10 THE BEE: OMAITA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1909 i . i I ; ( i i i i i I. i ! i : J 3 ; i i ' i Want - Ads A Irrrtiwairitl fa th vraat ! will fee takes ill IS tm. ta evealaa; edltlen aaa aatll i30 s. a. ta tha saarmlas; aaa Sanaa? tlaaa. Caah saaat aeeosapaay all order tor mat ad ana1 aa advertisement will ka accepted far laaa thaa SO cent for fir at laarrllam. Rates apply ta cither Tka Dally ar liatif Bra. Alwifi roaat six wards ta a liar. CASH KATES FOlT WANT ADS. REOtLAR CLASSIFICATION On laaertlaa, 1 1- erata arr ward a a 4 t rrat rr ward far rack aakaraaeat laaertlaa. Each laaertlaa made on add- day, 1 1-S erata aar word 91.BO per llaa aer aaeatk. Waal ada far Tka Bee may ka left at any" ef tka fellawlaa; drag; stores aaa la year "earaar draB-a-lst" tkey are all kraaeh affleea for Tka Bea aad mr ad will aa laaerted last as promptly an rates as at tka aiala afflea la Tka Bea Balldlas;, Seventeenth aad Faraam streejai Albaeh. W. C, 0h and Farnam. Beranek, 8. A.. U) 8. lth 8t. Becht Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cumin. Blake's Pharmacy, T8 Sherman Ave. Coughlln. C. R , th and. Pierce St. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 1.1 Military Are. Conte. J. B.. tlst Ave. and Famam Si. Crtssey Pharmacy, 84th and I.ake Sts. Cermak, Emll 1204 8. 13th St. Fillers, P. H., 2X02 Leavenworth St. Foster Arnold). 21 N. 2ft h fit. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Oreenoiigb. O. A.. 1624 S. 16th St. Han.com Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 2th St. Hayden, William C, 3020 Farnam St. Hoist, John, 524 N. ISth Ft. Huff, A. L., 824 Leavenworth St. King, R. 8.. 2838 Famam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 2601 N. 14th St Lathrop, Charles E., 1324 N. 24th St. Patrick Drug Co., 1902 N. 24th St. Snyder Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sts. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. HODGES Mrs.' Mary, wife of the late James Hodges, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. N. M. Rumel, 2s64 Miami street, Wednesday, September 8, at 8:20 p. m., at the age of U years. Mr. and Mrs. Hodges have been resi dents of Omaha since 1867 and are sur vived by three children, Mrs. N. M. Rumel and Mrs. W. H. Latey of Omaha, and O. H. Hodgea of Fremont, Neb. Funeral services at St. John's Episcopal church. Twenty-sixth and Franklin streets, Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Friends In vited. Iulerment at Fremont, Neb. STAFFORD M. J., age 61 years months, Wednesday, September 8. Funeral from family residence, 3217 Cum ing. Friday at 10 a. m. to St. Cecilia's church, 19:39 a. m., thence to 'Holy Sepul cher cemetery. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Charlea Carlstrom, 2330 South Thirty-fifth street, boy; William Johnson, 4616 Underwood avenue, boy; Joseph Kudlac, 1718 South Eighth street, boy; C. Jacobbarger, 820 Grand avenue, girl Iszy Fiedler, 121 Capitol avenue, girl; Ross Van Llew, 400B North Twenty-fifth avenue, boy; Joseph Taylor, 2641 Patrick avenue, boy. Deaths James M. Parker, St. Joseph's " " ,-- - ? " I Tl iiiibiii A. WUUIV, Fourteenth street and Capitol avenue, 60 years; Luclnda A. Marek. Convent of the Good Shepard, 20 years; Matthew Madthes, Fortieth street and Poppleton avenue, 78 j, cimw uee etonecypner, Til south Eighteenth street, 1 year; Othello Rati Iff, aoia rt.-i..u 1 1 . . w t . . 1 1 1 . Blasak, Kll South Twenty-sixth 'street, 8 LODGES AND UNIONS. Bricklayers, Notice. Tha regular Labor day picnic Is post poned until Saturday, September 11. Picnic at Pries Lake. By order of the committee. MARHIAFH LICENSES. The following marriage license have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Meyer Goldstein, Omaha 25 Ida Aatroff, Omaha 24 John J. Armatis, Omaha 27 Mary Fedr, South Omaha 19 Joseph E. 8trayer, Harttngton, Neb.... 42 Adeline Frehrer, Lincoln S3 ANNOUNCEMENTS ( lOAT. Cartoon, Ktwr wuiua. .0. Uoaumenls. J. F. bloom & Co., l&ia Far. TAVI1H VUUL 'I'llliiu 4th Floor l-axioa illoca. Tel. uoui'as UtfJ. l. II. BECK, formerly mgr. of the iluixog 1 snoring uuw ii ui & l.iu ou atulltsH lAxuOtuij Ci-.oi.nii. a. OOOO MERCHANTS' LU1SCH. A. jivVEtt, im ioulas a i. uu W. J. MURPHY makes cement 8iauaiK, steps sua basement fiour coiiku'uouuut. 'l-noiie uougiaa nt. lout i-aveuuoti be. "COLURIX," uew peg., keps Waturtoo brick iu cream, itara, uvuis. ioi7 Muwaiu. James H. Craddock, arcnuecv. ruotu Weaa Klag., lata ana x ainaia. tuta wi. UAT8 RENOVAXKD. RAMSER, yraclloai baiter, )u H. 14ih st, RUUa and everything cleaned with the Duiiuey Vacuum uieauoi-. xgnisUuiu, Iuj jeavaiiworin. jrnone ti. ajw. DEPOSITIONS. F. J. butcliffc. Us Be bldg OMAHA Electric Works repairs elect ri, Sievaiuis, lus IS. Uth u, O, xiei, A-i4b. IF YOU want any dirt call on C M. Uaonmann. M pax ion uioca. WHY are KCHA EH o bii.r auie to take car ol your urug niiiit luau Mty oiuur cuuipeuior? 'CkUM my uav uuR mii JlhliG lOKca, aim uay u,or tuui luau auy compeuior. lilA i 6 KEAbOAAliiiii, E. NEPINSlvY, MOOlaTE. 