Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1909, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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    Fhe Omaha Daily Bee
The workingmaa is ts careful
what his daughter read as the
bauker. The llee Is In mot
very thrifty. aclf - respecting
PAGES 11 TO 10.
Boys' School Suits Cost Less at Dennett's
Every one of tbeae linn Itemized la new
made. This store eaves you money.
Boys Russian Knits, with pallor and military
collars; red, green, blue, tan, gray and fancies
t $2.00 to $5.00
Norfolk Rul to Pleated and double breasted
coats, knlckerbocker pants; 5 to 9 year sizes,
at 82.00 to s.VOO
Fall Clothing, honest materials, and well
Combination Bait Double breasted coats and
two pairs knlckerbocker pants; new fabrics
and shades; all sizes, $2.85 $3.50 f 4.00
and 95.00
Knlrkrr rants 8 to 16 year sizes, worth 75c
and $1.00, special KOs
Blouses 7Sc and 11.00 garments, for... 50
J Bay Diamonds at Bennett's i Finest display jJ
, J mounted and unmounted gems In the west.
20th Century Encyclopedia 8 Vols. $18, Value; $4.75
Just what every library needs. Late edition of
the 20th century encyclopedia, bought from
an Omaha subscription house; 8 volumes,
cloth binding, gilt tops, good paper, bold type;
every set boxed in wood. $18.00 Is regular
value. Nevw to our knowledge
at such a price before,
For the school, office and homo, nil under priced.
Webster's Htamlard llr Uonarhm. ,
Leather covered 91.40
Cloth covered 85
HiRh school edition ISOl?
College edition 25
Grammar school 10
School Supplies Nowhere elns so cheaply pries!
Correct Styles Men's Clothing-
IIIE Autumn clothes exhibit is ready and it's just as far in the lead as in other
Beaeons. Bennett's clothing stands for all that good clothing should be. Good
materials, good tailoring, etc Every suit we show represents the highest de
gree of tailoring excellence it is possible to produce at its price. "We buy clothes
from honest manufacturers whose product stands in highest esteem among the
leading clothes buyers of America.
It's bring-you-back-again clothing, not made for "Sales." Men who once
buv here rarely miss coming again each succeeding season. Our clothes are
fashionably cut, shape retaining a nd look well until worn out.
Our close dry goods profits Keep me cost to you mucn oeicw uie prevail
ing prices in Omaha. The newest fabrics, the leading shades for fall, are all rep
resented in the new lines.
$10, $15, $im, $20, $25
tfs52.u In Furnlshirig Goods Section
White Shirts from Bourke
Stock Well known Cluett
make. Full dress white
shirts, worth $1.50 and $2.00
also Monarch white dress
shirts, worth $1.00, for 50c
Soft Pleated Shirts Our en
tiro stock odds and ends of
$1.50 line, light and medium
shades, coat styles, at 89c
Dollar Shirts 59c A table
full of new fall shirts, all
sizes except 16; pleated ef
fects, worth a dollar. .59o
Sample Line Half Hose
Wilson Bros, fine imported
fancy lisle half hose, entire
sample line, 50c goods; 150
dozen on sale at 19c
Six pairs for $1.00
75c Balbriggan Underwear,
mostly large sizes .... 29X5
Men's New Fall Hats
Ready now with the correct blocks
in stiff or soft hats, in black and the
new shades.
Stetson hats are at their best
here ; there 's a representative showing
of this well known line.
Whatever your likes you'll find
the hat that strikes your fancy at Ben
nett 'js.
The variety is broad enough that
all can be fitted with a becoming
$2.00, $2.5$, $3.00 to $5.00
Another Great Sale New
25c 35c and 50c Kinds 10c
Ws have hundreds of piece In this pur
chase all the new fall affects In all the
beat colors, secured at practically our own
pries. They go on the tables now for the
first time. No finer Yelling bargains
were ever made. No remnants, no sec
onds, but all new, fresh lots including
Bewlnr Silk Veilings, Mesh . M
and Chiffon Veilings. Che- fl B
nllle Dot Veiling, Russia N I 9J
Net Veilings. Magpie Veil. II If II
lngs. Plain Mean Veilings, JL V J
all colors, worth to 60c, at
Made Veils
If s going to bs a great season for them.
Ws now have complete stocks at prices
nowhers else so attractive.
AUTO YXXM Of chiffon with hemstitched
end a. Can be worn with or without hat.
