i ft THE BEE; OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1909. 1 i; v 1 y spending all of your income Save up for a rainy day and deposit your savings in the Savings Department of the United States National Bank OMAHA where deposits are received of $1.00 or more. ZJo Interest Paid on Deposits. Deposits made on or before September 10th will draw interest from September 1st Oldest Bank in Nebraska. Established 1856. Capital and Surplus $1,200,000.00. Total Assets over $13,000,000.00. MR. HARRWAX'S "BIG FOUR" (Continued from F1rt Page.) over the prslrieo of the west and the southwest were kept busy defending them selves against aulta for dsmages tor killing cows or bogs that had wandered upon the tracks. ' Usually the roads tried to' settle amicably with the . .owners, and young Ixrvett showed himself a skillful diplomat ist In work of this kind. But all the while he was doing something more than planning defences for damage suits. Be fore ha was B years of age he aaw clearly what Texas was to be as a route for a transcontinental railway system. Master ef Railroad Law. Ton can picture to yourself this am bitious, young lawyer posting himself up on - alf the details of railroad law, study ing statutes, and particularly the way In which old railroads or great railroads were legally able' to absorb young, weak or almost bankrupted railroads. Gradually It cans to be aaid In Texas that young Lovett was the smartest, brightest railroad lawyer In the state, as gradually be was given more and mora Important railroad work and finally it came to pass that C. P. Huntington, who always kept his eyei open for capable young men. made Mr. Lovett the general counsel for all the Southern Pacific lines In Texas. After Mr. Harrlman and his Union Pa cmc railroad bought the control of the Southern Pacific he took a special fancy to Mr. Jkovett, who came to him with his new7.roperty. In fact, Mr. Harrlman tied up with Mr. Lovett. as the saying Is. and In business and pleasure the two men became almost like Siamese twins. When Mr. Harrlman travelled he would not go unless Mr. Lovett was with him. If that travelling companionship could be secured without Interfering with buslnens. It Is upon Mr. Lovett that Mr. Harrlman felled la the- saain for eounsel on delicate and Important legal' questions. And when he was perfecting his now organisation he named Mr. Lovett general counsel for what Is called the Harrlman system. A far cry from the Texas boy. who n years before was patiently reading Blackstone and fingering his way through the Texas statutes. If you were to meet Mr. Lovett. not knowing that he is a lawyer, you would never dream that this apparent fun-loving, bright-eyed, quick-moving man has gained the reputation of being one of the most clear-headed, subtle and acute of all the lawyers now In the employ of railway organisations of the United States. Tou ran Judge his sense of humor when It s said that he classed himself, when asked war. He was only U years of age when he received the degree of civil engineer from Washington and Lee university. Rail way men say that at the time of his final examination he received the highest mark which up to that time had been given by the university to any one taking that degree. Tou see he was gifted at birth. apparently, with a mind that was able to grasp mathematics with the understand ing and the fascination with which most boys read "Robinson Crusoe." At one time his friends expected that Kruttschnitt would become a professor of cars are needed to move the products In any district which the Harrlman system covers, but be could tell you where thee cars are. His associates sometimes laugh ingly declare that he seems to have sort of hypnotio vision which makes It possible for htm to follow the movement of every freight and of every passenger car snywhere on the t" nlon Pacific lines. Mr. Hsrrtman never had to ask Mr. Stubbs twice to get needed Information. All that Mr. Stubbs knows of railway operation and traffic management be bas taught himself. Hs drifted west from his native place in Ohio and got a Job as freight clerk at Oakland, CaL, where the Central Pacific, now the western link of the Union Pacific, terminated. That was only four or five years after C. P. Hunt-lngton.Mark- Hopkins, Crocker and Lei and Stanford bad finished the Central Pacific railroad making connection with the Union Pacific, thereby giving to