Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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l Well. Dang. flS-KTt roii tiC A I.I, DBFTe. lad. a-ll4l"y
One Hundred and Tifty Will Dine
with the President.
I 'fraPttPTi'Sr yiaauiia.n m "sfflj,.'ss jSjiP-' "- Werggny mi,UL'sTO
Special Sale of Children's
School Hose
Children's black cotton hose, double knees, bcela and
toes. 35o quality; Friday, 25c per pair.
"Neetfit" The best wearing 15c hose for boys and
girls, have double knees, heels and toes. Ask to see them.
Save You mead
of It? :
Tho Great Monoy Saving Salo
of Furniture Samples from the
Chicago Furniture
Autumn Apparel
Former Hnmorlit of House Sayi Can
non it Bulwark of Legislation.
Declares Tariff All night
a aires ha Pahlle the
( Loogr Bad of (h Ar-
: I
Eg-Congressman J., Adam Befle of Pine
City. Minn., the former humorist of con
great and the Adonis of the house, who
la In Omaha to gddress the Nebraska
Bankers' association, looks with kindly eye
upon the tariff bill passed by the last con
gress and thlnkt President Taft did the
best he could In trying to get a lower
tariff schedule. The Minnesota man also
took oocaslon to defend Senator Aldrlch
and his old friend 'Speaker Cannon.
Speaking of tha tariff, he said:
"I believs the people got the best bill
they could In on chunk. The schedules
will suit the conditions for tha present
time. . .
"The people and papers who have been
kicking about Aldrlch and Cannon don't
know what they are talking about. Those
two representatives tf the people are "busi
ness men and they know what Is best for
this country and they were doln iiu i
best when they were making that tariff
bill. -..:
"If the people of tha west could under
stand those two ,Wen they would not be
rate them, but, on the contrary, would
praise them.
"Do you know If all tha money that
Rockefeller and Morgan have were dumped
mio me united States treasurr It could
not prevent as much useless legislation for
this country as Uncle Joe Cannon has?
e nas been working for the beet Inter
ests of the country.
Heads Off Useless Bills.
"Soma of the men who were removed
rrora committees by him were not taken
off because they had not suoD.-rt1 him
They were ditched because they were not
capable, in one Instance, I think, a certain
western chairman was taken off a com
mute at the suggestion Of President Taft
because that congressman had been chair
man of that same committee for six years
and had not been able to get any satisfac
tory legtalatlon through congress.
President Taft will certainly make good
with the people. The president Is coming
west and he Is going to show the ceo Die
that he Is right. H will mora than make
good during the next thres years and will
be renominated without opposition.
"Taft never gets cold feet: he has all
kinds of sand. He never ran away from
any Issue. Before the four veers ara nn
he will get legislation that will control tha
corporations and will show the country
that h Is a great president"
0& " iV-k
fionii 'again,' eh? ,
. ..-. .. , .-
And with your wardrobe 'shot
to pieces", with your vigorous va
cationing;. .. , ' .
Then tl pleasant news to you
to bear that all the new Autumnal
fabrics have arrived and that we're
ready to start on your Fall suit
order aa soon as you bring it in.
- Suite to order $25 to $40.
. Perfect fit guaranteed.
- : Tailoring Co. ;
604-ftOf) So. 16th St.. Near
10th and Farnain Bte.
Former's Property la Tied TTp to Be-
cart It Till the Case; fa
Frank If. Parsons has . brought suit
against John T. Cathers and a number of
other defendants to satisfy .a Judgment
which he holds against Cathers for 1S.3R0.R8
and a restraining order was Issued to
prevent a transfer of property.
Acoordlng to the petition Parsons bought
from the defunct McCague Savings bank
a claim against 3. O. Detweiler and John
W. Croft for $5,000, and Cathers was the
surety. Suit was brought In district court
and a judgment for tt,8$9.88 secured In
August. 1909. This judgment was rendered
after lltlaatlon tft had begun In 1894. No
exrcutlori of this judgnTot could be satis
fied aralnst property belonging to Croft
or Detweiler and Cathers Is now sued to
make It good.
Other defendants are brought Into, the
action In Nthe effort, to, get -Control oyer
Cathers' assets. It Is asserted, that his
property at Twentieth' iuifl Locust streets
was fraudulently 'transferred first to
Detweiler and then ' to, .Mrs. Cathers and
the petition' kalia'tt, thrs deed declared"
null sr that th i eart e levied
upon-'' For this action Mrs. Louisa Cathers
is made a defendant. -; '
The Nebraska Loan 'fend "Building as
sociation, which . Is ' said to ' have a mort
gage on a part of this real estate, Is to
be prevented from - advancing this as a
prior claim. ' .
