THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1900. in ill To September Sales Special Saving Interest to Saturday Shoppers JUo , : .;. : , nn r ( THE RELIABLE STORK Ladies9 Hose Fine Imported Lisles, to 50c val ues, in allover lap, lace boot, silk embroidered or plain gauze nil colors, all sites .regular - made aud full fashioned big gest snap ever, . J 9c Children's School Hose Heavy or fine ribbed, values up to 25c, at 12y2C $3 Hair Switches, $1 All new, perfect goods, in 18 to 2G-inch lengths, are heavy 3 strand and worth $1.50, $2.00 . to $3.(X); choice Saturday, at, each .....$1.00 We'll save you 25 to 33r0 on all Hair Goods. Immense Blanket Sale We positively assert that we show three times more blankets than any other house west of Chicago. We sell more hotel and rooming houses than all the other stores combined. We sell 3316 to 50 cheaper than any other house and we can prove this by the best hotels. The Mill We Represent: The' St. Mary'B Mills. Th North' SUr Mills. The Beacon Mills. Tho,J4orth Carolina Mills. The Macon Mills, Georgia. . The Ohio Blanket Mills. Tho Pasadena Mills. California. The Conners Sutton; New York. The Thos. Kelly, New York, The Anjorjr Brown 6 Co. The La Porte Mills of Indiana, and several other mills too numerous to mention. . Prices, Cotton. . .2"J. each to SU.fin " ooi, pair.KJi.i55 to 940.IKJ v;um in ana examine. Handkerchiefs Sat- urday al Just Half 15c fancy embroidered Handker chiefs 12 H 15c all Unen Handkerchiefs 7Ht 10c Initial, also linen Handker chiefs '. . . . 5 Sc Children's Handkerchiefs 2h Buy School and Holiday Hand kerchiefs now. 25c Ribbons 12ic All sizes of wide, all silk taf feta ribbon; Sat- Aj nrday at the one I olj price, per yard. . . -' Books at Less All $1.50 Copyrights. . ,98c All $1.00 Copyrights. . .43c Special sale on all kinds of Tablets at SVaC Up. 50c New Neckwear 25c A new line of fancy Dutch Collars just re ceived; regular 50o values, at . '. 25c Yoar Every Wish can be Supplied from Our Imrawiw Showing of New Fall Styles. Choicest qualities and color ings at lowest possible prices TWO Bid SPECIALS Foil SATURDAY'S SALE Ladies' 2 class kid glores, all sizes, new fall Shades, values to $1.60 pair, your choice, 080 Imported French Kid Gloves, all most wanted colors; every pair guaranteed values to 3.00, special Sat urday, pair $1.40 and $2 Men's Fall Neckvjear 25c-t 9c Vtlutt up to 50c, if Tljey're manufacturer's samples; all choice patterns and colors big snap. Griffon Brand Shirts Sam ples and odd lots, all styles, all sizes; best patterns and colors made to sell from $1.00 to $3.00 at. $1.50, 08c and G9c Men's 50c Sox 15c Manu facturer's sample lines, big gest bargain proposition ever; values to 50o a pair; Saturday, 15c and 12Vc A splendid new line Sweater Coats exceptional values; at... $2.50, $1.98, OSc See the Beautiful Fall Millinery Styles WE SAVE YOU 25 PER CENT Trimmed and untrlmmed shapes All the new trimmings are here. All millinery marked In plain figures. A Matchless Display of Fait Garment Styles Moderately Priced The choicest of the early autumn suit, coat, skirt and waist styles are here ready for your inspec tion and selection. Utmost care has been exercised. in the' selection and the result is an assortment in widely contrasting fabrics stylishly correct and displaying in the most captivating manner the fash ions that are most favored and combining highest quality with delightful low prices. The values are a surprise to most appreciative friends. We are proud of our full display of the ever justly popular CROWN JEWEL SUITS at $25.00. They're more beautiful than ever the favorite of all at the price. All most wanted fabrics and color ings, with 42 to 48-inch satin lined coats, worth $35.00. Scores of most charming Tailor Suit Styles Delightful values and most complete assortments shown in the city, at prices $30.00, $35.00 to $65.00 See the Beautiful New Jersey Top Dresses One of the Fall season's most popular styles at ......$29.75 to $40.00 New Covert and Broadcloth Coats, all late fall styles, at $10.00 $12.50 to $35.00 Children's Winter Coats All the new style ideas; on sale at. ..