Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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$1 a Week
Advance Sale' aOeinraeini's ainniple
Consisting off tho Famous "GOODYEAR"
(TM peoples nnlkM aaa Ouptt Co 1MT.)
0 w
$25 Ladies' Suits J17L
Advance Fall Styles
These suite that we offer for Saturday's
selling are actual $25.00 values made
of broadcloths and new diagonal cloths
coats are full 45 inches long and lined
with superb quality of satin mannish
collar and sleeves, stylish curve pockets
fashionable kilted skirts. This price
would be impossible in season, but our
introductory sale
permits us to sell
them for
Men's and Boys'
New Fall
For your considera
tion, we offer Saturday
a bigger and better dis
play of Men's and Boys'
tfall Suits and Overcoats
than ever before. They
come in. every desirable
pattern arid style.
Men's Suits from
$7.50 to $30.00
Men's Overcoats, from
$10.00 to $35.00
Datlman, Craig and Flynn Form a
Mighty Triumvirate.
rilr Official Rwllit aat Hach
. Mast B Don it T7afa.vora.kl
Impnuloi la Ifo B
Mad oa Visitors.
Mayor Dahlman, City Engineer Craig
and Street Commissioner Flynn have
formed themselves Into a great triumvirate
and started out to clean up tba city ai
never before.
They are firmly resolved to maka con
tractors and business men walk turkey
and oome up to the scratch during the
next few days and there will be no let
up In the campaign either day or night,
workday or Sunday, until the business dis
trict presents a respectable appearance.
The mayor was the first to realise what
the city Is up against In the way of dirty
. streets and uncompleted improvements In
the downtown district at this inopportune
time when the city Is beginning to fill' up
with thousands of delegates to the Eagles
convention and visitors to King Ak-Sar-Ben's
carnival. He decided what ought to
be done and what must be done, and
then called in the engineer and street
commissioner and told them what was
what in so many words. The result is
that the three departments executive, en
gineering and cleaning will work together
in an effort to make things hum.
First Effort sixteenth Street.
. First efforts were put forth by the en
glneer on Sixteenth street, whera th en
tire pavement has been torn up for oVer
a week between Farnam and Douglas
streets preparatory to replacing old street
car rails with heavy steel and th aid
granite pavement with asphalt He held
a long conference with the officials of the
company and sucoeeded In getting them to
igree to put on day and night craws to
work through Saturday and Sunday and
have the heavy rails all In by Monday
Upon th completion of this work the
paving crews can gst possession of the en
tire street and hav th pavamest down
In short order. Concrete mast set three
days before th asphalt U laid, but the
city engineer believes th ntlr work can
be out of th way before Thursday, the
day for th Eagle parade.
The work would hav been completed be
fore bad th craws not been hindered by
rain. It was also found necessary to put
a concrete baa under the heavy rails and
this took " mora time than waa planned.
All sidewalk repair orewa hav been or
dered by th engineer to get oat of the
way by Saturday night and the street
commissioner has ordered all thes crews
to remove all their material th same
night No more sidewalks will be repaired
until after th carnival.
Farnam Improvements frosa Rear.
Improvements being made on buildings
on the south side of Farnam street be
tween Fifteenth and Seventeenth streets
and on the north side of Farnam street
near Fourteenth street, opposite th Pax
ton hotel, where the Eagles mak head
quarters, Is preventing th cleaning' of this
principal street. Th street commissioner,
aided by the chief of polio, will endeavor
to get these builders to carry on their
work from the rear and to pll their,
material In the alleys.
Earth being hauled from three large
excavations In the downtown section the
court house, th City National bank and
the Brandels theater building is keeping
the streets dirty, but no method has as yet
been devised whereby this can be don
away with.
Fire Scare in
the City Hall
V smessBSBsmmB
Jar of Phosphorus. Goes Off and Fire
men Hasten to Save the
On broken jar of chemicals In the
laboratory of the gas commissioner's of
fice In the city ball brought out the entire
down-town section of th fir department.
Three fir engines, two hook and ladder
trucks and several hose companies were
rushed to th city ball, where dens smoke
poured from th windows of th fourth
floor, Indicating that a flero fir waa con
suming th entire Interior. Th ladders
were unhooked, but befor they could be
placed against th building and befor a
Ingle stream of water waa brought into
play, th cause of th fir was discovered
and th fir fighters returned to their
A Jar of phosphorus Is used In testing
the quality of gas. This has to be kept
covered with water all the time, but the
Jar was broken, th water seeped away
and In a short time th laboratory room
was filled with smoke Issuing from th jar
of phosphorus.
