The Omaha Daily Bee WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Tartly cloudy For Iowa lncrpnsinK clondtnpM. For weather report see pane 3. NEWS SECTION PACES 1 TO 10. VOL. XXXIX-NO. 75. OMAIIA, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBKR 11, 1 909 TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. 4 WALL STREET BEAKS-ROUTED i Attempt to Raid Harriman Isiuei and Depress Market Results Disastrously. Supervisors for FUNERAL OF BUFFETS HARM Census Taking In Big Cities E. II. HARRIMAN EAGLES' ORDER Family Serrioe Will Be Held at Grand Secretary Mann Warns His Arden Home Sunday Morning at Ten O'clock. Society on the Management , of Club Bars. Willard E. Hotchkiss of Northwestern University Has Charge of Work in Chicago. SHORTS SCRAMBLE TO COVER HOLY COMMUNION AN HOUR LATER MANY AERIES RUINED BY FOLLY 5i 11 ft r a Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Are Bid Up Rapidly. BANKERS PROTECT THESE ISSUES Xuhn, Loeb & Co. .and City Bank Interests Act in Unison. GOSSIP AS TO SUCCESSOR Hankers Will Direct the Financial Affairs of tbe Bin; System and Operations Will Be Divided Among; Chiefs. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Two beliefs con cerning the death of Edward H. Harriman came to be accepted as facts today: First. that hlii great railroad organisation will not be disturbed; second, that hs was a victim of cancer. That the financial world had thoroughly discounted the great man's death and dis sipated all (far of a panlo was attested by one of the most remarkable scenes In the , history of the New York Stock exciiaiigv. There, instead of a downward movement of stocks, a sensational and spectacular ad vance occurred, while In London and Berlin railroad and Industrial securities showed unusual strength. In all quarters, para doxical as It may seem, the so-called Har riman stocks were strong, and those of a speculative turn who "went short" on the theory that heavy declines would follow Mr. Harrlman's death, suffered consider able losses. The Kuhn-Loeb and National City bank Interests will continue to act as the chief financial agents for the Harriman lines, but Just who will assume the head of his vast affairs Is a matter of specula tion. Division of Work. It is generally understood that Jacob H. Schlff and Judge K. S. Lovett will divide between them the running of the complex organisation built .up by . Mr. Harriman, while others whose shoulders will bear part of the burden are Julius Kruttschnltt, vice president of the Southern Pacific and director of' maintenance and operation of the Harriman lines; Frederick 15. Under wood, president ot the Erie; John C. Stubbs, the trafflo manager of the Harriman lines; L. F. Lores, president of the Delaware Y Hudson; William F. Hsrron of San Fran cisco and William Hood, chief engineer of - the Southern Pacific Tributes to Mr. Harriman were expressed by men of note all. over, the world today. The flag of the New York, Stock exchange was half-masted, as were those on most of the large banking Institutions. Tbe Har riman offices In the city hall will remain closed until Monday. On that day a meet ing of the board of directors of the Union Faeirto and Southern Paolflo railroads will likely be held. The following statement was given out at the Union Pacific offices In this city today: t "The report published today . that Mr. Harriman died at 1;30 p. m. la absolutely untrue. "He died . at J:3S p. m., as was Imme diately announced both at Arden and at 120 Broadway. "Mrs. Simons did not arrive until after his death and authorises me to deny that aha Intended to make any statement fixing the time. "W. O. LYLE. took Market Active. Wall street's response today to the death of E. H. Harriman was a buoyantly strong stock market, in which securities made sen sational gains and held them to the end. The volume of business was enormous- well over 1,600,000 shares and to this vast amount the better known Harriman stocks, namely, Union Paclflo common and South ern Paolflo alone contributed over one-third, while other properties in which the late magnate was more remotely Interested added probably as much more to the sum total. The day resulted In a complete rout k of the short Interest, which was prob ably more extensive than even the best Informed had Imagined. Even before the opening here It was evident from the tone of American securities in London that the strongest support was forthcoming. Initial prices In New York dispelled all doubt with advances In practically all Is sues, though the Harriman stocks were the lesders. Shorts Scramble to Cover. The Union Pnclfic and