Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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' - i j.; !
-oti rmroww" nunc am pht tn t-im
This is your chance don't miss it. Saturday morning at 9 o'clock vre will place on sale
the finest assortment of corsets ever shown at any sale before. Both light and heavy weights.
Included are about 800 corset, not old style, but
strictly up to date models. Among these are to be
found standard makes, such as R. A O.. W. B.,
Kabo, Warner s. Lily of Prance. Thomson's Glove Fit
ting and Redfern's. $1.00 corsets reduced to 49c a
pair $1.60 to 6c a pair $1.00 and $2.50, at $1.00
a pair. . ' ,
A few genuine whalebone corsets, formerly sold
at fG.00, In this sale $2.60 a pair.
Many others which sold at $3.60, $4.00 and $5.00,
reduced to $1.60 a pair.
Both our stayed and tape gtrdloe, formerly sold
at $1.00 and $1.60 a pair, will be placed In this sale
at, a pair, 255-
Embroidered Linen Waists
. for Fall -
Omaha has nerer seen a more
pleasing display of hand em
broidered walBts than those
ihown on our second floor
Cloak Department We invite
your inspection.
Saturday Candy Specials
Bnlduffs Mexican Penochla, reg
ular price BOo a pound, all day
Saturday and evening-, at, a pound,
Thompson Belden & Co's special
Chocolates, regular price 60o a
pound; Saturday at, a pound, tic
Basement stairway.
Special. Sale of Glycerine
Soap Saturday
A large full slse cake of Glycer
ine Toilet Soap; Saturday for (a '
Polished hard wood Tooth Picks;
Saturday, a box, only IHo.
Rose and Cucumber Jelly; Sat
urday, a bottle, IT Ho.
Main Floor.
is causing wide spread interest. People know that our reductions in prices are genuine. We
have about five hundred kinds to pick from and know that we can please you.
White cotton crib blankets, at, each, 15.
Crib comforters, with dainty ruffles, each, 39.
Large size bed comforters, white cotton sllkollne
covered, at each, 70S
Cotton blankets, at a pair, 48 58 73 87
$1.10 and $1.30
$2.00 Beacon blankets, at a pair, $1.68-
$5.00 White or grey wool blankets, at a
$4.00 All wool plaid blankets, at a pair, 3.29.
86c Beacon crib blankets, at a pair, G9S
$1.25 Beacon crib blankets, at a pair, 08S
$4.60 St. Mary's blankets, at a pair, $3.00
Resting Rooms
Third Floor.
tVe Check Hand
Baggage Free
of Charge.
(Continued from First Page.)
ern Faclfio boards of dtreotors will prob
ably be held next Monday, and it Is be
lieved that something more than the ex
pressions . of regret at the passing away
of, Mr. Harrlman will then engage the at
tention of tho directors.
. A noteworthy event of the day In the
stook market was a new high record for
United States Steel common, which touohed
8&H above Its best previous figure.
The more Important gains of the day follow:
union t-aomo. iz union racirio d re
ferred, 7; Southern Pacific, 6; St Paul,
E4; Reading, 6; New York Centra, 3H;
Louisville tt Nashville, Atchison, Missouri
Psoitis, Vnjted States Steel common, West
ern Union' and International Pump, I or
more, with numerous advances ranging
from 1 to 2 points. The bond market was
very strong.
Rlly In London. -
LONDON, Sept. 10,-The death of E. H.
Harrlman was anticipated by the Stock
exchange, and after a long period of un
certainty the effect of tho passing away
of the railroad magnate was not as pro
nounced as had been anticipated. Prices
were marked down at the opening, but the
market was quiet and It recovered quickly
when the buyers came forward.
Before the market .opened several promi
nent jobbers made wide prices at 1 to 1
points below parity. Repurchasing by the
bears who had sold short on the chance
of Mr. Harriman's dying, and buying on
American account, however, soon brought
the market to a much higher level. Union
Pacific, after being 197V4 ezdlvldend, rose
to 19M4- United States Steel common
changed hands between 77H and 77H, ex
dividend, and then reached Tti. Southern
Paclfle went from 134 to IS.