the United States the first transcontinental line. So Mr. Stubbs, beginning railroading when 72, has actually grown up with the Union Pacific. Ahead of Ills Ttsse. Even as a clerk at Oakland Mr. Stnbbs was amay ahead of his time. He knew what was coming In the way of Pacific railway development. What he predicted was realised, and so pleased was Mr. Hunt Ington that be made him assistant general freight agent. This was In IsTL In that office Mr. 8tubbs was not satis fied simply to move cars. He went all over the state of California to see what the farmers were doing, how much business the miners were to offer and he was able to predict In the spring of every year the actual amount of the crops that were bar vested. One man recently said to him: "Stubbs knows Just bow many peaches are on the trees In California and how many tons of ore will be shipped out of Art son. And this man might have added that long before other railway men thought of doing such things Stubbs also knew how many orange groves there were In southern Cali fornia, and where each grove was, and HARRIMAN'S LIFE AT E5D (Continued from First Page.) and evidently a tottering ruin, waa taken over from the receivers by a syndicate headed by Kuhn. Loeb Co for IM.00O,- 000. and the assumption of CTXn.W( In debts. E. H. Harrlman was a very In significant member of the group that made up the syndicate. But. It was Dot his In tention to remain Insignificant. He be came chairman of the board of directors and assumed actual management of the road. Under Ma skillful direction It be came solvent, then healthy, then powerful. until now It Is a stupendous financial suc cess. Harrlman waa the man who made It. That was his first big railroad work and perhaps his greatest. But the Union Pacific served only to turn him into a railroad man and It began a long series of accumulations by which Harrlman and the party he created plaeed unrelenting fingers upon railroads In every corner of the country. The Pennsylvania, New York Central. Baltimore Ohio, Reading. St. Paul. Santa Fa. Delaware Hudson and the Norfolk Western, are some of his principal prises. He own these railroads because when be waa In a railroad at all he was the only force In It. When that was not possible be withdrew his interests and went somewhere else. Building; Co fortune. He began to build up a system of finan cial credit out of the funds of bis rail roads which made him a banker on a huge acale without having to run a regularly organised bank subject to government re strictions. It la said that Wall street t pended upon the money thst the Harrlman Interests could supply, and that recalling It would upset hundreds of operators. He owned the control of the Weils-Fargo Ex press company, and be made his ownership felt there Just as he made it felt in the Illinois Central when he ousted Sttirveaant where were the best prune orchards, and nBh from th pudency, because Fish had dared to pursue a policy that waa con- how many tons of prunes would be offered each year for shipment to the east. Meanwhile Mr. Stubbs was working out the problem of how best to haul traffic for long distances without breaking the freight and with the highest economy . Mr. Harrl man early learned to accept Mr. Stubbs' statements without any question and be In a school near Baltimore for the five years following his graduation. In his leis ure hours he grew accustomed to watch the surveying then In progress for the con struction of a new railroad from Balti more to Washington. The work fascinated him, and after a time he made up bis mind that his proper field was the mechanics and engineering of railway construction and operation. After that he was very glad to get employment upon a new railroad under construction in Texas, and after it waa in operation he advanced from the humble position of roadmaster, up and up, exactly as some of the engineers and sur veyors of the Pennsylvania railroad sys tem have been promoted from minor posi tions until at last they have held impor tant places upon the executive staff, some even becoming president. Pound by Haatlagtoa. It used to be said of Kruttschnitt that he could Mirvey without an Instrument; thst IX he had a Jackknlfe and a piece of wood he could whittle out an Implement with which he could take an elevation. He seemed to know instinctively what the best layout for a railroad would be. Nat urally, C. P. Huntington