The Omaha Daily Bee THE OMAHA DEE Is th most powerful business getter In the went, because It goes to the homei of. poor and rich. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Generally fain, For Iowa Oenerally fair. For weather report Bee page 5. VOL. XXXIX NO. 74. OMA1LV, F1UDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1909 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. PEARY MAKING SLOW PROGRESS Commander is Still at Battle Harbor and No Farther Word Hat Come from Him. SR. COOK IS COTSISQ HOME He Will Sail for New York from Christianaand Saturday. HONORARY DEGREE C0NF1 ' Vnirtnitj of Copenhagen Makei plorer Doctor of Science. FOREIGN COMMENT IS MIX1 - United States Coast aad Geodetic Jar. 7 Offlco Offer to Check Ip NstM of the Two Dlncorrrrn. The two explorers upon whom the world's eye has been fixed during the last few days spent the day busily preparing for their advance to the United Btatee. Cook, tn Copenhagen, announced that ha had defin itely arranged to salt next Saturday on the Oscar II for New York City. Peary, ac cording to fragmentary wireless reports, was still delayed at Battle Harbor, Labra L dor, probably either awaiting the comple- 7 tlon of repairs to the Roosevelt or the arrival of coal. Dr. Cook appeared today at a high offi cial function. The University of Copen hagen conferred upon him the degree of 8. C. D. (dootor of science), thereby recog nising. It was pointed out by his friends. In a Important official manner, his claim to the discovery of the pole. Dr. Cook has cancelled his engagement to lecture before the Geographical society of Brusael and will' reach New York about September 20 or 1L . Captain Roald ' Amundsen will probably accompany him. Dr. Cook's plan to send a ship from Copenhagen to Greeland to bring back to civilization his two Eskimo companions on his exploration trip will not be carried out until next year. Danish officials have In formed him that It Is now. too lata In the season for a trip to Etah. The expedition, It Is stated, will be made early next spring. In scientific circles, both In America and to be to await direct word from both ex plorers before arriving at a conclusion as to their respective achievements and, al though a belligerent attitude was still pro served In the two camps, open hostilities were largely suspended. Herbert L. Urtdgman, Peary's chief backer, reached Sydney, C. B., today and airs. Peary, who will also meet the ex plorer at Sydney, sailed from Portland on her way north early today. Both expect to greet Commander. Peary on Saturday, although the long and thus far unex plained delay' at Battle harbor may make necessary a change in their puma. Foreign comment as sxpressed by the London ond other metropolitan Journals, while still highly wrought with mingled enthusiasm and,, doubt, Is beginning to be tinged with flippancy and scorn. The trend of this foreign comment appears to be against Cook, the prevailing view be ing that Judgment goes against him by default, tn non-presentation of hla corrob orative evidence. On the other hand, hla champions insist that all this will be forth coming in due course and at the proper time. Concerning Peary, the foreign atti tude appears to be one of accepting with out question his announcement of reaching tho pole, although there is atUl a reserve of judgment on hla accusation as to Cook's claim of having reached there also. Dr. Cook Coming Homo. COPENHAGEN, Sept. . Dr. Frederick A. Cook will aall from Chrlstlansand Sat' u relay morning on board the Scandinavian- American liner, Oscar II. for New York, where It Is due about September 20 or 21. Probably- Captain Roald Amundsen will accompany him. Dr. Cook will leave here tomorrow night for Christian Band. He has abandoned his proposed visit to Brussels on the advioo of friends. The explorer la spending tho night at Count I Holstoln's cimtle. With him are Dr. Egan, tho American minister, and Miss Egan. Dr. Cook today asked the officials of the Danish Greenland administration to ar range for the dispatch of one of their boats to Greenland at his expense to get the two Eskimos, who aocompanled him to the polo. Tho officials stated that It Is now too late In the season for such an attempt and advised him that he must wait for spring, which he will do. He proposed to Gould Hrokaw. who Is herei with his yacht Ketlera that they make a start for Green land Immediately, but Brokaw would not agree to this. Payers fall of Controversy, The Copenhagen papers are full of the controversy. Almost all of them support