12 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1900. ROADS IN WAR OF SPEED Union Pacifio Meets Burlington tnd Goei It One Better. EASTERN COITCIECTIONS HELP OUT MllmakM and SrrtMri fckonl r Mwt t Time Catting De (wrft DriTrr aad Chirac Mr Time t'h The Union Pacifio haa met th out In running time announced by the Burlington between Chicago and Denver and haa gone that road one better by speeding- up the time of two of lta tralna, th change to be effective September 11. Rome time ago the Burlington announced that lta No. 1 and 6 would cut the running time two houra between Chicago and Den ver. The Union Pacific, with lta oonnec tlona at Omaha, the Northweatern and Milwaukee, will run two tralna a day each way lit twenty-aeven houra and thirty minutes. A speed war waa anticipated when the Burlington made lta announcement, aa it waa known that th Union Pacific, with Iti double tracka, could make the time. The Milwaukee and Northwestern have re lieved that road of most of the extra apned by hurrying up the Omaha-Chicago tralna a couple of houra. Train No. 1, the Overland Limited, will be on of the tralna which will lessen lta running time to Denver, but will make no change In lta running time to Ban Francisco. It will leave Chicago at 7 p. m. Instead of 6 p. m., aa at present, and arrive at Omaha at 7:6 a. m. It will leave Omaha at 7:20 a. m. and reach Denver at 7:30 p. tn., making a daylight run across Nebraska. 1 The eaatbound Overland Limited will leav Denver at 8:15 a. m. and arrive at Omaha at 11:89 p. m. It will arrive at Chicago at 12:46 p. m. Other Train Speeded I'p. The other trains which will be hurried tip between Chicago and Denver are Nos. 11 and 12. No. 11 will leave Chlcaso at 1:30 p. m. and will leave Omaha at 1:45 a. m. and arrive at Denver at 4 p. m. No. 12, the eaatbound train, will leave Denver at noon and arrive at Omaha at 8:45 a. m. and Chicago at 4:30 p. m.. making the run In twenty-seven houra and thirty minutes.' A local Omaha sleeper will be placed at the Union station at 10 p. m. for passengers for No. 11, and No. 12 will carry an Omaha sleeper. In which the pas sengers will be permlttted to remain until 7:30. The running time of the through Portland tralna will also be changed September 12, the trip to be made each way In seventy two hours between Chicago and Portland. No. S will leave Chicago at 10 a. m. and arrive at Omaha at 1201 a. m. and arrive at Portland at I a. m. No. 6 will leave Portland at 6:45 p. m., arrive at Omaha at 7 am. and arrive In Chicago at 8:46 p. m. Theae changes will put the Overland Limited and No, 6 through Omaha at 7 o'clock In the morning. Cows Play Golf at Country Club McShane Lease Ground to Dairyman and Clubmen Sue for Injunc tion to Bind Lease. As an aftermath of the Country club Im brogllo with the pro-golf and anti-golf members opposed, the attorneys for the Country club have enjoined John A. Me Shane from taklnj possession of the forty acres adjacent to the Country club grounds and the looks and fencea shutting off this tract have been removed. Mr. McHhane, who la also a member of the Country club, Insists that the lease held by the club on thla forty acre tract has been forfeited, to which the club tukea exception, claiming that the lease on the tract runs to 1915. In the meanwhile Mr. McBhane has leased the forty acre tract to a dairyman named Gaylord and Uaylord haa taken possession and turned his cows Into the tract and the bovlnes are now playing golf there, to which sac rilege the Country club officials strenu ously object Testifies After Fear Year. Carlisle Center, N. Y.. O. B. Burhana, writes: "About four years ago I wrote you that I had been entirely cured of kid ney trouole by taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy, and after four years I am again pleased to state that I have never had any return of thoae symp toms, and I am evidently cured to stay cured." Foley's Kidney Remedy will do the same for you. Bold by all druggists. FLYING BLOCK WOUNDS MAN Saawaar Maker la Cadaay Plant Oets Blow When Poller Breaks In III Ylrlulty. Thomas Moore, 1021 North Twenty-second street. South Omaha, waa seriously hurt at the Cudahy packing plant Thursday morning. While at work In the sausage de partment, where he haa charge of the spices, a pulley broke and th flying block caught him. tearing a serious wound In hi leg and foot and nearly breaking his arm. II will be disabled for several weeks. He was attended by Dr. O'Rlley, the plant surgeon, and waa later taken home. He la a young man and Uvea with his parent. A Lit Sentence of suffering with throat and lung trouble Is quickly commuted by Dr. King's New Discovery. (0c and tl.00. Bold by Beaton Drug Co. r m m m rm am r- p m TRIUMPH BOTTLED BEER The best all round beer in the market-bar none j MADE IN OMAHA I I ft J rtcst! flffl lad. BUM Most Remarkable Bargains of the Year AT BRANDOS STO18ES Carload of New Fail Collon Goods ' On Sale for the First Time Friday Ilere is a bargain worth your especial attention. Amoskeag Teazledown outing flannel very often advertised as a bar gain at 12Vc a yard in light and medium colorings 6, 8 and 10 yard lengths for gowns, skirts, etc. Such a big bar gain in outing flannels may not occur again during the entire season. Two big squares piled high, and plenty of salespeople to wait upon you, at, yard 61c 18c SERPENTINE CREPES AT 10c YD. Not one old pattern in the entire lot all the pretty, new fall kimono styles 18c is the regular selling price in kimono lengths; at yard JLUC, 10c Black and colored mer cerized sateens, none worth less than 15c, most of them 25c- all day at. yard Beautiful floral, duck ling, Persian, chick and Jap pattern vel- ' vet flannels, most de sirable of all for dressing sacques and kimonos; fine assort ment of styles at, yard. . . Staple checked, striped and plaid ginghams for skirtings, very de sirable mater lain at, yard 10c .:5c Gray cotton suitings stripes, checks and plaids. You will agree that they are .worth 12 Mc a yard. Not over 20 yards to each customer r 1 at, yard J2 C The new fall pattern ginghams are here Ked Seal, Toil du Nord, Bates and A. F. C. in dress lengths; on bargain f A square, yd. . . . .UC Dark pattern dress per cale good lengths .and fast colors new lot at. 1 . yard 0?C Double fold dress per cale light grounds with neat printings, very special bargain from the bolt, at, yard Aic Scotch skirting will wash and wear splen didly from JLn the bolt, yd. . . M2 Fleece back lOo flan nels, good styles In light, medium and dark colorings, for bouse wear at, yard 5c Friday will be the Most Extraordinary Bargai Day Ever Known Is sar Basemest REMNANTS OF LINENS Basement 8-4 Full Bleached Pattern Table Cloths worth $1.25, at, each. 49c SOu Mercerized Damask full width good variety of patterns to select from, at, yard, 39o. Turkey Red Table Damask worth 16c off the bolt. at. yard, 7H. Remnants of Cotton Toweling worth 6c, at, yard, 3HO. 15c Doublewarp Turkish Towels large size, each, lOo. Linen Dollies fringed, also lot of stamped dollies worth up to 10c, at, each. Bo. Renaissance Lace Center Pieces wortn ouc, at, each, aeo. Remnants of Table Damask and odd half dozen lots of napkins, at about half regular price. All 5 Cases Sample Pieces and Factory Ends Wool Dress Goods Passaic, N. J. Woolen Mills pieces of .diagonal serges, fancy worsteds, suitings, Bedford cords, Cheviots, satin Soleil, Venetians, Henriettas, etc. all dress, skirt and waist lengths. Fine dress goods at a fraction A aa of their real value 2 large bargain b11M$P squares, at yard V tfl AV Dress Goods Sample Pieces in Basement 3 to 10 of one kind to match, ail imported goods black and all colors; suitable for children's school dresses, odd waists, etc. in basement, C at, each mwiDCmJ)C Remnants and Odd Lots of Silks 15 pieces black moire, at yard 50c 10 pieces, yard wide, double faced black Peau de Cachemire, at yard .'