heard of this bright chap when Huntington was pushing that part of his Southern Pacific railway system which extended from El Paso, Tex., to New Orleans. Kruttschnitt waa exactly the kind of a man sure to appeal to Mr. Huntington; who was very fond of young men who had great Intensity of purpose and supreme power of concentration, men who could say In ten words a good deal more than most other men could say In ICS. It was six years after he had taken up railroading that this former school teacher became Huntington's assistant general manager of the Southern Paclflo'a lines east of EM Paso. Not so very long after he had ecu red this promotion he seemed to know the life history and everyday be havior of every rail and every tie upon the lines under his charge. Riding upon an engine he could tell with his eyes shut where he was by the feel of the land. Such expert knowledge as this and his Ini tiative placed him In San Francisco as Southern . .ri!i.,inn. . rf-mn. general manager or ail me cratlc mugwump. There have been lots Pacific lines Just ten years after he had of republican mugwumps in the northeast. I entered the employ of C. P. Huntington. but not many democratic mugwumps. . Director of Malateaaar. Mr.' Lovett" and Julius Kruttschnitt. since their ' association as lieutenants of Mr. Harrlman. have never had an Im portant difference of opinion. The law yer defers" to the man who Is the su- This promotion came to him In 196. and thret years later he also had the burdens of fourth vice president placed upon bis shoulders. Mr. Kruttschnitt waa early convinced of the necessity of perfect team work If there Is to be perfect railway organisation. You preme director of maintenance and opera-irrty think it strange that a person of such tlon of the Union Pacific and nearly all Intense personality could work without of the allied Harrlman lines. On the friction with other executive officers of other hand, what the lawyer advises, as the Harrlman railway system. But It is a lawyer. "toes" every time with Julius a peculiarity of this organisation that the Kruttschnitt. . . i more brains each lieutenant has. the more if-. J&i i - ' ; i sU Oldest national Bank in Nebraska. Organized in 1857 as kountze Bros. Nationalized 1863. Charter N?20a C.T. KOUNTZE. PSKHIDIN F.H.DAVIS. VlCK-PNClOCMT. L.L.KOUNTZE, 2 vicc-PncsiocNT. T.LX3AVIS, Caihiis, IRVING ALLISON. Assistant CAsVMiga), A bank which gives to every customer nnd to every depart ment tfi&t careful and thorough service which has been made possible by 52 years of growth and experience, combined with the close personal attention of all of its officers. Capital. Surplus &Profits 1,200,00000 Assets Over 13.0001000100 mi LUTHER DRAKE, President. PTtANTC T. HAMILTON. Vice-President FRED P. HAMILTON. Cashier. B. H. MEILE. Ass't Cashier. C B. DUQDALE, Ass't Cashier. Here Is a man of most Intense concen tration of purpose In business. He thinks, dreams and lives with the Harrlman sys tem. It is everything to him in the world. excepting bis family, la the greatest busin mathematics. But when he was a teacher j knew that, mors than any other one man. Mr. Stubbs showed how it was possible to increase and expedite and operate at low cost long-hsul traffic Today he la vice president and traffic director of the entire Harrlman system. He works In perfect sympathy and in cordial co-operation as well with Julius Kruttschnitt, Robert Lov ett, A. J. Holer and the other lieutenants. And of the great quartet he la the oldest- he is O while Judge Lovett Is the young est, being 9. Mr. Kruttschnitt UK; Mr. Mohler goes him four years better ut worse, according to the way you view the accretion of years. - Manager Mooter's Rloe. Some years ago one of the big men In a trunk line sy stem which has its terminal m New York was asked by a friend if he could tell him anything about A. L. Mohler, who had something to do with "Jim Hill's railway out In St, Paul." The New York railway man had never heard the name be fore. Thereupon he waa Informed that the time was sure to come when he would hear of Mohler, "for he la certain to be one of the big guna In railway manage' ment" Such he most certainly became. when Mr. Haniman took him awajr from Mr. H11L As his name indicates. Mr. Mohler Is of Pennsylvania Dutch oriel n. Rnrn ' Ephrata. Pa., he yet began his railway career with the Chicago Northwestern when It was a comparatively small road. and