i. t THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1900. 11 M4 T r r OFFERED FOR RENT 5-ROOM house, trtodern ntvt heat, 83rj Munle HI., iH. t rooms, 2d flour, toilet is. Mlh St, tit. "3 roomo, city water and xff.illi-t In yard. f.X R- Kt.. $ 4-room hour, city water. W4 N. 2th St. Ill 6- room, modern except heat, tig N. 2&th, $22 and water rem CHRIS BOTER, 22d and Cumins Sta, i ' UniT-HVi 1" ail P',, ' th city. If IIVJUOUO Creigh Bone Co.. bee Bldg. -ROOM flat. 1"S Chicago St. FOR RENT $.T, new lower St. Louis flat: Minnlftely modorn: five lane rooms. Front iut.iI Park. 4416 Cuming tit. 'Phone iiarney KM. FOR RLNT: t-roorn modern 1rlcl nouse; 8009-2011 vTII II Av.-$2. C. M. BACHMAKK, . 4.14 Paxton Blk. I COZY cottage, roomi, partly modern lawn, snade, city and rieirrn water, re mented cellar. 614 8. 40th St' Leavenwortn car I Si block.' I TliN-ROOM, modern house, 2310 Webster Ifct. Hurkley Printing Co., 114 N. tfth. 2813 WOOLWORTU Ave., t rooms, mod- $27.60. IMO N. 2th. t rooms, modern except heat vu. fa30 Hurt, 9 rooms, modern, $30. ll) California, 6 rooms, 817.50. litlO YVeheter, I rooms, modern, $25. 24,9) F.nimet, 7 rooms, barn, $i(0. RINGWALT BKOiJ.. $06 tt. 15th St. HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt Barker Wk. , MODERN t-room houne, 216 8. 36th Ave. 1 'Phone Douglas 4687, ' i - 10-UOOM MODERN HOUSE Fine location. $124 poppleton Ave. Key I at tH4 Poppleton Ave. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Hull 6i' JN. . A-ue mag 'Phone Red 1W. OMAHA. NEB. CM HA Van Storage tfo., pack, move, lore, M. II goo-ls: storehouse, 1130 24 N. Jth; office P08 Ho. 17th St. Tel. Doug. 1559. MAOGARD Van 4t Flore re Ca. TeL Doug. 14'JC. We guarantee moving, planus, house hold good. , . HOUSEHOLD GOODS parked, forwarded; lifsp freiKht- rales; moving and storing. H-essmen L'rllvcry Co. Tel. Doug. Kl FOR RENT S-room house near Haneoora park; large, bcaitiful lawn. Phone Hank er Having and Loan Association, Douglas 117. . ELKQANT 4-room fiat, ' located at 610 8. r?th, ail tnoderii, price lie mis, Urandels Bldg. - . tx 00 S-room -modiwt - brtek (flat), SfOJ Paclflo (St., fur ifartloulars telephone, Har aey aa B.i. . i TIOC HOUSESPcr.Xrust Co-, -N. T. U .BUg. BRICK house, modern, close to Park Ave. mi Mason.. JnqniT 23 . 28th St. Phone IIhi ney i:i0. 6-H. MO , olioloe, 1003 Locust, $70. ti-r., mod., clueo In, 872 H. 20tli, S-r., part mod... MO S. lid. I17..V0. S r., part mud., 102 N. Zlh, $. b-r i lots, 30S a 8th, b-r., lth and N, 8. Omaha, 17. RU8SKLL .V M'KITRICK CO., 4.13 Ramge .Bldg., 16th and iiarney. Georgia Ave., 11-romn, elegant home, 170. 87th and pavenport, 8-r., all. mod., 135. ath and Laveuworih, .8-r., All mod., 132.60. O'KEBFR R.EAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-HM. Fon RKNT-fi-room cottage, with bath, on th northwest corner of 34th and De catur; J0 per titinth.: A T. TI'KfcT ft PON. 45 n.,i d of, Trad. Tel. Voug. 118L t-RO)M tottate; modern except furnace; rH-rnmnu l v. uikn. SOU Decatur St., 15 per month W. J. pfCRMODY .INVESTMENT CO.. Tel. I..ug. 6108 or A 203S. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. VOT IOTHROP 8T., S-room all modern flat, . . KMO Kt-wsry'Ftr,r6oms,1Vlt"moerrr."t29.' 2221 P 3Dth St.. t rooms, modern escept heat, t.M. , ' , 214 8 Sith Rt I rooms, modern except heat. 125. 1609 Lothrop St.. 6-room all modern flat, $22. 1034 S. 18th SU't rooms, city water, gas, tT. Near IIimon. t-room house. 2H acres, $12. BIRKKTT A TKBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. Phones DouRlnB 1764, Independent A-1754. ' Offices. - FOR RICNT Desk room, wltjj us of 'phone. 444 Bee Bldg. tore. STOREROOM, and basement In Scargo block, K (,..-xtf N. Uth. Hail. 44 Uamit l-liltf.. both phones. KOIl RKNT First-clans location for meat miirkft a in! noriy; meat market fixture; for sale. Address A, Omaha Bee, Co Bluffs. la. OTTERED. FOR, SALE flano anil Other Maalea) laatram WOL'Ll tu inr an Kmerson piano dirt cheap? I iiave one, In as good condition a v. lieu r.o. Phon Doug.. 5748. t TrwIUr A TYFKWTtlTRRS-Any inak. all Prices sold and-Vented, rent applied i easy terms; Mitpptd itiyncr fur axarutcatlon. Writ tor large Dargain nsi ana oirer. a. r. b wan son Co., 417 S. 16th St.. Omaha. Neb. b wan son Co. " SECOND h SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1007 Farnam. Uioellaaoaa. PRI'Gfl et tut prices, freight paid on aft l!0 ordtMs; cataiwgua ire. Mirrmio McCuniil Diug Co.. Omalia. Neb. Ui l tv nitr iiiMcuiufK groj ncio, new, rout $40 Will sell for $28 cah. Tel. Red Vk kj 1 1 A l w vu naiiu a nuiiiuor vt ilia barrels which w will sell at Mo each. Th ar fin for rain water or astiea. Call at prenaruom fcw uuiibuihi EI-ECTklC PIANOS and BANJOS. $lf0. continental novelty v-r omana, iseo. Sixth Prize Sltory Heren iftvrT tlp"ti'wood,' fa, daughter of Dr. F. E. L. He'Mter. Ulenwood