THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 19 OFFERED FOR RENT lloaeea and otte t oatlnard. .. -ROOM brick hrni; modern; tanent can rent two lloom and get mnr than rent k. 14 8. 'th St. Se Jimti Nevill. iJ2 Nvlll Block. FOtl TIE NT 4 room. c,ty water, totltt. No. lth l M) and ater rent. C M. Baohmann, 4.ti Paxton Blk. EIGHT-ROOM modern house, l2 Chi cago. K. A. fmlth. 117 Neville Block. NEW, 6-room modern cottage, 2C13 Bln ney Bt. Tel. Webster 1762. ALL modern. six riwrni and lar:e recep tion hall. 2412 Burt St., $. Apply H. B. Boylea, Boylea College. Hitth phones. FIVE LARGE! ROOMS Nearly new; first floor modern exoept heat. Half block from ear. Tel. Douglas 4S28. 4-ROOM cottar. 1914 Bancroft street. FOR RENT A modern house, 6 rooms, reception hall. 4244 Patrick Ave. Tel. Web ster 4808. NEW, strictly modern 7-room house, $27.i0 month, ZM& Miami su, one block from l-iodge St. car line. t-ROOM, all- modern house for rent, 2."02 Franklin.. Inquire Mrs. K. Johnson, 2414 Decatur. S223 N. Kth Ave., 7 rooms, barn, 112. Vt'.S K. lUth Ft., 6 rooms, modern, $!4. 14 N. Jf th ft.. 6 rooms, partly mod.. 120. I'M N. 2Mh St., ( rooms, modern except rurnftoe, 120. 201i) N: SM St., 1 rooms, modern, $22. Va N. 22d St., 6 I corns, modern, IJO. tfiOJ Brlt iul St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace, $T4 W. O. KHIMVER, 102S N. T. Life Bid. OMAHA Truck, Van and Storage Co., Doug. 14115, lnd., B-2W. Office VU Web' ter street. FOR RRNT Brick house at 1511 8. I9tn ft., onu block east of Park avenue ear line; modern In every resnect. with 4 bed rooms on second floor; large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, large hall and ves tibule on first floor. Inquire at la09 o. 2a id Bt. Tel. Harney VJ. NEW Bt. Louis flat to adults. Oak tile bath, select neighborhood, one-half block to car. nzi roppieion av. I-ROOM bouse, modern xcpt heat. 3309 Maple bt., 1S- rooms, 24 floor, toilet, li N. 26th tit., US. I rooms, city water and toilet in yard, 2626 Hees St., $9. 4-room house, city water. 124 N. 20th Bt. 112. tt- rooms, modern except heat. Sis N. 2Gth, $22 ana water rent. CHRIS BOYEU, 22d and Cuming Wis. ITnTTMP,4 In ' U parts of the city. UUUDIiO Crelgh Buns A Co., Bee Bldg. -ROOM flat. 1806 Chicago St. FOR RENT 135, new lower St. Louis .flat: completely modern; rive large rooms. Fronts Bemls Park, 8316 Cuming bt, 'Phone Harney libit. COZY cottage, 6 rooms, partly modern, lawn, shade, city ami cistern water, ce roented cellar. kL4 B. 40lh bt. LeavenWorta cars It block. 281 WOOLWOKTH Ave., 8 rooms, mod ern, 12760. ltoO N. Mth, rooms, modern except heat, 124. 3020 Burt, 8 rooms, modern, 130. t2l California, 6 rooms, 117.60. 2310 Webster, 8 rooms, modern, $26. fruv Emmet, 7 rooms, barn, $4). -R1NUWALT blWH., sua 8. ISth St HOUBE8, Insurance. Ring wait. Barker Blk. MODERN I-room bouse. 216 S. 86th Ave. Phone Douglas 4687. 10-KOOM MODERN HOUSE Fine location. 1124 poppieton Ave. Key mt 8114 Poppieton Ave, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., HUlte N. X. Lite Bldg. Phone Ked im OMAHA, NEB. OMAHA Van St Storage Cro., pack, move, tore, H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-14 N. Utht offloe 309 Ho. 17th BL Tel. Doug. lu&. MAOOARO Van Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 14 We guarantee moving, pianos, house bold goods. - HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; Cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Itxpreesmeu's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. ilvi. FOR RENT -room house near Hanscom park: large, beautiful lawn. Phone Bank ers Saving and Loan Association, Douglas til. ELEGANT S-room flat, located at 110 S. 7th, all modern, prloe 136. ttuuus, Braudels Wdg. , . . 136.00 S-room modern brick (flat), a07 Pacific bL, fur particulars telephone, Har ney lata. HOUSEd-Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. BUg. BRICK house, modern, close to Park Ave. 2U13 ilaaun. inquire m b. ZStll St. Phone Harney 1550. Oeorgla Ave., 11-room, elegant home, 70. 87th and Davenport, -r., all. mod., 2trt and . Leavenworth, S-r., an mod., 132. GO. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE) CO. 1001 N. Y. Ltfe. Doug, or A-SUJ. 6-ROOM cottage, modern except furnace; permanent walks. SOU Decatur St, (15 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Doug. (108 or A 8083. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. 1007 LOTHROP ST., 6-roora all modern flat, Ui. H0 Seword St., I rooms, all modern, 839. Xi'il S. ih St., 7 rooms, modern exoept beat, I2S.W. 214 3. SUh St., rooms, modern except beat, ). lbuo Lothrop 6U, i-room all modern flat. 1034 8. lfith St., 8 rooms, city water, gas, 87. , Near Benson, 8-rooin house, XVi acres, $12. B1RKETT it TEBBENS, 43 Bee Bldg. Phones Douglas 1764, Independent A-1754. Seventh Prize Story 1TIE TIMELY INTERVEN TION OF A WANT AD. Adeline Wykoff, 8OT North Twenty-third Ninth B, Jchgiith teacher, MUs Htlllardi Aged 15 year. ' . FOR RKNT-T rooms, larae reception ball, all modern; combination fixtures; 840 and water rent. 1 1 "Speaking of experience, how this I . 