long. .before- Marvin Hughltt' and James D. Layiur had taken It t ana mil across the uninhabited nralri. ifnhw remalned an humble clerk only a little while, and then, like the present president of the Boston Maine, Lucius Tut tie. he became a station agent. While thus occupied at Erie. Ut. his superiors found that he had a native-born gift for figures and accounts, and in that way he became traveling auditor for a railroad west of the Mississippi. Such he was when he fell under the eye of Jameo J. Hill, then keen in his search for young men to help him convert the old St. Paul. Minneapolis A Manitoba railroad Into the Great Northern system, and Mr. Mohler became that road's general freight agent This was in 1W3. mere touowea promotion after promo tion. Jntll. at the end of seven years. Mr. Mohler found himself vested with the title and authority of general manager of the Great Northern. As such he worked out many of the problems whose proper so lutions have helped spell success for the Hill properties. Eight years later Mr Harrlman annexed him, and so ha has the honor of being the first of the "big four" to secure Mr. Harrlman a confidence. That he has had Mr. Harrlman's full confidence from the start la shown bv the fact that the latter at once made him president and general manager of the Ore gon Railroad and Navigation company. I particular Harrlman pet Today Mr. Moo ler Is also a vice president and the gen era! manager of the Union Pacific sys tem. It is because of his peculiar man agerial qualities that ha Is held by Mr. Harrlman In such high business esteem. These four mem Lovett, Kruttschltt. Stubbs and Mohler make the quartet, the big four, who, were Harrlman's organisa tion an army of which he waa the com manding general, would each be a major general in command of a corps. easily, apparently, he associates with the others who are responsible for. the op eration and maintenance of the system. It Is believed to have been at the sug- He Is sure that It;,,, cf jr. Lovett that Mr. Harrlman organisation mat aba naoni tDe old method which has the woi ia nas ever xnnwn. ne is as pvouo . cnarmcterlsed railway organisation since of U as he wculd e If he were the owner railwy, were first operated in the United of every dollar of Its stock. States, and instead made each of the si. . s . . I Mr- """" v,u""""1 executive heads a vice president. waa corn in me iar nmio, iu iifw un' leaos. and six years earlier than the date of Mr. Lovett's birth, which occurred In the year before the outbreak of the civil mm - mji.r,u.(. iti'-niHili:,"!!!'. , .ivli-iii:; m m v J If r f -. . . .fcit'tl . 1 foTTir . UJUk IX COM P A - V . W holesale IVwlera, r- Douglas It, Cor. eta m. . - -- rvT'. f gf L...I .... aannt.aoi.aiss ... I .1 il 7 At all events. It was a plan which met with Mr. Kruttschnltt's cordial approval. You see. If all are vice presidents and if each one has equal authority In every department, and one month or one year may be In con trol of one department, and another month or another year in authority over another, then opportunity for all friction Is removed. Each executive has become a standard part of the great machine. If one executive dies or resigns another is ready on the instant to step Into his place. The Trofflo Manager. Mr. Harrlman was recently described as a human dynamo, but If ever there was such a creature his name is John C. Stubbs. snother exceedingly Important Harrlman lieutenant. To make every railroad man believe this It Is only necessary to tell htm that Mr. Stubbs la really the traffic man ager of almost 10008 miles of railroad that in this particular he directs railways which. If their tracks were carried from oast to west in a single line would completely encircle the globe and lap over aome &.M0 mllea. To be a good traffic, manager, even In a small district, a man baa got to know exactly what kind of traffic will come I into or go out of that district. Even tn a state as small as New Jersey, for ex ample, this Is no easy task. But to know the trafflo that may be handled by rail roads having XT.0M mllea of tracks Is to have accurate statistical knowledge of pretty much all of the production it the United States. A man must have a natural gift for such work. All the training In that world would not make a competent traffic manager out of 'a man exho knew how to write beautiful poema. compose music or to be the author of a