Newest novelty shown. Gray, pink, sky
white, champagne, ravy, brown, green,
roas and black; fl.tO everywhere, Jgg
long, black and colors, values 76c; our
pries 48o
LAOS YXXUi Exquisite new bordered
ideas, new Imports for fall
each... ...8o up to 18.00
XVAJtGrB KXBX TZEUBTOfl Spangled and
plain nets, colors and black
yard BOo to $1.80
BK Wnf O SXX.X SCAB.T8 Two yards Ions;,
satin border all around, 12 inches wide,
leading colors, actual $2.00 SI
values iI. J
&AOB OOUAJtS Narrow and wide widths,
fine Venlae and Baby Irish effects at,
each BSo to SS.00
XJtOU OOAT SETS Pall llne..7Sc to $1.60
HAJ&KOW B.VOXXDTO All colors, 60c line,
at 6o
the sale of Ribbons
Bargains from Bew Tork Auction.
16c Silk and Satin 4-lnch Ribbons, all col
ors lOo
25c Satin Taffeta, Messaline and Moire 6
Inch Ribbons 15o
16c Mesaallne Ribbons, 4-lnch, all colors,
for ISo
60c and 76o 811k Floral Ribbons, 6-Inch,
for 36o
1.00 Satin Stripe Moire Ribbons, 6-lnch,
for BOo
framed pictures
Just for Saturday A variety of new
subjects for parlor, dining room,
bed room, etc, all artistically framed
in gilt and oak finishes mrm
many shapes and sixes, S IO
values to $1.60, for
Fall Suits and Dresses
1 f '' 1
'&A-l' ill
TFTEIl all the one place that serves you best in
women's apparel is Bennett's. We sell the best
garments made in America at prices you know
to be reasonable and fair. We avoid the cheap,
ill-fitting mistakes of uncertain manufacturers.
There's character and tone and true value to
every suit. Saturday you'll find Fall lines at
their very best.
Smart Semi-Fitted Suits In pure all wool, hard twisted
worsteds long 45-inch, plain tailored, satin lined coats
and pleated skirts, all colors $19.50
Skinner Satin Lined Suits of broadcloth, worsteds and wide
wale diagonals, highest class materials, style and tailoring;
equal to most $35.00 lines $25.00
Tailored Princess Dresses We show scores of chic new
styles, beautifully fitted garments of tricot, serge, Pan
amas and broadcloths, in new Moyenage effect on sale
at.... $13.50, $15.00, $19.50 and $25.00
Long Silk Coats Black taffeta, semi- fitted, 50-inch coats;
variety of new models $17.50 and $22.5
Children's Dresses for School Wear
Girls' Dresses, of cadet, navy and shepherd check
percale; 6 to 14 years; made as neat and perfect
as you yourself would make them $1.25
Girls' Plaid Dresses, of Toil du Nord and Anderson
gingham, new French dresses and Buster Brown
effects $2.25, $2.75 and $3.95
Percale and Galatea Dresses, plain and dotted, full
pleated skirts, 2 to 6 years, for 59c and $1.00
Girls' Reefers All wool cheviots, navy, cadet, red,
green and checks, 6 to 14 years; $9.50 values, on
sale at $5.00
Women's New Coat Sweaters Complete line is
ready; all the correct styles, in red, gray, white,
etc, all pure wool, at $2.50, $3, $5 $6.95
Women's Tailored Waists White and striped
madras waists, pleated and with laundered collar
and cuffs $1.25
White all linen Tailored Waists, plain, pleated and
some hand embroidered, $2.25, $3.75 $4.50
Women's House Dresses Fall materials, black and white.
Shepherd's check fleeced materials and navy, cadet and
light stripe percales 1.25
iii .
$ WJL'''Hi f Vil li
Flannelette GownsA Dollar
We feature dollar gowns because we have better
than usual dollar quality. Ours are made of heavy,
soft, fluffy Teazledown, with silk herringbone
trimmings, with yokes; pretty
stripe effects, also plain white.
Vou'll find them the best
you have seen, at, each ....