Southern Pa- clflo trading posts were the center of at traction and the enormous buying of both stocks soon caused a hurried scramble to cover. There was a brief session of an opening price, but before the end of the first hour, semi-official announcement was made that the Kuhn, Loeb-Clty bank "Interests were acting. In unison" and this gave the market another uplift to a level well above opening price. By this time the bears were In a state of utter demoralisation and there was talk later In the day that a number of private settlements had been made by over-extended shorts. While the Harriman stocks were soaring Wall street was teeming with rumors, some' of which .hinted at m contest for control of the Union Pacific road. None took these rumors very seriously, but con siderably more attention was paid to per sistent rumors that J. P. Morgan at Co. were buying heavily of Union Pacific shares and that arrangements for taking a tnamber ot the Morgan firm into the Union pacific executive committee were already completed. None of these stories was either denied or confirmed in authoritative quarters. Hauls Pace Maintained. The market's rapid pace was maintained to the end and at the close the extent of the short covering was estimated all the way from SOO.0C to 600,000 shares. There Is little doubt, however, that no small part of the day's operations represented buying of an Investment character. fio official statement was Issued by the the day relative tboae properties. touch with the for the statement ins of construction and development would go steadily for ward. Meetings of the Union Paclflo and South ' (Continued on Second Pag-) " H Harriman officials during I to ths future policy of but banking Interests In l situation were authority J that Mr. Harrlman's pli BEVERLY. Mass., Bept. 1ft A number of the big city census supervisors were an nounced today by President Taft and the list of the higher officials of the thirteenth oensus Is rapidly being completed. Only about twenty-three apjolntments remain to be definitely decided. Chicago, Brook lyn, Philadelphia. Milwaukee. Pittsburg and other large centers of population were Included In the list made pontic tonight. Among the cities where appointments are yet to be made are New York, Washington and Cincinnati. The office of supervisor In the cities such as New York, Chicago and Philadel phia is an exceedingly lucrative position, for In addition, to a salary the supervisor gets an allowance for every name enumer ated above a certain number. He also has the disposition of an Immense amount of patronage In the selection of enumerators. Among today's appointments were the following: Illinois, First district, Chicago and Cook oounty, Willard E. Hotchklss. Kentucky, Fifth district, Louisville, Jona than Duff Reed. Before leaving for Washington tonight Dl rector of the Census Durand declared that the men selected for supervisors In the last cities were typical of the character and standing of the supervisors selected throughout the whole country. Mr. Hotch klss, who will have charge -of Chicago and all of Cook county. Is bead of the depart ment of economics at Northwestern uni versity and has also recently established a school of commerce, a branch .of the University of Chicago. Allen H. Wtllett, named at Pittsburg, Is a professor of po litical economy and statistics In the tech' nlcal schools there and formerly held I similar chair at Brown university. Children Burn by Father's Act Three Out of Family of Eleven Dead Because Gasoline Stove Was Filled with Burner Lighted. ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. lft Three of the eleven children of Robert A. Walsh were burned to death today In a fire which de stroyed hia summer cottage ataWhite Bear lalfe. Other members of the family were severely Injured in the blase which fol lowed an . explosion of a gasoline stove which the father was attempting to fUl while one of the burners was lighted. ..The dead! . CONSTANCE, months old. ROBERT, 4 years old. JOHN, S years old. William, I years old, another son, was terribly burned about the head, arms' and cheat In an heroic attempt to save his little brothers and sister, who were sleep ing In the second story of the cottage. Sarah, an older daughter, was also burned about the arms, and Mr. Walsh was also severely burned. Six of the children, in. eluding those dead, were sleeping on th second floor and were Imprisoned by th flames, which quickly spread after the ex plosion. Too Much Wind for Aeroplanes 1 Flights at Brescia Are Postponed and Spectators Threaten to Mob Sheds. BRESCIA, Italy, Sept. 