beat selling novel. The Spanish have a problem In which they express the Idea of expertness and , facility In handling many things. They J say: "He has good fingers for the piano." That exactly describes John C. Stubbs. He jconld tell you any day not only how many Cravnoerry Croat Iajoroo. WEi iiMn. v u... :epi. . Keports re ceived here from various points in this, the greatest cranberry district in the west show that the crop has been practically nimra VJ .rrjei ana nrv. Results Counts Better sleep, Steady nerves, Good digestion, Clear Brains follow a change from coffee . to well-made POSTUM "There's a Reason" It's easy to break the cof fee' grip and get hold of that feeling of freedom and power to "do things" that comes with returning health. If you are ambitious, read, "The Koad to Wellville" in pkgs. Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd.. Battle Creek. Mich. trary to that of FX H. Haniman. He was sometimes beaten In the railroad arena. Edwin Hawley maneuvered him out of the control of the Chicago A Alton with its rich territory, and he suffered In the Insurance investigations tn spite of clever schemes to head them off. Hs is said to have been deeply concerned in the Equit able Life company, but his attempts to de feat the investigation from his seat safely away from the firing line merely brought him the enmity of Thomas Fortune Ryan and James Haaen Hyde. As a Rollrood Batlder. In his later years he shone as a railroad builder. He bad shown himself to be the equal of James 3. H1U and older gener ation of Vanderbllts and Goulds as a rail- road financier, but he wanted the thanks of the people for building up the coun try. When he went through Omaha, which was of great importance as the eastern end of his greatest and most successful enterprise, the Union Pacific, he took care to see that the newspapers got that Im pression of him. He was pushing a policy of substantial Improvement as the soundest buslnesa policy and he knew enough to make It seera philan thropy. The Harrlman party was cap tained by H. H. Rogers, during his lifetime, Henry C rrick, Wlllam Rocke feller. Jamas C Still man. and William K. Vanderbnt. His enemies were legion. He bad been strong-handed In his methods al ways and the financial world was full of men to whom his personality or name were anathema maranatha. Hie Pe immuI tr. . But aside from his -business methods be was not an unattractive personality. His devotion to his famll Of boya and girls was noticeable and he waa interested In many of the rich man's sport. He liked fine horses and fine yachts, and he played whist like an enthusiast. , His private phil anthropies were quiet, but munificent. On the east side of New York he built , a boys club for $S0. 000 that he maintained with his own contributions. He gave the club not only his money, but bis whole hearted Interest and personal guMaaoe. He was careful to see that his charities wore not flaunted before the public. Although he waa daring and domineering In the discipline of his subordinates, he ' simple and democratic In his habits, slip ping In and out of Wall street offices m very ordinary clothes and with no osten tation. He lived luxuriously, having two town houses hi fashionable districts and snagnlflcent estate at Arden, where he waa lord of 30.00 acres of land In the Ramapo mountains. His family moves tn arlsto- eratio and very exclusive society. AevosBolUhea Grewt Desire. Harrlman lived a Hfo particularly fa' vored by fortune tn the accomplishing of his great desires. He made himself the greatest master of the transportation powers In America. He ' was a financier who took rank and fought on equal ground with Morgan and Rockefeller. He met Hill on his own ground aa a maker of industrial empires and threatened to eclipse bis greatness. His brain waa as acquisitive for Information and knowledge aa hands were for gold, and he once led aa expedition from Alaska to Siberia that added greatly to scientific knowledge of that region. He waa a master of details and a dreamer of stupendous dreams. By giving up everything else in life hs made his dreams come true. But his burdens were too great for his frail body and be paid for his greatness with his Ufa. The Mercbants National Bank Or OMAHA. NEB. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $4,325,540.34 U. a Bonds for Circulation 300,000.00 Banking House 160,000.00 U. & Bonds $ 230,000.00 Other Bonds Due From Banks .... Cash at Ilome 93,742.78 2,048,812.24 780,593.93 3,153,148.95 IN OMAHA YEAR AGO TODAY (Continued from First Page.) official home of Mr. Harrlman's greatest railroad. The news was telephoned to tlM headquarters by The Bee. Thomas M. Orr, assistant to the vice president and general manager, who has been with the road sines the "Ts and who knew Mr. Harrlman in timately, was the first man reached. Mr. Orr waa greatly shocked and aaid: "His death Is a shock even though ws were partly prepared far It. We still had the belief of the public that while his condition was serious It was not critical. No man has ever done more or oven as much as Mr. Harrlman tn the development of the west In the building of railroads and in other ways." Friend of Hie F-maleyea. W. L. Park, general superintendent of the Union Pacific, aaid: "It la with very, very deep regret that we bear IL We always looked upon Mr. Karri man as a friend of the officials and employes. Everything be ever did waa for ths Determent of the personnel and the upbuilding of the physical property of his system. Hs waa tending always to push up, never downward, to make a better railroad and to have it better operated. He made better railroad men of us ail and hs made a better ralh-oad." The news waa the one theme of dis cussion throughout the business circles from the time it became public Business men of Omaha to whom Harrlman had always seemed so vital a factor In ths commercial and Industrial world were deeply affected by the report of his death. especially in view of the fact that rumors had been sent out saying ho waa Improved. These rumors, however, had not succeeded greatly tn stimulating hope, for the ander- lylng belief that Mr. Uarrlinaa waa la $7,938,6S9.29 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $ 500,000.00 Surplus 350,000.00 Undivided Profits 74,573.63 National Bank Notes : 300,000.00 Due Depositors .'. 6,714,115.66 Total .' .$7,933,689.29 We Invite your business jl.J.i.i...ijiuii...ji....i.ii..u.Ju.i MimAwmiKmivmxmMummmmMmmxmmm mora dangerous condition than bulletin from Tower Hill- would admit, was too strong to be uprooted by the cheery state ment, whose glow of hope was fictitious on Its face. Howry W. Tnteo TriVii. Conceding Mr. Harrlman to be the coun t's greatest buslnesa man. Henry W. TaVa, president of the neorassa nawui bank, doubtless expressing a popular feel ing, had this to say: "Although Mr. Harrlman was the great est business man this country naa mown, and his death is the greatest possible loss to the business world, I think It will not disturb business conditions In the west at all. The only place that wlU be affected suddenly will be Wall street and there the men who have been gambling on Mr. Harrl man's foresight and ability will surfer. "But Mr. Harrlman himself waa too great a man not to prepare for his own death and his system will go on without his per sonal guidance Just as it has gone on dur ing the last six months. His trained as sociates can carry on his work. One inevitable result will be an easing of the money market. Mr. Harrlman was an enormous user of capital and with htm gone there will be a vast amount of money loosened from his great plana. 1 had the greatest possible admiration for the man and believed In him too much to think that he would leave his system of railroads unorganised when ho knew that he was near the end." Stocks Are Savfo. go far aa the stock market la con corned. Omaha men will not be much affected by the death of Mr. Harrlman, even if the market breaks badly when It opeoa. Mr. Haniman died after the market of Thurs day had closed. Most local men who dabble la stocks had feared the death of the great railroad magnate and bad sold out their holdings. This applies to men who bought oa mar gin. Those owning union ractno sroca outright will not be Immediately, at least. affected, for the fall or Increase or a few points day by day makes no real difference to them. -There will bo no local flurry," declared F. C Holllnger. "manager of the omana branch of Logan Bryan. Ths Omahans who were In Union or Southern Pacific anticipated Harrlman's death by getting out some days ago." these factors In mind and the general knowledge that Mr. Harrlman tn any event could not continue his active career. Wall street had already prepared Itself for the end which came today. There waa no feeling of shock or