$2.98 to $15.00 Amagnificent showing of chil dren's Dresses All sizes; orj sale at from . .49c to $5.00 $20.00 and $25.00 TAILOR SUITS $12.50 A manufac turer's stock, secured at a great bargain comes in serges, diagonals, English tweeda, etc, in clever new designs, 42 to 46-inch satin lined coats, new pleated skirts, all sizes and nearly all the new shades, made to sell at $20.00 and $25.00 your choice $ ,! 50 Saturday, i Jr at. '. , . . .... $12.50 for your choice of a big stock of beautiful Silk and Wool Dresses newest designs and colors, actual values up to . $25.00. . , Women's Silk Waists Regular values to $5.00; at $2.98 Long Challie Kimonos Beauti- . ful designs; $15.00 values; your choice 98c Long Silk Kimonos Choicest '. patterns and colorings, $5.00 values, choice . . .' $2.95 Dress Skirts in panamas and serges, regular $7.50 values, at, choice $4.95 This Special Grocery Sale Is for Saturday Only , Tit HlghtH Quality ind Frtthttt Good's it fht lowtst Prices , , JO lars .best brands laundry soapSSo Bromangeion, jellycon or Jello. .f Vo l -pound can assorted soups Condensed milk ,ao THe .... .'. .SO 7Vio Argo starch. pkg Quaker wheat flakes, pk. .. Ail kinds corn flakes, pkg 7 he he fit domestic macaroni.,. Rex lye, per can J . l '. i pkg. Uneeda biscuit. . Choice California prunes, lb.' - 5 pound can fancy sweet corn 3 pound can golden pumpkin, hominy. Squash or baked beans THO 1 pounds best sold dust asparagus, - at 1 150 The beet soda or .oyster crackers, per pound So The best' crisp pretzels, or finger snaps, per pound ..So auTTsm euro CKxxaa baxb. . ir.nrv No- 1 creamery butter, lb. too Fancy dairy butter, ib. . .84o Fancy full cream cheese., lb. , : . .1.80 r Fancy britk or Llmburger cheese, ; per lb. , , , . .V., .80 . Neufchattel cheese, each .........So TBXSX TKOXTABIiSS AID TMVXTW it AT MS .WCAJt WXOX.EBAI.X. . . I bunchef ' If rash "beets v . . So 1 bunches fresh radishes i.Be' heads fresh lettuce So L heads fresh cabbage Bo bunches salsify and oyster plant lOo rge egg plant, each So Fresh cauliflower, per lb 10c I, summer squash Bo 4 bunches fresh pie plant , ...1...B0 Fresh apples, per peck IBo 1 bunches fresh celery .Bo Large baskets fancy California peers or peaches, per basket S5c Large baaksts Muscat grapes SOo Large baskets Tokay grapes . ...Oo Jelly grapes, per basket l?Ho Jelly plums, per basket 8S0 M. M Wl W : see nnr r mmWlnd0Wm-it SI If Display m w Imported Willow Clothes Basket 49c Mrs. Pott's Nlekle plated irons, set . .6Do Quart Indexed tomato cans, do. ....SOo Rolls toilet paper (3 for 2Sc kind) , ,S6o fOc Parlor brooms, on sale for aoo Wire ooat hangers, on sale, each ..lo Large cold handled frying pans lOo 'The old reliable square western washer, at ...I 83.TB The. old reliable round western washer, at .. s.t The Typhoon washer, worth $10.00; you . can alt down while washing with It. at Three year guaranteed' wringer, the 'fam ous 'Domestic, worth 14. 6, on sale now, at ; ... as.00 $8.00 stave side heavy 20 gallon garbage cans, only , Sl.Bg 16 gallon S1.88 12 gallon SEO 14 quart enameled dish pans IBa Carpenters' $1.00 bench hatchet BSo 2 foot Stanley box rules ...Bo Dlsston's saw, IX grade SJLSB Yankee automatic drill or driver. .. .Se China Department Specials $90.00 Beoorated Dianas Set 100 . piece Bavarian China, on sale Sat urday, at , S11.B8 Slop Jraro Handled and covered.. 4Jo Boroelala Kanglsf Bait Boxes . . 10a Decorated individual butter dishes, dosen ..So T piece colonial water act Mo SeoorateA Cuspidors IBs Badio BiokleA Beading Z.amps A 100 candle power white light, comrlet with tripod and, 10 Inch shU. , Don-tforget TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST "py THE HZLIABLE STORK Big Sale- of School Shoes Saturday Starting at $1.00 we have the greatest line of school shoes in the city and nil at prices 'within the reach of your poeketbook.' II. W. Merriam & Co. school shoes, worth $2.50 and $2.00 button or lace on sale at $2.00 and $1.C5 Boys' and youths' school shoes, at $2.25, $1.75, $1.50 and $1.19 Child's school shoes, $1.50, $1.00 and 75c Infants' shoes, worth up to $1.15, at 69C Big sale of men's fine shoes, in Goodyear welt soles, pat ent colt, vici kid, gun metal and box calf leathers all new styles, and made by good factories, worth up to $5.00 in three big lots, at $3.00, $2.50 and $1.98 Women's shoes, worth up to $4.00, in patent colt, gun metal button and bluohers, vici kid, lace and button two lots:.. $2.50, $1.98 Men's 75c house slippers, in velvet, plush and imitation alligator, also a women's kid 3-point house slipper worth' 75c, at ........ . 50c The new fall Grover and Queen Quality shoes for wo men, and the Stetson and Crossett shoes for men are here. No better shoes for the price. Buy a pair and get the best. Extra Specials in Our Busy Drug Department 11. SO Oriental Cream 91.08 26c Rublfoam 19o 26c Dr. B. L, Oravea or Sanltol tooth powder, for lao 26o Face powders, large asortment, any kind .IBs I cans best talcum powder ,,..8Bo 1 bottles regular 25c hydrogen per oxide, for . t 88o 60c posionl's or Java rlca powder 83o iOo Locust Blossom perfume, per ounce 88o 13.00 Simplex Bhoulder Braces ..8149 S2.26 Syringe and bottle, guaranteed for five yeara 81.78 $1.76 Fountain syringe 81.8B SI. 40 Fountain syringe 8o 5c Hot Water Bottles BOo 26o Automlsera 86o 96o Family bulb syringes BOo Also many other specials, which will be marked by Counter Bale Cards. Extra Special la ues on Sheets and Pillow Cases In Our High Grade Unen Department Saturday (0 dozen, size 81x90 sheets, seamless extra heavy three Inch hem, well made, worth 76c, Saturday, each, at BOo 60 dozen sheets, else 72x90, made of same material, also aeamleas, heavy and durable, worth 69c, Saturday, each . 48o 100 dosen pillow cases, medium else, very heavy muslin, the best case ever offered for the money, worth 17c, Saturday, each UVte One case crocheted bed spreads, full alse, cut corners, heavy fringe, mar sellles patterns; good value at $3.!5 Baturday, each 88.60) SP1TZBERGEN HAS NO OWNER STorthernmoit Habitable' Land Occu- v piei Most Unique Position. a. XSTSIGHT TO THE P0IAS BEGI0KS Noted Gennaa Explorer Gives Imter tla lafersaattoa Wkleh Ha Has Gathered A boat Life I'ader Arctic Stales. rrof. Otto Nordenskjold, a noted arctle explorer, writing In the Deutsche Revue, Three an Informing and Interesting view of the polar regions, their animal Ufa, scenery, tho way they are and have been exploited. and how they ought really to be utilised, to. Spitsbergen. In particular, occupies Ills attertloni Interest In that Island has recently been revived through the pros pect of utilizing the coal fields; besides. Its peculiar soenlc beauties attract many tourists, who, with our present traveling facilities, can make the journey both com- Ifortably and Safely. ; It la a peculiar phenomenon that the cold and coldest seas actually harbor snore Slfa than the warmer ones. Wo know that tha polar waters abound In fish. The great sites the coast or Norway, Iceland, l-nd Newfoundland are not. It la true. arctlo regions, but they are nearly so. In tho cold seas. too. wa find In vreater abundance than elsewhere the giants of the present animal world p-whales: and a great number of varieties of these creatures aie either 'bolly polar or are at least most frequently set In the moderately cold seas. Seals, too, may be termed arctlo aalmals; not a alngle species of these la found - In the Y waters of warmer regions. And, finally. It to the rich, faunal life of the aeaa that ' furnishes sustenance to the oouotless flocks of aeablrds Inhabiting: the arctle coasts." l ead Devoid at Life. If the polar seas teem with life, the same eannot be said of the polar lands, and Until very recently they served men, and birds and seals as well, chiefly aa a foot fcold for uttllilng the products of the sea. "In our times repeated expeditions with purely Ideal alma have been undertaken to these lonely lands, and a more recent phenomenon la the tourists who repair In all H was practical enda that first and jT foremost enticed people to those lands." Spitsbergen Is of all polar lands the on f ar " irvui mi wiumi m present Hi elicited the moat attention. Although In the very heart of the arctlo regions, the lf' ,1 group lies, quite near to Euiope and t:.i tu'if stream makes It much more acces- .mv nther Islands In the north r.i x .. is hlioiv. tco. offers far greater ; lit;r.c-i than lhat of other polar eouotiiea. Ui,a wrKerr Although dlsoovered by the Dutch In U8 Its real history, dates from 1007, tha time of the visit of Hudson, who first acquainted the world with the natural wealth of Spits bergen. There were, first