...$1.00 12 pieces, yard wide black messaline satin, at yard . .SI. 00 20 pieces black Sapho dress silks, at, yard 69c 15 pieces black Messaline satins, at, yard 50c 49 For all silk $1 dress p silks, In plain and fancy weaves Peau de Cy- gnes. Satins, Taffetas, etc For dress satins, Cache- rt mire de Sole, fancy Silk fill Itinera Dlol4 Qtllra TM agonal Silks, etc. 59 18-mchiiae taoroiaered Hounclngs, Skirt- 4r0 lap and Corset Cover Embroideries. .... 13 L Thousands of yards on bargain square worth up to 35c Remnants and odd lots of narrow embroidery edgings and insertions, worth up to 7Vc, at '. . 3c All kinds and many designs. Special sale Friday. 1 Laces Worth Up to 10c Yard, at 3c Yard French and Crerman Vals., Linen Torchons, Piatt Vals. and Point de Paris, cluny and fancy wash r laces of all kinds, at, yard JC See the Big Window Display of Samples o! Fancy Linens That go 03 Sale Saturday These fancy linens are in fine Madeira, cluny, duchess and drawn work effects doilies, scarfs, squares and center pieces, beautifully made, and worthup to $2.00. On Sale Saturday at 25c-50c BRANDEIS STORES Ul lU) VI Iff 1W 1 1 1 v' 101 .1 MulNui. Ul ew Quarterly Styta Book and any 15c Ladies' I Home Journal Pattern for 30 ? J SILKS IN A GREAT SALh Friday Bargain and Remnant Day Shop the town over and you'll see no other such silk selling as we will hare Friday. Silks for every conceivable purpose; new, choice goods in desirable lengths simply sacrificed. Silk Worth to 83c 27-lnch pon gee silks, in colors; IV and 24 Inch foulards, wide black China silks, remnants Messaiines, peau de cygnes, taffetas, fancy taffetas choice 25c Silks Worth to $1.00 Another very large lot black silks, nice long lengths from our recent sale. Pongee silks, kimono silks, 36-Inch Pongees, etc, values to 11.00 yard, for 39c TRIPLE TRADING STAMPS FRIDAY on All Dress Goods and Silk Purchases Case 10c & 12 Uc Wash Goods 5 Case Striped Madras, '2-lnch ma terials, worth to 25c, at g Case new Flannelettes, regular 12 c qnallty 8 Linen Finished 8 u 1 1 1 n g T a n shades, with white stripe, one pattern only, 29-inch goods, usual 15c qual ity, yard 4!c 00 Friday Bargain Extraordinary GIRLS' WOOL DRESSES I TTDT C WAAI CWTDTC Ml Jim A sale of school apparel that will go with a rush. Why wouldn't $4, $5 and $6 garments for a dollar bring crowds. About two hundred girls reefers mostly fancy materials, some plain, some trimmed, about 60 styles. Girl's wool dresses, about 50 only. Girls' wool skirts, about 40 only. All highly desirable garments, for girls 6 to 12 years actual values up to 6; on sale bargain Friday $1.00 Rubber - Capes for - school girls, plaid hoods, 6 to 14 years; special $2.05 Cravenette Rain Coats, In tan and oxford, about 25 fine $15.00 gar ments; Friday, choice. . .$5.00 Fall Jackets, samples, light and medium dark gray, also tan, 36 Inch; $15.00 coats, for $10.00 Spring Suits 25 only; dark wor steds, worth up to $35.00, choice, at $9.05 Black Petticoats High grade ma terial, cluster pin tucked and shirred flounced with underlay or dust ruffle .