6ut Paxion Bluca. CLEANING AND DYING The best ever. Twin City Dye works, fi 6. lotn bu HINDOO TABLETS will build, brae. atrengtneu. too Dux. tltiLL UkUu CO. lUilll HAIA and Iron Wnrtan specialty ol firs escapes, snuuer. duors SUltt Vl. JI. AHIiirsil, riuih, O. IVkll. REMOVAL SALE monuuieuis. 1417 a. llih. Wheo returning from your vacation teie phone ALAMllO BiAliAili DAltit louglas 4U, kH YUUH MILii. Suri'i.1 DAVID COLE Creamery Co. SlfOES called for and delivered free. Biauaaid bhoe Repair Co., Ju04 Farnam. Developing and finishing. Beat work and uiukesv oeiivwy. DeuipBier, Uiii r arnam. WOOD. Dr. O. S.. Ml N. Y. L. Homeopath. AS MANUFACTURER w carry lu sloca th uivel cuuipiel un o lloulu:, Luni lug t apers auu iiout Coalings luai can at luvducetl, Awer. buppt Cu., lxu Fainaui. Douglas Printing Co. Tol. Douglas 444. OMAHA FURNITURE REPAIR WUkki removed iroin 1-ui v'arnaiu t- to li s. tela su. 'Phone Duugias GRAVEL ROOFINQ. J. R. 8teviwoi Heoiiug Co., gravel and compos) tiua roofing. Ill b. ltx.il tel.. Umtat. leis. Douglas aUK, A-liW; Res.. Wait. XH. 1 ' C. R. Hetlin. lilt Douglas St., over -eJ" Unasay . Tei D. Hit; A-4&. ANCHOR FENClfi CO. Xroa ang w Ire fences cheaper than wood. Last Lifo Tim. 9 K. 17th. 'Phone Red all i'fe Quail t Pr. Printing. m Harney. ANNOUNCEMENTS (OuniinufU. PEERLESS restaurant. 117 N. Uth St Is now running under new management, xae Lee. J. D. Bulger, painter and paper hanger; paints and oiln. 3110 Corby, Webster 8S"2. AMATEUR PHOTO FINISHING; expert ork. prompt delivery. Leave orders at MILLARD HOTKL PHARMACY. MORAND'S DANCING SCHOOL now open; lessons Tuemiay and Friday even- Ings. Pupils attending high school or the colleges half regular rates; success guar anteed Socials Monday and Wednesday evenings. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041. MULTIGRAPHED DUPLICATING CO.. i Bramlcis Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4"11. MISSOURI filters made and sold. 1310 How. PIANO REPAIR FACTORT. Smlth-sieinfeld Co. announce the opening of their store, fully equipped to hanule ex pert piano repairing, rebuilding ana tuning; iso a high-grade line or new and sugntiy used pianos. 221 Cuming St. L. 8748. FOR watches and Jewelry repairs sea Gustafson Henrlckson, 2ul N. 16th 8L OMAHA PASTE CO., now located at 718 . 13ih SL Telephone Douglas J7K0. J. C. DOWNING. WATCHMAKER, st nine years with A. lid holm, la In busi ness for himself, 1514 Howard St, 8d flout WE are now showing ladles' and gents' Fall Suiting. Max Morris, 301 Brown Blk. CHA8. H. THATCHER, piano tuning. D.5019 COMBS, 1630 Douglas, expert eye fitting. WHY are SCHAEFER'S better able to ake care of your drug wants than any other competitor? "Cause they have FOUR BIG DRUG STORES, and buy more goods than any competitor. THAT'S REASON ABLE. AUTOMOBILES A -rT.YTNDF.R- 40 H. P.. T-rassenrer touring car. In first-class condition. W 111 sell on terms or trade for city property or farm land. Address Y 721. care Bee. SEND for our list of second-hand ears. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 Farnam SL RAMBLERS New. 4 and 8-cylinders. 30 per cent discount. Rambler Auto. Co., 2044 t arnam St. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS. Three "Reading-Standards." 100, 8110, $126. Three "Lights," I'.W, 8U0. 8125. One "Recycle," l5. One "Merkel," $135.' Two "Indians," 80. 876. One "N. 8. U.." 8200 L. FLETCHER, 1622 CAPITOL AVB. BARTER AND EXCHANGE A 6-CYLINDER. 40 H. P.. 7-passenger touring car, in first class condition. Will sell on terms or trads for city property or farm land. Address Y 721, oar Be. WANTED To trad equity In 640 acres In Kimball county. Neb., for small farm of 40 or DO acres near Omaha, or council uiuirs. price, iio per acre. f. u, nox 173, council MlUIfs. AUTOMOBILE WANTEDWlsh to trad good quarter or half section of Cheyenne county, Nebraska, land for on or two good touring cars to us In our business. Fund Ingsland & Severson, Land Brokers, Sidney, Neb. WANTED To trade equity in S40 acres In Kimball county. Neb., for horses, good brood mares preterred. price, lit per acre. j. u. none, council iJiuns, ia Phone 814. WILL TRADE for Nebraska land. 17 room hotel. Address F. M. Silllk. Albion. Neb. 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Paved street, on car line: best residence location in Omaha. Want vacant lot. small houss and lot or land. NOWATA LAND sV LOT CO., Suit 624 N. Y. Lit Bldg. Phone Red 1908. Omaha, Neb. FINE acreage in Benson: highly Im proved; fruit; might consider rental prop erty. Box Hbtt, Benson, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES HOTEL BUSINESS for sal, or will ex change for Omaha city property, conv Dletely furnished hotel in prosperous southwestern lowa town oi iw, no compe tition. The hotel building; la In god con dition, on lot 60x150, and In beat looation In the town. Th business is on good pay ing basis and la th best paying business for the amount invested you will find any where, and th only reason for selling Is that the owner and landlord is seriously sick and unable to continue. This propo sition will stand the closest Investigation A man and wife with girl can operate this hotel and make good money. This business Is all ready to step Into. Easy terms can be arranged to responsible party. You can secure the hotel building furniture and good will cheap, f or prlco and other information call on or address rihlmar ft Chaa Co.. 309 & 17th St, Omaha, Neb. RENTAL AGBNCT. If you have any rooms to rent call us up; we can rent them for you; have calls every day. Room 404 Be Bldg. Tel. Doug. 87. or A-XJ67. FOR SALE Grocery stores, hotel, re' taurant and coal yard, all in the best lo cations. Fleishman & Shlaes, 626 Be Bldg. TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Be Bldg. Tel. D-S367 WESTERGARD can help you cet In or out of business. 