Dr. Cook's claims, but throw no new light un the subject. Captain Amundsen Is one of the strongest supporters of the explorer, who la now backed up by Dr. Edward Bay, the zoologist of tho expedition under Cap tain Sverdrup In the Kram In U08-1UU3. On that expedition Captain Sverdrup mad highly Important 'scientific investigations and It was over the. route mapped by Sverdrup that Cook made its journey norths ard. Dr. Bay. today .had a long interview with Dr. Cook, at the conclusion of which he said that while at first ho had doubled Cook's story, he was now certain of (Is truth so far as the route claimed to be taken was concerned. Dr. Cook, ho said. gave him accurate descriptions of places and things which no other whit man ex cept Kay had over soon. Dr. Bay asserted that ths Danes tn Green land were unfriendly to Commander Peary because they believed h treated the Eakl mod D:uiiy una forced them to work for him. I'uriT fur Or. 1 auk. The University uf Copenhagen today con f erred upon ir. Cook the honorary degree of dooior an leuce thonorla causa) In the presence ot niure than 1.0UO people, who cheered the explorer heartily. In thanking tho rector. Dr. Turn, fur th. v.,., .... i . 4 J Cook said that the university should be uie urst to sao nis ret'oroa. In ex prowling hla thanks, Dr. Cook said ho accepted the honor aa testlmotiy of the genuineness ot hla Journey. He promised to solid the university his complete records and ho repeated that It waa hla intention to dispatch a ship to Greenland at his own fiiimiM tn brine down the two Eiklnn. . . it ho aooompenVd him on hla expedition. l In conclusion, the doctor said: f ''I can say no more. I can do no more; I shot you yT hauda," "Natural ' From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. IN OMAHA YEAR AGO TODAY Mr. and Mrs. Harriman Celebrated Wedding Anniversary Here. ENTERTAINED AT FIELD CLUB Ha Invited Co-ope rat ion of Nebraska Men and Promised More Great Prog-res by (ho Union. Pacific. One year ago today Mr. Harriman, Mrs. Harriman and two of their children, were guests of Omaha and wer entertained for three hours at the Field club. That day. September 10, 1308, waa the anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harrlman's marriage and the event was celebrated in a modest way at the club, much to the pleasure of tho distinguished guests. The Harrlman's wer returning from th west. Their train, a special of Beven private cars, made the 1,000 miles from Ogden to Omaha In twenty-two hours, th shortest time on record. On their arrival at Union station they were met by a reception committee ot Omaha business men and escorted to the Field club, where an evening dinner had been prepared and where they remained until Just time enough to take their train on their schedule and proceed east, Mr. Harriman seemed especially happy and quite well, physically, at this time and was felicitous and at times facetious In his remarks. When he was passing from his train at the station on his arrival, a battery of cameras snapped in his faoe and to the photographers he pleasantly said: "Do whatever you want to me." ' Mrs. Harriman Speaks. At the Field club Mr. and Mrs. Harri man were visibly affected by the cognis ance that had been taken of their wedding anniversary. The red rose, Mr. Harrlman's favorite flower and the flower that predominated in the decorations at theli marriage, was In evidence. One lay at each plate. Mrs. Harriman, in a very sweet manner. expressed their appreciation of the compli ment as they were parting with the Omaha people, saying: In saying goodbye to those who have helped us celebrate our wedding an niversary I want to express the appreci ation of Mr. Harriman, our children and myself." Dr. George I Miller, the "Father of Omaha" and a life-long friend and advocate ef th Union Pacific, presided at the in formal ceremonies of this dinner party. And In his llttl talk be had mentioned as the them of the evening th word. Co-Operation." When Mr. Harriman arose to speak h said: "I Ilk that word co-operation suggested by Dr. Miller. You men of Nebraska are Just aa much Interested aa we are. Help us to continue, as we ar now, the great highway across th continent, bringing th trafflo of th east to your city and dis tributing it over line that go out through this city to th east" Exareues Gratification. As ti the function that had been so cicely arranged and carried out In hla honor and th honor of his family, Mr. Mohler on Death of Harriman. MAHA, and th various state through whloh the . Union Pauifo