I ill IBMAMDEnS STdREg v I We Present the New Fall Models in the Smartest of All Tailored Apparel uits for 4.4. "Fnshionseal" Suits are a class by themfielves. They have won tremen dous favor in Omaha for several sea sons past. Our lines are more exten sive than ever this fall, including every exclusive "Fashionseal" style. Woineni H- The Fall Style Aristocrats Brandeis is exclusive agent in thijs section of America for the celebrated x ashionseaV suits, Every one of the stunning "Fashin seal" styles is to be found in this line and in no other. The agency for "Fashionseal" suits is plaeed enly in houses that supply the best trade in each sectien of this country "Fashionseal" Suits are conceived from the most exquisite French models and adapted to suit the American wo man's figure. The only suits of dis tinctly high character that sell at a medium price. - - - All authentic new style fea- '' turcs for fall are shown. Semi-fitted . ' coats in 3-4 and 7-8 lengths, side t pleated and kilt pleated coats, mili- X tary ideas, embroidery and braid X trimmed suits are among the new ideas. j Suits $25f Not to be compared in any way to other suits selling at $25.00. They ;; could not be duplicated elsewhere!; for less than $35.00 to $50.00. All the New Shades for Fall Walnut, nutmeg, caucassian, prune, rasin, t artichoke, amythest, wisteria, mustard, night blue, peacock, etc. These six pictures correctly portray six of the many distinctive styles to be found in "Fashionseal" Suits. They were drawn from suits All materials used in these suits are woven .. L You are asked to regard this announcement i ii-S' fPW M'' r 4 in our own stock ""fr "j 4' 'fr fr 1 exclusively for "Fashionseal" garments. Mannish striped worsteds are popular, also New England worsteds, new ray mixtures, wide wale cheviots, wide and narrow chcverQns etc. Zi tub in 11 1 hi rininn-rn htit in 11 1 1 Winn im 1 ih.il i" n hubjjii mmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmunmttmmMmMMMiimm as a special invitation to yourself and your friends 1 to view this fall showing of "Fashionseal" suits wneiner you are rcauy 10 uuy just uuw ui uuu 1 uniin nroT rnirwn ip rnvr" UUiV DLM IWILM) n IsUllL That i Estimate Shopmen Place on Edward H. Harriman. HE TREATED EMPLOYES WELL General loren.nn Jnlleu Shop Tells Mow Great Head of Great Vratem Did Jnstlea to . , nnmblest Man. "Mr.; Herrtman was the friend of every man on tho system." aald Bartholomew Jullen. general foreman of the car de partment of the Union Pacific, sitting In hie office discussing the great railroad builder. "I waa Impressed with hi sympathy the first time I met him. It waa In Denver, tn the spring of 1KW. A lock waa mtiwlng frem the rate of his private ear. lie wae worried for the safety of his sons, then little fellows and asked me to fix the gate fi.r him. It was Sunday and every thing was linked up, but you can bet that I got It fixed. "Twa yeaia later I met Mr. Harriman again In 'Denver. He remembered me, to be sure. That was one of his faculties. Once he saw' your face and learned the Bam, he never forgot. "While I was about his car In Denver he Inquired about the men In .my depart ment, their ratea of pay nd general con ditions. He got at the heart of things In a hurry. In 1908 I again saw him here In Omaha. Here lie asked me a few questions about the force and n a few seconds told nie what the payroll t waa. Just for curl Dslty I noted the figures and had tuem verified. In an expenditure of many thou sands he had erred In his hasty mental jalculatlon by only S2S. "I have myself looked after his private car Ardep' for the last four years and naturally have taken a personal interest and pride In It. Talks to the Men. "When Mr. Harriman ssw a mechanic In the shops that he knew he would step up and talk to him. He was so big a man that he cou d afford to be 'ojmmon.' Every man on the road feels that he has lost a friend In the death of Mr. Harriman. Noth ing perhaps has shown more of the great man's feeling for the workers than his In troduction of the pension system. That has done much to make the men appreeia him. "He always slocd for square treatment of everybody from the general, manager to the most Insignificant engine wiper. He believed In a generous allowance to the men for their work and services. Fpr In stance If an employe In the mechanical de partments had a valuable Idea he took It up with personal Interest and saw to It that It was protected with patents. The