The belief is general that big Wall street
Interests are protecting the market. The
operator reported Vast night to be In
trouble Is an outside broker.
PARIS, Sept. 10. Although the Parts
bourse for several days has been hanging
anxiously on news of the condition of
the late E. H. Harrlman, the announce
ment of the financier's death did not
create a, shock. Prices opened steady, In
some cases showing Improvement over
yesterday's close. Among French finan
cier's Mr. Harriman's Immense power and
capacity was widely recognized, but the
general feeling Is today that the United
States are so rich in resources and the
productive capaolty Is so great that the
death of one man, no matter how far
reaching his Interests, will not stop the
onward march of the country's pros
perity. The view taken by Americans Interested
Is best shown by the fact, that offices of
bankers and brokers doing business In
American securities had a predominance
of buying orders today.
Declaration of Finciples Made tt New
York Gathering.
Also Derlaro for Helorm In Primary
Laws Tnxatlonv of
by tho
SARATOGA; N. T., Sept. 10,-After
adopting a declaration of principles, which
Included In endorsement of a federal In
come tax, and effecting a continuation of
Its efforts for the rehabilitation of the
party through the organization of "the
Democratic league," the democratic con
ference concluded a two days' session td-
day and adjourned since die.
The adoption of the Income tax was ac
compltshed only after extended debate.
The declaration of principles follows:
Tho democrats assembled In conference
at Saratoga, September 9 and 10, 1.
announce the following as their under
standing of certain essential democratic
principles and policies.
A strict construction of constitutions,
both state and federal that the rights of
the state and people respectively may be
Loyal support of the federal government
in the exercise of all its constitutional
powers; eternal vigilance In .watching and
detecting and vigorous and persistent op
position to any and all extensions of fed
eral pov-er that trenoh upon those reserved
to the states or to the people.
A tariff for revenue only; no government
subsides to special interests either directly
or through, protective tariff.
Equal and uniform taxation: taking no
more money from people than the Just
needs of government economically admin
istered reaulre.
The abandoment at the earliest practic
able moment of our Imperialistic venture in
the Philippine Islands, first safeguarding
their independence by sufficient guaran
tees. Steady adherence to the principles of
home rule and local self-government, by
the state and each of its political sub
divisions. Rigid economy In government expendi
tures Election of United States senators by
direct vote of the people.
Reform tn our registration and In en
rollment laws, so that personal registration
and enrollment shall be required In every
political subdivision of the stste.
Reform In our method of election, so
that each elective officer shall be the
separate, deliberate and Intelligent selec
tion of the voters of ths state.
Reform In our methods of nominating
candidates for publlo office, so that nomi
nating conventions shall be composed of
representatives directly chosen by the
members of the party.
Reform In our primary laws su as to
give to every citizen greater direct In
fluence in naming candidates for office,
and surrounding the primaries with such
safeguards as will Insure their honesty
and providing the necessary time and legal
machinery to Insure the choice of a major
ity of the voters being respected and en
forced in convention and committee.
No Interference with the personal liberty
of any citizen except such as Is essential
to secure the equal rights of all the citi
zens. Taxation of corporations by the state
alone, where their creation and regula
tion should remain.
A constitutional amendment authorizing
the levy of a federal Income tax.
Enforcement of federal and state laws
against criminal trusts and combinations
In restraint of trade.
all other members of the family were
bearing their grief well.
Bids Farewell to Family.
F.x-Judge Robert S. Lovett, vice president
of the Union Pacific and one of Mr. Harri
man's closest associates, remained at the
house all Wednesday night. Although the
patient's vitality was at a low stage and
he was suffering from a high fever, he re
vived a trace yesterdsy morning and en
deavored to cheer his dsspalred wife and
"Don't worry my dear." he eald to his
daughter, Mlsa Mary Harrlman, "I am
going to get well."
Some hours later It became apparent that
the end of the brilliant career was ap
proaching and the members of Mr. Harri
man's family were summoned to the bed
side. There, according to one of those
present, the scene enacted was most Ef
fecting, as the husband and father bade
his wife and ohlldren good-bye. With un
faltering courage, but ebbing strength, he
elapsed hands with all for the last time,
embraoed them, spoke words of cheer to
his wife and daughter and of advice to his
sons, Roland and Averill. Roland, the
yongest son, who has been his father's
oonstant companion during his Miners, was
shaking with sobs as his father clasped
him in his arms and whispered the fare
well words.