operates, has lost in th death of Mr. Harriman, one of its very best friends. He waa prodigal, almost, lu the way of expenditures, In tho Im provement of th property and improved conditions tor th public, and naturally his enwtnous expenditures hav en hanced th value of everything sur rounding It He was generous to a fault, exceed ingly kind hearted, never resentful, no matter to what extant provoked, and during my entire acquaintance with hint I never board aim speak Ul of any person. Nebraska baa much reason to regret hla death la view of th Large contem plated additional Improvement he bad Partners" B. F. Yoakum ; Harriman did not try to conceal his feel ings. He said: "I can only say that I am gratified by this and to meet you as the representa tives of that great organisation (Ak-Sar-Ben), which has done so much for this community. I am gratified because It shows the respect and confidence which you re pose In the men who have been sent here to represent us. "When I came to Omaha I was told I would only meet, a few bankers. I would feel at home with them, as I have had soma little dealings with them, but In this representative company tonight among you men who know of so many different lines, I am less at ease. ' "1 cart tell yon this much, however, that in this last senseless) money panic and It waa a senseless money panto the poor old Union Pacific waa expected to go down as a whole. Always before 1t had to take shelter beneath the wings of -the federal court, but this time we went through It without going Into the courts. We did it ourselves. We asked no one to help us, and we came out with our credit unques tioned. "What has made the Union Pacific rail road the strong organization It Is was the securing of the lines west of it, thus as suring it of the vast traffic which origi nates on them and comes through your state and your terminals here at Omaha. This makes more business for .you and more business for Nebraska. But had we not" secured them, the Union Pacific rail road would have remained Just what It was years ago. "We have spent $300,000,000 improving the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific rail way systems since we took hold of them and we have much more to spend. But the route of th old Union Pacific was so well selected that In all these- years and with all this expenditure of money we have only been able to shorten It forty miles. Lane Cat-Off and Charley, "The Iane cur-off la an example of this. It has been an expensive cut-off and cost about $2,000,000 more than the original esti mate, but I find we ar liable to lose money on trafflo we haul over It because we have shortened th distance some and can now get your goods and the pas sengers out of Omaha better and more oonventlently than ever before. "In all seriousness we ought to be al lowed for the service and facilities pro vided regardless of the distance, but we find ourselves In the position of cutting off our revenue on thirty miles of road because w have shortened the distance and bettered the service by that much." Turning to Charley Lana, assistant gen eral freight agent of the Union Pacific, Mr. Harriman asked, "Is not that true, Mr. Lane?" "Sadly so," replied Lane. Then Mr. Harriman Introduced Charley Lana to tho business men, an introduc tion whloh Mr. Harriman himself evi dently knew waa unnecessary, for he said: "I never met this man (Lane until this evening. I have often wondered how that cut-off got its name, but It has been a mighty expensive cut-off." Somsone suggested that "Charley" would make It up. PROFOUND SHOCK IN OMAHA News Received With Great Sorrow, Partlenlarly at Union Parlfle. News of Mr. Harrlman's death was a profound shock to every official and em ploye In Union Paciflo headquarters, the (Continued on Fifth Page.) In mind, a direct benefit to that state. He fully appreciated the friendly senti ment expressed by the people of the great west, to whose Interest he de voted his great abilities and sacrificed his life. As to the future management of the Union Pacific and th Harriman lines I am In no position to give any In formation, as I have no knewledge. but one thing Is definitely certain, that a property having such wide Influence and In ouch fine physical condition and with such magnificent future prospects, can do nothing else but maintain Its credit and be a vast benefit to the country which it traverses in th fu ture as Mr. Harriman has made It In th past a. l. mohler. Omaha. Neb., Sept . U0. i ML HARRIMAN'S l,jBIG FOUR" Corps Commanders Thoroughly Are