of all. the great, easily destroyed Greenland whales, with their abundance- of blubber, which are' so valuable oven today. Then a veritable In vasion followed; whole fleets gathered these, and localities were founded, soma e( which had several thousand Inhabitants during tho summer, The glory, however, lasted only about fifty years. The hard pressed whatea retreated to remoter parts and the seala were not valuable enough to entice such large numbers of people. Very lately taunting, now for tha hump back whale, from permanent bases, haa flourished anew. But It almost seems aa If thla would not last, and It ta very doubtful whether It la economically profitable. It appeara as If Instead a vast field In an en tirely different arctlo sphere were to be opened today for this sort of whale cap ture, and that la tha antartto regions. Btnoe about ten years ago hunting whales from the southern point of South America haa been resumed. Blnoe they are very numer ous In the southern aeaa and permanent baeea are scant, the danger of extl notion Is still remote there. The same may be said of the aeals of tha south. Caaatry Wltfcowt Oe vera neat. Spitsbergen, this German writer reminds us, ta a land without aa owner, and laws for ' It would have to be enaoted by International agreement But the case la different with most of the other ertlo and antartla tslanda The companies operating there from perma nent atailona bare consequently resolved government concessions. A quite different position from that of tha arctlo countries just under considera tion ta occupied by Greenland. The largest. and neat to Spitsbergen, the most Im portant and meet discussed polar land, It forma a very small continent whose southern point projects Into the temperate aona. Mid a "splendidly wild nature,'' In a narrow atrip lying between the greatest lee-raasa of tha northern hemisphere and an ocean almost loe-frec for many months of the year, realdea a group of tha only polar people of the globe the Eskimos. Belonging to Denmark, really and cot only In name, alnoc for oenturleo competition from outside baa been suloUy debarred, tho object of thla aeolualon haa, indeed. been attained. Thanks to It. perhaps, the Beklmea continue to exist today: at any rate, they owe to It their comparatively pleasant mode of life. How far It has benefited them economically la a different question. At all events, the Danish gov ernment aaa organised a special trafflo with tho native, buying the products of the country In exchange for clothing, uten sils, provisions, eta. The trade used to be quite profitable, but at present Denmark la a considerable locer ' foliar Fare Ate Valcablc The splendid while skin af the polar bear of Greenland, 'however, Is a highly prised ornament; the skin of the arctlo fox la still more so. Less valuable are the- reindeer, but as they are found In large herd and their meat la edible, they too, are profitable to the hunter. They and soma .other kinds of animals were eagerly hunted long after tha golden days of tha whale-hunt had ceased. - Although at present the chase has considerably dim inished, the. hunt for the arctic fox and tha collecting of eiderdown are still con tinued, while the polar bears and the wal rus have shared the fate of the Greenland whale, and except In the extremest north are rare visitors to the coast. Only a few yeara ago Spitsbergen aroused a general Interest, and colonisation has as sumed a new phase. In the first place tourist-travel extends now. to the remote polar Islands; pasaaga to strange lands is at present accomplished with a safety and ease undreamed of in former days. Xorikera Travel Safe. TRIALS ON POLAR TRAILS One Unconquerable Foe is the Long Right's Monotony. SPRING'S FINE SUNLIGHT EFFECTS Wbat Life Is Like When the Mercery Stops at Fifty' Below Zero and Walras Meat ts a Dinner . Delicacy. The feeling alone that one is far re moved from all civilisation, from regions governed by tha laws of human society, entirely alona with nature, has something alluring in It. And what a nature! Highty mountain spurs, rising from their eternal mantle of loe; icy streams filling the val leys and projecting far into the ocean. Wondrously beautiful days, with the In tense blue and white, when during the summer