List of Active Pallbearers.
The active pall-bearers will be the six
men In charge of the various departments
of Mr. Harriman's estate at Arden and
Turner. They are Chaites T. Ford, his
general superintendent; William Vlner,
manager of the farm at Arden; William
Bobbins, superintendent of Mr. Harriman's
stock farm and In general charge of his
trotting horses at Goshen; P. W. Mandlgo,
his master carpenter; E. . jenulia, mas
ter mason and William A. McClellan, su
perintendent of the Arden farms dairy
company. The list of honorary pall-bearers
has not yet been announced.
The millionaire's body will rest la a grave
blasted from the solid rock of the hillside.
This method of burial was adopted when
his oldest son, Edward H. Harrlman, jr.,
was burled twenty-two years ago. The
Harrlman plot Is in a far corner of the
grave yard and the only spot In the en
closure where the blue stone of Tower
hill rises to the surface. Men began work
today quarrying out the grave.
(Continued from First Page.)
If you have anything to' sell or trade
and want quick action, advertise it in The
Be Want Ad columns.
ienwnely gingered
yet "Freakless Fashions" in Clothes
passers by will admire the young man who Is clad In "Sampeck" clothes,
not because he is abnormally conspicuous, but because he shows just ENOUGH
newness In idea to be given credit for "style."
this fall's coats are not so extreme as last season's In fact, the whole Idea
teems to tide towards icentllity reserve taste, '
the classiest garments shown here now, in sices tt to 19, have medium
length coats, with graceful dip front, and for materials we quote Cheviots,
Tweeds and dull and clear finished Worsteds. Shades that predominate are
moke grays, olives and others similarly delicate.
true Styles "for Young Men
low as $15 High as $30
"double -trousered"
suits for Boys HERE
those who have to do the supplying of boys' clothes will
be MORE than pleased to know that we are STILL carry,
lng out the "double trouser" Idea In other words TWO
pairs of Knickerbocker trousers Instead of one, with all
boys' suits sold this fall.
"Sampeck" made, of course In only such captivating
Cheviots, Tweeds and Finished Worsteds as one expects of
the "Bampeck" people. Made to wear to stay stylish
and come in sites 7 to 16. In all leading grays, olives,
! browns and ether tints classed as NEW this fall.
W&TiP nt $7 5ft tn Si 9. n Knit
. ,j i , , . ' j . ' i - v. a 4 a w , m mm sa ar ss. w sr ri su m s gg. ji an
tTi. -
1 i ?
top Coats
Children's top coats in proper Coverts and Cheviots, sites 1 to 10;
In tans, reds, grays and olives, all snappily designed (
and made up, are here at. .
"Benthor Special" Shoes for Boys
The Goodyear welt soles on "Benthor Special" shoes for boys are "overweight"
extra heavy will wear twice as long as other-makes. Then, too, the lasts' are
"footforin" that means comfort. The maker who puts them out has had a score of
years experience in turning out shoes for hardy youngsters he KNOWS how. We
show the shoes in box calf or velour calf specially chosen leathers in this, make.
Sizes 11 to 13, 92.00 Sizes, 1 toe1,, at. .$2.50
thing New
r vTVT r 1 fllla
1518-1320 Farnam Street
member of the family," said the clergy
man. "I do net know whether or not
Dr. Streumpel acquainted Mr, Harrlman
with his diagnosis of canoer."
Dr. McQutness insisted that up to the
day before Mr. Harrlman died his moat
intimate fiends believed that he might get
Judge Robert S. Lovett, considered Mr.
Harriman's chief business and legal ad
vlser, explained today the stience which
baffled all seekers for information regard
ing Mr. Harriman's condition. He said
'Mr. Harriman's life was so interwoven
with Wall street and financial affairs that
any change In his condition would have
affected the financial world. I thought It
advisable not to run the danger of mis
representation and so said nothing about
his condition. Any statement one way or
tho other would have been misunderstood."