10. There were no aeroplane flights today, owing to the high wind. The crowd which had gathered in the aerodrome had become indignant be cause no flights were made and threatened to invade the course. Cavalry and car bineers charged the people, fearing that 'an attack would be made on the aeroplane sheds. The committee finally placated the people by Issuing a notice that today's tickets would be good for tomorrow's ex hlbltlon. Among the visitors of Glenn H. Curtlss, the American flyer, was Puoclnnl, the com poser, and Gabriel D'Annunslo, the author. D'Annunzio expressed his desire of flying to experience the sensation, as the hero of his next novel Is to be an aviator. Pucclnnl said that "the throb of the aeroplane motor is the muMo of the future." Hering Famous Gridiron and Grand Worthy Vlo President Frank E. Hertng ot the Eagles, who succeed Ber nard J. Monaghan as grand worthy presi dent, is a former star college foot ball and base ball player. He was a member of teams at the University of Chicago and at Bucknell and Notre Dame colleges. At the University of Chicago he was classmate of Gordon and Henry Clarke ot Omaha. Henry Clarke also was on the Maroon foot ball team, ot which Herlng was quarterback. 1 At Notre Dame Herlng was captain and coach of the college nine on which Keul- back. th Chicago Cub's great pitcher, se cured his early training In base ball. Oo this same team were five or six other players who names are well known In baa ball circle of th country. The war Power, who was th catcher for Notre Dame and who, after leaving college, became the famous catcher for the Philadelphia Athletics and who Is now dead; Gibson, aa Inflelder, graduated Into professional bas ball and played with th Boston Nationals; Lock alexin, th clever Indian pitcher, who became a wonder with th Cleveland Naps; "Red" Brown, who is oaptaln and manager of the Spokane nine; McNlchola, new owner of th Logan Squares, on of Chicago's beat senil-pro- teaslonal tea is, and Pitcher Fleming, who became a star In the Western league. While at Chicago Hertng was quarter on the eleven that was seat west to play Stan ford and California universities. . Henry Clark played eud oo this tamo. Employes of Estate Will Attend This Ceremony at Church. BURIAL IN THE AFTERNOON Workmen Are Blasting Grave Out of Solid Rock. FUTURE OF THE- BIO ESTATE Probability that Work Ontllnea or Late Magnate M ill Be Completed Under Direction of Mies Mary Harriman. ARDEN, N. Y., Sept. 10. Arrangements tor the funeral on Sunday of Edward H. Harriman were concluded at a family coun cil In the silent library of the great house on Tffwer Hill. First his family, then tbe simple folk of the valley and hillside, who for twenty years regarded him as their friend and benefactor, will pay their trtb ute of respect. The day's ceremonies wilt end with a burial service and Interment, which will be attended only by relatives and personal friends. Family services will be held at Arden House at 10 o'clock Sunday morning and holy oommutilon will be celebrated at 11 o'clock at St. John's Episcopal church, Arden. This service will be open to em ployes of the estate and residents of the neighborhood. Rev. J. Holmes McGulness, rector of St John s, will deliver a memor ial address. The burial service will take place at St. John's at S p. m. This will be conducted by Rev. William Creswell Doane, Episcopal bishop of Albany, and Arohdeacon Nelson of St. John the Divine, of New York, as sisted by Dr. McGulness. The Interment will folio in the-Harriman private bury ing ground, a stone's throw southeast of the church. Service avt Chorch. Although It has been announced that the S o'clock services wUl be private, the mem bers of ths family and the friends Invited to attend will fill the little Episcopal ohapel, with Its seating capacity of barely ISO. Twenty-two carriages have been en gaged by ths family to convey the party from the house to the church. These are In addition to the many vehicles belonging to the Arden House establishment- Muslo will be furnished at the main service by tbe choir of Grace churoh. New York. Dr. McGulness, who gave out these details to night, said that the funeral program had been arranged with no desire for ostenta tion. Both Bishop Doane and Archdeacon Nelson were asked to officiate because they were close personal friends of Mr. Harri man. Judging by the preparations which are being made throughout the neighborhood, it Is evident that half the population of the nearby villages will attend the publio service. Carriages are already being held at exorbitant rates for use on Sunday. Grave In