Your Boys' School Shoes
Be sure of their quality when you buy
them. Toor shoes are high priced at any
figure. Bennett's shoes for boys are all
solid leather, the kind that will 6tand the
hard knocks. Let us fit your boy to a new
pair tomorrow. You'll save money, too.
linv.' Velonr OaJf. box Girls' Ylct Shoes; blu
calf and ricl shoes:
heavy and medium
weights. slz tt to 6;
pair $2.50
Boys' Satin Calf and box
calf shoes; lace and
blucher styles, SMi to
6, at $2 and 81.50
cher and button styles;
light and heavy soles,
all sixes, at ..$1.50
Girls' Via Shoes, In but
ton, lace and blucher;
best of quality, pair,
at S2.50 nd $2.00
Drugs. Toilets, Lowest Here
Lana Oil and Buttermilk
Soap, box 104
Le Trefla Talcum. 16c
box 9
Newport Sea Bait, 7-lb.
sack 10
Ingram's 25c Velveola
Powder 15
Colgate's Ribbon Tooth
Paste 105
Isbell's Lilac Hand
W'hltener 20
Robs Water and Glycer
ine, 4 os 15t
Fountain Syringe, two
quart uOc
Beef, Iron and Wine.
76c size 55
Horllck's Malted Milk.
$8.75 Blxe ....$3.23
No Cure, No Pay corn
cure 18
White Pine and Tar
Cough syrup' . . . . 20?
8 Be box Beldllti powders,
for 20
Fellows' Byrup Hyphoe-
Phltes $1.34
Farafflne. lb 15
86c double sheets Tangle
foot fly paper ..35
Women's Hand Embroideried Sample Hosiery si2rs at 35c
Doable S. A H. Green Stamps in These Departments Saturday.
HOSIERY Saturday's best sales. Entire t&mple line of house
samples and drummers' samples of fine imported, hand embroid
ered lisle hosiery from one of N. Y's. greatest dealers. Hundreds
of kinds blacks and all colors; very beautiful CEZ
effects worth up to $1.25; on sale for the first CJtiC
time now
Fine Lisle Hosiery A half price lot. Imported lisle hose secured at 60o on
the dollar; all first quality, with double sole and high splloed heels; in shades
now In most demand, pink, tan, lavender, canary, peach,
hello, etc., all 60o goods, on sale, at swell
Women's Mercerised Hose In black and tan; full seamless, excellent 80s qual
ity. Buy a supply now, at . 12 M
Hoys' School Stockings Good weight, strong and durable regularly sold for
19c, as a flyer for Saturday 12tt
Misses' Cotton Stockings Imported; light and medium weights 25c quality,
Saturday, at 10
GLOVES Buy Fall gloves now. Exceptional purchases, some
from auction bring valuer rarely duplicated.
Women's Two Clasp Kid Gloves Very fine, soft and pliable goods, regular
11.00 values; tan, brown and red; ?Q
per pair, at
Extra quality gloves; two clasp; regularly retailing at 11.60; In tan, brown
or red, Saturday, for 89
Men's Fall Gloves Adler's, Rutland and Tryon $1.50 Gloves, pair. . . .Q5
renin's Gloves for Men Broken sizes from Bourke stock; $2.26 values,
Saturday, for ..81.29
Fall weights now ready, nicely made
and finished; vests and pants at 50
Women's fleeced vests and' pants, 35c
values, for 25
Fleeced vests and pants, all sizes, 60c
values, for -39
Children's fall lines vests and pants,
all sizes 25 I
Women's pure linen initial handker
chiefs, 8 Ho quality 5
Women's pure linen hemstitched em
broidered handkerchiefs, 2 6c value,
at 15
Men's pure linen initial handkerchiefs.
15o values IO
Spalding foot ball goods
Complete lines now on sale in sporting goods
For Hunters 10 gauge shells, smokeless powder,
per box, Saturday 45
Hunting coats $1.00 and upward.
10 per cent saving on all shells at Bennett's.
RoUer Skates tor sidewalk, $1.26 kind, at . . . .95
6c Wash Tubs . . .80c 20c Water Pails . . .15c
79o Wash Tubs . . .49c ' 25o Water Palls . . .17c
8c Wash Tubs . . .60c 80c Water Palls ... 10c
$1.60 Garbage cans 08c $1.76 Garbage cans 91-35
WASH BOILERS Tin boilers, copper bottom, 40
stamps with any, up from 90
All copper boilers, 80 stamps with any, over $3.00
86o Flour bins. Japanned , . .59
, 76c Bread boxes 49
16c Meat cleavers 10- and 10 stamps
Scrub Brushes IO-10 stamps
High grade stove pipe 10
Saturday for 50c Corsets
Suitable corsets for young growing girls, misses
and women. School corsets, regular and long hip
girdles. Also a longer and higher bust corset for
snore developed figures, and a complete range of
medium, long and extreme lengths
for medium and tall figures
batiste or coutll models
with supporters, for
Our Candy Day
Don't forget to take home a box of these splendid
candles. They are made specially for us, by the
Balduff Pure Candy Co., and are absolutely fresh.