Trained for the Leadership. EXPERIENCE IN RAILROAD WORLD J-. Review of the Careen of Lovett, Krattschnltt, Stcbb and Mohler, Major Generals Of jthe Har riman LlneA. ' In a sketch of the careers of four -lead' Ing managers of the Harrtmanvltnes, writ ten by E. J. Edwards,' a noted .New York correspondent, a weelt before Mr.?Harri- man's death, these facts regarding avail able successors are related: The core of Mr. Harrlman's organ! ration, that part of It upon which h relies for the perfect administration of his rail way systems, consists of few men. Julius KrutUchnitt Is one of these men. John C Stubbs Is another. Robert S. Lovett Is still another and A. L. Mohler makes up a quartet of probably the ablest railway op erators, acting as a whole, to be found anywhere in the United States. Then, in addition, there are, on the operating side, L. F. Loree. J. T. Harahan, Albert J, Earllng, Marvin Hughltt and on the financial side, Henry Clay -Friok. P. A. Valentine and William O. Rockefeller, Jr. Formerlv James Sttllman was a financial lieutenant, or, more accurately speaking, a financial associate, but he has retired from active business life. The Leg-al Prop, There Isn't a more interesting oharacter In the world of railway affairs than Robert S. Lovett. He was born far down In the southern part of Texas, and when a boy he heard many tales of Sam Houston and of the struggle for the Independence of Texas, for all that country which Is near his birthplace was marching ground and camping ground for General Houston- and his army. Young Lovett, while still a boy, i satisfied that If he had the chance to study law he would make a fair lawyer. Almost all of his studying was done at home with a copy of Htnckstone on his knee and th Texas statutes on his desk. Sometimes, nowadays, when he is asked where he was educated as a lawyer, he replies that he taught himself. He was admitted to the bar almost as easily aa was the lat Speaker Reed, who, after answering two questions put to him by th examining committee, was passed by It Within a few months after his admission to the bar this young man had a railroad company for a client It was a little railroad company with a high sounding name, bat It bt came Important because eventually was incorporated by, or allied with, the Texa Sc Pacific railroad. Little did the young lawyer dream when he was retained by th railroad to defend certain damage cases that he was taking a step In the direction of association with the great railway lln that was to stretch from New Orleans to San Francisco, ultimately to become a part of the Union Pacific system. In those days the railroads that stretched (Continued -on Fifth Page.) Are you looking for a room? An easy way ia not to wear out shoe leather but to look through the list of rooms of fered for rent on the want ad pages of The Bee. There you will find practically a com plete directory of the desir able rooms with sufficient in formation to enable you to judge which will meet your requirements. Then, by in specting these, you will be sure to find what you want. Have you re4 Uie want, ad, jot ilARRIIKlAfJ S LIFE AT END Financier and Railroad Builder Diet at Home, Surrounded by His -Family. DEATH EXPECTED SEVERAL DAYS Surg-eona Admit That End Was but Matter of, Time. WORD FLASHED TO NEW YORK Watchers at Gate Receive First News from City. MAGNATE EXPIRES AT 1:30 P. M. No Announcement Made Until After Close, of Exchange. FUNERAL SUNDAY AFTERNOON Body Will Be Laid to Rest la Little Cemetery Back of St. John's Church at Ardea Service to Ie Private. ARD EN, N. Y., Sept. 8. Edward H. Har riman, the greatest organiser of railroads the world has ever known, met the only lasting defeat of his active life today at the hands of death. Secluded In hla mag nificent house on Tower Hill, surrounded by members of his family, physicians and nurses, he succumbed to an Intestinal dis order this afternoon, after a fight against disease which will rank for sheer grit with his remarkable struggles In tho finan cial world. The exact time of hla death la known only In that limited circle of relatives and associates who had so effectively shielded Mr. Harriman from all outside annoyanoe during his last illness. The tlma was given to the world as t:85 p. m., but Mrs. Mary Simons, sister of the dead man, said to night that the end had come at 1:30, more than two hours previous. Whether this apparent discrepancy has any bearing on the current belief that every effort waa made to lessen the influence of th finan cier's death on the New York