'iillly and his wife, and my wile ana i bad Just returned from our honeymoon, and had doculed to rent one house and furnlbh It up "between us. Well, before we had looked an hour, we found a bouse that Just kutted us. The next oay the furniture was sent up. "That evening. It was Just beginning to get dark, when I heard something like a 'tic-tau' on tha window In the next room, I went In there, but could see no one, so jasi mui.tu, tunning it was soma of the neighbor, children trying to play a trick on uu. i Had jmst reached the adjoining room, ntn me noise was repeated. I tookea again, cut with the same result as before. In the next five minutes It was repeated '.everal time. I was thoroughly . aggravated- 1 looked all around the out- side of the house and In the yard, but 1 saw no one. That n:ght we had all sat down to a game of -whist, when there was a terrible crash In the dining room. We rushed In there only la find it perfectly quiet and In good order. We looked all over the CAN XOU WHITE A STORY . STORY WON SEVENTH PRIZE LAST WEEK. OFFERED FOR RENT lloaseo and (otln tontlaaed. FOR IlKNT-l room dwelling. '30 Capitol Ave., In Dundee, with barn, per yen: cm two or three year lease. V. L. Belby 4i Hoard of Trade. Of flees. FOR RKVT Desk room, with use of phone. (44 Bee Bldg. STOREROOM and basement In "cargo block, 8. O.. f30 N. 24th. Hall. 433 Kama mag., both phones. vnn hf-mt First-class locstlon for meat market and rrocery; meat market fixtures for sale. Address A, Omaha Bee, Co. Bluffs. Ia. OOOM locstlon on luth St, for Jewelry. clothing or sho store. Address, K 398, OFFERED FORJALE, Typewriters. TYl'KWltlTFH. Any make, all prices. sold and rented, rent applied; easy terms; -Kirir..-.l nvwnere mr exM mil i iwii. i I t for large bargain list and offer. B. F. Swanson Co., 41T . iitn t., -mna. civriM) hand typewriters sold, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange, 1WJ7 Fainam Mlarellaneoa. DRIIOS at cut prices, freight rM on aft 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McConrell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ONE White machine, drop head, new. cost 140 Will sell for 138 cash. Tel. Red Sli. or call St. Mary's Ave. WE HAVE on band a number of Ink barrels which we will sell at 60c each. The ere fine for rain water oi anliea. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. ELECTRIC FIAN03 and BANJOS, IIM). Continental Novelty Co., Omaha. ?eb. Scholarship If you Intern! idhiii a cours in bualnesj college, see us alum; a scholarship. We will sell you one at a saving to you. Ad dress O 85, care Bo. FOR SALE New and 2d-hnd blllard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bruns wlck-Balke Collender, 401 S. 10th St. Hot-En-Tot Twins are a Hot sensation, SHEATINO at 111 per M. O. C. Dim mock tk Sons. South Omaha. BUY from the factory. Burklcy Envelopes COAL, Wood, Feed. 1316 N. Uth. Web. 4S. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER for sale nearly new. I would not take 11.000 for it if I were not going out. of business. Ad dress E-140 Bee. HOT-EN-TOT TWINS, the best on earth. Second Hand Boilers We will sell two boilers that have been la use at the Bee building. They are each 175-horsepower return tubular boilers. ! Inch diameter by 18 feet long. They have 1S8 C. I. tubes, t Inches byU feet. Work lug pressure 156 pounds per square Inch. Heat surface ltf.OOO square feet. Grata area 2'f square feet. We are very anxious to dispose ot these boilers Immediately and will sell at a bar- i, 11 1 .1 IS , a L A n a, n n& THtg Bh,fcJ BCILDINU COM f AN J. 17th and Farnam Sts- Omaha. Neb. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON, INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas, 60S N. Y. L. Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Pax ton Big. Tel Led 7117. HUFFMAN. 818 Neville Bids.. Book free. PERSONAL PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Bamarltao Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluifs, la. HOT-EN-TOT TWINS, the best on earth CORN Jelly will cure corns, ii&o, Haines Drug Co., low f arnam Bt. f A flltfTr.TTn treatment Mme. Smith, JlLauniilV (28 S. Uth Bl. third floor. A HOME for women during confinement. We find homes for babies where mother cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms, address Mrs. Martha A. Lee, 40J Bancroft tiL, Omaha. Neb. ruone Doug las lkL Hot-En-Tot Twins are a Hot sensation. MRS. AMES of Washington. D. C, mani curing and massage. 1724 Capitol Ave. MRS. RITTEN HOUSE, graduate of the Weltmer Institute ot Nevada, Mo., treats rheumatism, oonstlpatlon. paralysis, lum bago and all ehronio diseases; eieotrlo mas sage and baths. Room 80S, 4th floor Bos ton Btore Bldg.; elevator entrance UO S. uth bt, jiairway on Douglas Hu THE SALVATION ARMY solicit castoff Clothing; in taot. anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11 to St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4l6 and wagon win can. 