man got psid for his lda. Now, for In s anee, I hold a patent for a steel oar plat form. Tho company paid for the patent and delivered the papers to me. I received encouragement from Mr. Harriman himself and other officials of the road to perfect the Idea. "Yes, elr, ws have all lost the best friend we ever had in that death at Arden." Two Nephews of Harriman Here the refrigerating service of the system. He has departed for Arden to attend the funeral of his illustrious uncle, but his cousin, N. F. Harriman, will be unable to go. Harry Vlner. employed in the Union Pa cific offices here, is a son of a superin tendent of the beautiful Harriman estate at Arden. Mohler Orders Wheels Stopped for Dead Chief Vice President of Union Pacific Will Suspend Business Today and During Funeral. Union Paclflo hovered around 197 the first few hours of the morning. Southern Pa clflo was likewise higher. No local men were caught short it is believed. Interest in the market was mora acute than for months and nearly every one was looking for some excitement. The pre vailing sentiment was voiced by the man who said: "The blasted market always does the opposite of what you expect." One Will Attend Funeral Son of Superintendent of Arden Also Lives in Omaha. . Omaha is the home of two relatives of E. H. Harriman N. F. Harriman and J. Van Rensaller, boih nephews. N. F. Harriman is Working In the shops here. He has started to learn the railroad business from the bottom of the ladder and is rising rapidly. Mr. Van Rensaller is superintendent of The best food for growing children U HFTTTTTT Contains all the material needed for building muscle, bone and brain a rood to study on, to play on, to grow on. A. L. Mohler, vice president and general manager of the Union Pacific and a close friend of the Harriman family, was asked to aitend the suncial of Mr. Harriman, which will be held M-Jimay afternoon. Later he received a message from Mrs. Harri man, stating thai no one but the family will be present at the funeral, so Mr. Mohler has changed his plans and will not go to New Tork at present. Mr. Mohler has Issutd orders that gen eral offices of the Union Paclflo be closed all day today. He has also ordered all work to stop for five minutes Sunday after noon, and also for all trains along the en tire system to stop for five fnlnules at the time of the funeral. General offices, division offices and all principal stations will be draped in mourn ing, the general offices In Omaha being already draped. Mr. Mohler has received many expres sions of sorrow from the men employed by Mr. Harriman and also from buslneas men of Omaha. U.P.and S. P.Stock Disappoint All Expecting Break Former Stays Up Around 197 and Latter is Higher Despite Death of Mr. Harriman. A large number of Omaha men whi thought they would buy Union Pacific stock cheaply were. badly fooled when the market opened Friday. Instead of a sevsre break in prices, the Harriman stocks were higher and the whole list was strong Local stock brokers hsd been flooded with orders to buy "w hen U. P. gets down to 190." None of theee orders is to be executed apparently. It was painfully evi dent to these dlxappointed persona that arrangements hsd been made- In New Tork over night to support the market and the break failed to materialize. Instead August Ziebell Man Without a Home Aged Father Who Killed Son Wan ders in Idle Restlessness, Cray ing Peace with Family. Like Hale's "Man Without a Country." August Ziebell, the old man convicted of killing, his Son and punished with the bane of never seeing his family again, wanders about the court houae in a pathetic plight. He was released on parole by Judge Sut ton, after conviction on the charge of man slaughter. He was paroled to Jacob Hauck of Benson, and prohibited from visiting his home, but he Insists that he must take up his trade again and he has dreams of mak ing a huge fortune out of a kind of ce ment that he has a formula for. Before his trouble, Ziebell was a very expert worker in cement and concrete, and moulded a well known figure that has been displayed for years in the window of a k'arnain street florist. His invention of a new kind of concrete Is quite without merit, according to experts who have been con sulted, but he clings to the belief that some day he can make It pay. His family re fuses to take any interest in him and he cannot get a settlement of his property. All efforts toward a reconciliation wttb his wife have