High school. Niu.b grade. Aged 14 years. FngllHhN. Hiyart; sWence, William M. Mooie.aigeUa, At. Ruprr; Latin, Q. Roper. CilRI, for gvnrral housework, Blnncy St. Tel. Webster ; no washing nor Ironing; wages $&. "Now Urtllla I going to be marrtedT I don't know what I'll do for another girl. She was good and bad been In th family for so long. Oh. dearl This servant que t'on is 4,-i-ttlng beyoud me." All this and much more Mrs. Eveland said to her husband, who was not In th least to blame. But he was sympathetic and th poor Mrs- Kveiand poyred forth all lu r troubU-a Jnt his unresisting ears. -Well. Evelyn, sine th employment bureau ra)lv suppose you try putting an ad In the OJnaha Bee." he suggested, after ati had told film th distressing situation. "Do you really suppose It would do any good?" asked Mrs. Eyeland. making futil little daubs at her eyes with her handker chief. . " . "Whyy of ooiirtw, I do. You hav no idea how much Tha Bie Is read." "What would you sayr" THIS STORY WON TILE OFFERED FOR SALE 1 H larr llaaeoas C ntlaaed. Scholarship If yon intend taking a course In bulae Soliexe, see us about a scholarship. vS will sell you on at a saving to you. Ad dress o A, car Be. FOR BALK New and irl-hand btllsrd and pool table. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures, easy payment. Bruns wick-Balk Collender. n a. wo i. Hot-En-Tot Twin ar a Hot ensatlon. SHEATINO at ti Pr M. O. C. Dlra mock St Bon. South Omaha. BUY from the factory. Burkley Envelope COAL. Wood. Fed. 1316 N. 14th. Web. 44 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER for f sale nearly new. I would not take $LW0 for It if i war not a-oina out ui uubhic dree E-140 Bee. HOT-EN-TOT TWINS, th best On earth. Second Hand Boilers W will sell two boiler that have been la ue at the tie building, iney are emoa Kft-hnrsenower return tubular boilers, 14- Inch diameter by It feet long. They hav 1K8 C. I. tubes, t Inches bylt feet Work ins pressure IS pounds per square Inch. Heat surface 1,009 tquar feel Urate area $2 square feel. . V are very anxlons to d!spos of thee boilers Immediately and will sell at a bar sain, If taken at one. THE PEE BUILDINO COMPANJ. 17th and Farnam An.. Omaha, Neh HOT bluet heating atove, good a new. Pouirla 6770. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON, INS.. fit N. T. t TeL D. 14. Pr. ICatheryn Nlckolaa. 60S N. T. U Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton BIjC Tel l:d Till. HUFFMAN. 818 Neville Bldg.IBjgkfre. PERSONAL bab.e adopted. Xha Good itamaritftn Sani- lartUm, U ll w. v-umu uiuna, ss IIOT-EN-TOT TW INS, tha best on earth CORN Jelly will cure corns, foe Ualne Prug Co., iuiu farnam cu xr A ci K' l,fPI n treatment. Mm. Smith, xn-Ji 8- Wth Bt third floor. . . We tind home for table where mother cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms, addresh Mrs. Martha A. Lee, 40J UMtMTOKl DU. UflSUlS, AIM rnw Hot-En-Tot Twins are a Hot sensation. MRS. AMES of Washington. D. C manl- ourlng and massage. 1724 Capitol Ave. MRS. R1TTEN HOUSE, graduate of the Waltmer Institute of Nevada. Mo., treat rheumatism, constipation, paralysis, lum- Kor.t - .1 .11 .hrnnln rilnAAMes! electrU) Dill- sage and bath. Room toe, 4th floor Bos-1 mn fitnr Bids.: elevator entrance liu B. I Wih til., Jialrway on Douglas Sb THH SALVATION ARMY solicit caatoff Clothings In fact, anything you ao not neeo, Wa rnliect. rerjalr and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for coBt of collection to the worthy poor. Call puons Douglas 4U3 and wagun win can. DR. EOQERS. private confinement home. E14 Martha St. TeL uougiaa ttM. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramge Bldg. HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand, itu Farnam, MAQNI5TIC Treatment, ICramerlln I Brott. 2819 . Uth 8u Doug. USS. Private confinement home. Mm. Dr. King, l.T 4 ru. Z4tU. 111.. VTCO. SUOV. AX1U. v . T.T ..(.kin. , n nhtaln lit. lafeat drees cutting system. Learn cutting- Ca41 811 no. Kiln i. t none, wuiim iw Hot-En-Tot Twin arc coming. ANYONE knowing th present where abouts of James C. Ballard, who resided In Douglas county In 1867, or any of ms relatives, will pleas communicate wun II $29, care Omaha Bee, Omaha, Met). WHKRE do you have vour PRESCRIP TIONS FILLED? Ask vour DOCTOR If he has confidence in nctfAyiSK . Jtei Knows h can depend on our goods, and w want you to take advantage of our PRICES and SF.RVICE. We CALL FOR and DELIVER prescrip tions without extra charge. THAT'S FAIR. WB WILL call for. clean ana adjust your phonograph ror li.oo. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Phones-Doug. 166k. A-106X Cor. 15th and Harnev. IN 1M I began to teaoh that consump tion or any disease I could cur. I have a good many students today, $1,25 la what they pay per quart. Prof. Johnson, 14th and P 6tr, South Omaha. STRICTLY prtvat home during confine ments; excellent care; babies adopted; trained nurse. 