Soils! Rock. Seventy men tolled on the Arden hillsides In the pouring rain all day today preparing for the funeral of thetr late master. Six were blasting a grave from the solid rock of the private graveyard near St. John's church; the others were smoothing the J three miles of road over which the body will be carried to Its last resting place. All afternoon the Sabbathlike stillness of the green hillsides was broken by the notae ot explosions. Tbe grave Is being blasted and quarried out of the blue stone which lies but a few Inches below the surface of the ground. After the top layer of earth was scraped away, an automobile brought drills and powder from the top ot the hill and the workmen began their toilsome progress through the rock. With a majority of the BOT men employed on the Harriman estate Idle, Arden, Turner and vicinity had little to do today but dis cuss Mr. Harrlman's death and the ques tions It raises. Until the death certificate Is filed with E. P. Fitch, the town clerk ot Highland Mills, there Is no way of as certaining the verdict of his physician. Dr. W. O. Lyle. Cancer Theory Doubted. The Vienna dispatch ot today declaring that Dr. Struempel, the distinguished Aus trian specialist, diagnosed Mr. Harrlman's complaint as cancer, was shown Dr. Mc Gulness tonight at hia rectory. "I never beard cancer mentioned by any (Continued on Second Page.) With Other Diamond Stars In th Stanford gam neither side scored In the first half, but Chicago by using a short pass won out In the final half, the score being St to 1 That year Stanford was coached by Walter Camp, who had been hired for the express purpose of beat ing the Maroons. While playing with Chicago Herlng In augurated the passing of the ball from cen ter to quarter to fullback. Bator that time It had been customary to roll the baU back to the fullback. Hertng was on the Maroon eleven for three year 1&SM-S6. After leaving Chi cago he went to Bucknell, where he played In the aeaaon of UM. Tbe next fall he went to Notre Dame, always playing quarter back. During his foot ball career he never weighed more than U0 pound. In l&tf Herlng played center field on the Maroon bas ball team that came to Omaha and met th nine representing the Uni versity club. He went to Notre Dame because he was given a position as athletic director. Reul back was one of the first twlrlera to whom he gave Instruction. He says th big fallow had all th natural qualifications for a twlrler and that h did not need much oaohlng. That Grand Vice President Hertng has not become a "has been" In baa ball Is proved by th faot that on August SI he pitched a game against th Sitka, Alaska, nine for a tam from th Steamship be Croix and won It That was th first defeat the Sitka players had suffered In several years, THE SPELLING REFORMERS CONTINUE THEIR GRINDING From the Washington Star. BRIBE MONEY TO MTANN Chicago Saloon Keeper Tells Agreement with Inspectors. of COLLECTS CASH FROM RESORTS aye Money Paid to Official at Desplalne Street Station and at III Horns Bom Instances j Are Cited. CHICAGO, Sept. 10. Payment of bribe money to Edward McCann while he was Inspector of police at the Desplalnes Street station for protection of establishments was testified under oath today In Judge Barns' court by Louts Frank, a member of the saloon firm of Frank In-other and-one of the principal witnesses for the state. 'This testimony was given after two attempts of attorneys for the defense to free Mc Cann on technicalities had been frustrated. Frank testified that he first met McCann In the Inspector's office at the Desplalnes street police station In March, 1608, through Police Sergeant Charles Hawkins and that later the inspector sent for him. He de scribed his visit to tbe Inspector In re sponse to this request and testified that In his office the police official asked him to collect money which the proprietors ot Illegal establishments would bring to him. ' Payments at Station, "What was the agreement?" asked State Attorney Wayman. "They were to pay me 1200 for each house," replied the witness. "When did they hand the money to you?" "To myself, or my brother or the book keeper." "When did collections commence?" "The first of each month." "W'here did you deliver the money?" "At the police station, to McCann." In answer to the next question, Frank said McCann told him op one occasion that he had to be careful as "they" were after him. "What did the defendant say?" asked Mr. Wayman. " 'Don't pin any more slips onto the money as you have been doing. Oive me the money separately and make out your own record.' " , "Did you ever pay McCann this