Miss Hhoda Ollllland and Miss Anna
Robinson, each of whom hSts ' a claim
against the city of which Cathers Is part
owner, are enjoined from collecting these
claims so that Cathers may get control of
that part of his assets and the city Is en
joined from paying them. Miss Anns.
Robinson has a claim for I1.M0. and Miss
Ollllland one for 11.600, and Cathers has a
right to half of these two amounts as at
torney's share.
Mrs. Cathers, also,' has a claim of tl.245
property damages against the city and the
Injunction prevents the collection, of that.
The Injunction , which was granted by
Judge Troup has the effect of ttelng up
the Cathers property until the claim of
(S.369.8S can be satisfied or dismissed.
f FOR FALL '09 'yff
k-Bttle Brownie Suits I
S sl"Vir Otrark rflawy tO e-vfJr-s. a-
v-. Aere's a 'way to provide fall apparel for small tots, whose agee
.-.raage froia saeaUis to a years a "comfy" way. , . Iv
choose tow them, something from ear naasaaUy generous line of
peaoay Wool sweaters, wltu laggings ana 'Xog.aes to match Uttle
' wariuUl accessories. i
these we shtrw in many pretty patterns and In tasty oolor eombt- :
nations, saoh est White wui pui, watte wlih bine, soaslet effects,, i
eaa outer aa gooa.
the Mw eaters range la price from 93.M, fXOO, 11.60 and fi- OCT
. shea, aa ttstwantt to aa lew as, saca "p1'"
the Leggings are priced la accordance to else. la colors tfts
to saetoa the aweatsra, eto $1.50 down to ouJ '
the tittle Toqnes to match any ef the above are here at 7e Kfs
.eeveh ana also at as low as uu
iufiioM's Underwea
. th "comfy" kind for Children and
Infants, is to- be had hero only. !
"Arnold's" Knit Nlatit Drawers
With or Without Feet
YOtTB children's health la too Important a matter te trifle with.
Daring the hoars of sleep the possibility ef eiporare to drafts,
ehaages la teiaperatare, or Aampaess Is so great that the aver
age mo thai is constantly la fear ef croup, which comes so suddenly,
ee of chills leealtiag la colds aa4 slokaese.
YOV will ae eparea many aa anxious near ana yea cniiarea will
ee stronger, happier, in better health If they are clothed in
"Arnold'7 Knit nig lit Drawers. These are the most serviceable,
healthfal, comfortable hyglealo covering a ehii eaa have la aleen.
i with er without feet with a soft, fine and aowny knit fabric Verr
v absorbent to take ap enerettona of tha earn, end porous te alisw the
aahalatioas te pass ef. A.a ideal garment.
and spwtnli for the Dreamland
Coax era and ItealUi ltwtainera, in
slsw one to tn years.
ii s amm AJ
1518-1520 Farnam Straat
All Arrangements for Rntertalalna;
thief Useeatlre of Xstloa Are
Made by the Board ef
The board Of Ak-Sar-Ben has completed
Its labors In arranging for the Taft ban
quet at the Omaha club September fO. and
the guest list Is now complete, subject to
a few Invitations to be sent out to keep
the number at the banquet board up to VA.
The price of the cover remains at 120,
the Thenu prepared by Steward Perkins
has been approved and the menu cards are
In the hands of the printer.
Eleven whose names were on the ten
tative list were found to be out of the city,
or will be out of the city at the time of
the banquet, or to have failed to qualify
as members of Ak-Sar-Ben. The demand
for seats la so great that the tioard had to
fix a firm rule that none would be Invited
who was not a member of the order.
The menu souvenirs twill be quite
elaborate, cosulng 12 apiece, and will re
produce a hsflf-tone of Mr. Taft from a
photograph taken when In Omaha last
Following Is the list as It now stands:
Allen. Edsar , . Judson, P. W. "
Allison. C. C. Johnston. O. W.
Andreesen, B. M. Kiolinaer. O. D.
Kennedy, J. L.
Austin. A. T
Black. C. B.
Belt, W. B. T.
Ueoson, A. (3.
Barker, Joseph
Beaton, C. D.
Beaton. A. J.
Bowers, CL W.
Branduls, Emll
Brandels, A. D.