'DR. tOQERS, private confinement home. n aiai ina at. lei. Douglas tzbo. MAGNETIC Treatments, , Bmmerlln Brott, uiit b. utn bt Doug. (188. Private confinement home. Mr. Dr. Kln ia.4 N. 84th. Tel.. Web. S5b, lnd. U-1K. LADIES wishing to obtain tbe latest dress cutting system. Learn cutting. Call SU NO. zbin bu i none, Douglas 7U12. house, but nothing was broken or mis placed. We returned to the parlor, a little cared. We had only been playlruj about an hour, when It seemed as If some one onened tha front door, walked Into ih. hall then ,iammed the door shut We went ,nl th bal1 10 'lntl 11 llent and de- eerteo. "That night, along about midnight. It sounded as If all the dishes In the cup- board bad began ta rattle. I rushed down stairs, only to find calm and quiet every- w here. We ware beginning to get genuinely scared. Next night, and for all the nights we stayed there, the noises seemed to get louder and more distinct Newspaper ra- porters, friends and even policemen came to watch with us, and always went away with pale faces and frightened eyes. We took turns at staying up and watching, and we always slept on our guns. - "Well, after we had been there a week we decided that we could stand it no longer and began to look for a house at once. Both the girls were on the verge of nervous prostration, my hair was white, while Bill was looking thin and haggard! we bad looked for a house for two day. In vain, when somebody suggested Tin Bee. I got one and we saw this little ad. he said, drawing out his purse and show Ing a little piece of paper which proved to be the ad printed above. "In two more days we were out of that haunted place au(j firmly believe that had It not been for that little want ad we would have had to stay there another week or so. in whlcl time the girls would have been a nervous wreck, and us boys well, we would have been Just as bad." AS GOOD AS THIS ONE! THIS PERSONAL tConttti ul.) OMAHA Stammerers Ins., Kamge Bld Hot-En-Tot Twins are com Inf. AN TONE knowing the present where abouts at James C Baliaid, who resided u Douglas county In 1S67. or any of hi? relatives, will plraee communicate wlta ti 821, care Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. WHfe.RH do you have your PREsiCRIP rro.NS FILLED? Ask VOur DOCTOlt !f t has confidence In SCHAFKR'S. HE know he can depend on our goods, and we want you to tsse advantage of our PRICES and We CALL FOR and DELIVER orescrlD- tlons without extra charge. THAT'S FAIR. WE WTLL call for. clean and adjust your phonograph for 11.60. NEBRASKA CYCLE! CO., Phones Doug. l&SU A-16H Cor. lfith and Harnev. IN 1KP7 I bnean to tesch that consump tion or any disease I could cure. I have a Rood many students today. 11.26 Is what they pay per quart. Prof. Johnson, 14th and f ets., south Omaha. STRICTLT private home during confine' ments; excellent care; babies adopted; trained nurse. 8518 Davenport St. , WOULD like to shar? prtrt of furniture car to vjo Angeles. Address l eift, care uee. PRINTING PHONE IND. A-2020 for (rood printing Lyni stadt Printing Co., loth & capttol Ave. HOLLAND Printing Co , 110 S. 17th St. HYATT A LONGACRE, PRINTEU8, 1708 Leavenworth St. Tel. Doug. 2547. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1SK8; prompt service; 8t our prices. 1.10 Farnam Bt. CANOE8TAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 1307. PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Ufs. BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. .HAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President. CITT FROPKHTY FOR 8ALB. 373, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 BARGAINS 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 3,3, 1718 Lake St.: 8 rooms, all modern, new. oak finish downstairs, hard pine upstairs, paving in and paid for, good lot, nice location, south front,, ready to move into. Cheap at 4,300. Can make very easy terms. See us about this. West Dodre St: Nearly new 6-room house, south front, east and south porches. large living room, oak finish that can t be beat, cherry trees, shrubbery, etc.; modern in every respect. Price reduced to 84.200 for quick sale. Easy terms. Will oonsider smaller house as part payment. Once seen you will fall in love with this hoime. 90th and California Sts.: 7 rooms and re ception hall, 4 bedrooms, paving both sides, oak finish downstairs and hard pine up stairs, built this year, windows In every closet, fine large rooms, sleeping porch. basement one ot best in city, with extra toilet. A snap at 85,500. Let us show you and you will be convinced. Close In and handy to High School, etc Look this evening or tomorrow at the bungalow at the northwest corner of 60th and Capitol Ave, Dundee, then come to our office before some one beats you to It. It has rooms, arranged Just as you want It, and will be ready to move Into In a couple or aays. uneapest bungalow in Dundee and lots better for the money. 84,200 will take it and we can make reasonable terms. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Both 'Phones. Ground Fl., N. Y. Life Bids. Save Your Money By buying that 6-room cottage at 3019 Charles St., with bath, toilet, city water, electrlo light, fine cistern, lots of fruit, house nearly new, near Harney car. Price $2,150. Reasonable terms. You can go see It any time. Payne, Bostwick &Co,, Bole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. SACRIFICE The fine 8-room modern home at 8838 Charles St., must be sold. Oak finish on rlrat floor; all modern conveniences; tile floor In bath room; lot 50x135 ft and paved street; only two blocks to car and about four blocks to St. Cecelia s cathedral. Pries reduced to $4,HS0. W. L SELBY, 436 Board ot Trade Bldg. Two Bungalows We have Just completed two fine bunga low cottages with five rooms each, can lo cated In the south part of the city and the other located at 86th and Franklin Sts. Don't fall to see these bungalows at once, as they ar beauties. You can have easy terms. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Bole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. $275 TO $375 LOTS WITH CITY WATER Located on "Webster Ave., between Kth Ave. and 27th St., close to where the new school will be built and within three blocks of car line; only a few left at these prices. Terms. $10 cash, $10 a month. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. " WHICH? Six Months' Rent or $150 Cash Payment t W offer an 8-room house with city water, gas, toilet, sewer, shade, brick walks, etc., lot 80x140, near lSth and Paul, for $26M): $1.V cash, balance monthly. It rents at $26 per month. Attractive 6-room cottage, new, modern, full lot, near 87th and Ames Ave. A bar gain at $2.3.5. Can arrange terms. Best T-room modern home for 82.600; full lot; south front; fine residence street and locality; half block from car; rental terms. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 483 Ranig Bldg. 16th and Harney Sts. 29th & Ames Ave. New t-room cottage, lecated on the south east corner of 2th and Ames Ave., modern exoept heat, all ready to move right In. Price $2,j0. Easy terms. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Bole Agents. Main Floor, N. Y. Life. MAKE ME YOUR BEST OFFER for the large corner lot with 7-room cot tage. modern except furnace, eouthweat corner of lb and Charles bis. W. 11 Griffith, 26i3 Chicago St. Tel. Doug. 4C68. 7 Rooms, $3,800 Strictly modern, practically new, 60-foot south front lot. on tunnel HI., near Sher man Av. Harrison 8c Morton CLOSE In. cottage, t large rooms, splen did condition; ba.Hi. bet new piumbing. Owner, &D7 Mason. FOR SALE-ONE OF THE PRETTIEST 8-room houses In Omaha, both out and In side; new and modern in every respect; hot water heat; Kouiitze Place, east front on Sherman Ave., beteen Wirt and "Spencer; $6 2a0. easy terms.- Inquire of G. F. Shep ard, 1W3 Wirt St. tl SU) BUYS lot and large building. 2430 Seward REAL ESTATE CITT MOPKRI V rOlt SALE. (Continued.) TO CLOSE AN ESTATE We Will Ten Lots at Auction To the Highest Bidder. Satisfactory Terms Can Be Arranged. These Lots Are in Good Location, from)ne to Four Block from Benson Street Car Line. Lots 1, t, 6 and 7, Block J CloyerdaAo; ar located at 48th and Parker Sts.; all these front on 48th St., Immediately south ot Parker Street. ... Lots 7 and 8, block 3; lot 1 and 8. block 6. and lots 1 and 2, block 7, Saunders & Hlmebaugh's Mount Pleasant addition; are lo cated from one to three blocks north of &0th and Military Ave.j Benson car line runs On Military Ays. Lot 3, west ft lot 4 and lot 6, block 83, Benson; consists of about acres In Benson, Including one 4-room cottage on north side of Mil itary road, one 8-room house, barn and chicken house on south side of Military road,' and two acres of bearing apple orchard. All this property will be sold at auction to the bljt bidder on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH, at 10 o'clock a. m., onn? north steps of tbe court house, 17th and Farnam Sts. For further particulars see D WIGHT WILLIAMS. Administrator, Business Office, Omaha Bee. HOMES WORTH OWNING Jlst and Mason, 8 rooms, modern except heat, nenrly new, 12.600; coxy home. Terms. 84th and Boyd. ( rooms, part modern; flL7n0; large lot, fruit, shade. Terms. Knap. I 22d and Seward, 7 rooms; modern except heat, oast front, $2,200. Rents 82S. Snap. 20th and Laird, 8 rooms; east front, rents $15, good condition, $1,400. Look. 85th and Jones, 7 rooms: 8 baths, SQUth front, strictly modern, new, $4,600. iHth and Charles, 7 large rooms; strictly new and modern, tiled bath, south front, paving paid, $5,000. Terms. Be quick. Owner leaving city must sell. HARWOOD & HARWOOD, A 4203. 416 Bee Bldg. Red 4204. 