graft money elsewhere than at the station?" "Yes, at his home." , "Did you ever go there with anyone?" "I went with Max Plummer. A woman was arrested. I went to the Inspector's room and told him that Plummer wanted him to fix It up so the woman would not be sent to prison. McCann told me It would cost $300 If he did. I went out and told Plummer what the Inspector said, and Plummer aald he could pay only 1260. I went and told McCann. He agreed and I got the money from Plummer." Frank also told how he bought three barrels of alcohol at 12 80 a gallon out of his own money and sent It to the Inspect or's house at the latter' request. He also testified that on several occasions he had collected money from Illegal resorts, which he paid to McCann. Unftalo Gap Kalr. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Sept. 10 (Spe cial.) The annual fair of the Buffalo Gap Fair association will be held on October 7. S and . at Buffalo Gap. The officer of the association are: President, F. M. Stewart; vice president, Daniel Mosler; secretary-treasurer, W. H. Palmer; superin tendent. Wood Smith; superintendent of the women's department, Mrs. F. M. Stewart Let us help you find the room you want On the want ad. pages of The Bee you will find a list of practically . every vacant room in Omaha. The people who have rooms to rent are learning that the way to se cure tenants is to advertise the rooms in The Bee. Hav you yet, today t read tba want U, Corn Exports Show Big Gain For Last Month Twice as Much Sent Abroad in August as in Same Period Last Year. WASHINGTON, Sept. W. Double the amount of corn . was exported from the United States In August over that month a year ago, while less than one-half the amount of wheat and a little more than one-half the amount of wheat flour was exported last month over August a year ago, according to a statement of the bu reau of statistics of the Department of Commerce and Labor, Issued today. There was a decrease of more than $10, 000,000 In the values of exports of domestlo breadstuffs, meat and dairy products, food animals, cotton and mineral oils from the United States this August over August a year ago and a decrease 6f $94,000,000 for the eight months ending August SI, over the corresponding period of last year. The to tal value of those exports for last August was $30,120,112, divided as follows: Corn $ RKl.4 Wheat 6. MS, 470 Wheat flour 8, 277, Ml All rtther f nnrifit nf f . H'Hi 77ti I Meat and dairy products S,too,lS4 cattle, hogs and sheep e95.94 Cotton 7,112,724 Mineral oils 7,629,184 For the eight months' period ending with August the value of these exports was $431,940,924,' every article showing a decrease except corn and cotton. While the exports of corn were more than l.OOO.OOO bushels less than the first eight months of 1908, the value was $434,626 more. Cotton exports Increased 68,743,646 for the eight months' period, but with a decrease In value of $19,211,364. Privileges Come with the Loan State Department Notified that Allot ment Will Be Between Four Nations. WASHINGTON, Sept. lO.-The State de partment Is Informed that negotiations re garding the allotment of the Hankow-Sze-Chuen loan are nearlng completion. An of ficial announcement Is expected soon set ting forth that the United State, Germany, Great Britain and France have each been allotted approximately one-fourth that whole amount; that the United States, Germany and Great Britain will be given Important financial privileges In China and that each nation will be permitted to fur nish materials for the construction of tho roads and to name the chiefs of engineers. Lord Rosebery Denounces Budget and Its Authors GLASGOW, 6ept. 10. Lord Rosebery finally cut himself adrift from modern rad icalism, as exemplified by the House of Commons nowadays, and in a "straight talk" today to the business men of the North vehemently denounced the budget and Its authors. The ex-premler's speech has been eagerly awaited by those opposed to the budget, as it was expected to give a lead to the House of Lords and furnUh a platform for a fight for a general elec tion on which the moderates ot ail parties would be able to foregather. Lord Rosebery, who prefaced his re marks by kaying that he Intended to ex press his unadorned opinion without quips or cranks, characterized the budget as "a revolution which put the future of Great Britain In the melting pot and which In the beet Interests of the nation should not become law." lie declared that the f'.rbt result of the budget would be' au Immediate increase In the racks of the unemployed through a great dupletlon of capital. The