261 Davenport St. WOULD Ilk to share part of furniture I oar to Los Angeles. Address x 515, car Bee. V 1 NOTICE Is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts made by my wife, Mr, sweena cnuaa. James cnuaa. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALER!. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Kst. I8GS; prompt service; get our prices, jiivi rarnam nu OANOESTAD. 404 Be Bldg. Tel. D. $197. PAYNES INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Ufa BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. -HAS. K. WILLIAMSON. President. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB. FOR quick returns, lis your real estate fn, aala and exohang with me. no sale. no pay. W. W. Mitchell. Board of Trad Bldg., Omaha Neb. Tin. something line mis: uiri for gen eral housework. Blnney St. Tel. Web ster ." I'on you minx w ougni to say no washing nor IronlngT And I paid Betllla $5." "All right; no washing nor Ironing; wages $5." "My, I bop It gets a rood one." "I'll hurry down and get In, so they can put It In this evening's paper." 'Goovi-bye. Don't put It In your pocket and forget It "No, indeed I won't Good-bys." Mrs. Eveland was hardly prepared th next morning for th calls she received In answer to her llttl ad. Sh rejected all th pretty girls, as they would be likely to share Betllla s fat. And all tha red headed ones ss sh had had a red-headed girl one who developed a surprisingly fiery temper. At last sh engaged a bright. neat looking girl of about 1$ years of age who said her nam was Mary. Mrs. Eveland Is glad of her cholo and neither sh nor Mary can cease their prsl.e of th Omaha Be want ads. You see, Mrs. Eveland wanted a glrL And Mary wanted a place. They both got what they wanted by using tha Omaha Be want ads. I SIXTH PRIZE LAST WEEK. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRT V OII BALE. (Continued) TO CLOSE AN ESTATE AVo Will Sell Ten Lots at Auction To the Highest Bidder. Satisfactory Terms Can Be Arranged. These Lots Are in Good Location, from One to Four Blocks from Benson Street Car Line. Lot 1, 2, and 7. Block 1, Cloverdale; ar located at 48th and Parker Sta.; all Uie front on 48th 8t, Immediately south of. Parker Street. Lota 7 and 8, block 3; lota 1 and I, block 6. and lota 1 and 2, block 7. Saunders & Hlmebaugh'a Mount Pleasant addition; are lo cated from one to three blocks north of 60th and Military Ave.; Benson car line runa on Military Are. Lot 8, wt Vt lot 4 and lot 6, block 88. Benson; consists of about acres In Benson, Including one 4-room cottage on north side of Mil itary road, one 8-room house, barn and chicken house on south side of Military road, and two acres of bearing apple orchard. All thfa property will bs sold at auction to the highest bidder on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH, at 10 o'clock a, m., on the north steps of the court bouse, 17th and Farnam Sta. For further particulars see) DWIOHT WILLIAMS, Administrator. Business Office, Omaha Bee. GOOD HOME $5,000 Buys th beet 8-room. modern house In tho West Farnam district we have ever offered for the money. This house la all modern, In excellent condition, having bien thoroughly repaired and papered and painted Inside and out; all the woodwork has been varnished and rubbed down. The lot alone Is worth 12,000.00. and we feel confi dent that this 1 the beet bargain In Omaha for tha money. ACRES $1,250 Buys E acres on Orphanage ave. I mile north of the Ken son oar line, mile 'mm paved road and one mil west of 42nd and Grand ave. car. High, sightly land, all In grass, never had a plow od It. BUILDING SITE $1,500 Buys 45 ft. east front on 14th street just south of Franklin; stores on either a de; splendid pi nee for stores and flats; 124 feet deep. This Is a bargain and la on of th remaining assets of an In Solvent bank. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St Reduced Prices for Quick Sale $409 Corby St., 4-room, two lots, lots lOOx 130. $n60. 610 Poppleton Ave., S rooms, water, gas. semi-cement1 walks, lot 80x132, $1,800. SZS So. 41st St., 8 rooms, good place, $1,000. M09 No. 17th Ave., t rooms, water, gas, sewer, permanent walks, $1,500. $81$ Brown fit., rooms, large lot, 0xl2, $90$. ; , S030 So. 18th 6t. 4 rooms, brick house, good, at PQ0. $430 Ptnkney St., I room, lot 60xl$t, $800. Creigh, Sons & Co., Tel. Doug. 100. 60S Baa Bldg. Two Comfortable Homes On at 4927 Davenport St., consisting of t rooms all modern and In good repair. The owner of th property Instructs us to sell it. W can mak price and terms to suit WE WANT AN OFFER, Ths other Is located at 1518 South 28th St, and consists of I rooms, .all modern. with a barn In rear of lot W want an offer on this property at once. A. P. Tukey & Son, 444 Board of Trad Bldg. Phon Doug. 118L MAKE ME YOUR BEST OFFER for th large, corner lot with 7-room cot tage, modern except furnace, southwest corner of 86th and Charles Sta. W. H. Griffith. 