Charley Rawoskl, Janitor on th fourth
floor of th city hall, waa th hero of the
hour. He discovered th broken jar of
phosphorus, plunged it under water and
UTen laughed at th firemen.
To Dlaaolvo tm flo
of stomach, liver and kidney trouble and
cure biliousness and malaria, take Electric
Bitters. Guaranteed, Wo. Sold by Beaton
Drug C.o.
Gang of Sharpers
Nipped at Work -in
Hanscom Park
Men Said to Be Collecting Little
Easy Money Are Taken in
, by Police.
A large gang of sharpers operating In
Hanscom park In broad daylight has been
effectually put out of business by the
police, who have arrested a man who
gave the nam of George Davenport of
Oklahoma City, and is alleged to be one
of th swindlers.
Fred Brlnilnger of Ely, Nov., was the
first victim of the crooks to report his
loss to the police. He told the police he
had been buncoed out of $150 by three
men, who played cards and .attached his
roll, piece by piece, while be stood by
and staked one of the poker players with
funds to gamble In the game.
John W. Harvey, a horse trader Vnd In
dian Interpreter of Rosebud, 8. D., was
found In company with a suspect when
Officers Fleming and Thornton went to
the park from their beats.
"He told me there was something doing
In on of the ravines In the northeast cor
ner of th park, and he led me toward
the place," said Harvey of Davenport.
"But I mistrusted him and managed to
get to Park avenue, where he officers
met us and arrested Davenport."
Harvey had $250 on his person, the money
being . Intended to start him in the state
university this fall. He Is stopping -at the
Iter Grand while undergoing treatment in
Omaha for his eyes. His money was not
lost to th swindlers, as he suspected
something wrong and th police arrived on
th acena.
Lincoln Judge Will Hold Federal
Court In Omaha This
Judge T. C. Hunger of Lincoln will pre
side during th sessions of the tederal
courts to begin in Omaha Ootober S. He Is
expected In Omaha early next week to
pass upon several Important matters now
pending before th court. Inclusive of the
plea In abatement of Bill Mathews to the
charge of being on of the Overland
Limited mall robbers. '
Whatever may be the result of the argu
ment on the motion for abatement, an ad
ditional Indictment will be returned by the
federal gTand Jury against Mathews under
his true name. This grand jury will be
empanelled at the earliest date possible In
Here's a lot of fresh new fall styles, Men's Cravenettes and Raincoats and W omen's Silk Waterproof Coats and Raincoats salesmen's samples, all of them, th
newest creations and In keeping with the set fashions for the coming fall. In a big variety of new fabrics and shades.
We consider ourselves fortunate In having been able to procure this lot of samples for Omaha, for all the store manager of th Goodyear Raincoat Co, mad a
strong fight to get It for their stores this lot of samples, amongst which are the new imported English slip-on coats, double texture garments and various other
new Ideas In rainproof garments ws consider these to be the best raincoat bargains w can offer, and we urge you to be on hand early to participate la this feast
of raincoat bargains. Each and every garment la now on sale here.
At the Old Stand Again
We extend our heartfelt
thanks to our thousands of pat
rons who have accepted our
word that w give better and
bigger raincoat values than any
other store In town, and hav
shown confidence In our way of
doing business by supporting
this stors during our first year
in this town.
You may think w are too
bold, to state that w hav sold
more raincoats last year than
any other two stores put to
gether. But we did, and th
reason Is that we sold at th
manufacturers' prices, and hav
given better values for less
money than the retail stores.
For the coming season our
policy will the the same "BIO
$15rZ"... $17.50
wests. Jio
$2orw $12
r)C Raincoat MC
0ZUon sale for ..... J
f 0f Silk Coats
v'Uon sale for $ I L
to?JSZ $15
f nn Silk Coat
'on sale for
r Raincoats C7
vlJon sale for . ..JfiJU
'on sale for
on sale for
on sale for
Boys' and Misses' Raincoats
at Wholesale Prices.
oodyeatr Raincoat
IGth and Davenport Streets
A Reminder
Lest you hava forgotten
we wish to remind jon of
the tact "that we make
all the goods we sell, and
ell all the goods we make
at wholesale prices,"
There are no middle
men's profits to pay here,
and you get as good and
as stylish a rainproof gar
ment her at 88 1-8 per
cent to 40 per cent less
than you would pay else
where If you think of buying
a ralnooat. think of the
The Magazines
f" ,t
lire f fcS f i. v i
r Va,. si5 1 1 ....... ag-war h
hi r ,v .So,. ' j? a- i hi
u v . s " r in
raTJ'aetga' I ii'i-:.- i0
T " ' : '
San Francises
Lea Angeles
TO I Butte
Dally Scptombor 15 to October 15, Inclusive,
The Map Shows the Burlington's attractive through route to the coast cities.