403 Be Bldg., Tol. D. 8449. FOR SALE Th best and largest plumb' lng, heating, pump and windmill business of southwestern lowa. Have several con tract Jobs on hand now. Will sell at In voice. Address Y 181. care Bee, FOR RENT First class location for meat market and grocery; market fixtures for suie. Address A, omaba Bee, Council Blurts, la. Your Opportunity For a short time only and because of reasons personal to the owner, we are authorised to offer a limited amount of stock of the Stotts Signal Co. of Marion, Iowa, at 26c per share. Par value 8100. Heal estate will be considered In exchange if priced at Its cash value. Th Stotts Sig nal Co. is actively engaged In the manufao ture of the best railway signal on earth and th only one giving perfect protection both to the front and rear of a moving train on a single track. The company has th very brightest prospects and w predict It will be but a short time until It Is impossible to obtain Its stock at an such figure. Address Box No. 738. Des Moines, la. WANTED Management abstract . office, growing city; privilege buy or sell, or con tract to Install modern title office; confl dentlaL Addreita Box 276. Toledo, O. WANTEIV-A man a assistant manager to manufacturing establishment ol estab lished busiiieiut paying 20 per cent for last i ytars; must have fo.UN to 110,000 to in vnxt in the Business; Business located n southwestern lout. Address Y 726, Be. FOR SALE Or exchange. Seventy-flva- bbl. water power mill, residence, cribs. yards and 14 acres land; Address Lock Box 13a, Laurel, Jseb. WELL EQUIPPED AND THOROUGH GOING 6Hh.EP CO. In WYOMLNG WILL TAKE IN A PROPER PARTY WITH 816. 000 CAPITAL. PL'RPOoE. INCREASING BUSINESS TO INVEST IN ANOTHER BAND OK SHEEP. IN VESTMENT WILL NET ON THE AVERAGE OF 40 PER CENT. BUSINESS STANDS FULL IN VESTIGATION. BANK REFERENCES EXlHANUImI. PLEASE ADDRESS S3 MILE SHEEP AND LAND CO., P. O. S11RAP. NATRONA, CO., WYO. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR LAND Flouring mill of 60 barrels' capacity; water and gasoline engine power; also electrlo light plant and large brick plant. AH In operation; paying proposition, E. A. Taylor. Grlswold. la. FOR SALE Only retail lumber yard In thriving town ot 8.600 near Dea Moines, la. Add reus Y 618. car Be. FOR SALE Blacksmith ahop. stock and tools, a good location, doing a business of 8 to Sii a day. C. B, bwalm. Lander, Vvytw BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.! FOR SALE The best located hundred- barrel FLOUR MILL and grain elevator In he slate; present owner being In business K years and wants to retire. Address Y 846. ear of Be. RESTAURANT for sale. 8200 cash; sick- ess cause. N. H. Scoggin, Minden, Neb. CONFECTIONERY and cigar store. with living rooms;- excellent location, cheap rent. A big bargain. 1226. GANOESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. T.lI'VriDY fnr .MMnakla- I..Hh from 875 to 8100 per week. Address N 41H. ore. WANTED Good woman as matron for sanitarium, must have the best of refer ence and HwO or more to Invest. Position will be permanent, with good salary. Ex perience not essential. Address W 422, Bee. MY client wants partner with experience or money; best restaurant and confection ery Dusiness, Grand Island. Frank Craw ford, Ware Blk., Omaha. CONSULTING ENGINEERS W. J. ROSS. CONSULTING ENGINEER CIVIL. ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL. Street railway, water works, street Im provements; business propositions financed, especially Interurban railways. Consult me.' E. W. FITT. mechanical drawlns-s. ran. suiting engineer. 618 Hee Bids-. Tel. D. 895. R. 12-24 Patterson Bldg., 1623 Farnam St. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, Sd floor, Paxton. D.108S. TAFT'8 Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas St. DR. FICKES, 217 Board of Trad. "He doesn't hurt like others." DETECTIVES A. J. ADLER. 617 Karbach Blk. D. 2S32. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY. 2727 Dodge. Tel. Ind. A2577. TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sts. McDowell Dreemakltxg School, 1628 Far, EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN P-HENPH DRY CLEANING WKi Both Tela. Best work; prompt service. CHINA decorating: order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urdays. Firing dally. Children classes Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, SM Brandcls Bldg. Tel. Red 54SS. CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and best. Only on office. 