Brandels, Hugo
Buckingham, E.
Bartlett, E. M.
Bennett, W. R.
Isryson E. E.
Baum, J. E.
Belden, C. C.
l-iruee, E. E.
Buchols. W. H.
Byrne, T. C.
Baxter, W. F.
Brown, Sen. N orris
Hrady, J. 8.
Baldwin, B. I
Blanchard. J. B.
Baldrige, J. M.
Barlow. Milton T.
Breckenrldge, R, W
Barton, K. C.
Burgess. W. M.
Busch, R. B.
Courtney. C. R.
Chase, C. C.
Caldwell V. B,
Cronk. G. P.
Cudnhy, J. M.
Cudahy, E. A.
Cowln, J. C.
Cole. David
Cummlngs. H. L.
Cohn, Herman
l Ml l, uouid
Diets. C. N.
Dahlman, J. C
Dixon, K. W.
lrake, L,uther
Duval. Eugene
Davidson, Wm. M.
Davis, B. B.
Rdwards. H. O.i .
Fry, T. A.
Folda. E. F. '
Foster, Jay D.
Flack, John F.
French, J. C.
Gardener, Cornelias
Glatisf ord, W. A. '
Glas. William
Guild, J. M.
Gilmore, Robert
Ooss, C. A. r
Qurley, W. T.
Gallagher, Faul ,
Hay ward, w, 11.
Hair, m. a:
Hendrie. J. M.
Hitchcock, . M. -Hamilton,
Frank T,
Holdretfe, G. W.
Hayrten. Joseph "
Hull. C. A.
Hull, C. W.
Herring, Carl E.
Jardlne v. 8.
Jcraa, A. F,
Kountie. 1. U
Kountae, C. T.
Klrkoiidall, F. P.
Keogh, F. S.
Kierstead, W. L
Krug, W. M.
Kelly, Geo. H.
L,ove, A. J.
Loomls, N. H.
Lomax, E, L
Lord, J. P.
Lindsay, Z. T.
Martin, J. O.
McCord, W. IL
Metx, Fred
Millard. J. IL
Millard, A.
iVlohler, A. L.
McGrew, C. F.
Murphy, M. R,
Mt-geath, G. W.
McCullough, T. W.
Miller. Rome
Mandcrson. C. F.
McHugb, W. D.
McVann, E. J.
Morton. Charles
Mots, Charles
Nash, F. A.
Nash, Louis C.
Newbranch, II. B.
Polcar, Joseph
Penfold, H. J.
Pickens, C. II.
Peck. E. P.
Peters, M. C.
Powell Al
Paxton, W. A.
Paffenrath, Fred
Peek, George N.
Poppleton, VV. 8.
Remington, Arthur
Hoot J. C.
Robinson, C. N.
Tlot-ewater, Victor
Russell, C. W.
Smith, C. E.
Smith, A. C.
Saunders, C. L.
Schalek. Alfred
Sumney. H. C.
Scobie, J. R.
Stors,.A. . ,
Swobe, E. T."
Thomas; B. F.
Thompson, H. A.
. , Taggart, V 4. !
. vhu Moi ;, .
tTtt, J..E.
' wattles, a. vr. .
West, O. F.
., WUoogv.R .1 '
Wilhelrnu, C..M . .
-'"Wright."- W. S.1 '
Wead. F. D. ' '
Warner, Wm. P.
Watson, W. R. .
Weller. II. S.
"Webster.-J. L.
Walters. Krsnk' '
Wapplch, W. F. .
Yates, H. .W.
Yates. J. T.
Tost, C. K. - '
Yetter. W. L.
Prices Disposed to Advance Becaase
Of the Scarcity of Corn
fed Cattle.
Retail meat dealers have not advanced
the price of meat In Omaha, but they are
likely to do so very soon.'
Scarcity of cornfed cattle with a higher
wholesale price la the cause of the In
crease to be expected. Chicago and other
oltlea have already felt the effect; prices
going up sharply. .
"We are paying 11 cents for native
cattle." eald a dealer, "and there Is little
profit for us at this price. So much of
the beef we buy Is waste or is sold for
soup stock. Loin stock la only 11 per cent
of the whole." '
Pork has gone up during the week and
housewives are paying 17 cents for loin
outs and 20 cents a pound for pork chops.
For Women and Misses
The display will prove in
teresting to those who come
just to see the new styles,
materials and colors, as well
as those who come to buy.
Tailored suits in a great
variety of styles, materials
and colors.