Through tourist sleepers to California at 4:10 p. m. daily.
Through raina carrying all classes of high grade equipment, including tourist
sleepera to the northwest at 4:10 p. m., and 11:50 p. m. daily. ,
Ths gamut of things Interesting to the
family Is run In Tha Housekeeper for Sep
tember, starting In with a half doxen vital
stories and finishing with all sorts of sen
sible advice about fashions, fancywork,
health and good cooking. "His Troublesome
Ward," a new serial by X.ucy Austin, Is
begun. Grace MacQowan Cook contributes
some old fashioned plantation stories that
are sure to be popular.
The Popular Science Monthly for Sep
tember, contains among other articles: "Ca
pacity of the United States for Population,"
by Prof. Albert Perry Brlgham; "Peale's
Museum," by Dr. Harold Sellers Colton;
"The Theory of Individual Development,"
by Prof. Frank R. Ltllle; "The Origin of
the Nervous System and its Appropriation
of Effectors," by Prof. O. H. Parker; "An
other Mode of Species Forming," by Luther
Burbank; "Henri Polncare and tha French
Academy," by M. Frederic Masson; "Col
lecting' and Camping Afoot," by A S.
Hitchcock. .
Having rounded out its first BOO months
of exlstenoe with the August number, Llp
plncott's Magaslne starts out with Septem
ber as though it could sea a far longer
vista of months and years of Ufa ahead
of' it And there is no reason why it
shouldn't, so long as its present high
quality is sustained.
Beatrix Demarest Lloyd has a breesy
little essay In the September Smart Set
on "The Inconveniences of Spiritualism"
which is peculiarly timely just now when
the magazines of serious turn of mind are
devoting much good space to tha discus
sion of spook chasing. "John Paget's Pro
gress," by W. H. Q. Wyndham-Marttn Is
a quite up-to-date novel published complete
in this number. n
Ths fiction . in the September Strand Is
particularly attractive. Hall Calne pre
sents a powerful installment of his great
story. "The White Christ." Conan Doyle
contributes a splendid short story entitled
"Tho Lord of Falconbrldge." "Harding's
Luck" is one of E. Nesblt's charming
stories written ostensibly for children, but
especially enjoyed by grown-ups. "Peter's
Pence" Is a delightfully humorous story
by W. W. Jacobs. There are other splen
did short stories by well known authors.
The September Wide World magaslne
contains a splendid number of stories, tales
of travel and adventure, anecdotes, etc..
I all of which are of Interest and enter
The October Keramlc Studio will be de
voted to the work of the Newark Ceramic
club as the material arrived too late tur
the September issue.
September Wood Craft deals exhaustively
with the taxation of timber land and the
various methods that the several states
hava considered as suitable for enactment
Into law. The series of papers on mahog
any continues to give data on the pecul
iarities of growth and structure exhibited
by this splendid tree.
Wonman's Home Companion for Septem
ber devotes a big section to fashions. Not
only gowns, coats, hats and waists, but the
important little things are exhaustively
handled. There are plenty of good slorlei
In the Issue for these last hot days stories
by Octave Thanet, Mrs. John Van Vorst,
Katharine Holland Brown, Mary Heaton
Vorse, and others. Illustrated by such
artists as James Montgomery Flagg and
Alice Barber Stephens. We hear con
stantly the cry that our daughters are be
ing taken from home, but seldom a prac
tlca! plan to bring them back. Katharine
Eggleston's article In this issue suggests
a plan and a good one. There are a num
ber of articles that should be cut out and
pasted In scrapbooks.
Conclusions of an Old Flalnamaa
Who Hears I.o Sins; Throagh
a Phonoaraph.
Not long ago an enterprising Omahan
corralod a real Indian from the Pine Ridge
agency and got him to sing several of the
Indian rhapsodies, sonnets, love songs,
symphonies and themes Into a phonograph.