Judgii Lovett, who came up here yester
day, after Mr. Harriman's death, did not
go to New York until late today.
To Finish Work on Estate.
Partly from Judge Lovett and partly from
Charles T. Ford, superintendent of the
Harrlman estate. It was learned today that
the extensive work on the estate planned
by Mr. Harrlman during the last two years
will be carried out acoording to his wishes,
This was the assumption yesterday, al
though no one In a position to know had
discussed the matter. But Judge Lovett
said today:
'I understand that Mlsa Mary Harriman
has been entering Into her father's plans
for the estate and will .undoubtedly see
that they are carried to completion."
Ford announced later that every one of
the workmen who laid down his tools yes
terday when the men first learned of their
employer's death, will return to work Mon
aay morning. This news relieved an
anxiety that affected nearly every home
in Arden and Turner.
Mr. Harriman's will, the slse of his
estate, and his probable successor In con
trol of his railroads, were subjects Judge
Lovett declined to discuss. "All that will
be known In due time," he said.
One report here has It that the millionaire
bequeathed 23,000 acres of woodland In
Orange county to the state for a park, pro.
vlded the state will assist In Improving tt,
Two or three relatives, whose names were
not ascertained, were the only arrivals at
Arden house today.
Hnntn of Condolence.
Messages of condolence poured In on th
family all day. Some of those who wired
their sympathy were: Ogden Mills,
Ogden Armour, Chauncey M. Pepew, who
cabled from Vevay, France; Mrs. Elsie
French-Vanderbll.t, Mrs. Cornelius Vandei
bllt, Mayor Tldleman of Savannah, Oa.
August Belmont, William Rockefeller, Rob
ert Goelet, Frank Munsey, Whltelaw Reld
Benjamin B. Odell, former governor of
New York.
W. H. Averill. Mrs. Harriman's brother,
wired that he was on his way here from
Los Angeles.
Two more names were added to the list
of active pallbearers this afternoon,
making eight In all. The additions are,
J. B. Ford, axsletant general superinten
dent of the estate, and George W. Bussey,
assistant superintendent of the Arden
farms. All selected are heads of depart
ments In the estate.
J. 8. Murray, who has charge of the
stock farm at Goshen, and is one of the
pallbearers, received orders today to with
draw all the Harriman entries from the
coming trotting meeting at Syracuse.
However, since Mary Harrlman, who many
believe will take her father's place In
charge of the property In Orange county.
Is extremely fond of horses. It Is not likely
that the Harrlman stables will be aban-
I doned.
Reports that Mra Harrlman was In a
state of collapse today were denied by
Superintendent Ford. He said that she and
(Continued from First Page.)
and Presses
Hundreds of new models
shown for first time Saturday
Tailored Suits
In a great variety of styles,
materials and colors; at $25,
$35 and $45. We are show
ing exceptionally g.ood
looking suits in plain tail
ored styles.
happy and confident, and with the cheers
of a great crowd ringing In his ears. Formal
farewells were exchanged between Dr. Cook
and oommlttees of the Geographical aoolety
and the university of Copenhagen. As he
departed the explorer stood alone on the
high bridge of the yacht Melchlor, which Is
taking him to Christiansand, raising his
hat In response to the shouts of the spectators.
The yacht will arrive at Christiansand
tomorrow at noon, where the steamship
Osoar II will be ready to take up anchor
and steam for the United States as soon
as Dr. Cook has been transferred to its
Managing Director Cold of the Scandi
navian-American Steamship company ac
companied Dr. Cook. He said the Oscar II
could reach New York Monday, September
20, but that he thought It better to keep
the steamer to schedule time and arrive
Tuesday, the tlst
Ceremony tn Cabin.
Before the gangplank of the Melchotr was
drawn up there was a pleasant ceremony
in me oaoin, wnicn was attended by Maur
ice F. Egan, the American minister, and
Miss Egan, the rector of the University of
Copenhagen and a number of geographers.
Admiral Deklchelleu, In a speech, thanked
Dr. Cook for returning to the United States
under the Danish flag. ,
"Green-eyed envy and jealousy," said the
admiral, "are doing their envenomed work,
but we In Denmark believe In you absolutely."