252$ Chloago St Tel. Doug. 4698. Benson Home for Sale or for Rent Choice 4-rocm house, new and strictly modern; close to ear and school; cement walks, fin furnace, eleotrlo light bath; will vU on your own terms or rent So ua -about this place. R. II. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. HSL 44$ Board of Trad. HERE IS A SNAP ' . IN A VACANT LOT ONLY $375 For 44 feat fronting north on Spencer St, aear 87th St Th lot I 124 feet dep. A neat t-room cottage ha just been built adjoining this lot on the east. See ua about this at once. HALTING. HETDiUN, lull Harney St NEW cottage, containing 4 rooms, one block from car, two block from school. U.SoO, $460 cash, t per cent discount If sold Quickly. If desired, U1 Was from buyer, la tTt, Be. 1 REAL ESTATE CITT rHUI'KRI V FOR SAL8C (Continued.) 7 Rooms, $3,800 Slrlotly modern, practically new, 60-foot outh front lot, on Emmet St., near Slier man Ave. Harrison & Morton CAN MAKE MONEY ON THIS Good 12-room house, modern, well adaoted for residence, rooming or boarding apart ment; close in; near 18th and Paul; only $3,260 for quick sal; $175 cash, $30 per month. We have several easy-term bargains; $75 to $500 cash, $10 to $M per month. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Uamey. Good Homes Eight-room modern house, and lot 60xlM ft., tOlh and Cass. Pries reduced to $5,500. Will rent If not sold. Nine-room modern house, and lot 50x155 ft.. 38th Ave and Dodge St. Price, $6,250. Six-room house, modern except furnace, and two full lots. Dodge St. near 36th. Price. $3,500. SNAP. J. W. ROBBINS, SOLE AGENT. 1802 FARNAM ST. Farm West of Omaha Two hundred and eighty acres, well im proved, only half hour by auto over paved road to heart of city. Less than a mile to small town on main line of Union Pacific railway. Includes orchard and fin grova. - . $126 PER ACRE. , O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO,. 1001 N. Y. Llfa. ' ' Douglas or A-2151 18 INVESTMENT one or the best close '-in rental proper tie In Omaha. Never vacant. It's loca tion insure a good class of tenants, $9,000 : $5,000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. This statement is in noway .over drawn. Let us show you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 199. OMAHA, NEB, Farnam St Property 133 ft near 24th, $S,600. 110 ft. neaj- 23d, $2b0 a foot. $4 ft. near 22d, Improved, $i,500. (s7 feet near 21st, $42 000 (improved). M ft, east of 20th, $75,000. 50.4 feet cor. 20th, $42,0u0. Harrison & Morton, S-p-i-c-k S-p-a-n NEW, strictly modern 7-room home, 85th and Burt Sts.. 4 rooms down stairs, three bedrooms and bath upstairs.- Columns hall to parlor, double open staircase, oak and hard pine finish, furnace heat, nice lot, cement walks, close to public, parochial schools, churches and two car lines. Terms. $4,750. WALKUP Real Estate Company Douglas 289S. 875-7$ Brandels liidg. SUMMIT ADDITION Lots $27$ and ud. Get circular. Th Byron Reed Co., ii a. 14th St FOR SALE t large choice lot. fin lo- cation. Call -Webster iM. FOR QUICK SALES ' list your farm and city property with us we have mora client wishing to buy do irabie place man w nave ror sale; w also hav call for some flrst'Class house and flats for rent. K. M. WRAY & BROS., 610 Be Bldg. Douglas $407. -ROOM bungalow, all modern: hot water heat; lot,. 50x150; close to Country ciuo. trice oniy n.iou. fan casn. P. O. NIELSEN St CO., 703 N. Y. L. Bldg. Both 'phone. BOULEVARD PARK HOME. Practically new, thoroughly modern six room house, with reception hall. This house Is nicely papered, has good basement beat grade or plumbing and lighting fixtures; located In neighborhood of nloe homes: ready to mov into; ask to see this today; price. $4,350; reasonable terms. Would con sider good lot as part payment. SHIMER CHASE CO., 3u9 8. 17th St. $500 CASH; $15 A MONTH N. 17th St, on block Sherman Av. car 7-ROOM HOUSE, $1,700 A cheap home. Why do you pay rent? NOWATA LAND A LOT CO. suite jz ss. x. i-iie mag. Phone Red nat. Omaha, Neb. JJ.O0O WILL BUY nearly new modern home, containing looms, nan, parlor, dining room, kitchen u'.iifliitiii, oearuoins ana Datn on shc end floor; full baaemetit cement t.lL. paed street. $1.2n) cih. balance $20 per monih. PHONE W. 2711. 