tha sun never sets; while a con trast in the depths of the fiords a smil ing green on the mountain alopeb. The Immense flocks of the most varied sea birds, the magnificent swarms of eider ducks, tha reindeer, which in spite of be ing hunted alnoc centuries have not learned to fear man and shun him all this .must Involuntarily enchain the lntereet of every lover of nature. Beeldea the beauties of nature and the animal' world, Spitsbergen has a new attraction In Ita coal mine. Coal Is found in great quantities, and is now readily accessible from the fiords. Its quality and the extent of the deposits have long been known, but the idea of utilising It haa been entertalntd only of late. The coal formation is recent and not of the best quality, but the greatest obstaole Is offered by the polar conditions. Imagine a country shut off seven or eight months from ths rest of the world, a night lasting three months, and tha winter storms and cold of tho polar regions!" Two aspects, then the accession of tour ists and the mining of coal, have lately drawn attention te Spitsbergen so strongly that the situation' haa developed Into a political question which must be solved by diplomacy. It is evident from what haa already beea aald that if advancement pro ceeds as it baa done some order must be Introduced. Not a few nations, therefore, ar turning their gase upon Spitsbergen; and a diplomatic conference, it Is stated, ts ta ba held shortly to discuss Spitsbergen's future. Quirk Action for Tour Money Tdu get that by using The Bee advertising columns. It Is not all trouble and privation on tho road toward the north pole. One explorer has said that the beauty of one spring day, particularly at sunrise, pays for week, of toll and cold in the Arotio circle. Even the bright moonlight of the long winter night, disturbed by terrified creaklngs and crashes of moving Ice amid a desolation vhat gives to every sound undne potency, has Its ar tistic compensation for sustenance of eal or walrus flesh, for clothes frozen so stiff that they oan stand .alone, for continual struggles to keep soul and body together. That spring day, which every Arctlo ad venturer describes In outbursts of poetic prof e what a pity some real poet has not been there to recount Its beauties In verse. Is something to be remembered in the lonely nights which come afterward. To get the full benefit of the beauties spring nature affords, one must be out of bed , early. IX Is just before the sun rises, and just after, that the wilderness of snow and ice la garbed in Its fairest radiance. Pausing for a long time ere It cornea Into view over the horizon the sun casts upon the myriads of light clouds and mist in its path the most delicate tints of gray, purple, pink, rose and mauve. At Intervals tha variety of color Is broken by solid lakes of gold. On tha snow and the glaciers and the Ice floes, too, as well aa overhead, are reflected the glancing colors. Mountains of Ice assume fantastic shapes, and for aoores of miles the landscape ta a auocoaslon of variously shaped mirrors of light, changing from one hue to the other ao rapidly that the eye cannot keep pace with them. While you watoh and wonder, up comes the sun, suddenly. The dazzling variety gives place to a steady flow of brilliantly whltlsh-blus light. Sky and snow take on a bluish hus. The Arctic explorers aver that Arctic anow is never pure white. Most of them have described It rather aa blue Dr. Frederick A. Cook, whose dash to ths pols has directed attention anew upon northern exploration, told of purple tints farther north than any o bis predecessors had gone. Perhaps his purple is the old blue, from the different view-point. Be sides, it was winter when Dr. Cook fixed tha color aa purple, and that may account for the difference between his snow and that of the perfect spring day. Under tne Blncst Skies. On such, a day ta continue the ploture the sky ta even bluer over the land of Ice than tha most famed blue sky of ths tropic. And below Is evident quite as much of the joy of life. Hundreds of thou sands of birds, with lnoessant chattering, greet the aun from their rocky perches. Clinging to the cliffs, bared by the partial melting of winter's loe, are lichens of vivid red, white, gray and