernest
L. Sennett Shows Satisfactory
Condition After Heavy Service.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 The machinery
Of the Atlantlo battleship fleet Is In good
condition, according to a report adopted
by Commander Ernest L. Bennett, th
fleet engineer. Such repairs as are neces
sary will be mad when the ships go to the
various navy yards following their par
ticipation in the Hudson-Fulton celebra
tion. The showing made Is very satis
factory to the Navy department
Plana for the winter cruise and man
euvers of the Atlantlo fleet are being con
sidered at the Navy department One fea
ture will be a rendesvou for target prac
tice and maneuver at Ouantanamo with the
engineering competlve test some time
during the winter. It Is said at the de
partment to be improbable that any por
tion of the fleet will make a cruise during
the winter to the Mediterranean.
task Ox Meat Calls for Stomaeb
that 1 Sadly 1st Need
mt Orl.
To th untutored Eskimo a musk ox by
a glacier's brim, a simple musk ox Is to
him, and It Is nothing more. The Eskimo
for musk ox Is not known, but that does
not matter, Calling a muskrat fiber
sibethlcus does not change Its smell. In
respect of site the musk ox Is larger than
a big sheep and shialler than a small
cow about the aise of small Welsh and
Scotch cattle. He wears horns and most
of hi body Is covered with long brown
hair, thick, matted and curly on the
shoulders. There it also thick, woolly
under fur, which Is shsd In the summer,
or what they call summer In the frosen
north. The animal wears the hair to keep
him warm, and It is not eaten, even by
the Eskimo. It Is gregarious In habit,
usually goes In small herds and, though
very short-legged, Is fleet-footed. It Is
almost as timid as a sheep and never
dangerous except when on tries to eat It
A British traveler says: -The cause of
the disagreeable odor which frequently
taints the flesh of these animals has re
oeived no elucidation from my observa
tions. It docs not appear to be confined
to either sex or to any particular season
of the year, for a young, anweaned animal,
killed at Its mother's side and transferred
within an hour to the stew pans, was as
rank and objeotlonable as any." This pe
culiarity would detract from the popular
Ity of musk ox meat among cultured peo
ple, but polar explorers do not mind It
when starving.
Scientists say that In prehlstorlo times.
during, the glacial period, th animal
roamed as far south as Kansas and Ken
tucky, as shown by fossil remains, but
that was millions of years ago, and nowa
day the animal does not leave Its north
ern habitat except on compulsion. Oc
casionally one may be seen In a traveling
menagerie, but It has a homesick and dis
couraged look. Arctic explorers have some
times had to resort to them for food, but
none has ever claimed that they are equal
to spring lamb or corn-fed beef. Dr. Cook
Is reported as saying: "Once Is enough
for any man. I will never return to the
North pole. A slngl experience of the
sort I have passed through will suffloe for
a lifetime." Even the remembrance of
musk ox meat will not lure him back.
Indianapolis News.
Hew M. P. Baprlateaast.
ST. LOUIS, Sept 10.-W. J. MoKee ha
been appointed general superintendent of
the Missouri Paolflo, with office at Kan
sas City, according to a bulletin Issued to.
day. II. M. Richie will succeed Mr. MoKee
as general superintendent of the St Louis,
iron Mountain southern at Little Keck,
Vou must
Oak Piano
;. $195
make -
on sale at. .
PIANO Is not satisfactory.
Sixteen English
War Ships Coming
Big Fleet Will Maneuver, with Nor
folk as Base, After Fulton
NORFOLK, Va., Sept 10,-AccordIng to
advices received at the Brttlsu vloe-oonsuU
ate here, sixteen battleships and cruisers
of the British navy are to engage In ma
neuvers and tactloal evolutions off this
coast with Hampton Roads as their base.
The plan. It is announced, la to have ten
British warships that are to participate la
the Hudson-Fulton celebration In New
York come to Hampton Roads, where they
will be joined by six other warships to be
sent dlreot from England,
Police in Fight
With Burglcrs
Thousands of Dollars Worth of Sil
ver Stolen at Chioago from Bus
sian Becovtred.
CHICAGO, Sept 10,-SHverwart valued
at thousand of dollars was stolen early
today from the home of Prince Nicholas
Engalltcbeff, Russian vice consul to this
city, at 626 East Demlng street, but was
recovered a few hours later, following a
revolver fight between the police and the
two robbers. One of the pieces tsken was
a punch bowl, which alone was valued
at $2,600.
Tfcer Bte from Timber to Cosuxbi 1
Drops Oalr h Bark
Wted Jtew.
Since the Introduction of the eucalyptus
Into California from Australia, Its StUmtB
have been trying to push Its cultivation
by making known the many usee to which
It may be put It Is declared that eucalyp
tus wood Is suited to all purposes, for
which hardwoods are used.
Barring the countless other uses to which,
It Is adapted, as a means to reimburse th
forest supply alone eucalyptus Is Invalu
able to the country. It Is asserted. Then
the eucalyptus are valuable as windbreaks
for orchards and dwellings, for land re
clamation, for conservation of water, Im
provement of climate and aa natural anti
toxin to malarial germs.
Th beauty of the grain, th color and
the texture of eucalyptus rivaling many
species of oak, has led to Its popularity
as a furniture product Offices, and resi
dences havs been finished with th wood,
and cabinet makers and wood workers
throughout th country have been led to
make a practical study of the eucalyptus
wood as a finishing product
Much of the fuel consumed In California
Is eucalyptus wood, which retails at from
110 to $14 a California cord. For fuel the
fastest growing varieties are planted. Of
the kinds planted for other purposes th
weakling trees, limbs and waste are util
ised as firewood.
In house construction, mining timber,
flooring and street paving eucalyptus ha
assumed Importance, and for miscellaneous
uses, for posts, telegraph poles, railroad
ties, piles, bridge timber, wagon tongues,
spokes, handle for Implements and tools,
logs for corduroy roads and Insulator pins
the popularity of eucalyptus Is growing.
Eucalyptus blossoms yield profit to the
beekeepers. An oil is distilled from th
leaves and Is used as a compound for
many medicines. An extract from th
leaves forms th foundation for cough
syrups. Th bud are used In mawln
portlerea and souvenirs.
Efforts are being mads to find a use
for every portion of the eucalyptus tree
even for the bark, which so far I wait.
Bey Aeolaeatallr Mill.
ABERDEEN, S. D.. Sept. 10. -Michael
Oaughan, aged IS. wa accidentally killed
by FYed Eaton, a companion, while hunt
ing duck. Th top of bis bead was blown