ApoUo Maple Creams,
40c quality, f
pound, Alt.
Bennett's special choco
late creams, m
60c quality
Fresh Dressed, per pound.
Saturday's great underprice list of specials.
Porterhouse Hous4 at .
Bteak, per ID...I62C
Sirloin Steak lOli
per pound lsJ;C
Chuck Bteak, 9 IK 0C
special ... .3 IU ZDC
Rib Roast; rolled, bones
removed f A
per pound 1UC
Veal Chops,
per pound . ,
Lamb Chops,
shoulder, lb
Veal Roast,
lb. 0c and . .
,d fc. 7o J.
Pot Roast, very choice,
pound 8c, 7o
Veal Stew,
per pound
Lamb Shoulder 7'l
Roast, lb llC
Lamb Stew, q 1
per pound ...... .0iV
MorreU's Iowa Hams-
selected, well
trimmed, lb. .
Cndahys Bacon,
pounds on sale;
pound strips, by
the strip, lb. . . .
6 to 7
Fruits and .Vegetables
Strictly frssn supplies daily. Band us your ordsr.
Prompt deliveries.
for ,
Grapes, horns frown, c
basket. 40
California Tokay
Grapes, lb
Bed Beets, three
Carrots, Turnips, eA
Parsnips, lb
Jersey Sweet Potatoes,
Cooklns Apples,
peck ,,
Groceries for Saturday
A great list of unusual specials. We save you
money on almost everything.
Bennett's Beat Coffee, t lbs.... SI 00 and
Bennett's Best Coffee, 1 lb 3Bo and
Bennett's Teas, assorted, lb a 80 and
Bennett's Tea Sittings, lb ISo and
Bennett's Grape Fruit ate,
sherry flavor 40o and
Golden Harveat Bird Seed, pk...18o and
Qalllard Olive Oil, large bottle. .. .700 and
Snlder's Tomato Catsup, large can.SOo and
Strait's Pineapple Cubes, large can. BOo and
Boyle's Horseradish Mustard, Jar lao and
Hartley's Marmalade, jar 800 and
Mignonette Peas, S cans ttflo and
Yankee Corn, 2 cans., BSo and
Chocolatlna, per can loo end
Keystone Lye, I cans lOo and
Bkat Hand boap, S for ...BSo and
Sterling Uloas Starch, 8-lb. pkg. . . .B3o and
Orange City Rusk, 3 pkgs BSo
Eddy's French Mustard, jar 10 and
, Hurnbam's Clam Chowder, t cans.. BSo
H. J. Helns Chow Pickles, qt 860 and
H. J. Helnx Sour Mixed Pickles, qt.30o and
Cheese, full cream, lb BOo and
Bennett's Capitol Oats, pkg Ho and
French Cut L.oaf Sugar, pkg 85o and
Jap Klce, 4 lbs 860 and
Yacht Club Salad Dreuslng, bot .BSo and
Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder.
6 lbs. S1.0O and
CR ACKKRS JuBt received large quantity ot
Iten's Tourist and Graham Crackers, fresh and
crisp; per package. Including 10 stamps ,..104
BUTTER Dennett's Capitol creamery, the fin.
est produced; full pound bricks, special
Diamond 8. Chill Sauce, bottle, 1J and 10 stamps.
loo stamps
80 stamps
60 stamps
20 stamps
20 stamps
10 stamps
H stamps
10 stamps
10 stamp
10 stamps
20 stamps
10 stamps
10 stamps
10 stamps
10 stamps
10 stamps
20 stamps
10 stamps
20 stamm
20 stamps
10 stamps
10 stamps
10 stamps
20 stamps
10 stamps
100 stamps
Jeace Promoter of Hnfe Type Near
in; Completion.
Voortrn-Iarbi Bre-kder tor
Amrrlraa Navy Will Have
Hun of Twsair-rive
Advices have been received at Washing
ton to the effect that the giant H-lnch
breech-loading gun being built at the
works of the Mldvala Steel company of
Philadelphia for the Navy department, and
v.blch when completed will be the largest
and most powerful naval weapon In the
world, will be delivered toward the end of
September. If the delivery Is prompt Us
official tests may be conducted at the
naval proving grounds at Indlaa Head,
aid., In October or November.