black. Down In the sheltered places, even, are the gay blossoms of the far north Arotio buttercups, Arotio popples, and many others, covering the ground ' with a carpet of purples, greens, and browns. There are barren regions to be sure; but none of a barrenness to bs oompared with a tropical desert, Until the winter comes around again tha Arctic explorer for the most part Is In the midst of natural won ders unsurpassed anywhere. Then comes the desolate autumn, fore runner of the long night, and when this night has settled down upon htm the real troubles of the explorer begin. No more sunrises, no more birds, no sight of flow era. The cold Is a minor ill. He becomes accustomed to that, learna how to fight It. What he cannot grow to Ilka Is the monotony, the drearlnees, the long time of waiting before morning, while the Ice pres sure shrieks and whistles and squeals and the winds howl a dismal acoompanlmant to the winter lights' flashes. Though ho may .be In a secure camp or living with friendly Eaklmos, "there Is nothing but monotony. At tha hour that should be midday It is aa dark as mid night. For his dally exercise he gropes. After December 22, the longest day of the year, ha counts the hours until his lot will be to bask in the sunlight at midnight. In the next Arctlo summer; to eat his breakfast at 10 p. m. and to go to bed at 10. a. m. For most explorers the winter Is merely a aeason of looking forward to prlrlg and summer. Dr. Cook ordered hit travels differently, after advancing the theory that it would be easier to reach the pole over the unbroken ice atretches of tha night season. Cem forts an tha Ice fua. Thla Is what life is like for the man who venturea from warmer clime Into the far north: Inside the camp hut, with a fire always burning, possible comforts approx imate those of home. The same Is true when you are Ice blocked on your ship, well supplied with provisions or are a guest of the Eskimos. If you are merely waiting for daylight the only trouble , to be met ia the occasional, or perhaps fre quent, venture to the outer air. The tem perature Inside Is 70 degrees tFahr.). Out side It Is minus 60 degrees, may be lower, rarely much higher until spring. When you emerge you must pile c your furs to keep off evil effects from the change. Having learned how to d.o this, you find life healthy. One British sxplorer gslned twenty-five pounds In a winter with the Eski mosand wanted to go back for another season. daah northward beyond the line of human habitation, that the explorer Buffers. How ever experienced or hardy he may be, he must endure much. In the first place, there is a big load to be carried. Though he may rely on killing game enough for food, he must carry fuel not for the purpose o cooking his iood, which ha could eat raw; but fire- la absolutely necessary for get ting water, Tha lea must b melted In aoma other way than by sucking It; that would blister the lips and probably injure the digestive machinery. As a matter ot fact, most of the food Is cooked, ao long as the fuel Is not too low. Blnce the main object is to lessen ths weight of the equipment, the fuel used is alcohol or petroleum. It Is treasured care fully, every drop of It. The stov In which It is burned Is a specially constructed, closed affair, which is covered with cloth ing or blankets to keep In the heat and bar out the cold while meals are being prepared. In n Tent of Bilk. The sledgers' camp under silk tents. AH the men of the party, covered with furs. lie close together through the night iO keep each other warm. In recent years European and American seekers for the pole have adopted the policy of lighten ing their burdens to the lowest limit, learning much from tha Eskimos about maintenance without an extraordinary number of furs or heavy tents, and about methods of finding game Instead of lugging a vast amount of food over the Ice flelOs. The result has been a cutting In the ex penses of preparing for polar expeditions. Keeping food In a condition regarded as fit by civilized nations Is next to Impos slble In the arctic region. Minced meat freezes until It haa to bs disintegrated with hatchets. Syrup grows so hard that It cannot -be broken at all. Bread be comes filled with ice particles. Baoon cuts like