1613 Jones SL inuj rA iuniuu. LACE curtains, nicely done and wash ing to tak home. Telephone Harney LiuO. LESSONS in China painting and water colors, In all branches. Mrs. Fannie Bach man, 613 Paxton Blk., heme 'phone Webater U07. CAKES THREE-LAYER WHITE, 3QC Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON & GOODLETT, 80th and Lake. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING In fam ilies by the day. Call after 1 p. m. for ap pointment. Web. 820G. 2208 Grand Ave. LADIES' old hats made over new to order: reasonable prices. Miss E. L. Pep per, milinery parlors, tU4 s. aitn bt. rnon 1 1 uoro INSTRUCTIONS In China and water col ors at SPECIAL RATES during the sum mer months. M. R. Emlg Studio. 836 N. Y. L. M. ORLIJAN. fine ladles' tailor; makes suits reasonable from your own material. 1619 Harney. J. HOUSKA. Pioneer Meat Market. 2!23 Sherman Ave. Our increased facilities, com bined with our usual good service, mak shopping easy here. Meats and fish fresh daily. i;LiiAiMLixMEsa our uuiiu, hTTRS Select now; PAY WHEN r UXVO NEEDED. Larger selection and KHfuuubu rnitcH now. tivutunaiAeisH, Continental Blk., - 16th and Douglas. THIS ARTISTS' MODEL CORSET SHOP, Wl'h 1- Kneeter, Ladies' Tailor. 606 8. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 6O06. "VIA VI" A druxlese home treatment for women; 400 page book free. 812 Brandels Bldg. BUNDLE washings wanted. Douglas 4894. LET us cut the children's hair before school starts, 2uc. The Be Barber Shop, Bee Bldg., 17th and Farnam. BALDUFF'S PURE CANDY, fresh every aay at , SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORES. THAT'S PATRONIZING HOME IN DUSTRY AND GETTING THE BEST CANDY MADE. EDUCATIONAL Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS NEXT MONDAY ENROLL THIS WEEK EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR AT DESK IN LOBBY EACH EVENING FROM 6 TO TO ENROLL STUDENTS. Separata classes for men and boys. Just th subjects you need. SPANISH CLASS MEETS MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS J. W. MILLER. EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR. THE FALL TERM OF BOY LES COLLEGE IS rPEN In both the day and night sessions. Every day N-O-W is an enrollment day. Complete Dusiness course. Complete shorthand and typewriting oourae. Complete telegraphy course. Complete civil service course. Official training school for telegraphers for U. P. R. R. Send today for free copy of th now lamous Dook Bread and Butter Science. Address H. B. Boylea, president. Omaha, Men. BELI.EVUE COLLEGE opens Sentem ber 14. Bee or write President Stookey, Bellevue, Meb. FLORISTS' HENDERSON' 8 fresh cut flowers dally from our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglas 1ZML 1619 It arnam. BRANDEIS CUT FLOWER DEPART MENT South side of new store. HESS A 8 WO BOD A 1416 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. ltU3 Harney. Douglas 8000. FURNACE REPAIRING NOW Is the time 10 have your FURNACE CLEANED AND PUT IN ORDER. We re pair all makes of furnaces. Estimate gladly furnished. MILTON ROG?;RS A SONS CO.. utn ana riruim. uum pnonss. TELEPHONE toisy and hav your stove. furnace or hot water heater Inspected (no charse): let us get lour heater ready to the cold snap; It's coming. If you want a new furnace, ours are tno outer sina. OMAHA 8TOVE REPAIR WORKS, Both phones. 1206-8 Douglas St When writing to advertiser remember R only takes a stroke or two of the pen lo mention the tact Uiat you saw Ui ad ,ia i U Be. Competent Help. Is always to he had. Th IVr publish re practlrally a complete list of all the people In Omaha who want help, so any one out of work always look In The Itce to find a place. HELP WANTED FEMALE Ageats aad Salesladies. WANTED Experienced salesladies ladles cloak and suit dept. Hayden Bros. Factory aa Trade. V GIRLS WANTED, at once; steady work; ood pay. Bemls Omnha Bag Co. WANTED ExDerlenoed bindery girls. . A. Medlar Company, 414 8. 14th St. WANTED Experienced coat finisher on ladles' coats. Cloak Dept. Hayden Broa. Hoasekeepers asl Domestics. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mra. J. H. Parrotte. 4801 Davenport. GIRL wanted for general housework. 1814 8. 86th SL WANTED Good girl, highest wages, to lie! p take care of baby and light house rk. Apply ready for work. 4018 La- wor fayette Ave. 'Phone Harney 2421. GOOD GIRL for general housework; two In family; a desirable place. Call at 640 Fax ton Blk. between 10 a. m. ana t p. m. Pnond Doug. 322. GIRL for general housework; small fam ily. Mrs. Creigh. 112 N. 82d Ave. Hot-En-Tot Twins are coming. niDT Aa aAa. 1 ainrlr nft W faaKl I n sF Twenty-fiv dollars month. Mr. M. A. Hall 118 N. 89th St. GOOD girl for general housework, no washing. 1050 S. S2d St. HOT-EN-TOT TWINS, th beat on earth. WAHICU A COlllfeiaill ft 1 1 1 lui ciii?, a, housework; references required. 4205 Dodge St. Tel. Harney 1748. SERVANT tjIRL Good home for right girl. Pleasant room with hot water hoat, and separate toilet and bs,th. 1U0 So. 36th St Tel. Harney 413. GIRL for geaeral housework: small family. 