18 INVESTMENT One of the best close In rental proper ties In Omaha. Never vacant. It's loca tion Insures a good class of tenants, $9,000 $5,000 cash, balance long time at 8 per cent. This statement Is In noway over drawn. Let us show you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. OMAHA, NEB. New Cottage Home Just Completed We have Just finished In the south part of town two beautiful modern cottages and one bungalow. They have five good living rooms each, besides, closets, pantry, elegant bath room, with best of plumbing, and medicine cabinet, gas and electric com bination fixtures, good brick cemented cel lar, larva floored attic, with easy stairway. cemented sidewalks around each house. In fact everything right up to date. These cottages are built of first-class material, with splendid workmanship throughout. Will sell on easy terms. Price $2,700, $2,760 and $2,800. See us for further particulars. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sole Agents, Main Floor. N. Y. Life. Good Home e. ,., . , tFJVLEPST ZfPLFlEZ and two lots. Dodge SL, near Sfith. Prloe Aoou. HNAP. J. W. R0BB11 S, BOLE AGENT, 1802 FARNAM ST. NEW cottage, containing 4 rooms, one block from car, two blocks from school. $1,660, $460 cash. 6 per cent discount If sold quickly. If desired, will lease from buyer. L. 270, Bee. S-p-i-c-k S-p-a-n KEW, strictly modern 7-room home. Kith and Burt Sts., 4 rooms down stairs, three bedrooms and bath upstairs. Columns hall to parlor, double open staircase, onk and hard pine finish, furnace heat, nice lot. cement walks, close to public, parochial schools, churches and two car lines. Terms. $4,760. WALKUPLT 87S-78 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 3898. Bemis Park Home For immediate sale I offer my It-room home, whloh ia strictly modern, located at 1413 N. 84th St., for 6,0uu. if you want a horn see this. J. 11. FRANKLIN, Phones: Bus., Doug. 2628; Res.. Har. 41BL SUMMIT ADDITION-Lota $375 and up. Get circular. The Byron Reed Co.. 818 Uth St. FOR SALE- large, choic tots, fin lo. cation. CaU Webster iStf. FOR QUICK SALES Ht your farm and city property with us; we have more clients wishing to buy da. alrable places than we have for sale; w aiso nave cans ior some Iirst-cmss bouses and flats for rent. K. M. WRAY ft BROS., 610 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8407. $500 CASH; $15 A MONTH N. Uth St., on block Sherman Av. car 7-ROOM HOUSE, $1,700 A cheap home. Why do you pay rent NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 199. Omaha Neb. WE will sell you a good (-room house for $i,400 and let you pay for It at tli a month. ' How much rent have you paid In the last 10 years? Got anything to show (or It 7 NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bidg. Phone R.xl 1. OMAHA. NEB. i'OB quick returns. !-. your real estate for sale and exchange with me, no sale, no pay. W. W. Mitchell, Board of Trad Bidg., Omaha Nab. REAL ESTATE FARM AMU kiHUU UMJ FOR SALtl Colorado. SECTION Colorado land under the famous Standley Lake Irrigation system, within fony miles north of Denver In Weid county, ai d three mile east of good town on main Una Union Pacific railroad; every foot can be tilled and irrigated. For further particulars address Owner, U0O Wa lee rii., Denver, Colorado. TO RELINQUISH 20 acres northern Colorado land under dnch, one mile from county keai, railroad town. For part cu lms addi'ikS Orlty Lewis, Mitchell, Neb. Mew Mexico. 'v NEW MEXICO. (7 4K1 acres of land, fee title, accessible to railroad. Of this, compact body of 16.000 acres bears 76 million feet of white pine worth $8 per tbouaand at going prices. Re man. Ing 11.4sl acres is grazing land, much of which can be easily Irrigated. Eur terms. Price. $160,000. Direct from tha owners. Address K. H. SMITH, Beaver Dam, Wla-coiibln. REAL ESTATE m citt rtiopKRTT roa sale. (Oontlaued.) Sell RTAL ESTATE FARM AND HAACH LfllO VOR 4L (Continued.) Mow tan a. CHANCE OFA LIFETIME 87,000 acres Montana farm land In the Smith rlvef valley, about seventy-five miles east of Helena; only three rmms from the main line of the new Milwaukee coast extension. Proposed Junction point f.r new line to connect at Great Palls; land will double In value when construction starts. Abundance of water and water rights go with land. Lands are nearly all fenced and some Improvements. Similar laA only fifty miles dlftant on Great Northern soil from $76 to $100 per acre. Raw land along Milwaukee, a short dis tance east, sells from $20 to $30 per Acre. Can sell to Individuals In tracts of 80 acres or more, or will sell entire property to an Investment or development company at a very attractive figure. Prloe Of land for a very limited time Is $8 PUR ACRE. Terms, 10 per cent cash, 80 per cent In sixty days, balance on five years' Urns at 8 per cent C. II. GERBER, 619 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND OPENING UNDER CARKY ACT. Conrad-Valler project, Montana, 70.000 acres of fine, grassy prairie under Irriga tion. Drawing October 7, 1908. Must reg ister for drawing before October 7. You may register by power of attorney. For in formation and blanks write W. M. WAY MAN, Valler, Montana, or 1150 Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Hevraeaa. A FARM FOR YOU. 80 acres In Hall Co., adjoining city limits to Grand Island, 70 acres in crops; all fenced. 