There 1m a great ls-mch gun at Beady
Houk proving grounds, built under the
aueplcea ot the -ordnance department of the
ajmy tbuut eight years ago. aad from
which only a few shots have been fired. It
le the largest In the world today. . Thir
teen. 14 and even llncb guns have bees
built la some foreign navtes, but that was
years Mow before modem rdaaoo
reached anything like the excessive pres
sures and temperatures such as arc used
in the modern 12-inch weapons using cor
dite or smokeless powder. When thj 12
lnch gun came Into fashion as a more
powerful weapon than the old 13-Inch gun
of our own navy and the UH-lnch gun
of the old Royal Sovereign class of battle
ships In the BrttisU nejr, the construction
of the larger elsed bore oeased.
Comparative 8 lees.
The. contract for the 14-Inch gun was
swarded to the Mldvala company in Jan
uary of this year, and the award requires
Its delivery within forty-two weeks, or by
November t. ISO). Rapid headway has
been mads with the gun, which is now
very aearly completed. The gun itself will
weigh CXI tons, or ten tons more than the
11-Inch guns of tt-eaJlber length that have
been built for the battleships North Da
kota and Delaware. The new gun will be
about sis tons heavier than the latest type
ot tO-callber 12-lnch guns intended for the
Arkansas and Wyoming. Its total length
will be fifty-three and one-half Test, or
three more feet. longer than the latest 12
lnch gun. The capacity ef the chamber of
the now gun will bo 2kM2 eublo tncaes, this
being the eotnportmsnt in which there
will bo placed the cbarg of M pounds of
smokeless powder, which it is estimated
will bo required to discharge the powerful
now projectile, weighing 1.400 pounds,
which the new gun will fire. The weight
of the pro)eeUlea now used In the big 12
inch guns of the American navy is 170
pounds. That of the British 12-lnch guns
is 2G0 pounds, and of the German 11-Inch
guns of Krupp manufacture, 3fl0 pounds, so
that the shot projected from this new
American 12-lnch gun will weigh (30
pounds more than the most powerful 11
Inch gun now in the service of the Ameri
can fleet on the target grounds below the
Virginia capes. Stated another way, the
new shell weighs more than half a ton and
will be as tall as a man. After It is fired
the shell will travel a distance of 642 Inches
within the bore of the gun. There the
grooved rifling of the gun will Impart a
rotating motion, which will make the shell
spin around rapidly on Its flight through
the air and prevent the huge projectile
from turning on end and losing its force.
Skcll'e Speed Half Mile Seeood.
This new 14-Inch gun will have an ex
treme range of over twenty-five miles, al
though the range at which it would fire in
actual battle would be about 9,000 yards,
or five miles. The range of naval battles
has more than trebled since the Spanish
American war. Then It was thought that
battles on the sea would bo fought at
1,900-yard range. Quns were butlt accord
ingly. All heavy American naval guns are
now built powerful enough to engage the
enemy at five miles distance. The LjO
pound ah ell from this new gun will leave
the muscle of the weapon at a rate of
2,800 feet per second of time and Its muxxle
energy will be S&.fcM-foot tons. This is
about 1X000 more foot tons of muxxle en
ergy than that designed for the latest 12
injh guns, and about 22,000-foot tons more
of musale energy than that of the 4&-callber
12-lnch guns now In actual service on the
target grounds. 80 great la the penetra
tive power from the new 1,400-pound shell
when fired with a full load of 266 pounds
of powder from the new 14-lnch gun that
the projectile will be able to penetrate 22.7
Inches of the latest Krupp steel armor at
the mussle. This would be equivalent to
a penetration of not less than twenty-five
Inches of Harvey nickel steel at the muxxle.
Baltimore Sun.
Real French Wines fros
The French government is considering a
plan whereby It can guarantee French
lns to be as represented. It Is generally
known that an Immense quantity of cham
pagne In sold that never saw the cham
pagne district. Similarly, wines are auld as
Bordeaux or Uurgundv, which come from
vineyards In leos famous districts.
It is a punishable offense to misrepre
sent the origin of wines, but the law Is fo
often evaded that the government has de
cided to put Its stamp on every bottle, cer
tifying l'a genuineness. The plan Is re
garded as entirely feasible, for the offi
cials who lnxpect the bottles to see that
f Toper tax Is paid can attend to the label
ug. New York World.
Process of Civilisation.
'"Why do we send missionaries to the
savages V
To civilise them."
"What sood does that do them?"
"It educates them out of habits of idle
ness." "And what thenf
"They go to work."
"What do they work for?"
"To become prosperous and rich."