6-ROOM cottage, near 6th and Center, P. O. NIELSEN A CO.. 703 N. Y. L. Bldg. Both 'phone. HOW'S THIS! 640 acre of fine land, $ miles from a good town on the U. P. R. R. in Kimball countv Nebraska. All good. This is worth 1 15 per acre, but $8-75 per acr will buy It If taken eoon, as owner must raise money. See us tor Bargains, writ or wire. S. E. WAIT & CO. $17 Be Bldg. Omaha. Neb. COTTAGES WANTED We have buyer for some good four, five ana six-room cottages, call or phon de scription or your propealy, and If the price SH1MFR A CHASE CO., 8U9 a 17th bt $1,350 BUYS lot and laraa buiMirw Saward REAL ESTATE . .m CITT fHOI'ERTr FOB BALA (Contlnueal.) wir. wilt n von a mod (-room tiotrs for II. wt and let you pay for It at $16 a month. . . How much fent havs you. paid in ire last 10 years? Oot anything to show for It? NOWATA LAND ANP U'T tu, Rulte 824 N. T. Life Bldg. Phon RWl IS. OMAHA. NBft 7-ROOM. new. all modern, t blocks of Farnam car. Very small payment down, balance by the month. Price only $1,000. P. O. MKLSE.i uu.. 703 N. Y. L. Bldg. Both phones. REAL ESTATE rARX ASU RAACH liAHU fOB SALB Colorado. SECTION Colorado land under th famous Kiandlev Lake Irrigation system, within forty miles north of uenver in Weld county, and three miles east of good tnwn nn main line I'nlon PaclfiO railroad; every foot can be tilled and Irrigated. For further particulars address Owner, l&K) Wa les St., Denver, coioraao.' Svowtaisiai. CILVNCE OF A LIFETIME 17.000 acres Montana farm land In th Smith river valley, about eventy-five mile east of Helena; only three miles from th main line of the new Milwaukee coast extension. Proposed Junction point t. - naiv Una tn ennnirt at Great Falls; land will double In value when construction starts. Abundance of water and water rights go with land. Lands ar nearly all fenced and some Improvement. Similar land only fifty miles distant on Oreat Northern soil from $75 to $100 per acre. I taw land along Mllwankee, a short dis tance east, sells from $20 to $30 per acre. Can sell to Individual In tracts of 80 acres or more, or will sell entire property to an Investment or development company at a very attractive figure. Price of land for a very limited time is $8 PER ACRE. Terms, 10 per eont cash, 30 per cent In ixty days, balance on flv years' time at t per cent , a II. GERBER, 613 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. V. S. GOVERNMENT LAND OPENING UNDER CAREV ACT. Conrad-Valler project. Montana. 70.000 acres of fine, grassy prairie under Irriga tion. Drawing October 7. 1WS. Must reg ister for drawing before October 7. You may register by power of atfTVney. For In formation and blanks write W. M. WAY MAN, Valler, Montana, or 1150 Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. MONTANA Ranch for Sale 120 a. all under water good eight-room house; young bearing orchard; stabling for six horses and other buildings. Prloe $: per acre; write for par ticulars. J. U. Shay, para uuy, Aioni. lllssoart. NICE, smooth, well improved farms In Nodaway, county, Missouri; prloe $66 to $UX per acre; Just a good as you can buy in western low a or eastern iNerji axHa ai uw to $176. Smith Illnes, Hopkins, Mo. Bsnrasita. Modern Homes Seven rooms, 80th Ave, near Popp'eton, half block to park, $3,500. Eight rooms, 33d, north of Bemls Park, nearly new, $4,200. Eight rooms, $7th. two squares north of Farnam, corner lot, $5,500. Seven rooms, 83d, directly ast of Field club, just finished, 0,00a Eight rooms, 83d, facing Onkhurst Park, on block from Park line, io.ow. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO,. 1001 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A-8162. A BIG BARGAIN. SO-acr farm, no 'land better, ons mlla from Shelton. halt mile irora ony mum and half mlla from stock yards, else of tnarn between 1.200 and 1.500 population The buildings are good; carry $2,000 in- uranrA This la a fine horn for someone also a aood feeding point. If I can sell within th next 16 days, will take $116 per acre, as I am on a deal for more land, Writ me for particulars. J. J. O'Brien, Shelton, Neb. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE) BY TRUSTEE. I.3S0 ACRES Banner county. Neb,, farm land. Some under Irrigation. Sale date October t, 1909, This Is all good wheat, oats and alfalfa land and will be sold In tracts to the hlchest bidder. Special train service, Terms reasonable. Write C. M. Uruen ther. Trustee, Columbus, Neb., NOW, for full particulars. RANCH LAND. 1.820 aores. Lincoln county. Neb.. T miles from North Platte, Neb., $5.00 per acre. J. U. Bone, Council Bluffs. la. 'Phon 814. FOR SALE Under hammer at McCook Neb.. Beet 14. 