$1.00 House Dresses Light percale and madras; any up to $5.95, for, eh $1.05 Flannelette Gowns Heavy stripe material, braid trimmed; cut wide and full 50 Great Friday Bedding Bargains Blankets. Comfortables, Sheets. Pillow Cases A sale specially arranged for those who expect to take In Eagles' convention, and Ak-Sar-Ben visitors. Every family in Omaha with fall and winter bedding needs can profit by this day's sale. 10-4 gray, 60c cotton blankets, for 'V- 35 10- 4 Era, tan and white, 69c and 95c blankets, for 59 11- 4 gray, tan and white, $1.39 blankets, for ........... .Q8 11-4 all wool $6.60 blankets, at. Pair $4.50 11- 4 all.wool $5.50 plaid blankets, at'.. h. .I.;.. $4.50 12- 4 'all -Wool $7.75 blankets, now, at ....... Fancy Linens Large - quantity hsm- tltched and drawn square,! lza 18 and 20 inch, also odd lot hand embroidered and drawn effect, -worth 2 Be and 30c, for.-t $6.00 Comfortables Snow white, cotton filling, $1.50 quality, 66x72 inch, at $1.00 Comfortables Silkoline covered, China silk borders, hand knotted with baby ribbon; all colors, .size 72x78; best $4.00 value, at $2.03 15c Pillow cases, 42x36 Inches. tor Htf 60c Hemmed sheets, 72x90 Inches, tor ... .39 69c Sheets, 81x90 In., special 49 m. aC White Goods Remnant of fin check and stripe, 81 Inch mad ras for waUte; all de elrable lengths; goods worth 19c, 26c and !6c a yard, for 15c Table Damask Bleached table damask, 62 inchen wide; four neat patterns; identical quality retailing at 85c, durable and lauders well, yard 19c Friday Bargain Day Corsets $1.00 Corsets for 69c $1.50 Corsets for O 8c Two models distinctly different in style; one for medium figure, with medium hip and bust; either in coutil or batiste 69 The other Is for tall, well developed figures; extra long hip, with high bust. Both models are heavily boned, and a third under regular price, at 98 A 10c Day for Enamelware Friday we cap tho climax to our series of enamel ware sales of the last two weeks. We have sold thousands of pieces for the bargains were immense Now then these for Friday: Blue and white sauce pans, with cover. . . .m gn Blue and white dippers "l4 JhC Brown mottled preserving kettles, 22 size. Enamel wash basins, 4, 6, and 8 quart Enamel milk pans, choice Friday Bargain Lots School Shoes You pay less tomorrow for the best shoes for boys and girls. Hon est all solid leather shoes that wear, are featured here at lowest prices. Read: Boys' Velour Calf, box calf and vlcl shoes; heavy and medium weights, size! 2tt to 6; pair. at $2.50 Boys' Satin Calf and box calf shoes; lace and blucher styles, 2 to 6. at $2.00 d $1.50 Girls' Vict Shoes; blucher and but ton styles, light and heavy sole; all sizes, at $1.50 Girls' Vlcl Shoes, in button, lace and blucher; best quality, pair, at $2.50 and $2.00 Friday Book Day Rare Bargains Four Lols-Sc, lOc. 19c, 23a The famous house of Charles Broadway Rouse of New York closed out to Bennett's a large consignment of odds and ends of their regular wholesale book stock All kinds of books In these lota. Including works cf Carlyle, E. P. Roe, Conan Doyle, etc. On the bargain tables Friday. Our Fifth Clearance Sal of Uaed Library Books 18c Latd' fiction from our circulating library 150 volumes, only slightly marked, to fresh up the stock we will sell all these used books for 19c each. Such titles as Trail of Lonesome Pine; 54, 40 or Fight; Woman for Mayor; Peter and many others Included. Groceries for Friday and Saturday' A great list of unuual specials. W save you money on almost every thing. Hennett's Beat Coffee, three pounds Bennett Dent Coffee, one pound .. Bennett' Tea, assorted, pound .. Bennett' Tea Sifting, pound 91 M and 100 green stamps 35o and 80 green stamp 680 and 6U green stamps 15C and 2ll urft.n .tu.,... Bishop's Grape Kruitate, sherry flavor 40o and 20 Kieen stamps Uulden Harvest Bird tieed, package ISO and 10 Kreen nm ,. r vOo and 75 green stamps GalUard Olive Oil. large bottle Snider' Tomato Soup, large