At $25, $35, and $45, we
are showing exceptionally
good looking suits in the
plain tailored styles.
Wool dresses, P r.i n c e s
styles, in new embroidered
and tailored effects at $12.75,
$17.50, $25 and $35.
Stunning long coats of
covert and broadcloth, show
ing the new rather tight
semi-fit, giving the long
waist line, $19.50 to $40. '
AppareJ for the miss, the
home woman, as well as the
business woman.
Grady and Parry Fight it Oat for
Grand Worthy Vice.
John J. Ryder May lie Poshed Into
the Arena Against secretary
. Mann for, His Nice Lit-
.. tie Job.
, - . ...
Omaha Institution Will Begrla Class
Room Work Tuesday with Fac
ulty Nearly Complete.
The University of Omaha will open for
the first time next Tuesday morning.
A full corps of Instructors has been se
cured with the exception of an Instructor
for the chair of English." The trustees are
In communication with several educators
and It Is expected that this one vacancy
will be filled before the university opens.
Pull college courses will be given at the
new university.
Gratifying reports as to the probabls
attendance have been received, but the
trustees of the new educational Institu
tion are aa yet unable to announce what
the probable enrollment of atudents will be.
It you have anything to sell or trade
and want quick aotlon, advertise it in The
Bee Want Ad columns.
'' It is the went against the east In the
contest for 'grand worthy vice president
of the' Eagles, the highest elective office
In that organization. ; ' The states of the
east are JlrlWg''tij?!be"hlnd' Senator Thomas
rV Orady Of NWYork and the west Is
giving support to "John S. Parry of San
Franclscto. ; . :
There are twd other candidates In the
field, but these "two men are the strongest
probabilities. The other men " mentioned
In connection with the office are John A.
Cllne of Cleveland and V. V, Ryan of
Paterson, N. J.'!
Friends of Grady and Parry are on the
ground now laying plans for the booming
of their candidates. Senator Grady ar
rived Monday and has been busy confer
ring with delegates from different parts
df the country.
Parry has been endorsed by the aeries
of Omaha, South Omaha, Council Bluffs
and Benson. Hlr partisans expect htm to
get the solid ' vote of the aeries west of
the Missouri river. They look for strong
support In the middle western states, too.
The San Francisco aerie, several hundred
strong, will get to Omaha Saturday even
ing prepared to push the fight for Parry.
The rest of the California delegates will
arrive Sunday morning ready to sslst In
the Parry campaign.
Ryder for Secretary.
Opposition, is now looming up against
Conrad II. Mann . for re-election to the
office of grand secretary. Until Wednes
day it appeared that the Kansas City
man would have no rivals tor the position,
but frjends of Secretary J. J. Ryder of
the convention In Omaha are rumored to
have started a gumshoe campaign for him.
The movement to place Secretary Ryder
In as grand secretary Is being kept under
cover as much as possible until tho
Omahans learn juct how much., chance
they will have of getting him elected.
The fact that another Omaha man, J. A.
Tuthlll has been endorsed by several aeries
for grand trustee may work against the
boom for Ryder. It la customary to give
the city in which the convention Is held
an officer. Tuthlll has been selected aa
the man to take this position. The plan
now Is to attempt to get the supporters
of Parry to give their votes to Ryder.
No contests have developed yet for any
of the other offices.
The various committees of the Eagles
are In session at the Paxton.
Orand Worthy Vice President Frank E.
Herlng of South Bund, Ind, arrived yester
day. Four prises are to be given away at
the barbecue of the Eagles next Friday.
Three of these cost $100. The first prize
la a ring, the second a pendant and the
third a pin. The fourth Is a bunch of
six geese. These prizes will be given for
a certain stunt which will not be dis
closed until the day of the barbecue.
General Illrhard Miller and Colonel
C. Rebhahn Come to Inspect
Local War Society.
General Richard Miller, president of the
German War societies of the United States,
and Colonel C. Rebhahn, vice president . of
the German War societies of New Tork,
have come to Omaha to Inspect the local
Gorman War society. They arrived Thurs
day and will stay until Saturday, .making
v Exposition Co.
This Buyers Opportunity Begin
Friday Morning at 8 O'clock '.
For this sale we purchased several carloads of High
Quality Furniture, at so low a price, that we can afford to
price same to Omaha and Nebraska furniture buyei's, for
about , ' f' ' "' .
Less than the prices asked at other stores, '
We Expect to Sell More '
Furniture in the next ten days than has ever been sold by
an Omaha house before.