240 acre fine farm, good buildings, telephone, rural delivery, three mile from Hartley. Address u. j. men man, referee, Bartley, Neb. 45 BUSHEL WHEAT LAND. $20 Per acr, Wa own and control 20.000 acres of Chey enne county, Nebraska' choicest farm land now on the market, ine neaviest crop yielding county in xsebrasKa lor u years, Write for folder and full particulars. Agents wanted everywhere. Writ for our proposition at once. r un uiisuniiAn kj fit ocivi'nou.i, Land Brokers. SIDNEY, - NEBRASKA. BARGAINS IN FARMS. Ten thousand acres alfalfa, winter wheat and corn land for sale in small and large farms, in Sherman, Buffalo and Cuxter counties. J. T. Campbell, Litchfield, Neb. FOR SALE 160 acres Improved farm, $ miles from Page, Neb., $ per acr; for terms and description address J. C. Hass. Colorado Springs, Colo. IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE. A good improved farm $ miles from town, nearly all second bottom land; 80 acre under cultivation; goou improvement Price. $a0 per acre. Writ for our large bargain list. Agents wanted. Herman Springer A Co.. Sidney, Neb. FOR SALE A stock farm In western Nebraska: 1.280 acres; will sell with or without 150 head of cattle. Address Y-5U, car Be. ltlO ACRES, Kimball county. Neb., every acr can be cultivated, 4 miles south of lux, $10 per acre. P. O. Box, Council Bluffs, la.. 178. I4w Mexico. NEW MEXICO. 17 41 acres of land, fee title, accessible to railroad. Of this, compact body of 14.000 acre bears 76 million feet of white pine worth 13 per tnouaana at going price. Ke niaii.ing 11.4S acres Is grazing land, much of which can be easily irrieaiea. Easy terms. J'nce, sijo.uuu. Direot from th owners. Address k.. II. SMITH, Beaver Dam. Wis cousin. REMEMBER it only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad in in Be. Boat Dakota. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND Now 1 th time to buy; we hav 50.0u0 acTe to (elect from; Hyde. Sully and Stanley counties; $12 to $18 per acre; write for lists and maps Felland Realty Co.. 531 Palace Bldg., Min neapolis, Minn. 100 ACRES, Lyman county, 2 mile to county seat at $3,200. Writ Chas. B. Wll son, Mondamln, la. WE HAVE 100 bargains near church and schools In farm lands. Black soil 18 Inches to three ftet deep with clay subsoil These lands are tributary to Gregory, tha best town In the northwest Raw lands In Tripp, Mellette, Lyman and Stanley coun lies; also at I! relinquishments. "SQUARE DEAL LAND CO.," Gregory. B. D. Mention Omaha Be when writing. Wyemlsg. PARTIES wishing to local In any of th western state should first see the fin farming lands In th Golden Prairie dis trict of I.aramle county. Wyoming $10 to A) per acre. writ Allendcr A Nelson, Vaipenter, vt yo. RFaL FSTATE fARM AND KAKCH E.A!U rOM Al.al (Continued.) , Oregoa. OREGON LAND Fruit farms, alt else: price ranging from tlS to $1,000 per aero; good market; delightful climate; prosperous and nergetl neighbor. Call on ma for particular. C. II. GERT1ER, tit Be Bldg., Omaha. PRINTING PHONE IND. A-t&Q for good printing Lyngstadt Printing Uo.. Uth capitot Ava. HOLLAND Printing Co., U0 & 17th St. HT ATT A LONQACRR. PRINTERS, 17A Leavenworth St. Tel. lotig. 2M7. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to tlfl.OOO made promptly. F. D. Wead, VVead Hicg.. uin ana larnaat. tv to 15.000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1V01 N. X. Life. Doug, vt A-Uil MONET TO LOAN Payn Invtament Co. FIVE PER CENT MONET to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L New York Lit Bldg. nARVlN BROS., tit N. T. Life. $50 to $200,000 on Improved property. No dtlay. WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., U20 Farnam s)k WANTED Cltf loans. Pters Trust Co. PAINE. BOSTW1CK A CO.. N. T. Lit Private money, $500 to $5,000; low rat. SECOND MORTGAGE loan negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-18 First Natl UAuk mag. Bell Phone, Douglas 8318. LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED tTA 1I.. i a 7 Ave Have .Buyers for o ana - room modern houses at right price. Pay fTAA abmU kalana lit N A n,inVi fVW trasu. ua la iiv SJ a.s uiwinni NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red im. OMAHA, NEB. WANTED TO BUY WANTeS Several carload of fresh milk cows or sorlnaera. Dealers in state, let us hear from you. Alamito Sanitary Dairy Co., 1S12 Farnam St BEST price paH for td-hand furniture. stove, clothing. Vf. Rosenblatt Tel. D. 6401. GROSS' Loan Office, buy and sell 16th. B 2351. old clothers. 601 N. STANDARD UPRIGHT PIANO. Phone Web. 8726. WANTEO-To our unimproved western Neb. land. P. O. BoX 17$. Council Bluffs, la. BEST prlc paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. uoug. 2971. BALTIMORE td-hand store pays best price Id-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. WA. 2DHAND shoe and oolthes. D. 2786. HIGHEST nrlces for furniture, etc. Bell's t urniture store, ivx uoagu, uea J..JI. WANT 6-room cottage not exceeding Jl.wo; tiay $XK) cash, balance monthly. Ad dress D 892, care Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Board and one or two fur- nlshpd rooms, connected, by young married couple; permanent; (both working); must be within walking distance of down town and reasonablei prefer private family. Ad dress, giving location, price and particulars, w szt care tsee.