can . . Strait's Pineapple Cubes, large can Boyle's Horseradish Mustard, Jar Hartley's Marmalade, jar Mignonette Peas, three can Yankee Corn, two cans umalia s ureatest Hug bale ivionuay v; M 0 i I Ml ui.h c ... i I I 4sa IIB N MlfC I UU N I IV N Per Cent on You L3UUU Millinery Purchase See the New Fall U Millinery Styles Aj Now on Disolav U U THE RELIABLE STORE Friday is Remnant Day In our Famous Domestic Room 25,000 yards of Flannelettes. Outing Flannels, Fancy Suitings,' Prints. Cinghanis, Muslins, Toweliugs and all kinds of summer goods, from 10c to 25c, will go in five lots Lot 1, 3KS Lot 2, 5; Lot8.7Mk Ixt 4. 10S 1-ot 5, 12 H FIXK MXKXS. Remnants from 2 to 4 yards in bleached, unbleached and silver blea ched, worth up to $1.25 yard sold in lots, yard Lot 1. 25S I" 2. 39; Lot 8, 49S Lot 4, 59 Staple Check Apron Olnghams, yard 3H Remnants of Woo! Dress Goods All High Grade Panamas, Henriettas, Broad cloth, Voiles, Suitings, Sackings, Mohairs, Brillintines, Cream goods and all kinds of fine goods from 75c to $3.50 a yard, in 5 lots: 1 2 3 4 5 25c 39c 49c 59c 75c Blanket and Comfortable Sale All full size blankets 59c, 69c, 75c, $1.00, up to $20.00 a pair. Home made quilts at all prices from 59c to $12.00. Big Notion Sale in Domestic Room Our Hundreds of staple articles at 2 to Vi regular prices. Only a few of the many can be men tioned here. Machine thread, full 200 yd. spools, at IV2C Nursery pins, per doz. . . . . lc Shoe laces, per pair lc 25c needle book, at 3Vc Gold eye needles, pkg lc Darning cotton, per ball .... lc V Hump hooks and eyes, card, .lc 10c pearl buttons, biggest snapT ever, at doz 2Vc P ft Velvets Friday, 'at; Yd., 49c , A great lot of remnants of fine velvets in lengths up to! 5 yards all colors; actual value up to $1.50 a yard; biggest bargains ever, at, yard .49c Plain and Fancy Silks All late col ors and weaves, values up to $1.25 yard In two big lots Friday at, yard 29 and 49 Several other sales. 75c Black Taffeta. 87 Inches wide at, yard 49 )1.25 Black Taffeta, 80 Inches wlda at, yard 69 $1.50 Black Taffeta, 36 Inches wide at, yard 98 Furnishing Goods Specials in Domestic Room Men's NeRlige Shirts, and 69c values, good terns, collar bands or on sale Friday at.... Boys' Negligee Shirts regular 50c line of pat soft collars; 39 and Blouse Waists, collars. with collar 50c ' values. bands or soft 25 Women's Jersey Ribbed Underwear Vests or pants, regular 69c values; Friday 39 Women's Muslin Undn-garments Nearly all kinds and styles, that sold to 75c garment. . . .49 39 25 Men's, Women's and Children's Hose, values to 2 5c, at ... 12 H 10 5 This is an Extra Special Grocery Sale for Friday A savlnf of AS par osnt to SO pr osnt on your bonaekapfnf sxpanaas. 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap ..25c 48-lb. aacks best high patent Flour, made from the finest No. 1 Wheat, sack 11.40 10- lb. aacks best White or Yellow Corn meal 16c 6 Hi. choice Japan Rica 26c 6 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca, Sago or Bur ley for 25c Rex Lye, per can ". c 1-lb. package Corn Starch 4c OH or Mustard Sardines, per can ..SHc 3-lb. cans Oolden Pumpkin, Momlny. Squash or naked Beans 7 He Condensed Milk per can 7"4c Hromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, pkg 7 Vic The best Bulk Starch, per lb 5c Quaker Wheat Flakes, pkg TV4c All kinds Corn Flakes, pkg 7Vfcc Argo Starch, package 4c Lu Lu Scouring Soap, per can 4c Lavallne Scouring Soap, per can 8c OOMT FORGET 4-lb. pkg. Pyramid , Washing Powder.. 