'I want to thank you," said Dr. Cook in
reply, "for the great honor that is mine
in going home on a Danish steamer. Since
I cannot reach home on an American
steamer or an expedition vessel, It Is fit
ting that I should go on a steamer of the
land which has given me such happy days.
You have made my return so happy that
the tortures of the past are forgotten.
You have been my friends; you have
fought my battles. With a full heart 1
say farewell to the people of Denmark,"
Speaking to the Associated Press, Dr
Cook said:
"I am perfectly willing to put my records
before the American coast and geodetic sur
vey, to be compared with those of Com,
mander . Peary, but I do not see why
should ask for suoh a comparison first."
Asked If he had any message for the
public, Dr. Cook replied:
"Don't you think that would be rather
presumptuous T All I want Is to get home
to my wife and children and finish my
work. .
Water Front Is Crowded.
The water front was crowded for an
hour before the Melchlor sailed.
Jersey Top Dresses
The most popular dresses in Paris
and the East just now are the new
silk jersey effects jersey to tho
skirt,-with skirts of woolens. These
dressesshowing no seams but being
very elastic, fit the figure perfectly,
following every line. Many differ
ent styles shown at the "Elite."
eral former occasions when Mrs. Peary
came to Sydney to meet her husband she
was alone.
Commander Peary's married life has been
closely identified with his hasardous enter
prises, which explains the emotion whloh
prompted him In the hour of the triumph
of his life's work to send the first an
nouncement: "Have made good at last,"
to Mrs. Peary at their summer home in
Maine. Later the commander wired his
wife to oome and meet him at Sydney,
adding: "Bring the kids." The "kids"
are, Marie, aged 14, who was born in
Greenland, and Robert E., Jr., aged (.
Next Sunday Is Marie's birthday and she
is hoping that the arrival of the Roosevelt
with her father on board will not be de
layed beyond that date.
Shortly before 4 o'clock three motor
cars appeared. Dr. Cook and Commander
Sverdrup, between whom a close friend
ship has arisen slnoe they met were In
the first and Dr. Egan and Miss Egan
and various officers were in the others.
The peuple broke through the police bar
rlers as the cars were passing and the
women folk threw flowers at Dr. Cook,
Shipping In the harbor made a brilliant
display of flags In honor of the occasion.
Managing Director Cold Insisted that
Dr. Cook go on the bridge while the yacht
was pulling out In order to give the peo
ple an opportunity to see him. Reald
Amundsen, the explorer, and Oarnnce
Mcllvane of New York will accompany
Dr. Cook to Christiansand. The applies
tions tor berths on the Oscar II were so
numerous that It has been impossible to
acoommodate one-quarter of the would-be
Mrs. Peary at Sydney.
8YDNEY, K. 8.. Sept. 10 A wireless
message received here today declares that
the steamer Roossvelt, with Commander
Peary on board, la sUll at Battle Harbor,
"This Is my eighth visit to Sydney In
connection with my husband's polar expedi
tions, and I am overjoyed at his succss
In reaching the Arctic center," said Mrs.
Robert E. Peary, wife of Commander
Peary, as she and her two children stepped
off the train here last night. Mrs.. Peary
has come to Sydney to await the arrival
of her husband on the steamer Roosevelt.
Mrs. Peary said that she thought her
husband now ought to be satisfied and
stay at home and get acquainted with his
family. "He used to say," she continued,
"that a man should not go to the Aretlo
resrion after he was 40 years of aga, but
the discovery of the pole was the only
thing he had not auoceeded In and he
would nut discontinue his efforts at the
limit he himself set On May I, last Com
mander Peary was S3.
"His stay In Hydney will be brief. Being
an officer of the United States navy, he
must report without delay at Washington
and he will likely go there direct, with
the possible exception of one day's rest
at his summer home on Eagle Island, Casco
bay. Maine."
Mra. Peary's happy appearanoa bore wit
ness to the pride and satisfaction she felt
over her husband's triumph. On the sev-
The Weather.
WASHINGTON, Sept 10,-Forecast of the
weather for Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Partly
cloudy Saturday) Sunday fair and cooler.