- WANTED TO RENT 160 aores. Will nav cash or Brain rent. Must be In Doux- las or Sarpy counties. Address M 417, care Omaha Bee. WANTED Furnished room, with board, In quiet family; west end preferred; must bs first-class. Address P 408. car Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By young man, place to work for board while attending isoyie ooiiege. Both phones. BY YOUNG man In private family. Any kind of work from kitchen to xiabl yaro. neierences. r . corarruoias, uuu Farnam St Tel. A-3697. RELIABLE, sober, Qorman want night Watchman work. Tel. Harney 2877. I AM a young married man and want something to sell; have had five years ex perlence In different lines; good commls eion preferred. Address S 421, Bee. BANK STATEMENTS No. 1633. Report of the condition of TUB OMAHA NATIONAL BANK. at Omaha, In tho State of Nebraska, at the close of business September t lt. RESOURCES, Ioans and discounts. Overdrafts, secured $7,620,718. and unsecured 7,791.21 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 600,000.0$ U. S. bonds to seours U. S. deposits 400,000 U. 8. bonds on hand. 158,000.00 Premiums on U. S 47.175.00 bonds Bonds, securities, etc. Banking house furni 616,564.93 ture and fixture... 176,000.00 Due from national banks (not reserve agents) $1,847,105.63 Due from state and private bank and bankers, trUBt com panies and savings banks '. 254.626.67 Due from approved reserve agents 1,810,111.52 Checks and other cash Item 50.713.8$ Exchanges for clearing house 181.187.16 Notes of other na tional banks 20.850.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents 4.786.22 Lawful money reserve In bank vis: Specie L026.671.O8 Iegal tender notes. 4U.570.00- 6.708,601.98 Redemption fund with U. B. treasurer (6 per cent of circulation). , 2S.000.00 $15,$01,silS.$6 t Total . LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. $ 1.000.000 00 Surplus fund 200,00000 Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding Duf to other national banks $4,369,591.1$ Due to stat and private bank and bankers. $.694,431.23 Due to trust compa nies and . savings bank 8,404.28 Individual - deposits -subject to Check.... 4,769,646.82 Time certificate of deposit 748.47t.49 Certified check 4tt.471.4a Cashier's checks out standing 142,661.9$ United States deposits 74,018.81 $86,807.14 Kn.m.au ueposits of u. a. dis bursing officers...., Reserved for taxes.... $11, 707.88-13, 272 4 71 2,500.00 Total $16.$l.k89.86 Btate or iseDrasica, County of Douglas, ss: I W. 11. Buchols. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that th above statement la true to th beat of niy 1. - 1 1 - - . L - , . I1VHICU .nil vrucz. W. IL BUCHOLZ. Cashier. correct -Attest: 1C. C. BARTON. C. H. BROWN, C . IJKEW, Tllractora Subsorlbnd and sworn to before me this sin day 01 September, L'fi. L. D. fPAULDINO, Notary Public REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. James H. Craven et all, to Asnt IHlan and husband, lots 13 and 14. Mock 7, Baker place $ 1000 Philip K. Davidson et al to Kdna O. Oreenotigh, west 40 feet, lot t and east t feet lot 1 and eust t fevt lot 8. block 8, Forest Hill 1M State National Bank to Caroline s ttoodrlch, lots 141-152 l.'J Lenox Lewis W Msrv O. Boyle to Nora Kelly, north 80 feet, south $7 feet, lot 1 and north SO feet of south 7 feet of vast 17 feet of lot t block 4,. Drakes ad dition 1.400 Lewis Godoia to Nora Dee, lot i. block 1L Brown park IftK) Rose V. Van Nostrand and husband to Philip Pickering, south SO ft lot 1-2$, Utica place 6.500 Anna Saxon to Mary Ann Rutter, let 1. block 14. Myers, Richards ak Til den' addition 1 G. A Llndquest and wife to M. D. Crossett, lot 80, block 11, Rose Hill. $00 State National Hank to A. T. Maur. Itzen, lots DA and W. Irfnx addition. $30 Stephen D. Hangs and wlf to An drew Kosak, lot $, block a, Summit addition J.. ........ $73 , Thomas Geary and wife to Frank J. Morlarty undivided one-half Inter et la lot 6, block 7, Brown l ark ad dition , 600 Slepiiun D. Bangs and wit to Mary hnuk. lot In. hliu-k a. Hummlt ad. uKlun 800 E. n. Woodruff and wife to Mary K. JiMincn went Al ftt nf eta of lot A block 41 1,300 ivennedy K. nutter and wire to Anna Dnxoii. lot 1. block 14, Myers, Klcn ards A Tlliien's addition Sarah M. Pike to Sherman Green, lot 4 ami a IX nt lot ft Clark I'laca ad dition 760 W. A. Red Irk et all, executors, to 15. F. Morrison, part lota 10 and U. block 7. Bedford place W. B. Fonda and wife to Frank Snkn, ii U. !,, 11 anri 14 hlnrlf "PI'" Prosuect Dlace L10$ S. J. Firestone and wife to Bertha I.ananhaiir Iota 10-171-172 Charlaenr Heliihta COS Wentland Realty company to J. C, Stenner. lot 9. block 14. Wwlffht a Lvman' audition ' 450 Mirv f.. Nan n to O. C. Radk'k. 1in divided H lot 6, block $3, Omaha.... $.000 R. 8. Hall and wife to C. P. Travar. lot 11, 12 and It. Convent place.... (.009 Flank pillek to Antonte Bilek. V lot 10 end undivided H lot It block , Potter Cohh's addition Fred Stubbcndorf to R..C. Opocansky, iot c, block a. uurr piac ioo Total ...