112 N. 41st St. GIRL wanted for general housework; small family. Call before noon. 8328 Har ney St, Hot-En-Tot Twins are a Hot sensation. GIRL or youne ladv at once to do light housework; more for a companion; gen- loman travels. 2406 N. asm. rnon ina. B-6364 or Webster 8240. GOOD a-lrl wanted Immediately: family of three; light, easy work. 2420 Caldwell St. Phone Webster 2366. HOUSEMAID, one who understands how to serve at table and answer tha bell. 8211 St. Mary's Ave. WA NTED Girl. 15 to 20. to help care for children; good horn and wage for right girl. 416 N. 23d St. GIRL for general housework: come pre pared to go to work at once; highest wagea paid. 2127 Douglas St. PLEASANT horn for young lady attend ing school who wishes to help with house work for room and board. 2557 Harney St. Phone 'Douglas 6106. GIRL for general housework. 8003 Mason St. Phone Harney 844L GIRL 8 In family. 808 & 83d 8t. A you NO gtn. neat ana strong, xo as sist with reneraJ housework. 8019 Pacific St Tele. Harney 8589. , WA vrpn riimA ..Tiri m r 'PhnnA Har. ney 8237. Mrs. George Barker, 632 S. 37th Bt. ' BEST WAGES paid to competent girl for general housework. I: 4619 Cass. Call or phone Marncy lu&l - tsunaay. vveea aaya after 7 p. ro, ' M ' : '.' COMPETENT gift Tor general housework; no washing. 117 N. nh su GOOD GIRL for 1 housework; three In family. Iil8 Center St. wiurifn Mililla-aared nr elderlv woman In family of two; mor for a good home than big wages; reference exchanged. 3619 Burt BL , y WANTED Youuk .-srlrl to assist with housework; two In 'family. Mrs. D. H. W heeler, 669 8. 26th Ave. 'Phon Douglas 3329. COMPETENT girl for general housework, 1004 Glenwood Ave. Tel. H. 1878. COMPETENT colored girl wanted,'' best of wages paid. 1617 Chicago bt. WANTED Girl for general housework, 216 N. 22d. tlf A VT17rah TTiHlAnAai1 mttfl 4?a grsnrttl VV All 1 rjLr-bAyVI IVMl-il 0" ava housework; two In family. Mrs. toward P. Swobe, 627 N. 40th St. Tel. Harney 2682. rflMPF.TENT rlrl for ceneral housework 1004 Glenwood Ave. Tel. Harney 1876. WANTED Com Detent girl for general housework. Good pay. 221 F Bt., South Omaha. WANTED ComDetent waitresses. Noon work only. Young Women's Christian association. v OIRL for reneral housework: small fam lly; good wages. 1906 S. 33d St. Phone Harney 2480. COMPETENT girl: good wages; thre In family. 108 N. Slst Ave. Mrs. w. u. xetter. I'IPI. fi r.n.,a I hmmewnplc! IfAAn a IM- ond girl. Mrs. j. A. eunaenana, iva a. 2Uth SL WANTED An experienced second girW out of town; one who can serve at table and knows an the duties ot nrsi-ciass sec ond work; 825 to 830 and transportation, depending on ability, etc. Mrs. Slubba, 19o4 Farnam St. 2d IsecllasisBufc WANTED Experienced bundle wrappers. Hayden Bros. LADY REPRESENTATIVES everywhere for pleasant, profitable home work. Hall Manufacturing Co., council Biuirs, lowa. Dept. 18. . WANTED Millinery apprentices. Apply superintendent Brandels Stores. LEARN hear dressing: U.pays: you can easily earn 316 to $i weekly. Full oourse taught. Brandels Hair Dressing Dept. WANTED First class waist hands. Anna C Petersen. Rooms 3, 2. Wead Blk. HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, Solicit! aa galaasaaa. THREE high class salesmen. 840 Bee Bldg. Call alter 8. wruaa WANTED Salesman calling on bard- ware, harness or grocery trade, with new. commodity as side line, writ uo. XMasn, Columbus, Neo. WiMTPn l',nrt e&nvuurf fiu Omaha and vicinity. At once. None but k..u,i.M rmJ .nnlw ""mil tap Vf (T lUnu. lein. 19U1 California between 4:30 aad 1:30 p. m. AGENTS for "North Pol Discovered. by Dr. Cook; biggest sensation in world's history; complete story of discovery; num erous photographs; everybody wants it; be first in field and make $JO0 a month; big book; only 81; you get hair; outfit free send 10c for mailing. Standard Book Co. 3ti Wabash Ave., Chicago. WANTED Two first class salesmen Salary 83 to 85 a day for those that can qualify. Call morning. 8,10 12. 1920 Dodge ql, upstairs. UTAkrTvn Twa r,n,hl refined in t.l ilu.ni vnimv m n . . f mnftA utifM,. run,'. to act as saleHmen for one of the largest concerns in me wesu jins-wvr vy icucr. Address tr 4. Be. WANTED A sollcltot with norm and buggy to drive through th country and solicit subscriptions. Call and so dreu UUua irm nag r, lb be Publishing Co. l I.UJ..I .wr- -i r-Aasassa F HELP WANTED MAL AgTat aaa SaJeemea Coatlaaed. SALESMEN Wanted on booklet; Discov ery of th North Pol, kf Dr. F. A. Cook, containing halftones from photos, made on this latest and only successful dash for the pole; maps in colors and full descrip tive and biographical text. Every on In terested In this daring American who has accomplished epoch-making feat about which the whole civilised world Is sow talking. Send 10 cent to cover postage on complete sample. Now ready. C 8. Ham mond A Co., New York, WANTED Four young men to travel and solicit for large Chloago house; ex perience not necessary, but must com well recommended and ready to leave city at once: sins. I men preferred. Call Friday to 11 a. m. or 1 to 4 p. m.. Room 82 