alarm, therefore when the announcement came, beyond the senti ment of universal personal sorrow and aa the hours progressed It became evident that there waa a general feeling of security and even of serenity as to the future. M. F. Trwla Get in Dlteh. KANSAS CITY, Sept. . Missouri Pa cific passenger train No. tOl, west-bound, was derailed near Palmer, Kan., IfiO mllea west of Kansas City, ear!;, today. Accord ing to railway officials tn the local office of the company, a number of persons sus tained slight Injuries, but no one waa fa tally hurt. Two coaches turned over. The wreck waa caused by a broken rail. PEARY IS TAKING HIS TIME (Continued from Page One.) The ceremony occurred in the great hall of the university tn the presence of a company numbering L1D0 persons. Including a' number of dentists. When Prof. Torp handed the parchment to Dr. Cook the explorer was unable to speak for five minutes on account of the continued applause. member sends deepest sympathy.. "PEART." Yesterday a movement was started to give Mr. Marvin a great welcome on hts return from the north, and the members of his family only yesterday were plan ning celebration on his homecoming. A itarrow Bsvano. Edgar N. Baylies, a merchant of Robin, on vllle, Del., wrote: "About two' tears ago I was thin and sick, and coughed. all ths time, and If X did not have consump tion. It was very near to It. I commenced using Foley's Honey and Tar, and It stopped my cough, and I am now entirely well and bare gained twenty-eight pounds, all due to the good results from taking Foley's Honey and Tar." Sold by all druggists. MEMBER OP EXPEDITION DB0W5 Marvlw Moots Death While Rctnratngr frosa North. ELM IRA, V. T., Sept. I. J. C. Bemont i of Ithaca, a' member of the Peary relief expedition of I90L last night received the following message from Commander , Peary, dated Battle Harbor: "Break news of Marvin's death to his i mother Immediately before, she sees It in the papers. Drowned April 10, forty-five miles north of Caps Columbia, while re turning from M.S north latitude. Great loos to me and to the expedition. Even' I The Weather. WASHINGTON. Sept. . Forecast of the weather for Friday and Saturday: For Nebraska. Iowa, Wyoming Missouri, and Kansas Generally fair Friday , and Saturday. For Colorado Generally fair Friday and Saturday, except local showers In rnoun tain districts. Tot South Dakota and Montana Gen erally fair Friday and Saturday. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. . Per ItaMMMH V .. ..... ... VI 1 rXPy .la m. . .....f. . 7 a. nt. .... ..-. t a. m Sa. m a. ra ' 11 a tn U m 1 p. m. V- VT P C 6 p- m..v ' p. m p. m p. m. (4 3 cs m 70 Tl n n r . u to , n , n TT , 7' WILL BE RO CHAAOB IR POLICY Maa-mote Death Wilt Rot Dtroetly Affeot Operetta of Railroads. NEW YORK. Sept. . Following the ex pressions of deep regret on Mr. Harrlman's death. Wall street began to consider the question aa to what the effect might be on the properties under his control and the financial world generally. In this connection It was pointed out that Mr. Harrlman's friends and ths lead ers of the financial world generally have known for some months that the malady with which be waa afflicted was not cur able and that It was only a question of time until, even if he rallied la the pres ent attack. It would be recessary for him to lay down the active direction of the great railroad fabric that ho had built up. Aa these facts were known to the men whose Influence Is greatest not only tn Wall street, but In the general business affairs of ths country. It was assumed by I s-ood ludges of the situation that un-1 . ..... - - ,tMn. hail oouoxeoir . " mads for ths eventuality ox nia oeain or retirement. Re Shoesx la Wall tree. Mr. Harrlman's death comes at a ttma when In general the business affairs of tbs country are In excellent condition, with a realisation of those bountiful crops, which he- himself tn one of his last notable Interviews prophesied would be the sus taining factors of Anwloaa credit. With II ome to omana fa ths Eagles' Convention Sopt. 14 to 19, 1909. via Low Fares Onion Pacific Tti Safat Road to Travel" Tickets on sale Copt. 11 to 19, Inclusive, and are good for return until Sept. 29. For Information relative to rates, routes, etc, call on or address: CITY TICKET OFFICE 1334 Farnam Street, - OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHOXfcS: Bell, Doug. 1821 m4 Ind. A-8231. t