failed and she has possession of the home. Without anything to keep him busy, the old msn wanders about the court houve and the offices of ths Judges and the county attorneys trying to find some one who will help him get back to work. appears on a road anywhere In the prov ince. The Island Is a great summer resort and the tourists who com there to the summer hotels used to bring their touring cars with them. Seven women were killed In aocldants in one summer and the next winter when the legislature, composed largely of farmer residents, met, it passed the prohibitory law, The automobile own ers have taken the thing into the courts and now it is before the British privy council in London. JAWN SHAWP BROKE HIS CONTRACT WITH CHAUTAUQUA Mississippi Senator Is Cause af Lyeeaaa Bareaa Swing; Belie ve) Institution. Because Senator John Snarp Williams broke his eontrset with the Bellevue Chautauqua las year the association de ducted 1100 from the SW0 that he was to receive and for that reason the Mutual Lyceum Bureau of Chicago Is now suing the Chautauqua. Judge Sutton, president of the associa tion, says the suit was started for flSO, on account of the Williams incident and be cause of another similar deduction made whea an entertainment company scheduled for two entertainments arrived in time to give only one. "Williams had contracted to speak no where In Omaha before he delivered his address at the chautauqua," says Judge Sutton, "but he disregarded that agreement and spoke at a banquet tendered him by the Jacksonlan lub the evening before. The Lyceum1 bureau admits that the agree ment waa broken, acoordlng to the Chau tauqua people, but thinks $100 is too much to give up." '. BAPTIST MEN NOW MEETING Colored Charchnaea Follow Women vrlta. Their Convention at Moist Morlak, The men's meeting of the lowa-Nebraska Baptists' association, an organisation of the colored Baptists, at Mount Morlah Bap tist church, was to have been opened this morning with an address by A. O. Ed wards, M. V., of Omaha, an address on the subject of "To What Extent is the Race Addicted to Drink T" but the doctor was unable to attend and will speak this afternoon on "Tuberculosis." Rev. B. An derson of South Omaha spoke on "The Total Depravity ol Man." The afternoon session wss devoted to the hearing of reports and addresses by Prof. W. C. Rogers, Rev. T. L. Griffiths. Des Moines; Rev. M. J. Burton, Keokuk, la., and Dr. J. H. Barnett, Macon. Mo. The session will be concluded Sunday. The women's convention i:r the Iowa-Nebraska Baptists' association has ended. The officers chosen for the year are: Mrs. O. H. Jackson, Fort Madison, pres ident; Mrs. O. W. Wright, Omaha, vice president; Mrs. E. J. Saunders, Davenport, la., recording secretary: Mrs. 8. Bates la state organiser. The convention heard a number of ad dresses pleading (or better educational ad vantages for the people of the race. HOW WILLIE BEATS SCHOOL He Transfers froaa Hie Slater's Ball lum mm Writes His Owa GieiMa, "Why, Willie, I thought you were In school." The office boy looked un Into the f of the grownup who had stepped In. With a grin that expressed all of the devil ment of a kid, he replied: "I've got that system beat all to pieces." How's thatT" "Easy. I was going to the same school with Sister Mary. I got transferred and now I can play hookey whenever I want to. Just have to writ my own exousea, "Ouess It will be measles this week." Tho bell rang and Wnile scurried down the halL "Used to be a kid myself; bo easy on hlra," said the grownup a few minutes' later, chatting with Willie's employer. A Shooting- lersse with both parties wounded, demandt Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores, burns or 'Injuries. 26a Sold by Beaton Drug Co. CANADA REGULATES AUTOS BY PROHIBITING THEM f'rl arc Edward Island Allows Ka Vehicle TrotM-lled by Other Then Harse Power. "All this trouble with fsst automobiles o uld be easily stopped If we would just fallow the example of one Canadian prov ince." ssld M. Q. Mscleod, with a Cana dian's pride. Mr. Macleod, who Is an employe of the office of the clerk of the district court, returned recently from a visit to his boy hood home on Prince Edward Island In the St. Lawrence. "They had trouble with automobiles here," he ssld, "apd they solved It very easily by forbidding them altogether. Any vehicle drawn by any power but an animal of some kind Is liable to confiscation If It if Fi ni id "ASHBUBN-CROSBYCO. Cold Medal C Flour