For Iowa Increasing cloudiness, with
showers Saturday night and Sunday,
For Montana Generally fair Saturday
and Sunday; cooler In east portion Satur
day; warmer Sunday,
For Wyomln-Partly cloudy and cooler
Saturday; Sunday fair.
For Colorado Partly cloudy Saturday,
with probably local showers; Sunday fair
and cooler, s
For Kansas and Missouri Generally fair
Saturday and Sunday.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
. Hour.
5 a. m
4 a. m
T a. m
Sa. m. ...
a. in
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m
,1 p. m
8 p. m
4 p. m
I p. m
4 p. m
T p. m.A
8 p. m
p. m
.... 64
.... 68
.... T7
.... 80
.... P2
.... 84
.... S
.... 87
.... 88
.... 81
.... 80
.... 78
.... 7
Port. . ArrlrwS. gwtled.
BOSTON Dtuiachlmt L rrsTeace.
NEW YORK Louisiana
NEW YORK otisrMasla.
KBW YOKK Romanic
Motel Rome
f:V:-:, v;.r l. .a
Unexcelled For It's Beauty and
Modern Appointments.
85o Sanitol Tooth Powder, Satur
day 10c
S Be Graves Tooth Powder. Satur-
d&y 12c
26o Swansdown Powder 10c
2 fid Eastman's Crushed Rose, , -
t 18c
260 Swlnton's Talcum 9c
BOo No. 1 Wilbur's Talcum ..24c
7Bc June Rose Tollot Water . .43c
60c Perrin's Rose Toilet water 27c
11.00 Rlcksecker'a Toilet Water
(all odors) fiOc
fl Jlcky Perfume, per or. ..50c
$1 Roger & Gallon's Perfume,
per ounce . . . . 50c
60c Colgate Perfume, ounce . .Sue
1 Allan's Janice Perfume,
per ounce .49c
2 So Lyon's Tooth Powder . . . .14c
25c LaGrande Tooth Powder, 14c
26o Lustrlte Nail Cake 13c
40c Ribbon Nail Files 10c
76c Manldure Scissors ......39c
25c box Glycerine Soap .....10c
25o box Oatmeal Soap lOr
26o Tooth Brushes 10c
25c Combs (celluloid) 10r
One Pint Thermos, bottle ,.$3.7ft
One Quart Thermos, bottle. . .V70
(The Best Vacuum Bottles.)
15th and Farnam Sts.
Boyd's Theater
if a Turn a too at at bi30
Me Xyealnf rerformanoe
Mr. Henry E. Dixey
X the Mid-West Oomsdy Dram
tartlnr ahrnday irtghi fos ron Perfona
aaoes Special Tuesday Watlaee.
HsRsymcon Trail
oomus, i i "x.o."
Our Pasturlsed Buttermilk
ma farnam It. 140 Douglas St
ax. wats ors
rPaxton HotelH
Cafe and Grill
Bsglttnlng SeyMabe 6tfe, we will
remain open from S A. SC. to la F. M.
Tonight Matinee T
The Girl From 0. S. A.
860. 400, Toe
at ase
All Vest Week, IpeoUt
b Bumrr aux or bboaowat
Big State rals Stows Free Attrae
tlous. Benefit Beusoa Aerie IS OS. Bide
out aad Visit the Frlse Boosters of
Zagtedoa. Brent of Convention Week.
Beptembes 1S-1S.
rs eucsu or ohms amuscmcn t sh.t
aad BlgM. lUUrVY ana
Ohio Male Chorus
Season's VTusloal Treat BO TOZCSS
Alaska-Yukon Exposition, Aag. SS.
Sua, Sept. 18 and ail Week Mats. Wed,
Sat, Jefferson BeAngeUs la The Beamt
Spot." Seat Bale Thars, 10 a. sa.
DEPT. 11, 12, 12 and 13
Two Oamea Sunday, Sept. If,
Games Called 3:4G P.M.
Air Dome
"Trie Devil"
AAnUaslon loe aad 80s
The Air Dome has a waterproof roor.
Kagles' Week Change of flay Nightly.
NOTE Curtain Tonight and
Every Saturday Night;
8:10 Sharp.
Which la IS BUaates EarUer Than Be ga
las Time.
Frtoes loo, aa and ?