stock mar ket is problematical. But It Is significant that th time of his death as officially an nounced waa Just thirty-fly minutes after trading had ceased on th exchange In New York. Mr. Harriman died peacefully and to the end his brilliant tnlnd retained its integrity. . Relapse Comes Bandar. After a relapse on Sunday he soon sank. and after the noon hour today came a relapse which marked the approach of the end. His wife, his two daughters, the Misses Mary and Carol, and his sons, Wal ter and Roland, who have been constantly with him, assembled at the bedside, and a carriage was hastily dispatched for Mrs. Simons, whose home ts here In Arden, three miles from the Tower Hill mansion. Driving hurriedly up the mountainside, Mrs. Simons entered the great silent house in time to be at her brother's death. She joined th wife and children, who, with Dr. W. O. Lyle of New York and Orlando Harriman, a brother, and ' th nurses formed a group at the bedside. No spiritual adviser was at hand. The swiftest automobile in the Harriman gar age had been dlspatohed for the Rev. Dr. J. Holmes McOulnness, an Episcopalian rector of Arden parish, and Mr. Harrl man's personal chaplain, but Mr, Mo Oulnness was not at home. When found later, although rushed up the mountain side at breakneck speed, he did not ar rive until death had com to Arden house. New York First Notified. With the secrecy that has been main tained at the Harriman residence un broken to the very end, news of Mr. Har rlman's death was conveyed to New York before It came to Arden and the valley below. Then, by way of New York, the report that death had arrived at the great estate on Tower Hill spread quickly and confirmation was sought at the residence by telephone. During the last ten days rumors hav been so persistent and vari able that little credence was at first given the report, and It was a shock when a voice on the hlU replied: "Yes, that is correct. Mr. Harriman died at J:35 p. m." The speaker waa evidently an employe. Soon afterward the hundreds of work men engaged on the uncompleted estate learned of their master's death, when a lad came out on the lawn and announced simply: "You men all quit work. Mr. Harriman Is dead." A hush fell over the group and the work men, dropping their tools, trudged silently to the flat cars and descended on the pri vate Incline railway that bore them from th mountain top to their homes below, Ksaersl Saadar Afteraooa. While the policy of reticence that pro- vailed during Mr. Harrlman's illness waa Railroad Lines Controlled by E, H Harris man and Their Mileage. Union Pacific 5,916 Chicago & Northwestern..., 7,632 Southern Pacific 9,731 Baltimore & Ohio 4,416 Illinois Central 4,278 Delaware & Hudson 845 New York Central 13,282 Georgia Central 1,914 Atchison 9.350 Wheeling A Lake Erie 2,333 St. Louis & San Fran 6.366 St. Paul 8,687 Total 84,319 The stockholders In these systems number 80,000. Th number of employes is in excess of 860,000. maintained by most of his relatives and associates after his death. Roland Harri man, who Is in New York, discussed the funeral arrangements briefly tonight He said that Mr. Harriman would be buried In the family plot In the little graveyard be hind St. John's Episcopal church at Arden. He will rest beside his eldest son, Edward H. Harriman. Jr., who died twenty-two years ago, soon after th family first came to Arden. A shaft of blue stone, quarried from the steep sides of Tower Hill, marks the grave of the baby Edward and It is probable that a similar , stone of modest slxe will be erected over the last resting place ot his distinguished father. The service will b held at 8:30 on Sunday afternoon next and It is understood will be strictly private. No Operation Performed. Dr. Lyle. who has been Mr. Harrlman's physician throughout thla last Illness has Issued no statement concerning his Illness or the cause of death, but the general understanding Is that there was no op eration. Four persons are authority for this belief. They are Mrs. Simons, his sister; Charles T. Ford, superintendent ot the Harriman estate;' William A. Mo Clellan, superintendent of the Arden Farm Dairy company, and Thomas B. Price, Mr. Harriman personal secretary In the Union Pacific offices. All four made such a declaration this afternoon after Mr. Harrl man's death. Mrs. Simons discussed his death this evening with moee freedom than any one else, but even she professed not to know the exact nature her brother's ailment. Her eyes were red with weeping and her voice broke with emotion as she