160 acres, Merrick Co., near Central City, all under plow: Improved. Priced rlfhc ISO acres In Lancaster Co., best L In the county; all under plow; well Improved; near Davey. We handle all kinds ot Trades. ' HARWOOD eV HARWOOD, 41$ Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. A BIG BARGAIN. 80-acre farm, no land better, on mil from Shelton. half mile from city limits and half mile from stock yards, else of lawn between 1,200 and 1,600 population. I'M buildings ar. good; carry $2,000 in- -mrance. This is a fine home for someone: also a good feeding point. If I can sell within the next 16 days, will take U6 per acre, as I am on a deal for more land. Writ me for particulars. J. J. O'Brien, tMielton, Neb. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY TRUSTEE, 8,8ti0 ACRK8 Banner county, Neb,, farm land. Borne under Irrigation. Sale date Ootober 8, 1900. This Is all good wheat, oats and alfalfa land and will be sold In tracts to the highest bidder. Special train service. Terms reasonable. Write C. M. Gruen ther, Trustee, Columbus, Neb., NOW, for run pariicuiaj-s." FOR BALE Under hammer at McCook. Neb.. Sept. 14. 340 acres nfie farm, good buildings, telephone, rural delivery, three miles irom juartiey. Address u. J. liich man, referee, Bartley, Neb. 46 BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, $20 Per acre. We own and centroi now acres of Chey enne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land now on the market. The heaviest Crop yielding county in xseorasxa ior n year. Write for folders and full particular. Agents wanted everywhere. Writ for our proposition at one. FUNDINGSLAND A BEVERSON, Land Brokers, SIDNEY. - - NEBRASKA. BARGAINS IN FARMS. Ten thousand aores alfalfa, winter wheat and corn land for sale In small and large farms. In Sherman, Buffalo and Custer counties. J, T. Campbell, Litchfield, Neb. FOR BALE 160 acres Improved farm, $ miles from Page, Neb., $60 per acre; for terms and description aaaress J. v. Has, voioraao -springs, uoio. IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE. A cood ImDroved farm t miles from town nearly all second bottom land; 80 acre under cultivation: good Improvements: Price, $20 per acre. Write for our large Bargain list. jigems wantea. Herman Springer Co., ttidney. Neb. FOR SALE A stock farm In western Nebraska; i:0 acres; will sell with or without 160 head ot cattle. Address Y-618, car Be. Oregoa. OREGON LAND Fruit farms, all slzes prices rsig Sing ere; go delightful climate; prosperous and energetlo neighbors, can on me ior paruouiar. C. II. GERBER, 614 Be Bldg., Omaha. ATTENTION bankers, farmers, mechan Ich, others; $76 gets you timber clatru with &,OUO,0UO to 10.000,000 feet timber worth from eD.Ou) to $1U,0u0. These are limited, so get in uulck, If you want one. Fruit, dairy, other farms for sale. Agents wanted Hoban, Buchanan Bldg., Portland. Or. at Dakota. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND Now Is the time to buy; we have 60.000 acres to select from; Hyde, Euily and Stanley counties; $13 to 118 per acre; write (or lists and maps. Feliand Realty Co., 681 Palace Bldg., Min neapolis, Minn. 100 ACRES, Lyman county, i miles to county seat, at s,zuv. write (J has. B. Wll son, Mondamln, la. WE HAVE 100 bargains near church and schools in farm lauds. Black soil 18 inches to three feet deep with clay subsoil. These lands are tributary to Gregory, the best town in the northwest. Raw lands In Trlrp. Mellette, Lyman and Stanley coun ties; also sell relinquishments. 'SyUAliB DEAL LAND CO.," Uregory, 8. D. Mention Omaha Be when writing. GO TO SOUTH DAKOTA. Writ us for our fist of bargains In Hyde nana, sully and Hughs counties; we go any day; fair. $13.26 round trip; crops are rine and land la advancing rapidly; don put It off. as you will pay more by delav easy terms. Dean-Andrews Co., 423 N. Y. Lire. Omaha. WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly mention ine uee. CITY PROPERTY rOB sALBs CConttnued.l. 2nd SALE IN SHULL'S 3d ADDITION $11,000 worth of property sold at our first sale, during the hot weather in August. Buy Close1 In $10 Cash$10 a Month ONLY TEN MINUTES' WALK TO THE COURT HOUSE SALE ON NOW COME TODAY In Shnll's Third addition, at 20th and Poppieton avenue. We are selling these choice, close in $575 TO $950 EACH Three streets are paved, paving tax paid in full, permanent walks are in, city water, gas and sewer. Within one niile of over $5,000,000 worth of new buildings that are now under way. Close In Real Estate Advances the Fastest Come at once and make your selection. Salesmen on the addition all day today, tomorrow and Sunday. DON'T PUT THIS OFF We will build for you if you pay cash for the lot "1 HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney Street REAL ESTATE 1 fwANCll ruAHD FARM AND roa sai.b (Continued.) -WyesalBC PARTIES wishing to loeate In any of the western states should first see the fine farming lands in the Golden Prairie dis trict