$86.44 RAILWAY TIME CARD UMOX iTATlOJI 10TII A MAION Ualfen Pacific Leave. 7t30 am $.50 pro Arrly. $1:40 pm 100 pm 1.60 ana Overland Limited.... Colorado Express Atlantic express Oregon A Washington Limited 1:S0 am ' t4t am Los Angeles Limited.. 11:66 pro ' t:W pm Portland Special M:t pm ov pm "Fast Mall :S0 am - 1:4 pm China A Japan Mall. 4:00 pm . : pro. "Colorado Speolal 11:55 pn v.W atn- tBeatrlc A Stromsburg s ..Qrend Island Local...' 6:28 put 10:80 am I i.ucai 1..TV ltiii ..v L,il, North Platte Local... 8:15 am 4.45 pin Local paeaengora not carried OB Over land Limited. "Dally. tDally xcept Sun-or- ... tkieaao, room; isian raaiii EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 8:10 am all:0S pn Iowa Local .'..a 6:40 am a 4:30 pm The Mountaineer a 7:4$ am a 1:68 am Dta Moines lyOcai..,....a :uu pm dun pm Iowa Local..., ,.bl0:35 am b 8:56 pm chirim.K'ulcrn F.x a 4:40 pm a 1:10 Dm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. .a .0 pm . a t;06 am nutii, ; Ths Mountaineer a 8:00 am a 7:35 am, Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln) a ':) am a p:i pre Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:20 pro a 4:80 pin Rkla. and Texas Ex, ...a 4:40 pm a t 00 pro ockv Mountain Ltd...aU:l$ pm a $:0J ant Wsbaab . 6t Louis Ex a t:80 pm a 8:2$ am St. Louis Local (from , Council Bluffs) a l:J am u:il pm Blanberry Local (from Counoil iiiui(a o e:w pm oiv.im am Chicago s Noetawesterm - Leave. ' Arrive. Omaha-Chlcaso 8p'l..a S:02pm 7-:40 am Colorado-Chicago a 6:20 pm - a t:2t pm . Paclflo Coast-Chicago.. a 6.06 pm a $:28 pm Chicago Daylight spe i.a i:t am au: pm Omaha-Chicago Local.. al2:0b am all;tt put Los Angele poruaua Limited a s:io pm an:3S pm Overland Limited aU:50 pm a 7:16 am Fast Mall a 8:04 am Fast Local, Cedar , . Rapids-Omaha ' a s:s pm Omaha-Carror. Local. ..a 8:U pm a 8:80 am NORTHWESTERN LINE NORTH. Twin City and Dakota Daylight .a 7:46 am alO:80 pm MinnauAta and Dakota. a 7.00 Dm - U.in r-itv Limited ....a 8:00 bra a 7:06 am orglouX clty Docal a $.46 pu a t:2$ pm Dakota-Sioux City Omaha a : am Mlnnesota-Bloux City- . .. ' '. Omaha - au:w am Oregon-Washington Limited a :w am aiz. am NORTHWESTERN LINE WUST, Norfolk-Bonetrl a 7:50 am s 10:80 pm Lincoln-Jong fin ....a i:ow am an:w an . Norfolk-bout o flail...! a.upiv;. o :ai pio Hastlngs-buperlor .b $15 pm b 6:20 pm Deadwuod-tioi nprings.a s:oo pm t:ai pm Casper-Lander ....a 8:56 pm au:0 am r remom-AiDion yimi.ii.iiiii, Chlcaga Urcat Weitera . , Chicago Limited a $:16 am a 8:80 pm Twin City Limited ....a 816 am a 8:30 pm . ChlcaKd If"" .a :v via ........... Clarion Local a ;:W pm Twin City fexpresa ....a :w pm, a :i am Illlot Cesiitl -:.: . .- . : Oilouro Express. ..a, ..a 7:16 am a 16 pm Chicago Limited a 8:00 fm a 7:15 am Mlnn.-SSu raui n.xp o i :i. am ........... Hlnn.-8t. Paul Lt......a t:W pm a T :15am Omana- i. iwi un. vui uu.a tq 00 1 Chieazo. Mtlwaakea. at t. Pam ChicaB0 and Colo. Spws.a 7-2$ am all:40 pm Cl. and Oregon tX.,..a :o pm lis pit t.imliaA ...aft:a8 tm a T IS am frry Local b 6:16 pm bli:te am Missouri Faetftc . . K. C. and St. L. Ex a 1:00 am a 7:00 am K. C. and St. L. Ex. (lv. Sat 12 p. m.. aii:iB pm a s;w pm BVHLINOTON tTA-lOTH A MASON BorllBSTtOB Leave. ArrlT. Denver and California.,. a 4:10 pm a 1:45 pm . a 4 10 pm a $.18 pm a 7:05 am r Puget Sound tin. a 4 m pm Black Hill ....a 4:10 ora N'orthwrat Ex ail :W Km NebraHka point a t iOam a $10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall bl:apra al$:16 pm Nebraska Ex a 8:16 am a t lOpm Lincoln Local D u am Llncoin Local ..a 7:25 Dm a 7:60 Dm Schuyler-Plattsmouth ..bt:06pm bl0:ls)am Plattamouth.lowa a l is am a s M am Bellevue-Plattsmouth ..al$:80pm at:40pm Colorado Limited all :60 pm a7U)5am Chicago Limited a 7:26 am all 36 pro Chicago Ex a 4:84 pm .a $.66 pm Chicago Flyer M....a :w pm ai:uuam Iowa lxcai a imam alLMam St. Louis Ex a 4:40 pm all: 80 am Kansas City and Bt Jo. al0:4o pm a 4:46 am Kansas Cltj" and St. Jo. a 9:15 am a s:io pm Kansas City and st jo.a 4:40 pm WEBSTER STA- 10TH WEB ST Eft, Chicago, SH, Paal, MIa.aall A Omaha Lear. ,.b t oo pm ..b 8.90 am ,.e 6:86 am ..b t t pm ..b $:60 pm Artlv. bll:46 am o t.to pm b 9:20 pm 9 :18 an, bU:0 am ftlniK 47ltv ITTOresa.. I Omaha Local.. . I Sioux City passenger. J I Twin City Passenger., Rloux City ixical, Emerson Local tllsaoarl Paclflo Auburn Local a Dallr. b Dally except Sunday. A Dally sxceot Saturday, s Sun. day onlr. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS rUHADIAH rACIlrtO- WieKLT SAtl.INOS BBTWrM MOMTRBAI QtJCbEO ANO IAKHKXU Nothing betur ea tke Atlaau tbaa ear Bsayrwaa Wknlaat ea all iMmere. , CI. USHJAMIN, O. A. tst Se. CUrk St.. Ckicase. Ht nauisE tt ir U or the Jul 10, 1910 V sfaSelra. Seela, MeSKerraaeaa, arleal. Lustius only Sou an a, taelatfia all exeaaaae, tut fa Sara. Crate H. HklU Star Lias, H.I r i(cati