said: "You have heard the sad news. My dear brother passed away peacefully in th presence of all the members of our family." End Come at 1 18O P. M. "What ttme did Mr. Harriman dlT" she was asked. "About 1:80 this afternoon," was the un expected answer. She said emphatically that there had been no operation, then became so over come by her feelings that she begged to be excused and said ah could not describe the scenes at the house during tho last hours of her brother's life. Her husband, Charles D. Simons, said he had not arrived In time to see Mr. Harriman before he died. Mr. Simons said that his brother-in-law died at 1:35. "Then Mrs. Simons was wrong when she said 1:30?" Mr. Simons hesitated and then said: "Well, I waa not there, you know, when he died." Former Judge R. 8. Lovett chief counsel for tho Union Pacific and Southern Pa cicflc railroads, the best known of the Har riman lines, did not reach Tower HlU In time for a last farewell of his chief. It was S:1S this evening when ho reached Arden and he declined -to say anything whatever regarding the time, tho cause or any other; circumstances surrounding Mr. Harrlman's death. Active to the Find. Earlier In the day, before the crisis was at hand, Mr. Harriman talked with Thomas B. Price, his personal secretary. In the New York offices of the Union Pacific. This was one of the strongest evidences that the railroad man's master mind was alert to the end, for It is be lieved that Mr. Price was summoned to enable the dying financier to give some Instructions concerning his vast affairs Mr. Prlc arrived at,10 40 a. m., but re turned to New York at 1:45. If Mr. Har rlman's death occurred before he left the house, his words did not Indicate It when he departed. "Mr. Harrlman's condition," he said at the time, "was fairly encour aging." He added that there had been no ohange. He had been sent for, he said. to transaot some business. Although his family, and perhaps two or three associates, had known that Mr. Har riman might die at any time since his relapse last Sunday, the news of his death was comparatively unexpected In the vl olnlty of Arden. And in some respectft there are indications that It was unex peeled in New York so early. The best proof of this was that Judge Lovett, who has spent practically every night at the house since 6unday last returned to New York this morning as usual, and was not on hand when the man whose mantle he may now wear forf be is spoken of by some as Mr. Harrlman's successor breathed his last. Dr. Lyle Issued a state ment this morning saying that the pa tient's condition waa unchanged. Dut be fore the afternoon was well underway he waa dead. Undertaker from Turner, In keeping with th simple arrangements for the funeral an undertaker from Tur ner, N. Y., th nearest railroad station to Arden, was pressed Into service tonight to perform the last services that human hands will render to the dead before inter ment One of th men who assisted the embalmers said that the body bore no sign of any recent operation. The family's decision In selecting the little country graveyard on the hillside near here, far removed from the scene of Mr. Harrlman's business triumphs. Is the first evidence that they Intend to maintain Ar den as their horn. Th unfinished pal ace that covers Tower hill and the great estat that surrounds It was one of Mr. Hartimaa's dearest Babbles. During th last days of his Illness he took a great personal Interest tn the work, and. sitting In the sunshine, often conversed with th laborers at their work. And it Is believed that the family carrying out his wishes will complete the work underway and that the name of Harriman will continue to b a synonym of bounty In this part of th Ramapo valley. F.fplore Greatly Affected. All of the late railroad king's employ are deeply affected by his death, particu larly Charles T. Ford, superintendent of the estate. William A. McClelland, super intendent of Mr. Harrlman's dairy, was nlo greatly moved. He has been In Harrl man's service for sixteen years and was one of his most trusted employes. 