of Laramie county. Wyoming 810 to $20 per acre. Write Allender k liaison. Carpenter, Wyo. REAL ESTATE LOANS tiro te II 0.000 mad Bromotlv. V. tX. Wead. Wsad Bldg., Uth and Farnam. tMA to SS.oAO on homes In Omaha, n itut. Real Estate Co.. lwa K. Y. Ufa. Lous, or A-8161 MONEY TO LOAN-Payn lavesment Co. FIVE) PER CENT MONSY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. GARVIN BROS.. 818 N. t. Life. 850 ta $200,000 on Improved property. NO delay. WANTED Cltr loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith 4k Co., 18JA Farnam . WANTED City loans. Peter Trust Co, PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO.. N. Y. Life Private money, $u to 86.000; low rat. SECOND MORTGAGB loan negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-18 First Nat l bank Bldg. Bell 'Phone, Douglas 8318. LOWEST RATES Bemis. Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED We Have Buyers for 6 and 7- room modern houses at right prices. Pay $600 cash, balance $26 per month. HVWATA LAND AND LOT UU Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phon Red I'M. OMAHA, NEB. WANTED TO BUY WANTKDfteveral carloads of fresh milk cows or springers. Dealer In Stat, let MS Bear irem you. Aiamuo eanuarj uairy Co., 1813 Farnam SL HOTEL WANTED Information of loca tion where building for rent or furnishings for sale with lease; prosperous Interior town, with good business for practical people. Address Y 623, car Bee. BEST price paH for td-hand furniture. stave, clothing. Vf. Rosenblatt. Tel. D. 640L GROSS' Loan Office, buy and sell old clothers. 801 N. Uth. B 336L STANDARD UPRIGHT PIANO. 'Phone Web. 8724. BE8T price paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 8071. BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays bejt prloe Id-hand furniture, clothes, etc D. 42ti6. 8DHAND shoes and COlthes. D. 2785. HIGHEST nrlces for furniture, etc. Bell's Fumltur Store, 40e DodgJi, Red 868L WANT 6-room cottar not sieeedln $1,600; pay $300 cash, balance monthly. Ad ores l sn. care Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Board and one or two fur nished rooms, connected, by young married couple; permanent; tootn working); must b within walking distance of down town and reasonable: prefer private family. Ad dress, giving location, price and particulars, w ui. care eee." WANTED About October X. by couple. 8 or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms; south exposure; Hansoom Park, Farnam or South Tenth car line; state rstjtal; references. Address A 428 Bee. WANTED TO RENT ISO acres. Will ?ay cash or grain rent. Must be In Doug as or Sarpy counties. Address M 417, car Dmaha Bee 1 WANTED Furnished room, with board. In quiet family; west end preferred; must b flrst-elaas. Address P 403. care Be. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Situation for young man at tending pharmacy school, to work for board and room; ha had axperlenc a salesman. Address Y 737 Bee. POSITION a collector, thoroughly ex perlenced and can roak good. Address ti N-401." WANTED By young man, place to work for board whll attending Boylea college. Both phones. BY YOUNG man in private family. Anv kind Of work from kitchen to stable or yard. References. F. Corarrubta. lit Farnam SL Tel. A -807.. RELIABLE, sober. German wants night watchman work. Tel. Harney 3877. THIRD year medical student wants po sition in drug store at nights from 1 to 13 p. m. Address J SV7, Be. LEGAL NOTICES FORT LOGAN. COLORADO, 8EPTEM ber 1, lSKJl. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received until 8 a. m., October 1st, 1900, and then publicly opened for the con struction of a third story on the kitchen addition to the Poet Hospital here. Blank forms for bidders, plans and specifications may be bad on application. United Stales reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals should b marked "Proposal for Third Story Addi tion to Hospital" and addressed to the Constructing Quartermaster. S4-4-8-U-18-18-32-36M FORT LOGAN, COLO., AUGUST 23, 180S -Sealed proposals in triplicate will be re ceived until 8 a. m. September 22, 1803, and then publicly opened for the remodeling of the pumping plant here, to be equipped for either steam or . electricity. Blank form for bidders, plans and specifications may be had on application. United States reserves right to aocept or re Jem any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envel opes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for remodeling pumping plant," and addraeaod to the Constructing Quarter mul.r. ASWts-ia-lir-4-S-tl-ia CITY PROPSERTT FOBS SALB8 (Contfruaed.) lots for Conservative Building REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Wtllard Scott et al to Mary T. Bren nan. lot 1 block 1. Brennan plao addition 4 H. C. L. Franklin and wif to R. W, aprague, lots 4a and 4112. fcJuwood addition , Elisabeth M. Shahan to P. J. Cree don A Bona, lot 33, block 1 and lota 18, 19, 30, 21, block 1 all Brlggs place addition , A. B. Alptrn and wlf to Robinson Wolf n. 48 ft. of lot ft, block 7, Blar bach's second addition United Real ttstate 4k Trust Co. to John O. Burger, lot t, block ; is, Kountse place addition Ernest Poppen and wife to Charles TOfl 8,000 4,000 S30 Lents, lot 8, block 8, Park Frt addition L800 O.e B. Aokerly to Harry M. Christie, part of lots 4-6-6-7, Block 8, Pull men place addition '. 