leather. The butter falls away in hard chips. The whisky is milky. The tobacco breaks up until it is a fine powder, like snuff, and a pipe smoker must draw con tinually If hs wants to keep the tube from. freezing. When Frltjof Nansen was making his fifteen-months' sledging trip with Captain Johansen, he recorded in a dairy tha ob stacle that had been met my him, as well as by previous explorers. The pressure ridges, over which the two men had to clamber, dragging their loaded sledges after rhem, were continuous from the time they bade farewell to the little steamship Fram. Occasionally they had brood ex panses of flat ire, but more often series of uneven hillocks. Nansen bad hardly a day without some mishap. Among the trivial annoyance was the piercing of a bag of flour by a jagged bit of ice; the men had to stop a whole hour while they gathered up the precious food. Another time their odom eter the machine for recording distances walked waa broken In an Ice jam. Then they missed one of their dogs and spent a flay going back to look for It, only to I find the animal so sick that they turned It is on the sledge Journey, which has) t loose. Their clothes froze 'at night. "If come to be the chief test in the mnJrii w had only been abla to get tbeo " wrote Nansen, "they could hava'stood by. themselves, and they cracked audibly every time w moved." A frozen sleeve cut a gash In his wrist that left him soarred for life. Arctic Game. It waa not long before they reached tha stage where they had to kill some ot their dogs, and the flesh -waa offered to tha other animals. At first tha faithful crea tures were supperless rather than eat their team mates; later they, overcame tha re pulsion, devouring hair and all. Meeting; a Polnr Benr. When Nansen and his cnmnanlnns were nearing ' Fran Josef Land, where they spent a winter living on walrus and seal meat in a nut. tney found themselves in the midst of the worst series ot Ice pressure ridges encountered anywhere. "It wa aa If some riant had hurled down enormous blocks pellmell. with water underneath," said Nansen. There were deep pools be tween the blocks. Jumping from one to an other, they pulled their sledges labor iously. On each sleeve waa a hnaA (kayak) for crossing the open water ahead. besides their camp equipment, and what was left of their provisions and fuel., Aa they were hearing the end Of the rough ice, they were attacked by a great bear,, which Nanaen shot, after it had slapped Johansen and two dogs. A large number of native birds have been seen, but never accurately classified, a to habits and. history. k Examples are; Ross' tH mwA Dakln.1. v.. 11 JPk.u I- . reason to believe that numerous other species haye not even yielded ona specimen to the collector In the Ice-eovered region. The variety of Arctlo animals, too, Is ex. tensive, jd maybe others are still to be found. It was comoaratlvely recently that the muskox half sheep and half ox was located. Once upon a tlma he flour ished In temperate area of Europe, American and Aala, but now hi only habitat 1 the frozen north. Other four footed creatures peculiar to tha region ar the Arctic fox, reindeer, glutton, lemming. and varieties of ths wolf and erlne. The alliance between these northern animal and their envlrenment la perhaps more marked than In any other part ef the earth. The conspicuous example of this Is the polar bear, whoie coat is w'hlte in win ter and turns to motely, ragged yellow when tha summer season has , dulled tha color of the snow, so that at all season he Is aided by the surroundings In creeping upon hi prey. There are S.200,000 aquare miles In the geographical area known as ths Polar re gion. Much of It has been explored, map ped, and Inhabited, but little ha been ex plored geologically with any thoroughneaa. For months In winter the sun Is below the horizon, leaving the region In continuous night. For months In summer, tb fun never sets, thaugh the heat it yields la not strong enough to melt all the lc of the preceding winter. The longest day la latitude 70 degrees is two months; hs latitude W degrees, three mor.ths. At tha pole, there should be two days In the year, each about six months lung. The tem perature recorded by Dr. Cook was tha lo est ever taken. New Turk. Post. t r