'I had been In communication with the house all morning," he said, "and had no Idea that Mr. Harriman waa going to die. At noon I left my house at Arden and called up Mr. Harrlman's house. They told me there was no change In his condl- Ion and I was unnpe&kably shocked to get the sad news later In the afternoon." McClelland said all the employes on the Harriman estate would mourn the loss of thtlr employer, both as a loyal friend and a just master. . By a strange coincidence a wedding party set forth from the Harriman residence this afternoon while the master lay dead. George Murphy, chief engineer of the es tate, was the bridegroom and the bride was Mary Spalding, a parlor maid. They alone of all the employes on the estate were not apprls. d of Mr. Harrlman's death until after the ceremony had been per formed. The1 wedding was held In St Mary's Catholic church at Arden, and It waa Mrs. Harrlman's expressed wlh that her husband's death should not Interfere with the plans and the happiness of the servants. They drove forth from the es tate In Mrs. Harrlman's own wagonette and did not know that there was mourning on the estate until wftor they were man and' wife. STORY OF HIS BUSY CAREER Pea Picture of Man Who Dominated the Railroad World. The story of E. H. Harriman is the story of the son of an Impecunious Episcopalian minister who devoted his sixty odd years of life to the gathering of money and the control over money. When death came he stood In the center of a vast complex financial systom. Invincible In power and terrible In responsibility. Work and th Intensity , of his life killed him at last But tht story Is not altogether a sordid one and no spectator of his career can fall to honor him for the splendid achieve ments In railroad building that have been a part of his policy. He started out as a broker and remained one, but he waa big enough to be broker and railroad builder at onoe and In the same operations, Edwin Henry Harriman a was th third son in the family of six that was de pendent upon the meagre finances of Rev. Orlando Harriman. He was born February SB, 148, at Hempstead, Long Island. His brothers were Nelson, Orlando and Wil liam, and his sinters Lily and Annie. All of this family of six hav been fortunate enough to reach comfortable circumstances early In life, although the father's salary when little Edwin Henry was 11 years old amounted to but $200 a year as rector of St John's in Hoboken. His Education. He was educated in the district schools and in an academy for clergymen's boys, where be was practically a charity pupil. Nothing In his personality as a child gave hint or promise of a financier, unless it may have been his native stubbornness. His mother was proud in spite of poverty and taught her children a haughty, aris tocratic manner which helped In making the great son's disregard of public opinion. Before Edwin was of age the family In herited enough money for th father to retire. Not many years after that tho future magnate entered Wall street as broker. He waa not possessed of much capital, but he did possees a daring financial imagination, and he watched the working of Wail street during the next thirty years with an lutentness that mad him a mas ter of masters among th manipulators and stock gamblers and highhanded makers of fortunes that fight for money In the "street." In 170 b took a piung In gold, It Is said, whan Gould, Flak, Kim bo r and others tried to corner th gold market, and th whole of his profits went Into buying him a seat on th New York Stock exchange. He waa trying for big ger game than the profits of the curb stone broker. f III First Marrlaa-a, H mado a very substantial addition to his chances for happiness and fortune fey marrying Into the family of a Boouostor capitalist Miss Mary Avorill waa bis bride and her father bad maris his y out of railroad speculation, la Xkat when bis father died, Harriinaa was rockoaad as a millionaire from his operations on the stock exchange. He was successfully learning his ti-aun. As he waa learning his trade, however, he was unlearning the trails ot a frank, attractive character and . schooling him self to be th sphinx of th ' financial world, lis had ceaued to oar for th associates with whom h Lad started on the street Everythiug had boast ab sorbed into th master paaskta of taonoy making. When he was not yet 4S years old this master passion took oa a bow phase and he became interested la rail roads. His new desire showed Itself ta a fashion that exhibited the lnteaskfed qual ity that has counted most In bis person ality, the quality of directness. It was thai uallty of kiuiwing without ouaatloa or cavil just exactly what b wants and go ing after It without tear that was the mast remarked and remarkable thing aaoat the man. Lis ta Railroad World, He was mad a director of th lutaole Central tax W but he did nothing aotisa abl as a raflroad saan smll taYL Jlnrawy Si. 1191, the Unkn Padfte, debt (Cuullnued "on Flfta PagwJ too j I - (Continued oa ruth PagaJ