Mur ray Hotel, and aak for L. F. Vanoe. war salesman. Address P. O. Box 418, city, statins lit. experience, salary wanted and reference. AGENTS familiar with Insurance work. Want two good men In Omaha and two In Lincoln, Neb. This Is something new ana will bear closest Investigation. Apply by letter only to C. H. Gerber, Lincoln, Neb., and 619 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Experienced Grocery sales men. Apply grocery dept. Hayden Bros. WANTED GENERAL AGENTS and local agents for OMAHA and Nebraska; EXCLUSIVE CONTRACTS; aew pollclea. Address NATIONAL FIDELITY A CA8ULTY CO.. 604 Merchants National Bank Bldg., OMAHA. Clerical aad Offtoe. YOUNG man a asst. bookkeeper with some experience in wholesale grocery; must be quick, accurate and competent. Applications to P. O. Box 848, Omaha. WANTED At once, competent book keeper. Give experience, reference and salary expected. Address E 893, Be. Bey. WANTED Several trustworthy boys: good wages. A. D. T. Co.. 818 S. 131 h St. FINE opening for energetlo boy. Y. M. !. A. Employment Dept. BOY. with wheel: steady lob. H. J. Pen- fold. 1410 Harney St. WANTED Boys with wheels to delivey packages. Hayden Bros. WANTED Boys for faotory work: none under 16 need apply. Omaha Box Co.. East Omaha. WANTED 26 cash boys and cash rlrls: must be 16 years of age or over. Apply superintendent, Brandeis Store. Factory ajsa Tragea, DRUG stores and Jobs. Knleat, Bee Bldg WANTED Carpenters and bricklayers in North Platte, Neb. No hoboes or drunk ards need apply; first class mechanics can get steady job. R. P. Basta, Contractor, North Platte, Neb. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks required. Best paying work wunin me reacn 01 poor man. can have shop with small capital. Wagea 818 to 830 weekly. Wonderful demand for barbers. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber Col lege, lie s. 14W St. TWO first-class coat makers wanted Taylor, the Tailor, 406 Paxton Blk. Mlscellaaeoae. Hot-En-Tot Twins are a Hot sensation. WANTED Railway mall clerks, postof fice clerks, carriers. Examinations In Omaha Nov. 17. Preparation free. Frank lin institute, dept. 1843. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED By wholesale house, com petent shipping and bill clerk. One familiar witn express companies and express rout ing. Must, be very rapid and accurate. No booxer. Good wages. Permanent. Address In own handwriting, stating age, experience and salary wanted. Address P 420, Bee, HOT-EN-TOT TWINS, th best on earth. YOUNG MEN, STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law. Evening sessions only. Further Information address secre tary. 701 N. x. Ufa Bldg. Tel. Douglas S67. Men's Ass'a.; no tea. Call 837 B. of T. Bldg. IF YOU need a SUSPENSORY. TRUSS. ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER, CRUTCHES or anything in the SURGICAL LINE, see THAT'S MONEY SAVED. WANTED Engineer, thorough and com petent, for loe plant; give age, experience and references. L 416, Bee. WANTED Experienced carpet laver. Ad- ply superintendent Brandels Stores. WANTED Workman . experienced in house raising and moving business; only rename man neea apply. Address r bZl. care Bee. ELEVATOR conductor who wants to buy a small home and apply part of salary each month (office building). Address, with references, O 419, Be. WANTED Man to cut grass. Must fur nish own mower. 1617 S. 83d. Telephone Harney 43&L LIVE STOCK FOR SALE U.rm aad Vehicle. Wagon and Auto Repairing. Second-hand Broughams and Business Wagons. A. J. Simpson 4k Son, 14M Dodge St BARGAINS Two t-seated surreys, newly painted. Andrew Murphy & Sons. HAY, 88 a ten. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. ELEGANT handmade surrey, cost 8250 to make; will sell it now for 8125. Johnson Danforth Co., 10th and Jones. Blue brick barn, back Millard hotel. D-4U96. FOR SALE Horses of all kinds; buggies and wagons. 1416 Capitol Av. D. 1810. LOST AND FOUND LOST Tuesday noon, a Greek letter fra ternity pin. Reward. Call Harney 3388. HOT-EN-TOT TWINS, th best on earth LOST Lemon whit English Setter; an rwara by nam Paul; reward for Informa tion that will locate him. I. Mucci, Council Bluffs. LOST Open face gold watch; Initials on back; reward if returned to Charles Rey nolds, 8624 Brown St. LOST Thursday morning, lady's closed fao gold watch. Initials "OB." Reward for finder. Call Harney 864L MEDICAL FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelgbtoa'a Medical college. 14th and Davenport Sis.; special attention paid t confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college profeasora 'Pbon Doug, la U67. Call answered, day or night. BEST nerve brae for man. Grey's Nerve Food Pllla, 81 a box. postpaid, b barman a McConneil Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TG LOAN ALARY AND CHATTEL! CONFIDENTIAL QUICK LOANS. A HOME LOAN COMPANY. LOANS on FURNITURE. PIANOS or SALARIES, LOANS on your plain not.. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK. 134 FARNAM FURNITURE, Live 8tock, Salary Loans. Duff Uteett Leaa Co., ft. 8, Barker Blk. MONEY TO LOAN galary a CkattetaCoatlaaeaU WHERE TO BORROW MONEY Come in and pet all you need on your HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS, PIANO or on your PLAIN NOTE, if you are steadily employed. You will find our rates the cheapest, our terms the easiest, our services the quickest and our offices private. HERE'S THE PLACE. RELIABLE CREDIT 00. 3d Floor 307-308 Paxton Block Northwest Corner 16th and Farnam Sts. 'Phones: D. 1411; Auto. A1411. FOR MONEY SEE THE Nebraska Loan Co. Bankers and Brokers A Few Facts Is Why W always hav money on hand. W pay off any other companies. We advano you mora' money. W do business on business principles. W treat your business strictly confi dential. J W save you any publicity. We loan you on any security. W mak th payments to suit you. We ar reliable. W furnish yoa refer ences. We loan on furniture, pianos, lira stock, real estate, etc If the facta Interest you, com to us. Open Saturday until 9 p. m Call, writ or telephone us. Douglas 13S6, A-1356. Nebraska Loan Co. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICB. Room 7, Crounse, 16th and Capitol. KNOCKI KNOCK! KNOCK! WHO IS THERE T Is it th rent man, grocer, doctor or soma collector. Borrow money on your piano or furniture and pay us back weekly or monthly, a small amount out of your salary. We will be satisfied and so will you. - ( Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade. 'Phone Doug. 2295. 8M 8. lth SL HERE SINCE 1891 MONEY TO LOAN. FROM 810 to 8100 on salary, furniture, pianos, etc.; no publicity, lowest rates, weekly or monthly payments. THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 614-18 Paxton Blk. ' Tel. Doug. 1807. LOANS of 8u to 825 on salary or chattel security; private party; no red tape; hours 10 to 8 and 4 to C . Call 6M Paxton 'Block. LOANS, half rates. 829 Board of Trade. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In f4 prinolpal cities. Toiniau, Room U, New York Life Bldg. 6 on DIAMONDS. W.FLATAU. 1S14 Dodge. CHATTEL and salary loans, lowest rates. Km. It, Continental Blk., 15th and Douglas. Tel. D. 4190; open evenings until 7:80 p. m.; Saturdays until I p, m. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES OU8 TURNER, graduate of Lelpsio, Ger many, Conservatory of Music; piano lessons cheap. Tel Rd 6036 or drop ma a postal at 2674 Harney St. and I will call on you. FRANCIS POTTER'S School of banjo, mandolin and guitar. Barker Blk. D. 8868. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Daven port tta. warehouse 8207-08 Isard SL ALL kinds of HEAVY HOISTING and HANDLING SAFES A SPECIALTY. H. J Davis, 1818 Farnam. Telephone, Doug. 863. Reaidenoe Douglas (702. OFFERED FOR RENT BoaraUaa a4 Raosaa. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. FINE rooms and board: modern; walking distance. 2610 Dewey Av. THE GEORGIA, 1048 Georgia Ave. H. K6L DESIRABLE! south front furnished room with board; summer home; fin lawn. 122 8. 86th Av. COOL, airy rooms, modern, fine shade, with or without board, to two gentlemen or man and wife. 8404 Capitol Ave. ROOM and board In prlvat family, modern home; also large south room, with alcove. TeL Harney 47U. TWO furnished rooms, with board; ref erence given and required; one block from car line, uui mnuey,' arwralshed Rosns. , GOOD rooms, tx per week; free bath. Qgdeu Hotel Co. Bluffs. NICELY furnished front room In new mooem tiai. ah conveniences; walking ala tance. 8406 Harney. VERY desirable room; fine location; walking a:. tance. Zl s. Bth SU ROOMS for transients. 1707 Dodge, D. 7X10 FOR RENT N Icel furnished rooms In modern house, price reasonable, fca Ntrtli utn street. SALVATION ARMY Worklngmeu' hotel, 418 8. Uth SU 'Phon Red Hid. CENTRAL, mooarn room, 820 N. 82d. THE NEW ATLANTIC HOTEL, all newly furnished, 1409 Cass St. RENTAL AGENCY. Don't run your legs off looking for rooms, w can fix you out; hav rooms In ail parts of the city. Room 404 Bee oiag. Tel. Doug. 8267, or A-isei. BEAUTIFULLY furnished larg front room tr prlvat family, for on or two young men; vary reasonable, 8019 Webster VERY desirable larxe room: newly turn Ished; also smaller room; fin location. 801 a. 2b th Ave . HOTEL COLONIAL, formerly the Vlen na, bet. Uth and Uth. Newly furnished. PLEASANT ROOMS, mod.rn: on very larg front room, 116;. one at i'0, one at 88. tUt N. 23d St. NICE. new. slrlctlr modern front rooms also two unfurnished or housekeeping rooms. 618 N. list til ONE extra fine front room, fin turni ture, modern. 24) No. 20th. No sign on house. SOUTH aloav r corns. 8418 Cass. D. tm OFFERED FOR RENT Fw rat shed Reoiw. ontlaaea. TWO pleasant slocong rtinms, nicely fur nished; bnih and phone: 82 week. 2221 Leavenworth St.. FURNISHED room st 2308 Manderson. one block from car line. Tel. Webster X3. LARGE parlor and back parlor, suitable for four gentlemen; modern. 2f19 St. Mary's Ave. NICELY furnished modern room for gen tleman. 1716 Cass. TWO nice south front rooms, tol Av., Dundee. 4?I0 Cnpl- MODERN furnished room. Call mornings. lods TWO modern well furnished front rooms, large lawn; prlvat family. 702 8. 29th St. TWO furnished rooms, reasonable. 