Several friends of the enterprising Oma
han were Invited to his home a few days
ago to hear the reproduction of the In
dian music. The music was weird and
thrilling, If a little deficient In artistic
Among those present at the Indian musl
cale was an old plainsman who. after
hearing the collection of phonograpblo pro
ductions through, remarked:
"That is Indian singing, all right, and Is
good stuff. It has opened my eyes to a
thing I could never understand before, and
that is, where ths coyotes got the music
for their bowls? I see now, tat y got It
from an Indian concert. "
The Spirit of Nebraska
z Many writers have exhausted
themselves'in discussing the spirit
of .Nebraska. The hopefulness, the
courage, the enthusiasm of the Ne
braska citizens cannot be avoided.
His pride is boundless, his faith is
far reaching. His belief in the men,
his admiration for the women, and
his confidence in the institutions of
his locality, makes him'eloquent as
he espouses them. It is a fine spirit
and the right one. It will carry a
man far, and it will carry a com
munity farther if its men all join
in it.
It is sufficient to state here that a
tidal wave of progressdveness has
struck the county seats and small
cities of Nebraska. Opportunity has
knocked at their door, and they has
tened to undo the latch. If the city
and country towns are to hold their
own, in the present strenuous strug
gle for existence and advancement,
they must adapt measures to re-
move every possible cause of fric
tion in their machinery of trade.
Publicity is the key to the twenti
eth century business success. He
who has a business must get it be
fore the world, or the world will
pass him by. The general laws of
publicity, which apply to ordinary
business institutions apply with ad
ditional force to municipalities, to
communities and cities'. To settle
up a country you must attract emi
gration by exploiting its resources.
To build up a town or city you must
advertise to the world its industrial
and commercial possibilities. ,
For this purpose there has sprung
up in nearly every town and villiage
in Nebraska some kind of public or
ganization, working for the indus-
trial development of the community.
All these have one aim in view the
betterment of the town and the
email city, that it may be a more
pleasant place in which to live and
therefore more prosperous. These
associations are found in nearly
every live community. To these
bodies are intrusted the. unsched
uled and undefinable possessions of
the public. It is for them to mar
shal and exploit the resources of
their particular territory by adver
tising them as they would goods in
their own personal business.
The woking capital, or moro
strictly speaking, the stock in trade
of any municipality is the unoccu
pied territory. The industrial, raw
material, and the business oppor
tunities within its particular sphere
of influence. Every home town is a
center of industry, the throbbing,
dominating heart of its surronding
It is quite plain that the time has
arrived for a stirring up of the com
munity conscience to a realization
of the duty the individual owes to
his town. Every good citizen owes
allegiance first to his family; second
to the community in which he lives;
and third, to the nation. Selfish
ness, when home is an object, is al
most a virtue. .What is needed are
more and more who will appreciate
their obligation to organized com
munities. The country towns and
small cities in Nebraska that from
whatever cause fail to take advant
age of every trade wind that blows
to retain its legitimate local busi
ness, will lose out in the race. But
the town that organizes its forces
and makes an intelligent and sys
tematic fight for its own will win
out and prosper and wax strong.
The average Nebraska country
town is up-to-date on everything ex
cept the highways that lead to it.
The common highways bear the
same relation to the country town
that the railroads bear to the great
commercial center. They are gath
erers of business. The introduction
of the telephone, the rural free de
livery, the trolley line and the auto
mobile, instead of decreasing, has
enlarged the trade territory of the
country town. The Nebraska peo
ple are noted for their habit of get
ting together and talking things
over. This custom of interchanging
ideas among various classes of
workers, as the farmer, the manu
facturer, the artisan, the merchant,
the banker and the professional
man, is most strongly established
in these prairie counties where civ
ilization has made the greatest
strides. It has come to be natural
for him to accomplish by co-operation
what he cannot do alone. The
man who has pride in his home town
and who, if it does not meet his
ideas, works and strives to arouse
enthusiasm in others to make it
sjich, is the best citizen. Just as we
are considered a nation practically
sufficient unto ourselves, so the cit
izens of Nebraska are loyal to home
It is for these reasons that "The
Story of Nebraska" is being told in
The Omaha Sunday Bee. The inves
tigations are being made with care,
and the stories of the counties are
told conservatively. They are ac
complishing great good for Nebraska.
Next Sunday Cass County
. ; . , (;
Xlie Twentieth Century Farmer K j
Is the best medium through which the advertiser can reach the live stock men and fanner
throughout the central west country. ;