"What good does prosperity do them?"
"It procures them leisure and comfort."
"Which was what they had before you
started stirring them up. What's the ueT"
Cleveland Leades
Not Slna-le Bad Accident Recorded
at the Late Aviation Meet
t Rhelms.
A remarkable feature of the International
aviation meet at Rhelms is the fact that
the week closed without a single fatality
or serious accident. Compared with the re
cent automobile races this record Indicates
that It la eaftr to ride In the air than it Is
to sped on land. At the Indianapolis races
there was a loss of seven lives and the
Brighton Beach races ended with two fa
talities. Only one life has been lost in a power
driven air craft thus far. That one death
occurred at Fort Myer last September when
Lieutenant Thomas Selfrldge was killed In
the Orvllle Wright accident. Both Llllen
thal and Pllcher lost their lives in experi
menting with gliders, and Israel Ludlow
suffered a broken back. It Is also a fact
that accidents in submarine navigation
have been far greater than In aerial flight.
The Increase in skill manifested by the
thirty-five aviators at Rhelms is also re
markable. It was thought a very short
time ago that only a Wright could operate
a Wright machine. But the progress of
the last few months has dispelled that no
tion. Thus Roger Sommer began trials
on July S at Chalons and on Auerust 7
wnsltd from Wilbur Wricht the laurels
gained by the latter In his recent flight
December 21, when he remained in the air
2 hours 20 minutes and 23 seconds. Sommer
flew 2 hours 27 minutes and 15 seconds. He
used a Farman biplane.
At Rhelms Paulhan, another newcomer.
In a flight of 82 miles took the record from
Sommer and held It for one brief day,
when Latham, another comparatively new
aviator, snatched It in a flight of K miles,
to be overshadowed the next day by Far
man, who made a record of 112 miles by
remaining In the air 3 hours 4 minutes M
Latham was practically unheard ot until
this summer. ' He quickly came Into gen
eral notice on account of his daring. Rather
than disappoint his spectators he took, all
sorts of chances and braved all conditions
of winds It was his attempt to cross the
English channel that gave him worldwide
Paulhan. who is 21, first Interested him
self In heavier than air machines about
two years ago on the occasion of an aero
plane model competition, in which his
model won the prize, a Volstn aeroplane.
The young mechanlo was unable to afford
a motor with which to drive the machine
and he Intrusted it to the care of the Vols
sln brothers. A few weeks ago he ob
tained a Gnome motor and at the first at
tempt flew S00 yards at Bar-sur-Aube. On
July 1 he mads a flight at Doual and rose
to 160 feet, beating Wilbur Wright's record
for height.
Less than one year ago a right of one
hour was regarded with wondor. Orvllle
Wright, at Fort Myer, on September , J'JOJ,
was the first aviator to remain aloft for an
hour. He mads a record of 1 hour and I
minutes. On September 21 Wilbur zooeded
this record by a flight of 1 hour and 81
seconds. A list recently compiled for ths
Aero Club of America shows that within
less than a year the have been thirty,
nlno flights or more than one hour In dur
ation. New York Sun.
Toronto's Street Car Irri.
MflVnr T MSanVi mi.,A. m ,
contributed an aTtlr-h, o th.niaT Cl7y
Mars symposium 011 street railway sys
tems, their fares, public obligations and
payments to municipal treasuries. Mayor
Oliver writes that In his city the traotlon
company pays into the publlo ooffers 1800
a ml e of inle track and 11,600 a mile of
double tra- k and a percentage of the gross
receipts from passenger farea. freight es
Pi . s and mall rates, and all other Sources
of revenue derived from trafflo. Single
cash fares are 6 cents each, with practically
un united tiansfers. Fares on cars nxnnlng
betwe.n midnight and 6:30 a. ra. are double
tlie day rates. IteKUlar day tickets are
sold at for 25 cents, or twenty-five for
11. Limited tickets, to be used only be
tween 6:30 and 8 a. in. and between I and
V; V Bold ut ellu tuT ' ont
ilikets good at any hour on 8unday and
during limited hours on other days are sold
at the rate of seven for 2i cents. Children
under S years of age and school children
of all ages are carried for half fare.
Didn't Wear 'Km.
Jimmle. giggled when the teacher read the
story of the Human who swam across ths
Tiber three times before breakfast.
"Vou do not doubt a trained swimmer
could do that, do you, James?"
"No, sir," answered Jlminle, "but I won
dered wny he didn't make It four and set
back to the side his clothes were cu.''
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