28th St. 867 S.. THREE rooms, single or double, strictly modern; prices reasonable. T10 8. 17th St. EAST front room, electrlo light, tele phone and hath. 212 N. 84th. TWO 'aig first-class front rooms, suit able tor two; two blocks south Farnam. 2248 Howard. 2619 St. Mary's Ave., large south room, also large hack parlor, suitable for fout gentlemen; modern. A part seem le aad Flat. THREE and 6-room flats, Scargo Bldg., SlRVj N. 24th St., South Omaha. Hall, til Ranupa Bldg. Both 'phones. 8-ROOMS, brick flat, new; corner 8th and William St. CALL at 2116 Douglas; 8 fine room, light housekeeping; also other nice front rooms, wel furnished, for rent. Very reasonable. CLOSE IN Two beautifully furnished rooms, en suite, on ground floor, modern; no sign used on house. 1919 Cass. LARGE furnished room In modern apart ment for one or two men. rim y, ."0 Cuming. STUDENTS, 86 per month; large, modern, private home. 2304 Davenpuri. Uuii.Ja.i. &C71. THREE single rooms for gentlemen. St. Mary's avenue. ONE room, one or two gentlemen, bath, close In. 627 S. 20th St. Gas, TWO rooms, modern, 1762 Leavenworth St. walking distance. FOR RENT Nicely furnliihed room. 2108 Douglas St. ONE OR TWO furnished rooms, first class as to light, heat and ventilation, at 651 So. 26th avenue. Board It desired. Telephone, Douglas 4945- FRONT parlor, first floor, nicely fur nished; reasonable. 242S Dodge. Red 6186. Call evenings. , STRICTLT modern 6-room heated apart mant. 2S23 Florence Blvd. (Kounts PIas)r.. J. N. Marsh, 1923 Locust. BosMkoplag Raosn. TWO, thre or fcur nicely furnish! rooms complete for housekeeping, toil Davenport. CLEAN, furnished rooms for housekeep ing; 86 per month; nice neighborhood. 613 N. 19th St. TWO suites of housekeeping rooms, verv reasonable, modern. 628 8. 25th Ave. Tel. Red 4498. TWO or three furnished rooms, modern. S2t N. 19th. TeL Douglas (292. TWO housekeeping Yooms, on ground floor, unfurnished or partly furnished. 1701 Capitol Ave. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, team. 712 N. 16th. TWO rooms and kitchen, tor housekeep ing. 1921 Chicago. FdR RENT First floor of a modern house; heat and light; close In and best location: furnished or unfurnished: hlch class rooms. 116 8. 26th Ave. TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 311 N. 18th. 2822 FARNAM Two furnished, three un furnished rooms, for housekeeping; mod ern. TWO front rooms, furnished complete for light housekeeping. 2901 Farnam St. SUITE of rooms for light housekeeping. 2421 Dodge. THREE good basement rooms for couple without children; walking distance; 88. 610 S 83d St. ONE larg housekeeping room, 2012 Leav enworth. WALKING DISTANCE, four nlshed rooms; modern. 2223 Burt. unfur- ONE larg front room, two closets, mod ern. 2110 Douglas. FINE suite housekeeping rooms; modern. C601 Dodge. TWO, furnished, dandy for th winter. 809 8. 27th. TWO rooms for housekeeping; furnished complete 'Phon Ind. A 1680. Douglas 1013. 2223 Leavenworth Bt. THREE furnished rooms, ground floor; gas range. 1909 Cass. 8 ELEGANT furnished front rooms In new flat; complet for housekeeping. 8018 Davenport St. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, all modern, new and clean, gas range. 201' N. Uth St. Uafiralk4 Rooms. 4 ROOMS m oder i. park. 1509 8. 28th. parlor floor, near V-aamlaaesi R oases. 6-ROOM house furnished, strictly modern, new, convenient. Harney 3a86. Houses aa Oottaa, 9-ROOM brick house; modern; tenant ran rent two floor and get mor than rent back. 614 8, 29th St. See James Neville, 802 Neville Block. FOR RENT 4 rooms, olty water, toilet lf,23 No. 18th. 312 60 and water rent. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton, Blk. , FIVE LARGE ROOMS Nearly new; first floor modern xag( heat. Half block from car. xl. Douglas 483. EIGHT-ROOM modem house, 1612 Chi cago. E. A. Smith, 31T J"j "le Block. 4-ROOM cottage, 1914 Bancroft street. FOR RENT A modern house, 6 rooms, reception halL 4344 Patrick Av. Tel. Webster 4(16. ' '. FOR RENT A modern house, 8 rooms, reception hall. 4844 Patrick Av. TL Web ster 4t. HOUSES, flat a Garvin Broa, 418 N. Y. L. NEW strictly modern T-room house, 310 month. 236 Miami St., n block from Dodge St. car Una. 7-ROOM, all modern hous for rant, 8608 Franklin. Inqulr Mrs. E. Johnson, 8414 Decatur. 3223 N. 26th Ave., T rooms, barn. 811 3018 S. 19th St., 6 rooms, modern, 814. 1X24 N. 2fHh St., i rooms, partly mod., 820. 19U6 N. IMh St., i rooms, modern except furnace, I'M. 2ia N. 22d St., T rooms, modern, 828. 2022 N. 22d St., 8 rooms, modern, 80. 2503 Bristol St., 9 rooms, modern except furnace, I' , W. G. BHRIVER, 1023 N. Y. Uf Bldg. OMAHA Truck. Van and 8lrag Co, Doug. 14t6, Ind.. B -:t2S. Office LlJ Web ster street. FOR RENT Brick hous at l&ll 8ia St., one block east of Park avnu car Una; modern In every respect, with 4 bed rooms on second floor; large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, large hall and ves tibule on first floor. Inquire at UU8 a. gtia St. Tel. Harney IMs). NEW St. Louis flat to adulta Oak til bath, select neighborhood, one-hail Mock lo car. 2421 Poppleton Ar." r r i 1