argument advanced for taxing land applied logically FRENCH COMMENT ON PEARY Explorer's Story is Regarded Vindication of Dr. Cook. as PHYSICIAN SAILS FOR HOME He Will Reach New York September 21 on Steamship Oscar II Great ' Crowd Bids Him Fnrevrell. PARIS, Sept. 10. The first Installment of Commander Peary's recital of his exped ition to the North pole a as published In a special edition of the Matin today and has had an enormous sale. As notice has been given that the article was copy righted the other newspapers handled It with care, but In their comment there Is noticeable a disposition to criticise. This is perhaps due to the fact that Commander Peary's "reflections" upon Dr. Cook are considered ungenerous. The Temps is especially caustic and ex presses the opinion that the first part of Peary's recital la really favorable to Dr. Cook. It says that Peary's story Is obscure and even Inconsistent, pointing out particularly that whereas his diary up to March 15, Is scrupulously, there after it shows a hiatus and the dates are obscured and confusing. For Instance, when the story stops, Captain Bartlett had been sent back. "The expedition was 87.47 and still far from the pole," the Temps says. Peary Proceeds Alone. "Peary now proceeds alone and what ever suspicion was raised against Dr. Cook Is equally applicable to him. Peary's re cital up to the present time offered noth ing more worthy of credence than Cook' a If It is ,true, as confirmed, that the polar obsession creates a sort of madness, many hypothesis, even the most unfavorable. Is permissible against both explorers," The Figaro says: "Nothing Is more pain ful than the spectacle of this quarrel on the threshold of glory. It embarrasses the sympathy which naturally goes out to these two great men. Returning to civili zation they encounter jealousy, envy, cal umny, ignoble bickering and hatred of success; they become the prey of parlor explorers and savants, who raise objec tions where thoy risked their lives. Their calumny is not ended. Their affirmations will be discussed by societies and savants with a keen desire to find them wrong and convict them of falsehood." The Illustration prints a full page picture of Dr. Cook, entitled, "Hero or Impostor?" The Illustration says it offered to pub lish a reproduction of a page of Dr. Cook's diary, and notes of hi observations on April 21. 1908. the day when he arrived at the pole, but that Dr. Cook declined the offer, saying that the documents were on their way to the United States. Cook Leaves Copenhagen. COPENHAGEN, Sept. 10. Dr. Frederick A. Cook left Copenhagen today on the first stage of his Journey homeward! apparently (Continued on Second Page.) to consols and other forms of realised property. Scores of millions were lying Idle In the banks at the present moment owing to the apprehension regarding the financial policy of the government, which proposed to treat all landlords aa pariahs. If the Lloyd-George budget was the only alternative to tariff reform. Lord Rose bery declared many would cease to defend tho doctrine of free trade. He said the government was dallying with socialism, which was the end of all things. The interest In what Ird Kosebery had to say was ao widespread that one enter prising London newspaper received reports of his speech by telephone from Glasgow to London, a distance of over 400 miles, and had verbatim eight columns of what he said on the street a few minutes after the speech was completed. Lord JU sebery's address wii discussed keenly In "he House of Common and the prevailing t pinion In the lobbies seemed to be that th fat of th flnanc bill had been sealed thereby and that th House of Lords would, reject It. Forty Per Cent of Failure of Lodges Charged to Buffet. ARE NOT PROPERLY CONDUCTED Recommends Restrictive Measures and Pleads for Clean Bars. OFFICERS ARE FULL OF ZEAL Grand Worthy President Monaahan and Grand Worthy VIre President Herlnar Rnthoalnatle Over Contlna; Convention. The club room cafe, or social room, and Its regulation will be the principal topic touched upon by Secretary Conrad H. Mann of Milwaukee In his annual report to the Eagles, when they meet In national convention In Omaha next week. Secretary Mann says he believes In buf fets where tho aerie Is able to keep one and where It Is properly regulated, but he will show In his report that they are not always conducted properly and that poorly conducted buffet have been the cause of the giving up of half the charters ot those lodges which are now defunct. According to the secretary most of the buffets are conducted in the right manner and