1 Bo FBEBH TEOETalLBS AJTD rKUXTS AT X.XSS TaAH WXOX.EBAX.il. 4 bunches Fresh Beets .......Bo 8 bunches Fresh Radishes. ........... .60 8 heads Fresh Lettuce Bo 3 heada Fresh Cabbage Bo 8 bunches Salsify or Oyster Plant.... lOo Large Egg plant, each &o Fresh Cauliflower, per lb 10c 8 Summer Squash 60 4 bunches Fresh Pie Plant 60 Fresh Apples, per peck 150 2 bunches Fresh Celery , 5a rXTT YOTTB FT! A CITES AND XEBSj UP SOW. Fancy California Peaches, per crate $1.10 Fancy Colorado peaches, per crate. .(1.10 Fancy bushel boxes Colorado Bartlett Pears $2.75 Jelly Grapes, per basket 17 Ho Crab Apples, per basket ..20a TRY MYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO it: IBB FASTEN TIEI3E Commencing Sunday, September 12th, train No. 6, the day light Chicago Limited leaves Omah earlier at 7:20 a. m., and arrives Chicago at 8:45 p. m., connecting with night trains for points beyond. A Club, or Lounging Car, has been added to this already perfectly equipped train. It provides a ladies' observation par lor; an enclosed smoking room for men; a writing room with two desks; and a well selected library. 7 I The large observation platform or Sun Parlor is entirely screened with clear glass which may be easily removed according to the will of the passenger or the condition of the weather. It is the handsomest, most complete Club Car ever built. SOO and 10 lfl-n llanina ;-ato and 80 grren stamps laanJ 10 green stumps ...80o and 20 green siHinps ...1150 and 10 grwn stamps . . Ubo and 10 uren ii.nuti Chocolatlna, per can lOo and 10 green stamps Kvyeiune Lye, three cana .,. lOo and 10 jjieon otamps Sku Hand Soap, three for 860 and 10 reen siumpi Sterling Uloss Starch. 8 lb. pkg 83o and 20 green stompa Orange City Rusk, three pkga 86o Kddy'a French Mustard. Jar lOo end 10 green stamps Burnham'a Clam Chowder, three cana for 85o H. J Hetna Chow Pl.klea. quart 85o and 20 green stamps H. 3.' Hrlni Sour Mixed Pickles, quart 30o and 20 green stiimpa Cheese. Full Cream, pound BOe and 10 gre-n atampa Bennett'e Capitol Oats, pkg llo and 10 green .stamps French Cut Loaf Sugar, pkg SSa and 10 green atampa Jap. Rice, four pounda SSo and 20 green stampa Yacht Club Salad Pressing, bottle . 880 and 10 gre-n atampa Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder. ( lbs HAO and 100 green stamps a OTfPPO just receiveu qiuoiuy jiens rouriat and Oranam immm PS1 ru No. 12, the Nebraska-Chicago Limited, leaves Omaha at 4:80 p. m. and arrives Chicago at 8:80 a. ra. a train brilliantly lighted by electricity, carrying chair cars, stand ard sleepers, dining car and us, dining car and library-observation car. Tickets, 1502 Taniam Street There Are Many weddings to occur thla month, line of sterling silver and cut be pleaed to show you. Look We have a beautiful glass which we would fur the name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler 181S Doug-las Street. Crackers, atampa Bennetfa Capitol creamery, "bricks, special price Chill Sauc. bottle fresh and crtup; per package, the including lu lOo finest produced; full pound SSo ..15o and 10 green atampa BUTTER Diamond B FISTULA Pay When CURED All Kectai Diseases cured without a Surgical operation. No Chlorotorm. Ether or other sea- 1 I. .L..:. 1 xi,ni.iiin,.,,;nn II to last a LIFE-TIME. tiTsxAmKATioH Vsbs. WR1TB POR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS Dm. sr. at. TARRY. 224 Baa Bulldlnff. Omaha. Nebraska S D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. 8 to Or. H. L. Ramacolottl) arTATal TXTXLaUHAJtlajr, Office mm KaarpltaJ. 8810 Kaaoa trees. Calls Promptly Answered at A-il Houra FOOD FOK i and nervous asa find their puwer la NCR VF( work Jtd youthful vigug IlLMbJ . Bon M . result ef even ark er mental exertion should tea UHAY'b NH.itVai WOuLt flLLo. Tasy wui aaaae you est ao4 aisep aud be a uaaaj eain. VI Box S kesee S3.SO y SXEKMAJi ft afcCOBTaTIil.X 9lv Cor. XSta aag Soaga Btieeta. 4' owl cava oobuajtb. Bo. ISVa ajt UtM9 II. BoMaA, ara