If High Quality at Low Prices and on Terms'
to Suit the Purchaser Will Induce Buying,
Our Expectation Will Be More Than Realized. ' ' .',
See our windows and you will appreciate the GREAT
BARGAINS wo will offer during this great Furniture Sam
ple Sale. . k
Friday, Septembpr .10
120911-13 iMUNAM STREET
their headquarters at the Hensh&w while
In the city'
General Miller (s a close friend of
formtr President Roofevtlt and Kaiser Wll
Helnv of Germany and has held a number
of conferences with them. The two of
ficers will be the guests of honor at a
banquet tonight at the German Home on
South Thirteenth street.
1 New rise tor Bmmett Gould.
KANSAS CITT, Mo., Bept. 9 Emmett A.
Gould, since 1908 general superintendent of
the norljuern dls,trjcirol he, Missouri Fa-
eclftc with headquarters In Kansas City,
has resigned to become general superin
tendent of the Oinoinnatl, "Hamilton Lay
ton at Cincinnati;., effective cViitember 1T. '
His resignation was confirmed here laat
Health and" Beauty Aid.
Cosmetics and lotions will' not clear your
oomplexlon of pimples and blotches llko
Foley's Orlno Laxative, for Indigestion,
stomach and liver trouble and habitual
constipation. Cleanses the system and Is
pleasant to take. Sold by all drugglsta. '
Boys' 50c Shirtwaist
Blouses at 25c
All colors and materials
ages 4 to 14' (y tln
years, at ...mJC;
Here is a real bargain for the boys-- strong, reinforced seams, of course
not alL wool, but the kind of suit that will 3.
wear well for school-
Friday, at
Bav s 75c Knickerbocker Pants at 49c. . ;i
School Pants These are made for service strong materials- reinforced
seams satisfactory in every way, al-Qfrff
Friday, at rr, . , :
Friday and see the i ults made of heavy, good union cashmere genuine 10 fall suits.
fr .. tf Tlf Tg K.
New York Democrats
Busy Rejuvenating Party
SARATOGA, N. T., Bept 9. Democracy's
proposed rejuvenation, undertaken by a
committee of democrats who are not In
accord with the party's present manage
ment in New Tork state, promises inter
esting developments during the conference
which began a two days' session here
The organisation leaders were not In
vited to this conference, although those
instrumental in bringing it about declared
that the gathering was not against the
present party organisation or against any
leader, state or national, but was rather to
forward the. true interests of tha demo
crat to party.
Prominent among the conferees are AW
ton B. Parker,' former chief judge of the
court of appeals and decomracy's presiden
tial candidate in U0i; es-Jusilce D. Cady
Henick. who ran for governor, the same
year; Edward M. Shepartl, who was de
feated for mayor of New Tork by Both
Low; Thomas M. Osborne of Auburn; ex
Justice Morgan J. O Brlen. Augustus Van
Wyck, and listrlct Attorney Jerome.
Tbe executive eumui'ttee wbiuU wet last
night to perfect the conference plans con
tinues its session today. Judge Parker,
Judge Her rick and District Attorney
Jerome, although not members of the
committee, participated In its deliberations.
The plans proposed for calling the gath
ering to order in the town hall in the af
ternoon; an opening address by Mr. Os
borne, followed by the election of Edward
U. Shepard as permanent president
Morgan J. O'Brien, will head the com
mittee on resolutions. Much interest cen
ters In the outcome of this committee's
deliberations, an "there are different opin
ions on the question of Income tax, direct
nominations and other policies.
At tonight's session of the conference the
tentative program calls for speeches by
Justice Ilerrlck of Albany, Augustus Van
Wyck of New Tork and John Say lee of
It was decided at today's meeting of the
executive committee to make Alton B.
Parker temporary chairman, bis addreas
to follow that of Mr. Osborne's..It had been
expected that Judge Parker's address
would not be glveu until tomorrow.
ii i . itj
" Hoi Spring
y v sat- v xiw
soott swot. ewwAfio.
San Francisco
Los Angeles
TO 1 "utl.e
Dnily Scptombor 15 to October 15, Inclucivo.
'The Map Shows the Burlington "attractive through, route to the coast cities, v
Through tourist sleepers to California at 4:10 p. m. daily. ' v
Tlirou'gh trains carrying all classes of high; grade equipment, including ttfuritit .
sleepers to the northwest at 4:10 p.m., and 11 :50 p.m.' daily.