1 Charles Horn and wlf to David T, Beans, lot 8, block 1 Crgiiton's first addition 8, TOO Martha M. Horslngton and husband to Mary Dougherty, w. 70 ft, lot L Forest Hill Park addition 4 Charles L. Betas et al to George C. Beals, building on n4 of s& ot lots 1-2-2 in e. iX, ft., of Biock ft Snlnn'a addition 1 Peter Isaacson and wife to Jacob lsaacsen, lots W-37-2S, block 8, W. L. Sebbey's first addition Frank J. Ogle to W. F. Crosby, lot S3 In Firestone stib-dlvlslon to fc Ills ton Park place addition Bessie A. Abel to Swan Larson, lot 823 (40 -&i-2x ana s. 10 it. of lot 33 In Sturgls place addition Bessie a. Abel to saan Larson, part 1,009 1 Of lot 18. tot 11 II IS Discs sddlllnn Victor Franson to "Garry A. Klnley. ftU. r.f I... .n ....... I .. I. Thomas Martin to George 8. CaU llns, s4 ot lot 14, b'ock 1( jum. mond place addition E. A. Wilts and wife to Clarence P. Swarm, lot 13, block 1, vandercook Terrace addition Hastings He) den to Alexander B. Colvert and wife, lots 17-18-li, In block 6, Fort Vlw Terrace ad. ditlon County Treasurer to H. P. Leavltt, lot 1, block 8, lot 3, block 3 and 080 600 S0 otner iota, KlverMde add.tlon , 6am to J. J. Wear, wVi, block 17, wui i igau piace secona saaltlon fiAm I It 'T ... . . ........ .. ........... ..... . u.n tuutunijf , lot , Mock 13 lot 1, b.ock 8 and other lots. Ambler place Same to same, lota 4-6-0-83, block 8, Highland View Same to same, lot 12. block 18, Wal nut Hill .?. Same to same, lot 11, block 10, Wal nut Hill and other lots Same to same, of lot 8, block sj. South Omaha Bame to same, lots 2-27, Kelley'a addition Bam to same, part lot 33, block -8. Baker place Bam to same, lot 4, block 34 and other lots, Albright's cholc Same to same, lot 4, block 1 and lot 13, block 6, Ambler place Same to same, lot L block 3, Gram mercy park Same to same, lot 3. Waugh gt Bal lard's sub-dlvlsion' , Bame to same, lots 8--l(l-17-l-20-2-34, block 1 and other lots, Hoffman ter rac Bam to same, lot 29, block 4, Savin- uer s iinnenaugn s addition Bam to same, lots 4 6-8-7, block 1 and other lots, Cottage place , .... Same to same, lot 3, block I, Conk- llng plac ., ; Total tut GOVERNMENT NOTICES CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S F2Ti Moines, Iowa, August 87T 1908 Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will b received her uhtil 8 p. m., standard tim. September 1$, 1SU, and then opened, for constructing a dead house at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Information furnished on application. Plans and specification will be sent to Intending bidder upon receipt of request accompanied by certified check for $6.00, which will be refunded when plan and specifications ar returned. Envelope containing proposals . should be endorsed. "Proposals for Dead House," and addressed Constructing Quartermaster, Fort fe Moines, Iowa. 81-3-8-4-lft-U F?.T 9AaN' COLOV SEPTEMBER 18T. 1908. Sealed proposals In trlpllcat will b reoelved until t a, m., October 1st, liotl and then publicly opened for the construc tion of an Isolation hospital her. Blank forma for bidders, plans and specifications, may be had on application. United Stato reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposal should b marked "Proposals for construction of Isolation hospital" and addressed (to tha Constructing Quartermaster. B4--8-U-l$-l-23-2S CAUGHT THEM ON THE S1Y Aasaelaaj aa Profitable Exaorleaa t Joker,, la Dry District. Over at Newaygo, near Big lUnlda. Mich., wher It lj so dj-y that the "boys" habitually "spit cotton," ther seems to b som mighty dry prohibitionists, ac cording to a atorr that comes from the desert. A Newaygo cltlsn recently received a Utter from a Kentucky whisky hous re questing him to send them th name of 4 dosen ar asor persona who would Ilk to get some fin whisky shipped to them at a very low price. Th letter wound up kg? saylng: "W wll glv you a commission on sJt th order sent In by parties who nam you send us." Th Newaygo man belonged to a practical-Joke class and filled In tha name ot som of hi prohibition friends on th blank spaces left for that purpose. H had forgotten all about his sup posed practical Joke when on day he re ceived another Utter from the asm hous. H supposed It was a request for mor names and w-as Just about to throw tha communication Into th wast basket when it occurred to him to send th nam of an other old friend to th whisky hous. He accordingly tor open th cnvolope, and cam near collapsing when he found a check for $4-W, representing his commis sion on the sal of whisky to the parties whose name he had sent In about threa weeks bef or. Detroit Fre Press. 1 8 1 a n i a Y ,d I I I rd lu ss p-