from these no evils hav grown up. But at the name tlmo ha will denounce the way In which certain other aeries have conducted their buffets and will tell of the danger that threatens the Order of Eagles because of these few aeries main taining buffets that are a disgrace to the giand order. "At least 40 per cent of th serins that have become defunct," his report will read, "can charge their untimely and dis honorable death to the fact that the buf fet room was allowed to take precedence over the beneficial features of our order. Hardly had some of these aeries been or ganized and before the members had a chance to acquulnt themselves with the constitution and to realize what a great fraternity they had really affiliated with, a buffet was started and often the money from the general fund was used to buy fixtures and liquor for this buffet. Some Went Into Debt. "In other cases aeries contracted debts far beyond what they could expect to pay for years to come, and In consequence of such debts, when members became sluk there was no money to pay their just olalms. "In addition to this Illegal expenditure, many buffets were conducted In an un buslneasllke manner; no books were kept, and members were allowed to run accounts and when pressed for settlement became abusive. "In many Instances loud and boisterous conduct was tolerated, and Intoxication, If not openly allowed, was at least tacitly permitted by the officers. I find cases on record where fistic encounters have taken place between members when In a mora or less Intoxicated condition. t "All thee things have a tendency to belittle our great fraternity, and If thesa evils are not corrected at once wherever they do exist, such aeries will soon be listed as 'defunct.' "I am a firm believer In a properly con ducted buffet, wherever an aerie Is In con dition to keep one. I also am a firm be liever that the laws now governing the conduct of buffets should be so changed aa to protect every individual, the general' fund, the good name of the aerie and also the Fraternal1 Order of Eagles." Officer Are Enthusiastic. Grand Worthy President B. J. Monaghan of the Eagles has arrived from Philadelphia and is bubbling over with enthusiasm for the convention. "Without any doubt in my mind," he said, "the grand aerie at Omaha will be tho best Eagles have ever held. I have no doubt the attendance will exceed either , that at Seattle or Milwaukee. The eastern states are preparing to send large oon tlngents here." President Monaghan was noncommittal on the vice presidential race. He declared he knew nothing about it. He declared also that he had no Idea what city would secure tho 1910 convention. Grand Worthy Vloe President Frank, E. Herlng, who becomes the next president by the natural order of succession. Is tak ing no active part in the politics of the convention. He would not discuss the con test for his present office. He, however, tslked freely about the convention and, like President Monaghan, prophesied a banner gathering for Omaha, Grady Tooted as Winner, The way the wind Is blowing among the most Influential officer of th Eagles and an indication of what may be expected. In the vice prehldentlal contest Is to be gleaned from the statements of a promi nent committeeman. This officer declares the contest for the highest elective office of the Eagles Is practically settled now, and that Thomas F. Grady, stat senator of New York, Is certain to be elected to the position, John 8. Parry of San Fran cisco, who has been mentioned as th chief opponent of Urady, stands no show at all, in the opinion of this otfioer. From this talk by an officer who Is known to be next to all the politics It Is in ferred that the machine la bock of Grady and that it will force the other candidates Into submission by the day of the election. This -machine, It is understood, will hav a slate of all the officers and will have no trouble In rushing It through. On this slute will be the name of Conrad Mann of Kansas City for re-electlou as grand worthy secretary. Secretary Mann's report, which will b presented to the convention next Tuesday, will show that the Eagle during th year have added nlnety-flvu aeries to the roster; that sixty-six aerie have lurrendered their charter, and that there are at pres ent l.ttol aeries. Yankton's Auraaural. YANKTON, 8. D.. Sept. 10 (Special ) Th aauessed valuation of the city of Yank ton, as returned by the Htate Board of Equalization, was submitted to the council this week and was In total ILiW.fcW, of which amount $0,uo0 was porsonal, fcwfc.Ooo real estate and the railroads ware valued at SOT.OuO. V